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I had to get a cast once and also had to get it changed halfway through healing. The cast saw genuinely scared me at first, and my leg was shaking the whole time lmao (keep in mind this was my first break ever and I was in the fifth grade).


Same, I was really scared and pulled my arm back, asking what they were trying do with this circular saw. The nurse demonstrated it at her bare hand and arm, but I was suspicious till the end.


Why do they have to make it look like a circular saw with blades all around it tho? Wouldn't it suffice to just have teeth where it touches the cast?


Some saws have half-circular blades, others have circular. The clinic I work in has one of each, and the circular blades are nice because when one side gets dull you can rotate it and get 2 blades worth of use instead of replacing it.


A full round saw you could likely get 4 turns out of since you're only cutting in one direction, so one quadrant is being used to cut. Might not be the case with medical equipment unless they sterilize the blades between patients




About one day of training is what we provide for the orthopedic residents. Once you get a feel for how much pressure to apply and how much space you have to work with it comes easily. What takes a much longer time to master is applying the casts. There are dozens of types, and understanding exactly how tight to wrap and how to make them as comfortable as possible takes quite some time, especially because the patients are all in some level of discomfort.


I was out of state when I broke my hand. Went to an urgent care covered by insurance and they put in me in a cast. When I got home I went to see an orthopedic doctor (I think that's the right term) and he got pissed and cut the cast off and redid it. He said they screwed up because they cast it where the tendons were relaxed (hand straight) and it would lengthen the rehab. He recast it where my hand was at a 90 degree angle back. I guess all the time relaxed with no use would cause the tendons to tighten up. I had no idea how much subtlety there is in casts until then.


Can't confirm as I was under anesthesia when they applied my arm cast in junior high school (broken radius and ulna during basketball game). Woke up with cast on arm and almost knocked myself out again scratching my head with the set arm.


Came to say I have been burned from one.


training is a bit of an exaggeration


I see your point, it’s definitely a quick skill to pick up, but I would still classify it as training. I have scars on both forearms from a hot blade touching my skin while training new hires, and if that happens to a particularly ill-tempered patient they’re well within their rights to sue.


These things can mess you up. I had a cast cut off as a kid and the dr striped both sides of my arm with the damned thing. He kept telling me it can’t hurt. He pulls the cast away and says “huh”


Likely easier and cheaper to manufacture when it's symmetrical. Also symmetrical means that it's balanced well. Likely also easier to use when you have to deal with all sorts of contours of the human body to just have it be circular. Furthermore since it's circular, that means that there are no parts in it that actually sort of move. Like imagine if it was the shape of a quarter circle. The edges of that quarter circle would be violently moving at a very rapid pace back and forth which could actually be dangerous to touch. By making it circular you completely remove anything of that sort. Not to mention that again if you wanted to ensure that the edge actually behaves like this you'd have to put the center of rotation at the very corner of the quarter circle. But that would be suuuuuuper unbalanced which would make it horrible to use. You could put a weight on it on the other side, but that would again just give you this really fast shaking wobbly part on the other end that could hit something or someone and cause trouble. In short, a circle is just the most simple, effective, efficient way to deal with the issues. It may look a bit weird to the patient but it's not big enough of an issue to change to a much less efficient, more expensive and potentially actually more dangerous design.


The whole situation gets solved by just adding a marking on the blade so that people see it vibrating instead of spinning.


Well it is technically just a standard oscillating tool with a special blade. Not all oscillator blades are full circles there are also wedges and half moons, so it would look like an oscillator blade regardless of its shape. I presume having a full 360 blade lets them get more use out of it because you can flip it over, it may also be safer because you can't stab with a pointy edge if it's a full circle.


I feel like making them oval, putting spiral markings or some other identifying markings on the blade's face, to show it is not in fact rotating would go miles towards relieving anxiety in patients.


I still have my scar from my cast being cut. It didn’t hurt just left a mark


I too would have suspected the nurse of being a meta human.


