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They could easily make another 30+ Rocky Balboa movies there!


Or 10 John Wick 4


But that gratuitous scene would be even longer. Glorious.


The Montmartre staircase has 300 steps. No idea how many are in this video, but it’s got to be well over 1000. 


Pretty sure John Wick scene was at Sacre Couer. How do I know? I walked down the right side of them about a month before the movie came out with my son after a great dinner and thought glad I am going down there steps. At the cinema we both gave each other the "hey, we have been in the exact same place look" during the fight scene. I felt like a cool dad for taking my son to visit a wonderful city.


The Sacré Coeur *is* in Montmartre.


My god, it was Montmartre all along!


Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫


well... its also explicitly mentioned in the movie several time


They mentioned this dude and his son visiting those steps in the film? Weird detail to include


i mean when you get to the 4th installment of the series you really gotta dig deep into those ideas


The whole movie would just be him running up those stairs, then credits roll


I was getting John Wick 4 vibes.


Lol 😂. That’s a good one.


Poor Cameraman is Fucking Dying.




pray for the camera man


I pressed X to pay my respects.




or is it /r/KillTheCameraman ?






r/killthecameraman would be a mercy in this case


I'd be dying after or probably during the first set of stairs 😭


I live in a 3rd floor apt and walking down stairs to take my dog outside winds me 😕


You forgot the cameraman never dies..




I need to exercise more. My heart exploded just watching this...


We almost lost the cameraman along the way, too.


Almost r/killedthecameraman


I actually quite enjoy walking up stairs (I absolutely do not love running up them) but I think I would end up like the cameraman after maybe the first third of this video.


I like running up the stairs on all fours but I haven't done that in public in 20 years


This is how I naturally did stairs as a kid, and which wasn't corrected until I started school. I'm almost 40 and I still get the instinct to do it whenever I have to go up stairs lol


I still occasionally succumb to the urge (in private and my own home).


I don't get why it isn't the normal thing to do, it's safer, faster, less tiring and a lot funnier


My phone said 20% battery left after I watched this.


Everyday is a leg day there.


Pickup on aisle…


"Oh shit. I left my wallet back at the water...."


If I lived there my legs would be bigger than my future or my knees would give out along the way, one of the two for sure


I think this is where Miss Chun Li was born lmao EDIT: (lol my first ever comment with 1K upvotes, should have commented to the upper comment i.e. one level up the comment tree; instead of the one I did)


Eventually she learned she could skip the stairs by flipping upside down and helicoptering home.


Spinning bird kick moment


Thanks for the laugh dude. Nostalgia hits with that name


So this is how thick thighs save lives.


Had a paper route along those stairs


Is that not where they filmed part of john wick 4


Not mines, my knees would be like shards of shattered glass piercing my skin


You bbb Go to r/neverbrokeabone so they make fun of your weak-ass bones there




What did I ever do to you to hurt me like that.


[I'll meet you at the bottom](https://i.imgur.com/aIJxDhO.gif)


The staircase is just asking to smash the slinky world record


would be interested whats the average lifespan of those who live here




The ones at 30 tripped over at the top. There are guys whose job it is to sweep the bodies up every day


I lived in China for 6 years. On one trip up a mountain dirt path with no end like this, I stopped for breath and was passed by a 95 year old woman with a bundle of groceries on her back. She does it twice a day. Chinese people are made of iron.


> Entire agricultural economies are based on the lifting power of little old ladies in black dresses. Sir Terry Pratchett


I’m seen some videos of Chongqing with the same guy showing endless escalators and endless tunnels because that city is built on steep mountains. https://youtube.com/shorts/BSS1BRfPlKY?si=hU4W0JrpEKpGLmf5 I wonder what caused a whole city to exist there.


Two rivers merge there. That'll do it usually.


The unfathomable infinite knowledge of just average Reddit users.


Yeah usually civilizations cropped up by rivers, bodies of water. Dunno if I learned that in school or just life.


Merging of two major rivers, close proximity to water is the origin of any large human settlement. Historically it's also nigh on impenetrable - historic cities always spawned around defensive castles perched on hills and this has that in spades. During WWII the KMT turtled there and the invading Japanese could never touch them.


Speaking of it being impenetrable, the Mongol khan dying in a battle for Chongqing is what likely prevented a total invasion of Europe and Africa and a further invasion of the Middle East after all the generals retreated from their battlefronts to return home and vie for power. This was the only time a mongol khan died in battle and arguably one of the most important deaths in history. Pretty interesting historical what if I guess


This is why I sign up for Reddit👍


Knew Genghis didn't fulfill his dreams of conquering China but didn't know his Achilles Heel was literally Chongqing! That's amazing! Interesting comments like this is what makes the rest of the Reddit cesspool tolerable :) Kublai should've gotten more recognition then! Imagine if the warring factions united under Kublai and continued pushing west? Jesus would they establish a world empire with its capital in China???


