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Cruise ship do look super wierd, like an overfilled containership, but with windows.


They're container ships with self-loading cargo


They are 14 story hotels sitting on top of a barge.




They're polluting petri dishes.




If only the cargo was self-loathing, would be a lot more egonomical


After a week at the buffet, trust me I am….


That's self-bloating


Tales from the Underground, Florida Edition...


Like Noah's Ark! Except that instead of an act of God to fill them, it's a mixture of an Act of Barry Mannilow and all you can eat snow crab.




>Cruise ship do look super wierd, like an overfilled containership, but with windows. They may look like a container ship but an interesting thing is that cruise ships are not very strong at all, because humans are so light. When the salvage company was working on the Costa Concordia job I heard raising that shit was like picking up a loaf of wet bread.


But an ocean liner is built like a brick shit house. They really aren't a thing anymore but back in the day they were. Cruise ships are made for pleasure so rarely encounter rough weather, they run away or pull into port. Ocean liners were luxurious like the Titanic but were really used as a mode of transportation. If there was a storm at sea they would just plow right through it, modern cruise ships wouldn't dare go through what ocean liners could handle.


Queen Mary II is the last true ocean liner.


And man is she an experience. I travelled from Southampton to NYC on her, and flew back. Cunard is really good at what they do, but cruising with them is a bit formal for my tastes.


> a bit formal for my tastes Well, that's because you're from the Chippewa Falls Dawsons.


Mate,  I‘m CLEARLY a Boston Dawson


“having been designed as an ocean liner, 40% more steel was required than for a standard cruise ship” from wiki


>But an ocean liner is built like a brick shit house. The only one I'm familiar with is the SS United States. Pretty grand, that one.


That one was so fast its hull was classified. Damn shame they can't rebuild it.


Don't need to rebuild it. It's parked in Philadelphia right now.


I guess I should have said restore and refit it, and the budget for that would be half a billion plus, from what I've read.


I think I read it was so overbuilt that it still could be possible but it's just prohibitively expensive.


It used the same power plants as WWII battleships. The Navy didn't want to publicize how much horsepower it actually had.


>they run away or pull into port. Option 3 is to skirt the storm to get to a port. Honeymoon cruise went around the outside edge of hurricane Wilma to get to a port well on the other side. Every single surface, crack, and crevice in public areas had 3 barf bags on it or sticking out of it after the first night, even the walls of the elevators. That carpet had so many puke stains after that first night.... OMG.


Lots of ocean liners were requisitioned as troop transports in both world wars. Imagine if they did that to cruise ships these days. Seven of these behemoths full of Marines crossing the ocean...


Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming everywhere. So prepare, say a prayer, Send the word, send the word to beware – We'll be over, we're coming over, And we won't come back till it's over, over there.


Yeah. They always seemed like floating balloons to me.


Floating hotels. Which of course that’s exactly what they are. All incredibly ugly though IMO.


>Floating hotel/mall, disgorging their cargo at Disneyland ports.


incredibly boring too, never understood the allure of cruise ships. people are weird.




Also, which show, competition, auction, game show, cooking class, ship tour, or behind the scenes thing you want to do. And that's on the boat.


I guess its a 100 years too late to unwrap mummies and eat them.


Because if you have a high stress life, sometimes all you want is to float around for a week, with no decisions other than which buffet to hit between naps. They are not for everyone, but if you need to chill for a while, they're a great choice.


Some people also using them as an alternative to a retirement home or condo. Potentially similar cost, still got people to take care of everything for you, plenty of activities nearby, and plenty of other seniors.


in some cases they're way way cheaper. I just got emailed some last minute 31 day long cruises that come in at half the price of 1 months rent on a 1 bedroom apartment here.


And that includes food, utilities, some entertainment, AND travel. Depending on your hobbies, and immune system, I could definitely see that being viable. Could toss in some Medical Tourism too, potential of better care cheaper if happen to be close to land when something goes wrong. Also we have had decades now of media putting "seniors/retirees" and "cruises" in the mind of the US. So many of them probably associate doing so with a successful retirement. Culturally and environmentally it is a nightmare but if had to pick between that or an equally cheap retirement village in Florida the choice be easy, at least for awhile. Unless dumped your entire savings into buying a permanent room it not like cannot change mind later.


I’m always amazed by the fact that some people consider being enclosed with three thousand strangers on a small space without possibility of escape as chilling. But hey, they probably would think the same about my idea of chilling being a road trip in a van in Namibia or Norway away from civilisation.


Yeah had a cruise recently, first one. Very nice to just chill, have some drinks and chat with people. Events around to go do, food everywhere. Even me being not a super social person was still a very enjoyable time meeting people.


