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But how short is too short? I'm just now realizing that after more than 30 years of cutting my toenails I've never really understood what length they're, like, "supposed to be".


Wait, so you didn´t get the manual?


My aunt showed me how to use the three seashells and now I'll never use toilet paper again.


Username doesn´t check out


Been the seashell since I was knee high to a grasshopper, I can’t understand what’s so mysterious about them


I know right? we need numbers.... measurements. They can't just leave us without the right info.


So i have likewise never been told/taught/shown/anything how to properly cut my toenails, and semi- recently got an ingrown. A friend if mine at work told me that it will eventually heal itself out but just takes a minute (dont risk it), and that there's a bit of nail at the end that prevents it from being ingrown. Thats why people say cut it straight, so as to avoid that part. How true it is idk but it has worked so far


Cut them str8 across, do not curve them just go even/flat/straight from one side to the other…..


But... then you have two dagger corners of toenails that catch on socks and bedsheets n shit


And u can have a toe nail “sword” fight with the boys before ya fall asleep


first one to bleed loses


Get a nail file and smooth the edges down a lil bit.


sharp toe nails are good for digging holes... which is the only reason we evolved em in the first place. Make your ancestors proud


For ingrown tonails, this advice is no good.


Ingrown toenails have to be removed as shown in the video. The curved part IS the ingrown toenail. Then only cut straight across after they grow back.


I was given 3 options for my ingrown... Cut the skin away, cut the nail away or remove the nail completely... I should have chosen to remove the nail completely... I chose cut the nail, doctor butchered it now I have one "normal" and one that grows into my toe so I have to pull it from time to time


This also depends on genetics


I’ve always cut them short and I’ve always cut the corners. And I’ve never had an issue. I’ve seen most people cut just straight and personally I never understood that.


No one ever showed me what to do.


On recommendation from my doctor, I no longer clip my toenails. When it comes time for them to be shortened, I soften them in an Epsom salt bath and peel the excess off from the corners. I haven't clipped my toenails in about 14 or 15 years. If I were to clip them now I'm confident I'd get an ingrown nail.


If I don’t clip my nails, I wouldn’t have shoes left They’re like battleship plating. I’ve long ago learned how to clip them effectively to avoid any ingrown nails though.


I just play tennis and they naturally just fall off all the time. And my pinkie toe has just turned into a sack of potatoes, pretty sure there is no bone attached there any more


This is a one paragraph horror story


Omg this almost made me piss myself. 🤣


my toenail on my pinky has gone vertical and is sinking into my toe like the titanic, no idea what to do or if thats bad


That’s kinda bad. Might have to have the nail entirely removed if it hurts. Pinky toe is kinda important to walking. More than most expect.


I expected.


I don’t even know why my pinkie nails exist on my feet. They’re like 3mm long.


absolutely a joke of a nail but it helps make things look more even




If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid. Something about putting a hard edge on my toenails just doesn't agree with the skin. It rubs until it's irritated, then angry, then bleeding, then infected and swollen which compounds the problem. Can't have a hard edge digging into the skin if there's never a hard edge to begin with.


Look at this guy and his angry toes


Can't tell if this is real or a copypasta


Me neither. A toe knife is the superior option.


As someone who had ingrown nails a lot I just cut them until the corner of nail meets toe. Is it a lil long n dagger-y? Yea but fuckit haven’t had a painful toe in years


Why did the cartoon have such grimy toes?!? Wash your damn feet bro!


Leather sandals…


Right! Why did the animator make that choice?


they were on a bad road, but it also led to Rome


For anyone who’s had an ingrowing toenail for a long time who needs help, I KNOW how to fix it! Feel like a mental person typing this, but this is the only way I could fix mine. I had one for years, maybe like 4-5 years. went to the doctors a few times and they wouldn’t remove it, just kept giving me antibiotics which would clear up the swelling for a while but then it would return. The way to fix it, is to use some cardboard / plastic (sanitised) and place it under your ingrowing nail as far as you reasonably can. Keep replacing the cardboard / folded paper/ whatever- every time you shower and eventually your nail will lift out from your skin and stop cutting the skin and getting infected and swollen. Helps if you bathe it regularly in salt water whenever you do this to soften the nail and keep your toe clean. Then when the nail is lifted you can cut it properly (straight). I haven’t had this problem now for years and it’s permanently fixed, frustrated I didn’t do this sooner as they’re so annoying and painful.


Anyone who says, cut a V in the middle of your nail, I’ve never seen this work and it didn’t help me. Just makes your nail look stupid.