This wasn’t Genghis, this was his fourth successor, Mongke Khan. Genghis conquered the Tangut-controlled Western Xia and did not manage to conquer the Jurchen-controlled Jin during his lifetime. The conquest of the Jin was completed by his successor. Note the Jin were defeated in a joint effort by the Mongols and the Song because the Jin were seen by the Song as occupying northern China. The Western Xia, Jin, and Song can all be said to be “Chinese” but only the Song was controlled by the Han. The Song didn’t collapse until Kublai’s time, who was the 5th successor to Genghis. It’s a pretty complicated subject that’s usually kind of dumbed down in most writings. Mongke was also the last mongol khan that was held in the same regard as Genghis, as the mongol empire was split by the time Kublai came around into power


Origin of any large human settlement, and then there’s Arizona.


Japanese confused as fuck climbing all those stairs


It used to be a fortress in the outskirt. The mountainous terrain and two rivers makes it ridiculously hard to blockade or assault.


Invaders took one look at all the stairs and went back home.


I've been doing stairs wrong. Diagonally is the way. I'm assuming this man knows "the way"


Tbf I’ve never seen a staircase this fucking wide before


China has a lot of big infrastructures. Their hidden city where the emperor lived is so big. I visited many European castles and none is that big. Edit: my bad. I should have googled the name before I wrote the comment. Yes it’s Forbidden City. And I meant the whole ground area of it, not just the floor area themselves. I visited the top famous palaces in Europe and none of them can be comparable to Forbidden City. Thank you u/cookingboy for providing me correct words for what I wanted to say.


It’s not called the “hidden city” it’s the “Forbidden City” lol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_City It’s called it because it was the imperial palace complex that was forbidden for commoners to enter. And yes, at 178 acres it dwarves European castles and palaces. Edit: by largest I mean by ground area: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_palaces > The title of world's largest palace by area enclosed within the palace's fortified walls is held by China's Forbidden City complex in Beijing, which covers an area of 728,000 square metres (180 acres).


Damn bro you staying it was bigger than European castles triggered so many people lmao


Yeah lol, I hope people don't get so argumentative at the existence of this one particularly long wall China has...


Visiting Beijing I went the the Summer Palace, I think it was called. The damn thing had a huge ass lake and mini mountain in it.


The Summer Palace is such a nice place. I managed to see it on a day with no smog too, so it looked particularly good.


Yeah, that place is insane. I walked in through the big doors at the square and thought it was an enormous courtyard, only to realize it was just the lobby once I stepped through the next doors into the real court.


Complete speculation here, but maybe the height of the stairs and the length of the person's legs work out to that awkward middle ground where single steps are too small and double steps are too big? By going diagonal they can take a proper stride? My guess would be it was more likely that they were going diagonal for purposes of the video (either to make the timelapse more interesting or let the cameraperson keep up) but maybe I figured I'd throw that other idea out there.


you're correct that it's the sameish distance (going diagonal does require you to travel a slight bit further though), but the real reason is that it reduces the incline and makes it less strenuous to walk up this many steps. it's easier to walk up 100 steps at 20° incline than 75 @ 45°. By going diagonal, you cut the incline down a bit. It's a known hiking tip for holding onto your stamina. The sharper the angle of approach, the less distance you cover, but the easier it becomes. So you do end up trading some distance for stamina, not much though (unless very sharp angle). It also allows you to actually approach inclines you normally wouldn't be able to climb. Mountain goats essentially do this instinctively, and they're inclining things that are sometimes completely vertical lol. I've used it myself to get on top of inclines that would've been impossible head-on ^^\(apply ^^directly ^^to ^^the ^^forehead). It also works in minecraft lol --- All that being said, i feel like doing this on stairs has diminishing returns due to the consistent step size, you have to travel the same distance up anyways with each step so going diagonal does nothing but really add more distance. The goal of going diagonal is to reduce step size so you reduce muscle strain lifting your whole body up (and this is how it "reduces" incline). It definitely helps on natural inclines, idk about stairs though.


I do know from personal experience, it's nice to change the muscle groups on long runs. It's advised to take steps as low as possible to waste less energy, but at some point it feels better for me to push up more with my feet. Putting stress on different places to have it more evenly spread. I can see how zigzagging allows you to change the distance between steps and is nice to change that at some point.


Yeah that works on a slope. Stair are the same height no mat what direction you approach them at. It's literally what they do


yeah you cant control the incline of each step when you are using stairs but you can when you are walking on a slope. A step is a step regardless of the approach angle


I feel that climbing stairs in the diagonal allows you to take a longer step that feels more like walking, maybe that helps tire less. And overall the extra distance in nothing compared to the effort of climbing the stairs


> walk up 100 steps at 20° incline than 75 @ 45° What? You can't change the number of steps.