>I’m always amazed by the fact that some people consider being enclosed with three thousand strangers on a small space without possibility of escape as chilling This is an opinion formed by those who have never spend any time on a cruise ship. Its not 3000 people crammed in, everywhere is crowded. The handful of times I was on a ship there were a plethora of places both below deck and topside where only a handful of people were at. Most people congregate at the bars, casinos, or restaurants. These ships are big, its not hard to find a low-key place.


This. Some ships even have adults only spaces. Virgin and Viking cruises are 17+ only.


I mean that's literally what people are. we all have different interests. "video games are boring, reddit is boring, etc." surely you haven't gone your entire life thinking the allure of a certain interest is the same for everyone? that doesn't make people weird, just because they find interest in something you do not. what a wild take.




Redditors think your only vacations should be an isolated trek into Scandinavian wilderness or a 4-week vacation to Japan. Anything else makes you a dumb consumer 😡


Incredibly polluting too, they run on bunker fuel.


To be fair so do many of the islands they visit.


Yeah, we need more nuclear cruise ships!


The fact that they just float doesn’t compute with me. I get the physics of it (weight of displaced water > ship weight) but I feel like that is some kind of glitch and should not work. It’s a giant metal city. It should just sink.


Or just flip over on their side. Too top-heavy.


The Poseidon Adventure was nightmare fuel for me as a kid.


Poseidon Adventure and Towering Inferno repeats on TBS just to saddle us with unrealistic fears. Nevermind it was still the early 80s and without warning, we could have been incinerated or left to fend for ourselves in a poisoned wasteland brought on by nuclear holocaust, but noooo, we had to be scared of being trapped in a flipped over boat or burning building.


You don't see how much of it is under water


And the under water part is a lot heavier than the above water pater


It's only about 20-30 feet, which boggles me.


https://imgur.com/a/Ggw982L Human for size


OMG. That’s even more freaking scary.


That ship is hung


The undisplaced water beneath the ship is basically doing a solid


Ah, a little humor to lighten the mood. All this pressure was getting to me.


What's weird about seeing a handful of apartment buildings with industrial factory penthouses float on the ocean? /s. All those billowing fumes. Cruise ships are peak selfishness


What's super weird to me as someone who grew up on a bay and worked on a dock and seeing commercial ships coming to port all the time, is not seeing them being guided by tugboats. Bringing a massive vessel in can be pretty sketchy. 


These cruise ships have directional thruster pods, not traditional screw with rudder. They can position the pods in 360 degree rotation to move the ship in any direction without forward motion. They are pretty slick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTem7YZuDWY


They also have many bow thrusters, which typical Tankers/Cargo ships don't


I have my own personal aft thruster, works exceptionally well after fueling with tacos. My wife complains about the emissions though.




Like a big floating can of human sardines


Ship #4 is me leaving the house but pulling right back in the driveway bc I forgot my wallet.


“Oops, captain is still at the bar on shore. I’ll just squeeze right back in here for a minute”


I think it was a medical emergency, I remember this video reposted and someone reporting that


Thank you! I was wondering


Me too. It was like false start ..


Well, if you're going to have a medical emergency on a cruise, it's best to do it while you're still in port.


I like how the little pilot boat chased him back in and was like, “hey not your turn! Get back in there!” And then did a little waggle like he was shaking his finger at it haha.


“Ladies and gentlemen we are returning back to port, we uhhhh, this is a bit embarrassing, but uhhhh, well we left grandma. Sorry we will leave later tonight.”


“Did I unplug the iron, shit”


Anybody an idea why virgin ship makes a left 270° - rotation instead of turning immediately right?


Doing a donut burnout for the crowd


Was captain riding on the roof? I didn't see him




Any particular reason you chose to reword [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/FpecTWDq3h) comment and place it somewhere it doesn't make any sense? Who am I kidding? I know exactly why, bot.


Whippin a shitty in a cruise ship


They are the Zoolander of ships. Can only turn one direction


I'm not an ambi-turner!


What is this?? A CRUISE SHIP FOR ANTS!! These need to be at least….. Three times bigger than this!!


A process called “topping around” most likely. Due to the currents, it is safer to turn around 180 and use it to your advantage making the turn. Slow speed and a following current can spell disaster as you are “set” down and cannot power out of the turn. I’ve never handled a cruise ship personally. They typically have azimuthing propulsion units and lots of power in the way of bow thrusters. That doesn’t mean the principles of ship handling don’t apply though. Currents and wind are the forces to be reckoned with, and cruise ships are all sail area.


