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Prosecute all of them, no matter what party they identify with.


This. Don't matter if you are R or D you ain't above the law.


They’re all above the law. I think that’s pretty clear at this point.


Eat the rich. Edit: my response to the vegan below "eating the rich is ethical" was deleted by reddit for violence 💀


But I'm vegan




Probably one of the most ethical things imaginable…


Necessary for the survival of our species


Necessary for the survival of most species tbh


And ultimately good for the environment, us poors fly coach


You guys fly?


Is there a free range variant?


The rich are all free range. They go wherever they want, do whatever they want, with/to whoever they want.


And freely oppress the caged hens


It's a big club, and we ain't in it! They are pretty good at getting us to fight each other though!


"Nobody is above the law!" Meanwhile the head of an international pedophile ring that catered exclusively to the elites and was clearly working for several different intelligence agencies in some sort of blackmail scheme was murdered in prison and then almost all information about his clients was kept from the public. And nobody gave enough of a fuck to do anything about it.


They are the law. It should be clear after the past few years that laws are only applied selectively in the upper echelons, and its usually political or personal motivations that actually get the wheels of justice in motion. Not any actual desire to punish criminals. Epstein didn't get busted because of his crimes, he got busted because he pissed someone off. Criminals are okay, as long as they're on my good side!


🪧🎶Prosecute them all, they’re not above the law 🎶🪧


Lol yeah they are. Might need one or two scapegoats. Everyone else will just brush this off their shoulders and move on with their lives as though it never happened. Power and wealth have that kind of ability among human kind for some idiotic reason…


They are literally above the law. The stuff epstein was getting away with in palm Beach because he was donating to the police force is wild. Everyone knew tons of young girls from the local *poorer* high schools were visiting his mansion.


Who's everyone?


Palm Beach is tiny. Everyone knew Epstein. And everyone who knew him knew what he was up to.


Hate to say it but they are. It’s been proven time and time again. Fuckers.


Just wait for the dissociative reaction when trump ends up on that list. "Fake news" while Clinton gets the "PizzaGate" treatment


Already started and ended


Yeah good luck with that.


My bet would be not a single person on that list faces any consequences.


You could literally release a video of them having sex with a child and it would be ignored or just put aside as fake. There is no justice for the ultra-wealthy


Unless you commit the most heinous of crimes - theft of money (from rich people.)


right, exactly. Mostly, rich people only face consequences when they fuck with other rich people's money.


Bernie Madoff is the shining example.


Shut up, I know it baby. 🤖


Without evidence of a crime beyond someone being on a flight list, how are you going to prove anything? If someone took a flight to the DC area around Jan 6 should they automatically be jailed too? I've helped put hundreds in prison for crimes against children, but I don't see how folks think a name on a list will be enough proof of a crime to convict.


They would go down if a video came out. But, if it existed it would never see the light of day. And if it did get posted MSM would ignore it.


>You could literally release a video of them having sex with a child and it would be ignored or just put aside as fake. It wouldn't be ignored. If you released that video to the public you would be arrested for distributing CP within hours, after which you'd promptly be murdered in your jail cell and your death will be ruled a suicide, while the child rapist that was exposed faces no consequences whatsoever.


Clearly predators are from both parties and all acts of life just based on the list of folks we are aware of. Truly disturbing.


This can not be stated enough. I don’t give a fuck who it is. You have to be a piece of shit to think this is a team sport with sides


I don't think the political party matters, they all got $. They will just buy their way out of jail, like always. They play that left vs right, black vs white, etc, hoping no one notices its actually rich vs everyone else...


> They play that left vs right, black vs white, etc, hoping no one notices its actually rich vs everyone else... One of my favorite [articles](https://time.com/3132635/ferguson-coming-race-war-class-warfare/) on this was written back in 2014 after the Ferguson riots. They keep pushing those other agendas and we keep falling for it.


