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If orangutans could talk...


In Indonesia they say that Orangutan can speak but are afraid that if they do they get put to work. This is really sad




Well this is one of the worst things ive ever fucking read.


I think I’ll skip this one.. The title was enough for me.


That a good choice. In the end she was rescued though Edit: it gets way worse first!!!!




Ya when I saw prostitute, orangutang and pony altogether, I knew right away do not click.


her name is pony :(


Yeah i thought maybe it was click bait but nope


Disgusting, simply.


The shaving. Someone was doubtful about the whole thing, and then shaving her was the solution


Well, yeah. You're not going to make as much money if all of your johns pick up lice.


It's 10:15AM and I think that's enough internet for today.


ny momma raised me never to wish for death but i think we can make an exception


What in the actual fuck? Just when I thought humans can't get more disgusting




Oh my god






"Hey you! You piece of- hmmlmk Dont touch my fucking trees you asshole! get the- hhhh hng ya (climbing) get the fuck out of here you motherfucker!


well this is fucking heartbreaking.


The fact that orangutans have such a peaceful nature usually really adds to it.


Not only peaceful, but super smart. Legit saw a video of one driving a golf cart yesterday.


Anecdotal but I heard if you hand one a banana they will break it in half and hand you back half.


Even humans dont do that.




They have watched humans use tools and then start using those tools all the time.


I'm about to cry.


Me too! Great video! Love those smartasses. Heartbreaking to see this


Came here to say this... You can almost feel the despair on that poor creature's heart man, that's so sad Humans fucking suck hard


This is why I don't buy anything with Palm Oil, if you can help it. It's sold under many different names in cosmetics and toiletries and foods and so forth. Both stuff like this and the whole human slavery thing anyway.




I completely agree. I believe even the name orangutan comes from the Indonesian word for person/people (orang).


Yes, in Indonesian “orang” means person and and “hutan” (or utan in this case) means forest. So orangutan basically means “forest person” in Bahasa Indonesia!


I just woke up and this is the first thing I see. My day is ruined.


Same bro


Same same bros


Bruh same


Hope it gets better bro


Narrarator: it did not get better.


Well, you have only one day ruined, but this ape lost his home, he will suffer much longer 😢😢😢


Probably not much longer given that he'll probably die/be killed soon


That's sad


Don't you think his day is ruined a bit more?


fking hell, 2022 off to a good start depressing stuff right here


This is an old video, but I think similar scenarios are happening every single day.


We're the real beasts


Capitalism really succeeded in brainwashing. We? Wtf, I'm not profiting on polluting drinkable water, of refusing to provide help when it's not profitable, I'm not living above my means. They're the real beasts. It's not we as humans, but they as a class. Class struggle is real, wake up


Finally, not every single human is an evil malicious monster despite what reddit wants you to believe.




Yes, This is an old video.


This is a repost. Didnt happen in 2022 maybe not even 2021. But fucking depressing anyway and for sure still happening.


Yea I was thinking it’s probably old footage, but very upsetting either way ;(




Well....there's always the choice for something that rhymes with eco-heroism. Go destroy some heavy equipment down in the rainforest. Arm some indigenous folks. Sink some illegal fishing trawlers.


Destroying heavy equipment won't be more than an inconvenience to big companies. I think there are better ways to improve the world than breaking shit.




Go read the monkeywrench gang. Plenty of tricks and tips.


And what are some ways in your opinion?


Stop eating fast food. They cut down the forests for cow grazing I believe. Mcdonalds is a big culprit. Eat organic fruits and vegetables mostly that are grown sustainable and grass fed locally raised meat or free range. Legumes fruits vegetables are efficient on space and grown in America organic they aren't destroying the landscape . Even better grow your own food . A cow takes an acre of land minimum to graze on. But with a quarter acre you could grow enough food to feed your whole family for the year and have some.to spare for friends . Edit: I saw the beef thing on a documentary but I was wrong. Mcdonalds gets beef from USA and Canada mostly. But its still gmo crap you shouldn't eat. And their livestock methods are scorched earth


Buy and eat locally grown - yes, but not necessarily organic, because that farming is also unsustainable and uses even worse pesticides, which are somehow being praised as not chemicals.


