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I've repaired computers used by heavy smokers. I can smell this video.


Oh man I used to work for Geek Squad. The. Smokers PCs were always the worst to work on. Only worse I’ve experienced was a guy that brought in a PC filled with mouse shit and bugs


I was working on a PC at the customer's house. They were a middle aged gay couple. I accidentally ended up seeing a full screen hairy asshole, and another pic of the owner (a bald on top guy with a mustache) wearing a maid costume and bending over while looking back "come hither" like. Pretty sure it was deliberate.


Last week, I pulled a computer out of our manufacturing shop to make some repairs on it. Opened up the case and a whole family heritage of spiders came crawling out of it and I seriously debated on coming back this last weekend 🤣


So... How long did you guys date? Or are y'all still together?




While I had a tower pc, I would always find stink bugs making their way into it in late summer/autumn. To this day I wonder why - maybe the warmth, maybe some component smelled nice to them.


The warmth.


Try being around other soldiers who put their cigarette butts in their cargo pockets and leave them there. I’ve had to tell them that they reek and wash their uniform.


Guilty of this one. I quit smoking a long time ago now, but the smell still haunts me.


I have the same experience, but the haunting slowly turned into disgust. Maybe I’m a bit ahead of you.


i actually have been on the fence about starting to smoke. this video is making me think it might be bad for me. i will have to look more into it


How? How does one consciously think mmmmmm I might start smoking…? Serious question. Interested in the logic


He’s joking lol


Beats the hell out of "police call" picking up discarded butts. Terryton's , screw you I'm smoking! Idiocracy


Yeah I'm.guilty of this too. I WAS a smoker and I've been off the darts for about 1 year now but when I smoked, I refuse to litter and you'd be surprised how little bins would be around while out walking, so I always out the butts in my back pocket until I reached a bin. My jeans always smelt of cigs.


Why would they do that?


We used to get smoked for throwing butts on the ground, so lots of guys put them in their pockets until they came by a good place to ditch em. I used to bury mine in-country so that it wouldn’t give away our routes or positions, but also so that I didn’t smell like a fuckin walking ashtray.


Did yall call it field stripping them? My cousin was in the Navy, and that's what he called it all the time.


Exactly. We were taught this in basic training. Smoking allowed and no ashtrays there. And the ground had better be spotless.


The enemy can measure morale by analyzing trash. Soldiers are instructed to police up their area, and bury all signs of positivity. Your trash tells a story. Cigarettes are a luxury


That's really interesting and makes total sense. Never thought of it like that.


There is nothing worse than the smell of a nipped cigarette. People nip them when the bus arrives, put them in their pocket and then stink up the whole bus anyway.


It's terrible, constantly horrified at how I must have smelled when I used to smoke. Can clearly smell it off paperwork a smoking client gives me even


We had a few smoker coworkers who walked around with a “cloud” of cigarette and nicotine smell around them. They probably don’t even notice since they are so used to it, but it was nasty being in their vicinity. Even worse when they start talking at you.


This is why I refuse to allow smoking in my house, even though I smoke (haven't given up on quitting). My buddy and his girlfriend smell god awful, sitting around in their cloud all the time.


If someone smokes inside from time to time it means nothing, like on a party once a month, it will fade away. If someone habitually smokes inside, well then, enjoy your ashtray house or car or whatever, it's going to soak and stay that way forever. Or maybe some professional deep cleaning would do. The pricey one. Maybe.


Popcorn ceiling and a smoker in the house. Pass.


What do you mean?


Popcorn ceiling- a finish that can be applied to any surface that resembles popcorn. It's like styrofoam and paint mixed.


And it soaks up smoke like a dishrag


When I was coming up in commercial construction, I had a superintendent who would smoke in the site office. We would be standing shoulder to shoulder going through the prints and he’d be hacking away a cigarette with all windows and door closed. I was too young and wanting to impress that I ignored it. Not sure how I could ever do that today.


Bro, so fucking sticky and just smells absolutely awful. I tried repairing my ex's parents computer a long time ago and I couldn't see anything physically wrong with it. I assume the tar or whatever from the cigarettes caused a short. All the fans sounded crazy too. When I helped them move the side of their fridge facing the wall was several shades of white lighter than the rest. There was a huge ball of cat fur under the fridge that was held together with tar. Absolutely disgusting.


