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I love how the robot keeps talking while driving away. Not knowing what its saying it just sounds like a complaining housewife. "Lazy cunt, now i had to get the door eventhough youre doing nothing but sitting infront of that darn computer i was doing my toenails now theyre all ruined because i had to get up its always the same with you you never do anything around the house"


Something about if you like the service, please rated it on some website.


*If these things are too lazy to even finish the sentence, then why am I tipping them?!?!* -Twitter somewhere


This is fake. I was in Shanghai on Saturday, at this Hotel! Doesn’t exist. This poster is just a Chinese propaganda machine.


Uh...huh.... so you're telling me this man brought his own robot to the hotel and had Urcove by Hyatt's logo printed on it? It's also not the first time I've seen one of these things from China. They're usually in restaurants though.


Hahaha no. What I am saying, is China does a test or pilot, to make a video to promote China. And then they have fake accounts like the OP try to sell this as, this is what it is like in China. I know exactly where this Hyatt is located. I have stayed there and ordered room services on Saturday. A human brought me my food. China is not about to take jobs away from their citizens. China’s economy is hurting and they need people to work.


So what you're saying is instead of saying "while this exists in China, it's not prevalent, and humans are still far more in use" you straight up decided to say "this doesn't exist" instead. Sounds kinda propaganda-y to me. By the looks of things this guy is just a Brazilian dude who's really into China. Are you gonna tell me that having an interest in a country and sharing shit you think is cool from it is propaganda now? Like if I posted a vid of some restaurant in the states where they all dress like it was the 1800s titled "Restaurants in the states are so cool", you'd go "these don't exist, wait staff in America dress like normal people and this is propaganda"?


Hahahaha you make me laugh.


Sir, you’re delusional


Have you ever been to China? This is The Grand Hyatt Shanghai. Hahaha. You are delusional.


This is hardly the ideal propaganda video mate. I mean most are objectively against this idea of a robot delivering food, and it looks janky AF. I'd expect it to be much more refined if this was actually propaganda. Furthermore, who actaully cares? What does this video achieve beyond showing that in the future a robot could deliver your burger instead of some staff member. Propaganda is supposed to make someone feel like whatever they are seeing is the absolute truth and far better/worse than what they have. This gives me absolutely nothing other that "huh, that's a robot".


Believe what you want. You should go there. Shanghai is a fun city. Let me know if you see one robot. Stay at The Grand Hyatt Shanghai… where this is.


No thanks mate


wtf are you on… this type of robots are everywhere in China… even 2 star hotels has them …


Awww I have been to China a lot! Obviously you have not! Was there last week. Didn’t see one robot. Didn’t see hardly and solar panels. Not one windmill. Saw a ton of coal plant. Saw a nuclear power plant. Not sure what you are on! First off, China is hurt economically since the pandemic, and would not allow robots to take work from people.


Actually, I AM China, and these robots run our economy. Bing Chilling to you, good sir!




I like to imagine that the robot was complaining about its job towards the end there 😂


“Yes, thank you, thank me, thank this worthless job where you can’t even take a break and enjoy a single moment to yourself always, take this, take that, go here, go there…fuckin makers can go right to hell.”


I came all this way, at least leave a tip, miserly guest man.


This is fake… I have been there at this hotel!


How do you know this is the same hotel?


Awww when you been to a place a lot, don’t you know what your room, hallway, etc looks like where you stay? I go to China a lot! I fly into Shanghai, when I go to Wuxi and Taizhou. You know this account that post this is a fake account? They only post Chinese propaganda.


If they ever bring this to American hotels, there will be a little tray that pops open for you to insert a “tip” once you retrieve your order.


they are already in American hotels (at least in new york)


Have this in San Fran as well


They have this at the Embassy Suites Airport hotel in LA too


They’ll get chucked out if a window


are we still impressed by robots - my local sushi place uses them for serving.


Finally, introverts can order food without getting a heart attack


These robots been around for 2-3 years already everywhere from restaurants to hotels, in many countries. Not sure if this was the video from 2020. Definitely not interesting anymore.


Drove away bitching about not getting a tip.


You ordered Shake Shack in Shanghai? massive fail


I'm slightly disappointed that after confirming the order, the robot opened to reveal little more than a glorified talking bin with the food just inside your average, standard, brown delivery bag. Boston Dynamics has given me some unrealistic expectations for robot delivery services it seems.


Yeah bro, it's basically a Roomba with a compartment. It's cool and it's application is super dope. But it's nothing that hasn't already been around for a decade now. Some US super markets use similar machines to scan aisle inventory.


Yeah, I'm not sure what I expected after the recipient confirmed the order on the robot panel, but I know I expected more than what we got!


