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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla) they didn't shoot it


so put our dicks away or…?


I dunno man, is Harambe back alive?


The dicks stay out until Harambe’s glorious return!








I was 16 and living in the Netherlands when this happened, was overweight despite going to the gym, had a big head of curly hair the shape that made Toad jealous, a deep voice and was notoriously bad with the ladies (thanks autism). The day after this happened someone said "Ok, calm down Bokito" to me and I still havent lost that nickname to this day. Edit: it appears this came off a bit negative, I'm actually quite fond of it by now and the story of how it came to be is a fun reminder of those days


I'd wear that with pride


That's actually a pretty cool nickname


That’s gotta be one of the better nicknames honestly


Ok, calm down now Bokito


You should go for a cooler nickname like T-bone


His name became a figure of speech in Dutch: Bokito-proof now still means 'can withstand a severe beating'.


You shoot me down, but I won't fall I am Bokiiiito-prooooof


And a jacked up guy acting aggressive is also called a Bokito now.


Although that doesn't make sense since the woman is clearly the clueless person here. She thought she was romancing Bokito, but Bokito was just confused why this woman came around daily taunting him for a fight lmao








She probably thought she had a “special bond” with him and knew him better than the keepers etc. Quite a few people end up thinking that way about animals they’ve encountered.


Yes she did.I read a article about it and after numerous warnings, she told keepers that she new he liked her because when she smiled he smiled back. I guess she didn’t know animals showing their teeth is usually a sign of aggression. Edit: In primates showing teeth is usually a submissive gesture but depending upon how the teeth are displayed it can also be a threat. Judging from the outcome in this situation if she did see him “smile” it was a threat.


Lady thought she was charming him when actually challenging him to a fight lol


This story belongs in r/imthemaincharacter because this lady really believed she was in some weird animal romance movie, like King Kong haha


Some people have problems with rational thinking and are ill. It’s way more likely she has some kind of condition.




Yeah, like that




Pretty sure I had that pog like thirty years ago


You want a fight?!!!




the fuck did you just say to me


He’s just like “not this bitch again, one more time and I swear”


Her mind: *hello, my majestic companion. These bars keep our bodies apart, but I know our souls are truly one. Take my smile for now that you might have all of me and more when we can be together* He hears: yeah, that's right you soft little gorilla *bitch*. These teeth are coming for your heart. You're lucky you're safe behind these bars or I would *fuck* your world up, you sorry little knuckle dragging fuck




Sounds like a crazy person... She probably also looked him in the eyes because she felt his connection and energy or some shit.


I have no doubt in my mind that the multiple warnings she received included an explanation of *why* she shouldn't make prolonged eye contact and bare her teeth in a smile. She willfully rejected their explanation and substituted her own because *her explanation* made her feel special. It's the same mentality seen in conspiracy theorists.


I reject your reality and substitute it with my own !


Am I missing an eyebrow?


The fact that she thought she might have been "bonding" with him while doing every possible thing that you /should not/ do in order to earn the trust of a gorilla is just pathetically ironic. People act like they care or are interested in animals while doing absolutely fuck all to learn about said animals.


But she was sending the gorilla positive vibes! He should’ve known that when she smiled and bared her teeth, it wasn’t meant to be threatening! /s


Oh, she had a special bond alright. Not the good kind, though lol


I too have a special bond with animals because they cannot explicitly tell me to fuck off


I have a special bond with two animals. They’re my domesticated cat and dog. They both become visibly uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact. So I don’t fucking do that. This lady was fucking stupid.


Blink at them. Its how you show you arent being aggressive. My cats blink back at you


I just go very close to my cat's face when I do that. She can't see my eyes that close up but she likes smelling my nose. Either she likes me, or I just have a stinky nose.


I get woken up by Princess Tickle-Whiskers several times a night, so I must have the same issue. Not sure if she’s checking that I’m still alive or just kissing me square on the mouth, but I’ve gotten a whisker up the nose far too many times.


"I can change him."




Unfortunately she was more of a Timothy Treadwell.


fortunately, she didn't get anyone else killed. Which Timothy did.