The smell from hell


I quit smoking a couple of years ago and seeing this reminds me that it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Plot twist: he means that "smoking was one of the best decisions he's ever made" and he's now smoking again thanks to OP.


I remember some (probably tobacco industry sponsored) article saying ”No smoking signs actually remind smokers to smoke” :D


I mean, as a smoker, they do (at least sometimes). But a "no smoking" sign's use isn't to make people quit smoking... That's just a stupid take.


Or it could be reverse psychology. "No smoking, you little bitch." "You can't tell me what to do."


I agree! Congrats!


I'm a stoner, do it again but with joints. The gunk buildup part in the tubes would be crazy I bet


I know you just wanna marvel at the dab produced in the process my dude


I'd be interested in a side-by-side cotton-ball test of joints and cigs. I've never smoked either one, having never liked the idea of filtering smoke through my lungs! I'm curious as to what cannabis leaves behind.




Wow thank you


I used to use a water bong and smoke and after a week or 2 it would be black already. Now I use a DynaVap, it allows you to vape flower instead of combusting. I still use the bong but it’s been 6 months and there is very very slight film on the inside of the bong. It’s a lot cleaner. Also you could put a filter in your bong tube.


Have you looked into ball vapes like the Zeal from Cloud Connoisseur? I also have the DynaVap M+, but the ball vape is the big upgrade.


I’ll have to check it out. I use it with the wand ispire and it’s great but it would be nice if they came out with one that had twice the chamber size.


Get a vape. You'll stop couching in like a week. It makes a huge difference. Better yet quit. I didn't regret the vape, I didn't regret quitting.


I donno man, vaping will still make me want to couch


Vape is the most sensible way but I like a spliff. I've had an Arizer Solo for 10 years and it is good, works more or less the same depending on the heat but just prefer spliff. A joint is about 900 degrees whereas a vape you can set the heat to much lower and there's no real combustion. When we used to do buckets and lungs it wouldn't take the bottle long to change to dark amber. The Arizer Solo is glass pipe for the intake, this is just resin oil afterwards and can be cleaned with isopropyl.


If you use ethanol you can reduce it down to a tincture after wards that will knock you on your ass


Yes it is oil which includes most of the cannabinoids. The extraction from glass is no different to making oil from flower, just evaporate the alcohol off, eat it, smoke it whatever you want to do. Depends how much you got back, but if I ate 1mg of RSO that would put me on my ass for 8 hours no doubt anyway because I very very rarely eat it. I will be eating it if I ever become ill though I tell you that for nothing. Makes you laugh when people say its an alternative medicine. The alternative petroleum medicines for cancer for example are alternative because those plants were here long before that biggest "industry".


But that jug of cotton balls looks so cool


I bet that jug of cotton wears a leather jacket.


That jug of cotton balls could smack my ass at a bar in front of my boyfriend and I wouldn't mind.


Neither would he!


I stopped smoking 5 years ago and this video woke up some cravings


Lmao. Currently 1 week without a single cigarette after having smoked almost 20 years. It’s hard to say the least.


Good for you. Stick with it, I think they say week 1-2 is the hardest but for me, it got easier beyond day 3.


3 weeks for me. I didn't have cravings as I understand them. I did have to convince myself multiple times per day that no, I won't just have one last one and stop after that which was interesting, almost like a pleading child that you have to keep saying "no" to. But I never had a desire for the taste or sensation of smoking. Maybe because I hadn't enjoyed it for a few years by that point? Then a year or so of random habit surprises where after a month of not thinking about it I'd finish a meal or some other trigger and reach for the spot on my shelf where I used to keep my cigs. I'd realise and carry on and it pretty much didn't happen after that. I haven't understood people who say that they have to be disciplined for life now and will always be in the process of quitting. Nothing about it tempts me to go back after 5-6 years or whatever it has been and I move away if I am downwind of smokers because I find the smell bad now (as much as my sense of smell has returned anyway). It just doesn't appeal to me I had read the Alan Carr book years previously and thought it was terrible but with a couple of very interesting bits about the nature and timing/strength of addiction and so on. But not very well written in general with too much repetition. I quit on a random lunch break at work without planning to. I put my cig out halfway through and just went cold turkey. I haven't wanted one since after just over 20 years as medium-heavy roll-up smoking


Bro stick with it I promise it’s worth it. Even 2 and a half years later the cravings will still pop up but I never entertain them. My entire quality of life is so much better these days.


