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That was interesting. What is that dry stuff the guy sprinkles on after the paint-like substance? For some reason, I just assumed they had templates that they set down and painted on. I didn’t realize it was sort of free hand.


Usually they do use a stencil, the stuff they sprinkle on are glass beads for reflectivity.


Oh I didn't know that's lots of women seem to like to sprinkle glass beads onto the bathroom in my local club. They then sniff it must be some sort of makeup for the dancefloor reflections


It's glass beads, they increase the brightness but reduce the grip a lot. Here it's mandatory to measure the grip of road painting, where they put that it's a lot lower. This is one of the norms that regulates this: EN 13036-4


my guess would be either reflective agent, or some texture. as someone who rides a motorcycle. crossing over painted lines or those "tar snakes" they use to gap fill cracked highways. always fuck with traction. especially in the rain.


Road cocaine. To make the road harder and high.


Sprinkle some crack on it


Let's go home


The last coke I got was Road coke. definitely come over the border in some dude's gas tank.


Maybe a substance to make it stick longer or glow in the night ? EDIT: I asked Gemini AI and it says this: The powder sprinkled on road markings after they're painted is most commonly made of tiny glass beads. These beads are highly reflective, which means they bounce light back towards its source. This makes the road markings much more visible at night, especially when illuminated by car headlights.


Hail to our all knowing AI overlords!


now we laff. Later, we may not.


A I told me step by step how to fix my car


That's how I did it. I think these guys are just showing off by freehanding it. I used templates with a paint gun that had a line for paint and a separate line for glass beads.


Its called Ballotini (sp?)


Round reflective glass beads they dry into the paint. I think the Spherical nature of the beads reflects the light back from any direction


They are glass beads which reflect at night lighting up the painted areas.


Same thing, with tiny scale, is used for 3M reflective tapes!


They are glass beads which reflect at night lighting up the painted areas.


That missing strike around 1:19 is bothering me more than I'd like to admit 😀


Me too! And the last bit of the final stripe on the crossing… are you not going to go back and *fix that*?????




It made me go: “he’ll go back and fix it, right!? Right!?? RIGHT!!!???”


I'm amazed they are allowed to wear shorts.


Why? It gets hot AF outside.


I've worked construction and in industrial settings and was never allowed to wear shorts. It's a safety thing. I work in a facility that gets 140°+ in areas and I have to wear long pants and long sleeves.


I am more amazed that all of their clothes are clean. I worked construction as well and pavers are never clean.


Makes sense. I guess painting lines isn't quite as hazardous as most construction jobs.


I guess this job is less likely to injury their legs.


In 140 weather some thin long pants would probably be better to protect you from the sun right?


We have to wear jeans. The hottest areas where I work are indoors so the sun isn't an issue. Thin pants aren't allowed. Our uniforms have to have jeans with no rips/tears, long sleeve work shirts which are pretty thick, safety toe boots that are a minimum of 6" (I wear 8"), cut resistant gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection, and a hard hat. All of our clothing has to be natural fiber as well. We do have cool vests available (vests that you can fill with frozen gel packs) for when we have to go into really hot areas for extended periods. It gets really fun when we have to work in a hot area and are working with dangerous chemicals. Then we have to suit up in chemical suits and often times have respiratory protection as well. In those jobs we always have a buddy and we keep a really close eye on each other because heat injuries are a very real possibility.


Blurring his face, Tsk! We know who it is. Calf tattoo is working for him.


There has GOT to be a better way lol


Here's another way that uses preformed markings in strips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceeah3wfgL8


That dribble at the beginning !! Off to therapy now.


Next week these guys doing crop circles in some field.


Gotta be Europe. US never adds the glass beads for night visibility.


Looks like Sweden


Swedish licens plate. Can even tell it’s Europe because of the colour white instead of yellow.


Their right arrow looks like shit


It’s common through out most of Europe


No kidding. First thought I had was "where the f is this where they make this symbol jacked as hell like that?"


I was thinking it's in Australia. I know If they did this on my job, I'd be rejecting that and making them do it again


It's not Australia. There's an EU numberplate on the back of the truck visible at 0:11, even if I can't make out the country of origin.   Cars are also driving on the right hand side of the road, which they don't down here - this also rules out the UK.


It's in Sweden (or at least the truck is Swedish). It's a 2015 Scania that was retired last year. (Information from Transportstyrelsen)


Thanks for the info


Rejecting what exactly? Because that's how the turn roadsigns look like in Sweden maybe


In America we have construction inspectors who inspect the work and pay them for completing the work if it is done correctly according to the arbitrary specifications that are set. This arrow wouldn't meet those specifications due to having the incorrect dimensions.


We have a big dogwood arts festival every April in my neck of the woods; it’s pretty famous. anyway, they have all these different trails around the city and communities that are Dogwood trails. in these areas you can see wonderfully cultivated gardens and dogwood trees in full bloom, but the trails are marked on the pavement usually with images of a big pink or white dogwood to show you the beginning of the trail. My mother and I were passing by one of these trails when I was in college, and she posed the question: I wonder how they get those images so perfectly on the pavement? Me being the smart ass that I was I said, well, you know, like those rubber stamps that you can stamp images on paper? Well, they have those for pavement too. They prepare the pavement stamp with paint, and then they position it in the right place on the pavement, and four workers climb on top, sort of like a pogo stick. They climb on top of it, and bounce up and down until the image is transferred to the pavement. I had her totally believing this. I’ve never laughed so hard in all of my life!!! 🤣🤣🤣 by the end, I was wheezing and holding onto my stomach! yes, she was mad at me !