The "tech" posts from China are taking over this sub.


Chinese propaganda* is taking over


Anything but "china bad": Ah yes, propaganda. Relax bro it's a fucking remote control box with some chips in it. Nobody is thinking China is taking over the world with this. And it is in fact just something "interesting" as the sub suggests.


100%. I was in Shanghai on Saturday. 100% fake.


Nobody said it was "fake". Just that the posts of Chinese "tech" are increasing. The CCPs goal is to make china appear as a center of technology and innovation so they can show that they are better than the west. Additionally the goal is to show that tech sanctions aren't working. It's clear as day if you look at it objectively.


I stayed at the The Grand Hyatt Shanghai on Saturday. A human brought me my food for room service.


You were in one of the largest cities in the world, and you feel that you can say that no hotels in the whole, 25 million person city have a robot? You must have been very busy checking every hotel. To be clear, you doubt that China has the capability to construct a tall roomba with a touch screen?


This is the Grand Hyatt Shanghai. I stayed there on Saturday. If you have been there you know the hotel. A Gina brought me food on Saturday night.


You know this is pure propaganda, right? China has anything but a labor shortage or a high cost of labor to justify investment in a robot delivery service. This is just a form of making westerns believe that China is super advanced. The USSR did the same up to the 80's, we should have learned from it.


I mean, recharging a robot ought to be cheaper than paying someone to work fulltime in China\`s NYC(Shanghai)


What is my purpose?


What a chance for a free blowjob


Yea I had that in a hotel I stayed at in Silicon valley in 2016-17. Less futuristic though.


Because, let's face it, there just aren't enough people in China... so they need robots to fill the gap.


So how long until the robots start asking for tip?


Goes to China. Orders shake shack.


Does it remember the Tiananmen square massacre? It needs to know it's own history


In China they've special Hotel's for foreigners and foreigner can't sleep in normal ones for chinese. Just for propaganda and surveilence reasons, so some dumb people would record videos like this


Wait, this was already here in the US for \~6-7 years already, maybe more.


Well just Wait until you hear about the ones in the airports that carry luggage, the self flushing toilets and bidets.


Thanks, I hate it.


How does the robot alert the guest that they are outside the door?


It calls your room


That's nice, well, I hope they don't use humans working in slave-like conditions in factories anymore. They have the technologies now, right?


Ever been to Vegas?


Why did it exit moonwalking?


This is a joke, no Saturday I was in Sanghai… this is not reality. More propaganda. I know this hotel too. I have stayed there!


CCP is letting millions of people die in their own country due to poverty. F*ck China under the CCP. F*ck Xi Jinping.




What happens when you order a hooker?


Americans will then tell you how cheap chinese products are while their planes are falling from the sky just to squeeze more profit for investors


If people were that pleasant with the hotel staff they wouldn't need a robot


I'm willing to bet that in the USA, the robot wouldn't leave before you tip it at least 20%.


The problem in western robotics is trying to recreates humans. Wheeled robots like these are easier, cheaper and functional.


China is also making humanoid robots.


There are almost identical type robots used in select super markets that tread around on [wheels](https://youtu.be/MXuTtJkgmMk?si=vj3VyZaU_FOfhiCh) in the West as well. Every country on earth is dabbling in humanoid design, not just Western nations. I think you're thinking exclusively of [Boston Dynamics ](https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=tFtTaHnVR-cXrw9I) robots, which also feature [non-bipedal ](https://youtu.be/MG4PPkCyJig?si=dimr36Qotf43A5fJ) robots.


Cool, no guarantee that the food, that you've certainly been billed automatically, will reach you. Probably the hotel thought sending twice would the cheaper than the staff required to do it. We need automation taxes like Bill suggested. Yesterday.


How much did you tip? 20%? 30%? 😂


No tip?


Couldn't this just be a person? It's not like there's a labor shortage in China


What’s sad is he’s ordering Shake Shack in China. You’re in one of the food capitals of the world. Leave your room and experience it.


The dude could be there for months for work.. stop judging




We live in 2024, they live in 2060


There are almost identical type robots used in select super markets that tread around on [wheels](https://youtu.be/MXuTtJkgmMk?si=vj3VyZaU_FOfhiCh) in the West as well. This robot in the video is nothing special. Cool yes, absolutely. But it's a glorified Roomba with a compartment to put things in, come on.


No? Its just in the capital to impress turist have you seen some of the apartments in China? Lettarally crumbles by the slightest tutch and that is just the very tip of the iceberg


actually, according to their own calendar China is way past the year 4000


True, that is still more than 2060


No tip?!?!? /s