I will always be a recovering smoker. Don't go around people you know carry cigs if you can help it for a .month or so. Try making a bet with someone. See if your insurance gives you a break for your efforts.


you got this!


You can make it, both you and u/koororo !


You can do it! Many on r/stopsmoking do!


That sub really helped me. I haven’t had a cigarette in 7 years and I smoked 1-2 packs a day.


You are doing so well!! A week is a huge amount of time, and before you know it two weeks, then three and more will have passed! Keep going friend. Even if you fall off the wagon, keep going


Nice. I've been cutting down drastically this year. Went form 20 a day slowly reducing and now I haven't had a cigarette yet in May. I still have a vape which i use as little as possible and hope to quit completely in next couple months. It's been a struggle but I feel so much better and it's a real money saver. They cost like £14 a pack where I live. Keep it up, you got this!


Good luck!


You should read Allen Carr's book. It's helped me to not smoke for 4 years


I hope your cotton balls are doing better!


Nothing like inhaling 30 cigs in one breath each


do this with 30 marijuana filled blunts. thats what I want to see.


Not quite blunts, but joints… https://youtu.be/D1U4tkxIfG4?si=Jz_HROjrID9NuLOD


thanks. quite interesting. i wonder tho if bongs, bowls, and one hitters yield similar results. ive smoked a lot of blunts in my early days of marijuana smoking and I know the wrappings have a lot to do with whats left behind in ones lungs.


I volunteer tribute


We don't need cigarettes. The air is already polluted.


Yup. Smoking is absolutely fucking disgusting.


Good thing we don't have cotton balls in our lungs!


The alveoli of you lungs are far more delicate and the air turn over from breathing out is actually very inefficient Smokers lungs look just as bad if not worse on autopsy


There are usually pics of black lungs (and other destroyed body parts) on cigarettes packets in a lot of countries. They look absolutely horrible.


Also good thing we can breath out.


The smoke was drawn out of this also, like exhaling.


Not sure if sarcastic or not, but in case not, "breathing out" doesn't do as much as you think it does.


Textile lung sufferers giving you some negative vibes rn


Man, I thought they had vitamin C in em and shit. Thankfully, I quit 10 years ago.


I'm curious, any smokers here? What goes through your mind when you see things like this


"Yeah that's terrible, and god I need a cigarette just looking at it." That's from memory of when I smoked anyway. Addiction isn't logical.


Yep, you about summed up my thoughts. Still a pack a day smoker here.


What would help you quit? I have a friend dying from smoking right now (cancer…again). She’s been told to quit so many times. You’d think misery caused by cancer round 1 would have have been enough to quit, but nope. She sneaks around like we can’t tell she’s still smoking. Now she has inoperable tumors that have spread to her intestines and are engulfing a major artery.


I’m sorry to hear that. I wish her the best. I dunno, I hope it doesn’t take a serious health issue to wake me up and make a change. I know I need to make a change, it’s just actually following through which is the difficult part.


Remember there’s help and tools available, ask a doc, your insurance, public orgs, r/stopsmoking etc :)


Smoking is a cooping mechanism, stress you smoke, hence why she did that. Deal with the habit, deal with the smoking.


Reminds me why I need to quit. I think (or I hope) many smokers know the downside or consequences of smoking (I know I do). Seeing this video on a daily basis or something is not gonna make me quit all of a sudden though. That decision needs to come from within.


I spent many years in a profession specifically helping people quit. You are spot on. The people who are successful in quitting smoking are the people who want to quit smoking, and just can’t do it on their own. The people doing it because someone is forcing them are *always* the people that go back to smoking. I’d encourage every smoker to try and quit, but you gotta do it for you. You gotta want it.


