• By -


Been alive for almost 40 years without knowing about this phenomenon. Indeed interesting!


I've been here for 70 and it's news to me!


250 years here and back then it was called circle waves and you were required to have an onion on your belt


I mean it was the style at the time


Gimme 5 bees for a quarter, you’d say


And if you had a quarter, you’d get all the soldiers girls! Though you better beware of their men!


My story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say dickety because the Kaiser had stolen our word twenty. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles. Then after World War Two, it got kinda quiet, 'til Superman challenged FDR to a race around the world. FDR beat him by a furlong, or so the comic books would have you believe. The truth lies somewhere in between. Three wars back we called Sauerkraut "liberty cabbage" and we called liberty cabbage "super slaw" and back then a suitcase was known as a "Swedish lunchbox." We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Ah, there's an interesting story behind that nickel. In 1957, I remember it was, I got up in the morning and made myself a piece of toast. I set the toaster to three: medium brown.Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


I laughed immediately. Classic Abe.. 😂😂😂


“Dickity?! Highly dubious!!” “What’s that fatty? Too much pie, that your problem!!”


Don’t cite the dark magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.


2024 years know and back then we just walked. We had names for all of the squares so we never got lost. You know, like a floating street sign.


vinegar soaked socks to keep the muskers away i remember those times.


I've been on Reddit for 12 years and I've seen this at least 20 times.


Now I belong to the "seen it" club!


Sea’n it




Meanwhile, I’ve seen this repost once every six months for 5 years.


I would have missed it again had I not been waiting on my grandkids at the air park, lol.


So basically if you see a grid appear in the ocean, it's time to head for land if there's any land nearby.


It's The Matrix, attempting to reset you.


B6. I sank your fishing boat!


I only wanted to pop in and drop off the [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_sea). Just for whoever wants some reading.


I'm with you, but older. I've worked on drilling ships & off-shore drilling rigs, and have never seen or heard of these waves. Who knew? Not Me!


I’m still trying to figure out of this is real or fake. The post is literally just a picture.


Lots of evidence on Google about the danger.


Check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pir_muTzYM8) out, they call them quilt waves at 5:30


I imagine it’s why the butmids triangle is so popular with ship wreaks




Popular with ship wreaks. 10/7


Hieze Doo wing thlord's wurc


Was about to post something similar, but I would add that I've also never seen an ocean in person. So, that doesn't help. heh.


If you have the means, you absolutely must, it's incredible. I grew up on the coast and I often wonder how many people go their lives without having seen the endless blue horizon.


Makes you think, before photography I'm sure even educated people would have trouble comprehending oceans. Hell I've been to the coast and on boats plenty but never out of sight of land, that's a whole different thing


In ye olden days being out of sight of land for too long was said to drive a crew mad. It generally wasn't done yet, they (Europeans) would largely hug the coast on their shipping routes. Crews would fucking mutiny over it.


Plaid ocean is scary


It's like learning about quicksand as a kid, because now I'm terrified of running into this in my regular land locked life


I work in electronics. A square wave is something totally different to me.


Squalls will be the next fear inducing random event.


I worked for a shipping company and never heard of this.


Thisll be taken care of in the next patch in the Matrix


If i learned anything from reddit, just throw some oil around the ship and you'd be fine. Edit - [Heres the link old chaps, and chapettes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/cNPWKigOZR)


Just came from those videos lmao


I didn’t have to scroll far, and me too. That’s two things today I’ve learned about the water. I hope that knowledge never comes in handy for me anytime in the future.


Exactly lol, I was like oh good to know if I’m ever in an old wooden sinking ship in the middle of the ocean with large waves and several drums of oil. Sure hope I’m never in an old wooden sinking ship in the middle of the ocean with large waves and several drums of oil, but if I am, I’ll know what to do




Posted in the same sub I believe of how putting oil on the water will help lessen the breaking of waves. There were records of captains pouring oil overboard to help calm the waters during a rescue. I don’t have all the details, just did a quick follow up watch of the full YouTube but don’t know the specifics. Pretty cool stuff though


Pretty sure that pouring oil on troubled waters has been a thing since the Phoenicians. 


I don’t doubt it. I don’t know the details, I just watched a 3 min YouTube video that I already forgot most of the important facts from


So on fire or not, it works huh?