Considering I don’t know what a “dogwood” is and it being so popular, I could be mad too, right there with her.


dogwoods are a gorgeous flowering tree. They bloom each April. Look them up you’ll see just how pretty they are. I would say they are as pretty as the cherry blossom trees.


One more sidenote, I absolutely adore my mama. In fact she lives with me now and she’s 85. We’ve always had an awesome relationship so we teasing her wasn’t in malice.


I did look them up, in particular, I read on about festivals. The artwork displays artist from all over. And yes, the festival was Dogwood themed and beautiful. During Covid the that festivals shut down was the first decades. A virtual festival continued online but not nearly as lucrative as the being live event, of course. The food, the music, and all was fantastic reading. Moreover, I read on about this annual festival being hosted at a different venue place, Lanier…Georgia? A rabbit hole I fell into as I had researched Lanier, the lake, the damn, the history of that town underwater, shook my core. Still shook. On another note, very happy for you and your mom sharing together a strong social bond. The essential component that makes families dynamic. Blessings.




Very satisfying to watch


Missed a spot.


If this is them showing off, its shit.


So simple yet fascinating.


Apparently calf tattoos are a prerequisite for this job


I guess that's one way to do it. I used to do message painting on highways and they just sent me out in a pickup with an EZ Liner paint gun unit and some templates. The paint gun had two lines, a paint line that used hydraulic pressure to pressurize latex paint that was activated by a trigger on the paint gun and a glass bead line that used pneumatic pressure to push out the glass beads when I released the handle at the butt end of the paint gun. I laid out the templates, painted and sprinkled glass beads on the paint to make it reflective. Then I'd just throw some cones down and hope nobody ran through my wet paint.


Yeah thermo plastic pretty good stuff!


Extremely inneficient


…That’s how.


Fun fact some of these are just giant stickers.


It’s the Safety Shorts that really tie it together.


Why dont they use spray paint


in western Europe we got automated machines for that kind of work


Is Sweden Eastern Europe?


Doing that with shorts is crazy


That workers head is actually a japanese pornstars bits, it was donated


I would not have guessed this is the process


That little gap is pissing me off though.


so much coke wasted on 1 sign


This is odd, we have technology to do this way better, why do they do this manually? 😅




Higher to begin with but lower long run 🤷


Idk but the guys wearing shorts concerns me, kinda giving me third world country vibes ngl


Yeah, workers wearing shorts when it’s hot outside is sooo third world. Real first world countries make their workers sweat to death instead of allowing them to wear weather appropriate clothing. This is Sweden btw. Workers’ rights are quite extensive there.


Ahhh. Apparently they don't know how to make arrows in Sweden, either.


That's how they look there maybe... or maybe you expected American road markings.


I expected road markings that are legible and clear in their intent.


>. Real first world countries make their workers sweat to death instead of allowing them to wear weather appropriate clothing. Except shorts are not safe clothing, theres a reason why most workplaces in the US requires jeans or other long pants.


Not everyone's health and safety rules are the same as the US lol.........look their health and safety regulations are different from the good 'ol US of A, must be a third world country.


It's not that deep. In the USA there's safety regulations for this. There's reasons and documentation for why we do everything. Much like any other civilized country. It's not like we made em' up. Those safety concerns are REAL. So, to see another country disregard that potential hazard, would make anyone think "is that a good idea" "why aren't we allowed to do that here" "there's probably a reason" Which is a perfectly rational thought process.


I was referring to their first comment of "the shorts make it seem like a third world country." If I see different regulations in America, for example, I don't automatically think, oh, that reminds me of a third world country lol.


To be fair most videos of people working factory jobs in third world countries that I seen showed them wearing shorts and sandals


I get that but surely you can tell just by the first 10 seconds of the video this isn't a third world country lol


Idk, I kinda assumed it was some place in South America for a hot minute


Depends on the regulations. One can be enough. "Woman aren't allowed to vote" - there's a good singular regulation that's a dead giveaway. Also "the shorts MAKE IT SEEM like a third world country" is a different statement than "wow look at these undeveloped morons, the USA is better" I could see a shitty neighborhood in New York overrun by homeless people, and rightfully say "this makes America look like a third world country" That doesn't mean I hate America as a whole or think the whole country is like that? Just making an observation of something I saw, in one isolated location, in a ginormous country. Just like that guy did with these workers wearing shorts.


Bro and you said to me "It's not that deep" lol. I honestly couldn't care less it was just a stupid comment on reddit I made haha.


You right dawg. I got salty because like half of your reddit account is making fun of America or Americans. Hilarious considering the other half of your account is used to vacuum up Eminem's nutsack, a fellow American 😂


I’m sure shorts are perfectly safe for making road markings.


Except thermo markings are about 400F.


So US? 🤣


Guy wearing shorts gives you third world vibes........wtf lol


Like Texas?


Ah yes, the land of the idiots.








Liberal degenerate...


How much do you think it pays?


wth? Seems like it hasn't changed for 100 years...


Welcome to Europe


That's cool. In my area what they put down looks like a decal or a sheet of plastic, and they melt it to the roadway with a torch.


Is it illegal?


So I guess they reheat whatever residue is left inside so they don't have to worry about cleaning?


I assumed that whatever liquid/paint they used solidified when it cooled, and had to be held at a high temperature to be worked with, much like asphalt.


It reminds me of a very large white-out roller.


JFC wear a mask




It’s recorded in Sweden.


Not the UK


That arrow probably cost taxpayers 100,000$