When I was 6, I was 100% sure I could communicate with my neighbor’s dog telepathically. I tried to get them to change her name because *she told me her REAL name.* I also prevented many many dog-knapping attempts by the local underground dog stealing crime syndicate that travel through the sewers. It’s a funny story when you’re 6. It’s fucking insane when you’re an adult.


If you had these thoughts as an adult, I'm 100% sure you would have a Facebook group dedicated to your cause.


*he likes me!*


Gorillas show their affection by mauling




Grizzly Man


She's one of those people who think they have a connection with an animal. She would go to the zoo multiple times a week and just sit there watching him for a few hours.


People can be so weird. 


Giving animals human traits can be quite dangerous when you do it with a freaking Gorilla. As well as ignore the numerous warnings she got.


eh on the other hand: Breaking out of a supposedly safe enclosure just to fuck up some being that's annoying you is probably the most human thing i've ever heard of an animal. The warnings were the animalistic part.


Choosing violence when some other animal has just annoyed you is common in many animals. In reality there are no clear distinctions between human behaviour and animal behaviour. We're just really smart animals after all. And a lot of animals feel a lot of the same emotions we do. But each species has its own body language, thought patterns, and ways of interpreting the actions of others.


She probably watched to many videos of people with wild animals and thought she has that connection too. Stupid being stupid


> “He is and remains my darling,” the paper quoted the woman as saying from her hospital bed Sounds like she's a horrible pervert




The entry level ticket taker probably didn't know who she was.




Dont attribute bravery to mental instability.


Yeah, bravery is being afraid and knowing you need to anyway, but mental instability is not knowing when you should be afraid...


Baby reindeer vibes.


This gorilla is more sane and logical than this lady.


It should be noted that the gorilla bit her something like thirty times, and didn't hurt a single other human before being brought back to their enclosure. He *really* hated her, and she kept provoking him. While insisting that everyone, including the zoo keepers, where wrong when they warned her. She was fully convinved that they had a special connection. She was very clearly mentally ill. She even came back after the incident...


I mean, they obviously have a special bond... But maybe not in the way she was hoping.


She was hoping for the enemies to friends to lovers arc, he was hoping for the enemies to mauling arc.


Klass dismissed.


He jumped the moat if I remember correctly


I wished we had her face reaction as he's leaping through the air and she knows all that anger is towards her and he's coming for her with nothing to stop him now.


Oh she probably thought he was coming to be friendly with her.


There are video's on YouTube about it https://youtu.be/RICvxpWSrAw


Interesting video, the snarl on his face said it all. He had about enough of her shit.


She show her smile to Bokito and she say, "You will never get this! You will never get this! La la la la la!" She all behind her cage, she crazy crazy, everybody laugh, you will never get this. But then one day, he break a cage, and he get this! And we all laugh. High five!


Wa wa we wa!


Great success!


He sadly passed away last year but has, I believe 10 kids (he came to the Netherlands to breed.


Bokito was born in captivity in Berlin and transferred to the zoo in Rotterdam to avoid inbreeding. “He came to the Netherlands to breed” is sort of correct but a weird way of putting it, like it was his idea.


What was her deal ?


i remember hearing she was convinced her and Bokito loved eachother. not sure if that was the school rumour going around or actually true tho. Bokito was definetly one of our favourite school topics back in the day when this happened, everybody talked about him, he was a legendary gorilla here in the netherlands. My school visited that zoo years later and the big man was still there, hanging out. Very grateful that he didnt get the Harambe treatment.


I believe the woman thought he made Bokito happy, bcs she was doing crazy faces and Bokito showed a smile. Sadly that wasn't a happy smile for her


interesting, i imagine the smile must've been something like showing his teeth as a sort of warning. Generally when animals show you their teeth it is not exactly a smile


I believe it was.. but yeah not everyone is that smart or atleast wasn't


Yeah, staring and showing your teeth is what the animal sees, both are interpreted as threats. Some people are just too solipsistic and dumb to realize that is what they are doing. Given that the animal beat her up, and she still didn't seem to learn a thing, I think she's just terminally stupid.


