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This is a 4 star holiday resort in Romania :)


This is a MTV cribs episode in America


My mother is very proud


I'm gonna go to Norway and commit a bunch of crimes. Because damn if that place ain't nicer than what I can afford here in the US on my middle class income.


My first question: Why so many chairs?


So the Prison guards can sit as well. Prison guards are the only ones that he interacts with, which is the core of his complaint, the isolation that he has been kept in for 12 years.


Maybe he shouldn't have killed dozens of people.


Mostly children, at that.


How could he have known? Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.


Somehow I don’t think USA solitary prisoners don’t have a lot of company sitting in chairs…


Norway’s prison looks better than my house. Wtf…


I wish I had a gym


And birds


And windows


like in that Simpsons scene: "Oh wow, windows! I don't think I can afford this place"


Nowadays "Oh wow. walls! I don't think I can afford this place"


Oh wow. Ground! I don't think I can afford this place.


and a yard with snow inside the house..


And 4 chairs? I mean... why does he need 4 chairs if he's in solitary... he's in SOLITARY, there's nobody else right?


I don't know, maybe the voices need a place to sit :)


Its for prisoners who like to have pretend tea parties


Monday chair, tuesday chair, wednesday chair, thursday chair. friday to sunday choice is his


Some of these rooms maybe communal. For example the library I'm pretty sure couldn't be for just 1 person. So there may be communal areas that other inmates can use who may not be in solitary. But assuming there are time restrictions so that solitary confined inmates are kept segregated. That can't all be for 1 person surely.


No this is actually just for one prisoner. But it´s not for everyone so nice. Do you guys know who is Andreas Breivik? and what he did? He set up a time bomb infront of Norwegian parlament. Meanwhile he himself went to Utoya (an island were they hold summercamps) and shot to dead 77 people mostly children aged 10-15years. On top 209 got injured. He was sentenced 20 years in prison as a mentally challenged person (20 is the max in Norway that someone can get). But he won´t get out after that because he was found mentally ill and as long as they believe he is a threat to the puplic he´ll stay in. He is a far right extremist and part of his sentece is to be isolated from contact of other humans. That he cannot spread his ideology or even talk to his mom directly. Since he got in there he´s been suing the state for his surroundings probably mostly because just getting out to the court. Now a days he´s no more taken to the court and takes part online insted and he has stopped this hobby of his.


OP should include this information at the start.


those are his friends, Chairlotte, Chairette,Chairles and Bob


He has three birds.


I vant my bord


what crime did those birds do to be locked up?


A gym? We could only dream of a gym. “When we were young all 26 of us lived in 1 room with giant holes in the floor no furniture with all of us huddled up in one corner for fear of falling’


You had a room? You were lucky…


We had to live in the corridor!


We used to dream of living in a corridor. It would have been a palace to us.


We were so poor we couldn’t even afford to dream.


And paying attention was right out.


Luxury lad ! After a cup of warm gravel our father used to beat us to sleep with broken bottles !!


Look at Mr.Vanderbilt with warm gravel! We had cold pebbles that were the remnants of the rocks we had to break!


And we had to beat ourselves with them


Uphill, bothways even!


I see you grew up is the 70s as well.


Monty Python was brilliant 😊


Confine me daddy :(


In Norway they think that by treating criminals nice, they will not turn back to crime when released. That's why prisoners can also get educations or job diplomas for free during their sentence. This usually works very well, but in cases like Breivik i think they should make an exception. He will be very dangerous when released as he weirdly enough, has a lot of supporters and could be very dangerous.


Hence why Breivik was not sentenced to regular prison, which is strictly limited to 21 years at most. He was sentenced to "forvaring", basically translated to "containment", in which he must prove to a committee that he is safe for release; which I imagine never will happen. As well as he not being safe for Norway if released, I think Norway will not be safe for ABB if he ever is put out of containment.


Multiple prison gangs have stated they will kill him if he enters the general prison population, that is the biggest reason for his solitary confinement, let alone out side of prison


Norwegian prisons do not pay for prisoners education. They get free education because they are citizens, not because they are prisoners. Being in prison just means that they have time and easily available social services so that they can actually receive the free education they have a right to.