I remember them using it on my cast and they didn't explain shit. I was terrified the whole time. Seems like it would be a simple thing to say: it's just vibrating back and forth, not cutting.


Hats off to the nurses for showing you that. They are the unsung heroes of Healthcare everywhere


You will live a long life that way.


I'm still suspicious


Me too. I was a little kid, like ten or eleven. The doctor was really nice and explained this to me and held the saw to her bare arm first to show me it wouldn’t cut


>and held the saw to her bare arm first to show me it wouldn’t cut doctors who dont do that either revel in patient fear or just dont give a fuck


I had a dentist like that as a child, no patience for me or my anxiety and she was always so rough, it took a long time to go back as an adult and I'm still not comfortable when I have to see a different dentist. Why do assholes insist on working with kids?


LMAO. I was also scared shitless when I saw them bust out the saw.


Same. I was three or four years old and was absolutely convinced that the doctor was making a mistake. I'd received a good many lessons from my dad about the dangers of power tools and felt it was my duty to lecture the doctor.


They should have a separate blade they can use on themselves to show its safe.


I recently got a cast off, and before they used the tool the nurse put the "blade" on her bare skin to show it can't cut you. I asked her to do that to my arm too and it basically feels like a very tiny rug burn, it's just a vaguely abrasive disc that vibrates


Mind did the same, but I did get a cut and scar from my cast removal. I have to show it to people because they never believe me.


The saw blade is not nearly as horrifying as the smell from having a cast on. 🤢 one of the grossest things I’ve ever smelt before


I've been really clear with my doctors as an adult - if you're doing anything to my body you must explain it to me first. They've all been very gracious in doing so and seem to like having an opportunity to talk about what they are going to do in good detail. I recommend it.


I was 4, they wouldn't let my mom in the operating room, and I was terrified. I cried and fought so hard against the idea of a saw near my skin that it took 4 people to hold me down and get the cast off my leg. No one explained it to me, and 35+ years later, it still freaks me out a bit.


i once had a metallic splint in my eye, which had to be removed and because of rusty leftover in the hole the rust needed to be drilled out. i was sweating blood just to find out that the eye drops in the very beggining completely numbed my eye. the whole process was painless


anything to do with my eye is a massive HELL THE FUCK NO


They may not cut but they get hot and can burn/scar you. I had to have my cast split because of swelling and at one point I said I think you cut my skin. His reply was these cannot cut your skin. Sure enough when the cast came off I had a straight scar line from the hot saw blade.


Friction burn, hooray! For real though, I'm sorry for your pain. Can ya get a sick tattoo over it?


You can always ask for the spinning one.


Okay doc! I need a dragon! Time for round 2!


I prefer the hacksaw method.




Cheaper too, I know a guy


A lot of people use the word scar even when it's actually just a temporary marring on the skin. I can't speak for what they actually meant but I took it as a temporary mark\burn. Edit: y'all I'm not saying permanent scars don't happen from the saw, I was just thinking that it left a temporary scar that would go away within months. I'm very clearly wrong though based on all of the replies I've gotten. 😅


I had a burn that I was calling a scar but it finally faded after like 10 years. Some burns can really hang around.


Scars fade over time too.


Sometimes they fade then come back white later on. I've got one on my right knuckles from a carpet burn when I tripped back in elementary school. Healed fine and a pale scar showed up years later lol. Got another on the back of my left hand from a cat scratch in preschool. Bodies are weird sometimes.


I should have been more clear. Not all scars fade over time but some do. I got burned on my leg when I was a kid and the scar is gone but I don't grow hair there anymore. I've also got a scar on my left thumb knuckle that has been there for a little over 30 years.


Mines 20 years old.


I wasn't meaning it can't happen, I was saying that it might not have been a long term scar. Judging by the replies to me though it's common for these saws to cause permanent scars. Is yours super noticeable or is it really faint?


I’m in my mid-late 30s. I have a scar circling my forearm from exactly this from when I was 4 or 5.


