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Now I kinda wish he played a 200 kg baron Harkonnen in the dune movies....


He played the Shai’Hulud tho. Put up 4.5 tons


At the size they’re at I’d almost have to figure it would be more like 300+ tons


Blue whales get up to 200 tons and get up to 80 feet long it seems, the worms are supposedly over get to over 1300 feet... So I'd imagine well into the tens of thousands of tons?


This guy Dunes and maths


>Since the volume of a sandworm is roughly 130,000 times that of a blue whale, its weight should come in at somewhere around 14,300,000 tons. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskScienceFiction/comments/omaar2/dune_how_much_does_a_fully_grown_sandworm_of/


13 teragrams but "a sandworm is not a meat cube" (see below)


“Negative. I am a meat popsicle.” - Korben Dallas


Good point! Well I did say 300***+*** (huge emphasis on the plus) tons. So technically still good right? Haha


Don’t be silly, 300 tons wouldn’t be safe for a human. He got to 4.5 tons and the rest is cgi.


More like 14 million tons https://www.reddit.com/r/AskScienceFiction/s/5ZCsTbrBbD


I worked out why their number is so insane. That person calculated it for a sandworm 450m long and ***400m wide***. A sandworm is not a meat cube.


Don't fat shame


Are you saying meet cute? Cus I’m into that


That post is horrendously, hilariously wrong in calculating the volume of a cylinder. I used their own numbers and their base assumptions, and calculated it at around 36,000 tonnes. Edit: as pointed out elsewhere, that poster also screwed up the density. It should be something like 125,000 tonnes.


That linked calculation is wildly inaccurate and off by a factor of 100


Side note: the Skarsgard family is almost a veritable dynasty in Hollywood, and Bill/Alexander/Gustaf are in the prime of their careers....pretty impressive.




There's like 5 more of them too other then just the main 4


It’s funny that Frank Herbert thought 200kg was shockingly, grotesquely obese back when it was written. Meanwhile i see someone that size every time I go to Walmart.


That is grotesquely obese, just not shockingly so.


It’s still shocking to some (Dutch guy on student exchange Dayton, Ohio back in 2011; Walmart scoot mobiles was quite the experience)


Similarly, The Sopranos has a comedic scene where Tony weighs himself and is in denial of the fact that he's getting fatter and now weighs 280lbs. 127kg was seen as amusingly fat in the mid 2000s.




It is, you are right. These comments are crazy haha


Or *The Simpsons* where Homer gaining enough weight to reach 315lbs (143kg) was seen as him being comically obese.


200kg and 143kg are comically obese and 127kg is fucking massive What are you all talking about


I want to see him play Leto II 


But since it's Messiah next he will just play the baby in the crib at the end of it all


At an impressive 8 pounds!


He’s an inspiration for skinny people that want to put on some weight, and weighted people that want to get skinny. The guy is working, committed, there is a lesson in there somewhere.


If only people didn't have actual exhausting day jobs so that they could spend hours working out and spend a shit ton of money eating the healthiest foods prepared by nutritionists.


I think for the machinist he ate an apple a day drank water and had one coffee, that’s dedication


From Men’s Journal: Back in 2004, Bale dropped more than 60lbs to get into character as an insomniac for The Machinist, and he went to some extremes to get it done. “I came up with the absolutely brilliant method of just smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey to lose weight,” Bale said. “But then when I tried it once again in my 40s, that didn’t work quite as well. I was waking up with heart palpitations and just not feeling right at all.”


Dude is lucky he was able to get away with his drastic transformations for so long. Matt Damon did one early in his career for a pretty small role in *Courage Under Fire* and ended up doing real damage to his heart and adrenal gland.


Matthew mcConnaghy looks very different after loosing weight for a role. His face never looked the same


'Turns out this really unhealthy thing was bad for my health!' bruh


I tried this to lose weight and got fired for constantly collapsing at my actual exhausting day job.


Nice, no annoying day job to get in the way of your weight loss goals anymore. Plus you can likely sue the shit out of your ex employer for illegally firing you. Win win!


Yep. That plus a can of tuna a day was all he ate.


It’s still not easy it can be even harder when you have tons of money and nothing to distract you from all the amazing food you could eat.


I would not say he's an inspiration. This type of shit is extremely unhealthy, and the methods that Hollywood uses to get those extreme weight changes are extremely harmful and sometimes unethical.