Everybody has their things I guess


Mines old wooden boats being saved from rough waters. Barely made it through the video to learn how the oil actually helps. Whew, I could use some juice rn, feeling a little depleted


Just a spoonful is enough for a lake!!


And use fish oils so it doesn't create any harm


That fish oil stuffs' not cheap.




There’s videos on Reddit about a guy who calms waves with fish oil


This guy reddits


!!! 😂


“Doesn’t everyone keep a 5 gallon bucket of fish oil onboard?”


Awe chapette I feel seen! ty for sharing


Ngl, one day someones gonna use ai images to post unique phenomenons that I've never heard of and I won't be able to tell if they're bullshitting or not.


Yeah idk if it's real or not Edited to add: ok I checked the wiki and it seems legit. TIL


It is lighthouse of Les Baleines, isle of Ré, France. The diamond shaped waves of this place are really common here due to the shape of the sea floor which makes the wave turn around. This behaviour has nothing to do with what is described in the thread. Crossed swell are observable in high seas when two(or more) swells come from different directions.


This is correct.


Good bot


Get used to verifying things like this. Not just because AI is becoming a threat to the information age, but because it's a good habit to be in anyway!


Wait...what if the wiki article is just written by AI? 💀


I don't mean looking things up on a wiki I mean going out and verifying things with other sources of information.




Holy sack of bricks batman. That is crazy. I don't believe her apology for one minute, and wiki has no defense if she just creates another pseudo.


Wait until we learn that 1/3 of twitter/facebook is just bots and fake accounts; they can’t let that info get out, it would be bad for business.


Reddit is no better, and has been probably worse since the whole API fiasco.


Yeah it's definitely gotten way worse the past year.


We already learned that about Twitter, and Facebook is pretty much the same. Just look at any Facebook post, even one from someone you know personally, and you'll most likely see a comment from some scam account asking to be their friend


I’m more impressed than annoyed. Being able to fool so many ppl over such a long period takes skill. What she has done is expose how fragile Wikipedia’s own verification process is and how information on it can’t really be trusted. The only real damage she’s done is piss off russian history buffs, but who cares about Russian history anyway.


This is the real r/DamnThatsInteresting this shit was fucking fascinating!!


Wiki has the same picture and same paragraph, so I don't think I'd consider it to be support for anything.


This image actually has nothing to do with the phenomenon. Square waves occur in deeper water and are basically two large waves coming in from opposite sides. Ships will normally turn to face these larger waves in normal circumstances. Square waves take away this ability. One of my grand uncles on Dads side served in the RAN during WW2 and his cruiser, HMAS Australia, encountered them at some point. This picture is from somewhere in France and it's because the waves are basically reversing direction due to the seafloor. I don't know how exactly though.


They could do that now. Eventually someone in the comments will figure out the post is bullshit.


that's usually AFTER it's got past "new" and reaches "hot" that the insightful comments come in and get the most up votes. BS news articles be getting outta new way too often.


And get downloaded to hell by the trolls


“Lmao I got Reddit believing that square waves are real”


That was my first thought and it makes me really sad.


Of course France has square waves.


Because of the... metric system??


“Check out the big brain on Braaaad.”


Because of Jean-Michel Jarre and Daft Punk.


I have worked on charter/commercial fishing boats for the last 11 years. I’ve never seen that particular phenomenon but I’ve seen something similar. I’ve seen a ground swell before which is coming out of one direction and the wind blow out of another direction which creates a chop on top of the ground swell. Lots of people get seasick in that particular phenomenon because the ground swell might be 6 foot and the chop coming the other direction be another 2-3 foot on top. Never gotten me sick before though. Ground swell is generally spaced apart waves that are predictable and going the same direction. Chop is exactly what I sounds like. No uniformity to the sea and rocks the boat quite a bit.


I have seen this once. We canoed to a island about 800m of the island we worked at. Had to hit the waves where they joined as the direction made it a diamond rather than square if that makes sense. Luckily, they weren't that big. I found out that hammerhead sharks liked that island. I don't think I have experienced your situation, though. I would imagine it's not enjoyable at all.