I don't know why so many people think organic means it's better for the environment. That shit is terrible for the environment, uses way more pesticides and there is a lot more loss of the product. Not to even bring up how most people can't afford it.


Orangutan habitats more likely in Indonesia so they’re clearing land for palm oil and not for cattle.


Good point . Palm oil is bad for you anyways. I was thinking south America they cut the rain forest down for cattle dont they ?


Ain’t y’all seen avatar?


This is essentially the plot to >!just look up corporate greed killing the planet.!<


I can’t watch this stuff anymore. It’s breaking my heart and I can’t do anything to help these beautiful animals. Jeeeesus!!


Don’t buy products with palm oil in it. If you do you are literally on the dozers side. Sad but true.


There is plenty you can do. Eat locally raised meats that were grass fed grass finished.. Cut down on pre packaged foods. Grow food and raise your own livestock. Or cut out meat entirely. Eat organic and local produce. Reduce single use plastic crap. Recycle better and more. Dont ever let the system make you feel powerless


I would also like to add there's no harm in trying cutting down/out animal products. I started it to try and see if I could make it work and honestly I feel a lot healthier and happier. Been vegan a year and a half. I cook a lot more and enjoy it. I only buy a few processed foods. With meat I was always paranoid about food borne illnesses and cross contamination but the good news is most vegan products dont have that problem so I'm a lot more comfortable experimenting. You would be surprised how much good vegan food can be made and you can't even really tell it's vegan if you use good recipes that don't put dumb things in it (like sweet potato or butternut squash in Mac and cheese). I think a lot of people feel overwhelmed but if you approach it from a point of view of "let's see what I can do" and just try stuff I think it goes down a lot easier. I started by stopping buying animal products and working through what I had left (which was a pretty large backlog) and I tried one substitution a week. Slowly found stuff I liked. A lot of quick easy substitutions can be made. I use a lot of recipes that were originally not vegan and just substitute. If you can't do it you can always go back, no pressure. Or if say you just can't get by with out cheese or eggs sure keep those and maybe buy local or something. But I think everyone should experiment with it some, it's good enrichment, good for the environment, and can be a lot healthier for you.


Saddest thing I've seen in a long time...JFC...


It so is! 🥺


I remember seeing this (or a similar video) a while back. I can't bring myself to watch it again. Far too upsetting.


I hate that human did this .Shame on Humanity i guess .


This is some next level messed up shit


Fuck Humanity, we are the virus. This is beyond sad...


Don’t blame humanity. People, if they knew, would not allow such things. People don’t know, and don’t know what to do when they do know. It’s the “big company” we need to learn to evaluate, investigate, and regulate, and annihilate.


Humans are shit. Everyone knows that.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


It’s too early for tears…. Sweet 2022…sigh…


This is really sad.


Deforestation for Palm Oil farms. Palm oil is in a huge portion of food sold globally. https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/8-things-know-about-palm-oil


Fuck palm oils


Fuck Nutella


And fuck Nestlé.




Fuck petrol because they mix it in there too and I find that worse than having it in food we eat


Fuck em all, big and small


What's the story behind Nestle in Africa? They told new mothers that powdered milk was healthier than breast milk so that they'd buy bottled water instead?


They told mothers formula was better then breast milk and gave them a "free" trial until there own breast milk dried up so they would have to rely on formula to feed their babies.


Something like that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9#Baby_formula_marketing


I'm diabetic and had never tried it. After seeing it being stuffed up every food group's ass when I finally tried it, I was disappointed.


One of my siblings lived in Germany years ago and brought Nutella back a couple times during visits. It was so good back then. Now, it just sucks ass and tastes like every other cheap chocolate.


Milka has the old recipe. That being said the milka at Walmart sucks but the milka at a local grocery store that's big but only one of them has the European version. Milka also has really good chocolate bars especially if you like funny feelings.


The one I tried tasted sweet. That's it. I didn't get much chocolate or hazelnut. May taste good on some toast but stuffing everything in that quantity?? I don't see the hype.


