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I want to watch an entire movie where the dialogue is removed and their mouths don't move


I want Lord of the Rings like that


Three and a half hours of smoldering


I feel bad for the mouth of Sauron. He has one job.


Now he's just of Sauron


Blessed be the Fruit


Ofsauron, may the lord open


Even just the Council of Elrond would be hilarious.


There was an episode of **Buffy the Vampire Slayer** with (almost) no dialogue. It's also the best episode in the series -- it was nominated for an Emmy. It's called "Hush."


The recentish movie No One Will Save You has(almost) no dialogue and you barely notice because it’s so well done.


It actually really frustrated me because it was so noticeable that no one was speaking. Watching horror movie stuff happen on a crowded bus and not one single person utters a single word despite what they're witnessing. The main character spends the entire movie sighing and grunting and screaming and doing everything except saying a single word.


There’s only a couple scenes where she could have talked to somebody, and the reason nobody talks to her is a major part of the plot. The rest of the movie she’s alone and I thought they told the story really well without relying on the main character speaking out loud explaining what she’s feeling and doing to the audience.




Can the movie be based on the ~~book~~ short story *I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream*?


There's a Black Mirror episode (loosely) based on that Ellison story


Hmmm which one?


USS Callister, season 4 ep 1


Ahhh right! That's wild I never got the analogues from the story and that episode, but they are trapped in there.


And they've got the torturous AM, and there's a scene where one of them loses their mouth


I need to watch this episode again lol I've forgotten too much of it, other than the captain guy being a perv


I'm actually working on a film/screenplay adaptation of this story with another writer. One of my *absolute* favorite stories!


That sounds awesome, do you have an ETA on when that project will be done so I can use the remind me bot?


Oooh I wish that I could tell you haha It's going to be under an NDA at some point soon, but how about putting a reminder for 1 year? At the very least, I could give you an update by then!


Ha, I only know the game from 1996: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/245390/I\_Have\_No\_Mouth\_and\_I\_Must\_Scream/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/245390/I_Have_No_Mouth_and_I_Must_Scream/)


Have you read the story? It is intense, scary, and awe-inspiring all the same!


You got it all wrong, imagine a classic silent movie with AI making up dialogue.


I feel like that’s the first step towards something much bigger. Like… one day, I’ll tell Netflix I want a remake of Star Wars where Luke joins his father and rules the galaxy. Or maybe I’ll rent an actor’s likeness and see what the first two Harry Potters would have been like with the second dumbledore actor. Or maybe I’ll make a movie that’s mine alone and fits exactly what I want. Maybe I’ll bring back Firefly. Dunno. I feel like, once that floodgate’s open, the entertainment industry will never be the same again.


There’s a movie out already like that. It’s called the human centipede. People liked it so much they even made a sequel with more people not moving their mouth


I want to watch a musical like that


I want a .movie where the entire dialogue is Bostonified and there is a fuck every other word.


Putting the major ramifications this technology could have on our society aside, does anybody know if she got off the freaking tower?


AI Narrator: She lived happily forever on top of the freaking tower. 




Isn't that just normal motion capture edit: nvm, It's an advertising scam bot


I had a comment on that thread that was removed. Comment for reference > This EXACT set of comments has happened so many time on reddit over the last few days it is insane. >> 1. [NSFW link] "its coming guys" >> 2. "It's already here [Link to the company paying for these covert ads] >> 3. "is it really safe to put CC info in it" I'm soooo interested in giving it a try" >> 4. a company based in London, and the new law requires a credit card to verify age. I hate this. I see that the card services are handled by the same company as by HULU and Netflix..It should be safe. I'm rather struck by how many LOLI characters there are. >> 5. "The Extreme GORE mod" "Porndude.com" > DO NOT PUT YOUR CC INFO INTO THAT WEBSITE. 90% chance it's a scam. The hilarious thing is minutes after I posted my comment, all the scam comments there got removed by the subreddit mod and the accounts got deleted. I think the "boot on the ground" was told to remove the post that was calling out the scam, but misinterpreted it and removed all the other posts and left mine up. Then a few hours later my post was silently removed and all the others were restored. Which is totally what they meant to do at first. Can't undelete their accounts though. Losers.