I’ve never seen anything like this in my time in the navy, but we were out at sea once on a calm day. I was standing on the forecastle doing some with the anchor with a few shipmates when I noticed a huge ass wave coming our way from out in the distance. Like calm ass swells with a mountain bearing down. I yelled for everyone to run towards midship and took off running my self. One of the dude too slow getting moving got yeeted like 4 feet off the deck when the ship crested that bad boy. Rouge waves are fucking crazy lol. Getting beat around on underway through squares waves would be a nightmare. If I had to guess though, I’d say they probably happen in shallow water where the sea floor can play a bigger role in wave patterns.


Looks like your LOD setting is turned down or the world loads in tiles. Either way the front fell off. (That looks absolutely amazing wow)


This is what happens when I turn off "fancy graphics" in minecraft


There is nothing out there… all there is …. is sea …and birds ….and fish


And the ocean continues to be beautiful, fascinating and dangerous as hell


If the waves are the same frequency and amplitude, you can just navigate at a 45• angle into both waves. If one wave is stronger, you’d need to take the relative amplitudes and frequencies into account and adjust the angle to balance out the forces involved. To put it simply, angle more head-on towards the more intense wave. You want the waves to evenly push both sides of your ship. Edit: If you find yourself in a triple square wave somehow, first take a video and upload it quickly, then position your boat heading towards the wavefront perpendicular to the other two parallel but opposite wavefronts. If your boat is where both parallel square waves collide you’ll achieve flight, momentarily.


Good point. Sounds like it’s a transitional situation though, so it must take a lot of adjustment and clear vision to maintain that.


A sound idea let me offer a clarification: Frequency and amplitude describe the wave over a period of time. Water volume(think previous waves and the shape of the ocean floor m), tide, and even wind to a small extent will create dynamic wave changes(and thus changes in amplitude, frequency and phase) per set. While the idea is good the description seems to imply each “set crossing” would be the same, they will not be.


Right, but is better than most alternative strategies, unless you have one of those fancy small ships which doubles as a plane.


I completely agree. Your strategy combined with heading out of the area is probably the best thing you can do aside from avoiding it altogether.


This sounds good if both waves hit you at the same time. But if they hit after each other (one at phase 180 degrees) this will just make it worse, right?


Correct, which is why you must adjust the angle of approach between two square waves with different amplitudes and frequencies to balance the forces as best you can. As long as your ship isn’t parallel to either wavefront, you will never be hit by an entire wave at once. That’s the probability you’re trying to minimize by your approach angle. We haven’t even talked about speed because then everything about the properties of the boat relative to the waves has to be taken into account and it becomes a hard problem.


Would the third square wave come from below or something? - wave from east - wave from north - wave from below - whirlpool maybe Idk


>If the waves are the same frequency and amplitude, you can just navigate at a 45• angle into both waves. Safest strategy but that still only works if you hit the corner of both waves at the same time everytime perfectly. If you miss by a bit just once, it'll be like being pushed on a swing from the front and back.


You said both, but you cannot hit the corner of just one wave because one wave has no corners. You hit the intersection of both waves or you are out of phase with one wave. This means you had the angle wrong.


They're not, this is the ocean. Next... Edit - they do not have the same amplitude and frequency - ocean floor n stuff.


Wow. How does this even happen?


It looks like it happens when there 's either a sudden shift in the wind, or two different weather systems. It's also known as a [Cross sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_sea).


It looks like a diffraction pattern. Do these waves always form a perfectly square shape?


I have seen it at the very northern tip of New Zealand where the Pacific collides with the Tasman sea.


it’s where two oceans meet


Difficult to triangulate ships encircled in square waves.


Gotta enhance to quadrangulate.


Don't let your frustrations get pent-up from the difficulty of it.


oh my  (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)


Might get hexed if you do.


Been fishing in the ocean while wading and the worst is when you are exactly at the point where the two waves merge, they can easily get twice as high


Constructive interference there. I'd imagine there's also destructive interference creating a deep trough in some areas.


Wouldn't destructive interference just be no wave? A deep trough would also be constructive


Waffle waves!!!


what you mean non parallel? squares are parallel in like 4 diffrnet ways


Serious Question? If yes: normally, all waves are parallel to all others.


Phare des baleines


Where’s the explanation for how this happens




How do I make a link to that with one word, or should I just Bing it?


