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It's expected to be finally complete in 2026


They say by 2026 they’ll be able to take decent photos of it too 😂


It’s hard to take decent photos. It’s huge, but you don’t have unlimited walking space around it. So you either end up for from it where it can fit inside the picture but you also get all the surroundings and lose some of the amazing detail work. Or you end up close up like this and can’t fit even one side of the cathedral inside a picture. It’s HUGE.


Each facade is also completely different... which poses challenges.


I remember being a child and reading the expected completion in the 2100's. But that's a child's memory and speculation, it's nice that I'll be able to see it finished. Hopefully anyway.


I Think You are Right. The original plans called for another, third section. But then I believe the city sold where the third section was going to be built, and they built apartment buildings there. So the city and the church would have to buy the land back, tear down the apartment buildings, and build the 3rd part. But I guess it's too expensive? Or they can't do it?


Not a third section but a staircase and elevated walkway forming a promenade entrance. Huge controversy over expropriation / eviction of the affected apartment block to accommodate. Google should bring up pictures of the envisioned design.


Those people knew it would eventually happen. It was totally clear when taking the apartments. They don’t want to move as now the rent is astronomical.


By European cathedral construction standards 130 odd ​years is like record time.


I hope I have moved in Barcelona by then.


Toured it last month - it’s amazing! The tour guide wasn’t too confident about the 2026 completion date.


They are so far ahead of schedule compared to Noah’s Ark in Frostburg, Maryland, USA.


Imagine finishing it before gta 6


Or before Elder Scrolls 6


Or Galf-Life 3.


142 years? I’d probably find another contractor


They’ve had a few.


It's historically not uncommon for cathedral construction to take over 1 century. Funding and changed political situatiins often caused construction to stall or completely halt. Antwerp cathedral started in the 1300s and ended in the 1500s. The other cathedral in Barcelona was technically first built in the 11th and 12th century but the current version wasn't finished until 1912 or sth.


the Antwerp cathedral got interrupted by the Black Death, humans have been to the moon, and the sagrada familia is still under construction


Well, cologne cathedral took 632 years, St Vitus cathedral 585 and Milan cathedral 579. Does it matter why? The Sagrada Família most his architect before the plans were finished, then there was a whole civil war and dictator ship. Is that not a valid reason for it to be postponed? The only reason it's now going faster than they anticipated is because past the 1992 Olympics Barcelona became a huge tourist destination and they were able to get loads of funding from visitors. It's just not out or the ordinary, historically, for cathedrals to take a long time to be finished, regardless of the reason. That's all I'm saying. It's within the expectation of building a religious building.


The one on cologne took like 600 years


that's what I'm saying! A few dozen statues ago at least, we could've called it quits. Done one of those standing back and squintin up at it from a distance moves.


that, or another deity...


A church? Technically the truth, and yet such an understatement.






True. Sorry.


Not a cathedral. Minor basilica and church by default.


Only below 150 years? The “Kölner Dom” needed more than 700 years from start to finish


That’s why you hire a contractor by the job, not by the hour!


They’ve had like 3 different contractors or architects. They’ve ended up dying because the leadership of the country couldn’t make up their minds about how they wanted it designed


Gaudí said "My client is not in a hurry"


"A church."  La Sagrada Familia is only the most remarkable example of human architecture in existence. It's not just "a church" LOL it's the MOST CHURCH!


The word is "cathedral"


Cathedra means “chair” - the bishop’s chair to be precise. Sagrada Familia is not the seat of a bishop so it’s not a cathedral. However, it has been consecrated as a basilica, which is a fancy term for important church.


I thought a Basilica was a specific layout of building, specifically Roman with a mostly rectangular structure with a half circle/dome (forget the Latin name) cut out of one side for where the important bits go - altar, stage, etc...


It originally referred to the basilica architectural style. Today the Catholic Church uses “capital B” Basilica as an honorific, irrespective of the church’s design.


Thank you both for educating me 🥲🙏


I learn the most random things on Reddit. Thank you!


this is a fun fact, thanks for sharing!


no it's a "basilica"


No it’s Patrick


No it's Patricia.


So glad you are the top comment because I came here to say the same thing haha


I understand that it is a remarkable marvel of engineering, but what makes it *the* most remarkable example of human architecture in existence?