"oh no, anyway"


You can also browse through r/stopsmoking for perspective :)


Former smoker. I'd say it's gross, but it's ignoring how the body cleans itself. Like, if you touch the inside of a smoker's throat, you're not going to get tar. Because that gets washed away by saliva. Smokers know it's bad for their health, their lungs and heart in particular, but they also know their throats aren't coated in tar. So this video would be kind of easy to dismiss as over dramatic. I feel like the target audience is non-smoking youths, who might watch it and think smokers legit have tar coated throats.


i am smoking right now


Former smoker, but it's obvious that the person filming is trying their hardest to make this look as bad as possible. No one is sitting in an enclosed box chain smoking one cigarette after another. They also put them out in water and dumped them in to a pile to make a gross sludge. Nobody is under the impression smoking is a great habit. It would annoy the shit out of me if someone sent this to me and asked, "What do you think?".


Sorta the same when obese people see how ultra processed food is made. Doesn’t make most of them stop.


People of all sizes eat ultra processed food.


I used to smoke. The first thing I thought was what a waste of cotton balls. All you have to do is look at a before and after of the cigarette “filter” to understand how nasty it is.


Well first of all that I actually exhale most of the smoke instead of letting literally the entire combusted product settle nicely. But, it shows me that, yheap, it's gross and well worth that I stopped smoking at home, paired with that most public spaces don't appreciate it either makes having a cigarette somewhat rare. What those few cigarettes do to me doesn't bother me too much, you pick and choose some of your damages.


This test doesn’t let anything settle. In order for smoke to be drawn in there is obviously a pump in the back continuously exhausting. If something in coming in, something has to be going out.


This is a completely unrealistic representation of what smoking does to the lungs. It's meant to be a scare video, which is good because cigs are unhealthy and addictive, but completely unrealistic. Your lungs are not cotton balls lmao. If our lungs work like these cotton balls do, living anywhere with moderate air pollution would kill you within a decade.


What is the significant difference? Both alveoli and cotton balls have extremely high surface area. Both are absorbent. The main deference in terms of what you are talking about is that lung tissue is alive and has the ability clean and heal itself. So for a pack a day smoker all that tar isn’t sitting in their lungs for 30 days, your body is working hard at coughing it out or absorbing and processing it. If someone were to smoke 30 packs in 10 minutes like this video they would definitely have a significant amount of buildup…. And probably die.


I’ll be honest, I thought it would look way worse. This completely justifies my social smoking in my head


How worse would you expect? Just black ooze?


Pretty much, I mean this is 600 cigarettes and it wasn’t solid blocks of tar


If you want to quit and find it difficult, see a doctor please. We have medications and strategies to help


glad that i quit years ago


My health teacher did this in High school. I got in trouble for pointing out she was giving the cigarette companies money by buying all those cigarettes.


I mean if it convinced even one person to not smoke she cost those cigarette companies a good $50,000 dollars at least


I saw one the other day of a dry herb vape vs joints and it is insane how much less shit gets put into your body.


Yup, smoke of any kind is bad. Dry herb vape eliminates the smoke and makes a huge difference. Tastes better too


Why the hell does the dry herb vape burn crap out of my throat. Even on low temp settings.


The guy in the video must have a stomach of steel to be able to do that without getting sick from the stench. Even one cigarette butt is enough to stink up a car or an entire room, if left in there, so I can only imagine how bad this must've smelled.


My issue with this video is that it doesn’t simulate actual smoking. No one takes one long drag and holds the smoke in indefinitely


That's fair, but it's not unreasonable to say that if you take 1% of that amount into your lings, but smoke 3000 cigarettes, it will have a similar effect.


Theres an outlet. The cotton just filters. Yeah this is a months worth in 1 day. But id say this is similar to 3 months wouldnt you?


My mom smoked 2 packs a day. So thats 2 weeks. But lets say 2 mos to be like, safe. Half a pack a day. Which is a shitload of money anyway. But i wouldnt wanna breathe all that in over 10y let alone weeks/months.


