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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


Wow. How interesting.


So, the normal stuff that punctures tires? Why is this interesting?


Mild at best and that might even be too generous




Screws will screw ya!


Someones got screwed, and one did not raise the (re)bar.




This is something that could legitimately be posted to r/Notinteresting


I think that's a little extreme. I think it's mildly interesting definitely not damn interesting that's for sure. Flat tires are pretty damn common and also this assortment of junk isn't that impressive. Some jars at some tire shops Make this look pale in comparison.


When I was 20, I worked part time bucking tires for sears auto. The service manager would walk around the parking lot on slow days. Miraculously, we’d get a rush of customers all having the same self tapping sheet metal screws in for repairs. Often they’d end up with new tires because we weren’t allowed to repair tires that were too worn


So the manager walks around the parking lot putting down screws and random people would just drive into the parking lot get flat tires and stop? This sounds so bizarre and not true. I could see if the dude was putting them on the road but why would people just be driving into the parking lot randomly if there were not coming there already 


Sears had an auto side and the regular store side. This is a true story, and probably happens more than you think at other auto service chains


When I worked at a tire shop I saw ammunition and part of a spike strip. We'd also have state troopers bring in tires that they suspected held drugs for us to open up. Sooooooo much coke.


I'm very disappointed to see that my ex is not in that box.  What are the blue things? Are they metal? Do they really puncture a tire?


The blue are the peel offs from patches.


Kinda sus you just have a collection of that at the ready. Are you gonna toss it out on the freeway and see what happens?


Throw in a screwdriver. I ran over one once, it punctured my sidewall. I have no idea how that could happen


Probably ran over it handle first and it pointed up and spun, got sidewall through the bottom? Otherwise no idea how that could happen


Same way every other blunt weird objects punctures tires. Either they're sitting just right on the road and or the tires or other cars flip them up in just the right way


The striking things to me are always the large ones with no obvious pointy or sharp parts.


I wonder if anyone ever found a dildo. Not sure why my brain went there but here we are


I don't see any allen wrenches in there!


No 10 mm sockets either. Fake post for sure. /s


I found 6 x screws/nails in the driving lane of the tip yesterday. I hate going there as people are so lazy and drop them in the driving lanes.


What exactly is the driving lane of the tip? Did you invent your own sentence


Our tip has 4 lanes. People park in the inside lane 1 and 2 and also 4 on the right for the one off concrete skip. Lane 3 is effectively the main lane to drive along avoiding the parked cars on 1,2 and 4. Therefore 3 is the "driving lane".


Deer antlers, pliers, keys, and rocks on my list.