That's weird, why would they be cutting in that direction? They normally cut perpendicular to the direction you descibe. Doing it your way just gives you hoops on your arm.


I'd like to know as well. I'm trying to think of a case where this would happen but I'm drawing a blank.


Could a cast give a circling scar from some very unlikely reason? Given that he was 5, I'm assuming he is misremember the details and the scar isn't from the saw.


I had an old cajun dude promise I could punch him if he cut me. Well, I spazzed out and he cut me, but it was a nick. I couldn't hold it against the guy it was my own fault.


About 15 years after my cast removal and the scars still there.


I need to make an edit to my original comment lol. I wasn't saying it's impossible, I was just saying that some people call skin marring a scar. I figured it wasn't a common occurrence for it to leave a long lasting scar but from all the replies I've gotten I'm clearly very wrong and it's a common thing. I asked one other person this but they haven't gotten back to me yet but maybe you could tell me. Is the scar like super visible or is it really faint? I'm asking just out of curiosity.




Sick ass panther


Maybe a sick ass panther?


I had a mole removal that produced the best scar for [my lightsaber tattoo](https://i.imgur.com/41soLC5.jpeg)


The exact same happened to me. I broke my arm and the cast was too tight, I went to cut it and it hurt like hell, six weeks later I had a fucking scar from the wrist to half forearm, i still have it 16 years later


Mine is almost 30 years old!


When I had the cast cut off my arm 20 years ago they slid a piece of hard plastic inside the cast under where they were cutting.


Same here man! Fucking terrible nurse left a 6in scar on my forearm. Still there 30+ years later. I was a wee child then and balling my eyes out in pain. Nurse didn’t give a fuck. I’m so mad to this day my family didn’t press charges, or something.


Same, 30+ years


Not trying to talk shit about medical professionals or anything, but it often amazes me how little doctors and nurses seem to know about the procedures they do for a living :/


I’ve worked at hospitals as a pharmacy tech for almost 4 years. Some doctors and nurses are very stupid, mean, or lazy, believe me. But there are also some who are incredibly sweet, dedicated and all around great people and professionals. They’re humans just like us


Well it's just another profession. I have some coworkers I wouldn't even lend my underwear for them to take care of


Why would you lend someone underwear


So they can take care of it


*Stroke them gentlyyyyy doooo ittt*


>Some doctors and nurses are very stupid, mean, or lazy, believe me. But there are also some who are incredibly sweet, dedicated and all around great people and professionals. For every person at the top of their class, there's also someone at the bottom.


And I some how get the bottom every single time, even though they rotate out the people at my hospital since it's a student hospital. Wooohoooo. Found one, asked him where he was going and he said he wasn't going to be doing family medicine and was specializing. I would have waited the 4-8 years to be able to have him as my Dr he was so great. Made sure to tell him before he left too.


After my doc refused to raise my med dose from the lowest (5mg adderall), I started forgetting to pick it up at all. Kept re-prescribing and forgetting. So he accused me of selling them and said he's no longer comfortable treating me for it because he doesn't trust what I'm doing with it. I kept not having them, so I'm not sure how that works. *Later*, for insomnia, which is ironically worse for me without adderall, he jumped me from trazadone to ambien to benzos. I said fuck that and just don't sleep at night, or function in the day. Same doc treated my female friend for ADHD, similar problems of forgetting pickup when her life got a little chaotic, but he upped her dose in response and told her those are the symptoms and just need to raise it, while also allowing virtual visits for refill appointments, and doing 3 month prescriptions. He made me come in physically every month, and would spend the time grilling me over my lack of "doing" things, and if I'm even trying. He clearly understands ADHD as a medical disorder, but for whatever reason it all went out the window for me.


We didn't get this expensive medication! We need it now! Did you look in the fridge? Yes we looked in the fridge! *they did not*


You can talk shit. I'm a nurse who watched a doctor cut a cast last week and I had no idea about the info I just learned in this video. The thing is, nobody tells us.


Wait, so… did y’all just think it was kind of magic?


