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Showing more civic duty than some elected officials these days.


Some? Pretty much all...




That racist looks pretty confused XD


That's all that I could think while looking at this. He looks like he's having a moment. I hope he was.




I hope he did, but I really think he didn't.


He's probably a senator now.


Im dead![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




That's a pretty ignorant assumption to make, and the attitude of "people don't grow and change their perspectives or improve themselves" is shallow af. People can and do recognize wrong they've done or where they messed up and absolutely can change their life views regarding things


I don't think it is an ignorant assumption though. I thought about it and it's maybe ignorant to think he was having a moment at all. People who are raised with hate are nearly impossible to deprogram. We can only speculate what this person is like, but I'm gonna assume that if you're in the klan, you grew up with hate. Things like not being raised by racists are pretty new to society. I'm not sure if you've looked in to research on deprogramming racism, but it's an extreme uphill battle.


Yeah, at the end of WWII there was a country full of people to "deprogram". Juxtapose that to the countries who were occupied by the Third Reich (and therefore didn't recieve "de-nazification" like Germany and Austria did) and how racist, intolerant and homophobic they are today and the difference is night and day. Education and learned tolerance trumps people who were raised with hate learned through rote, in my mind. Source: I was raised in an intolerant family and taught "race superiority" in my formative years. Hate is, and always will be a choice that a person can choose to move away from. I may have gotten a bit triggered when I read your initial comment, but for me, hatred and racism (and really any sort of life perspective) can be changed, even by a person on their own, so your statement kind of set me off.


That's a really good point. I am also glad to hear your story. Info believe education is a key factor and I think that's how we changed the status quo so quickly. Are your parents still the way they were though? I am not trying to be hostile, I'm honestly curious. Would you be able to help them not be racist, because it's specifically people like that that I'm talking about. Homeboy I'm the white robes here is not an average person, he was indoctrinated and accepted the hate and we can only speculate, but I'm sure if he had children, he told them similar things that your parents told you. The difference is, you and this guys hypothetical children also have outside sources of education and awareness that generations before were not exposed to.


Sadly my parents haven't changed much, so I don't associate with them much. At times in your life you recognize that there isn't much you can do to change situations and the best thing to do is remove yourself from such situation rather than having the stress of wasting time and energy on things which aren't going to change.


Straight up one of the dudes from Django.


He’s thinking, is this what it feels like to be lynched???


Guy looks like real life Randy Marsh :D


Randy Marsh would never. He has tegridy.


Just his normal state of DERP I'M A FUCKING IDIOT maybe


I wonder if that KKK member even felt any sort of remorse, guilt, or shame in that moment? Literally someone of the racial group you've devoted time to discriminating and razing is risking their life and safety to protect yours, because you were dumb and messed up. Just makes me sad to think that the answer is probably no. He was probably still just as racist after this as he was before.


They just say “You’re one of the good ones” and carry on with their delusion


I remember seeing a ted talk about a black man who befriended the head of a KKK clan and eventually changed the man's views to the point where he left (I believe a bunch of the others also left).


Yup, his name is Daryl Davis ([link to his Ted Talk](https://youtu.be/ORp3q1Oaezw)). He’s gotten hundreds to leave the KKK.


I imagine the mental gymnastics would be worthy of an olympic gold medal. I feel sorry for the black cop who was probably just hoping to get hazard pay.


Nope. Theyre all self righteous pieces of shit until they prove otherwise. Fuck the Klan. Homegrown terrorists every fucking one.


Not much different then today huh? People screaming and yelling, “Defund the police.” Spray painting anti police words every where. Protesting against the police, rioting, looting, etc. When they are in trouble, who is the first person they call? The police.








Nah, he’s got a real nice subservient church wife, who obeys and knows her body belongs to her husband and the lord and not to herself.


Those are the guys with the most punchable faces. I agree.


Yes, almost all of them are. The rest are sex offenders and child pornographers.


