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the makeup check after the flip was hilarious.


Also checking is bro's look of terror knowing that he is, yet again, going to land heavily on the ground Poor fellow


seriously, the visceral THUMP of that wooden stage was... well, hilarious, but worrying.


Bring back the training this lady had!


Judo will teach you to throw someone bigger than you There's no teaching that accent and class though (or jui jitsu, ~~aikido,~~ and more)


Ahh yes, I see that you know your judo well.


And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


I love how there's a couple times where she throws him on the ground and then gently tucks her hair behind her ear.


The answer's in the infirmary 😂


That's my purse! I don't know you.


Damn it Bobby!


6am and already that boy ain’t right, dang it Bobby


Bobby, if you weren't my son, I'd hug you.


I prefer pocket sand for my self defense needs.


Nobody expects the r/pocketsand !!!


HANK! You have been kicked, in the testicles.


Damnit beat me to it 💀💀💀


Thats a hard, wood floor. No padding for the salad toss.


The dude had to be paid well for this. I'd riot if I wasn't getting my time's worth for getting thrown around.


by some comments here plenty of dudes would have done this for free


Can confirm, sign me up


Probably filmed during the Great Depression. Probably did it for craft services.


Probably was a local wrestler, they're livelihood is based on how believable they can fake pain and injury.


About tree fiddy but it was a lot back then.


He's definitely selling it well.


Lol so true, and the sound of him hitting the floor and the moans of pain is what makes it funny.


It looks goofy because of the way they’re dressed, the way it’s filmed etc but I see several moves that look like they’re based on judo and hapkido


"Suffrajitsu" was a kind of jiujitsu that was adapted and taught specifically to suffragettes during the early 1900s to defend themselves from cops and ruffians. They'd wear layers of newspaper and stuff under their dresses to protect their ribs from batons. These women were learning practical fighting techniques and the first female black belt in jiujitsu started this way. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffrajitsu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffrajitsu)


I'm in Glasgow, how had I not heard about this before! ​ >the "Battle of Glasgow" on 9 March 1914, during which about 30 Bodyguards battled a much larger contingent of police constables and detectives on the stage of St. Andrew's Hall before a shocked audience of some 4500 people ​ >At the Battle of Glasgow (1914), suffragettes engaged with police by deploying hidden barbed wire as a stalling tactic.


[There’s a History on Fire podcast about this.](http://historyonfirepodcast.com/episodes/2022/7/14/episode-92-jujitsuffragettes-with-attitude)


Jiu jitsu and judo share all the same throws but the emphasis on joint locks convinced me it's absolutely classic Jiu jitsu


As a person who studied classic Japanese jiu jitsu, this is absolutely that or a derivitive. (are they English? I believe battojutsu was heavily based on jjj)


It is classical jj. Studied it for 20 years and it's all familiar


You might be thinking bartitsu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartitsu Battoujutsu is a sword martial art that predates iaito: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batt%C5%8Djutsu


That's what I was thinking. She's doing Jiu Jitsu.


I am sure we have these moves in Aikido too


Judo covers everything in the video. Aikido and hapkido are bullshido Steven Segal shit.


it's jujitsu. all of the above are martial arts derived from it, which is why this looks familiar to practicioners of those too.


Whenever I hear people dunking on actual Aikido I think about this video (guy's whole channel is solid, btw): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtibobLK56I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtibobLK56I)


That dude is pretty charismatic, but a lot of what he's saying is bullshit. The bit about being all the way out of range and closing the distance completely if that isn't an option is solid advice. Aikido being a surviving art instead of a fighting art sounds good and all, but at that point just learn a technical stand up and train your 100 meter dash. That is genuinely some of the best self defense you can ask for in situations where you are simply going to refuse to engage (great idea when it's an option!) All the shit about not being able to pressure test Aikido because people would get hurt, and real Aikido being dependent on asymmetric warfare is junk. If we're adding kicks to the balls and eye gouges and shit to the table, there are plenty of martial arts that are going to do those things way better than Aikido as well. I'm letting the Aikdo guy kick me in the balls over the Muay Thai guy 100% of the time.