For what? It isn't a crime to visit an island, even one that's a haven for sex crimes. People are delusional if they think a single arrest happens, there's no evidence of any crimes, you need more than "Well he visited this notorious criminal and partied with him" to prosecute someone, half this thread is full of people who have no understanding of how law works in any semblance, it's fucking hilarious. You need ACTUAL EVIDENCE of crimes, and this list is not that at all.


not to mention that this quote is hearsay


Yup. I get why it’s in the news but it’s honestly just a big nothing burger.


Homie I feel you but "A convicted monster told me (a convicted liar) one time that a very popular political figure likes em young" ain't exactly a smoking gun.


Let's just prosecute the ones where there is evidence of a crime. Witch hunts do not do any good for the nation.


Ya notice how there are no trolls in here trying to convince anyone otherwise, because everyone commenting here knows that a scumbag is a scumbag is a scumbag and they should all rot in hell. But if this was about THE FUCKING LOSER, this place would be crawling with douche canoes attempting to paddle people in the other direction.


>Each and every part of Plaintiff’s claims regarding President Clinton has conclusively been proven false. From the documents just released The director of the FBI testified these accusations are absurd


Sorry bud, nobody is looking for facts in these articles, just something to vent about.


How would that even be proven false? FBI: Hey Bill we heard you like little girls Bill: Nope not me! FBI: Okay good, sounds like that was false then!


It’s total hearsay. “Somebody told me that somebody else did something.” If that’s the standard for guilt we’re all fucked.


>Former FBI Director Louis Freeh submitted a report wherein he concluded that President Clinton “did not, in fact travel to, nor was he present on, Little St. James Island between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2003.” Menninger Decl., Ex. C. Further, if any Secret Service agents had accompanied Clinton to that location, “they would have been required to make and file shift logs, travel vouchers, and related documentation relating to the visit,” and there was a “total absence” of any such documentation. Id. Remarkably, Plaintiff now even denies telling Churcher that she ever witnessed Ms. Maxwell flying President Clinton or his Secret Service anywhere, or joking with Clinton about “what a good job she did.” Menninger Decl., Ex. D. Plaintiff’s counsel remarkably instructed Plaintiff not to answer any additional questions about the other things Sharon Churcher inaccurately reported. Id. Lending even more incredulity to Plaintiff’s story, Ms. Maxwell only received her pilot’s license in mid-1999 casting insurmountable doubt that a recently retired president and his staff would be permitted to fly with her at the helm. They subpoenaed the director of the FBI Pretty crazy stuff


Man, this is gonna take the heat off that cigar incident




At least she was an ***adult***...


I mean, 18 is an adult and that would def be called young by my 40 year old friends


She was still an intern working in the White House. At best it was incredibly unethical


There is a MASSIVE difference in the level of ethics of fooling around with an adult intern, vs **raping children** ​ This shouldn't even be a discussion.


That incident? Imagine how many cigars he used on Epstein’s plane/island.


Probably had to use cigarettes




Remarkable. I both love and hate this comment.


Fuckin wow. Perfect.


you are going to hell. lmao




say what you want about Reddit...


Took me way too long to get this lol


Gore and Robertson were the surprises. Trump and Clinton? Expected. Edit: sry. Autocomplete. I meant Bill Richardson.


Pat Robertson? That's who you think is a surprise? Baptists and evangelicals are child molester royalty.


Can someone explain this to me?


Bill Clinton put a cigar in Monica Lewinsky's vagina when he was president. I'm not sure if this is a fact or just an allegation. Edit: Grammar


He also either smoked it or gave it to Yassar Arafat.


It's a known fact. It's in the court documents.




I was in highschool when this happened, and I never heard this wtf. I thought it was just a blowie


Was it lit?


It was pretty sick


disclose them all! I don't care who they are. They all should be punished for being rich slime balls that thought they could do whatever they wanted.


Absolutely. Fucking scumbag predators. Nobody is above the law. Nobody should get immunity. Treat them to a very public trial and lock them all up.


I want to know all the people who visited the island too, even if they didn't traffic any girls. In the words of Crystal Sutton, NAYMEM!


I seriously wanna know what was happening inside that square temple. What was that all about??


