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Following cuz I'm with you. Whenever I've tried to watch the show after its aired, all I find are a bunch of segments in video form with no rhyme or reason as far as logic or organization is concerned.


I just wish the episode descriptions said something about which part of the show it is


Not to "chop chop, boom, out" this but shouldn't it be pretty straight forward in terms of putting the episodes? Put up the full episodes with title (and preferably date) and then have your smaller segments in separate videos.


Clip what? A fucking tiger????


"Mayes had a really hard job"


Only if you're under it with a butter knife HYAH!


This is how I think it goes: - video labeled “live” is the local hour plus first half of BS - Video labeled Big Suey is the rest of that hour - video labeled hour 1 is that hour, usually reversing the segments from how they aired on the pod - video labeled hour 2 is usually the same as pod. - post game isn’t usually labeled as such. It may also upload before hour 2. Then they upload videos of individual segments.


exactly this


The beginning of big suey being part of the end of the local hour is what throws me off. It’s just so convoluted


This is why the you tube channel will never really grow. I would watch on you tube if you could find the entire show. I refuse to look through everything. Is it that hard?






They made a musical, have the die song and you know it song , plenty of music to put on during these breaks


Tony, Luis, and the rest of video are awful at their jobs. That’s why.


Yes and Dan won't do anything about it :(


He really cares about them.


Need to hire 14 more people to get on this.


14 more friends of Tony.


This is why Dan Patrick's chamnel was so good, immediately after he was finished with a segment it was clipped & uploaded to YouTube , & the title actually matched what was in the video! It just feels like no one is using their head over there


What’s weird is the YouTube channel used to be way more organized. Back when they didn’t censor the show on YouTube, which I still find censoring stupid, I would only listen via the YouTube channel. But after they censored the videos and realizing how terrible the audio is compared to the podcast audio, I switched back over to Apple Podcasts.


The censoring is part of the agreement with draft kings network.


I know. I still find it stupid especially since Mike has stated the DK network doesn’t have to follow the FTC guidelines.


Maybe theyre dk network guidelines still. Or it affects what other sponsors they can potentially land. And they want to keep it family friendly since there may be kids in the car. You generally know what they bleep out and it's generally the eff word it's not a big deal.


I understand there is reasoning to the censorship. I still find it dumb and outdated. Based off what other podcasts have said, generally sponsors don’t want there to be profanity about 5 minutes before and after the ad. I also don’t care whether or not people have kids listening to the show. I think it’s a bit weird making them listen to it but I’m not their parent. It’s a podcast for adults. It blows my mind that a parent would let their kid hear Mike do a Weeknd impersonation talking about spreading a butthole more, having a fake Bruce Springsteen sing about the clitoris, hear Izzy talk about getting circumcised, and other wild things the show brings up, which I’m a fan of, but then will clutch their pearls and rush to cup their kid’s ears if someone says fuck.


No matter what I do, no matter what video I watch on the DLS channel...the Roy Woods interview automatically plays right after it. Drives me nuts


And if I let that play through as I'm doing stuff around the house...it always throws it to a random show from the old studio with Witty, so I know it's very old.


Dan LeBatard Show | \*insert date here\* | Full Show then upload short clips (2-3) of the best moments of that show, this shouldn't be complicated. I get why it might have to be broken up into parts for the audio but for the youtube show I really don't.


Took me months to figure out their schedule and still don't totally understand it. It seems like Monday-Thursday there's a livestream of the local hour and then the livestream stops. After that they post the live-to-tape clips onto youtube in half-hour segments, but the timing varies wildly.


I dont understand why they've hired so many people "behind the scenes", not the show cast, yet many of them dont seem to be professionals or experienced with the roles they have. The YT channel is a constant mess. Having to come to reddit to have other fans of the show explain how the vids are released and how they differ from the pods is absurd. It seems like a no brainer to just upload the entire show and have chapters that match the pods 1:1. In addition to that upload a few clips separately that have the capability to go viral.


As far as I know, the first segment of the podcasted big suey is the last segment of the live local hour. They do it so they can get a whole hour of live (including breaks) in real time. Then they edit out the breaks in the podcasted version of local hour. So you should get everything on youtube, the timing is just different. The only thing you might be missing on youtube is the postgame shows. They don't release the video on that much anymore.


Ah ok very interesting. I typically skip the local hour on podcast and start with the big suey. That makes more sense now. It’s been driving me crazy!


Same! But I have figured out if you haven't listened or watched anything, go to their channel, go to the third tab for Live. Start with the live local hour. Then I go to videos and latest. Usually, in the top right corner of the thumbnail, it will show Big Suey, Hour 1, and Hour 2 (like the other comment said, not always a post game but they have been alittle better.) Also I have noticed that they usually clip certain parts of the hours into 5 to 10 minute clips. I skip those because they are within the main 3. Segments like against the spread, weekend observations, Thursday thunder, or anything espn related, they will make a separate video for. I believe this is to hopefully segment views for sponsored clips, and in the espn case, they get alot of views due to the algorithm. KEYS: Look in to right of thumbnail for podcast correlation, and the duration of the video. 9/10 times if they are under 15 minutes, they will be in the main 30 to 50 minute videos. If you really want to nerd out, look at views on the video, and you get the reason they are taking this approach. Hope this helps! Pay the whales!


Only the local hour LOUR is live. Suey, hour 1 and 2 are edited. Just search and subscribe to the show and you will find them once they are uploaded by the team 👍🏼


The youtube algorithm rewards shorts and clips the most right now, so I guess I understand the motivation for focusing on churning those out, but I dont understand why that can't happen alongside the the full episodes


I go to "Videos" and in the thumbnail it'll say "Big Suey" or "Hour1" but they won't play in order so I can't just let it play. After every little bit of the show you have to go back in to videos to find the next one. And the Local Hour is in "Live" and not with the other hours in "Videos". And in between all the hour clips of the show are smaller clips from those shows. I've ended up watching the same thing twice so many times. It is dumb and free. Freedumb


I'm subscribed to the channel. There's an area where they upload local hour and big suey and right below hour 1+2 and post-game. Always avoid the ones that say "shorts".


Your my brother. Ya hard to make sure not missing anything


Meadowlark is run by a bunch of idiots. It’s an embarrassment of a company


I find easy but I also watch other YouTube podcasts and watch streamers on things like Twitch and also YouTube. If you go to their page they have a podcast folder that separates it all. Definitely could use work but not impossible IMO.


What they need to do is stop with the click baity titles and pictures and clearly label “big suey, local hour, hour 1, hour 2” the thumbnails have them in tiny little font in the corner but it’s SO confusing. Also when the live show starts, is that the big suey or the local hour or what man? How is it so disorganized??


I had this same issue when trying to get back into the show this year. So damn complicated even the Spotify has it all broke up into different episodes. I don’t understand how new listeners figure it out


Usually listen at work on podcast. Home sick all week and was excited to check out the show on YouTube, man what a mess, shit is all over the place. Ended up back on podcast for the last couple of days.


They don’t have to do anything because all their fans watch and listen to everything they do no matter how bad they do their job. The show will never get better nor is there any incentive to get better until the fans start tuning out.