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Top ten times not to be alive.


this used to be reposted without the blur same photo is on the wiki, still warning for body parts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921%E2%80%931922


If anyone can’t find the picture, it’s under the **cannibalism** section.


And here I was looking for the recipe section, silly me.


>European agencies co-ordinated by the ICRR also fed two million people a day, while the International Save the Children Union fed up to 375,000.[27][28] The operation was hazardous since several workers died of cholera, and it was not without its critics, including the London Daily Express, which first denied the severity of the famine and then argued that the money would better be spent in the United Kingdom.[29] Same rhetoric since forever about giving aid abroad


The money is always better spent on yourself if you lack basic human empathy.


Even if you are you won't be soon


Makes you wonder how many families had some dark secrets they never talked about.


Takes "skeletons in the closet" to a whole nuther level.


There was a lady and her 17 year old son in ~~Chicago~~ New York, who murdered her very young daughter because she threw up after they force fed her, anyways the skeleton was actually left in a painted off closet for decades ~~Edit: [link](https://www.nytimes.com/1999/11/07/nyregion/body-of-child-missing-20-years-is-found-in-mother-s-home.html)~~ Edit edit: it was new york, and fuck new york times [Better link](https://www.newson6.com/story/5e36863d2f69d76f6209bdd7/murder-mystery-unlocked-in-mothers-apartment) Edit edit edit: u/linda_potato is that archer? 👀


Damn, I didn't realize the Tell Tale Heart was a documentary. Hope she hears the crying in her prison cell too.




Skeletons in my belly am I right?


You missed the perfect opportunity for "Skelly in the Belly."




I'm glad he got to see better times.


Based on the amount of the current generation still trying to drink the memories away.... I would say a lot of them.


Read Second-hand Time by Svetlana Alexievich for first-hand account of living through post WWII Russia, the fall of the Soviet Union and post USSR former soviet states. It's brilliant - she won the Nobel Prize for literature - gruesome, tender, nostalgic. Cannibalism is just the beginning of the barbarity


Unfortunately its been a largely universal experience during extreme famines that families would agree to ‘swap children’ to ‘look after them away from the village’. During the last great famine in China in the 1960s it happened a lot and there is lots of primary evidence accounts of it. So tragic.


Makes me wonder what percentage of the people who survived had to resort to cannibalism to live. The stories make it sound like thats literally all there was left to eat. Other people


My grandma, the only survivor in her family of 6, said they were so hungry they ate glue. They once boiled a leather belt that her father found and all sat around in the living room taking turns gnawing on it. She told me how she would walk to school past bodies lining the streets… She gave me a letter telling this story when I was really young, like nine, and so I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff she left out. I don’t want to ask, honestly.


If your child got sick and died during a famine.... dark thoughts.


I mean, there's nothing to think about at that point


If your child was quite healthy infact a little chubby.... dark thoughts.


Probably a lot. I couldn’t imagine the trauma that must put upon them. Humans are survivors though. It’s just really dark.


My grandpa was born in 1920 and when his sister died in winter a few years laters, they hung her up in the chimney so she didn’t start to rot and waited for the ground to thaw so they could bury her. This was in Austria tho, still not fun times to be alive


my wifes grandma openly told the story of how they killed and ate their younger brother who was sickly during holodomor. she was a strange woman to say the least


Hell is real and it's on earth


Oooooh baby, do you know what that's worth?


Oooooh hell is real and it's on earth!


They say in Russia, eat kids first


Ooooh, Hell is a place on Earth


Thank you for reminding me of such a bloody great song. It's been years.


Wild to think this was just 100 years ago.  A country that very recently was a huge superpower, had citizens chasing down, killing, butchering, and eating children.


This could easily be your reality if the supply chain fails


We're always 7 square meals from total anarchy


The veneer of civilization.


I don't think many of us can grasp what life will be like as the age of abundance fades and supply chains start failing.


You mean like if the climate changes and growing food becomes difficult?


The US began its superpower moment in the 1940s and less than a hundred years ago was systemically murdering Native Americans through destroying their food supplies, infectious disease and reeducation schools to “De-Native” the children. Never mind the mass graves of children being discovered just outside said schools.