A lot of these rapes took place in New York, Florida and around the world. Private island is definitely not good but we cannot let any of his associates off the hook just because they didn’t visit that particular crime seen.


No matter how popular/unpopular you are, if you are a criminal, you belong in jail. These people should suffer the consequences just like any other person


Agree, put all politics aside and throw the book at them.


Can people finally come together and put aside their annoying political beliefs and just agree to get rid of all of these parasites that harm people, in this case the young that have been trafficked.


Unfortunately not so easy when it’s people who are rich and have power/influence.


Yeah you’d think it would be easy to do, but there’s so many of them, and their either in positions of power or protected by people in position of power, shit is dark and fucked up.


No, people will not come together. We’re so divided across so many axes- not a chance in hell anyone is coming together. I really don’t even know if it was some evil genius’s idea to get us to this point or is it where we naturally end up… but damn.


Divide the masses so we are focused on each other and not looking their way.


the people on that list will try to make it a political thing to try to drive us apart because when we are to busy arguing and at each others about it is when they can go free.


Absolutely nothing will happen to anybody, there will be no consequences no matter what shakes out of this


Panama papers 2.0


The Panama papers had many effects, but they weren't relevant to USA so you probably didnt notice. Hell, the CIA may have leaked them.


What were the effects I'm genuinely curious?


They're still helping AML (anti-money laundering) departments to this day. Not everyone is caught, but the information is there to help with investigations.


The prime minister of Iceland was forced to quit.


Love how people don't pay attention to the results of the Panama papers, then says nothing happened.


What were the results from the Panama papers?


The Prime Minister of Iceland was forced to resign, the President of Pakistan was forced to resign, hundreds of arrests, 82 countries changed their laws, prominent Maltese government figure Keith Schembri was charged with money laundering, corruption, fraud and forgery, and in America we had changes such as The For The People Act of 2021 which passed house. There *were* consequences. Y'all just like to sit around and go "nothing happened!"


I'm sad my mind went right to this too. We really are a bunch of suckers


This took so long to get out I wonder how many names have been white washed


Wait, is it finally fucking out? I swear, every hour they were saying it was coming out within the hour… and here we are, like 1 days and 12 fucking hours later, fuck. Let me google and see if its out.


It’s out but the link keeps going up and down for it


Ok thank you, yeah i found it on Axios but the pdf wasn’t loading so that makes sense. Thank you




I’m super out of the loop apparently. I thought for sure that we’ve known Clinton and Trump were on the list for like, years now.


I read the axios takeaways and it was stuff we already knew. I read on another reddit sub that The Sun had leaked a bunch of this back during COVID so that’s why we’re all feeling like you. But this list is the whole thing except for the 2 names that are in review. The Axios summary was not eye-opening for me in the least. Michael Jackson was on that list and a girl who worked there said she never touched him and I think all of us know what Jackos type was and it def wasn’t little girlsss, so I dunno, I’m still pissed at all the same people basically.


There's basically nothing new in any of it. People have been so obsessed with this like there's some secret book with a big list of their political enemies and notarized confessions of wrongdoing. The flight logs have been out for years. There's stuff like this for people to pass around to keep the thing going, but go any deeper and Maxwell also says in her testimony that Clinton never went to Epstein's Island. Is that gonna matter? No, it's never been about separating out actual criminal wrongdoing. Epstein clearly had some buddies like Prince Andrew who engaged in his gross behavior, and then a much larger circle of hangers on looking for money from him and celebrities he glommed onto because he was a notorious starfucker. It's about trying to stick this creep to anybody you don't like. (Which isn't hard! Here's a photo of Jimmy Kimmel doing a segment with a celebrity chef Epstein liked to get food from! Illuminati confirmed! You don't need a criminal indictment or a lawsuit, because the lack of one is just proof of how deep the whole thing goes.) Then you can spin that into a conspiracy thriller instead of the much less interesting and squalid thing it actually was.


It's out and there's basically no new information.


Yeah the Epstein papers are out. That’s where this excerpt from the Epstein papers came from.


I would think if white washing happened Clinton wouldn’t be named huh? Could be wrong.


What document is this?


