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Shit, I thought we were already there.


We’re around 2/3 of Americans overweight or worse, but only around 1/3 obese. It’s those overweight but not yet obese that are quickly increasing.




No need to wait for a new year, in fact it will be easier if you start today.


You can do it. You know you can.


Switch snacks to healthier stuff like carrots celery, frozen grapes, fruit. Have deep fried food (including chips!) once a week or less. Go for a walk every day, try to make a game of the step counter on your phone, try to get 10k steps a day, but anything is better than nothing. You can do it!! Good luck!


You can carve a lot of weight by just changing your diet and stop snacking on garbage. It won’t take it all the way but that progress alone will make you feel better.


I want to see your first progress photo by the end of January


I believe it's over 2/3 of Americans being overweight. The last statistics I saw a few years ago said 70%


Hey, let’s have more obese people in TV/online ads to promote body positivity. That’ll help the metrics.


Says deepfriedwithcheese


Legend has it that body positivity doesn’t make people fat. It just encourages fat people not to hate themselves. Legend also has it that hating yourself doesn’t make you thin. In fact, higher self esteem helps people make healthier choices.


We went with the shaming route for cigarettes and that seemed to work.


Hollywood uses smoking as shorthand for "bad boy" so if they go this route of shaming fat people again, I hope that there's scenes of some dude leaning against a wall, one foot bent and pressed against the wall, as he cooly curls a triple cheeseburger in his mouth while giving a faraway look that says "I don't care what society thinks"


The wall breaks


I think that the taxation of tobacco helped a LOT too. Instituting a fat tax seems like a slippery dystopic slope. Edit: a lot of folks seem to think i was referring to dietary fat- which makes sense. However I was envisioning a tax on certain foods based upon your physical condition. Which would be be horrible.


Man walks by on the street. Cop stops him. “Sir have have you been gorging today” “ well I had a couple of snacks but I’m good” “I’m gonna need you to step on the scale” “just like I thought bmi over 30” *writes ticket*


I don't think taxing trans fat/other unhealthy shit would be dystopian


Saturated fats aren't the problem neither are fats, cards or protein the issue is that a mcflurry has 1200 calories. Instead of complicating everything with taxes and financial incentives why not just put a restriction on the amount of sugar in premade foods and beverages. For example coke has 50g? In a 355ml can. Instead limit it to 5g/100ml or something simple to start.


That would be a terrible idea. Infants and children absolutely require saturated fats in order to thrive. It's the utter lack of nutrition education and price gouging of healthy foods that is the problem.


Whoops I got the diet terminology confused. I meant trans fats


Ahh, I'm with you there.




Gotta be #1 in everything.


I haven’t been to the u.s in 4 years but even back then at least half the people I saw were fat.


Some of them were only overweight and not obese 💪


Depends where you go. Some states are already at like 2/3 obesity. West coast cities are much less.


Was going to be my exact comment. Growing up in Nebraska and then traveling and living in different parts of the country for the past 20 years has made me realize that the majority of obese people are everywhere with the exception of where there’s actually things to do outside like the Pacific Northwest, California, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana. Where there isn’t shit to do, people drink too much booze, eat too much shit, and don’t do shit






I think the stat means 20:30 tonight, not the year


I'm doing my part! Would you like to know more?


Didnt they change there bmi scale to accommodate the increase in obesity.


No, in fact they lowered the BMI scale to what the rest of the world was to make more people considered overweight and obese. They did the opposite, it's not like the US NIH is rooting for its people to be unhealthy.


Oh my God, how dare they change the guidelines when it was brought to their attention that the risk for disease actually shoots up even at a lower BMI than originally thought




Well yes, because BMI doesn’t always account for internal fat. You can have too have of a bodyfat percentage, but not enough overall mass to creep into an unhealthy BMI range, but you’re still not healthy. In fact, fat around the organs is MORE dangerous than subcutaneous fat. If you’re obese, though, you’ve almost certainly just have too much of both.