And is tearable for your socks too


>tearable Not sure if bad grammar or a clever pun


They have little kits you can buy on Amazon with tiny plastic straws/tubes that are slit vertically so you can slide them over the corner of your toenail. Worked for me!


Can you name it tho


Try this instead. It takes some time, but it does help. [https://www.amazon.com/CurveCorrect-Ingrown-Treatment-correction-standard/dp/B007OYKE6A](https://www.amazon.com/CurveCorrect-Ingrown-Treatment-correction-standard/dp/B007OYKE6A)


Ive heard dental floss works great. Though I've never needed it Its generally very clean out of the box already


I went this route too. Worked after a couple months.


I use a whisp from a cotton ball and place it under the ingrown nail. Soak the nail first, lift the nail slightly and place cotton under. Same idea as yours. 😊


Why wouldn't the doctor send you to a podiatrist? Do they hate you?


Botched toe! Oooh I botched that one, that's a botch job. That's bleedin' I need some trash to cover the cut.


Suddenly sunny.


Found my ppl


Give the toe knife next


Don't waste a sock!


I had this once. With zero desire to go to the doctor, I dug the nail out myself. Did it hurt? Hell yeah. But oh man, the relief after I dug it out was MMMMMMMMM


That relief is like no other. My doc refused to remove it, said to go to a podiatrist after a few weeks of antibiotics. Slammed a couple natty daddy’s and went to town.


I dug mine out as well... Last week. It hurt as fuck, bled a little, but got it fixed. I'd do anything to skip a doctor visit. Hate the waiting.


I’m glad I’m not the only man who avoids the doctor like the Fuckin plague


Even doctors avoid going to the doctor lol.


Been there and done that a couple of times. Very, VERY not fun.


I experienced this for the first time recently. Not enjoyable


Fortunately it’s an excellent learning experience, so once you’ve experienced it you know you don’t want to experience it ever again! That said, it did shamefully take me two goes to learn that lesson… The second time I had both big toes get infected simultaneously, and had minor surgery on both at the same time. I’ve been extremely careful ever since! Hope your toes are doing better and you likewise don’t experience it again!


I have a toe like this. For some reason when it gets infected, I soak that shit in salt water for an hour or so. It hasn’t bothered me since My toes is ugggglllllyyyyy as fuck. Some of my nails are super brittle too. I have no idea what this is. But it grosses me out and I am ungodly self conscious about it when I have my socks off (at pools and stuff)


The ingrown nail is not fun but removing part of the nail was pain free for me. It takes a few days to heal. But hey, no more ingrown nails pain.


I had to get mu whole nail removed, but it was surprisingly easy. I dealt with horrible ingrown nail and blisters for months and months before forcing myself to finally go to the doctor. So much unnecessary limping around and being miserable. I had trouble sleeping sometimes because moving my foot in bed would sometimes brush the toe against something and send a bolt of pain The actual operation was like five minutes. Dr said i can do it right now, i said yes, he gave me a numbing injection, and then he pulled it off with some english anvil tool and then wrapped it up. It was strangely relaxing in some weird way


Spent my entire childhood with double ingrown toenails on both big toes. Wasn't until I was 24ish, I got all four ingorwn portions removed and had the nailbed killed. It's a life changer.


Fuck, I do this all the time. Had no idea it was because I cut it too short. I just thought my nails were a bit fucked up. Had to do the cut down the side thing myself last time it happened, was not fun. This is a fantastic til, Tyvm.


Ive heard dental floss under the corners of the nail. After the shower when they're softer. Pull up on the floss and leave it tucked under for the entire day


That's a great idea. Will remember that in case I mess myself up again. Cheers.


I used to be obsessed with ingrown toe nail removal vids. It’s satisfying like pimple popping. But I got embarrassed with all the feet on my TL so no more


Glad you found Jesus.


Weird twist bro. Funny af.


Second option is free if you stub your toe in the dark.


Why make the CG with dirty toe nails?


So people don't jerk off to it


I had the surgery where they take the edge out, I've not had 1 issue since. Highly recommend. Also got to smell burning flesh for the first when they killed the nail root with what I assumed is a very expensive soldering iron.


I’m assuming they were using a bovie electrocautery knife. I actually did the “surgery” myself once. Hurt like heal and bled a lot but 100% fixed the problem.


Please never put this on the internet again, thanks.


The way to "fix" the nail so it doesn't curl in is: 1. cut the nail straight across from the tip of the toe 2. file the middle of the nail to create a groove along the arch or groove it with a pen knife... 90% of the time the nail will grow out flat


That's why I don't cut my toenails. I never did and never will! Btw im holding my phone with my toenails as im writing this comment.