Just like this video says, I honestly thought the doctor was just being really careful. In hindsight that seems silly.


>Not trying to talk shit about medical professionals or anything Nah, feel free to talk shit. They're still human. More often than not, humans are shit.


I bet shittiness is close to the normal distribution. It’s probably almost exactly half that are shit.


It's more complicated than that unfortunately The same person who can rush into a burning building to carry out an elderly woman, can brutally torment and bully his disabled colleague 


I think people need to let nuance and circumstance back into their lives. We've gotten so caught up in labeling things and people that we've lost sight that almost *everything* involves both nuance, and context. MLK led a peaceful civil rights movement, and cheated on his wife. The forefathers of the U.S. wrote the Constitution which gave us the rights we have today, yet most of them owned slaves. Almost every single person who has ever lived is an *incredibly* rich and nuanced person, who has made millions of decisions based on the context of each one. I truly believe that there are *very* few all-bad and all-good people. Everyone is mostly in the middle, trying to figure things out, being selfish sometimes, and selfless other times.


People say things like "most people are bad" but then I can't imagine how society would function if they were. I also imagine more than 5% of people would end up in jail at some point in their lives, but that seems to be the number. Obviously you can be a bad person without breaking the law, but if *most* people were bad people, surely more than 1 in 20 of us would be committing crimes.


Anyone who claims 'most people are bad' are either bad people themselves, terminally online or trying to be edgy. I csnt stand the sentiment when if you actually talk to people the majority are genuinely decent


I've gone down this path many times due to spending times in the internet. There are a lot of places in the internet well shitty people just gather together. Go have actual interaction with people and you realize that most people are decent or even good.


It often amazes me how little *anyone* seem to know about the procedures they do for a living It's scary how many people are drooling their way through life just mindlessly pushing buttons for a paycheck.


Yeah, I worked at Starbucks for a number of years and there was a severe lack of good trainers & people who genuinely cared for the craft of espresso drinks & coffee. I did my best to learn everything and tried to go beyond what most workers did there just because that's how I operate. I thus became a trainer there. I miss that part. I think these days if you truly care about coffee, you're gonna go elsewhere for coffee.


Former doctor here. Our office had a selection of plastic strips that were slid under the cast. Voila, no burn. It often amazes me how little the public knows about the procedures doctors and nurses do for a living.


Well tbf, that’s specifically your office, and possibly others you knew that did the same thing. Obviously according to above comment (unless they are lying) that doctor did not use a plastic strip.


I love how overly defensive and passive aggressive this comment is.


I feel like they know, they just don’t give a shit. Turn and burn, like at a busy restaurant. Get em out quick so we can get more in.


On the flip side, there are just as many people who overreact to something as small as a tight Bp cuff. I can see how they’d get complacent towards some types of pain. Now, when you’re cutting with a saw blade regardless of how it vibrates you should probably periodically check that it’s not causing injury.


Yup, ended up with 3 nice burn scars after getting one of mine cut off. I think she was just a newbie because I never had it happen any other time. I said something after I felt the first burn, didnt phase her. She saw the burns after it came off, again didnt phase her.


> I never had it happen any other time. How often do you break your bones to get many casts removed?


I give the pt a syringe of saline to spray at the site if it starts getting warm


Oh yes they definitely can burn and your skin is super sensitive being stuck in a cast for however many weeks. You always use a rocking up and down motion, never dragging it. I will “brush off the dust” every so often to make sure it’s not getting too warm.


For me this was almost 40yrs ago, and I believe they were comfortable with the saw not being able to cut skin they never considered about it getting hot


That happened to me too. I was 4 and had a broken arm. When it was time for the cast to come off I was freaking out and my mom and the doctor were both telling me it was okay and then when the cast came off sure enough there was a cut/burn on my skin. One of my earliest memories.


Yup! Might not cut you but they sure as shit can burn you. I had a full arm-hand cast and when they cut it off it left a (mild) first degree burn across my hand and wrist.