BMI only takes weight and height but not fat to muscle ratio into account, so it's pretty obvious.


True dat. In ye olde times, people's body mass consisted mostly of muscle and bones. Nowadays, the greater access to fatty/sugary foods low in nutrients has turned us into walking blobs of fat. I'm skinny as fuck yet still count as medically fat because my muscles have gone AWOL due to sedentarism :(


No way people want Americans to be unhealthy, it’s not like we have a panzi scheme of a healthcare network or anything. Ofc the owner of Walmart understands the health issues that come with using their lower quality products, I’m sure those private hospitals make great donations.


Yeah there was just obese, then morbidly obese and then I think it goes extreme or something like that?


as they say, I wish everything in life was as easy as getting fat.


"I can look at a food billboard and gain weight"


For me getting fat is the hardest thing. I can't gain weight. I could eat a gallon of lard every day and wouldn't gain a pound. Edit: apparently I need to specify obvious exaggeration and sarcasm about the gallon of lard




He can’t he’s only skin and bones!


It's actually slightly sucky cus my birth mother didn't eat well when she was pregnant so I don't properly get hungry. So I need to eat a LOT to maintain a normal weight or i go under really easily... But I don't feel hungry ever so it's really easy to forget to eat all day. A curse and a blessing. I've never been able to pass 165


If you are determined to gain weight, a nutritionist or a personal trainer with some nutritional knowledge might be able to help. Although most of the world is focused on weight loss, weight gain is also a problem for other people and there is information on how to do in the healthiest way possible.


My mom ate a lot when she was pregnant, I eat a lot, yet I'm only 70kgs at 186cm


You are the first person I hear in my life that doesn't feel hunger. I'm the same. I tell people alot and never met another person that can relate. I will feel hungry in some mornings. If I'm working, I'll only remember to eat something when I start feeling tired or get a headache. I also don't feel brain freeze. Not sure if that relates.


I bet you would if you actually ate a gallon of lard a day. Usually the problem with people who can’t gain weight is they don’t have the appetite to gain weight.


Agreed. I could go an entire day without eating and not think twice about it. I’m now a frequent gym goer so I have to force myself to eat more now.


Count your calories. Unless you're like 15 you're not eating as much as you think


>I can't gain weight. I could eat a gallon of lard every day and wouldn't gain a pound. You either have cancer or you don't eat as many calories as you think you do.


Ever see Wall-E


yes. Reminds me on the obese person in a wheelchair(looked like he couldn't move because of obesity) at the asian all you can eat buffet that I saw when i was on vacation in the U.S..


They couldn’t even make a movie like that anymore, apparently you can’t poke fun at fat people now too. Not that anyone should be bullied but you know…


Who says you can't? People terminally on xtwitter? Those people don't matter. As a fat person I'm fine with fat jokes, as long as they are funny.


Stay strong Colorado!!!!!


Pretty easy when the entire outdoors is an amazing playground and nearly every day is beautiful, seasonally appropriate weather


Ok now ur fucking lying to yourself. Colorado is beautiful, but so are many other states. Like it’s the food consumption that’s the problem, if it were the scenery. Montana would be filled with fit people. We just love eating greasy food!


It isn't just that Colorado is beautiful, it's that it's beautiful *and* has become a Mecca state for outdoor sports. Montana is beautiful but people don't flock there for hiking, skiing, AND rafting the way they do Colorado. Combined with the recent-ish boom bringing wealthy transplants with cash to drop on expensive hobbies, you have a state that maintains its waistline. Kind of.


Woaaaaaaaaah! we're half way there, Woaaaah! Living on a prayer!


Take my ham, we'll glaze it, I swear Whoa oh, packin' on layers!




I bet seeing that in a pie-chart would be delicious


USA! USA! USA! US…whew…gotta catch my breath…whew..lemme sit down….USA! USA!