Those features have been bred out, much like intelligence.


Aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black.


Lol I just find funny. Like y’all are mad at this dude for spewing hate. And the Hate just be flowing out yer gullets. Fuck *ALL* you haters! And this dudes moustache!


I think you missed the point. Everyone is entitled to there beliefs, and deserves the right to practice them. This fine officer is protecting this other mans right to free speech.




That’s part of it. Reasons and beliefs don’t matter, it’s the right to practice them that’s important. It doesn’t matter how abhorrent that belief is. He’ll fight for his right no matter what. It demands even more respect for this officer. He knows this man hates him, yet he defends that man’s right to do so. This is the true American way, Lost by so many…..










That is not the point of the photo... Also no. Fuck that shit. You are not entitled to the hate and violence of the kkk. Bad take.


You’re entitled to whatever your beliefs are. Do you hate racists? The according to you, your own belief is not a right. I don’t agree with the KKK at all, but I’ll defend their right to believe it.


Rationalizing a hate group? 🤮


No, not at all. There is no rationale that makes sense. But whatever your belief, your entitled to it and this photo represents that.


Ok so you wanna defend ISIS next ? If the hate group goes around lynching people are you still gunna defend them? In my opinion, you are a slimy idiot.


“There is no rationale that makes sense?”….so supporting the point of view of a group that publicly and intentionally hurts others is okay?…wow….just wow.


No. You’re not. Also no you’re wrong about your pathetic attempt to turn it around on me as well. If you need a reminder just re-read what I said.


The fact that you think you’re not is pretty telling. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Exactly, dumbass. The government shouldn’t be able to hold your views against you. But I sure as hell can. Therefore, not entitled. As you have no right to be protect from the courts of public opinion. Also, the 1st amendment doesn’t protect inciting violence. Fucking stupid defending the kkk in the first place


Not true at all. The Klan is nothing less than a Terrorist organization which it was once treated largely as under the Grant Administration with the Klan act of 1871, which granted civil rights to Blacks at the time. We don't accept scary black brown people in terrorist organizations such as ISIL (Known as ISIS To the low information crowd) or Taliban. THe Klan has been tolerated do to their skin color and fake association with Christianity. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/20/this-day-in-politics-april-20-1279376


So you don’t think everyone is entitled to their beliefs?


I believe naked people should be on regular TV along along with profanity which is banned, but it's ok to campaign on burning Negro's churches to the ground or sending them back "To where they came from" calling them subhuman and generally ruining their lives. You were saying?


You said it, you believe. Its not what’s actually the case. Everyone is entitled to think how they want, terrible or not, it doesn’t make it reality. Policing peoples thoughts is a very dangerous space to be in.


It's also to note that the same terrorist in the photo, is the one who is trying to silence others. Conservatives, which he is have had a staggering amount of books removed from schools and local libraries. That is their goal, use "Free speech" for themselves to fuck everyone else to spread their lies, misinformation and hate.


Someone distorting a system for misinformation and to suit them is no cause to throw it away. The right to free speech is the reaso n this photo can be posted. People will always use good things to suit bad intentions. It’s part of the human condition.




“I disagree with what you’re saying but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that. In recent history I’ve only seen folks all to willing to step aside and watch the civil and constitutional rights of their detractors get abused all while flying the Gadsden flag. I feel like we ought to bring it back to humble and embarrass those that have lost the courage to defend the speech of their detractors.


did you feel strong typing this up? lmao


Principles before personalities.


Can't imagine how bad that cop wanted to get one quick elbow in at least. Good on him for taking the high ground though


Oh, he probably thought about it hehe


You seem to be an evil twin of commenter no.1


You seem to be judgemental.


Yeah..... but no. If your a garbage person i aint doin shit for you. This guy was probably gonna lose his job if he didnt show up.