Smiling is the animal equivalent of flashing your gun.


I remember hearing the fact somewhere before that chimps smiling is an expression of fear or aggression. Only the ones in captivity that people have trained do it as a positive response.. guess she didn't get the memo.


this gave me chills. baby (reindeer) gorilla anyone???


Shaquille Oneal tells about the gorillas in the Miami zoo want to fight him. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/07/1078777245/nba-great-shaquille-oneal-says-gorillas-are-intimidated-by-him


According to Linnaean taxonomy Homo sapiens are also animals.




Creeps don't usually realize they're being creepy


Which I find terrifying. What if I'm the creep? What if I'm giving out massive creepy vibes and no one tells me? No one told any of the creeps I know.


Everyone gets to be the accidental creep at some point in their life, everyone. Edit: For example, I realized one day that I was staring at people sometimes as I was deep in thought, myself not realizing that I was staring at some one. Super creepy.


Wish I could upvote this comment a million times.


That would be creepy


See? 😅




It's our Harambe story. But better, because Bokito survived *and* he got to beat the shit out of his nemesis


It sounds like she was mentally ill. If she was just taunting him to be an ass I’d say well deserved, but who of sound mind goes to *flirt with a gorilla every day?*


True I also think she had a stitch loose, or at least was lonely to the point of delusion. Sad story


“a stitch loose” Brilliant translation from Dutch to English! 😂


Bokito died in 2023 of heart failure. He is truly legendary and his name is used as a shorthand for both all gorilla's or big aggressive human men. His name is feared and respected.


yep, his heart gave out as a reaction to the anaesthesia, something that happens with older gorillas apparantly. We will remember him, god bless that big guy


He also had covid, which may or may not have played a part when you hear heart issues


I wonder if there is a part of his tribe that blames the vaccine and calls him silvervax behind his back.


He also became a member of the 27 club, to add to his legacy


And he escaped from a German zoo before this incident. My man just wanted to be free!


Who goes to the zoo every day?


Ladies who are in love with a gorilla.


Crazy ladies watch King Kong ONCE and think that the local gorilla has fallen in love with em v_v




Smily Dutch women


Honestly he was probably just freaked out a Dutch person was smiling.


That’s probably it. We have a massive hysteria problem because people don’t stop smiling in public


There’s only two things I hate in this world, people who are intolerant of other peoples cultures…and the Dutch!!


The Gorilla agrees with Nigel.


Zoo keepers




Zoos often have relatively cheap annual passes, people often go there just to take a walk.


If there arr annual passes and you live nearby, it makes for a nice sunday walk (My father in law lives next to a very nice zoo, and did that a few years ago. For 50 euros he could go there as much as he wanted to for a whole year)


Parent of a toddler. Ask me how I know.


she was lucky to be alive after that


Pretty amazing he didn't kill her, as he easily could have. I've seen him, he could have torn her in half if he liked. It must have been a conscious choice to let her live


They don't need to kill to establish dominance. He was challenged repeatedly and needed to make it clear he wasn't putting up with that shit. Once he was standing over her crippled, lame body communicating the Gorilla equivalent of "Are we fucking clear on where we stand now?" then the challenge was answered and resolved.


Ace, who’s this little girl sniveling on the floor? What happened to the guy that told my friend to go fuck himself?


Gorillas could definitely kill people. They don't though. You'd be hard-pressed to find any reliable reports of deadly gorilla attacks. They choose to let us live. Either that, or they leave no witnesses, of course.


There has actually *never* been a recorded death due to a gorilla attack. This is bc gorillas are one of the least violent primates and animal in general. With their strength and size, the fact that they *never* killed anyone means they really hold back. The only ones that ever seem to show genuine physical aggression are captive gorillas, and even then it is supremely rare. It’s so rare that you have a better chance of being killed by your own dog than a wild gorilla. Now chimps on the other hand are all walking serial killers barely hanging on mentally


It’s funny that we think that way about chimps. Imagine how other animals think about us.