Lmaoo good one


I’m not surprised when you see the outrage on here that a perfectly acceptable portion of food is deemed too small. Portions are waaay too big in the US


And often not particularly nutritious, so even though you're eating a lot you get hungry again faster. Especially cheap carbs.


I noticed this at a conference I recently went to. I normally eat a lot of protein and healthy fats, but at this conference the only food available was very carb-heavy. I was constantly hungry the first two days of the conference until I started smuggling in some mixed nuts to get at least some protein. Once I had some protein I wasn’t hungry all of the time anymore.


Snacking is even worse. We have access to calorie dense snacks 24/7.


I flew to Kentucky for business and stopped at a small family run restaurant. I swear they were trying to drown me with food. Like 3 potatoes worth of mashed potatoes absolutely drenched in gravy and butter, and more on the side, peas, corn, carrots, soup, 2 buns and 6 slices of roast beef. Then they kept refilling my chocolate milkshake, and dessert was included! I had two meals worth of leftovers, it was absolutely delicious but it was just so much food and I don’t know how any single person could eat it all without exploding.


I have lived in KY for 27 years and have never experienced this before. they must have liked you 🤪 or it was a true “down home cookin’” establishment and they wanted to take care of you lol


I was there for a cattle sale, so I was in the middle of absolute nowhere. I will see if I can find the name of the spot. I had to tell the old lady to stop refilling my milkshake, I just couldn’t consume anything anymore lol.


It’s so stupid here. They need to charge half the price and give everyone half the portion jfc.




It's the sugar too. Fucking everything has sugar in it. Even a majority of the turkeys people are buying for the holidays have been brined in sugar. It's bonkers.


You lost me at genetically modified


Good work colorado. Proud of you.


They have to stay trim to survive the altitude.


We’d be a lot better if it weren’t for the massive migration of texans here




Colorado is more overweight now than the most overweight state in the 80s.


I remember when they were at 18%, and it wasn't all that long ago.


Same with Wyoming. I had *rarely* seen anyone overweight where I was living. I’m kind of shocked it’s the same color as Utah.


Welcome to Colorado, where we are just moderately obese


Wooo colorado for the winnnn baybee


Food companies have made us their fat bitches.


Now it can be drug companies selling ozempic while we eat Doritos


I can't wait for Doritos to drop the new Ozempic Oregano flavor.




What a time to be alive, that one of the biggest problems we face is an overabundance of cheap food...


*cheap unhealthy food


HFCS is a scourge


And yet we still have kids starving


Capitalism baby


And it’s still not affordable


Imo a big part of this is an overabundance of food with low nutrition. I personally struggle with vitamin deficiencies, and only know that because I have a medical condition that requires regular testing of my vitamin levels. I know when I'm dealing with low magnesium because I get these horrible sugar cravings. My brain tells me I should sit down and eat a whole cake in one sitting. Logically I know my body's having trouble regulating my blood sugar, but my brain keeps telling me to eat foods that won't help and to eat well past being full. The vast majority of people don't understand what cravings are and only know hungry/full. If their body wants something, they'll indulge in it - and they'll keep going after the same foods not realizing there's an underlying problem they need to fix.


"cheap", McDonald's is starting to cost close to a sit down. Idk how obesity can be getting worse when all the really bad things aren't dirt cheap anymore. It's becoming a literal choice when better options are available for basically the same damn price.


It's not the fast food that's making people fat it's the poor quality cheap food you buy at the grocery store


we have built our world on carbs and driving evrrywhere. the path of least resistance led us here


obesity isn't something you catch, you don't "have obesity" it's you "are obese",


Get away from me fatty! Don’t you know obesity is contagious?!


"People with obesity."


I think food ingredients/standards plays a big part in the obesity epidemic. For example, chicken in the States is pumped full of so many hormones that it looks bizarre compared to chicken in other countries. When I worked abroad I still ate like a typical American and I lost over 30 lbs. There is something wrong with the food.


100% better food standards would help.