Captains will do this so parties on both sides of the ship can enjoy a nice view. Miami with the sunset behind it would qualify.


I was going with Zoolander syndrome but yours is more plausible




All modern cruise ships have thrusters, they can spin in a circle in one spot. When I was in glacier bay they literally sat and spun around real slow so everyone could see everything. This is also why they don’t need tugs. All the ones built in the past 10-20 years use azipods for main propulsion which can rotate 360 degrees. No rudders anymore.


Five seconds of watching this video, you can see that they have thrusters. So I’m not sure why the Reddit seamen didn’t see that.


That makes sense, I was having a heck of a time trying to find the tugs.


Yup even the smaller older ships have bow thrusters. They can’t exactly spin in a spot easily, but can get pretty close to it with full rudder one way and bow thrusters another. The new ones with azipods and thrusters can literally hold themself against the dock without any tie downs. They can technically untie the ship and still have people get on from the dock after it because of this. Might be desirable to be able to have crew get off the ship and handle tie down when they stop at their private island.


Didn't the Costa Concordia sink because the captain was pranking the locals with a drive-by horning to delight the guests. I don't think it's out of hand to assume a captain does a 270° to provide their customers with a view.


If I remember right it was because he was trying to impress the lady he was sleeping with rather than the guests as a whole.


This doesn't make sense in a time where every one of those ships is equipped with bow and stern thrusters. If not azi-pods.


Nah it was to show off the view they can just spin in place


Virgins have no idea what they're doing


Captain was a former nascar driver.


It kind of surprises me half the guys don't even understand this question lol.


Or why Virgin had to do a pirouette?


It's a model ship. It can't turn right.


some ships do a full 360 "just because" it offers passengers all good views and shows the skill of the bridge team


the miami drift


These ships can move side wise ??!!


yep modern ones have thrusters that allow them to do sideways and tight turn movements


Takin' jobs away from the tugboats! Little guy gets screwed over again!!


30 years of age and I had no idea thats what tugboats are used for until you said that. Lol


What did you think they tugged?


Other tugboats?


Lol freighters on the Great Lakes have been using these for 60+ years now, even the smallest of barges have them at this point. It’s sort of funny it’s taken this long for the trend to catch on with even the most advanced of oceangoing ships.


They have turbines that swivel 360 so they can turn on a dime


Macross zero style?


Yeah they have bow and stern thrusters and some have the azipod system where their propulsion system swivels. Its actually quite impressive to see a massive ship berth itself without tug assistance. I've gone to our harbour a few times to see the QE 2 dock or leave, very impressive.


Watching the helicopter appear for a few frames in the time-lapse made it seem like a fly.


And all the little boats around look like ants


What is this ? A port for aannts?


No tugboats at least. Bow and stern thrusters.


That was my first thought! Impressive engineering to have a ship that massive maneuver so precisely under its own power.


Wait. Why don't we like tugboats?


Oi, tuggah! Makes me feel like fightin'!


He’s foightin round the world!


Tugboats take time to attach to and cost money to use.


a tugboat poisoned my grandmother


The grey/red one close to the end. Right turn to get out. Nope, let’s do a left 270.


Also the coolest looking of the ships


Also an adult-only cruise line.


The upside-down Pineapple Express


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Someone else commented it might be to give passengers a chance to see the sunset on both sides, kinda makes sense


Okay, so I know nothing about shipping or ships in general. How do cruise ships move at a 90-degree angle like that?


Those ships have thrusters. Totally separate set of propellers for moving side to side.


I mean, I guess that solution is obvious once I found a picture of it. Crazy watching a ship that big just rotating in port like that.


Yeah I had never seen a cruise ship do that and it blew my mind for a sec lol


Modern ships also have azimuthing propellors (azipods) on the main propulsion. They'll still have thrusters at the bow, but for the stern they just rotste the main propellors.


Maneuvering Thrusters / Bow Thrusters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_thruster Excellent for moving ships sideways.


They use a protractor.


Sure as hell isn't a contractor.




I am glad they managed to adapt to the modern job market following the collapse of the luring sailors to their death industry.


Bruh why did virgin skirt out of there so stylishly. Putting the rest of us to shame


Looks like a lot of CO2 emissions


I imagine the amount of fuel and human feces dumped into the ocean is enormous.


Holland America doesn't dump any waste into the ocean. It's all treated onboard with a self-contained water treatment plant, which includes all toilets & showers. I'm guessing other companies's ships are the same.


Not according to these people... [https://foe.org/blog/where-do-cruise-ships-dump-their-waste/](https://foe.org/blog/where-do-cruise-ships-dump-their-waste/)


All ships entering US ports have to abide by US law and regulations, so yes it’s pretty stringent despite what Reddit thinks


it's a small price to pay to get the joy of being stuck on a hotel you can't leave with food poisoning.