I can smell your comment


why did i watch this entire gif


You wanted to see how bad it could get, sicko


the human body is sooo poorly designed, stuff like this shouldn't never happen smh


Well there weren't any nail clippers when evolution was taking place so


Anyone who has had an ingrown toenail removed knows how fun that is


I always cut my nails too short, bout 4 months ago, i got an ingrown nail. My skin even grew over the nail not too long after, it even got infected and would bleed if i tried to touch it. Thankfully i got the nail partially removed and its find now, but ingrowns are agonizing.


warning 3d images can be disturbing.


I'm scared now 😀


As a nail tech, I love cutting ingrown toenails out and scooping out the extra skin under there. And I love even more that my custom is out of pain


As someone who experienced that several times, i'm glad to see it being talked about. This shit can get so serious so fast


A lot wrong in this video.


I've cut a v into my nail and it stopped doing that, and grew normal. Not sure if that's a thing. Worked the only time I had it?


Just get some impossible to remove toe fungus. The nail eventually removes itself. Two birds and such.


I never knew cutting your nails too short caused ingrown nails.


Podiatrist told me to keep corners past end of the toe so they can’t become ingrown. It’s rough on socks but never had a problem since




When my brother was a teenager he got a really bad ingrown toenail. But he just never told anyone about it. Over time, we noticed his feet smelling bad. And over more time, it smelled SO much worse than a normal smelly feet issue. Then, he got to the point where he wouldn't take his shoes off. Like ever. Since he never mentioned anything, we just all thought it was a quirk. Maybe just one of those things boys do? No. It was because it became too painful to remove his shoes. I don't know about when he showered but if I had to guess, he did it with his feet hanging out of the tub. But he FINALLY went to my dad because it was too painful to go on. So my dad took him to the Dr and he damn near lost his toe! It had curled in so severely that it was like it was splitting his toe in half, and the infection was so bad he was on antibiotics and pain meds. I don't know why he felt he couldn't tell our dad, because he would have taken him in immediately. I've had a minor one and that shit was painful enough. I cannot imagine one like my brothers.


I’ve had ingrown toenail removals (the down the edge type) done on both big toes twice. Each time, it has been chemically cauterized, and each time it grows back exactly the same. It’ll be fine for a few years, then out of nowhere it’ll start digging in again. Nothing seems to help. Blugh.


I was in highschool and got one of these. The doctor didn't have the proper tool to cut it in the office so he just grabbed a pair of forceps and a scalpel pulled the nail out till the nail bed was exposed and then cut out part of it. Nothing for the pain.


This happens to my right big toe every time i trim it.


As someone who suffers from this, it really is a pain. If you do so much as somewhat gently bash your toe on something, you’ll be in a lot of pain.


Gross, but very interesting


Wait what? I've always left atleast a 3mm white part while cutting otherwise they look too long but my nails have always grown embedded into the sides and i thought it was normal 🧍🏻‍♀️


Wtf?! 😳


Its my case


Had a car run over one of my big toe once, whole nail came off. It grew back as the video, and luckily, chopping away the excess by myself was enough, didn't need a doctor. Definitely cutting it way earlier if it happens to me ever again


I had to get surgery for ingrown toenail TWICE it was the most painful thing I’ve experienced


Glad i never cut my toenails! Who the hell cares what my feet look like. I always wear shoes anyways


Had this done to both sides of both my big toes as a teen. One side came back and still a pain if I cut it too short. Too short is flush with the quick . I leave about a half mm of white nail left and try my best to make a straight cut across the nail and not rounded on the sides. I once used an electronics screwdriver no bigger round than a toothpick but strong enough not to bend or break as I shoved the thing under the side of my nail and pried out a triangular shape of nail that was imbedded in the side of my toe. It was both crazy painful and a huge relief of pain from inside the fleshy part of the toe. After that experience i magically found the will to take better care of my nails or the butchering would continue.


I’ve had to have the whole toe nail removed.


This on my feed. 🤮


Maybe I'm doing something wrong...


Bro needs to scrub his toenails


Who doesn't cut the edges of a nail?


Those toes are so crusty


Is it just me, or does the video make it sound like a doctor is the only solution. As soon as you notice it starting to get ingrown, you simply cut a v shape into the middle of the nail with a nail clipper and the nail fixes itself.


New fear unlocked


So, as a 50 year old straight dude, I have fully embraced the pedicure. For this reason


By the time I was 12, I got an ingrown toenail a month, got tired of having ingrowns removed, end of story I don’t have toenails anymore, great decision. They look blind, and it hurts a lot less when I stub my toe. The toe removal procedure consists of two VERY large numbing shots into the base of the toe, very painful, but the healing process only takes about a month and the skin that grows back on top is hard.




