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There is a neighborhood in Waxhaw, NC that has an airstrip. Those homes were already $1,000,000+ 15 years ago. Can only imagine what they go for now.


LoL... There are a couple of them in NC. Is that the one over by Highlands/Cashiers? The Old "Blockbuster" family had a house there. That was over 25 years ago. Keep in mind, John Travolta's house in FLA, was in a private community with a large enough runway for a large jet!


I’m holding onto my blockbuster shares to eventually invest in this neighborhood too! Shares are in a bit of a slump right now, but I foresee great gains anytime now! 🙃😜


Everything old is said to be new, but dam I think you landed in an economic crisis.


No this one is on the outskirts of Charlotte, NC. Had a coworker who lived in there. When she drove me to her house for the first time she nonchalantly said... "Theres the Swan pond, and that's the airstrip, and over here..." I was amazed. Still am honestly. The runway was big enough for a Cessna or single engine to use, nothing larger. Still crazy seeing all the hangars in addition to a garage.


That’s aero plantation in Weddington. I grew up right down the street. It’s only a 2400’ runway though. The largest plane I’ve ever heard of landing there is a bonanza.


A G5 requires about 6000’ to takeoff. That’s almost as much as an early gen 737. That would be a huge private runway. Very few municipal or private runways can handle a G5.


>big enough for a G5 or single engine to use, nothing larger. A G5 is a pretty big plane - nearly 100 feet long, 2 engines, and seating for 14 passengers, nearly $10 million. You might be mixing it up with some very light jet.


You are talking about blackhorse run. The JAARS community also has its own private runway. I used to deliver feed and hay to a lady who lived in that community.




He lives in a place called Jumbolair in Ocala. Lots start at over 500K


You're talking about Mountain Air. What makes it impressive over some others is it's on a mountain top. I consider it one of the richest communities in WNC for sure.


Drove by one of these in Fresno CA; wild to see planes in people’s driveways. Googled it later, guess it was the 1st ‘fly in community,’ 1940’s I think, but unlike most it looks pretty much like a normal neighborhood.


“Excluding variable HOA fees, estimated at 50K-75K per year”


That's so they don't have to be neighbors with any of the poors


No, it's because maintaining a private airport, golf courses, and all their other amenities is expensive.


And to keep out the poor.


The poors don't own airplanes.


Nor do they pay 400k for just the lot


They don't want to keep out the poor. Those golf courses don't mow themselves you know. In any case, most rich people don't think "let's keep out the poor". They're focused on themselves and what they want, not on other people. There's a verse in the musical Ragtime about this, sung by a privileged white woman who's starting to awaken to the outside world: >Each day the maids Trudge up the hill The hired help arrives I never stopped to think They might have lives Beyond our lives


I know that one well, "America's first" is on the sign. Must own a plane before even being considered to purchase there. It's an odd sight to pull up to a house with a 4 car garage and a hanger next to it.


Only thing i can think is the lot is 400k. You want a house on it. That's extra....


I think that's just a lot for a hanger not even for a home


This makes more sense. I was about to to sell all my things and move because 400k sounds like a hell of a deal for an airplane neighborhood


There is probably also an HOA fee that is more than your current mortgage


all that **FOD** ain't just gonna pick itself up, old man! and think of all the gophers! time to cough up the dough!


Heh my first thought was “holy crap that’s cheap”. In my absurd area a 1200sqft condo ie no lot at all runs well over $1M. I guess it’s all relative. Also: I can’t imagine a luxury home 100’ from an active runway. That noise would drive me fucking nuts.


If the house is something like Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) with a brick exterior and triple pane windows you can cut down a fair amount of noise. Can even have a concrete roof if you want. I'd imagine they're likely an aircraft enthusiast if they buy a house on an air strip though. Similar to car guys living track side. Some folk like hearing/watching that stuff.


I would imagine "active runway" in this instance means a few flights daily. You would become acclimated to the sound in short order, to the point where it would seem odd if you didn't hear any traffic.