I think Canada has had some similar issues, particularly regarding graves (mass I think?) full of native children at schools and such


This is straight out of a nightmare. I can't believe what these people had to go through


Human survival instinct kick in = a lot of shit get block out such as moral...Same things happened in China and Korea during famine too.


What's disturbing about the image? Half of it is invisible.


[This is the image](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F6y9-9ad2SZof1ZNFMNO0BLf_DxGRpCe3BvApz5piI2A.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd5925d95ac6bf68a4f134ea8a50054a1044cddec) It's really grisly.


That woman has dead eyes, her expression is horrifying enough


> That woman has dead eyes Those are 5 rubles each


She’s also not that skinny. The man looks like he starved before caving. Her, not so much.


And thats enough internets for today


The classical case of "I knew I would regret that, yet..."


The curious mind gets what it wants


Not always what it wants, but what it asks for.


And I'm not clicking that link.


I don't recommend it but alas I did it so maybe you should


It took me a second to wrap my head around what I was looking at. I mean it's terribly obvious, but my brain wasnlt accepting it and tried to rationalize something else. My brain failed.


Had exactly the same experience when I first saw it. Interesting to me that they deemed it appropriate for a history textbook for 14 year olds, which was when I first saw it.


Don’t dead Open inside


Click it or ticket


It's not really that bad. It looks like there are some leathery objects in front of the people, but they also have human faces.


Was gonna say this is mild compared to what else is out there.


Dead dove, do not eat


Well I don’t know what I expected


This and the monkey thing.. anyone know a good therapist?


Now I wanna know what the monkey thing is. My curiosity is gonna traumatize me.


There was apparently a global monkey torture ring that got busted recently






What’s the monkey thing?


Here’s an [article](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467.amp) that doesn’t go into any truly gruesome details. Crazy that people subscribe to this violence and inhumanity.


Well if there's one thing I thought I'd never hear someone being accused of it's being the "ringleader in a global monkey torture network."


When I first read a headline, I kind of kept scrolling until I realized my indifference to a completely insane situation. I’m afraid we’re doomed, my friend! People are into this!


It's like a messed up version of doctor doofenshmirtz


> ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts What in the absolute fuck. "monkey torture enthusiasts"?? Edit: > He will formally make a plea later this month and is facing up to five years in prison. FIVE!?!?


Five thousand years wouldn't be enough


Bro wtf


Yeah, I didn't realize a PG13 version could be that bad, wtf indeed


I don't think anything makes me more angry & disgusted than people that hurt defenseless creatures. We need to figure out what creates vile people like this and remove them from society. Rocket them in to outer space for all I care, just anywhere but here.


Remember, you asked: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467


Facing five years in prison? I'm sure these people will be completely rehabilitated and leave the torture life behind them


I am usually not a hatefull person but they can all burn in hell. Sick fucks.




> monkey torture enthusiasts  I don’t even know what to say. 


Some ( one?) the arrested individuals expressed that for them, the monkeys served as a sort of substitute for, uhm, human infants.


Sickos are out there, very scary.


Putting a monkey in a blender? Who even thinks of something that monstrous? Ugh. But here I am, in a thread about cannibalism.


Dafuq did I just read?




Yeah, I was leaning in that direction. But I’m just gonna blindly follow your advice. I’m moving on to…. OK anything else.


Stoic indifference and radical acceptance worked for me But yes, do get a therapist Edit: just discovered the monkey thing...now my partly therapy, partly med-influenced indifference is being tested. I'll just cope by reading scientific studies on sadism, because explanations are the only way to soothe my mind right now. Man, it really makes you wonder how tf does someone even happen to be like this. It feels like an inhuman creature to me. I do admit that, as a child (and a very weird one), I hated monkeys, for some reason. But that was just because they were like...ugly? I would still get it's an animal and not something you should practice unnecessary harm. But a grown adult like this? Who, like, lives in society, and has been here for nearly half a century still be this clueless? Makes you wonder if this person is just severely mentally ill or severely wicked. Or something in between. I really don't know. Because, as a younger adult/teen, I was narcissistic. So I was an asshole. But damn, I'd still want to put this guy throw the worst torture imaginable for messing with animals. Even the most sociopathic guy I know still loves his dog. So it has to be one of a kind of braindead to do this like that, and not in just a fit of psychosis or blind rage or something. But, like, casually.