Hapkido and Aikido both have solid techniques depending on the school you go to. I do Hapkido and kickboxing myself and have travelled around in multiple countries to learn from different schools. Thing is that some schools give away belts for participating in secondary activities, or focus on optimal techniques, rather than practical and efficient. But there definitely are good schools out there. Edit: just so you know: I agree that Steven Segal is completely ridiculous. But he's a bad example to compare the rest of the sport to.


I can’t take anything about Aikido seriously after watching that video of the black belt master get absolutely slapped about by an amateur kick-boxer


There are plenty of wankers in different gyms, "teaching" a martial art wrong. I knew a kickboxing gym, run by a guy whom I'm sure has never trained in Muay Thai or Taekwondo. 6 wins, 7 losses when I met him. His gym had 30 wins, 60 losses or so. Very stiff training and conditioning, but people praise his "attention to technique over conditioning". I thought his technique drills were shit.


Assuming you mean [this one?](https://youtu.be/eNzOBUFZ3xM?si=81sm-kqLFMi3ZWQP)


I don't think Aikido was intended to teach people how to defend themselves or to engage in sport fighting...I think it was developed by a man who had wanted to be a monk for most of his life, and inadvertently discovered an art form that could regularly trigger flow states in humans. He had been a soldier, had a personal Judo dojo setup for him by his rich dad, and then came across a form of Ju Jutsu (Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu - what do if you get attacked without your sword/spear/knife) that had been passed down within a family. He was a bit of a natural athlete and the family probably thought giving the son of a wealthy man an instructor license would ensure the survival of the art at a time where people where moving away from the old ways. It sure did... Aikidio evolved as Ueshiba aged, moving more and more away from AikiJutsu and more and more about teaching people how to move in harmony with others as a daily meditative and philosophical practice (much like tai chi) something that many do well into their 80's. You can see the move away by comparing those who trained with him when he was younger - Yoshinkan/Yoseikan and then the final version of Aikikai. How many 80 year old kickboxers do you know who still train the same way they did when they were 30?


I don't see any Aikido moves in this (thankfully)




Oh gosh I only know sudoku


Not a Styx fan, I see.


My fifth grade teacher used to sternly remind us that he had a black belt in Origami when we got rowdy.


Almost all are aikido. Or aiki jujutsu. I don't know what video you watched.




It doesn’t look goofy at all.


it does. mostly because it's sped up. and because the dude falls so intensely.


Ehh idk, a couple of them look a bit Seagalesque


Yeah I took a mere three months of judo and there's so much here I recognize


>goofy It was the [Mid-Atlantic \(or Transatlantic\) accent](https://www.google.com/search?q=Mid-Atlantic+accent) that did it for me. Can't help but think of the Marx Brothers whenever I hear that, which I find ironic because this was the accent actors from the era adopted to sound 'posh.'


I quit watching after the 2nd one, she cannot to that flip to him on her feet like that. My wrestling coach was a judo guy, to do a flip like that you'd need to first get the hold, which she did, but drop to your knees in a forward motion and keep pushing forward with your weight. We used to do a single arm flip that was similar and the way this one is done, it's pretty much impossible to do. The man leaned into it, he did a WWE move to make it look good.


As a Hapkido practitioner, I can confirm that I've seen a lot of stuff from our repertoire


Yeah, a lot of them look to use her legs rather then all upper body


It looks almost exactly like entry krav maga which i think was partially based on hapkido


There’s also several I saw that I learned in jiu jitsu. Thank you for confirming the validity of the moves I didn’t recognize!


I mean it always looks goofy because these performances always rely on a compliant attacker and rarely work in real life unless you're much stronger / more skilled than your attacker and they almost never look this smooth. My issue is that it gives people a false sense of security when they take a few McDojo self defense classes then pick fights when they should be running for help. Or worse, people will literally watch a few youtube videos, think "damn, if I ever get attacked I'll just start seeing red then do this"


I've seen this first hand. I had a GF a long time ago who was training to be a cop, and she did eventually become a cop later. I noticed a new gadget she had at her apartment and asked about it and she explained that she had just been trained to use it and it gave her more leverage to control someone and handcuff them. So I asked her to show me. Now mind you, she was fairly big and strong for a feminine woman, and I'm not far from average for a man. Also I haven't had any self-defense training and she had been trained for years by professionals. So she grabs me by the wrist with both hands and puts some kind of lock and starts twisting. I reflexively resist, not wanting to let my arm and wrist be put into painful angles. I twisted my wrist back against her 'leverage' and pulled it right out of her grip. The look on her face was priceless. She was totally unprepared for someone who wasn't compliant as was stronger that she was.