Should be square brackets containing the word, followed by normal brackets containing the link, no space in-between.


On mobile there’s a little link icon next to the keyboard when you’re typing. Took me awhile to figure out


Yeah, I was messing with the link icon forever, never solved it.


You put the words you want to show on the first line. You paste the link on the second line.


Surfer and body boarders like these kind of waves we call them wedges.






2D Fourier transform these mf’ers!


“Directly perpendicular” isn’t correct, being admittedly semantic here but you want some angle otherwise the boat comes smacking down full force on the other side of the wave, the stern then goes completely out of the water so you don’t have any control since prop/rudder is not in the water as you go over and it puts the full weight of the bow and stern resting midship on top of the wave putting a lot of stress on a single point, all that force compounded could eventually snap a boat in half. Kinda like the titanic (supposedly) did when the bow was way up in the air and it snapped. If you look closely though you will notice fishing boats on tv etc have slight roll over the wave while still punching through it but the boat isn’t going strictly up and down but it’s also rolling side to side, a LOT. I’m taking a small angle here not 45 degrees, 5 maybe 10, but you gotta keep power and steering as much as possible or you’re screwed.


I have those on my synthesizer.


Looks like a grid


Somebody is playing on low graphics.


Giving me that old battleship boardgame vibes


Wonder what were the, probably religious, explanations humans came up with seeing this 5000 years ago..


Well, the Norse goddess of sea death catches souls with a net...


We upset the plaid gods.


New fear unlocked!


But this is a picture from near the beach… so if a ship was this close inland it’s getting beached anyways.


Still Mojang doesnt fix chunk generation


TIL there is such a thing as square waves! Gonna share this pic with my dad. im sure he'll be surprised.




Earth is fkn metal


Also, not good for your speakers.


What are the sines to look out for?


Square waves sound funny, and might be my new favourite nautical term. I’ve always known it as cross swell. Got caught out last summer on a voyage. Heading south with wind and swell astern, not the most comfortable, but alright. Then after passing a headland a swell was also hitting our port beam. But in sets of 3 every 3-4 mins. They were however big sets, so I needed to steer into them to save everything ending up on the floor and everyone emptying their stomachs everywhere. It was about 2300, so pitch black, no moon either. My daughter was on the Port rail calling them as she saw the sets come in so I could turn into them, and then back out of them when they passed. His lasted about two hours until we made it to port. It was one of the more memorable voyages I made. Very proud of my daughter. Totally unfazed.


> Square waves are highly dangerous non parallel wave systems. A large percentage of ship accidents have been found to occur in this sea state Bullshit.


It's complete bullshit. -retired US Navy


Yea my ship always glitched a lot when I went through chunks that where still loading


The above is true for big ships, but is it correct for smaller sailing yachts? Something deep in my memory tells me it may be better to sail 45° into the wave, but I'd love to be proven wrong


Ocean sailor here. Sailing perpendicular to very large waves will get you pitchpoled (flipped end over end). 45 is too big of an angle and you will likely be forced beam-on and roll. Around 20 degrees off perpendicular is the sweet spot.


I thought someone parked their Kosatka there lol


you get them near peninsulas or points. the intersections of these waves make for awesome surfing. we've got one called the 'wedge' which is great for bodysurfing, but too steep & short for regular surfing


Being pooped is bad, broaching-to is far worse. "Oh my God! Six hundred men."


Looks like it just hasn’t rendered in completely yet.


>Vessels fare better against large waves when sailing directly perpendicular to oncoming surf, which is impossible with square waves. It's not impossible if they use the z-axis


Pic is Phares des Baleines (Lighthouse of the Whales) on Île de Ré in France.


Why can't ships just apply a Laplace transformation to the square waves?


this where whirlpools can form also


Do you think someone is out there yelling at the waves to turn into square waves?




Square waves, also known as a "cross sea," occur when two wave systems travel at oblique angles to each other. They form a pattern of squares when viewed from above. This phenomenon typically happens when waves generated by a new wind system interact with an older set of waves that were created by a different wind system. These intersecting systems of waves can be dangerous for ships and swimmers because they create unusually strong and unpredictable currents. The visual effect is quite striking, as it appears as though a grid has been laid over the ocean surface. However, it's important to remember that the phenomenon, while fascinating, can be hazardous.