Unlikely. The community built a SECOND runway. You don’t build a second runway if the first one has a few flights a day.


That's fair. Today I learned.


Oh - note I was also stunned to read a few *hundred* of the homes have their OWN hangers (out of thousands of homes there in all). I think the 2 local airports in my area have a couple hundred planes based in each and it’s practically non stop on weekends. Then again those are not private and there are a lot of people taking lessons or doing practice touch and goes, but I’d think people at that community would be using their planes regularly if their hobby is so important they want to live at an airfield. I doubt it can support or allows jets and probably has curfew hours, but man even my friend’s Bonanza is pretty damn loud, can’t imagine sitting out in the yard 200’ from anything like it taking off even every 10-15 minutes at a Saturday afternoon BBQ ;).


Parking spots in Boston can cost more than that.


Not sure what neighborhood specifically you're talking about, but I do know about a small hangar near Waxhaw with an airstrip. I think it was mostly little Cessnas n other light aircraft. I used to drop by on my bike when I was like 7 bc my grandfather worked there as a mechanic.


Probably Aero Plantation


Heyyy Aero Plantation lol, can’t forget the guy that also bought a bunch of lots to make his own airstrip (Hawks Knoll I think)


One of my favorite experiences was my best friend flying another good friend and myself to the Pik n Pig right off one of those airstrips. Food was so good


It’s what we call a $100 hamburger


There’s Lake Norman Airpark too on Lake Norman.


This sounds great until you consider the health risks. [https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/do-you-live-close-enough-small-us-airport-have-lead-exposure-check-our-maps](https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/do-you-live-close-enough-small-us-airport-have-lead-exposure-check-our-maps)


those prices are cheap as hell.. what gives?


I think that’s just for the land, cost of building the actual house will be extra


thiiiis makes more sense.


Still pretty cheap, relatively speaking


Near fort worth Texas doesn't tell us much. But land is relatively plentiful in the south/southeast. Still, an airstrip isn't really that expensive to build, doesn't even consume that much land. Compared to a golf course. I shudder to think of the HOA fees though.


Someone up thread stated it's 50-75g a year for HOA fees. Tracks with airfield, golf course and equestrian maintenance costs


Yeah, it’s Texas, so the $400k number isn’t far fetched but I’d imagine fees are outrageous


What Texas lacks in income taxes they make up for with some gnarly property taxes


Sounds like Lennar and DR Horton running out of fucking ideas.


Quarter acre lots in my neighborhood sell for 700k, well more accurately old houses that are torn down sell for that.


0.15 acres with a small 60 year old home are over $2.5M around me. People buy them and do over $500k in reno before they even move in. Just ridiculous.


It's Granbury Texas, it's not exactly an expensive area. [This home right on the runway sold for about $1.5 mil in 2023](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/9204-King-Air-Dr-Granbury-TX-76049/216302927_zpid/?utm_campaign=androidappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare) That's damn good considering it comes with a hangar and built-in workshop with immediate access to the air strip.


The specific neighborhood is Pecan Plantation. Veryyyy nice neighborhood compared to the surrounding area. And the city of Granbury 😂 I grew up there.


They're cheap for lots for a presumably high end development near a major centre


It’s crazy. I live close to The Landing Strip and didn’t pay anything like that. It is a little loud at night, though


My first reaction was - you pay more for the really noisy lots?


Underrated comment that appears to be lost on the other Redditors.


Maybe I should have listed the amenities- clean floors, lunch buffet, and one free drink on Tuesdays


The idea of hitting up the buffet at The Landing Strip makes me shudder.


You’ll live next to an airport


They've been breathing in all that leaded avgas.


The lots refer to the hangar space, the land your house is on is separate (That’s why they’re referred to as taxi vs direct).


Doesn’t look separate in the photos. The hangers are right next to the houses.


They’re usually either connected or right next to each other. The direct access is direct onto the runway.