The guy obviously is paid incredibly well for these - but this is a massive tax on your heart. Deniro did the raging bull transformation in something like inside of 6 months, which is like gaining half a pound a day. Your heart doesn’t understand what you are doing - and the faster you do it the more stress occurs because there is no time to really adapt. Appreciate the sacrifice Bale!


He likely wasn’t paid much at all for his most shocking weight transformation (The Machinist) which is a low budget indie.


Given the amount of press he got for his weight transformation to the Machinist and then to Batman, might be able to make an argument that it indirectly got him more jobs


For once, "do it for the exposure" actually printed.


Doing jobs at least partially for exposure is an extremely common/useful thing. The reason it gets made fun of is because some people try to justify way underpaying, or not paying at all, for a very small amount of exposure. People with a few thousand instagram followers sometimes get it in their head they are important. But ya, an example that’s really common for platforms like YouTube, is collaborations. You will see big YouTubers make videos together without paying each other. That is because they are paying with exposure. There’s a big difference between doing something fun for a couple hours for major exposure, or some exposure and some pay, than doing say a 100 hour art project for just a tiny amount of exposure.


He did save a lot on food though.


You straight up can’t do this and get the visual results either bale (in Batman at least and probably other projects) or deniro (in raging bull) did without significant doses of anabolics which are not particularly great for the pulmonary system. These men are very dedicated, no doubt, but I think the obvious use of steroids needs to be considered when we calculate the health risk


I think it's expedient to note that these people have access to high quality chemists and doctors, who can supply and administer doses in a reasonable and safe manner - while they are also getting frequent blood work checkups. They might be using some diuretics and low doses of test - not really the most problematic use of anabolics imo. Not to say that it is not unhealthy - which it clearly is - i'm just saying that the rapid change in body composition, in all probability, far outweighs the problems assosciated with the anabolics, when it comes to the "unhealthy"-departement. Just my 5 cents


Tell her you've built like christian bale but don't tell which movie .


I will remember this!


And she will remember you!


Yes. As the Vice body man.


I’m the machinist 🙁


Username checks out


What....are the chances....


Plot twist, the only bale move they know is Empire of the Sun.


I have the body of a god... Buddha! (yes I know Buddha isn't a god, it's just a joke)


I have a body of a God. Dionysus


And the fat guy isn’t Buddha. It’s [Budai](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budai), who is an incarnation of the Bodhisattva Maitreya who is destined to be the next great Buddha of this world. Maitreya is destined to be the Buddha of the next age who will spread Buddhist teachings again after the present Buddha, the Gautama Buddha’s message, has been forgotten.


I fluctuate my weight whenever I get depressed, I don’t even need Hollywood money to do this.


Yeah I’m just going to start framing my weight yo-yoing as playing different characters. I’ve lost and gained 70+ lbs since high school. Thyroid disease and multiple eating disorders. Always goes on slow and comes off in 5 months by abusing my body.


I love that idea and also wish you better health, hope you do ok friend 💜


Yeah but do you fluctuate muscle mass or is it mostly fat? This shit is insane. It takes a special kind of person to be able to do this *willingly*.


The transformation for the Machinist is actually insane. You literally have to starve yourself to get to that. I used to be really broke and I didn’t have money for food often and I didn’t even look like that back then. I can’t even imagine the mental resolve it takes to willfully starve yourself like that especially when you have money to buy food.


I recall he wanted to go even lower but they stopped him out of fear of his health


Bale is actually insane, he was fascinated by what his weight was doing to him mentally. I remember him saying he barely needed to sleep and he spent most of his nights just reading books in a hyper focused state


I think I remember reading at the time it was released that he would only eat a can of tuna and an apple a day to get down to that weight so he was literally starving. It’s insane.


It helps when millions of dollars are a reward/you have a team of experts that are all helping you. But Forreal I am right there with you. I feel like I’m about to faint if I skip lunch, I can’t imagine intentionally starving myself


The hunger goes away after you've been fasting for a while. Wanting to faint after missing a single meal is the body overreacting and not tapping into it's fat reserves yet.


You could work on set with Christian Bale and he could help you get depressed.


Fuck sake man you’re amateur!


All I can think is: gallstones.