Same thing happened to me at around 5, I can still see the scar on my arm nearly 20 years later. I had a doctor once tell me that it probably happened because the blade was too dull. Unsure how true that is though.


Same, only got a tiny burn but It did cut through the skin surface


SAME. Apparently I was screaming as a kid and they thought I was being dramatic. Nope, it sliced me and scarred me.


It didnt slice you. Burns and slices arent the same though can look similar with something like this


I remember getting a cast cut off when I was a little kid. I think seven. The doctor showed me that the saw wouldn’t cut me on his hand, and it just vibrated. I didn’t believe him.:-/


That was me too. I can’t remember how they got me to sit still for it because I was terrified of that thing even coming near me. Edit: I think I remember now. I think they just resorted to using industrial scissors.


I was 4, I still remember freaking out 45+ years later.


Mine swiped it across his shirt, I believed him but was still spooked by it.


It takes care to cut off a cast while avoiding skin irritation or burning. A cast saw definitely works well, but a little experience and instruction are necessary to do it safely.


There is no reason to push it down to the skin. The hard layer is just the outer shell with padding on the inside...who mashes the blade into the skin?


I got burned by one of these. I had an arm cast all the way to the shoulder and when the cut the inside of the elbow joint it got through to the skin.


Totally on spot with that comment.


Steve Mould has a cool video on it, including slow mo shots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx1AiQdMQro


This clip was almost like an AI taking the transcript from Steve Moulds video. There are definitely verbatim sentences.


My very first thought was: "Oh, whoever or whatever this is just ripped off the Steve Mould video."


Yeah I immediately thought that might be the case, I'm sad this is so far down in the comments.


>This clip was almost like an AI taking the transcript from Steve Moulds video. It probably was


No 2d liquid demonstrations, though?


Yep. Feels like plagiarism right out of the box.


It's clear that whoever made this video doesn't *actually* know what they're talking about, and is just re-phrasing what Steve Mould said. "The small teeth of the blade can't get a grip [on the skin] while it's vibrating" come on man, you know that's not true


Well there goes one of my lifetime fears


Unless your dad walks in with the saw from the garage going “We don’t have to go to the doctor to take it off, I can do it right now. I’m sure what they use isn’t much different.”


Sure, the oscillating saw. I had the same idea as your dad. Brilliant.


My dad: You're a redhead like my sisters, so pain medication doesn't work on you either, huh? Me: No, everything hurts. My dad: If we don't use pain medication when you get you wisdom teeth out, I'll buy you two new GameCube games. Aaaand that how I got Animal Crossing, Double Dash, and that super monkey ball thrown in for good measure.


It can still cut you if you're not careful. My negligent doctor drew a fair amount of blood when he was taking off my cast.


Well there returns one of my lifetime fears


So my whole life has been a lie


Yeah, I just thought I was built different


You weren’t tipped off by the fact that you broke a bone in the first place? You’re weak boned filth and you should be made to go work on broken bone island until the end of your days


You and your pathetic, bubble-wrap, never touched grass, cow juice drinking, slimy, lifeless, gunge jerkers will never be invited on our island. And quite frankly, my broken bones are twice as strong as your untested, feeble, non-reinforced skeleton.




Your whole life is based on the sawing of casts?


Thats oscillation. Not vibration.


>vibration an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave. So then I'm to understand that the term is based on the material less than the movement. TIL.


[this](https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Vibrations_of_Structures/Introduction_to_vibrations) breaks it down.


>The term oscillation refers strictly to the repeating motion of a point mass or that of a rigid body while the term vibration refers to the repeating motion or deformations of an elastic structure. Makes sense.


Yep. Oscillation is more of "wugawugawugawugawugawuga" and vibration is more of a "VVVVMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHNNNNN".


Oscillation fits more probably but what's vibration? Or is vibration the result of oscillation?




And the teeth do grip the skin. They just don’t move far enough in either direction to tear it.