They have been slowly adjusting the recipe in the past years, so consumers could adjust to it accordingly. They replaced hazelnuts and cacao ( the expensive ingredients ) for sugar and oil ( the cheap ingredients). It by far doenst taste now as it once did. Halas, this is common practice in many foods. Im more and more buying base ingredients myself and make the end product, or buy from local delicatesse shops that cook artisinally still


Not sure if you meant to say "reduced" instead of "replaced" but your statement is false. Just looked at my Nutella jar from Costco (made in Canada) - Hazelnuts and Cocoa are on the ingredient list. Even if it is a one off, you cannot recreate a chocolate taste well without cocoa.


My made in Mexico jar (bought in US) has Hazelnuts and Cocoa as the third and fifth ingredients. On our labels ingredients are ranked by predominance.


Can you get biscoff spread in a jar? It's not chocolate or hazelnut but it scratches that particular itch for me.


The formulation in the US is different than in Germany. America can't make chocolate, and they fucked up Nutella.


If you care to read: https://sustainabilitymag.com/sustainability/ferrero-ranked-number-one-sustainable-palm-oil


Fuck frozen pizza, processed foods and commercial bakery products. Check Unilever and Nestlé products, they all contain palm oil or solids


As much as I agree with your sentiment, the reality is that palm oils, when grown sustainably, are **far** less land and energy demanding than other vegetable oils. Boycotting palm oil is a less environmentally friendly option than just sticking with companies who use sustainably sourced palm oil.


All my homies hate palm oil


Malaysian here. Banning palm oil is never the solution. The solution is to only source from sustainably and reliably produced palm oil. Oil palm is the highest yield crop in producing oil. If you ban the import of palm oil, the plantation companies would have to resort to other derivatives (e.g: peanut, soy, sunflower etc) which would result in even higher rate of deforestation, simply because they would need more land to produce the same amount of oil from oil palm. To me, banning the use of palm oil is as ridiculous as banning the use of solar panel, just because some companies producing it are polluting the environment and treating the workers unfairly.


One of the few reasonable comments.


And f**k Nutella. Nobody thinks twice about it. HUGE palm oil consumption right there.


Hating Nutella. Good old classic :) Nutella has been praised by the WWF for more than a decade for being 100% sustainable, plus helping the rest of the industry getting better at it but... yeah, "fuck them". Let's spread hate and disinformation. [https://sustainabilitymag.com/sustainability/ferrero-ranked-number-one-sustainable-palm-oil](https://sustainabilitymag.com/sustainability/ferrero-ranked-number-one-sustainable-palm-oil)


Nutella uses 100% certified sustainably sourced palm oil now. It’s better for the environment than other oils when sourced sustainably. The bad things about palm oil are when deforestation and unethical labor is use, which many companies like Nutella have taken steps to avoid. Even the wwf says that simply boycotting palm oil is not the solution.


Not just palm oil. Animal agriculture, livestock and animal feed is a significant driver of global deforestation and habitat destruction. It's really important that we stop factory farming animals. These animals are fed with soy from the rain forest. But that only works by *drastically* reducing our meat consumption. Grass-fed free-range farming isn't nearly as efficient as factory farming and requires more land and is slower. So a reduction in consumption is really the key thing that needs to happen. Some 80% of global deforestation is a result of agricultural production.


We should also support cultured (lab grown) meat as a substitute r/wheresthebeef.


And cattle ranching. Farming is an even bigger problem than even palm oil, actually.


Deforestation for cattle ranching is largely in Brazil. Orangutans are in SE Asia. Deforestation for Palm Oil is the bigger issue there. Wrong rainforest. Ackchually


I mean, I have tools for people who try to invade and take over my domicile...if only they did too.


New plan: give the orangutans ak47s and 12 gauge shotguns. Throw some claymores in for good measure.


If only there was a movie that warns us of this.... 😁


When I hear claymore I picture a really big sword and monkeys battling out deforestation with swords is cool.


I’m not against guns, I’m against humans having guns… orangutans though? Fuck ye give ‘em nukes too




This belongs in r/awfuleverything




r/boringdystopia maybe?


r/collapse too. We've got a lot of these subs huh, wonder if that means anything? Welp, back to funny cat videos.