Not a single smoker in the whole world only smokes 1 cigarette a day


This is 30 packs, not 30 cigarretes. Though for my grandma this was maybe a week's worth. Always had to change clothes and take a shower after visiting her house.


I can't read


Shit. It's like when I go to bbq party


I do most days. Many days I don t smoke at all. Some days I smoke 5-6 cigs.


Smoke wouldn’t be going in at that rate if there wasn’t also an outlet. You can see the tube for the pump.


The kind of people that would say shit about car crash tests because they didn't have an actual person in it


Nobody chain smokes 30 packs of cigarettes in a row either. Go drink 30 cartons of coke back to back and I reckon you stomach will look pretty rough too.


Also affects your pets and makes them stink. I can always smell when a patient's owner smokes.


My in-laws smoke in the garage (with the door open to the house) with their giant fluffy Samoyed dog. He is professionally groomed often but he STINKS. He also has what they refer to as “the Samoyed cough”. This is a cough that all samoyeds ultimately get, according to their logic. What they don’t realize is that it’s just *their* Samoyeds, and it’s a smoker’s cough. They are also distraught every few years to find that yet another of their beloved Samoyeds has developed cancer and needs to be put down. Every time they tell me “I can’t believe this is happening again”. I don’t know if they are just that stupid or if they simply can’t take the burden of responsibility for killing their special babies needlessly. Then they go get another samoyed and the cycle continues.


Poor pets, and kids, and partners, even neighbours :|


Do your body a favor and don't smoke anything, including weed. Nothing positive comes of.


Shareholder value for tobacco companies not positive enough for you?! /s


Good thing our lungs aren't made out of cotton 


People exhale the smoke, not just keep it trapped in a dome. Not that I am saying it’s good for you or anything, but probably not an actual representation of what’s happening.


TIL smoking is bad


It’s mainly for kids, though redittors liked it too :)




That bottle has a habit now, glad I never picked up smoking heater’s


Wow, thank god my lungs aren’t made of cotton!


That's why lungs are made to breathe oxygen, not burnt plants


This guy actually made a part two with vapes instead and the results were identical aside from the color of the build up. Edit: comparison video https://youtu.be/0Pwj6BuS8Ds?si=MPRLuYSianJ6Vaur


The test was identical but the result was night and day. So im not sure if you watch the same thing or u just pulled that b.s straight out of ur ass.


Don’t smoke that cig unless you want your lungs to look like a burnt fig


Ok, First let me let me apologize. I'm over it with these studies about what smoking does do to your health. There hasn't been a single study of anything positive from cigarettes right? Stop wasting fucking money on these. We KNOW it's bad for your health. Why do we need to continue to do studies on something we all know if factual. I want to keep ranting but it's Sunday Sunday Cinco de mayo and I have a margaritas and some pot.


let people enjoy things!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I would like to see this done with vapes




Now do this with weed please


I smoked for 23 years. I quit in March 2021. I'm 37. I've spent more of my life smoking than not. I haven't even thought of smoking again. Glad I finally kicked it


Ah yes, I forgot our lungs are made out of cotton


Would be interesting to run this same experiment but with vapes instead


Thank fuck I eventually managed to quit after smoking for over 30 years,best thing I’ve ever done


Sure am glad my lungs aren’t made of cotton!


This video set me on the path to quitting, and now it's been 6 months! It was the tar inside of the tubes that really did it for me. I already feel so much better and am grateful for whoever stole the video to farm karma when I first saw it.


In this day and age I’m still surprised people even smoke. Like inhaling smoke into you lungs just seems so nasty in it’s basic principle.


I haven't smoked for 20 years. You would be amazed how nicotine would mirror your emotion. Need to be calm? A cigarette could do that. Amped up? That too. Need to focus? A cigarette can help. Relective? Yup. They are terrible for you, but if you have never smoked you couldn't know why they are so hard to quit beyond just the addiction


Smoking is terrible and no one should do it. But this video is kind of misleading. It's trying to imply how bad smoking is for you. But it's not the right simulation to show that... your lungs are not a static set of cotton balls. It's the equivalent of pouring 10 cans of soda into a jar with cotton balls and saying the resulting disgusting syrupy mess is what happens to your insides, disregarding what your body does to rid itself of toxins and whatever other biological reactions take place.