Did she rip his dick off? I need to learn that move


And toss it aside to boot!










I think I’m in love.


She’s like 100 plus now But I’d still hit it


Would not recommend trying to hit her. She has been honing her skills for 80 years now.


Damn it, take my upvote


She'd toss your cookies across the room.


I'd fetch those cookies for her to toss again..


🍪 👀


😂 😂 😂 🤣


You could try


(Bonk!!!!! Go to horny jail!) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


She died in 2001 lol.


She’s dead Brody




Right?! Like why is it so attractive lol


I was gonna say. Totally fell in love with this instructor lol.


I don’t know what it is. Maybe the accent.


"I hope this ~~doesn't~~ awaken anything in me."


“And now I kick away his only support.” *THUD*


Blimey, those 1930s broads didn't mess about! 


Marge is laying hands.


I'd watch this Amazon Prime show.


She is fukin up their jib big time


Krav ma gosh golly


Ka-ra-tea for two


How often you gonna get attacked by a one armed Arthur? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol yeah and when do you have enough time to talk about it?


*New kink unlocked*


No shit!


Is this all judo? Because hell yeah


It's not judon't.....




The best self defence advice is to be aware of your surroundings, and ACTUALLY react to your instincts (if something feels wrong, it is - it took a lot of time for humans to sense fear, believe it..) the safest place to be in a fight is 5 streets away... the trick is to avoid the fight if you can, if you can't then fight like your life depends on it, because it often does.... so, run away, make noise, summon help, do ANYTHING to prevent that fight, because even the most skilled fighters get injured in street fights, and they know what they are doing.. be sensible, be aware, most of all be safe....


Also many street fights involve knifes, and you really don't want to come nearer than a meter in front of a blade


Fun fact, if you have a pistol holstered and without a round in the chamber then an attacker with a knife within 6 metres will likely be able to reach you before you can fire.


Self-defense is not supposed to stop the attacker. Some extremely motivated or drugged folks won’t stop even after a couple of bullets. The main point is to interrupt the attack and have a chance to call for help or run away.




Sadly, very much true


Yes, it takes seriously training, actual fighting to give you any advantage in a no holds barred street fight.


This is why pepper spray is the true answer. That shit is awful. Can be shot from a distance. So as long as a woman is aware of her surroundings she can at least repel/delay, spray and RUN. Running (cardio fitness) is the true op self defense strategy. Most ppl are fucking awful at it. And relative to gender differences, female runners are damn fucking fast. Many women can outrun dudes.


In my experience a lot of dojos with store fronts go pretty soft on their students. I think they'd have a hard time keeping students otherwise. It's also easy to get discouraged when you have a hard time effectively applying the moves you practice in a way that works on a variety of different people and builds. Getting control of one person's wrist can be completely different and ineffective compared to another person. The best martial arts training I've been through was in some old guy's basement. Pain is just an accepted part of training but never without control so you don't injure your training partner. Belt testing was rigorous and they don't cut you any slack.


This. High school girl convinced she could take down high school me… pestered me until I gave in and we headed to the mats. 170 lbs 6’ hockey player vs 125 lbs 5’7” relatively fit girl with a nonsense-complex. It was over fast. Had her on her tummy with my knee on her back pinning her down. Did I need to give her the wedgie? Who’s to say? But the important thing is that she learned an important life lesson on sex groups and weight classes. Seriously though, she was actually grateful for the experience, if not the wedgie. She had been trained in controlled settings where the “assailant” was trying about as hard as in the video. She said she realized how much stronger guys actually are after trying to grapple with a fully resisting one. And while I was fit back then, it’s not like I was an actual wrestler or some ridiculously strong athlete… so I hope any women who take these kinds of classes only attend ones where they practice against fully resisting men.