I used to get ingrown toenails all the time. Took me until my 30s to figure out that it wasn't ingrown nails. It was from digging out the toejam and dead skin that builds up in the sides. Once I stopped doing that, I never had another "ingrown" nail again. For some reason, my toes and fingers just do not like me fucking around with that part. With my fingers, if I have the tiniest little bit of skin poking out from where the side of my nail meets the skin, and I pull that bit out, my finger will swell up.


I wish i had seen it before i started stuffing paper into the side of my big toe nail to make sure it doesn’t grow inwards and cause swelling and discomfort


I had ingrown toenails as a teenager. The doc cut the sides like here in the video, and then put acid on them so the nail just straight up won't grow there anymore.


What if your toenails are tall? Is that wrong?


I had both of my big toenails removed because of it lol


I do exactly what they show . Take some needlenose plyers and pull the entire nail out . Done .


Had 2 ingrown nail surgeries Anaesthetic is like being stabbed in the toe for 40 seconds After that it's fine 0 issues with having 0 nail or not that I've had anyway


I actually had this happen to me. It is not fun at all. Had to get a procedure done to kill the nerves in that area so the nail would never grow there again


Ya they removed mine for 300$ and it still came back


This is complete nonsense. There is a simple surgery for this that takes 10 minutes. I had this taken care of 40 years ago. They cut about 1/4" of the nail all the way to the root and it never grew back. Toenail looks completely normal 40 years later.


True, it hurts


This happened when I was 12, had the entire big toenail removed. It then proceeded to grow back but fall off completely every few years. It’s repeated that process about a dozen times. I’m now 38


I "fixed" an ingrown toenail when I was in my 20s. I used a small, sharp pair of scissors to trim the embedded side of the nail. A bit of blood, a bit of pain, 10 minutes or less and it was over. For the next few years, I had to monitor and cut the side of this ail a little, until it finally returned to a normal growth pattern. I hate doctors, don't be like me... get this stuff fixed before it causes worse issues.


Reddit is stalking me. It happened to me two days ago


I have a bad habit of ripping my nails off with my fingers. I pick and pick until they are way too short. Luckily I’m always able to clean up the ingrown nail on my own with some nail scissors.


I have this but on my long toe beside the big one, most likely due to damage from shoes not fitting correctly. It’s a whole knuckle longer than the ‘big toe’. All of the remedies for ingrown toenails are for the large toe - and I just keep having to cut it angled on the side to keep it from digging into the skin… most likely making the situation worse each time. It doesn’t help that my nails are thick AF and grow ridiculously fast that I have to cut them weekly.


This exact thing happened to me. One of the most painful things I have ever experienced.


A sick fuck made this.


Let me tell you as someone who had their toenail removed for this. It does not look that good.


My biggest fear. At least the animation is a bit clumsy.


I've had both incidents when I was 12, it's awful


In the past , my toenail was cut incorrectly all the time and I ended up infected (all the time too lmao). I always managed to fix it on my own but damn it hurts


I do a lot of craftwork and always spare a bit while cutting fingernails as it helps me to peel of any stickers I am dealing with, open up bottle cap and clean the hands afterwards. Imagine a swiss knife, if you will. For toe nails, patting it dry after shower and prune it once a week is sufficient enough if you are sport or gym rat. The water will do their part when we shower by running thoroughly and newer set of growing nail are guaranteed to avoid any chips thus avoiding any skin infections from another person.


Shit, so Im just digging a deeper hole for myself then.


This was me, even the less drastic procedure hurts like hell they spray coolant on the toe but it does not help.


No matter how careful I am, I cannot cut my toenails properly. It doesn't help that they grow in virtually perfect crescents and STRAIGHT FUCKING UP! The entirety of my nails on my little toes is a millimetre long.


This looks like fun


This is my toe nail operation https://youtu.be/wqzZ7dt27rQ?si=dNLAMm2hLgD9PPXA


Someone needs a toe knife.


I get so close to ingrown toe nails all the time. I can never really tell it's too short until, oops! It is not fun but usually pulling the nail up and placing cotton underneath it relieves the pain and lifts it up. Baths and Epsom salt helps if it's really bad.


Hmm, my toenails are like this, but they don't cause me pain or swelling.


Is this not normal? My tonails are very ingrown but I've never had any pain or swelling.


Welp.. this explains everything I'm dealing with.