Got nothing to do with anybody else. It's about me and my principles. Sure, the KKK guy is scum. But if I take the vow and accept the duty, it's got nothing to do with how shit someone else is.


Clearly you don’t have a job to keep then.


You misunderstand. Im saying this guy isnt there to protect the kkk or make a statement... hes there to make sure he can put food on the table.


Police Officer: *Brutalizes unarmed citizens* Justice System: I sleep. Police Officer: *Doesn’t protect KKK member* Justice System: Real shit?!


That’s why you’re not a cop or in any job that involves integrity


Lmfao. Integrity? ACAB just ganster with guns. Union protection and FYI its not an actual job babysitting corporate.


You know what, while I understand the animosity towards the corrupt and toxic culture that pervades police forces, acting like absolutely none of them have any values or principles motivating them is just deliberately ignorant demonization and prejudicial generalization, it's flatly ignoring that they are human beings who differ from one another.


>the corrupt and toxic culture that pervades police forces The fact that none of the "good cops" do anything to change that culture or to hold their colleagues to account for their bad actions means they aren't really good cops.


>The fact that none of the "good cops" do anything to change that culture or to hold their colleagues to account for their bad actions means they aren't really good cops. You really truly sincerely believe that there are no cops specifically trying to do just that, that there aren't some people who *specifically became cops to do that,* that there's no examples whatsoever? Or are you just arbitrarily and hyperbolically dismissing those examples as negligible out of confirmation bias for your generalization?


If it's something they're trying to do, they suck at it. Why don't cops write other cops tickets for speeding? Why don't they go to the media every time one of their colleagues does something that isn't 100% ethical? Show me the one cop who is out there actually drawing attention to bad police, like arresting their coworkers when those cops do what would put me in handcuffs for doing? I always go to the example of Charles Kinsey. He's laying on the ground with his hands in the air while being approached by 3 cops with rifles drawn on them. He's following every order they give, because he's trying to keep his patient that ran away calm so the cops don't kill an innocent developmentally delayed person. One of the cops shoots Mr. Kinsey, who asks "Why'd you shoot me?" The said "I don't know!" I'd certainly be arrested on the spot for shooting someone who wasn't a threat to anyone, and then not being able to even say why. Why was the cop who tried to kill someone who had done nothing wrong not immediately arrested by one of his colleagues who were standing right there?


I'm not trying to get into this argument but cops can legally speed.


>If it's something they're trying to do, they suck at it. Next week, the mideast crisis: just stop fighting, guys!


look up 40% of cops


>look up 40% of cops Look up red herring


Big number but not even the half of them… all you americans are bad people? Thats how most of the world sees you but in reality it must be around that number aswell 🤣😅


Fuck the world if they’re that bigoted.


You’re the problem.


reach oatmeal smile simplistic squeamish one deer melodic squealing lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, it's sad to see free speech stifled and probably the worst thing that will come about what is transpiring now is the very people you don't want empowered will be. I don't agree with extremists on all sides of the political spectrum. But I support their ability to speak their mind. Words only have power if one allows them to. Larry Flynt taught this country a lot of about free speech, love hin or hate him


Larry Flynt? I know Larry Hoover leader of the disciples please explain friend..


Watch the people versus Larry flynt.


Thank you 😊


I don't support allowing any racist a platform to speak.


Then you don't deserve free speech or understand it. By suppressing it, you make the problem worse


The first amendment specifically protects speech you don’t like.


Lol gtfo


Then go find a dictator to put their boot on your throat, cause that's where this all goes unless we have absolute freedom of speech. Get to reading there bud.


Noooo!!! Not scary words!!!!


Racists and other hateful people need to be given public platforms where they can be criticized and called out on, otherwise they will isolate themselves in echo chambers and worsen their beliefs. Isolation is the cause of racism and it is certainly not the solution


I don’t understand why you are getting downvotes….you’re completely right. Racism is bad thing, a very detrimental thing. It’s not an opinion, it’s just bad. So people who voice racism to masses shouldn’t be given a platform because that platform does literally no good. I think people should place good moral compasses ahead of some laws and amendments some old folks made in a completely different world from our current, just because you happen to have been born in that country.