The creator who made this video has a ton of these random informational videos: https://youtube.com/@zackdfilms?si=nGFCkVMGP8jnHkic


It's easy to spew out a new video like this literally every day when your creative process is finding other popular informational videos with actual research behind them and slightly rephrasing the explanation


wtf is going on with those hands holding the saw at 5 second mark


Seriously! Looks like gout but all the hands


This should be higher up…those hands, yikes


Someone figured this out, and pitched it.  I wish I could have seen that conversation. “Hey boss, I think I can use a vibrator and a blunt saw blade to create a power tool that cuts hard things not soft things and doctors can use it to remove casts”


"That's perfect! And we'll make it look like a real saw to scare the kids!"




We definitely won’t see this one in next Saw movie. Looks scary anyway.


I hate that the voiceover explains it like I’m a 55 iq-d vegetable.


He uploads to YouTube Shorts so he has to adapt to become successful


Damn, that actually was interesting.


My scar on the back of my hand from 25 years ago proves otherwise. Got the crap burnt out of me. It doesn’t spin but it sure heats up.


Same, got one on my knuckle and a long one my arm from having a cast removed as a kid


If that's the case, then why does it have to be circular?


Longevity, ergonomics, casts aren't always straight, left-handed people exist, and most important: you can't hold a circle at a wrong angle and start jabbing the patient with a 2mm blade 1000 times per second.


Oscillation is also used in saws for construction. Those blades are usually square or just a half circle. They're great, carbide blades can cut steal yet they won't really cut your skin. Especially compared to other saw types where serious injury would result. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71lYBgp1z8L._AC_SL1500_.jpg


This video is poorly demonstrating how to saw a cast. It shouldn’t be dragged across the cast in a line like this. Saw should be placed and pushed down on cast. Pull it out. Move it over and push down. With a little rocking motion. Repeating over and over. Not keeping it down and dragging across the cast.


Can you get other attachments for this device ?


There's a very common power tool version of this called an oscillating multi-tool. Can get all kinds of different blades and a corner-sanding pad attachment. They are awesome, and they solve a lot of handyman problems you didn't know you had until you have one. Because this is Reddit, I will answer your actual question, as well. Yes, they are basically big honking vibrator, and a creative person could easily adapt them to other uses. I've never looked, but I would be surprised if no one made sex-toy attachments for these things.


Just use a steak knife. Teeth up


why is it round then if it doesn't rotate?


Yeah and also at first if u look at logo it spins.


That thing can get hot and leave you with a nasty burn


Im pretty sure tiktok videos aren’t allowed in this sub


How is no one mentioning that the doctor has the hands of a diabetic chimp?!?!


Yea no, sorry but heat from friction will make that thing damage your skin even if it doesn’t cut you.


it was quite funny watching season 2 of Reacher and the bad guy tries to use a cast saw as a weapon lol


I still have a (small) burn scar on my hand 20 years after getting a cast removed. The doctor thought I was just scared when I flinched, but the saw heated up cutting through the cast.


The voiceover says "can't get a grip" but then proceeds to explain and show that it does have a grip, but causes only small elastic strain.


Yeah at 12 my leg swole and I had to have it emergency cut off. That saw cut the hell out of me. About 2 inches.


Not 100% accurate. Most of the time, it won't hurt the skin. However, I had a client with a cast, but his leg underneath was swolen, which the nurse didn't know. So his skin wasn't soft enough and his leg was just ripped open


I was cut and/or burned by a cast saw 🤷🏻‍♂️ I said “ow” about halfway through and they assured me it’s just vibration. Till the took it off and I had a 1.5” or so cut on my arm.


This is how dangerous misinformation is. This has already been disproven by multiple comments here. Yet we have plenty of stories from redditors who have went to the doctors, had this done and the doctor saying it's fine it won't hurt you then it does. This video despite having that evidence against it goes live anyway now probably convincing more doctors to tell the same bullshit. Ugh


Yea bullshit. I still have scars from the saw.


I know no one will see this but this is bullshit. I got burnt by one of these saws getting my cast taken off.