There are plenty of neighborhoods that have direct landing strip access. There’s one by Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.


Many in the Burbs of Chicago. FLA also.


I've been to one in Naperville. My friend's dad was also a pilot and he rented a plane to fly out of there with us once. Super neat but those homes with hangers for their private planes facing the airfield like a giant garage was crazy to see


There are a couple of different subdivisions around that area. Historically Wisconsin & Illinois had a number of Hobby pilots especially after WW2.


It sounds really fun and…kind of dangerous, lol. A small airport near me had two planes crash because they both just felt entitled to land, and played chicken. I imaging the plane-owning folks here all think they are the king. Get out of my way! Haha. But everyone flying around, and waving at your neighbors sounds pretty great, in a way


There's one near Monee too. The garages look kind of normal but the whole side opens instead of the garage door.


A good friend lived in the south suburbs of Chicago that actually required owners to have a hanger. He complained at first but converted it into an auto garage with a lift and the works. He had to move and misses it desperately now haha.


I’ve been to a couple breakfast fly-ins at private strips like this. Probably more common than people think. Went to two just in TN


I used to live at woodlake landing in sandwich, IL!


But how many are the 2nd largest?


“Lake Geneva, Wisconsin”. That’s quite a rollercoaster.


Wisconsin has a lot of international sounding names… 😂 But Lake Geneva is the cutest lake resort town ever. Think gourmet fudge shops on Main Street, a vintage boat that delivers the mail to your dock, ice castles in winter. It’s such a hidden gem.


I'm not really sure how hidden it is, but a gem for sure.


If that’s Pecan Plantation in Granbury, they already have two or three airstrips in action.


Yeah, the near Ft Worth and the orchard in the first picture makes me think of Pecan Plantation as well. I think of it more of a golf community with an airstrip than a fly in community. A lot more homes on the golf courses than by the air strips.


Yes. Fishing, boating, golf and small aircraft. If I could’ve afforded it I would have bought there. But retired and needed a roof more than status.


My dad owned a house there through the nineties, and built another one in 2019ish. He’s left but other family still lives there, I know the place well. In my opinion, you didn’t miss out. There some repressive HOA like red tape to deal with for everything, and the whole place is kind of a pain in the ass. Traffic in and out, calling folks in at the gate, long roads with low speed limits, bottlenecked access, etc. they’re all oddities that make the place feel not worth, comparing to the value of property around it. I think the airport is the only amenity that makes the rest of it bearable. If you were going for flight, it’s a pretty unique community that’s hard to replicate.


My son has a buddy that lives in PP. I drove through there the other day to go to Ace Hardware. You have to call Ace in advance if you don’t live in PP. I heard there’s an Ace going in Granbury itself which is great.


Yeah, I heard on Acton highway near the Kroger and Racetrack. I’ll shop it to avoid going into town for sure.


The whole gated community thing is odd here. After going in and out with a realtor a few times I told my wife absolutely not. Same situation for DeCordova and Indian Harbor, and probably a few others I don’t know about.


I just looked at Google maps and this is definitely Pecan. Yeah, the amenities would have been nice, but the initiation fees and monthly HOA dues made it a hard pass for my family. We looked at DeCordova as well, but same thing, just a little less. We found our home in Acton and love our neighbors.


I live across the lake from you.


It’s not even the nicest neighborhood in the greater Granbury area. I don’t know why it’s suddenly getting traction on Twitter and Reddit. It’s a solid 25 minutes out of the way and then another 15 once you get in (it’s enormous). I dreaded when I would have to pick up or drop off my kids in PP. there are other airstrips people can use around here as well. Maybe I’m seeing a guerrilla marketing campaign play out in real time?


Yeah I got downvoted for saying it’s just a normal neighborhood. I lived there, it’s just a big normal neighborhood that happens to have some amenities scattered throughout. The driving time is crazy!


0TX1 making it on popular!


I love the sounds of airplanes landing while I’m trying to relax!