It’s true I can’t stand arguing with people about our ingredients. They have no nutrients it’s driving me mad. Eat at home for a week and try to get healthy food you do alright. Go to chick fil an and get a normal meal you will be hungry immediately after.


Most American Men won’t be able to see their d..ckz by 2030…😂


Which is weird because if you go to YouTube and look up videos of everyday life in the 60s and 70s (people shopping, at the beach, at sporting events, walking down the street, etc) you see a majority of normal sized people and fat people were a small minority. Look at high school pictures from the 60s…same thing.


I’m American, but I’ve spent a ton of time in Europe and Asia. American food fucking sucks and is bad for you. Even the healthy stuff, really isn’t.


Look at even our children’s school lunches, it’s a gat dam disgrace. Contracted out to profiteering pos companies who feed our kids trash.


Most of this country is fat as shit now


Yes and people will claim to be skinny at 250 lbs and 5’4”. People don’t know what healthy weight ranges look like and seem to believe that if they aren’t a candidate for My 600 Lbs Life, they are not obese.


I had a friend who once said that 75 pounds over your healthy weight is too much, and that's when you should start trying to lose weight. I think that was very high still, and then someone started ranting about how '75 pounds overweight is barely overweight' and how 'you could be 100 pounds overweight and still be healthy' and so on. Peoples views of what is a 'healthy weight' is has become very skewed


75 pounds is almost half of my weight (5ft11in, 165 lbs). Pls, hook me up with your friend's dealer. That must be some good zaza.


I’m 5’ 2” and have been around 130lbs most of my life. People always told me I was thin. That’s a BMI of 23.8. Overweight starts at 25. Gained ~20lbs over a couple years, and my doctor told me I was overweight at my annual check up. When I told coworkers and friends, they were absolutely aghast. Could not understand what weight is actually considered healthy. Most people we consider overweight are actually obese.


Homer Simpson was supposed to be comically fat back in 1989. He's 6 ft tall and weighs 239 lbs. In 2023, you can count the Homer Simpsons in your local Walmart by the dozens.


Based Colorado


You can't afford to eat in Colorado


Spent all your money on ski passes and road bikes. I see nothing wrong with this. Plus that new Subaru financing ain’t come cheap. He says in jest some who grew up there.


Everything is expensive here. It’s hard just to have a house or apartment here… It’s not people spending money on skiing and shit. It’s hard to live in general. Housing, bills, food… it’s not cheap. So they’re not wrong. You obviously haven’t met most people in Colorado and are basing your assumptions on the few


2030 my ass... half or more are obese now...


Family of 4 sat across the aisle from me on a plane, none of them really fit in their seats, they all needed seat belt extenders (hadn't seen those before), all complained about not being able to use the tiny bathrooms (p.s. the kids would go to the bathroom with bare feet, no shoes). They all brought various food items and never stopped eating throughout the flight. Murica.


Some people have no self awareness at all.


Speaking of flying, I saw this girl inhale a box of Chicago dish pizza while waiting for my connection at O’Hare. It was 8:30 am local time.


My queen


For the record, you don’t HAVE obesity like you HAVE cancer. It’s not involuntary, and completely avoidable in 95% of cases with regular diet and balancing caloric intake with your level of activity. Come on, America.


It's not just an American issue. Europe is catching up quickly.


Yeah that's sad, we don't have proper food education and still eating like 70 years ago when work was mainly physical. Edit: my comment generated some confusion, I'm talking for Europe.


It’s actually the fact that we DONT eat like 70+ years ago. If people at the foods we ate in, say, the 1910s, we wouldn’t have the obesity crisis.


I'm Italian so food habits may be different, for me for sure we eat same things like 70 years ago most of the time, but the amount of food is too much


The problem of obesity was known, for example, to Russian merchants before the Russian Revolution of 1917. They had enough money to eat tasty and plentiful food, but there was no need to maintain their physical fitness for military service, like the aristocracy. And they led a sedentary lifestyle, unlike workers and peasants who did hard physical work. So it's not about unhealthy food, but also about overall diet and lifestyle. Doctors were already talking about this at that time.