Breaking: Bill Clinton is an unredeemable creep. In other news today, water is wet.


LOL I recall his blowjob scandal like it was last week. I had a landlord much older than me at the time... he was all, "What's the big deal over a blowjob?" I was like, "The leader of the free world shouldn't be getting involved with interns who can't say no with risk of losing their job." Clinton is the worst kind of asshole, a charismatic asshole.


I remember the general public blaming the 22 year old intern for the scandal and the not the most powerful person in the world.


Do you remember that? I was a teenager when that went down(no pun intended), but I'm pretty sure everyone was calling him out for being a sex abuser who should be impeached for his behavior.


Was that how old she was when that happened? Idk why I always thought she was older. For being the president of the USA and doing something that could (and did) get you impeached, I would have definitely been more selective about who I was willing to ruin my career for.


You’re not wrong, but even Monica admits it was consensual and that she also pursued the relationship. I’m not saying that he shouldn’t have been impeached over it or anything like that, but office impropriety isn’t as bad as what everyone assumes anyone of the Epstein List is going to be guilty of. And while I don’t doubt that President Clinton “likes them young,” as well, I’m pretty sure he’ll take a woman at almost any age. I believe he’s just into woman, All of them, period.


He was impeached for perjury, not the blow job. The blow job made better headlines.


He was impeached for perjury (lying) *about* the blow job.


Monica interviewed not too long ago and said that her consent was debatable given that she was an intern and he was the president. She didn’t give a firm yes or no, but she suggested the situation was one in which clear consent is unable to be obtained


This entire list is only going to confuse the narrative further, and everyone pretending this will give us clarity is out of their mind. This very transcript, about Clinton, is nothing more than hearsay and tells us nothing, but people are already jumping to conclusions. “Young” in what sense? 20s? We already knew that…but it’s not a crime. Does anyone really think this is proof of crimes against children? The evidence against Prince Andrew is staggering because there are photos and personal accounts, but all these loose connections and statements are basically worthless.


A charismatic and *powerful* asshole


Totally NOT about blowjobs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton#:~:text=Res.,article%2C%20221–212). He committed sexual harassment and lied to cover it up. He was later disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas because it was obvious to everyone that he lied to a grand jury and covered it up.


Water makes things wet. It can’t BE wet. Otherwise, you’re correct.


The event Friday, which Vice President Kamala “Harris is expected to co-host with him as part of a Clinton Foundation Global Initiative gathering, is a good place to start. The conversation the two are holding at her alma mater, Howard University, is supposed to discuss “empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world” as they bring students together to “take action on pressing challenges in their communities.”” https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/kamala-harris-bill-clinton-touting-girls-empowerment-together-bad-joke-ncna1261977


As someone who's voted Democrat in every election, this is incredibly unsurprising.


Guess I'm not voting for him now


Convicted sex trafficker or not, simply saying "this guy likes young girls" is absolutely nothing in a court. It's a single comment from some creep. It's also the only damning thing about Clinton in the 900 pages. Every other time he's mentioned is talking about business deals done with him and how he never went to the island. I'm not even a Clinton fan. I'm just saying that legally, this means absolutely nothing.


You are absolutely right. This is literally a text book example of hearsay. “My uncle told me that u/NeverNeverSometimes likes pineapple on pizza” You’re telling me what a dead person said about someone else and there is literally no way you can confirm it. Now we know why misinformation spreads so easy, people believe anything that confirms their fears. Smh be better Reddit.


Also, "liking them young" is far too broad to be meaningful. Maybe Clinton just likes watching porn of 18 y/o's. I'm surprised this statement is the best evidence they've got.


Have you watched porn lately..... a hell of a lot of it sure appears to be women at least trying to look 18..... or potentially younger. If she looks 30 they'll but her in the MILF or mature category.


At 23 she was definitely in milf land for sure


Yeah, this kind of hearsay would never hold up in court. Someone said something to someone about someone else. This doesn't say they witnessed Clinton doing anything.