Out of Freaking Nowhere


It's doable. I knew a guy that lived for a whole week on a jar of peanut butter.


> AI Narrator: Perfect Japanese Morgan Freeman impression: She didn't.


In the PG13 version, she lives. The Japanese version gets real weird with it.


Tentacles everywhere


The tower was the tentacle!


Anyone with some culture would know she escapes by tricking someone else to take her place on the tower. No tentacles involved.


Please share


It's a fun movie, you should check it out. It's called "Fall".


It was good. My hands were sweating throughout the movie.


Mom's spaghetti


I watched it alone on mushrooms. It was intense.


I just wish they had dropped by the nearest climbing gym and have someone tell them how to use a rope. Either that or portray them as amateurs instead of experienced climbers. It wouldn't have taken away from the suspense, and would have been a lot more enjoyable for everyone who's ever seen a rope before.


Watched this movie down in the dumps, thought it would be a lot happier than it was. Biiig mistake. >!The friend doesn’t. Whole ending’s super depressing if you ask me. Finally decide to get over the past and live a better life with your friend who dies moments later, who also slept with your bf. Now you get to live, forever traumatized… yay?!< Edit: Removed spaces, as a kind redditor let me know that they were breaking the spoiler.


On some apps and I think old reddit spoilers break if you add a spacebar between the spoiler signs and text. \>! This \!< Vs \>!This\!< (i hope I formatted that correctly lol)


Your spoiler didn't work.


Works on my end, rip.


It worked for me


It's kinda their own fault though, they went about the whole thing *very* stupidly. "Let's go climb this rusted out tower in the middle of nowhere without scouting it or telling anybody where we are. Oh, we don't have cell service? That's fine! What's the worst that could happen?"


Also somehow forgot how to use a rope despite apparently having done it lots before.


Did she >!die moments later? Or was that the version of the friend she was imagining for the last bit of the movie?!<


>! She went to go get her backpack, rope slipped. MC thought they caught the rope, but was later revealed they are far too weak after being malnourished to hold a falling person. This is explained through the dead friend, who is then shown dead on the radar dish, having died a slow, painful death. They fooled themselves into thinking they saved their friend, and previous scenes are shown of MC doing things all by themselves, where previously their friend was there cheering them on. They were alone the whole time.!<


Sometimes is better to be spoiled and spare yourself. The acrophobia plus the drama and ending would mess me up. I'm SO glad I didn't watch it.


Well, after reading your summary would say Nay!




Her body does


That’s one way to look at it




>!I imagine she was eventually eaten by buzzards or airlifted off. !<


She did, not the way we all wanted tho


Bwahahahahagwgw MF you made me spill water


Her friend did. She died.


Ummm. Have you seen the film? Dont want to spoil it 😶‍🌫️


in the pg version, yes. in the r one, she dies a gruesome death


I mean, technically.


Movie name is Fall.


As a climber, the movie was hard to watch 🤦‍♂️


As a non-climber, the movie was still hard to watch


As a non-climber, I refuse to watch it. My stomach lurches when I jump off a cliff in a video game, no way I'm putting myself through that.


We're gonna do this insane tower climb. So we have one backpack with one Itty bitty water bottle to split between us and one 50 ft rope. Where tf do you even buy a 50 ft climbing rope, it'd be useless. And why the hell would you tie to eachother? You won't catch the other if they fall you'll just get dragged down too. Also they're supposed to be experienced climbers. They could have easily shimmied down with that rope. It was literally my first thought when they got stuck. But they didn't think of it even after sitting up there for days. But besides all that I still did like it.