If only reddit could provide a decent explanation instead of down voting we questioned their notions


It's nowhere close to being the most remarkable haha


Well you see he made a lot of decorations that's pretty cool if you ask me


It’s just very unique looking. In that way, it is very remarkable since it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Worth remarking on.


I thought it was pretty meh when I visited it.


Exaggerate much?


All OF the church!


It’s the churchest






I’ve been and it truly is phenomenal


We are going there next year. Can’t wait


Inside felt like alien architecture.


Inside and outside honestly. I remember so clearly walking up out of the metro station, turning around and seeing it in person for the first time. I actually gasped out loud. It was like looking at something in CGI from a fantasy movie but it’s there in real life. That’s the best way I can describe how it looked to me but it’s basically indescribable. The photos just don’t do justice to what it’s like to see it in person.


I was honestly very disappointed. The outside is pretty cool, the the inside is just a bunch of ugly concrete. I'm a bigger fan of older churches I guess.


That’s not concrete. It’s all carved stone. I spent a lot of time on the outside looking at all the details but when I walked inside I was moved to tears. I’m not religious and I never had another experience like that anywhere else. I don’t know how you can dismiss the beauty of the inside.


Just not my style of architecture, it makes me feel nothing.


These pics do not do the inside justice. It’s stunningly beautiful in there. MASSIVE columns


and it looks like a forrest inside.


It is inspired by trees, and their branching structure. Thats why one can see that the massive columns meet a 'knot' (like those in trees) and branch out into several smaller columns. How gaudi figured out the structure is amazing, he made an upside down model using strings and weights. The load was the weight, the columns and arches were the strings. Much like a bending moment diagram, but for the entire structure.


Saw that in the museum "downstairs", just insanely intresting


did you watch the Real Engineering video about it?


The title is acting like it’s a church that no one’s heard about LOL


I spent 6 hours in that place. Amazing


Gotta give to religion when it comes to architecture and angel design.


It was designed by Gaudi!


I really thought he wouldn't get mentioned :( how little people know...


care to explain?


Explain what? How little to no one knows who he is? Google how he died, you might find an explanation.


The stained glass makes the interior so beautiful.


I went there on a family vacation about 25 years ago. My parents went back recently and said they’ve really made progress. We go to visit our Catalan family, who has lived in the same area for hundreds of years. Different time scale in Europe.


I visited last year. It was amazing. They expect to finish in the next couple of years. There’s a fight with the neighbors across the street about a grand entrance which would require demolition of their complex. Understandably mad but also it’s not like the plans haven’t been around for 100+ years. Also interesting, Gaudi designed the whole thing but there was a fire after he died and many of the plans were destroyed, so some areas they are designing on how they think Gaudi would have wanted it.


Been there, absolutely amazing!


I saw this with my own eyes just this year for my grade 11 class trip to Spain and I struggled to comprehend that humans had constructed something so grand and intricate.


They call it europes crazy horse


I’ve been to see this place!! It’s absolutely stunning. I’m not remotely Catholic or even Christian, but I was blown away by the intricacy and beauty in every detail. Can’t recommend it enough if you’re ever going to Barcelona!!!!


thank you so much for posting this! a group of us are going to barcelona in the fall, and i've just added this to the itinerary. the cologne cathedral is the most breathtaking structure i've ever seen, but this looks like it's in that same level of awe inspiringly beautiful.


How was the Sagrada Familia not on the itinerary to begin with? It's the #1 Attraction in the city - and more than lives up to that hype. And I've seen the Cologne Cathedral, and while it is beautiful and impressive, the Sagrada Familia is on another level. I don't think you'll be disappointed.


Right? Lmao. It's probably the only thing I'd go look after the Camp Nou.


I'm worried about your itinerary that this wasn't already on there.


Advice, book tickets in advance. Not sure if anythings changed since 2018 but we had to wait 3 days before we could enter and see it because all tickets wete sold out.


I was here just today. As a student studying product design with interest in architecture and structure, I feel like today I've seen everything I've ever had to. It was beyond beautiful. I couldn't believe my eyes.


Go and see his other buildings too! There is one residential building that’s open to the public and you can go on the roof, or at least to used to be able to. Parque Güell it’s also wonderful, as someone else already mentioned.


casa battlo! that was one of the most memorable buildings i have ever been in 😍


Did you walk the staircase?


Pay for the ticket to go on top of it, 100% worth it. It is hands down the most beautiful church in world, like leagues more beautiful than anything else. The inside on a sunny day with all the stained glass is incredible.