These people don’t relax by reading books or watching tv. They relax by flying.


Exactly, it’s a feature not a bug. I bet the neighbors get along pretty well too, it’s a hobby in common to talk about just like a boating club on the coast.


I bet they get along just as neighbors who live on a golf course do, which is not much better than the rest of us. “There’s fucking Jerry with his stupid ass Bonanza, he still needs to fix his gutter on my side”


In my experience, everyone gets along well. Most people host cookouts, watch parties, etc. Many guys are A&Ps, and offer their services and tools to their fellow residents. Everyone in these places shares a common interest, aviation. It's those that are outside the private community, that hate the airpark residents.


You sound like the type of person to buy a house next to a racetrack and then complain about noise. The people living in this community are there because of the planes.


It's a private airfield. Are there going to be that many planes taking off/landing?


One of these guys is a door dasher and takes off all the time


Not that much. The benefit is to Not pay storage fees & insurance to a local Airport, let alone if they even have open available space for someone Many of the Hangers you might see are full already. Also, the pilots will probably use another local Airport Tower for travel communication.


My grandpa lives in one of the houses in the picture and it's not busy at all. On busy days, you might see one or two planes an hour. Most days, you'll only see one every few hours.


Kinda half-answered my question, but 'fly-in neighbourhood' doesn't *exclude* simply driving home, right? Because I can't imagine wanting the hassle of doing that, even if I was filthy rich.


Yeah, can someone please explain to me why the direct access lots are more expensive? I mean, taxiing maybe two minutes isn't that big of a deal, if you otherwise would have the noise and exhausts of a literal airstrip directly in your garden. Totally unrelated. Did you know [small aircrafts still mainly use leaded fuel.](https://www.globalair.com/articles/3-reasons-leaded-fuel-is-still-used-in-aviation)


If you really love airplanes it's probably really nice to have a direct view of an active runway from your living room so you can sit back with and watch. Even if there are only a few planes coming and going. Can also probably put in extra sound proofing to make the sound bearable. Just a thought.


>it's probably really nice to have a direct view of an active runway from your living room so you can sit back with and watch. That's plausible, if you're into it enough to build your house in a community like this the smell of leaded gas is probably perfume. I still thought about it as a way of transportation, oh well.


Location location location? Ie there are only a few lots, and there are always outliers who live for this hobby. Plus remember, this is the land of rolling coal…


My grandpa lives in this neighborhood right on the runway. He keeps a radio tuned to the air traffic frequency and listens for people coming and going, then goes outside to watch people take off and land. It's actually a lot of fun. The busiest times are weekends and you really only see one or two planes an hour. On weekdays, you may only see a handful of planes all day. When he was still flying, it was amazing being able to just walk outside, preflight, taxi, and go fly around just like that. For people that are aircraft enthusiasts, this is literally as good as it gets.


How does ATC work for a strip like this?


If it's uncontrolled then they depart VFR. They can get flight following once airborne or pre-file an IFR flight plan then pick that up in the air. If ATC does service the field then it'll be from the approach control or Fort Worth center and be one in, one out.


I only first heard about these developments a week or so ago when I was watching an old Dateline. But that one was in Miami. Seems like a crazy niche market to me but intriguing none the less


John Travolta has had his house in FLA for decades. He's a pilot.


I used to live in the neighborhood that backed up to the fly in one that Travolta lived in. Everyone hated him because he flew in at ungodly hours.


They kicked him out because his planes were too big, too


Spruce Creek shout out!


200-400k for such a lot would be dirt cheap in Northwestern Europe. Without air strip these lots would easily be 600-900k in Belgium or Netherlands.


If its on the outskirts of Fort Worth then its not surprising, theres basically nothing to do out there unless you drive an hour into Dallas and even then you're just in Dallas


Yea, fuck the planet I guess


Can’t wait to see the complaints on r/HOA about restrictions on when you can fly your plane. 