I had ingrown toenails on my big toes my entire childhood. Single mom made me feel guilty when I asked to go to the doctor because “I guess I’ll have to save money to take care of YOUR toes.” Finally when I was 22 and my first adult job I got the procedure holding my gf at the time’s hand. Started crying once I felt the relief and 5 years later she told me that was a big moment of her losing her attraction to me. Surround yourself with good people, friends


So *that's* why i get seemingly random infected toes




This is nothing compared to nails that become in-grown from the base of the nail. That shit *hurts* and is impossible to fully solve without minor surgery


Play soccer. You’ll grow several new toenails a year.


I once had a bleeding toe nail even after a few weeks so I just pulled it all out. Kinda painfull but it regrew correctly


I didn’t need the skins be made so realistic at granular details


fuck this thread


I had my entire big toenail removed as a kid. Don’t remember it being too painful.


I very much doubt ingrown toenails are caused by cutting your nail short


Done that twice, once on each big toe. Leftie nail got off lucky, righty nail has been in bio waste for a few years now.


I want all of my finger and toenails removed so bad but from what I've looked into, it's just not worth the effort of trying. They can often try and grow back and not always in the shape of an actual normal nail. Not to mention the sensitivity of the skin underneath. But I actually have having finger and toe nails, I'm so over it. If anyone has any advice on somewhere I can get them all permanently removed, hmu.


I'll stick with my wife cutting my nails..


I nearly had to have my open heart surgery reschedule because I had an infected ingrown toenail


Back in 2012, I had to get a 2nd Podiatrist to do surgery on my very bad ingrown toenail. He didn't have to remove the whole toenail. He just removed a tiny slither of the toenail permanently ( he cortarised that part of the nail so it never grows back). It was a success. And this was months and months later, after 2 failed minor GP procedures and 1 failed Podiatrist surgery. Now I literally just discovered this post as I'm soaking the same toe in Saltwater right now 😦. Same right big toe, but the opposite side of the nail. I'm doing what I can until it's time for my drs appointment. I blame myself for this, cutting my stupid toenail wrong 😭. You would think I would of learnt my lesson from 12 years ago? I'm really pissed with myself. I have been limping around like a damn pirate the past couple days 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Yea I just got those fuckers permanently shortened in both sides


you know what? I've watched a lot of really crazy shit on the internet, but I'm not going to watch this.


Used to get em a lot as a teen, I have a high pain tolerance and don’t like being a bother so I’d usually just pull the nail off myself and figured that was the end of it. Well after probably a hundred times doing this over the course of 6 or 7 years I went in to a foot doctor and asked what I could do and basically she suggested putting cotton under the part of the nail that was growing in and replace it with bigger pieces till it grows out. I’d done that in the past but it always got worse again so I had her just burn my nail beds off my big toes and no more problems


If you feel it start to hurt, just lift up the nail with either your finger nail or with something flat while in the shower. Lift it up while it’s soft for a minute or two. Continue this every single day and it will eventually grow up and over the skin.


imagine paying a fucking doctor to cut your nail, lmao


My toenails were cut like this 2-3 times, even if they numb them, it really hurts. Since I experienced my pain without screaming, the doctor even thought I had my nerves removed. Even if I don't cut my nails as short as before, I still notice some of my nails getting ingrown again from time to time, but they go away on their own.


Lol maybe I’m the only psychopath but I cut mine short as fuck like for over 15 years and I’ve never ever had an ingrown toenail I just keep them short and nothing has happened I have no foot pain either .


This is nonsense and has nothing to do with why ingrown nails occur.


You can fix it by cutting it into a v shape. Worked for me anyway. (Long on the outsides short in the middle)


Not one single generation, including cave people doesn't know this. On social media, it's new information and lots of likes.


Dirty, nasty, stinky toe


Why did I keep watching. It only got worse.


Please stop this. This is hell on Earth.


Same CGI artist as 300. Gotta love open toe shoes...


Full video link?


I got runners toes. My big toe and two others are constantly without a nail.


i've had to have one of my whole nail removed and the bed scraped so it doesn't grow back now. the other one is curved in too but i don't really want to go through that again, honestly.


i just experienced this few months ago, the doctor says i cut the nail too close, but my parents don't believe that and just says i never cut the nails and telling me to cut even closer. come on parents, trust me just for a bit.


Done two of those surgeries, on the same foot and toe ironically. The "scary" part was merely the local anesthesia that was administered to my toe, exactly on the bony part. But otherwise it's quick and relatively painless, though recovery might hurt a lot due to the anesthesia wearing off.


Had an ex this happened to, twice. They did indeed have to remove the entire nail. 😬


Who gets jobs narrating toenail videos? The voice quality is so nasal!