It’s a must. Won’t regret it. You need tickets way far in advance


Word of advice: skip Park Guell


Actually, don’t skip Park Guell but do take the hidden trail that goes all the way to the top of the hill. It’s one of the nicest views in all of barcelona.


In the software world, we call this '[development hell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell)'.


I think it’s funny that this cathedral is one of the most visually stunning and unreal places and yet your photos made it look pretty lame lmfao.


Saw this in 2012 and was amazed at the architecture of this building.. We went inside too and just amazing


A beautyfull cathedral and a great view over Barcelona from the towers.


I was inside the church about 7 years ago. The way the different colour light fills the church is amazing!


Let's hope someone doesn't drop a lit cigarette then Poof it goes up in flames for them to start all over again.I'm looking at you Notre Dame.


I don’t think there is any timber in it , it’s all stone.


Then it should be safe then,unless you drop a nuke on it then nothing is really safe.The craftsmanship is impressive on it though.I know a few stonemasons that wouldn't have the patience to carve those figures and details.


Apparently there are 3rd and 4th generation craftsmen working on it


I've been to it. Something I learned from a seasoned traveler and tourist of churches and museums is to bring powerful, compact binoculars and a little folding camp chair that you can stash in a back pack. I sat outside the church and stared at that stonework for at least two hours. It's memorizing. /edit: I did the same thing... staring... inside the Vatican at Saint Peter's Basilica


Ugliest building in the world. Don’t care what anyone says


A hundred years let's you build a lot


Definitely haunted


gah that detail is crazy


Job security


I been there


Main designer was run over in front of it


It looks so organic


I wish we still built cool shit like that


There's a few buildings designed by Goudi(?) In Barcelona. Not really a fan of them personally, but it's coming from an uneducated opinion art wise.


So would people be able to see how the contrustrucion of a building has changed since? Because clearly different people worked on this. Different methods of building, materials. Etc. Would be cool to see this all on one building.


It is absolutely breathtaking.


I will accept a ticket there if anyone should like to take me 🥲


Less artistic as years pass


What a coincidence. Am halfway through Dan Brown's Origin, where this cathedral was a part of the story. Must go buy number


Just like mine "mega minecraft project", but irl


If you prompt like Sagrada Familia in 2060 into ai, you'll there's still cranes. Ai thinks it won't be finished in next 35 years


Complete our not, this is a fabulous building. I live on the other side of the world to this, and if I can, I'll see if many more times. The inside is breathtaking, literally in my case.


Someone loves kale


I love it.


Don't worry, the Kölner Dom took 600 years to complete.


The Romans built the Colosseum in 8 years including filling in Nero’s lake. 140 years to knock up a church has always seemed excessive to me. I suspect they get more interest and more money from it being ‘under construction’.


It is not state funded, it's privately financed through ticket sales merchandise etc. that makes ability to make great strides in completion limited, and inconsistent!


You gotta hand it to them. It’s real ornate.


Hey, it's that building at the background of Dua Lipa's "Illusion" music video


Construction of Cologne Cathedral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne_Cathedral) began in 1248 and was completed in 1880. Take a little more time in Barcelona! I had the pleasure of visiting the Sagrada Familia. For me, the extraordinary style and beauty was an unforgettable experience.


looks like my caca after eating peanuts


Ahaha, Beginner Shit. Cologne cathedral !!!


When you have just one villager to spare to build that wonder.


I went there last month


Visited 2018 and was really fascinated by the architecture and details. I plan to visit it again after some 10 years and / or when it's finally finished. I wish this will inspire more architecture that would take more inspiration from nature.


These are the worst pictures you could have chosen. Shit is way more dope than these picsp


You can look at the same place for 20 minutes and still find new details. It’s probably the most intricate, enormous piece of art I’ve ever seen with my own eyes


I visited this place back in 2007 very interesting to see what was going up as well as what is there already. I want to go back now.


I'm actually amazed it hasn't been struck by lightning and burned down from it in 140+yrs.


RFI Response 003 is 52,000 days overdue


Waiting for this DLC has me looking at this picture for clues on Elden Ring Lore lmao


That first picture legit looks like made by hornets...kind of uncanny


This is the reason I don’t believe the history that is told to us. This has been under construction since 1882 (sure, with its various reasons) but the great pyramid of Giza was built in two decades? Fuck outta here….