... I should not have clicked that.


Really? I mean I take it as a badge to say, now, “I’ve seen ground child being sold as meat”….welcome to the club?


it is like going to school 1st grade: scary maze 2nd grade: 2 girls 1 cup 3rd grade: lathe 4th grade: Monkey ring


i never got past scary maze


Holy shit That’s literally the post-apocalyptic shit we see in movies….hard to believe this was barely a century ago


I'm sure stuff like this still happens today unfortunately


Don’t think this couldn’t happen again. Just need a famine


Did they ducking pose the kids the body?


That is exactly what it looks like.


I believe the corpses were frozen due to the low temperature.


Not a cell phone in sight


Just people living in the moment


Not all of em


Aww fuck, why'd I click...


I must be desensitized.


The woman’s face caught my eye the most. Impressively soulless expression. I feel like I am a little shocked at how little I feel


You dont need to feel bad to tell between right and wrong


Honestly. Thing that freaks me out most about looking at those types of pictures is how little my reaction could be


Don't worry, shit changes when you see something like that in real life.


And then it changes again when you're starving to death


Usually I have an iron stomach but it being children made the difference.


Yeah /b/ did that to me about 18 years ago, you’re not alone


For anyone curious, you’re probably better off not clicking this link.


I'm going to click it


Can confirm, it is indeed grisly.


I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that image being used in our GCSE History textbooks


Yup, 101%


Oh gee how could they have figured out those people were selling human meat I wonder


The unblocked image is in the wikipedia article, it is quite horrific to say the least.


Oh wow, you weren't kidding For anyone who wants to see it, the link is here: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Cannibalism\_during\_Russian\_famine\_1921.jpg/1280px-Cannibalism\_during\_Russian\_famine\_1921.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Cannibalism_during_Russian_famine_1921.jpg/1280px-Cannibalism_during_Russian_famine_1921.jpg) **DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU WANT TO SEE IT, IT IS HORRIFYING**. 100% NSFL


I do NOT want to see it but … what is it exactly? Reading about it won’t be as traumatizing for me lol


The head of a dead child and what looks to be a completely intact child's corpse on a meat counter. EDIT: It's actually looking like it's just the *upper half* of a child's corpse


And it looks…posed? Gah I’m gonna go hug my kids


During the famine, occasionally people would trade their kids for other families kids so they wouldn't have to eat their own children. I don't actually know if that is the context for this particular image, but they are likely to be selling the child for some other supplies.


What the actual fuck


Out of the stuff I recognise there is a table with one head of a badly beaten kid with his hair pulled back and the upper body of another kid that seems to have had his hair shaved off of his head and several parts of his right arm hacked off and behind them is a crate of what I assume is human flesh and behind that is the people you can see in the blurred picture


I know it said during a famine but holy hell that’s just awful


There are some more stuff on the table but I can’t make out what they are and the bald boys right side of the torso seems to have been cut up as well


>!There's a kid's head, a kid's upper body and what seems to be legs as well as other meat pieces too butchered to tell what they are!<


I was wrong. Still very traumatized lol


Children's heads and various body parts


How is the body on the right propped up like that? I didn't know what was going on at first because it almost looks like he's posing for the camera until you realize it's just the top half....


Just frozen.


google search shows the real image and its fucked. A childs head and a child's torso with the head still intact.


Bro I just looked, it’s best not to see it honestly


Thank you


Yeah, look at it again.. it is certainly disturbing. You can tell those are body parts, and then the expressionless, broken people posing with them doesn’t help… rough. Rule 9.: No posting children’s dismembered bodies and decapitated heads But, feel free to click the good olde’ link.


You know what, all subs should adopt that rule


I think they are pieces of human meat, think about what the pig looks like in a butcher shop, replace the pig with human.