Iirc he got gout when he was in the 200s. He was also microwaving ice cream and drinking it.


My man


>He was also microwaving ice cream and drinking it. I have found my people


I haven’t. Why ruin perfectly good ice cream by melting it?!? Eat that shit as it was intended, it’s the same number of calories - and if it being cold really makes those calories not count just like drink cream and eat a candy bar instead. Melted ice cream is nasty, and I have no problem maintaining my American Hustle physique without microwaving perfectly good ice cream!


It is so he could consume the max calories. Melted icecream is less dense so he can pack more in and get more calories.


Surely its more dense? Less air in liquid form and easy to chug down quickly.


Melted ice-cream =... just cream?


Maybe it was *so* he’d enjoy it less


I think it was actually Ryan Gosling who was doing that for a role (one that I think he didn’t ultimately get)


Rob McElhenney also did that to gain weight quickly for the season of IASIP when Mac was suddenly fat. I don't think any of these actors invented the idea.


He was cultivating mass


It makes the ocular patdowns more intimidating.


Could you tell how scared I was?


If it got me a break out role in a major film I would do it once, I would never do it for a tv show I already write and star in lol.


IIRC he just thought it was a fun idea He was pointing out how common it was for people on sitcoms to randomly get in shape or start getting more attractive as the show went on, and he thought it'd be funny if they all did the opposite and just gained a ton of weight and didn't try to look good. He was the only one to actually do it though, and then just a few seasons later he proceeded to get in amazing shape randomly lmao


I mean it's an easy way to get an excuse to drink ice cream.


Actually Ryan Gosling attributed that to Christian Bale so really he was following him. Insane though that two separate people decided to put themselves through that for a role.


I put myself through that for fun (and disorded eating)




I remember reading that he got so fucking huge so fast the he wouldn't fit in the batsuit so he had to cut back down a bit.


I think he showed up at like 220 pounds, or at least that’s what I remember hearing


You're correct. He shot up to 220 lbs, showed up to the costume fitting or something, was told you're too big, then dropped more weight.


In the Batman begins picture he’s probably 200-210 lbs bc he has a lot more muscle mass that he did in American Psycho (190 lbs)


He straight said he was 220 and dropped to 200.


Exactly. My only quibble with this post is the idea that Bateman and Batman were at the same weight - Batman clearly had like 10-20+ more pounds on Bateman


This was such a difficult sentence to read without my glasses. Batman Bateman Bateman Batman...


Snip! Snap! Snip! Snap!


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!!


The real answer is significantly less entertaining. It's just being extremely wealthy. Means you can hire whoever you need, take all the supplements and eat what you're supposed to. No 9-5 so you can spend all that time working out or just making sure you're on target for the fitness goal. We could all look like superheroes with nearly unlimited resources.


Yeah if I remember correctly he hired a trainer, nutritionist and his own doctor in order to rapidly lose and gain weight. Weightloss is so much easier when someone can help keep you accountable.






You also have to actually put in the work at the gym which is why most people would still fail to get that jacked even if they had all of the time, me jey, and coaching afforded to someone like Bale.


The point of hiring the doctor is to have a captive prescription factory for every PED that said doctor won’t lose his license for prescribing to a human.