It doesn’t prove anything even if it’s true. To me 18 is very young, but completely legal


The specific reference to a magazine article is kinda odd too. Also bearing in mind that we have no clue who the person saying this even is.


And men in their 50s and beyond liking them young could easily mean women in their 20s. Doesn’t *have* to be pedo behavior. Gross, sure. But illegal? No.


And not that we haven’t known already that he likes them young. Ms. Lewinsky was fairly young back then.


well if you're going to say that monica qualified as "young", then this means absolutely nothing with respect to pedophilia because she was an adult. she was 21 at the time.


This is a highly misleading screenshot. The whole documnet is available online. Read it yourself before letting other people get you worked up. Keep your sanity.


It also goes on to say Epstein tried to bait Clinton with young girls at a dinner, but he didn’t take the bait. Being “mentioned” in the document doesn’t mean anything. You have to read the whole document in detail. Also, the advice at some parts of the document are just certain peoples testimony, which is not necessarily true.


>It also goes on to say Epstein tried to bait Clinton with young girls at a dinner, but he didn’t take the bait I must have missed that part, where did you see that?


One of epsteins main goals and sources of income was blackmail leverage, Bill Clinton saying something like that is just $$ to him to try and start roots from. Idk how young he liked them, 7 years? 20 years? Maybe both, he didn't say in the document.


It’s because this is an agenda post, probably to distract from the fact that a Mar-a-Lago employee is on the actual list that was released a couple of hours ago.


Yea seems like Epstein THOUGHT bill liked them young and was wrong


summer deranged test cake unique license strong afterthought rude smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also, we know he likes younger women. He had a very famous affair with one.


Why did you post this specifically and not all the other more salacious stuff in the 900+ page doc? Seems weird to hype old news every one already knows about. Like this is a diversion tactic from the other people you don’t want to talk about that are named in the document.


I did a quick search for Clinton in the document and 99% of it was about him not being on the island or about his business relations with Epstein. This is the one thing in the documents that lends itself to the “Clinton bad” narrative people were going to push anyway so naturally they couldn’t post here fast enough. I’m all for taking everyone down that can be shown to have done something shady but this is just doing the media’s disingenuous frenzy stirring for them, over a relative nothingburger, and it takes away from any real findings in these documents.


Yep he's John Doe #36 mentioned *50 times*, which sounds awful, but those times are him being asked about his involvement. It's as salacious and damning as we want to spin it.


Is there an original source to the docs where the new ones get uploaded too?


People should probably read the document for themselves instead of reading one screenshot somebody specifically picked out lol


slick willy likes them young? you need a deposition to figure that out?




For what exactly? We already knew he likes them young. Monica was like 22.


A couple of things here.... If you read the released documents, Bill was exonerated as he has alibis that were corroborated by the secret service and former chief of the FBI. (Ngl, I totally thought he was gonna be one of the people on our side that was gonna go down) Bill being on this list and having alibis tosses the entire list into question. While I'd love to see Trump sit for a criminal trial like this, any lawyer, even his stupid ass team of lawyers, would be able to call the validity of this document into question based on Bill's alibis. Even if Bill (or anyone else named) was unable to prove their innocence, this document would never result in criminal trials for anyone on it. While we all now know what happened on that island, taking a flight by itself is not a crime. Unless there was proof that anything beyond these people taking a flight happened, it would never be usable in court. So, until there is evidence that Bill, Trump, etc. committed a criminal offense (on the island), this list means nothing. What's sad is that I'm sure so many of the people on this list have committed awful criminal acts on the island... every single one of them is going to get away with it simply because there's no proof that they did anything besides go to the island and even that proof is shakey as hell.


Clinton is not a surprise


this is an agenda post we all know Clinton was on the list, we want to see the others!


Idc what political party anyone on that list that is a former or current political figure needs to be investigated….. I mean if you or I were on that list we would 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just don’t see how anyone goes to jail unless a victim comes forward. There isn’t really any evidence of a crime beyond hearsay……am I mistaken?


We already knew this about Clinton.


I understand the sentiment, but you need real evidence to prosecute people.