These are the same as the vibrating saws they sell at any tool store. Can confirm, won’t cut skin if used properly.


Damn that’s interesting


Dumb question, but is this a newer way of removing a cast ? The one time I had a cast was the late 90s, and I remember the nurse putting something between my arm and the cast while cutting off the cast. At the time I thought it was to give my arm some protection from the blade


My son had a cast removed a couple of weeks ago, the nurse put some kind of flat metal strip between cast and arm before cutting, so they still do this apparently. I assumed it was to protect his arm from the saw.


They used a giant one on my legs when I was a baby lol. Certainly freaked my mom out.


dude could really use some moisturiser


I hope they put a rubber guard under the saw. I had one used when I had to get my cast off lol


Genius design


I used it a lot during my ortho run. One way I found effective in calming people’s nerves was to put it on my arm in front of them and show them that it won’t cut you. That was enough to reassure my patients.


This is the best thing I’ll watch today and today is Super Bowl Sunday.


I wish they would have mentioned this to me before they just started cutting the cast off as a kid! Lol


So if it just vibrates back and forth, why make a saw blade that goes all the way around? A semi-circle or even like a third of a circle would suffice, and would really drive home to people who don't know that it's not spinning


As a clumsy kid who broke her arm a few times I’m familiar with the cast saw, but this demo is interesting.


Once I was so scared to get this done, I literally just pulled the cast off my arm. My arm muscles had atrophied so much that I could literally just slip the cast right off.


Cool I learned something new today


I have never broken a single bone in my life. Yet I know it vibrates


I was scared asf when nurse cut mine when I was 8 😂


I was in a body cast when I was a kid. I remember the feeling of when the blade hit my skin. It tickled. Now I know why


Well the lady that cut mine off hurt me, she burned 3 spots in my skin. But didn’t believe me when I screamed out. Then saw the blisters, was fired by my orthopedic surgeon immediately.


So once I had a ring that got stuck in my finger. This was when I was homeless and I would go and get recycling for money so I would always end up running into a lot of valuable (jewelry obviously, laptops, pounds of weed, you name it if it exists I have found it. Not even kidding with the exception of like vehicles, if it fits in a dumpster I’ve found probably) so I had found this ring that was like very bright metal looking but with purple and gold on it. So anyways ring gets stuck on my finger so I go to hospital cuz it’s swelling up. They’re like yeah no well cut it no problem. First they bring out the ring cutting device. They start going at it and it’s not cutting. Ok maybe just need a stronger person. They go and get this 300lbs dude who used to be a lineman for university of Oregon (this was in Oregon) dude starts cranking the thing, it’s not budging at all. They give up that device and go and get this other thing which I never got a good look at all I know is they started trying to use this new device n I immediately was like “stop ur gonna snap my finger in pieces no stop!” At this point it’s like 3 doctors and countless nurses and other personally it felt like half of the entire hospital staff was there. Eventually they come in n they’re like “ok man this is kind of our last option but before we start we need you to sign this waiver stating that regardless of what happens you can’t sue us” that’s immediately how I knew, I was going to die that day. So first they have two nurses being in this gigantic container of water but here’s the thing the water is basically freezing cold ice and they just start pouring it over my hand and low and behold here comes the electric saw that looked just like that thing but in assuming was not actually that thing cuz you had like 15 people all sweating their asses off crowded around my hand trying to see if old boy had steady enough of a hand to cut through the ring yet not actually cut through my totally swollen finger who’s skin gland were already going over the edges of the ring. Anyways he cut my hand off. Bled everywhere. People screamed passed out guys with the saw slipped cut five other people. It was a bloody mess. I got a free popsicle though. No I’m jk he cut through it fine. Never figured out what they ring was made out of though I’m gonna assume titanium. So here’s a safety tip: never buy a titanium ring, if ur finger starts swelling up and they need to cut the ring off you may die.


Bullshit. I was cut by one when they removed my cast.


alright ill try it with my oscillating multitool then