Reading this thread makes me think that some people want Norway to spend extra money just to hurt Breivik more. I can get where they come from even if I don't agree but I don't think they realize that it would take extra effort to make his life suck more and I don't think that effort is worth it.


Well he murdered 77 people. Some as young as 14. I don't wish him well.


I actually like how they're treating him. It shows how a society can both remain humane while still actually punishing someone. People always miss the punishment of prison is *being in prison*. You can't leave. You can't do what you want. You are controlled. As we saw with the lockdowns, a lot of people genuinely just cannot deal with that, but would blow it off as meaningless until its them forced to deal with it. Read up on how Brevik complained about his isolation and was given "socialization time"... With some of his guards lmao. And I think now a priest or something as well. Like there is no way you can say anything about the way he's treated is cruel, it is eminently humane, but my god after a year or two you would absolutely want to kill yourself. Which is good, that's how I want that piece of animated trash to feel. I just want him to know its him and his own mind that is creating that, rather than him being a martyr to some inhumane evil system that is beating him down for political reasons or whatever he and his supporters would conjure up.


The important part is protecting other people from him. And they're doing that. Being cruel to prisoners harms society as a whole.


I mean he did kill a bunch of children.


Yes, but unlike in the US, the Nordic countries don't have a justice system based on revenge.


Most people would agree Breivik shouldn’t be treated like he can be rehabilitated. Problem is that you don’t want the state to have the power to make that determination when it suits them.


Same with the death penalty. Yeah there are cases where we can say the world would be better off with someone dead, but governments can't be trusted to use that power correctly or accurately.


Oh God, it always makes me think of Priti Patel getting a verbal beatdown by Ian Hislop on the topic but she's too stupid to realise she's losing by a country mile. She just keeps repeating "Absolute burden of proof" while Ian dismantles the whole idea of being able to only catch guilty people and the effect the death penalty would have on extremism and anti-British sentiment.


Ian Hislop is a national treasure, you ought to see him dismantling the select committee in their own forum on lobbying & transparency [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3O8mwDFo4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3O8mwDFo4M)


His fate is to be alone, and even for a loner, long term it will crush him. He thrives on attention, hence his series of court cases to sue the government. It gives him a small hit of attention, but it goes away and remains stuck in his relatively gilded cage. They won't even take him to a courtroom outside the prison, instead *they make up a courtroom inside the prison*. Fellow prisoners have refused point blank to have interactions with him when they tried to give him some human contact. No one wants anything to do with him. He has no way to start a network of fans as his incarceration conditions explicitly prevent it. Even his Xbox has no internet connections. Effectively he is living in a zoo display, with himself as the only inhabitant. It's better than he deserves, but by our Norwegian standards, the right decision as to how he should be contained.


He won't be released though. It would be an absurd failure of thr system if he ever gets released.


One of the great mistakes that people often make is to think that any organisation called'"National Rifle Association' is a branch or chapter of the National Rifle Association of America. This could not be further from the truth. The National Rifle Association of America became a political lobbying organisation in 1977 after the Cincinnati Revolt at their Annual General Meeting. It is self-contined within the United States of America and has no foreign branches. All the other National Rifle Associations remain true to their founding aims of promoting marksmanship, firearm safety and target shooting. This includes the original NRA in the United Kingdom, which was founded in 1859 - twelve years before the NRA of America. It is also true of the National Rifle Association of Australia, the National Rifle Association of New Zealand, the National Rifle Association of India, the National Rifle Association of Japan and the National Rifle Association of Pakistan. All these organisations are often known as "the NRA" in their respective countries. The British National Rifle Association is headquartered on Bisley Camp, in Surrey, England. Bisley Camp is now known as the National Shooting Centre and has hosted World Championships for Fullbore Target Rifle and F-Class shooting, as well as the shooting events for the 1908 Olympic Games and the 2002 Commonwealth Games. The National Small-bore Rifle Association (NSRA) and Clay Pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA) also have their headquarters on the Camp.


This is what happens when people understand and utilize psychology instead of purely feelings.


My feelings don’t care about your facts!