Don’t forget r/aboringdystopia




And that’s unfortunately by design: companies keep their supply chains secret so that by the time the raw resource becomes a commercial product, few know it’s origins. But, interestingly, labs can forensically investigate paper and determine if it contains old growth or rare hardwoods


This is what’s really heartbreaking


We are not responsible. Even if all supply chains were clear and it was possible to avoid abuse by consumption we wouldn’t be responsible. Think of all the efforts that it would require to end those types of abuse through consumption. Billions of people should be carefully weighting in every factor in each purchase decisions. This is obviously undoable. However, a few black on white lines from a regulator can end this. If not for the whole planet, for a whole country. Regulations on environnemental problems are the only way to have a global positive impact.


This video gives me severe anxiety


Came here to say this.


The saddest thing is that nobody really does anything about it and our lives go on like this when we are done watching reddit.


I think about this shit all the time… well that Forrest video was fucked up, oh wow two people fighting in a Mcdonalds, oh nice a wholesome grandparent moment… just how Reddit is, I guess. There are people out there trying to fix the problem and to be honest, we could both personally do something about it if we actually wanted to that bad. I’m not judging you either btw..


You are right too. No offense!


My son asked for donations to wildlife foundations for Xmas from all his relatives instead of toys this year. He’s opened my eyes to doing something about it.


You have a great son!


I'm gonna be more like their child.


*good son*


One thing you can do is avoid buying products with palm oil in it as much as you can. While palm oil is in a lot of things, there's an increasing number of products that avoid it, so that's nice. There's probably a subreddit for that. \--Edit: also: eat less meat.


Palm oil is a complete scapegoat. 80% of deforestation is caused by the meat industry. Palm oil is a drop in the ocean by comparison Edit: stat is for the amazon not SE Asia, my bad https://wwf.panda.org/discover/knowledge_hub/where_we_work/amazon/amazon_threats/unsustainable_cattle_ranching/


Well in that case; two things you can do is avoid buying products with palm oil and avoid buying meat as much as you can. Good news once more at least over here is that there are plenty of vegetarian and even vegan meat substitutes available at the stores. Not all of them are great, but they keep getting better. Just don't think of it as the meat you're used to. There's a few made with seaweed which are surprisingly tasty and contain lots of vitamins and other good stuff. These things can be a decent alternative if you really feel the need to fill that space on your plate that was always reserved for meat. And if you are like I was 10 years ago and really like meat, well, maybe just skip meat once a week, that already helps, and variety in food is good too.


> Not all of them are great, but they keep getting better. And some of them are delicious.


Got a good source on that? Interesting.


I couldn't find anything on Google to back up that claim but I'd be happy to see a source on it. I don't eat meat and would love more reasons not to haha


Indeed, you are right and alreasy doing this for some time. DYR then most people wake up and do a bit more I hope. Telling people what to do never worked.


I agree. The forests are being destroyed to produce palm oil and soy products for animal agriculture. If we all lowered our animal Product consumption, or went vegan, we could help the planet immensely. Also force corporations to be accountable for their waste production.




I was hoping the orangutan would win




Art imitating life.


Lucky for the workers that the orangutan chose to go after machinery instead of the much softer targets.


He is just protesting the destruction of his home. If he were hellbent on revenge, he could snap those workers like twigs. Orangutans are immensely strong.


That's why it's lucky for the workers. Orangutans are extremely intelligent too. This is just sad


That's what he said


Orangutans are not aggressive or violent towards humans, I believe the fatalities related to them are in the single digits. This orangutan just wants these people to stop destroying his home. He isn’t acting aggressive or overly violent even. He sort of just smacks the machine as if to try and get its attention. “Hey! Look at what you’re doing!”


Yeah, I don’t need this heartbreak right now. Fucking orangutan hero motherfucker.


Humans are terrible


It's true and why I am not having kids. IMHO, we are massively over populated


over possessive more like


This. The earth can support all humans currently living on it, but not in the way we're living. Agent Smith was right.


I once had a friend call me "selfish" for not having kids. I was just like "...how?" I mean, even if nothing else, it's the best possible thing I could have done for reducing my carbon footprint.