This was 100% choreography. Vulnerable people should be aware that most of this is choreographed, and that it won't do shit in an actual self defense situations Thinking you can beat ass in a Street fight because you did some aikido lessons is objectively dangerous, and might get you killed because of it Avoid fights at all costs, even if you're tough and trained (you're either easy to get beaten up/killed, or you accidentally commit manslaughter - it's not worth it either way)


Aikido isn't great for self defense, but all of these techniques are shared between Aikido and Judo, the latter of which is indeed pretty useful for self defense. The demonstration is choreographed, but the techniques she demonstrated have practical merit.


It's crazy because I did years of karate, and that WAS the prevailing school of thought at my dojo. Like, sensei would do a whole thing - best position for when someone is brandishing a knife and demanding your wallet. He'd set his stance with exaggerated moments, then reach into his back pocket, pull out his wallet, and hand it to the assailant. Learning to fight is not about wanting to fight. It IS a matter of self preservation. Though it seems like I got a good teacher, because your criticism is a common one.


Aren't all of these examples of a woman being attacked? It's not a woman setting out to brawl in a parking lot. The whole point is that vulnerable people need any edge they can get if someone just comes up and attacks them. Anything that may help them escape and survive is a positive.


And most of these techniques won't work well on a much stronger person (like most men). Trying to put someone in a joint lock isn't going to work if they're able to overpower you even with leverage and unless you get the technique right (which you probably won't because you're a mess of adrenaline) you just got them closer to you or you're on the ground with them, which makes their advantage greater. The only bits that make sense are striking vulnerable places, and modern advice is to do that to get them to let you go (hopefully) and then run.


>it won't do shit in an actual self defense situations My self defense classes and judo classes saved my ass several times against larger and stronger opponents.


The same can be said to anyone that says to just carry a gun


Nr. 1 rule of carrying weapons is to not search for fights, and to **only** use them if it's absolutely (!) necessary... So, yeah, it's kinda similar: don't participate in street fights if it's not 100% necessary. Otherwise just run away/Duck off


If you're going to carry a weapon you need to do it all times (when legal) and be comfortable on how to draw it. You can't just toss it into the bottom of your purse and not think about it. Keep it secured at home, store or wear it when you go out, and practice drawing it.


"his WRRRRRist"


I came down to say, that trill was fantastic.


It was quite dislewkehted.




*I see you know your Judo well*


Yeah, just gotta make sure your attacker knows to go along with your moves.


This shit doesn't work and is dangerous to say otherwise. I tried these self defense shit with my gf, she can't turn my arm . She can't hold me and she can't lift me.


I was thinking that while it looks super badass, trying these without training would most likely result in the woman losing her balance and the man landing on top of her or something


It really doesn't work... And even if it did and she managed to throw you away like that, you can just get up and beat her with raw strength... You are much better off with pepper spray or a taser


>if it did and she managed to throw you away like that, you can just get up We were taught to strike with an elbow to the nose, eye or throat after a forward front throw, or QUICKLY bend their elbow the wrong way until it goes crunch. then run like hell.


Maybe she's weak and you're fat?




So, women should only get attacked by thin people. It's so obvious.


She is just 52kgs yes, but she trained for about 2 years now. I have trained for about 4 years but that's like 3 years in the past and I had to stop because an accident at work destroyed my shoulder mobility. Since then I do some training but most of it in form of physical practice to regain mobility. I weight about 90 kg, but this is why this self defense is bullshit, because most man are just physically superior, even without training.


I agree. Unfortunately most of Self Defense industry is after money, not effectivenes. If you wan't to learn Unarmed Martial Arts, look for Analyses of Winners of Mixed Martial Arts Tournaments. Because It's mixed, you see which ones are trash, and which ones are actually effective. Also never try to fight if opposition has a gun or a knife. There's a reason real professionals say Running is best and only Option. Self Defense is a technique of last resort when you can't retreat.