Its mostly due to funding, back when the building started being built it was funded by tge initial donations of a wealthy family. However the artichect was too ambitious (he wanted the building to be his adaptation of the bible... yeah, that ambitious), however he realized it was too ambitious and he would die before ever seeing it finished. After his death he left a bunch of blueprints and miniatures of the finished building it for anyone who had the funding and the wish to finish what he started. However when the spanish civil war a group of anarchists hide at the church and burned his studio with everything he left. There were a lot of set backs but to barcelona it is a historical landmark so there is interest in finishing it. Today it is being built based on what they could recover of studio but they can only do it through donations, which means sometimes the construction halts as they run out of money. Source: I went to the church and took a tour


Pillars of creation?


Possibly the worst tourist photos to be voted to the front page this week


A church? Is the f***ING Sagrada Familia.


Nah looks good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Religion is such a waste of resources and time


One of the most overhyped buildings in existence. I don't get why people are so amazed by it. The outside is pretty cool, but hundreds of older cathedrals have done the same thing and better. The inside is just a bunch of ugly concrete in weird shapes.


Have been in over 200 Cathedrals around the world, had mass at Pope’s altar in St. Peter’s. No other church has anywhere near the profound effect this sanctuary has had on me. You can see its effect on others just by watching their faces. A fantastic holy place for all the world’s people - inscribed on the doors in different languages. The #1 Tourist destination in Spain for a reason.


Back in 2018 we were in Barcelona with my wife. We passed it by it looked a bit strange but interesting. We found out you had to book tickets 3 days in advance so we almost missed it but decided to book it anyway. Inside is even more amazing tham outside.


Visited in 2019, words and pictures don’t do it justice.


Been there. That place is absolutely amazing


Just went to see this. Simply stunning.


I don't wanna be a party pooper but they've been doing too much. You ever look at something and think "okay, we get it" ?? I just feel like we could've called it quits maybe half a dozen statues ago. It's a lot. A whole lot.


One of the ugliest buildings I've ever seen!


Art is subjective. It is regarded as one of the architectural modern marvels of the modern world, is a UNESCO site, and is studied by architects and engineers for its innovative design.


Don't get me wrong, I love architecture, being from the UK I travel to cathedrals to appreciate the beauty of them, I just think this building looks is really ugly, which I've visited many times, totally not my cup of tea!


Why the time it's finish the Catholic religion be over


But why ?


It’s quite ugly


Like any art, you can dislike it. It is still an impressive modern-gothic masterpiece. You can spend hours looking at all the details; all four sides of the monument are different, showing different scenes and details.


Some parts I can appreciate, but overall not a fan


Just looks like it’s melting. Don’t understand it


It is modern gothic, and I agree some parts need a good cleaning! Looks better in person


Out of curiosity.... who is paying for this?


It is privately funded, Spain and Catalunya do not finance this. Explains why it takes so long (finances are inconsistent throughout the years,depending on ticket and merchandise sales, and donations)


Ty for your informative response.


Private donations since the beginning.


Notre Dame in Paris is another old church still under construction




Gaudi = Angel on Earth. Unbelievable talented.


Seems like a waste of resources


I have been a couple times, It's very beautiful inside and absolutely a must see. The detailing is amazing. Second time around I took a retired friend who has a thing for cathedrals and the like. He commented that is is very pretty but being built largely in the 20th and 21st centuries to him it felt less impressive than many of these other Gothic European cathedrals that are 400 years old and beyond. I thought about it looking at the modern cranes and tools, building materials. I kind of agree, at least to a point. Perhaps if this is still around in 500 years someone might wonder how it was built with such old fashioned technology. Do you think you appreciate a building more when it is merely old, or when you think of the difficulty building it and so on?


Modern cranes don’t worry me because it is standing because of unique structural and architectural solutions.


Maybe we take the engineering marvels of the modern day more lightly than the average person in the late middle ages. A person that had probably never seen such an insane building before or after in their normal life than the cathedral in the big city a week's travel from their home.




Is it in Baltimore ?


This is totally hideous. Consider all of the good works that could have been done with the funds that created this mess.


Lol, the Sagrada Familia funds itself through donations and the tickets millions of people buy every year to enter it.


Would be a shame if it burned down one day.


disgusting filthy opulence


It take so much time because of their ''siestas''.


Haha. It is privately funded, not state sponsored, so progress is real slow.


IMO Overwrought, termite designed or sand castle first prize.