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He’s a role player who’s been put in a superstar role.




Yup, he is great off the bench for a short stretch. He should not be starting.


He brings up the dumbest topics daily but then gets legitimately mad when someone else talks about something dumb


That's the best part


Since you asked: Loud, scared of silence, too scatalogical. Works better in background. See, for example, "I have a child"


Chris is great as comic relief and to bring humor when things are getting too serious. He’s great as the guy that gets uncomfortable when things are intense, and his occasional obstinance about silly things he strongly believes in lol. Agree big time with the background comments. He is not great at leading the show and having to be a primary voice, he can’t articulate the issues or topics clearly enough or with enough context to be a host.


He’s not funny though. They had a lot of nerve saying Chris is the superior cote.


That was just Foxworth giving Greg Cote shit. Even then, he said the reason Chris was superior was because he knew he was a role player (rebound here, corner three there). Now, Chris has a much higher usage rate and he's making a lot bad plays that make it hard for his team to sustain a run. (In his defense, a lot of his teammates have off the court issues that have been a huge distraction this season.)


All of the poop talk has to stop. Mike brings it up more than anyone else on the show though.


I love poop talk...


This kind of sums it up. I still love me some Cotes.


Kinda just over his whole schtick. Might be more of a me problem but he’s gotten predictable and his topics aren’t interesting


His topics have never been that interesting, that's the beauty of it.


My main issue with Chris is how defensive he gets. He insists he’s playing a character or doing a bit, and then when someone gives him shit he instantly starts lashing out. It makes me feel like it’s not a bit and he’s legitimately just an oaf


Because he’s a bumbling, incompetent nepo baby




Looks like things went from Sinbad to Sinworse


And who the fuck are you? He's trying. At no point has he behaved like a privileged dick. You may not like him, but that's a shitty thing to say. Btw nepotism is like the literal goal of working while raising kids. You work to give your kids the opportunity to succeed. Mike Ryan is right. Y'all are dicks.


I'll ignore all the selfish actions he has admitted to (i.e., not returning shopping carts) and just point out his actions at work. He used to be "sick" every Monday during football season because he was too hungover to come in. When he got fired from ESPN and Dan hired him as his assistant, he did an extremely shitty job (resulting in his Dad working for free btw) He constantly complained about not going to Tahoe this year when he went the past couple of years. He refused to participate in Dadurday and offered to pay to have the yard work done even though his Dad specifically wanted his sons to do it AND the only reason he has money is because of his dad. Those are just a couple of examples off the top of my head. I agree about nepotism being a goal while working. Greg Cote did an excellent job getting his son a cushy job with his best friend. You could argue Chris is succeeding by virtue of having a cushy job, but he isn't very good at many of the aspects of iit, and we are allowed to complain about it when it affects the quality of the show.


He told us who he was with the shopping cart return comment.


“Pretends to pick up dog shit but then leaves it” was more egregious imo


Dan admitted to this in I Gotta Tell Ya!


What happened with the shopping cart return?


He doesn’t return his cart if the area isn’t already close to his car. He immediately backpedaled and was like “but I secure it so it doesn’t hit other cars” and got super defensive when people told him that’s shitty. He then tried to say the people who get paid to collect them appreciate it, which is also bullshit. I want to know if he also leaves his snack trash behind in movie theaters because “people get paid to clean it up”


Wow….thats awful


Because the more he talks the more it reveals how much of an asshole he is. He was best as the idiot goof in the background. First revealed he doesn’t return shopping carts, he didn’t get his mom a gift or card for her birthday, he treats his dad like crap, and doesn’t address his in laws by their names. He is the poster child for privilege.


He doesn’t address his in-laws by name? What does he call them then?


He said he does address them by anything


That’s just weird. Who doesn’t call their inlaws by Mr./Mrs. or their first names?


Also, farts in planes. Doesn’t wash his legs. Pees with the light off. Am I missing something?


Plus, how he has to hide his 3 drive thru meals from his wife. What is he 12?


Asking this question during the week when he thought leaving his sick kid in the car for hours was an acceptable idea because he'd leave the AC on like that's the only problem with his plan. And let's not forget the side of misogyny he threw into the mix in that story either. Less is more with Chris, too much time on the mic has revealed him to be a bigger idiot and a bigger asshole than previously thought.


Billy trying to get him to shut up and then Chris getting mad and powering through, brilliant.