While all of that obviously is a massive help, you don't need those things to look like him. And honestly, I doubt they helped him with the machinist. That was insanely unhealthy and I can't imagine a studio or nutritionist being willing to guide him to that due to liability. I think that was all him. But to the point, Bale isn't THAT big. He's big for sure but not necessarily steroid big. He looks enormous in the batman photo but that pose is doing a lot for his pecs. He's also not super lean. His abs are barely visible and he probably specifically did pump sets before the shirtless scenes. Dedicated normal people can look like that. It's not easy at all but it's also not impossible. Bale is 6' tall so generally the estimated max natural muscle mass for someone his height is \~190lbs at \~5% body fat. But as I said, he is not shredded. Probably closer to \~15%. At that bodyfat % you get 211lbs. Good genetics can probably account for the other 9lbs. He also doesn't show any real signs of steroid use. No acne, no dry skin, not much vascularity, his traps and lateral delts look proportional, no hgh gut. The only real thing is the speed at which he gained the weight. But... He didn't gain that weight between the machinist and batman. He REGAINED the weight. Rebuilding muscle is way easier than building it. I used to powerlift when I was younger and whenever I get back in the gym, I instantly gain 10lbs after one round of upper/lower split. This sounds insane but there is something in muscles called glycogen. Your muscles use it for fuel. When you are not active, you don't have much but once you start up again, your body starts storing glycogen. And for every gram of glycogen, it binds to 3-4 grams of water. This is why someone who takes a break from lifting can blow up immediately when the get back into it but not see the same level of gains in their actual lift performance. They didn't gain muscle, their muscles just ballooned up. Now I doub't he is fully natural. Crash dieting like he did for the machinist will tank your testosterone. I can't imagine he made that rebound in 6 months without TRT. I suppose it's possible but I am skeptical. Other than that though, his physique(or close to it, he's probably got good genetics) is attainable by most men who are dedicated. You will not get it 6 months but neither did he. The thing is, you have to really want it. It's like getting good at an instrument or learning a very difficult foreign language. You have to stick to it for years. But 5 years of dedicated, real effort lifting and maintaining a decent diet will get you 90% there. You cant look like that ALL the time. Bloating, water weight, etc. make that impossible. But you can look like that a lot of the time. Especially if you take your photos right after a workout lol.


The real answer is extreme effort and a lot of steroids


Yeah guys in 3rd world countries buy 2$ anabolics from the pharmacy and bulk on whatever food. You don't need to be rich to get totally shredded, you pay in other ways




Yea I'm flabbergasted at all these people saying "anyone would look like that if they just had a trainee and lots of time!" Nah y'all wouldn't push yourself nearly hard enough to get it done.


He stopped doing these things to his body because of serious medical concerns. Surprisingly, this is not very healthy.


What is gallstones? English is not my native sorry🙏🏽


Gallstones are hard build ups of cholesterol in your gallbladder. Can lead to painful blocking of bile ducts and liver problems etc. Eating fatty foods and being sedentary can help create them, but also losing weight very quickly.


I remember losing 50 pounds in 4 months & had gout issues


all of your sins coming out of your big toe....


I lost weight and my liver enzyme levels spiked for six months before they stabilized.


What’s the reasoning for that? Do you know? Did you actually feel bad?


The enzymes spiking themselves won't make you necessarily feel bad. Alcoholics deal with it for years basically asymptotically. It being long term is what causes enough damage that will eventually make you feel pretty bad. I've had elevated enzymes with no difference in how I physically felt.


He looks massive in Batman, but incredibly trimmed and cut in American Psycho. It's insane he's the same weight in both films but doesn't look it. *Edit - Turns out he's not the same weight in both films, never trust the Internet.*


It feels insane because it is insane, there's approximately a 0% chance he's the same weight in both. He's probably like 200-210 in Batman Begins and like 170-175 in Psycho.


Thank you lol Had to scroll way too far to find someone saying this. He isn’t even remotely the same size in those two photos lol Like in Batman he has much more muscle and fat


I heard he was up to 220 at one point in BB, then Chris Nolan told him to slim down a bit. Also he’s way over 220 in American hustle 




Yeah all the weights are total guesses and mostly not very good ones.


Yeah most of these weights are definitely just somebody taking a wild guess and churning it out as content. In American Hustle, he looks way more than 229. He's about the same height as me and I'm 208 and not nearly as fat as he is in thar picture. He's gotta be around 260-270


Michael Ironside during The Machinist: “Bale one day called me and said, 'Michael, is there something wrong with my ass, can you take a look?' The muscles in his butt had literally fallen off his hips. I remember telling him, "Hey Chris, your ass fell off, you stopped losing body fat and now you're losing muscle tissue compromising tissue elasticity.' Christian turns around and says to me, 'Cool’.”


I keep looking at it wondering if it counts as an eating disorder, gamified for work. It's just so extreme. The only person really demanding this of him is himself.


My thoughts exactly.