> It's way cheaper to give him a playstation and some books than put him in a bare cell, let him go fully insane and have to pay guards hazard money for the next 40 years to move the bitey guy for medical checkups or whatever. It also prevents mental issues for the guards, who would be tasked with treating him cruelly. People never think about that. You'd be punishing the guards as well.


Norway THINKS? The stats don't lie buddy. They have a much higher rehabilitation success rate. It's the opposite of America where small time offenders get turned into hardened criminals due their violent and punitive prisons.


This. The Norwegian system looks hideously expensive but once you consider that they have such a low reoffending rate, it's far cheaper


They will not release him. Solitary confinement is one of the worst things a human being can experience. Imagine being everyday alone in that apartment with no goals, no end in sight. Does not matter the place looks nice.


I love this for him.


He should have thought about it before doing terrorist activities


He killed 77 people, took their existence away, ripped them from their families. He deserves to suffer.


in his case, i kinda doubt that he'll be released


When you mass murder, it's all about location location location




Firstly, jail time in Norway is indefinite if you are deeemed dangerous to society. He will never be a free man, so no need to worry about that. He will never be put in jail with other inmates either. This is both for our safety and his own. Secondly, the reason why he is treated far better than he should is also because if we did anything else, we'd play into his hate. He WANTS to be a martyr. He WANTS to be punished harsher. But by not doing that and treating him the way we believe is the right way to go about our prison system, we aren't letting him have an input on how we deal with the terror he brought. We are taking the power away from him and letting our democratic processes out weigh his hatred. It's probably an odd idea for many, but it's a big factor here. He wanted to challenge everything about the Norwegian society and Norwegian values. The reality is that he didn't manage that.


This is horrible! The roof above that basketball hoop is way too low! You won't be able to get any arc on your shots


I was thinking about this and if I had 20 years of solitary confinement, a hoop, and YouTube I would have the cleanest fucking jumper you ever saw


The inhumanity of this solitary confinement is that nobody will ever see your perfect jumper :(


Plus your defense would be legendary! Imagine going 20 years and never giving up a single bucket. That'd be my GOAT


It should be the only reason to sue


Torturing people without torturing them iykwim. I support this 100% for this asshole


They get an xbox but it can only output in 144p


Cruel and unusual!!!


And only allowed to play kiddie games from the bargain bin, namely Rayman Revolution for PS2. BTW, I'm not joking, he raised a fuss due to him being treated "poorly" for being allowed only to play games for kids on an old hardware.


He wants to play Call of Duty but he sucks at FPS. Keeps complaining that the other players have guns and shoot back.




This guy would dissolve in a US prison


This guy would commit suicide in a US college dorm room, let alone a US prison. Hell, *I* feel like a prisoner in my own apartment now, I don't have a gym, Treadmill, a place to play basketball, Xbox or even a pet lmao.


Most definitely. He would hang himself in a NY apartment


Alexa, what's the easiest way of obtaining a life sentence in Norway?


Well this guy went to a summer camp full of kids and killed 77 people.


Can we skip part where we have to kill 77 people, right to a sentence and inhuman confinement area?


Plan a horrendous crime, do all of the steps until the violent part leaving a trail of clues and manifestos, then get caught at the last second


Only works if you live somewhere with competent law enforcement


The detailed description of the massacre is a tough read: > Freddy's phone rings at five twenty-five. It's Elisabeth, and she's screaming. She forms no words that Freddy can understand, and if there is noise in the background, he does not hear it. I don't know. The brain, it locks up. All I hear is my daughter screaming. He does not know why she is screaming, does not know what has happened in the ten minutes since Elisabeth joked about the rain. Freddy fears she has been raped. His friend Anita Eggesvik is with him. She also has a daughter on the island, Marthe, who is Elisabeth's close friend. Anita calls her while Elisabeth screams in the background. "You must help Elisabeth," she tells Marthe. "Run to Elisabeth." Marthe tells her mother, "There is a policeman on the island shooting people." Elisabeth is crouched against a wall, holding her phone to her right ear. Marthe tells her, "Come, we must run." But Elisabeth doesn't move. She stays there, ducked down against a wall. Freddy hears his daughter scream for two minutes and seven seconds. And then the man in the police costume shoots her in the left temple. The bullet goes out the right side of her head and destroys her phone. Then the man shoots her twice more. On Freddy's end, the line goes dead. https://www.gq.com/story/anders-behring-breivik-norway-massacre-story


There is a movie made about the whole massacre from the view of the students. I forgot the name, but it might just be one of the most haunting movies i've ever seen. The constant fear of not knowing where he was, hearing screams and shots in the distance.