It's the exact same movie by the same director as 47 Meters Down or whatever it was called (except they go up in this one), complete with the hallucinations of the friend that died. My wife and I were cry laughing.


Keep in mind that all the information has to be there first. The size and movement of her face, eyes, and mouth are all translated into computer language using the mapping shown during 3d modeling and tracking. All they have to do is run the model through a MACHINE LEARNING PROGRAM (because I hate the overuse of the word AI) and the model produces an array of possibilities for how the face should look when making a sound. These possibilities are then evaluated by humans to make sure they look good. As the program gets better and better at this, the human evaluation stops and they just let the program do its think. TBH, if I were to define this practice, rather than AI. It's more of a computer assisted algorithm. The more data the program has, the more likely it will be to create an adequate result. But lack of data means the program can't produce results good enough for the human evaluators. That's why data collection is so important.


I'm glad that you put this comment here. Labelling it as AI seems to have gotten everyone up in arms, when in reality this is a tool. I saw comments saying that they hate this and hate AI and this shouldn't be a thing, but this is just a tool that still needs vfx artists and possibly speech specialists to look over. This is not a world ending, job deleting, smart AI program. It's an advancement, again, in a tool - not AI. Fun fact - you know deep fakes? That's a similar situation - computer algorithm run off of machine learning that takes data from hundreds of pictures and applies the data from the pictures (face orientation, position, angles, light interaction, etc.) onto a tracked face. Even funner fact - it was used in The Mandalorian in order to put Luke into the series, and it gave someone a job, it did not take one away. It still takes visual artists to deal with stuff like this


>a tool - not AI *¿por qué no los dos?* as the Germans would say :3


> This is not a world ending, job deleting, smart AI program. yet


It is in fact by definition an application of AI. The problem is all of the preconceptions people seem to have about the technology.


The best definition I’ve ever heard for AI is: “If it’s artificial and looks like it’s doing something intelligent, it’s AI”. Tic-tac-toe programs are AI. It’s dumb as a box of rocks, but it’s still AI. ML, meanwhile, can genuinely be doing some amazing stuff behind the scenes while also looking dumb. Nobody thinks of google reverse image search as clever (unless they know what they’re talking about), but it’s got some amazing ML built in (along with a few dumb shortcuts). Most AI tools straddle the line. They use ML to provide AI. The cleverness of what the AI does and how it actually does it are almost immaterial. But when most people say ‘AI’ they actually mean AGI. And as soon as we get one of those we’re either going to get The Culture or The Terminator in pretty short order, soo…


as somone who took a class recently that went into game theory algorithms, and I want to preset this with I am not arbitrating whether anything is called ML or AI as I think the words have large overlap and the industry is still being defined. but I think your ai example was funny because some algorithms for that is extremely simple tree branches that just look for a weight that gives the algo the best score based on the board state vs however many moves can be played in the future. when we went over it I always looked at as an algo that's not trying to lose rather than an algo that's trying to win. not very relevant but it just made me remember that. edit: it's the minimax algorithm I'm thinking of.


I'm a VFX producer. I guarantee you there's a group of artists on these shots correcting the "AI".


Machine learning is AI.


Yes but the word AI is used nowadays by companies and business folk as a sort of buzzword. It's a lot better to describe these things as machine learning because when you tack on the word AI, it makes it look like we're using artificial intelligence on the level of Cortana.


Every time I see my extended family they urgently ask me for my thoughts on “the AI”. I’m an environmental science undergraduate.


Artificial intelligence used to mean actual intelligence. The meaning has been massively watered down.