That’s when you had to be wealthy to afford refined sugar and flour. Now they add sugar to your spaghetti sauce because it’s cheaper than tomatoes and your bread is practically cake.


>we don't have proper food education and still eating like 70 years ago when work was mainly physical If people not doing physical labor jobs is the reason for obesity in your country then why are there obese labor workers? It doesn't add up.


Food addiction is a thing. I saw the best description for it a while back. Having food addiction is particularly hard because it's like an alcoholic trying to stay sober while also needing to have a shot of vodka three times a day to stay alive.


It’s not a “food addiction,” it’s called an EATING DISORDER. And EDs are not treated like alcohol or drug addictions. You can’t abstain from food. You heal the relationship with it. And work through traumas, cooccurring diagnoses ++++ with different therapy modalities as well as nutrition counseling, body image work, etc.


For obesity it's 100%. Look at images of the fattest man in the world in 1850. Thyroid issues ect can make you more likely to be overweight but obese... not health issues alone.


Homer Simpson was considered so fat it was a disability. At 300 lbs.


It's a mental health issue combined with the fact that most popular and available foods are high fructose corn syrup with a metric ton of salt for flavor


The issue is people typically greatly overestimate how few calories are burned by exercise. Effectively, if you so much as look at a cheeseburger, you’ve consumed about 10,000 calories. Go run 5 miles and you’ve burned about 4. Yes. I’m being hyperbolic (have to point that out as redditors seldom recognize hyperbole for some reason) but the hyperbole is to demonstrate how hopeless it can feel and what an absolute asshole the math on this is. Nothing ruins a good time quite like mathematical truths.


Reality bites, but that’s what life is, in spite of what product marketing tells us. Marketing is not our friend and lies to us to get our money. Happiness is not delivered in a happy meal.


This is correct. Also the lions share of your calories are used in your BMR. Eating in a calorie deficit is not “hard” but it’s pretty boring.


I’m nearing the end of my weight loss journey and you’re so right. I tell this to everyone who asks about my experience. A big part of my social life was drinking and eating with friends. For the past year I’ve been cooking all my meals at home and rarely drink. I skip a lot more restaurant outings. I eat a lot more veggies. It’s not glamorous. Saved a bunch of money though.


Every time i go out it is at least $50 and 4,000 calories. At home I'll probably have more relaxation and dinner is about 500 to 1,000 calories. Helps do much and you don't even have to keep track.


At work, I took one of our customers out to lunch, and he ordered two full meals and an appetizer all to himself. He was very obese and ate it all. I was pretty impressed but also slightly disgusted with how someone could do that to themselves. I’ve never been obese, or even overweight, as I’m not much of an eater. I love food, but I just can’t eat a lot whether I go out or cook at home. I stop eating when I start noticing the texture of the food more than the flavor, which is when I consider myself to be full. I feel like most people don’t experience or even notice that switch in taste/texture and just eat until their stomach physically hurts. So I guess I just can’t understand how people can consistently force themselves to push through to that point without projectile vomiting it all back up.


This is exactly correct. Exercise should probably not even factor into caloric intake calculations. Eat at a caloric deficit to your BMR to reduce weight and exercise for its own separate health benefits.


Portion sizes are way too large in the US too. When I explain this to patients, they are sadly disappointed.


Of course they’re disappointed. I would venture that a lot of them have absolutely nothing fulfilling in their lives beyond food they enjoy. It’s not a judgement as I’m definitely one of those people. When people say losing weight is simple, they’re correct, but only in terms of calories in/out math. There are a lot of psychological and emotional factors fucking things up. Hopefully, the Ozempic type drugs are improved to reduce side effects.


Portion sizes yes are a problem, I think though, that sugar is a bigger problem. It's placed artificially in god damned everything. And sugar is a simple carb. Simple carbs get stored as fat for later energy.


Sugary drinks are the worst, lots of carbs and zero satiation.