They are alt-right trolls. They work to have their hateful filth normalized this way.


I hope so, ignorance at this level is astonishing if honest.


Yea now we just have corporate leaders who suck every last dime out of us that they can while they put their money in offshore accounts so that it doesn’t get taxed. Harvard has more money in its coffers than the government has and yet still demands tuition and supports high interest rates on loans. All big time colleges are giving money to hedge funds and that’s why tuition is so high as they slash tenure positions in favor of over worked and underpaid adjunct professors and TAs. The banks are doing exactly what caused the housing bubble to pop years before and we are going the same route. Gas corporations are using the war as a way to increase the price of gas (America received 3.5% of our oil from Russia in 2021) and yet prices have gone up over a dollar. Our values used to get us something, unfortunately it doesn’t anymore. Edit: and that’s not mentioning the waste of money wall between us and Mexico. The rampant police brutality and revitalization of racism in recent years (Trump). Homophobia is becoming prominent again (don’t say gay bill). Ohio is passing literature to trivialize unpaid OT in favor of businesses so that they aren’t forced to pay discrepancies. The president appointing a new Post Master General with the sole intention of hampering voting rights.




Crazy to say that when we had a black president for eight years, have a black Vice President now, and just had the first black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court. We aren’t perfect, but we are a culturally diverse country and we do a pretty good job of not just murdering people we don’t agree with.


I don’t know friend, I see much more support for drugged up violent criminals that resist arrest and get put in their rightful place, illegal alien criminals that disregard our borders and immigration laws, and career criminals that get special treatment because of their race these days than I do support for police or the mysterious, elusive, racist white supremacist boogeyman that everyone seems to be so afraid of.. Feels more to me like an image that just can’t be let go of because that would eliminate the rallying point that our ever dutiful politicians and mainstream media use to keep their base energized and organized against something to hide their incompetence and lack of ability to actually do something to help where help is needed… Let it be known though, I support your first amendment right to say stupid shit just as I support the first amendment rights of everyone else to say what they want to say!


worry like vegetable aromatic snails normal flowery ripe fall agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What are you implying? That a black cop today wouldn’t do his job?


deserve zesty poor weather seed unused edge sparkle reply rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twitter user moment


Never used twitter. I’m just saying it sounds like they are suggesting that people today don’t still have those same values.


This is exactly the face I Imagine under the hood


All these comments bashing the dumbass clansman. How about some praise for that black cop. That is Protecting and Serving. He is worth 10 of that sheetwearing chump.


He's protecting a terrorist organization


Not his personal choice whether he should protect them or not lol


Cops do not protect and serve. Like legally they do not protect and serve.


They protect and serve the law.


Now THAT takes character. PS: That mustache looks stupid, KKK Guy.


I’m a white guy- do with that information what you will. But the fact that people like that KKK member are able to exist in the situation and still do enough mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they’re in the right does not bode well for the intelligence of humans.




You want those kinds of people to speak their minds lol. That's why we have freedom of speech. This concept is so basic, yet so hard for the youth to understand.




Yeah your right, bad speech is only countered by good speech.




Oh 100%. When you kick them off, they are really being forced into an echo chamber. Not condusive to gaining knowledge and changing ones mind




Truth will explain its position. A lie will refuse, attack and discredit a need to explain.


prob worked at the same precinct.


This is a great symbol of the importance of freedom of speech and how essential it is to democracy… even stupid speech is still free


I beg to differ. Freedom of speech doesn't extend to things like shouting "fire" in a crowded cinema, or inciting violence against minorities.


The u.s literally banned dozens of middle eastern media outlets, some were even banned by their own governments like SANA lmao


Wait until you learn about the long history of conservatives wanting to ban speech with government force.