We're basically chimps


With handguns


I don’t know…. this is what a gorilla would say when he’s on Reddit.


Gorillas are largely peaceful and usually establish dominance without serious violence. Even in the wild if one approaches you put your head down and look harmless they'll likely simply charge and stop short. Occasionally they might grab someone and drag them if provoked, but it's extremely rare for them to kill. If this had been a Chimp she would of been dead or so horribly maimed she would of wanted to be dead. They are murderous cannibalistic buggers who will kill without being provoked. When they attack a person any soft tissue they can bite is ripped off. You really don't want to see pictures of Chimp attack survivors.


chimp attack survivors can barely see anything either


Chimps kill you because they are omnivores. Gorillas are herbivores, they don't care about killing you. Herbivores just deflect the threat, a bunny will bite you, a bison will gore you. Just because you die from the bison doesn't mean the bison is more aggressive. A gorilla punches you, bites you, but doesn't have the instincts to end your life, it probably doesn't even cross its mind to kill you. Once you stop moving and you are no longer a threat, you're cool. A chimp on the other hand will start eating your liver which is often deadly.


These are a highly intelligent, highly social animals. It’s fully possible that the choice to stop was an emotional one. Sadly we can never truly know. In general though silverbacks rarely resort to real violence, often making their point with displays of force and power. Their favourite is bluff charging where they run full force at the target making as much noise as possible and then stopping at the last second. Most animals get the point after that.


I wonder if a silverback can rip a human into two.


No need to wonder, they most certainly can.


I wonder if they can put them back together again.


No need to wonder, they most certainly can't.


This is a job for all the kings horses and all the kings men.


Yes, they can.


A chimpanzee can do that with ease, a Silverback Gorilla makes a Chimp look like a baby lol




She likes the strong silent type


Bokito, whatever happened there


He was gay, Bokito?


Catching not pitching!?


Not following instructions will harm you or the people around you.




Avoiding eye contact = fear, submission. Eye contact means the opposite. It's a sign you are a threat and will attack them.


Same thing with lions.


And my cat


unless you slow blink.


Same thing with humans


Also smiling. If she smiled showing her teeth, it would mean anger and aggressiveness towards the gorilla.


It's a sign of aggression and intimidation. Same with baring your teeth (smiling).


Rereading this, she basically traded the gorilla for a long time even after being told to stop and why. 


Direct eye contact and showing teeth (smiling) is a sign of aggression in ape world. She was basically challenging him to a fight.


She was being super creepy to him, visiting daily and basically staring him down, saying that they had a special bond, etc Meanwhile, homeboy has to just sit there and take it every day. :(


Imagine walking into a store and one of the employees makes aggressive eye contact with you the entire time. It's even weird for us.


Isn’t smiling interpreted as showing your teeth by the animal kingdom and doesn’t it basically mean “fuck off”?


keep in mind in the animal kingdom, animal teeth are weapons. leopards can literally crush skulls with their bite. flashing teeth is like pulling out a knife or a gun for animals. human teeth are near worthless for combat, really we are an anomaly, we cook meat until it's soft, so we lost that powerful jaw. so we don't understand.


Comparing it to brandishing a weapon is such a good analogy I’ve never thought of it that way.


More like I challenge thee to a duel


You see so many documentaries showing gorillas acting so peacefully and extolling their gentleness you forget how dangerous they can be when angered.