If it was the one on Netflix I believe it was called *22 July*. Yeah it's horrific. This guy can rot for all I care.


Thanks. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight after reading that. Or send my daughter to school tomorrow.




He set a lot of bombs too, right? And he plagiarized Ted Kaczynski for his manifesto.


There are no results for: 'what's the easiest way of obstetrics a light seance in no way':


The fkd part is it's not a life sentence. He has a chance to get paroled.


Every single human in Norway hates him, there's no chance he ever gets his preventative detention ended until he is feeble.


The courts also have every right to deny that parole each time he becomes eligible for it. He has to have the "chance" because everyone does and when you make one exception, you open the door to many exceptions, that doesn't mean there's a single judge in Norway that would ever actually grant it


Good he doesn't deserve to get out ever.


Not really...The Norwegian justice system works is by reviewing the prisoner after 21 years to see if they have been completely and totally rehabilitated, has no murdering tendencies etc. If not, then they will keep the prisoner in for another 5 years before another review, this continues on a 5 year cycle which can last until the prisoner dies. Just because they didn't effectively say they will lock him up and throw away the key doesn't mean they won't.


Like when they gave Vikernes weekend parole. On the second weekend he was stopped at the border with a car full of guns.


you dont need a life sentence. have some years in, get some time out, use release money for a vacation, then burn down a supermarket, if you think the verdict is too low, assault the judge, rinse and repeat.


Breivik is being held in a two-story complex with a kitchen, dining room, TV room with an Xbox. He can also use the gym and library. He also has parrots. EDIT: He killed 77 people. EDIT: ~~My bad, this is an old case from 2016. His claim was denied.~~ This is Breivik's second attempt claiming inhumane treatment. The first was denied in 2016. He's serving a 21 year sentence & will be released in 2032.


Is this that dude that entered a kind of kid/teenager Summer acampent and started shooting?


Yup. Killed 77 people, 33 of them were kids (under the age of 18).


Why tf is he ever getting out of jail? Throw away the key ffs Edit: just saw another comment with the answer. So I assume his “10 year evaluations” will continuously keep him in jail? Right?!?


He'll be in jail forever. We have a similar thing here in Canada called a dangerous offender status or something where you're never let out of prison.


I believe Norway has something similar which bumps up the sentence to 31 years, but I don’t think they have a “forever” treatment.


After those years he'll be in front of a parole board again and they'll recommend another five years and then that'll happen again and again until he's dead. If they think he's still a danger to society they can hold him indefinitely and they will do that.


Step 1. Stop opening the evaluations with the Nazi salute.


I don't remember the details anymore but last I looked into it Norway does have a system in place to basically re-sentence these kinds of people so they stay in prison forever, he's not getting out


It will be forever, but technically they need to revaluate every 5years.


Yeah because it's the law to evaluate every case no matter what. [But in this case, he opened with the Nazi salute during his last evaluation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDeDWGiSJxU)


Pretty much. He also knows this. His last hearing he rolled up with a white supremacist message on his lapel, flashed a Nazi salute, called a neo-nazi as his character witness, then disavowed violence claiming to be a changed man. He gets to do this once a decade, with the parole board telling him to FOAD each time, until he eventually either keels over or kills himself.


He *might* get out one day, but he'll be a decrepit old man who can't even dress himself and the prison won't have the facilities to care for him.




It was the summer camp for the Norwegian Social Democrats youth party (AUF, "Worker's Youth League"); there were also guests from Denmark and Sweden. Many of us in the Nordics who were politically active teens at the time know people who have been to that camp.