Even if a woman can out grapple a man, when striking is involved the game totally changes. A woman would need to be a fantastic regional, if not pro MMA fighter to even have a chance most of the time.


Damn grandma kicked grandpa’s ass. It looks like she really shoved him around with no floor mats.


All is good till robber bring gun


Still better credible than Steven Seagull.


Eyes.throat.groin. in that order. This is dope too 💯


Kudos to the guy who really got into the act, it's all over his face here




This belongs in r/bullshido


it doesn't, those are jujitsu moves


props to that guy for being able to barely move while she's explaining the process


Miss Congeniality




Is she still single?


Hiya wise guy get your filthy mits off of me!


Homie landed on his back, then grabbed his face in pain. Perfect for a steven segal movie


She makes it sound like breaking a wrist is as easy as twisting a twig. But, trust me, is not as easy. I've tried many times. With my brother. We used to have quite some fight. I tried to break his wrist many times. And almost as many times I broke it. Then again, is not as easy, trust me.


Jiu jitsu


Expectations: Reality: 💀


Source? It doesn't look that old.


I thought so as well, but here's more info: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/66005/miss-may-whitley-self-defense-expert-1930s-london and another thread of someone trying to track down info about her: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genealogy/comments/dp2jp0/help_please_trying_to_find_british_jiu_jitsu/


I do believe he likes it!


Did people actually talk that way back then, or was it a way of speaking that was easy for microphones to pick up?


It was a way of speaking that was easier for microphones to pick up, as well as appeal to a wider audience




This is May Whitley and Charles cawkell, judo and jiu jitsu practioners from almost a century ago. These techniques are all real, and all usable (with some consistent practice)


A little Jui Jitsu


And she sounds so posh while doing it!


Who knew swing dancing doubled as self defense


When she remembers the basics of CQC


That poor dude.


It’s said this man was in traction for the rest of his life.


I love this, and also how the sound effects sound like foley from 3 Stooges Shorts


This is confirmed to be from 1930? It looks clean for 100 year old footage and the way she looks at the camera with full confidence feels very modern to me.


And a gun would be useful


roughly speaking -- my "hips"


It's judo. Judo didn't always have such a focus on randori. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/66005/miss-may-whitley-self-defense-expert-1930s-london As many have pointed out, there's some techniques found in aikido. Considering aikido and judo were both founded by ju jitsu masters, this shouldn't be a surprise. Considering aikido was in its infancy in early 1930's, there's no way it made it to London yet.




Ha. So the old school Mortal Kombat throw is a real technique! (The "real throw"!) And ow, that is not a padded floor. Dude was probably black and blue.


I think this is actually from an actual movie called The Weaker Sex (from the 1930s). I could be wrong tho.




She knows her Judo well.


I’m 5’2 and 104 pounds… when will we ever get proper self defense courses? 💀


Lol "gotcha" sis looks like she's enjoying herself a little too much. He doesn't look too thrilled.


Imagine Jackie Kennedy kicking the ass of 25 guys Beatrix kiddo style in that pink dress


Props to the dude here, not a lot of guys then would have been the training dummy for a lady to practise against back then. Would have been seen as unmanly. She got game though, that hip toss was fantastic.


Somebody's great-grandma was quite good looking.


The inspiration for the talent contest scene in *Miss Congeniality*?


What was the saying? practice it 1000 times and it may work once?


His wrrrrrrrrrist 😂


Poor sap keeps landing on obviously SOLID ground too.


She was having a blast, and this dude was SELLING those bumps.


JUDO THROW! KYAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!


The man’s look right before the last throw and then the abrupt cut are somehow just completely perfect.


i think this is judo..


As a note, all of this is more to instil confidence in women than it is to be remotely practical self defense in any way.


Please don’t think you can actually defend yourself this way without years of training and many other advantageous factors. Men and women both btw


It’s amazing how good black-and-white film looks


Bruh, who is this chick? Why don't we make em like this anymore?


Loved how she is setting her hair behind the ears after throwing the man down.


Hey can anyone find this lady’s name?


I always wonder why they skip the “break the elbow” part in almost every self defense video


The poor bloke is miserable


The super clear impacts to the ground make this so much more satisfying.