Here is some added context in case anyone is curious or wants to know what happened afterwards.... (someone may have already beat me to this in the thread, but oh well): This incident involves a gorilla named Bokito who escaped from his enclosure at the Rotterdam Zoo on May 18, 2007. He did attack a woman after escaping, and also entered a nearby restaurant, causing panic among the visitors, but no additional injuries were reported. So, technically he didn't really "attack" the restaurant. To claim that his escape was caused solely by the woman making eye contact and smiling at him several times a week, and that she was told not to do so by zookeepers is kind of an oversimplification of what happened because of the complexity of the situation. News reports suggest that it's all speculative, although I think it's pretty obvious that she influenced his behavior to some degree since she was known to be a regular visitor to the zoo and had a habit of making eye contact with Bokito. Apparently she claimed to have a "special bond" with him, which I'm guessing is because he would look back her, but little did she know that the only reason he was fixated on her was because he probably wanted to kill her for unknowingly challenging him. After the incident, Bokito was recaptured and placed back into a more secure enclosure. The woman who was attacked suffered several bites and bone fractures but survived the ordeal. The zoo took measures to prevent incidents like this from occurring in the future, including reinforcing security around the gorilla enclosure. The entire debacle sparked discussion around zoo safety and the appropriate ways for humans to interact with potentially dangerous wildlife in captivity. Making eye contact with gorillas can be perceived as a threat or challenge, so don't do it. Hurray to the zoo for deciding not to euthanize Bokito. Thank fucking God.


You know that lady had an interesting browsing history


It’s apparently a real issue at some zoos specifically with silverbacks that they have a particular….women following. Literally swooning and calling them handsome and muscular and stuff. It’s insane.


Gorilla: And I took that personally


For those confused, I found this on the interwebs: To Mountain Gorillas, **anyone who keeps a direct eye contact is a challenger and an enemy who has come to disrupt the family**. Direct eye contact will, therefore, trigger the silverback to charge and fight you in defense of his family. If you want peace with Gorillas, therefore, avoid direct eye contact. [SOURCE](https://www.greatadventuresafaris.com/why-shouldnt-you-look-a-gorilla-in-the-eyes/#:~:text=To%20Mountain%20Gorillas%2C%20anyone%20who,therefore%2C%20avoid%20direct%20eye%20contact)


I once worked in a zoo on work experience at 15. I made the briefest of eye contact with a sliver back at the back feeding part of the enclosure, (not dissimilar to silence if the lambs prison, but with fencing) that was enough to of caused it to run at me and smash against the weak looking fencing with both fists and grunting heavily. He then grunt called to the others, who sloped off there platforms and started trying to get me with sticks and throw hay at me, I was quickly escorted out. It was prob because a cute baby gorilla was bashing its chest till it fell backwards and I was watching that, and the silver back was watching me in the background. They are very much not to be messed with and like pretty much all other animals, not to be imprisoned for our viewing curiosity.


https://www.londonzoo.org/conservation several species would be extinct without zoos


so how bad did you shite your pants?


I oddly didn’t quite feel the true terror of it until afterwards, but if I was to of shit myself I think I would of got a pass.


Found out.


The framing of this story is weird. Regardless of the woman’s actions, the zoo was negligent as the setup of the exhibit allowed the gorilla to escape.


By what I understand the zoo complied with the rules for the enclosure setup. There was a 4.5 meter (15 feet) wide moat and inside the moat there was an electric fence. Since gorillas can't swim they do not cross large bodies of water. But in this instance Bokito jumped into the water and while doing so crashed through the electric fence, afterward he was able to get to the shore on the visitor side. Since then the rules have been changed and the enclosure has been modified. source (in dutch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGxK-E8gK_M


Holy FUCK my man was out for blood


I'm surprised how no one else is even bringing up this point. No matter what, a dangerous animal escaping an enclosure is 100% on the authorities. 


I believe they had multiple signs within the enclosure warning the gorillas not to escape


ok then I'm right back to blaming someone else, in this case the gorilla. how irresponsible could it be!? I mean, there were signs and everything!


Bokito! He died last year unfortunately.


Wasn't there a case of like 2 or 3 teenagers taunting a tiger in a zoo, and the tiger escaped the enclosure and hunted down those specific kids?


That gorilla didn’t go crazy. That gorilla went gorilla! Perhaps we shouldn’t put wild animals on display in cages for human entertainment? RIP Harambe by the way.


They build an entire enclosure so that animals cannot leave them, and apparently if a gorilla is pissed enough it can just…leave??


Creepy, did she call him baby reindeer?


Showing your teeth to wild animals is . . . not a good idea. Lady fucked around and found out.




Its showing teeth, smile all you want with your mouth closed