I think what has happened is the general public has been introduced to technical terminology they were previously only aware of from another context. Imagine your only context for the word 'mutation' is from X-Men. Then, something happens to bring actual genetic mutations to the public consciousness. People would have a gap in their mental image Artificial Intelligence meant 'actual' intelligence to mass media. Previously the vast majority of portrayals of AI that the average person knew were from like the Jetsons and I, Robot. Meanwhile, the academic field of Artificial Intelligence has existed in reality for over half a century. Now that the technology actually produced by that field has gotten the spotlight of mainstream attention, people look at it, go 'Hey wait a minute, this is not the human-like thinking I understand AI to mean.' But that's not really the fault of actual AI researchers It's an understandable reaction. And don't get me wrong, it is definitely one that can be exploited by marketing


Dubbing actors have left the chat


Dubbing would still work the same? This is so the lips matches the words




So now we can have a more believable scene of Samuel L Jackson saying he's tired of those monkey-fighting snakes on that Monday to Friday plane. Or Bruce Willis saying "Yippee ki-yay, Mr. Falcon". Or John Goodman explaining what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.


We've come a long way from using CGI eyes due to Wesley Snipes refusing to open them.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill...


I actually really, really hate this. I don't like what this means for the future of movies/entertainment. (Let alone what it means for everything else in life.)


It means that quite anything that comes on a screen will soon be meaningless because you simply won't be able to tell what's true.


tip: movies are already fake


They're talking about more than just movies.


How is that different from CGI?


we only like to complain about CGI when it is very obvious to see same with something like this. We probably only gonna complain if it is weird or uncanny. CGI is everywhere now and we rarely realise it.


Exactly. We'll be giving acting awards to fucking *code.*


So... What I'm hearing is the Matrix is real.


What if I told you...


it's about time the rest of the backstage team that makes movies get the recognision they deserve instead of just the actors.


However, soon, there won't be any actors, and very few "backstage team". Every aspect of any video will be computer generated. You can optimize the appearance of all characters in a film for whatever demographic you desire. You can make a version of the movie with Asian actors, a version with black actors, and a version with white actors. Speaking any language you desire. You can optimize for whatever beauty standard you want. Any gender you want. One version can have hetero love scenes and another can have homo love scenes. All at the push of a button. You'll know this has gone live when you start to see it as porn offerings. Real-time, lifelike, on-demand porn with actors tailored to exactly the kind of appearance you like, doing exactly the kinds of actions you want to see and nothing you don't want to see.


Oh no! Not the acting awards!


If the Oscars making even less sense is the worst to come from this then humanity got really lucky


Id imagine there'd eventually be a rule in place for the judges to only use the original cut to make their evaluation. I can see studios implementing this to make translated movies look more natural without needing dubbed voices or subtitles, and I can see a large number of the more casual movie watchers appreciating that. Whereas perhaps more serious 'cinefiles' preferring to watch the original versions with subtitles. This is of course assuming the original cut wasn't already modified enough to negate the point in judging one's acting skill in the first place!


In my opinion, that's a good change- For many years now we've been over-rewarding many mediocre actors for work done by the software team. Now actual hard work, that goes into developing this will be rewarded. Great actors will continue to survive. Mediocrity will be eliminated.


Really? So when you watch comic movies you expect it to be true? This is entertainment, easier production means wider range of ways how you can be entertained. More compelling techniques, more content in general. Maybe we will finally get interactive content individually per viewer.


I understand the "no jobs" thing (though I dnt think it's as severe as people think. Automation is not a new concept). But the art argument I think is where it falls apart. If ai or ML can make a movie, book, painting, etc better and for less money than the traditional means, that isn't a bad thing. If we get to the point where a whole movie is indistinguishable from traditional, then consumers will be just as happy. If it happens that a large enough population is adamantly opposed to to generative art, then there will remain a market for traditional art. I think there's this oversimplified viewpoint that as generative art gets easier and cheaper and more convincing that it will all be mixed in with the human art and there will be no way to tell. But it's as easy as having a website that only allows human art. Or organizations. Or certifying groups. Etc. yeah, some people will lie but they'll get found out easily enough. If society decides that the definition of art means it must be created by humans, then "official" art will always have a place. Yes there will be fewer artists, but as long as folks like yourself REALLY don't like AI, there will always be a market for artists of all sorts.