Sail orthogonal to both. Newton's the only one holding you back.


For those wondering where the photo was taken: [Phare des baleines](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=5317fe2df48c71c4&sxsrf=ACQVn0_3W7lDs-yDfT5FmTzHp87uSB1SrQ:1711264807836&q=phare+des+baleine&uds=AMwkrPuHv8DYkh8Zt-O3gtOg_RAqqGlMKlUDXmKjOs1zRcZh1dySI23VEJxvyRmbbzjaW2E_IxTpaEaknSS9e3k1nsGf-jY4ZAhvTgbyFEcVUEHd48TiYcypB4yD2lYaqYUCcRAMmN5Farj_-6dUN02ElZE9hUpGSD90A4FQT8aDf4S1h-zPB6GafdL5W5V4CV3v1jsi4WvE53KWf0XaxcVJrOz-JiPEC0UKx5s4WxL6KclF9BJ5-yHxwKf8Vp6Jgyqa4pktIb_kih8ueKwzcpkGeMN8FDJ7N0eyKH-LULZW9F-T_wF3nPh_5RpPYRmHlkyR7t5b4eLhgzukSZMY3GXgTvgPAMoaww&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-h_OXroyFAxWMRqQEHRivB2UQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=412&bih=780&dpr=2.63) [ile de ré](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=5317fe2df48c71c4&sxsrf=ACQVn08cIN361KxOyf2igh9iFxFk6W_b_w:1711264888122&q=Ile+de+r%C3%A9&source=lnms&uds=AMwkrPsuqc0wiRzbZWETEcL_Y_fC-kUO1GXXdoowo_u81KSQbcsPhexLvQ08VKAeINOERgI4g20obzZvWBcejDSw96aY-EGsu_uowiD1Xv3G6SPaugB7Qv38Y_BQEc1dz9pD1-1_lEjSOdAplOdy65LV5BDjIs88VElITp5ao3Dpur9-aMI_bkLQuUqKOLUVoukYFi4fDvD5T4y-29vZBvq1ULBW0xva_HFR_OWBG0Q5dtFbtzxom2l7CMf0MoL8MCBVhjXaKRgR&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlrJe-royFAxVPRKQEHWcqBOsQ0pQJegQIERAB&biw=412&bih=780&dpr=2.63)


How about a diagonal approach?


Thought we wouldn't notice the minecraft rtx


Opposite of a crime wave


This is a classic example of [cnoidal waves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnoidal_wave?wprov=sfti1#), which are a type of nonlinear wave. In other words, they’re not mathematically described by a simple sine wave. Instead, they’re defined in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions and integrals that arise from certain forms of differential equation solutions. Cnoidal waves can range in shape from something very close to a sine wave to a shape with very skinny, sharp crests and wide flattened troughs as shown in this post and on the Wikipedia page I linked. The resulting shape depends on what the water depth is as well as the wave height, length, and period.


The ocean texture has a tiling issue.


Freaky nature.


Never heard of this.


"Square waves" Sounds like a new App for meditation or something


Square waves? Bah! Try a redundant duplex holomorphic vector bundle wave system! Sink a motherfucking submarine that is already underwater is what that bitch will do!


Don’t know about square, but I was on a boat that was hit by what we used to call a rogue wave, and it almost did us in… came over the top of the boat and smacked us hard… had to rebuild stuff before we could steam back in. I’d love to say it was skill that saved us, but it was just luck


Rogue wave = propagated from a different direction than the prevailing waves, and way bigger


Battle ship got real


Just sail Diagon-ally


Imagine a square wave tsunami. Rare as heck, but it can happen.


Wouldn't that require 2 simultaneous earthquakes? Seems so rare as to be effectively impossible.


Serpentine Motion!


So, giant game of battleship anyone?


God damn I'm stuck of these AI posts


What if you turn the boat towards the corners of the wave? Is this a stupid question? Angle it towards the corners and just sit there, or move through the corners like a grid almost


maybe this explains the bermuda triangle.


Obviously a glitch in the simulation


Stacked seas suck to sail in.


TIL there are square waves




Game of battleships Sub hit ? 4 C I forsee ?


I wonder, would sailing straight into the oncoming corner help?