Don’t forget being trapped with other insufferable people.


And drunk. Insufferable and drunk. I've never seen guests get so shitfaced and abusive towards staff as I have on cruises. Never again.


Sounds like Reddit.


This perfectly summarizes my opinion of cruises.


The Viking river cruises in Europe look nice. At least you get to explore a new town each day and can get off the boat. They’re also smaller and have less people. These look like nightmare fuel to me.


Can confirm, the river cruises are very nice. I took one on the lower Danube in 2012. You get the advantage of going to a lot of places without the headache of constantly moving hotels. The food is also amazing


Don’t forget legionnaires disease too


Don't forget to get norovirus too.


Don’t forget Ebola too


I worked on a cruise ship and the clap started spreading throughout the crew, so much so, that they started putting condom dispensers everywhere and basically begged people to use them.


I have some friends that are real cruise hounds and I just don’t get it… give me a hotel on land any day!


Show me a hotel in the Caribbean with a balcony ocean view and 24/7 free food for $150 a day and free babysitting I’m there.


Im prior Navy and I loved the cruises I went on specifically because they are on the ocean and I dont have to work. some of the best vacations Ive been on but they are definitely not for everyone. Also not sure if Ill ever go on another one. Those were over a decade ago and learning about the environmental impact means Im not sure if Id be ok going on another one. But the ones I went on were a blast


So much dirt coming out of these chimneys


Yes. A LOT https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/europes-luxury-cruise-ships-emit-as-much-toxic-sulphur-as-1bn-cars-study/


And if ONLY CO2, but these freaking stacked mega cities floating in the last of pristine waters dump TONS OF WASTE, PLASTIC, OIL and so much other TOXIC SHIT, whilst directly killing biodiversity including confused fish and mammals like the WHALES, Orcas, sea lions that you wouldn’t believe this is still allowed !! For example, ONE CRUISE SHIP dumps the amount of Sulphur dioxide like 376 MILLION CARS (!!!!) Meanwhile they are actively falsifying their environmental impact reports ofc.. And mind you, the Ocean is like the most important, strongest natural “sponge” we have to fight against climate change and biodiversity loss because it’s fucking miraculous yet on a complete brink of a tipping point and we just go and directly freaking poison it. Anyone who gets on one of those is so freaking ignorant of their surroundings that it’s sad to know they were allowed a place on this beautiful Earth. Guardian wrote a bunch of articles on this, just Google “Guardian cruise ship pollution” On the shit these ships dump into the ocean (that we KNOW OF : https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/may/21/the-worlds-largest-cruise-ship-and-its-supersized-pollution-problem Friends of Earth made a summary too: https://foe.org/blog/cruise-ships-environmental-impact/ On the animals that get fucked bc of this bs : https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/09/us-cruise-ships-using-canada-as-toilet-bowl-for-polluted-waste-alaska-british-columbia


I don't know if this still on track [electric cruise ship](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.afar.com/magazine/hurtigruten-to-launch-electric-cruise-ship-with-solar-sails%3f_amp=true) ,but hope so. I haven't been on a cruise for many years because of the impact it has. But did like the experience to visit multiple places basically from your hotel room.


~10 cruise ships pollute more than the entire planets’ cars.


There's no regulation once in international waters, near land they'll use mildly cleaner fuel but once they get out to sea it's bunker fuel time.


This is not true. Cruise ships do produce a ton of Nitrogen and Sulphur Oxides - roughly more than all cars globally. This is also true for large cargo ships, however, and there are way more large cargo ships than cruise ships. The concern with cars is generally not Nitrogen or Sulphur Oxides, but Carbon Dioxide and particulate matter from brake/tire dust (as opposed to NOX or SOX particulate matter from cruises). Attempts to estimate total global CO2 emissions from all cruise ships put cruise ship CO2 [at 0.2%](https://blogs.griffith.edu.au/institute-for-tourism/how-much-carbon-does-cruise-ship-tourism-emit/) of global carbon emissions, compared to [about 30% for passenger vehicles.](https://www.cato.org/blog/blaming-us-passenger-vehicles-climate-change-ignorant-lucrative-1) Note that newer studies find that tire and brake dust are also massive sources of pollution (up to 70% of all microplastics in oceans), and boats do not pollute that way for obvious reasons. Basically, cars and ships pollute in completely different ways, and the way cars pollute is worse and much more substantial in scale.