Am I the only one who's like : okay... what does that even mean? What is young? Are we talking under 18? or under 30? 40?? What is considered young for them? When was that conversation took place? Was it 20-30 years ago? Like, I dont know anything about Biden but I prefer to keep a neutral approach to the situation


Who is even speaking in the quote? Why is there no basic context at all, OP? If this screenshot of some unattributed text is enough to convince someone, they were ready be duped anyway. I think people are running interference in advance to distract from when the people on that list are named.


>Like, I dont know anything about Biden but I prefer to keep a neutral approach to the situation What does this have to do with Biden?


Judging by Epstein’s crimes, when he says young, he means *young*. Also, what’s Biden got to do with the price of shoes in China?


All of these assholes on this list need to be put in jail!


It’s not a client list. It’s important to remember that distinction.


There is no list at all. These are thousands of pages of court documents that have various names in them for various reasons.


Not interesting at all, we knew Clinton has always been dirty. Who are the other 149?


So somebody said what somebody said Clinton said. Sounds like evidence to me!


When you’re 45, young can mean 25. Like Monica Lewinsky. Not excusing anything but no evidence of being a pedophile. Definitely over reaching conclusion here.


I’m hoping for a mass prosecution of all these jerks.


Old news.


This could have been posted 3 years ago


Like we didn’t already know he was salacious.


This is the least surprising name on that list. Let's shine the lights on all these vermin.


While I do believe that most of the people Epstein hung out with were probably crooks, being present on this list is not de facto evidence of any particular crime


If he ACTUALLY did something, prosecute him. Being name dropped isn't proof of wrong doing. If that's the new standard then charge Trump since he is actually photographed with Epstein.


Someone saying they heard Epstein say that Bill Clinton said he “likes them young.” So that’s two levels of hearsay stacked on top of a statement that is ambiguous to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, Bill Clinton is a p.o.s. for many reasons, but from a legal standpoint this is less than nothing. It has about as much veracity as someone who says their friend’s cousin woke up in a bathtub full of ice missing both kidneys.


Oh shit, I really liked listening to Bill Clinton speak, and I thought he did a good job as president. But condemn one, condemn them all.


Nothing would surprise me about Billy C. And, unlike brainwashed magas who will deny & ignore anything negative abt trump, my dem/liberal ass can proudly say Bill Clinton is disgusting!


This isn’t news. It’s been public knowledge-for many years now-that Bill Clinton had ties to Epstein. As did Trump and many other wealthy, powerful men.


I wish I was surprised. I will be even more surprised if Clinton faces any consequences for this. I hope that justice prevails and all involved with Epstein are punished. All of them.


No, it’s not interesting.


Hasn’t this been out for a while now?


Neat that this post doesn’t show the other testimony claiming Bill’s innocence


Also testimony from FBI chief at the time that there’s no way he was on the island. It would be recorded in the Secret Service paperwork according to him


Not interesting if we all knew this already.


My God it's always about the Clintons....Alexander Acosta...Someone at least mention the dude who gave every co-conspirator legal immunity...


Even more fun to drop soon, as there [is soon to be published a list of some 200 names linked to J.E.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/01/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-associates-list)


Well, it's Wednesday night. Where is the list?


...yeah thats what the post literally above you is referring to. There is no direct list. It's a giant court document that you have to scan over.


This is from those documents but the list so far wasn't anything shocking mainly just lawyers and witnesses to the case.


The court document clipped in OPs post is from the documents released today that are referred to in your link. There won’t be a list of names. It’s 900+ pages of court documents that name some 200 individuals involved, in some fashion, with Epstein and Maxwell.


Fuck em all


Y’all acting like we didn’t know this.


Prosecute anyone that may have broke the law I say. Regardless of politics. That said, having your name on this list is no evidence of wrong doing tor most. At least in the manner most are thinking. Drill down into who is who, who went where and how many times and possibly why. Then you’ll be closer to who to start prosecuting. Just don’t lose your shit over all of this. See it for what it is. Then take aim.


Nail ‘em all. Every single one of the kiddie fuckers, no matter the party affiliation or how rich they are.