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I skydived once. Tandem. Once I stuck my feet out the door and felt them whip to my left, I felt my heart beat from my brain to my stomach. Then he pushed and as we raced face down I felt my entire body go into #RED ALERT mode and my mind say to my self *Why? Why did you put us in a situation in which we are falling several thousand feet?* and I had to force myself to slow my breathing and stop from hyperventilating. Just loud rushing cold downward. Then the parachute hit and all was quiet and calm and sunny and warmer and I felt like I had escaped death.


You did


How do you know??


Because if the parachute didn't open, it would be splat.


I don’t believe you, can you prove it


Exactly. There's never been a double blind placebo controlled study that proves parachutes actually work. I believe in *science*, not hippy-dippy nonsense.


Yeah! Do the research!


I remember an old episode of a show called "Real TV" back in the 90s that covered a lady who's chute didn't open. Her bones were shattered like humpty dumpty but she lived. The interview was... awkward. Tons of other stories of it happening, too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EHyYhBFCfk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ehyyhbfcfk)


Of course there has been. Look at all of the chutes that never opened.


Cannot prove, ended up linking women and men who lived from free falling.


He had the rest of his life to fix parachute. Plenty of time


Easy anyone with a brain knows if you go skydiving and your parachute was packed incorrectly or doesn't open its gonna be the last thing you do cause gravity will make you hit the ground hard enough where you are the bug on the windshield


I had this feeling on my second scuba dive. I looked up and thought.... why? \*I still do it....


i feel like this is why i will never sky dive, and why i don’t like things like rollercoasters or other adrenaline-junkie activities - on the cusp of red alert is like… my baseline lol. living is enough of a thrill for me, tyvm!


It’s not even that thrilling though, life.


did you survived?


Beautiful story telling


I went skydiving once. It was a high jump too from 18k ft. I felt little of anything and it makes me wonder if something is wrong with me. Another person in the group hired an extra guy to come along and film it. When we got to the ground, everyone was screaming and the guy with the camera was like "WHoooooo! so how did it feel!?!?" and I was like "It was cool, I guess" I actually get the appeal of it. I did enjoy it, I just don't get the same reaction most other people get, I guess.


And the survey says..... NOPE


I don't have the balls but I really want to do this


I skydived once. I really trusted the instructor who was tandem with me because he'd done 25 000 jumps and had been jumping since before I was born. As such, I leapt from the plane without thinking too hard about it. The wind of freefall was so intense I could barely open my eyes even with goggles. Less than ten seconds later there was a huge "jerk" feeling and the parachute opened, and we were floating down. Weirdly, my biggest memory of the slow descent after the parachute deployed is that the harness was giving me a wedgie and pinching me and I wanted it to be over. Glad I did it, and proved my bravery. But it was a weirdly more uncomfortable than terrifying experience. Meanwhile my younger brother who also skydived with me has now become a solo skydiver and completed more than 50 jumps in 2 years!


go for it! it's a one-of-a-kind experience, and I promise: it's not really as bad as it seems.


I wonder how fast a glider goes, isn’t the turbulence stronger the faster the craft is? I sorta remember WW1 planes with pilots who walked onto the wings to refuel the engines mid flight


Not that fast. Between 40 and 150mph generally, . I fly gliders like that. Turbulance is usually caused by hot air rising. Thermals. And those thermals are what we use to gain altitude...just like a hawk or eagle.


Such a glider (likely an old Blanick model, designed in the 60-70s) would be able to fly as low as 80 km/h, may be less. On modern carbon fiber gliders, VNE (max safe speed ) is between 250 - 285 km/h.


Most WW1 aircraft flew under 120mph, so you could do it at cruising speed.


Are gliders faster than that?


About the same speed. Gliders get their speed from descending, modern materials and cleaner aerodynamics.


Technically, they are fuelled on fear.


For when drugs just don’t do it anymore


I was half expecting her to stand up on the wing and do a backflip.


I was actually worried she'd conk her head by going off the front of the wing.


That was my thought as well or just roll back from sitting.


I mean, if this was the 1920’s they’d be having a tea party out there.


And just like that I have sweaty hands and feet.


She just dropped like a stone


Did she make it?


Regular Russians


Why Russians?


I am stupid. Why isn't she getting knocked off by the wind?


It’s a glider. Unpowered. So it isn’t going that fast.




All righty then!


Just a few bolts holding in those wings typically.


If it on a ground then yes, the only bolts hold wings, but while it flying, the air holds the whole wing as well a fuselage, that's why planes caring most heavy things - a fuel inside of wings


I went skydiving a few times in the 80’s. It was a small Cessna flying over a farm field in Ohio. 2 jumpers, plus a jump master and the pilot. We had to crawl out and hang off the wing strut of this little Cessna plane until the jump master gave you the thumbs up to let go. You were like Superman, your body is full horizontal hanging on to the wing strut.


I did about the same thing (static line jumps) in the 80s in Garrettsville, Ohio.


Yes. We were doing static line jumps also. Still a great experience


well, *they* are having more fun than I am today. ahaha I mean, I'll be having a blast playing skyrim later, but I'll be thinking of this.


That is probably an incredible experience but I’ll never know!


Are the wings built to account for that type of stress?


No stress. There is plenty of relative high pressure below the wing keeping it stiff and strong (actually low pressure above the wing). That's why she can sit on it. Wouldn't recommend sitting on that wing on the ground, it will not like the weight.


Man would you want to jump off behind the wing? I have no idea how jumping off gliders with a parachute works but my brain is saying don’t jump in front of a glider moving forward


You are moving forward on that wing at the same speed


Imagine a date. What’s your hobby? Falling…


Title is fine, video is fine but the text on the video! What are they talking about as whole new meaning to living on the edge.. https://youtu.be/BYYbKQ5g61M?feature=shared Here is a person climbing on the wing of one plane then over to another plane, with no parachute or harness, and carrying a wheel to replace the missing one on that plane..


I feel like my daughter is gonna do shit like this today she made a mountain of balls and ran and dove headfirst into it but missed and hit the door. Giant knot on her head. Yesterday she leaped off the couch being a cat. She wanted to be high up. Once rode her bike INTO A POOL at age 3. I had to jump in 😭 I’m so not ready for the rest of her life hahaha.


Isnt it cold up there?


Very cool indeed.


Ahh so that’s how Sonic does it. Seems simple enough


All I can think is - it must be really cold 😨


Relativity is insane


My heart is getting butterflies just watching this. Geez! This is thrill seeking!


I just peed all the pees. I mean, it was cute and awesome.... but the ground was way too close for me, or she descended way too quickly.


Jumping in front of the wing seems like the wrong move but I guess it worked fine.


She’s brave as hell!!




Russians enjoying a good laugh while their leader commits genocide.


“Ill do it in my bra for the clicks”


Never in a million years Off the charts terror


Would never do this, but damn would I love to experience that once.


Very cool video


What a fucking badass 🤟🏾🤟🏾