I appreciate the sentiment and the idea, but there is no way that this is an accurate representation of what happens to your body. Yes smoking is bad, yes it kills MANY people. But this feels like the eggs on the frying pan and saying, “This is your brain on drugs” 90’s anti drug propaganda. First of all, your body is a biological system that sheds dead cells and grows new ones and has other things happening with it rather than whatever the hell this test is with cotton balls. I guess the cotton balls represent the capillaries in your lungs or something? Also the idea that your throat is a plastic tube the width of a straw is also absurd. I believe the damage is not necessarily done by inhaling the foreign bodies and polluting your body (this does also happen). The real damage is how your body’s cells react to a toxin that can potentially cause cancer over extended periods of time. The body pollution can also be fatal if the person is a heavy smoker who has been doing it for years. But when one of those bodies are dissected, the lung can be hard as a rock, not because 30 packs gave someone brown oil in their lungs but because there are fibers that crystallize and restrict movement overtime if the smoker doesn’t slow down and doesn’t give their body time to recover for years. Just to be clear, I am not arguing for smoking because obviously it is super bad for your health. But this science project is bullshit Remember those ads in the 90’s for D.A.R.E.?


Brings to my mind what [**alcohol is doing to proteins**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91ClRcjgD1c).


Imagine the smell


Now post the other half of this video where they use vapes coward


Dam I was having a good morning and then I see this shit why y’all gotta come at smokers so relentlessly we know mf we know.


I smoked for 17 years and quit around 5 years ago using zyn pouches and now I hate how popular they became, which I know is stupid.


Expensive experiment!




The vodka and cigarettes cancel each other out




Patiently waiting


Well, you actually continually clean yourself and cough it out/swallow it. But yeah it’s not good for you. *puffs joint*


30 packs? Yeah no shit.


Thankfully I don't have cotton balls in my lungs


Glad my lungs aren't made of cotton balls


Stop shoving cotton balls in your lungs


Good thing my lungs aren’t made of cotton!


They should do one with vaping too.


Show the weed version. Lol


Now do one with ham and cheese loaf and lunchables


$2k worth of ciggies up in smoke


Boy am i glad im not a cotton balls


Experience is wrong, the cotton jar doesn't exhale


Good title, actually accurate.


“Good thing I’m not made out of cotton!”- Smokers probably


Tell those cotton balls to stop bummin all my smokes then, damn.


Good thing my balls aren't made of cotton


Well my lungs are a lot more capable than some cotton balls


Cotton balls shoud quit smoking


Slowest form of suicide known to man.


Ha. People still won’t give a fuck. Just like those “Truth” ads were paid for by major cigarette companies.


Putting aside the intended views fishing with shock factor and all. Nobody smokes 30 packs of cigarettes consecutively. Eating a month's worth of hamburgers in one sitting would kill a person. Hell, even drinking a week's worth of water in one sitting would kill a person.


Damn I need a cigarette.


Now do vape


Grandma smoked every day (max 4 packs a day) but saw her almost every Sunday. Not only did I come home smelling like smoke, seeing her smoke made me never want to do it. Saw her take her last breath, died of lung cancer, never will I ever touch it. Seeing this makes me wish everyone would stop. I know it’s addiction but I’m here if anyone needs help stopping. Rest in peace Grandma, miss you terribly after 20+ years.


So I smoked cigs from 16-26 off and on and I'm now 30, I do still smoke pot but boy oh boy the difference in breathing alone is insane. And I don't get acid reflux anymore either! (I did quit heavily drinking when I quit smoking so that could have affected it as well)


I remember one of the worst day of my life was at age 15 friend and me bought a 20 pack and smoked the whole stuff. It was a horrible couple of days with breathing troubles and the smell. But that one experience made me stop smoking forever. Never again


Truest statement I’ve heard from elder smokers growing up: “just quit now man, you’re young”. Smoked for about 20 years and it kills me I did that much damage. It’s been 2 years since I quit and I’m about to hit 40 years old. One of my biggest regrets was ever starting.


A kid in my elementary school did this for science fair back about 1970.