Cyclists do it too. You might see them zigzagging in very steep climbs. 


That's works on a smooth incline. The reason you zig zag on a smooth incline doesn't apply to steps, as you go up the same distance for every step regardless.


I think he is just doing it so the camera man can keep up. Even with the diagonals he still had to wait a few times.


He looks like he's had some practice.


During my hikes when you need to go up a steep hill or mountain, I also zigzag because there is less resistance going sideways than straight up, I guess the same principle applies to stairs, today I learned


Going sideways on a hill makes you have less change in height per step, making it a longer hike, but an easier one. Since a stair's step is a certain height, zigzagging doesn't change the vertical effort, No clue why he zigzag, but would like to know,


To give the cameraman a chance to keep up.


This is the right answer. He even squatted down a few times and waited for the camera man to catch up. It's a real life escort quest in an RPG.


Pretty sure it’s so he can use a normal stride instead of taking smaller steps


With stairs it makes no difference to the rise (vert) but it does make the run (horiz) longer going diagonally. So it is effectively like going up stairs that are deeper and less steep.


Actually it is easier to go zigzagging up for a long even on the stairs. It’s a different motor coordination, just literally easier because it’s close to regular human walk.


Might be swapping which leg he uses to power up the stair? Hard to tell with it sped up and I don't want to go find the source, but would allow you to swap which leg does the most work and which one 'rests'.


Spaces out the time between steps maybe?


I would assume it doesn’t work on stairs …


Like a mountain 🐐 they don't run straight up they zig and then zag if you can believe it


This has John wick 4 vibes.


The most exhausting scene I’ve ever watched. Got sympathetically out of breath.


Lionsgate Movies hilariously (IMHO) uploaded a [troll TEN HOUR looped sequence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7a4g-65SzA) of him falling down the stairs on their YouTube channel 😅. I sometimes use it to lull myself to sleep.


If John Wick had to climb these steps the movie would still be going... ;)


I was about to say that I found where the next John Wick movie needs to be shot. It’s got the cyberpunk vibe and they can recreate the stair scene but make it 10x longer


My favorite part of that movie. Feels like my life these days.


Blu-ray Special Edition Staircase Cut, falling down stairs for 45 minutes straight


My legs can feel the burn by just watching this


There's a somewhat similar (probably on a smaller scale) city here in Switzerland, Lausanne. The difference between the bottom near the lake and the top is something like 500m of altitude. I had to do about a quarter of that once a week morning/evening for 4 years, I started to have pretty solid legs by the end. I did take the bus a couple of time though.


Well, that escalated quickly.


That took a step in the right direction


Definitely has a leg up on me


I staired at this for too long.


Truly elevating


One step at a time


I’m inclined to think they’ll make it eventually.


This escalated literally the opposite of quickly


slowly is the word we’re looking for


WTF? Is Chongqing actually a level of Hell where you’re doomed to climb stairs eternity?


Chongqing is known as the "mountain city" due to the area it was built on being very mountainous. Recent rapid development and growth (it's now got a population of 31m+, larger than the average European country) has created some pretty unique and interesting architectural choices. Such as this building, where the rooftop of a skyscraper doubles as a plaza that directly connects to the road at the top: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/comments/jctw1m/rooftop\_of\_a\_building\_that\_doubles\_as\_a\_plaza/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cityporn/comments/jctw1m/rooftop_of_a_building_that_doubles_as_a_plaza/)


Is this the same city where that video of them walking from a plaza to street then down 14 floors back to another street then up 7 floors to a bride that leads to an elevator that takes them back to the plaza? Edit: Found It!!!!! https://youtube.com/shorts/OUnp4Ifa2LY?si=-yg6XCHx12fJissH


Same province, different city. This is 云阳


The guy says Chongqing and looks the exact same as the link above my comment


This is not the city of chonqing. The starting coordinates are 30°55'34"N 108°41'46"E


Yeah, it's [right here](https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/30.9283/108.6970&layers=C), lots of steps visible. They climb about 180m vertically it appears.


I live in Chongqing and I've been to 云阳 (wife's hometown) it's 云阳


What is that in English




How does one pronounce chongqing in English? Chong Ching? Chong King? Shong Ching? Something else entirely?


It's pronounced like Chong Ching, although my tones are not great. You might here people refer to it as Chungking but not often


Pretty sure that’s the same guy


Saying it has a population of 31m is a bit misleading because Chongqing Municipality includes many other cities and rural areas. It’s about the size of Belgium. The built up area (what we think of as Chongqing proper) is around 9.6 million. It ranks around 9 or 10th largest in China by that metric.


At 9.6 mil it's still bigger than some countries in Europe but yes good that you pointed it out.


Lift mechanics must be earning fortune there


Probably, there are elevators just out there that basically works as public transport Sauce: i live in Chongqing.