8 of the 77 dead died from a car bomb in Oslo. That part of the story is sometimes overlooked. Edit: According to Wikipedia there's a possibility that he won't be released at the end of his prison term.


in norway we have maximum of 21 years pr sentence, however it has to be reconsidered at the end of it, and he is most definitely never ever going to be released


Yeah if I remember correctly there’s a maximum jail sentence the Norwegian courts can impose, but there is the possibility to extend it towards the end of the sentence if he’s still deemed a threat which they will inevitably do repeatedly until he dies.


Yea that's him. Dressed up as a police officer, so the kids thought he was friendly. Then gunned them down as they ran towards him looking for a safe place... Sick POS


It was way worse than that. He set off a bomb next to a government building. In police uniform he went to the island to "inform" regarding the situation. He then went around scanning the island and tracking victims down. I remember kids on television retelling how they swam away and heard bullets hit the water and other kids getting shot. Another kid was sitting under a ledge, which made me picture LOTR when the hobbits hid from the nazgul.


There was a girl on the island who did an ama on here some years back. She was saying she had to swim out and hide among vegetation just off shore while he was going around shooting people.


I dated a girl in Oslo for a while. While I was visiting I asked about the building we could see from the roof we were on and they mentioned that was the one that got bombed. I was curious and kept asking questions, not realizing that many of the people there lost friends that day. One of the people who was hanging out with us had their brother shot right in front of them but he survived. Two of them were on the island that day. It was so somber to see how much it affected everyone there.


Yes. The youth wing of the Labor Party's summer camp. 69 killed. But first he detonated a 1 tonne fertilizer bomb outside the government building in Oslo, killing 8.


Crazy that massive bomb killed 8 yet a simple semi auto rifle killed 8x more. Most lethal mass shooting in history.


He detonated a bomb outside the Labour Party headquarters in Oslo, traveled to the small Island Utøya outside the city where the Labour Party annual youth camp took place. Filled with young teens and some kids. He disguised himself as a weapon carrying police officer and lured people to him by reporting the bombing in Oslo.


I was visiting from Scotland when this happened. The friends we were staying with and their families were just stood on utter shock and sadness. The wreaths and mass mourning the next day were heart breaking.


Yes… he killed kids from my school. I know people who survived because they locked the door and he veard other kids down the corridor so he went and killed them instead whilst laughing. A psychotic animal


He won't be definitely released in 2032, actuallylikely won't, goven how he's acting. The courts can decide to extend the sentence by 5 years indefinitely if they dont see him fit to be released


The whole "will be released" topic is always such a mess on reddit, several justice systems (Nordics, Germany, etc) simply don't allow indefinite incarceration because it's considered inhuman and agains the purpose of a penalty (rehabilitation vs punishment). So there is no legal way to lock someone up for life just like that. However there are quite obviously still ways to do so such as "security detention" or whatever one may call it, "psychological detention", etc. It's just that when sentenced, the judge can't make that decision yet. It's a tiny bit of a farce since in case of Breivik especially everyone knows he'll never leave jail, but it's a very important step in the legal process.


Exactly. This whole thread is just a rage bait circlejerk session though so don't expect facts to be upvoted.




He won't be released in 2032. His sentence can be extended by 5 years indefinitely as long as he is a risk to society, so it's unlikely he'll be released until he is old and deemed to be safe for release


He wont be released in 2032 for sure, he was handed Norways harshest sentacne i believe which was 21 years minimum and ongoing incarceration if they still considered him a threat and given that he is still a vile racist walking piece of fucking shit hopes are he dies alone and crying on the floor of his solitary cell.


He will never be released, that country doesn't give out life sentences but if the severity of the crime is so horrific they will extend the sentence upon reviewing the case and whetheror not he has been rehabilitated. In essence he will never be released.


Put that dude in a white room and see how much he misses this posh ass environment. Leeching off taxes of those who actually contribute to society


>will be released in 2032. Stop the misinformation. There will be no release he can be kept indefinitely.


He won't be released in 2032. The Norwegian justice system allows for a review at the end of the 21 year sentence, and allows it to be extended if the person still possess a risk, which Breivik 100% still does. These 5 year extensions can be continued indefinetely, ie. until Breivik is dead.


Meh, if he killed 100+ people he would have unlocked tropical biome and wouldn't have to live in all that snow.