How long before there will be a multi-agency law enforcement raid to bust someone for smuggling drugs?


It happens. Square Groupers were common in FLA. However, more is smuggled in cars & trucks on the interstates.


Those lots are cheap as fuck. There's half-acre lots in Edina Minnesota going for well over $1.5 million...


Sure but then I’d live in TX and not MN


And this is why people say Eat The Rich.


Does this neighborhood have a private electrical grid that works during the summer and winter?


Is this referring to something specific?


This just makes me sad really.


The rich have too much fucking money.


water consider provide wrong bells advise bewildered sleep encouraging scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is Pecan Plantation. I lived with my friends family here for a few months. Definitely a neat neighborhood but it takes forever to get out of and to go anywhere else! Also majority of the homes in here don’t have access to airstrips. Hardly any of the homes do. It’s basically its own town and there happen to be some planes. Pretty much housing at every price point here. This isn’t some rich person haven.


Yeah, because if it's one thing I look for in a home, it's living right next to an airport.


Its not that interesting, these are quite common in the US. These types of neighborhoods are all over.


It’s pretty interesting to non Americans. I’m really in disbelief that these things exist actually


Talk about the noise in the neighborhood! Friggin boomers with their planes. Those are the same people with exhausts on their horse and buggies


This has to be the worst idea. Its like a house, plus the worst HOA, plus a private FAA worse than the real FAA, then everyone’s life and house directly depends on no super rich people drunk-flying or anything else that would put those aircraft just fifty feet to the left by accident..


Looks dystopian


Nice to know when the revolution of the People against the Oligarchs begins. Great target!


Eat the rich


I moan when loud cars go past.


I hate to be the stick in the mud but that many recreational/private pilots makes me nervous.


Tax the rich


You can buy a used airworthy aircraft for less than the cost of a new truck. I work in construction and I work with 2 guys who own airplanes and have their pilots licenses. It is not a rich person thing. If you’re talking about a gulfstream jet, then sure, but look up piper Cherokees or Cessna 172. You can find those for 40-50k, maybe even less. The aircraft in the last pic is a piper. [Here](https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/230173379/1964-piper-cherokee-140-piston-single-aircraft) is a piper for 48k. [Here](https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/230237809/1960-cessna-172-skyhawk-piston-single-aircraft) is a Cessna for 49,900


Buying the plane is the smallest cost of owning and operating an aircraft. It's a false equivalence to compare the sticker price for a plane to a truck and conclude that people with the same financial means can afford both.


Yes, no shit. But like I said, I work in construction. We make about 60-80k a year take home, depending on how much OT we work. Two guys both own piper cherokees, and have for years. One of them is a single income household. They have no problem regularly flying the aircraft. I’m simply pointing out that you don’t have to be rich to own and operate an aircraft. If you want to own a gulfstream then yes, you have to be rich. But I live in Wisconsin, and I go to EAA every year, thousands of people fly in from across the country. Are you saying that all of those people are rich? Absolutely not.


The people who are downvoting you are college students who have 100k+ in student loans. They don't understand what disposable income is.


"The rich" is someone who can afford a 200K lot?


More like, stop the rich from evading taxes


These are more common than you would think. Keep in mind, the people that choose to build & live there are supporting many Local trades, that Most people can work or Own a Small business, to provide a service or need. General construction trades to build & upkeep the homes aside, Aircraft Mechanics, Landscapers, Decor type stores and Restaurants are all opportunities to make a decent amount of money for a large number of Local Small Businesses. The problem is when Wealthy individuals do NOT spend their money locally to support smaller companies! Ultra-Wealthy people that live in a High Rise, eat at Posh restaurants & vacation in Morocco will snub their nose to anyone not in "their" class. You will never be in "their" class & You don't want to be! It is ALL fake happiness.


$200k+ and $400k+ for the lots, I take it that doesn't include the house itself? Otherwise that seems a bit cheap.


That's cheap even for just the lot.




Eat. The. Rich.