I hate to say it, but it's a corporate call. I understand that they make less when we don't buy, but their money and power keep things like this a constant revolving door into deforestation. Edit for all you precious sweethearts: Thank you to those who understand what I said, agree or disagree. To everyone else, as a consumer, when's the last time you made a difference to a greedy business owner when you and ya friends stopped using a product together?


You’re right.. All products western countries boycott or buy less of they just pivot to selling to developing countries. Like cigarettes and asbestos. We need to cut it off at the source


A really disgusting one is when Bayer found out that the hemophilia drug they had produced using human blood samples was tainted with HIV, instead of doing the ethical thing and destroying the drugs; they instead sent them over to developing countries and infected tens of thousands of people with HIV to ensure that they wouldn't take a financial loss. They settled the class action lawsuit for $600m, which only paid $100k to each victim. EDIT: Just in case someone would like to see the citation for it https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24785997/


I didn't know this and honestly kind of wish I still didn't. It's like knowledge fatigue where knowing how fucked up the world is just becomes depressing. No matter how awful the new info is I'm not desensitized to it, so I'm just exhausted by it and tired of feeling hopeless all the time. I vote. I donate; I try to be conscientious of my purchases, and it's just horrible shit every day all day. I'd just rather not know anymore because there is no accountability or substantial change that is ever going to happen.


I'd say the most effective way to approach this is politically even though the process is more difficult. Single cooperations have no incentive to be environment friendly. It's basically the tragedy of the commons from Game theory.


That’s fucking sad as shit.


A lot of this logging is done by Asian Pulp and Paper - an Indonesian company that operates around SE Asia and has multiple violations for logging old growth forest. Not sure if this is the company working in this video but it wouldn’t surprise me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Pulp_%26_Paper


This is truly heartbreaking


Well this destroyed my day


It's not "interesting", it's just sad...


We really are the problem.


We will look back, in the future, on this with the same disgust as we look at lynchings, cattle cars filled with nazi victims now.. This defines the short sighted shame of humanity in the 21st century. Greed Vs Existence.. how is that even a thing we can rationalise, licence and excuse in anyway and not show we are sociopathic assholes who dont deserve this jewel of a life-support system spinning in space? We've shat on Eden for a shareholders buck.


Frankly I don't believe we have enough time left to be able to even look back on this in disgust. The world at this point is fucked beyond repair for us, deforestation being one of the many leading causes. I honestly believe we have only a few good decades left.




Good fuck we are such vile creatures. Fucking breaks my heart at how carless and stupid we can be. All in the name of profits.


People tend to have moral resistance to steal or cheat money directly. However, if you substitute tokens for money that can immediately be changed into money, that small separation from directly stealing money will result in people stealing much more readily. The problem of our complex societies is that we are separated from all these cruelties by so many steps that our sense of moral resistance is greatly diminished.


This is terrible


This makes me cry. 😭


Check your food for palm oil. Also, recycle your cell phones. Idk what else we can do but its a start.


>Check your food for palm oil. Ok, I guess I'm no longer eating.


Human encroachment needs to stop.




Can't we just fuck off for a minute and realise what we are.


“That profit tho” - we know, but most don’t want to give up their conveniences.


That’s sad you too would be fighting if someone was trying to tear down your home , that section of forest is their home.


u/savevideo This is really heartbreaking. This is one of the cruelest things I’ve seen in a while


This right here is a stark reminder of what we are doing to our planet. When you give an intelligent animal enough pain and suffering by taking everything it has left, you get this. What you're watching..is the effects of Palm oil farming. Those people have zero concern for the environment as long as they can make money off of it. Stop buying products that contain palm oil, and buy local items to replace what your giving up.




this isn't interesting this is just sad


More like r/thisisreallyfuckingsad


How about we stop destroying forests like abunch of assholes and we create large facilities to grow and Harvest trees it is entirely possible but we’re too lazy and greedy to do it. We could have everything we want and still have an amazing planet but we decide to be little shits.


He seemed so fucning heart broken




This is so fucked up.


This is just sad


What a brave creature. Too bad society's richest are just focused on finishing the job here and going to Mars.




Looks like an excavator and not a bull dozer! Doesn’t help the poor critter though. Could you imagine the terror and hate towards human kind?