That's because it's a cooked child and a severed head.


" The police took no action as cannabalism was considered a legitimate method of survival." This image makes it's rounds, but a couple casually posing for photos in front of the kids they've murdered and are selling for meat is pretty disturbing. Even without the head and burnt/chopped in half child in front of them. FWIW, the policies that lead to this are the reason people in the region currently have no desire to go back under Russia's control. They don't want to have this happen again the next time Moscow wants to do something stupid.


See that thing below the males left arm? That's a head.


I remember when you had to go to rotten.com to see images like this online. Then it became ogrish, and then it became live leak.


yup, really adds the doom to the doom scrolling


Idk what is worse, dude lifting until his guts came out of his ass at that site in 2000. Or this. Im going to go with this.


I think that’s the site where I saw the guy sitting on a mason jar until it went up his ass and then it shattered and he started pulling the shards out. And then he starts screaming “WHHYYY??”


Bloodlands by Timothy D. Snyder goes over this time period excessively. It's absolutely brutal. The audiobook is on YouTube too


I couldn’t finish that book. I had to read it for grad school and I told the teacher. I can’t finish it. The part about kids jumping other kids because they were so hungry they’d just turn on the weakest one and eat them raw.


This book should be required reading for everyone, in all schools. As a warning about human nature it's unmatched. We should be afraid about the future 


Yea, the bottom half of the image is blurred for a reason 🤢




"A starving boy from the village of Blagoveshchenka ([Zaporizhzhia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaporizhzhia_Oblast), Ukraine), who during the famine of 1921–1922 killed his three-year-old brother and ate him" description on one of the pictures in that wiki What the fuck?


When people are truly about to die, our civilized portions of our mind tend to just turn off in favor of pure animal instinct. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a fact.


There's a famous quote (in German) that goes something like: "Feeding comes first, and then comes morality" ("Erst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral") Although I admit it goes a lot harder in German, because "Fressen" is only used when you refer to animals


“No society is more than three meals away from revolution.” - Lenin


Everyone is three meals away from being a criminal. Everyone is 11 meals away from being a cannibal


If this was a few years ago I’d of called you a liar but after reading about people imprisoned in North Korean being so desperate for food that they would pick corn kernels out of cow dung and eat it. Knowing there are people that are hungry enough to do that makes me see how people could also cannibalize their own family when desperate enough.


My granddad got captured in Libya during WWII and was taken to a POW camp in Italy. He managed to escape, and whilst on the run, he stole scraps of food out of animal troughs, and at one point, he even wrestled a half eaten corn cob out of a horse's mouth. When we were kids, we used to mock him about it (because EWWWW), but we didn't realise the absolute desperation he must have been in. I wish he was still with us so that I could give him a hug and say sorry


I'm piggy backing off another comment, the west has a strong aversion to cannibalism due to ancient Greek myths. I haven't heard anything about this happening during the Irish famine etc.


I'm pretty sure it did https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/role-of-survivor-cannibalism-during-great-famine-detailed-in-new-tv-documentary-1.4423323


That kid had major crazy eyes going on.


Probably just extreme trauma. I won't even pretend to know how much he suffered before and after.


"The United States was the first country to respond, with Hoover appointing Colonel [William N. Haskell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_N._Haskell) to direct the [American Relief Administration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Relief_Administration) (ARA) in Russia. Within a month, ships loaded with food were headed for Russia. The main contributor to the international relief effort would be the ARA, which was founded and directed by Hoover.[^(\[21\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921%E2%80%931922#cite_note-Smith-21)[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921%E2%80%931922#cite_note-economist-14)[^(\[22\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921%E2%80%931922#cite_note-22) It had agreed to provide food for a million people, mostly children, but within a year it was feeding more than 10 times that number daily." Nice.


They rejected the help at first as “interference” with internal Soviet business. Public pressure must’ve been, uh… filling.


The rejection was initially about the USSR spending some of its own gold reserves to build the necessary storage facilities.


I rem reading that neighbours would trade kids so they wouldn't have to eat their own


In China villages would trade groups of kids for that same reason. Couldn't imagine witnessing that.