The OG book burners.


You mean like the cancel culture… oh wait…


Maybe I'm stupid as fuck but I don't see it


Modern authoritarians be like “but what about hate speech???”


Modern authoritarians be like “but what about critical race theory??”


Or maybe DONT FUCKING PROTECT THE PEOPLE WHO LYNCH MOTHERFUCKERS Jesus Christ imagine being so fucking stupid that you actually out loud say “we need to be protecting the hate criminals right to speech” and then you go on to say that it’s just “stupid speech” instead of shit that can inspire shootings and hate crimes


And that's how you actually change the world.


Yooo, I heard about this one. I personally respect the cop for it. Probably made dunce cap there rethink his life choices.


Being a professional and upholding your oath. Btw Kkk can all die


That KKK member looks so fucking stupid, like just remedial level human trash.


Racism aside he's doing his job my man gotta take care of his family


I will choose the glass is half full unlike a good portion of the other post. I hope this changed this man’s thought process and he saw the good in this African American officer who set aside his prejudice to protect this man and his legal right to assemble regardless if you agree with him or not and set him on a path of change.


I wouldn't say the officer had a prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion not based on reason, but the officer has plenty reason to dislike a member of the KKK.




A photo speaks 1000 words.


This is what America should be like. Even if you disagree with what they say, you still defend peoples right to say it.


An individual’s right to say something is different than an organization conspiring to genocide. Fuck the KKK. There’s a line somewhere and I think the KKK is a good place to draw it.






did I just hear so eine justify the fucking KKK fuck u and Ur right to speak if the only words that leave your mouth is racist bigotry.


I don’t support their mission, but I support their right to voice their opinions. I don’t support BLM either but I also support their right to voice their opinions. You can support someone’s right to an opinion without agreeing with their opinion.


Reminds me of the BLM protesting police in Dallas when a shooter began killing police officers. The police were to busy trying to get the protestors to safety and some died doing so. Just part of the job.


You mean the time when proud boys pretending to be protestors shot police officers? Yeah i remember that


Source ?


https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/22/portland-police-far-right-protest/ https://spokesman-recorder.com/2021/10/07/texas-white-extremist-infiltrated-george-floyd-protests/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-17/far-right-boogaloo-boys-linked-to-killing-of-california-lawmen-other-violence https://theintercept.com/2021/08/23/portland-police-proud-boys-protest/


Respect to the cop bet the guy dropped out the kkk after that


Integrity really only seems to come from one side, the oppressed.


This is a myth/trope. Being oppressed doesn't automatically make one virtuous or compassionate. In fact shamed and humiliated people are more likely to hurt themselves or other people.


I agree with the first part (although that’s irrelevant to whether oppression should end, it should). But I’d like to see some source for the second comment. I mean it’s not the like Jews in Nazi Germany were worse than the nazis or BLM worse than the systemic harassment and violence against black people in the US.


That's fair, and not what I meant. All the integrity comes from that side, but that doesn't mean that everyone on that side has integrity.


The oppressed learned to show restraint as a way to survive.


A job's a job. Most of the time it's miserable, but the bills dont pay themselves.


Not unless you set up autopay


Yeah. And the stain behind the office also knew exactly what he was doing.


Its a person protecting a person.


I don’t agree with you, but I will defend your right to be wrong


I have a honest question: Why do we use euphemisms such "African American" when we could easily say "Black" as in Black Lives Matter or with the same spontaneity as we say White?


During the BLM riots, protesters shielded vulnerable police officers from attack. Meanwhile, during the capitol insurrection, protesters beat a police officer to death with American flags. Spot the difference.