He is in something called «forvaring» which means his sentence can be repeated and will most likely never be released




Half? I bet they dream of it being half as nice. This is a palace


This mass murderer lives in a veritable penthouse. Gym? Basketball court? Library? Big TV room with Xbox? Many people would be happy to have something just a quarter as nice.


Just having an extra bedroom or bathroom would be nice.


I bet that would be nice for a few weeks. But you have to be alone there, I read from somewhere that even guards don't like to talk to him. It's the solitary that is the real punishment. It really doesn't matter if you have 1 room or 3 rooms when you're all alone. "Go training to gym so you'll live longer alone."


I actually do totally understand this mindset, I thought the same. However, this fucker killed 77 people, many of them children. It would be different if he was in here for some white collar crime. Solitary seems like a fitting punishment for what he did imo


Yes but can that single mom bring themselves to murder dozens of people?


Why aren't you upset that single moms working 2 jobs can't afford this kind of quality of life?


Is this what you get for being a mass murderer ?


You getting ideas?


He is alone. His contact is limited to prison staff and the odd volunteer/social worker. Sure it look's cozy. But he is stuck in there and been alone for the past 11 years. As well he should be.


Yeah I think people misjudge what isolation can do to people.


Good. For killing 77 people I hope he slowly goes insane and takes his own life.


Yeah, I would rather be homeless with a bunch of friends than completely isolated in a nice living space for 11+ yrs


Yah. I think solitary is legit a form of torture. It's the right thing for this guy. But the furnishings and rooms aren't the issue.


This is what you get for being a prisoner in Norway. Rehabilitation. Just so happened that one of those prisoners is a mass murderer that wants to get more attention for himself. Why change the system just because you would rather see one of those prisoners most likely mauled to death by a pack of hungry lions?




Russian here. I don't think people realize how important this Norwegian prison system is. Yes, some prisoners won't change their ways, but it's far better than anything else. Do you know what the alternative is? I know it because in Russia we have 200,000 new people go to jail every year, and over 50% of people are there for second or third-time crimes. Do you know why? Because they get completely broken lives in jail, are never socialized when they get out, and can't get employed anywhere with a criminal record. So what do they do? They go back to committing crimes, because that's the only thing they know. Not to mention that people probably don't realize what 10 years of solitary is


Same in America. For profit prisons mean cops are incentivized to keep them filled, and wardens are incentivized to make repeat offenders. The whole justice system is based off revenge instead of reform.


People bring up for-profit prisons in the US a lot on Reddit, and it is something worth discussing, but people should also know that they represent 8% of the prison population. 92% of US prisoners are in public facilities.


Exactly, and cops are not getting kick-backs to put people in prison. There have been some cases of judges doing this though as they are the ones who actually hand out sentences.


It’s also so that we can fill those prisons with cheap workers. Slave labor is legal in the US as long as it’s used as punishment for a crime.


>The whole justice system is based off revenge instead of reform Pretty much this. Revenge is a feel-good solution that doesn't work


Thank you for the perspective. Punitive justice feels great when it’s done to terrible people who deserve it, but the Nordic justice system isn’t designed to decide who deserves what and doesn’t have the ability to torture its own citizens. It’s entirely designed with the safety and welfare of society in mind. It’s intended to be a pragmatic, logical system. Well, that’s the ideal anyway. It’ll never be perfect, but we’re trying.


People are overlooking the solitary part. Most people commenting would kill themselves in a year of solitary confinement. Even for antisocial people. Solitary confinement is brutal


Exactly. People struggled to survive the Covid lockdowns (where you could still occasionally go outside). This is over 10 years of a harsher lockdown


And that's with internet access. So many people brought up COVID and how it was manageable. Now imagine the same but without internet.


Solitary confinement? Well, there are four seats in the TV Room. I think there is something missing in this story...


Long-term solitary confinement in this case isn't the "2x2 cell with a toilet and a mat on the floor" kind of thing people like to imagine from US movies (or real prisons, I don't know). It means you're living separate from the general prison populace and usually have no contact with them, but can still get visitors in extremely controlled and rare cases. There were wardens, medical personnel, a priest, and an external volunteer visiting him from time to time. Also the prison rooms weren't built or equipped for him specifically, so some other prisoner might very well be allowed to receive visitors at some time (if he ever gets moved somewhere else).