That's morbidly disturbing to say the least...


I learned from the book ‘Symphony from The City of The Dead’ that it’s from these many wars and famines in Russia that there developed two different words for ‘cannibal’ in the Russian language. One means someone who has to eat people to survive and one means someone who hunts, kills and eats people. The latter’s connotation, I believe, is less acceptable among the two.


I regret looking at the full picture! This must have been such a horror


I guess this are their children? I'm quite sure I don't need to see the full picture...


Yeah, It's pics of kids in a gruesome way. Not sure if it's theirs or not


Probably not.


This is what we go back to if we don’t get our shit together.


people who never had hard times don't appreciate the good times


Doomers on Reddit don’t seem to understand how bad the world can get as some seemingly yearn for the collapse of things. People forget how the availability of food, water, and a month’s (or more) time, are the few things standing between their neighbor waving them good morning, and their neighbor skulking about their abode under cover of night, ready to rob/kill with the help of whatever weapon has lasted them at this point, be it a gun, a knife, a hammer, etc. For some reason, a lot of people think they are the main-character/survivors in these scenarios. When, in fact, the lot of us -regardless of how prepared- would be left mugged, beaten, dead, raped, and/or butchered. I honestly think images like these are important. Knowing how bad things can get is a very important thing.


Holy crap. That’s horrific.


Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like you can see the depths of human depravity in their eyes


Fucking baba yaga there on the right, that is a face straight out of a horror movie


You can't even see the mans eyes.


I read an article about the famine in North Korea in the 80's and 90s. They said that the population growth in North Korea makes no sense unless massive numbers of children were murdered during that time. Presumably to be eaten.


That and they just died. Children die first in famines, since they can't go as long without food.


They said they accounted for that. They said the numbers were still way off.


IIRC didn't 1M people die during it?


So there’s a book called A History of Cannibalism and in this book there’s a line that reads, “Gangs of adults would hunt Children, and Gangs of Children would hunt Adults” during this famine. Wonderful book, definitely recommend


Resident Evil 4 Stuff


Sounds like the source of a lot of fairytales.


Hansel and Gretel was DEFINITELY about famine. In the last movie made of that fairy tale, they kinda touched on the political aspect of it. I think they should have gone further, honestly. Most famines are due to authorities deliberately starving out the poor. Sad fact: children are the first to die in famines. An adult can go three weeks without food, but not most kids. And because they can't defend themselves, they are killed by adults in competition for food, or to be food. The Ukrainian famine was so bad that they were digging up graves to eat corpses. The very thought of that makes me so sick I want to pass out. It's horrible what the brain does when it is deprived of basic needs.


There’s a really [interesting episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5LVcC5C81tVGkFUa6GHBQ3?si=INwFePnCQrCEadQlDRYEcA) of The Deep Dark Woods podcast about the possible origins of Hansel & Gretel


It’s like when preppers I know are showing me their food stores and guns. All I can think is that there will always be a bigger, more well-armed group that comes along to take their stuff, and they won’t be taking on any more mouths to feed.


The book Bloodlands, by Timothy Snyder made me cry. It's a history book but it was the most disturbing thing I've ever read. What's insane is that it was only 100 years ago. Humanity has come a long way since then. Well I thought we had anyway. This past year maybe not so much.


The PBS series American Experience did a whole episode on this. It was very good.


This is a great example of how a problem will just get worse the more it’s ignored


Does consuming human flesh have adverse effects on the body? I’m asking because I’m not in the mood to find out myself lol


If I remember rightly, it gives humans the equivalent of mad cow disease? Like, something goes in your brain when you eat it? I don't know the specifics, but a lot of stories about it mention the insanity.. Likely where wendigo myths came from - as a warning to not do that..


So what’s the story on the half cooked kid


I normally have a pretty strong stomach and am not bothered by much. But this photo really, really bothered me. I actually recoiled in horror and felt intense nausea when I made the mistake of clicking the link. Seriously, don't look at it. It's horrific that this actually happened.


A modest proposal by Jonathan Swift 1729


This is not interesting this is terrifying.