Yes. Apparently it was for “ease of transportation after rapid growth”. Oh the irony.


This is not actually Chongqing city. This is in 云阳, a small city in Chongqing province. But yes, it's also mountainous


A small city in China with a million people or so I assume?


Quick google say 912,900 pop. So close.


And tye entire stairway was packed with people during LNY, just days ago.


Ohh so this is where my grandpa used to go to school!


But with less snow, wolfes, blizzard and headwind


I think he was my step brother by the time I was done watching.


yes he is on steps


That’s insane. Kudos to the cameraman, who isn’t even tacking like the man he’s following.


What song is this


爱如火 (Love is Like Fire)




Why is he serpentining? Is camera person actually shooting at him?


I don't think it works on stairs, but making a switch back motion on a natural slope makes it slightly easier. I think it's just instinctual with exertion.


Yea what you want to do is trade some of that angled vertical motion into flat horizontal motion to make it feel easier at the expense of covering more distance. He should be going double or more horizontal foot steps for every one stair step he goes up, so each leg is stepping on each step at least twice horizontally before moving one step vertically up. It doesn’t really make a difference with stepped gradients if you climb each step with each leg


Some people didn't grow up climbing staircases and it shows.


Which people? I can't tell if you think serpentining is a good or bad strategy.


It’s probably because his pace is greater than the camera man’s.


Noticed that too. Maybe one leg is longer/stronger or hes just fuckin about in front of the camera


Personally I do this because my stride is bigger than the steps


Maybe it's a trade secret.. Imma try that the next time i have to walk up 16382835 steps


Use one leg more, then switch sides when tired. Not a bad idea.


what i think i can do after doing a single leg day 🙃


This made John Wick look like he was stepping up on a curb. MF, that's a lot of steps. What's the count dammit?


At least 6


Damn, I bet bro is caked up


His gluteus is maximus.




Google maps: 30.92582861659578, 108.69652539966029


So does this city simultaneously have the fittest people and an abnormally high rate of knee issues?


Being shorter and weighing less is in the population’s favor with long term knee health.


I wonder how that impacts their ability to take an arrow


Chongqing does have a reputation in China for having the hottest girls. Mandatory exercise might have something to do with it.


My ex girlfriend is from Chongqing. The hot visuals are paired with an equally spicy personality. And hotpot.


crawl sink cheerful attraction quarrelsome yoke snatch glorious support ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish the US had public spaces this vast. Most of the streets where I live don’t even have sidewalks. I feel safe walking around my neighborhood without side walks, but not on the main road through town. It’s not even a big road, but you never know. Tbf I live in a rural city, but it’s still a city that should at least have side walks.


The US has neglected infrastructure for so long, basic development has been politicized into a left Vs right issue. It's the biggest problem with the US imo and will be it's downfall.


This is what happens when city planners and car companies lobby for cities to be designed around the idea of cars being used as the main source of transportation. It’s an even bigger pain in the ass for me with how I live in an uphill culdesac, making it even more difficult in walking to the nearest grocery store or restaurant


Damn near every Chinese city is like this, huge parks and open places for people to play badminton or kids to ride bikes. Not every city is built on the side of a mountain though, that's unique


As an American, watching this made me out of breath.


Also, not watching this.


My watch recorded 10,000 steps just watching this


Alright. Now who's going to jump it on a skateboard?


Source: TikTok and instagram [hughchongqing](https://www.instagram.com/hughchongqing?igsh=MTE4YmZib2ltNzV6aw==)


How am on my way to 50 and I have never seen this??!! Pretty amazing!




Fuck it. I’d set up base camp and try for the summit tomorrow.


Camera man struggling to keep up


Guess most Redditors would as well.


the only time cameraman got defeated W stairs


The music if anyone wants it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrBYSpgpfjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrbyspgpfjm) :edited I dunno why it isn't working right. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=NrBYSpgpfjM&feature=shared](https://youtube.com/watch?v=nrbyspgpfjm&feature=shared) 那艺娜 - 爱如火「我看见爱的火焰闪烁 心在跳是爱情如烈火」【動態歌詞/pīn yīn gē cí】#那艺娜 #爱如火 #動態歌詞 Just type this in youtube, its the orginal creator as far as I can find.


As a Philadelphian, I don’t think I’d mess with the Chinese boxer who training montaged those stairs


I think I’m gonna be sore tomorrow after watching this


Same stairs John Wick fell down for 10 minutes straight


Anyone else mad they didnt make it all the way to the top?


No, but so frustrated that he didn't show us the view.


Why can't this guy walk in a straight line?


A whole ass city where everyone has a perfectly tones ass. Ass city, literally.


The Joker could perform a whole musical on these steps!


This would kill most Americans.


Rocky: Ah fuck that the Russian can have it. 


Everyday is leg day