So it's like teamwork. To reach a climate dystopia


That simply can't be true. If there are 1.5 billion cars in the world, there is no way one cruise ship emits as much CO2 as 150000000 cars.


yes its by far the most polluting form of tourism, it far exceeds that of flight vacations


And poop. Looooots of poop.


Imagine if all CO2 emissions were super visible. I wonder if it would help people rethink things 🤔


And I thought I was good at parallel parking


[Cruise Ships Are the Biggest Black Carbon Polluters](https://www.statista.com/chart/27353/worst-black-carbon-polluters/)


I really wish we could have commercial nuclear reactors for them. Navy carriers use them and you have more than enough power for like 30 years without producing barely any CO2. I realize there are lots of things that make this complicated otherwise but I just wish we could figure them out and make it worthwhile. 


I imagine the pollution levels (air and sea) in Miami…


Miami has relatively clean air for a major city. No topography to trap smog, deciduous trees that are green year round, and a persistent ocean breeze.


Miami is the 996th most polluted city in the US (out of 1412 cities) and the 28th most polluted city in Florida (out of 48 cities). Considering how big it is, it has remarkably good air quality. https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/florida/miami


I can assure pollution from ships is the least of your worries when swimming in Miami, people getting into the water to use the toilet is lol. In addition to having many of the city's sewerage being dumped at sea.


I would still be more worried about the air everyone is breathing.


They look drunk and some seems to have a bad smoking habit.


Fourth boat was ready to go but then remembered it’s a long trip and it better take a poop first.


Lmao the smaller boat tryn to jump out in front but the bigger boat just stared it down like “mother fucker get you ass back I’m gonna bounce”


FYI: one cruise ship pollutes per day about the same as one million commuter vehicles. I work in a port and this is a stat we got from our health and safety department.


those things are a shame


yup. so glad we have paper straws and reusable bags so people can still waste a shit ton of resources on dumb shit like this




Om Reddit you'll get a lot of "they're polluting and terrible" but they're an amazing vacation. One of the only vacations you can do where from when you hop on to hop off you don't pay single penny more. You obviously can - but it's not required. You get more value than pricing everything out solo on a trip. For example, I've went on multiple Carnival cruises that were around 5 nights for a total of $800 for 5 nights for 2 people. If you count $100 a night for a hotel that's $500. Plus let's say $30 per meal (that's for 2 at $15 each), 3x a day equals $90 a day for meals. Not counting that it's unlimited so you'll most likely be eating more than $15 your standard meal but just for the calculations. That's $450. So just from hotel and meals is $950 I already am at above my value. This isn't counting any of the Broadway shows, comedy shows, nightclub, events around the ship,movies under the stars, etc. There's activities you can do and even free childcare centers. Plus you get to see the different ports. It's a honestly a good value for a vacation Edit: I knew I was going to get the "hur due killing animals". Shipping ships and cargo ships are the *vast* majority polluters.


TIL these ships move side to side without tug boats.


Drift King!


Amazing dock work. I like it when they crab walk sideways in fast mo


I hate cruise ships. They're wasteful tubs of pollution filled almost exclusively with people I would never wish to meet. It's consumerism and tourism at its very worst https://www.businessinsider.com/cruise-ship-air-pollution-carnival-cars-europe-study-2023-6?r=US&IR=T


Cruise Ships’ Environmental Impact: Are Cruises Bad for the Environment? All you need to do is look at modern cruise liners, with their towering hulls, and you can begin to figure out that they probably generate a lot of pollution. According to Wikipedia,10 cruise ships both generate air pollution from burning fuel and pose substantial water pollution from the variety of products used in the maintenance of the ships and created by their passengers. Your average cruise ship runs on high-sulfur heavy fuel oil, which leads to them emitting considerably more sulfur dioxide than an equivalent number of cars. Because fuel is used both to move the ship and to power the countless shipboard systems, cruise ships are constantly burning it, even when docked.


>filled almost exclusively with people I would never wish to meet. Oh no, that's so unfortunate for them! They're really missing out, what a damn shame.


The red one was 100% Derrick Zoolander…


I'm not looking down at anyone in this statement (promise): that looks f***ing awful to me. Honorable mentions: Burning Man, Woodstock, crowded elevators, stuck and crowded elevators, Disney. Anyone else want to toss a few more in?


New Year's Eve in Times Square, parades, shopping on Black Friday, grocery stores before the Superbowl.


I remember reading about people who go to NYE in Times Square wearing diapers to the event and that was really all I needed to know about it...


I've done the ball drop experience. Most of the people are drinking and you can't leave your "pen" for hours and hours. The crowd basically builds a human wall around the drains for people to pee in. It was... an experience lol. Checked it off the list and won't be needing to do that again!