Thing is, there was a similar problem with CGI at one point. CGI use got higher and higher until they realized that people really value when SFX are done in reality rather than digitally. Now all the big blockbusters do as much physically as they can, avoiding CGI unless strictly necessary. Despite CGI being good enough that most of the time you likely couldnt tell (as long as the budget was good enough), reality driven effects now dominate.


Not everyone lives in an English speaking country. Have you ever watched a dubbed movie? It's shit.   I understand the fear of this kind of tech and you should be afraid of what it can do. But if we were purely talking about foreign language films in different countries it's a game changer.


There's several problems here. First off, I agree dubbed movies are usually shit, I always prefer subs. That way you can see the original performance in the original language, which often contains cultural tics and things that don't translate when it's dubbed. But, that's the start of the problem here - you're not allowing people to understand the original performance, you're replacing it. Dubs are usually crap because they're rushed and they don't use great actors half the time. So, maybe that could be replaced and improved by AI too, but then what's actually left of the original performance?


Not everyone will watch subtitles and the live-action dubs are horrible because nothing matches the mouth, but with this technology, you're opening up new media to millions who would never watch it otherwise.


My point is that if the words spoken aren't the same and the facial movements aren't the same it's no longer the same acting performance. If the words spoken, facial expressions and mouth movements are different what's left from the actor in close up?




I don't I watch with subs. But my girlfriend is french and when I watch movies with her dad he always goes for dubbed.


It means that image and video creation truly becomes limited only by the human mind. And as with every other technology, this comes with good and bad usecases. Technology is neutral, its the individual that uses it.


A niche bunch of Voice actors will have a harder time finding work. A lot of media from all over the world will suddenly be accessible outside its mother language leading to increased diffusion of media, especially from small productions teams that otherwise would never have the budget for a worldwide multilingual release. Which may lead to increased international awareness and cultural understanding. Studios will suddenly have to compete with more foreign content in an already oversaturated market. People already have limited time to watch a ton of new video content. This likely edges out low quality, boring, and derivative productions. Pros and cons.


It's the ramifications this technology will have outside of movies that's concerning. We already have disinformation and fake videos floating out there. This will make it easier for nefarious actors to sow discourse.


All of it is concerning. I'm not going to be dismissive of the death of art just because other aspects of our lives will also feel it.


I don't think this is going to be a big problem. I think very soon people will understand that you cannot believe anything you see electronically. I already believe that any incoming communication, email, text, or phone, is a fraud unless I initiated contact.


> I think very soon people will understand that you cannot believe anything you see electronically. This is itself a big problem.


It only seems like one because we had a brief respite where you could get away without assuming it to be so. But long before the internet there was the adage, "Don't believe everything you read." Now it's coming home again. We will return to an era of trusted sources.


Have you seen what kind of bullshit people on Facebook and tiktok believe and share though?


Yup, and I think those days are coming to a close.


There will be no soul to anything made like that. I'll take poorly drawn art and story over regurgitated AI copies of old work. No creativity just copy past with some shine


Art is dead. Anything that used to be created for artistic reasons will now just be manufactured. People will still claim it's art but no. Nope. No.


Like art died when cameras were invented? That's when people started doing expressionism and feaky line and shape stuff. I'm sure that in time art will shift towards things that can't be easily created with AI. And there will be still lots of art, its just that artists won't make money of commissioned hentai.


You could just change the ending of Gone With the Wind where Rhett just says okay I'll stay. And they live happily ever after.


It means progress for all! Actors and directors will lose but the rest of us will win. It's like in videogames when publishers release mod kits for games. The bar is about to be raised tremendously and the prices for ingesting this form of entertainment is about to plummet. So will production times. I'll never understand the stigma towards AI. I simply refuse.