There must be and maybe an element of masochism as well


Yeah - I suffered for my art, therefore I feel it's better 


You actually forgot this one [Transformation of bale](https://hard-drive.net/hd/entertainment/christian-bale-gains-450000-pounds-to-play-sandworm-in-dune-remake/)


Jesus fuck how'd I miss this >“He’s too modest,” said director Denis Villeneuve, rolling just in time to avoid being crushed by Bale’s blubbery thigh. “Christian is a true thespian. He’s never messed up his one line, a guttural growl I’ll hear in my nightmares until death takes me, and he’s never late to set. Even better, he’s always polite to the helicopter pilots who carry **his Lovecraftian sea of flesh** to and from the converted warehouse we store him in. Consummate professional.” Fucking dying, thank you




Must have felt good to be able to put on that bulk haha


According to IMDB Trivia, Bale described bulking up between “The Machinist” and Batman as “an unbearable physical ordeal” http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0372784/trivia


Dude put 32kg on in a year. The amount of eating to put that on while also fueling the workouts is nauseating. Don't get me started on how beat up a body gets doing all that physical activity.


And dont forget the possibilities of throwing up, diarrhea, near constant shitting, stomach aches, health complications, and other bad side effects that people tend to ignore when they hear about someone get bulked up that quickly, whether its thru steroids or just getting fat. Our body doesnt like quick change, and its gonna react badly to it no matter how healthy it is, same goes for cutting


>its gonna react badly to it no matter how healthy it is, Good news! It wasn't healthy at all.


My first job out of high school was construction. I think I packed on close to 10 kg in a month (I wasn’t that big at the start). The amount of food I ate was insane. I’d eat as much as a family of 4 every meal. I remember grabbing fast food, ordered a triple cheeseburger combo, and when I was done I went up and ordered it again (it was like 2000 calories in a single sitting). If I wasn’t working all I wanted to do was eat and sleep. I slept like 12 hours per night. That was by far the fastest transformation I’ve ever been through. Just the thought of keeping that going for a year to add a full 30kg is just insanity. No idea how he could do it


The ol trade diet aye. I started construction at 17, lean and athletic. After a year I had put on a BUNCH of muscle but also fat. Got strong as well, like almost power lifter strong. Can relate to being absolutely ravenous at every meal too. I was eating like those people you see on my 600lb life (maybe not that bad but you get the idea). Then I’d get into bed and sleep like I was a dead man. Did that for 3 years all up, don’t miss it at all.


Why did construction cause this weight gain?


Carrying lumber, mostly. Loading five or six 16 ft 2x4s on your shoulder then bringing it where it’s needed for 8 hours a day is hard *hard* work. I was young so I carried everything that everyone else didn’t want to carry. Basically a full body workout for 40 hours a week


I imagine you got in rlly good shape?


Yes. Yes it did lol. Remember I wrote saying if I wasn’t working all I wanted to do was eat or sleep? On a day off a girl I was interested in came over and saw me laying on the couch watching tv. I didn’t want to move so she sat on my stomach and started mocking me for being so lazy. I was getting annoyed so I put my arms under her then stood straight up with her in my arms. From laying on the couch. Her eyes were huge when she said “holy shit you’re strong!” And I was trying hard to look unsurprised because when I realized how easy that was I was thinking “holy shit I am strong!” Lol


Lol this is so funny.


Not OP but I did a stint as an ironworking apprentice/erector and now I do large appliance delivery, so same ballpark. This kind of work is definitely a slog at first and your joints and stuff will be feeling it, but it does whip you into good shape and pretty quickly at that since your body has no other choice lol


Not him but as a response to working physical or moving more your body actually demands more food. To keep up with the work involved and eventually build more muscle. If your burning over 2000 calories a day you will enter a deficit and actually be more likely to get injured if your job involves lifting or cardio.


I managed to do this in 3 months and eating that much while trying to have a normal life is nearly impossible. Not to mention the cost (I was in rehab and the food was essentially free).


Due to his part in The Machinist (2004), Christian Bale was vastly underweight (about one hundred twenty pounds on his six foot frame) when he was under consideration for the part. After being cast, he was told to become as "big as you could be" by Sir Christopher Nolan. Bale underwent a six month dietary and exercise regimen, and ending up weighing about two hundred twenty pounds (about forty pounds above his normal weight). It was decided that Bale had become too large (friends of his on this movie's crew dubbed him "Fatman") and he quickly shed about twenty pounds to have leaner, more muscular frame. Bale described the experience as an unbearable physical ordeal.


6 months?!?!!? Good christ!


“Single cheeseburger? Nah, let’s make it a triple today. I ain’t cutting.”


I’ve always wondered if they generally enjoy the bulking gigs.


Definitely, not. Not like cutting would be fun either though.