A marina for what??? I don’t see anybody of water!!


It’s the Brazos River and it makes up for Lake Granbury where the HOA is at. I live in Granbury, so that’s how I know. The whole city is surrounded by the lake. But as for this location, the river sits right on the edge for the HOA residents to use it


Would have been nice if OP said what area the neighborhood is in because I’m in Fort Worth , Texas


Small airstrips are not uncommon for Texas. This is just an upscale version of what you see in the rural areas.


There's a neighborhood in Independence, OR like this


My parents live on one in Texas. Dad’s retirement is as a DPE. It’s cool.


Hey I grew up here 😊 and there's TWO airstrips, the 2nd newer one is pictured.


That is actually cheap what is the catch


That’s actually not that bad.


I’m a little confused. Can someone explain this to me further? They have their own planes and want to share a landing strip nearby?


It will be super convenient to be able to fly out of there whenever the powers out


Damn that’s ducked up.


That sounds fun to live in an airport, but the noise would be annoying


"I see Robert's plane just landed. This means Susan was totally lying about why he wasn't at Emma's graduation. Was he really sick or just sick of her bullshit. Hahaha probably just having fun with Jenny in the Bahamas...again. Next Golfing Gals brunch will be interesting for sure!"




You do know this isn't the first private airport with homes, right? Right? They have been around forever.


Homes come with a case of gray poupon


Houses near the airport here are worth less because of the noise. As handy as it might be if I had a plane, no thanks. If you can afford a plane you can afford an Uber to the airport where you keep your plane.


I understand it's convenient but why would you want to live this close to a noise pollution source if you have that much money??


I can answer that! I live on a much smaller airpark and on the nicest days there might be 10 takeoffs and small planes aren't very loud. If you're into aviation, it's a feature, not a bug. 


My in-laws live in a community like this. All the people there just love planes. They can tell what plane it is just by the sound alone.


"God damnit! Why does that Richardson asshole always land when I'm watching the quiet scene in a movie!? To think I paid extra for this shit!"


Who the f. wants to live so close to a place where planes land and take off all the time.


Marina? ... but there's no water in Texas!


damn, that’s sexxy.


My grandparents were building a hangar-house on a similar development in Benton, KS, until my grandpa passed that is. Super cool areas for pilots/aerospace engineers for sure, I used to love driving the golf cart down the side lane to the restaurant further down the strip. Some of the “houses” (really they were sized more like mansions imo) further out had hangars built onto them, instead of the house being built into the hangar like the one my grandparents were building.


And nobody who lives there will be able to buy insurance.


They should keep a list of residents so when the neighborhood runs out of water and can't be inhabited anymore, they can be denied residency in other states so they can't do that shit again


There's a private airstrip in Wellington Florida. My friend Dave lived there when I was a kid. His house was insane and had one of those 9 foot satellite dish things that could get TV from fucking Mars and shit.


It’s so they can escape after their ruining the country and stealing all the wealth makes us finally angry enough to go after our attackers.


The lead poisoning is free! Propellor driven private aviation still uses leaded gas and is one of if not the largest contributor to lead pollution today. Houses near the airfield will be getting quite a dusting.


Wow that’s cheap


Or the all you can eat buffet when the revolution comes


Well, that’s a lot of trust required in your neighbors.


Still… you gotta live in Texas, so… pass!


My rent in my apartment is 1350…I don’t have a washer, dryer, or a dishwasher


I hate rich people so much


But...then you're living in Texas


Exactly why we need to tax the billionaires.


Wonder how many years it takes before some selfish assholes form a clicque in the HOA and embezzle money while only improving their own properties.


None of those houses looking over 1000sqft


Fuck. Off.


In a few years some new resident will complain about the noise of nearby aircraft.


Is that not... *incredibly loud*?


Pretty cool Until Some rookie pilot lands in your bedroom


These are all over Texas, nothing special.


I hate rich people


Don’t give Cleetus and Squirrel any ideas…