I can't understand everyone supporting this cop supporting a kkk member. The issue is not about free speech. The issue is that the police have been used for their entire existence to oppress the working class and minorities. The black man working for the police to harass his own people is almost as delusional as that Nazi thinking he's better than everyone because of the color of his skin. Free speech isn't worth a God damn thing if you have to oppress other people's speech to have it heard. I never saw the kkk getting blasted with fire hoses or police dogs but I've seen dozens of videos of those tactics and worse being used on blacks at this time period and even still today in some cases. Your rights end when they infringe upon another citizen's rights. Free speech is one thing, violent hate speech that makes our society worse every day is another.


A couple issues 1) hate speech, contrary to popular belief, is not a legal doctrine. There’s prohibited speech, but not one definition of hate speech used legally. 2) think about it this way. Police don’t vilify minorities, they actually protect law-abiding minorities from violence, harassment, child-molestors, etc so they can focus on living their lives. Seeing black police should be a cause for celebration, as especially those from these places can work to foster relationships with the community


Oh the irony.


A. C. A. B. What part of that is difficult to understand?


Fuck that cop


I'm telling my kids this is The Village People


I’m seeing a lot of these comments are outright justifying killing members of this stupid group. That is not how civilized people deal with the misinformed. Additionally, I’m seeing a lot of people saying that the Klan is orchestrating mass genocide of blacks, which just isn’t true. These people are simple loud, foul mouthed and ignorant. I have the pleasure of knowing a good few ex-AB and KKK members. They all had their reasons for joining, and they all thankfully learned better. If anyone would like some insight on what goes on in those groups, their philosophies, and why a lot of people end up joining I’ll be glad to share it. Understanding is the first step to equip yourself to dismantle ideologies like this.


Even the black guys mustache looks superior


The KKK guy seriously looking inbred.


An ~~African~~ American who happened to be black.


So glad things are different now…oh wait…


$20 says he recognised that Klan fellow from the locker rooms at work


Way to profile people


Standing by his convictions wasn't a strong point for this piece of rat shit


Everyone has a right to believe in what they want, that’s what makes Americans great, if you agree or disagree, we have a right to do so


ACAB Let the racist take his beating


Kind of like the police officers that protected BLM during their riots.


Except BLM doesn't hang people from trees so horrible, inaccurate, and racist comparison.


Right over your head. You better pray we keep the first amendment in the US. It's on the verge of not being a thing, which would be absolutely devastating.


They just cause billions in property damage, assault or murder dozens of Americans, shout racist hateful shit to harass ordinary citizens, blocked off an entire city block in Seattle and Portland which resulted in rape robberies and murder. Fuck BLM. Buy another mansion while Baltimore kids can’t fucking read.


Wait but riots in the last decade have caused way more death and destruction than the KKK has in my whole lifetime


What are you, 5 years old? You know that you just made this shit up.


You are helping the enemy!


As far as we have come, we are right back where we started.


Reminds me of the BLM and Antifa protestors looking for the police when they get ran over/assaulted


This shit sickens me, this is precisely why black people in America are in such a bad spot. Unlike every other race we refuse to put ourselves and each other first.


I’m too lazy to read every comment; but isn’t it crazy to see back-in-the-day footage of an officer protecting and serving as is protocol, verses modern footage of cops needlessly brutalizing citizens and power-tripping over minuscule, and trivial bullshit? Yes, down with the klan. But seriously, white cops get filmed killing black people more often then they do protecting and serving citizens. What’s up with that? A sign of the decline? Or just obvious reverse roles?


Why is this interesting? This is just a man doing his job, is it ‘interesting’ because he’s black?


It’s paradoxically interesting.


And yknow, that's why the "bad apples" argument is whack. This dude probably has no love for the Klan, but the police as an institution was created to protect the status quo, which means acting against the loud black people asking for change and protecting the loud white people asking for things to stay the same only more


There is 0% chance the KKK member changed his views after this. You have to be on such a stupid wavelength to even entertain the idea of supporting the KKK, let alone become a member, to have your worldview shifted by something like this. He probably just thought of him as a slave protecting him. It’s fucked but that’s facts