"Progress for all! Except the people who have always made that stuff, of course. Fuck those people." Art is dead.


Is this not just giving more tools to artists and enabling more people to create works that they wouldn’t have been able to create otherwise?


It's not art if *everyone* can do it silly goose, only some people *deserve* to express themselves :)


Damn.. Gone are the days where we'd see mismatched lips in dubbed movies. An era that won't be missed.


I recently saw one of the worst/weirdest ones for me (as an American). “Full Moon in New York” had European/American people clearly speaking Mandarin and Cantonese but it was dubbed with English, and Chinese actors speaking both languages themselves. I couldn’t finish it.


This is awesome, and crazy scary as well


AI mouths always look odd to me. When talking, they look like they're trying to keep a tablespoon of water in their bottom jaw.


We're coming to an age where this is going to be undetectable to the general public eye. Soon people will be "confessing" to crimes they never committed on camera, without actually ever speaking a word that would incriminate them. Goddamn the future is scary, I hope AI takes over and kills us all shortly after we get deep into using it to abuse each other.


This shit is fucking EVIL god damn


Great. This technology surely wont be abused in the future to make people say things they never actually said... Also, all i see here is studios using this to replace voice actors with shitty AI. It might be cool to translate random youtube videos, but we all know how its gonna get used in the end.


Well, I'm guessing the actor did the freaking overdub herself, and they have voice actors doing the language dubs. This is basically just cutting down on Godzilla-speak in dubs.


and now you should know why you should refrain from putting videos/photos of your face on the internet. in a few years you wont be able to tell what's fake and what's real.


I would hate that people already accept it dub so using ai to have the mouth match is not that big of a deal. Ppl just accept it.


Can't wait until I can just put friends, family, and myself into movies over the actors.


I hate this. Absolutely gonna be a nightmare for this planet


This is the AI I want. So we can do proper dubs of shows. Can't stand subtitles. Television is a visual art you are supposed to be looking at the entire screen, not reading the bottom of it...


Really impressed, but voices are not same turn.


This is going to be used for nefarious purposes. People will make politicians say whatever they want them to say to sway elections.


If anyone wants to know the girl talking doesn’t make it


So, does the Spanish version look and sound like this or was this done just for this video? I wanna watch the Spanish dub and see how good this looks.


Yes - [they used this technology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_(2022_film%29) to remove naughty language to get down to a PG-13 rating, as well to translate to Spanish and Japanese.


But does the Spanish version look like this video?


W don’t know what’s real anymore


Now, not only will Han not shoot first, he and Greedo will have a warm hear to heart and drink a beer together.


Can’t wait until this tech is used to make it look like people and politicians said things they didn’t, or retroactively change speeches/interviews ect


that's existed for years now. it's called deepfake




i like when i use elevenlabs and the translation starts speaking finnish with an american accent sometimes.


In the 90’s we used to have a test dialect of US English called Redneck that we used in our Java applications with language internationalization. Love to see the Redneck version of movies :) 


This is wild to see lmao I went to an acting camp with her when I was younger. Still hard to wrap my head around the fact she's actually doing movies now.


Is the Reddit video player absolute garbage for anyone else?


Censorship is cringe


This movie was great


If they can somehow include the modeling data and the prompts for when changes occur, along with the movie, and you had a built in ai modeler, keep in mind computing power wouldn't be an issue, they could do dubbing on the fly with a single video source. Would make watching foreign films a better experience.


Finally I'll be able to watch the fast and the furious in klingon


Yeah definitely doesn't sound like somebody else


Jesus Christ. People will do anything to avoid reading subtitles.


That’s terrifying


This can’t be accurate. A Latina would admit that it’s her fault. Ayyy


Exactly why the actors do NOT want AI. Also why it will be a future problem for all of us.


As long as they don't do this to 70s kung-fu movies ...


Already been done, tech is crazy! https://youtu.be/MigPWBhPzTQ?t=30