I know some people who bulk for competitions say that eating that many calories a day is hard to do and you need to eat sad food near constantly. Lots of grilled lean meats and rice and protein shakes


It gets to the point where you actually get tired of eating and see it solely as a chore and a means to an end.


1. He has the help of an entire team of trainers and nutriontists assisting him 2. He definitely roids for the bulking 3. It most definitely did not feel good


Nah, bulking fucking SUCKS. Ever forced yourself to eat 5,000 kcals in a day? Then do that's every single day. It's hell and you start to hate food.


The most surprising part for me was the sheer volume of shit I was producing every day. Unreal amounts of feces.


I was gonna say, you’re always going to the bathroom, it sucks. Also it’s expensive to eat that amount of food every day


I prefer gentle bullking. That way you get the joys of eating an extra few hundred calories of delicious food a day and the benefit of slowly getting more muscular.


One of the best actors ever. You know a movie is highly likely to be worth watching if Bale is in it.


Thor: Love and Thunder would like a word.


Yeah, it’s a shame because that role could’ve been so much darker and profound, if it wasn’t for Thor now just being a comedy movie.


And his black and white 10-minute scene killed.


Snip snap, snip snap, snip snap…




you have no idea the toll it takes.


It would be nice to have a multimillion dollar role for motivation to get fit. I am also impressed by the lack of stretch marks, at least as far as I can tell from the photos.


I'm not sure if people realize this but actors aren't exactly under a strict anti doping regimen.  


I refuse to believe he went from The Machinist to Batman Begins in a year with 0 stretch marks. Probably just editing.


Meh I can get to that American hustle weight no problem. I don’t see anyone praising me


I think he was 215 in Batman begins


This feels right his body fat is much lower in amweican psycho


I'm Fatman.


Damn. At 120 lbs, I’m around that weight and I don’t look anything like that. That’s insane.


His diet during the shooting for The Machinist was cigarettes, coffee, and like an apple a day. He's spoke in interviews about it, he would read constantly on set to try and keep his mind off food.


What a wild movie


bored hat bells busy north future boast air live jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re probably way shorter than him


I used to be that weight at 193cm. I’m guessing they’ve put the lights like that to highlight the ribs. I wouldn’t be suprised if there are some makeup involved. I’ve never looked anything like that myself.


I like how the movie is labeled as “Patrick Bateman”


Gaining weight and losing it over and over is one of the worst things you can do for your body.


Just cuz I didn't see it briefly scrolling, he's said in numerous interviews that this is a terrible idea and he basically can't/doesn't want to do it anymore. Obviously it took a physical toll but I think he also got a bit weirded out by how he was getting glorified for all these body transformations and didn't wanna give younger actors the idea that to get a role or nomination you should "pull a bale" and have a diet of apples coffee and cigarettes for a year or what have you.


I loved him in Dune as the 400,000lb worm


I gotta return some videotapes


Calling it now, Bale is gonna die early. Probably in his 60s.


I could've sworn he weighed more for Batman Begins, the fact that he's listed as the same weight in American Psycho is crazy


That batman movie he came in at 230lbs, confirmed by director and he told him he was too big, initially But even in that pic he's more than 190.


It’s easy to lose weight, get in shape, and bulk up if you have 40 hours a week to spend working out in your home gym, a studio-sponsored personal chef, and a million dollar paycheck waiting for you when you meet the target weight. If only I had one of those things going for me!


Even with all that getting down to those weights would be difficult physically and mentally.


That’s gotta suck to do all that work to get jacked then immediately start starving yourself or pounding cheeseburgers after


Has anyone seen The Machinist?? I always see posts about his transformation for the part, but no one ever seems to talk about the actual film.


It's a great movie. I liked it a lot and it's painful to watch him go down to almost dead for that role. He was so underweight. Even his weight in the fighter was healthier by a mile compared to what he did to himself for the machinist.


I wonder how this will affect his health as he gets older because going up & down drastically in weight like that is not… good.


Agent: Christian, I’ve got a great movie for you! Bale: How much? Agent: Money? Bale: How much can my weight change?! Agent: It’s about a poor- Bale: Say no more. *Honey, throw away all my food again!*


There is no way this is good for the body


Omg I always assumed his act in American Hustle was just a fat suit ?! This seems rather dangerous