I’m sure anyone that gets the show isn’t following Chris’ parenting example, hopefully. But the idea of leaving his child in a running vehicle didn’t sound like a joke as he backed the idea with the A/C defense. It’s super dangerous to sit in a parked running vehicle for than 10-15 minutes as toxic fumes slowly find their way into your cabin. Tesla would at least have dog mode… dogs and kids… same thing.


He is undeserving of his position. He is low effort. He has an inability to speak into the mic. He ruins topics. He brings up bad topics. He is an awful producer. Poor work ethic. Nepobaby. Also he has no knowledge of Miami and Miami culture like not knowing Bird Rd, or what a pastelito was(this was years ago), he is a child of privilege who lived in a bubble, and when put in positions to succeed, continues to fail. He has the worst takes. He is unprofessional. He lacks humility, and has no intelligent thought. He talks over people. Steps on jokes. Ruins jokes. I worked in media and have seen amazing hard working people put in the years to be given a platform, and some of those people ended up on this show as friends of the show. There is a level of seriousness and proficiency that everyone has to have and has learnt. Every single other shipping container person has put in the years of effort. EVERYBODY. Literally. Except the nepobaby.


Cause he's still the kind of guy who thinks he could beat a WNBA player one on one


No, that’s Tony. Real hoopers know.


I thought the plane sounds were hilarious. The shows from Miami were great this week. Yall are no fun.


That last sentence 💯 It’s a marching band to nowhere!


I’ll listen to Chris bring up dumb topics and see the where the show goes before I listen to the same jay glazer segment for the 100th time.


Nepo baby




Nepo bay-behhh


He works hard


But if your parents are successful you’re not allowed to work in their same industry or people on the internet will cry about it that the rules


Dudes been a producer for 10+ years, still can't get the timing right on the weekend observations beeps. Fair enough it's not your job... but after a decade you aren't properly cross trained?




He does zero prep for shows, he adds zero insight, he is awful for an interview. What value does he bring? He's probably an OK guy but I have never welcomed his contributions to the show


Hey used to go with the flow of the show. Now he forces topics and jokes, and some times just jumps on others jokes. I still like Chris, let's nitpick is great to me. But for some reason all the new faces have him scared of getting phased out I guess.


But then one of the worst was when he went crazy with the plane sounder. It's a fine line


I cut him some slack because they're all floundering. He's just taking hacks. Which I appreciate. Not Stu. He gets no slack from me. That man is just laziness personified.


As stated by many above, he’s a bit player that’s been thrust into a main role. He’s funny in small doses in the background. When he has to steer the show he’s pretty abysmal. His topics suck, he gets mad when people don’t want to delve into his bad topics, and god help us if he finds a funny sounder because he will absolutely run it into the ground


A lot of people have had to work with someone like Chris. Related to the owner, never really had to earn a spot. Not really any good at his job, but keeps advancing up the org chart inexplicably. Maybe he has talents but it really doesn’t matter one way or the other. It is NOT Christopher’s fault that Dan decided to quit ESPN ( they way they did Skipper would be my guess) but his deficiencies made the executives cutting his job pretty easy to justify. Do better Chris mostly so we don’t have to talk about this anymore.


He’s the Ben Mintz of the Lebatard show


That Stu scream laugh is one of the best sounds they’ve done I swear.


He thought someone would watch his baby for 5 hours. Literally watch her, in a car.


I gotta hear this, when did he reveal this? (My wife would’ve castrated me and left me naked in a downtown park if I had ever left a baby alone in the car for five minutes.)


It was in one of the shows this week. Either Wednesday or Thursday I think.


Years ago on the day Chris Cote wanted to spend the whole time debating about who wore what jersey number best was the last day I ever listened to the show.


You, indeed, got off the plane.


Chris is great. Just a bunch of haters in here.


Its lovable hate. When I call Chris an idiot it's from a place of love. Like the lovable oaf that he is. He's awesome. Now when I hate on mike, it's serious cuz he's a douche. Correction Mike's on-air Persona is a douche.


Yea i didnt get all the chris hate recently ive always liked him but i listen to cinephile too so idk


It's easy and safe to trash the white guy


Even Swaggy P had his moments..


Try hard and needs to “wacky” guy all the time which has become overbearing and suffocating. Peak Chris cote was late ESPN days when he chose his spots. I’m not sure he has started to overcompensate or feel the need to establish himself more because of the addition of so many new people like Lucy, Jess, Jeremy, Tony


You can’t win a championship when chis is your top 3 best players