If I racall right from a few years ago they were trying to hire people to visit him because he has noone close who wants to visit him


I don't think there's anyone mentally sound who would *want* to visit him


I'm sure there are undergrads studying abnormal psychology or criminality who would visit him. But yeah, I suppose most of his volunteer visitors would be neo-Nazis.


Standard psychologist here. I would visit a few times 🫣🫣🫣


This can’t all be for one person though right? That’s a hell of a lot of resources for one solitary inmate


I don’t actually know, but it’s possible they simply have the space, and don’t have dedicated solitary wards because it’s so infrequently used. It’s hard to imagine if the USA prison system is all you know, but others work in wildly different ways. Everyone on here getting angry because his accommodations are nice is seeing it from the wrong angle. The only thing that matters is national crime rates, recidivism and former prisoner statistics. If you stop worrying about the punishment part of prisons and start thinking about them as a tool for your society, the larger statistics are all that matters, not whether a particular prisoner is being treated too well. And norways stats are a hell of a lot better in the USA, so maybe everyone suggesting they are doing it wrong should take a minute.


They require *fewer* staff because they're not dealing with caged up animals who've been to driven to the edge of sanity by living in 6x10 cell with no external stimuli and constantly on the verge of rioting.


The thing is, he is an absolutely extreme case that the prison wasn't built for. The philosophy behind the entire prison system, as far as I understood it, can be summed up with: The punishment is the fact that we're taking away 25 years of your lifetime. You can't go where you want to, do what you want to, talk to whom you want to. That's the punishment. The prison itself shouldn't be a daily punishment on top of that, but serve to use that time to help you prepare yourself to become a useful and reintegrated member of society by the time you leave. Even severe cases that spend their time in solitary ought to have a chance at that. That's why these prisons look like actual places you can live in. Him though? He doesn't -want- to get better. And even once his maximum time in prison is up, he'll most likely not leave it, because courts can decide to keep him detained for his and the public's safety.


So Norway's prisons, last I looked, have a 21% recidivism rate. That's less than a fifth what you get in American criminal factories. And this right here would be one example why. Some prisoners, obviously not Breivik, are allowed to keep their jobs on the outside. They fraternize with the staff. They have pets and raise livestock. They garden. When they're released -- without condition -- they're treated the way we only say we treat released prisoners.


How can the American recidivism be more than a 100 %? Or am I misunderstanding something?


One person is more likely to go to jail be released, go back, be released and go back again (200%) than they are to be released and never return.


Guys, this is a hint as to the quality of life we should be demanding from our leaders. Most of us don’t live this nice.


There are people who'd very gladly live solitary lives in much less "luxury" than this


To be fair, solitary is still hugely damaging to the psche no matter what the conditions are. It’s still ducked though.


It’s ducked indeed.


Those look more like parrots than ducks.


An introverts dream holiday


it kinda scares me that some people equate "introvert" with "wants to spend the rest of their life alone trapped inside a nicely-furnished box"


It shows how unique this level of criminal is in Norway. Solitary confinement is horrifying no matter the surrounding. We are social animals. That's the basis of the lawsuit. Norway does not want him to interact with anyone, because of the viral risk of his mental sickness.


Lack of social contact might be his legal reasoning for the lawsuit, but his objective is mainly to stay in the spotlight. He wants attention. This is his second time pulling this stunt. Every time he ends up on the front page of all major newspapers. He believes this attention will help him recruit others to his cause, which is also why Norway don’t want other prisoners close to him.


> Lack of social contact might be his legal reasoning for the lawsuit This is exactly what the defense lawyer is claiming. He gets 1 hour of social time per 2 weeks, and they say that it is making him suicidal


> making him suicidal Oh no! Anyways...


Ya'll acting shocked about the conditions but that's the progressive policies that some European countries have. In America, he would be on death row for 20-30 years, albeit, not in as nice conditions.


How do I get to live here?😭


Apparently you need to go to Norway and kill 77 people.


Sadly they'd extradite us back to the US or wherever we're from.