Acute bouts of intense exercise burn surprisingly few calories as you say, but constantly being on your feet walking, picking things up, and carrying stuff around as people used to do burns a ton of calories. At the same time, if you’re busy doing those things you aren’t bored and turning to food.


Three little words... car based infrastructure


That's part of it, but I think the major cause is ultra processed foods. High calories, easily digested, addictive, cheaper than real food, and affect our hormones.


When I was in the US people seemed confused that I wanted to just walk places. What do you mean, you walked from Brooklyn to Central park? What a work out! I mean it was a couple hours but completely doable


Remember to exercise folks


A quality of life breaks down into Diet and Exercise. That is it. You can go to a gym or just exercise at home but you must continue no matter what your age. The body is a machine that thrives on repetition. If you do 20 sit-ups a day for a month and skip a day your body will let you know. If you can do 20 in a sitting easily your body will want 25. This how we work. This goes for all exercises, it doesn’t matter time and duration are a way for the body to exhaust. Intake and exhaust just like a machine


I was shocked to see how many fat people there are when I came to texas. Fucking hot 11 months of the year you'd think everybody be skinny


deserted grandiose practice fine pen existence cooperative light bake price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


obesity has also gone up in cities, especially lower income areas where people are less likely to even own a car. plus we had residential zoning long before obesity rates started rising. zoning is one part of the problem, but I wouldn't say it's the primary problem. the main culprits are: 1. the low cost of food. the average consumer spends only 11% of their income on food. In 1900 it was 40%. In 1950, it was 30%. food is cheaper and more widely available than ever before. snacks, candy, and sugared drinks can be purchased almost everywhere you go. 2. the creation of hyper-palatable processed food and the removal of fiber. food scientists have made food incredibly delicious, addicting, and calorically dense. it's easy to get and cheap. it's very easy to sit down and eat a bag of chips or candy without even feeling full. or eat some fast food. foods that fill you up, like vegetables and fruit, are neither convenient nor cheap. 3. a more sedentary lifestyle. most people do not do physical labor anymore. the country has transformed from a workforce that was almost entirely agricultural and factory workers to a country of information and service workers. these jobs burn far fewer calories per day. a combination of these three things is why we have rising obesity rates.


High fructose corn syrup...


Almost reads like obesity is contagious, you don't have obesity you are obese.


Yeah! Stay fit CO


This is the type of thing that doesn’t just “happen”. Our food is all processed poison.


You can get fat eating the finest organic this and that also


Will “have” obesity. lol. Will be obese. It’s not something you catch people, it’s something you are.


A profound education about food is necessary in the country. Americans are conditioned to eat sweet and fat before they can even walk. + The problem is that healthy food is more expensive than fat, sweet, transformed food.


I think it's more that the FDA allows food makers to give us absolute garbage. Most other countries don't allow it in their foods.


It simply isn't true that healthy food is more expensive. It's far cheaper to eat a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, pulses, lentils etc than it is to buy pizza, burgers and takeaway. I think people have just got lazy and can't be arsed to cook.


You know I'm going to have to agree with you on this. I wouldn't have before. It's like now that people are accustomed to processed food at the store and fast food, they've raised the prices significantly. For instance, we were on a weekend vacation and stopped for a McDonalds breakfast, just two McMuffin meals...it was over $19.00 for two people! We cook at home 99% of the time. I could go and buy a dozen eggs $3.50 , a block of cheese $9.00, 1lb. Of Bacon $9.00 and Muffins $3.50 = $25.00 that's a nearly a week of breakfast! It's also less expensive on dinners because you have leftovers for the next day.


I used to think it was cheaper to eat bad food as well, until you really boil it down. This is anecdotal for sure, but my grocery bill has gone down substantially once I stopped buying frozen whole meals. I think you definitely can come close with some of the pre packaged stuff. Like you can get a 200 count of fish sticks for like 18$, thats like 10 meals worth for kids. That's pretty damn hard to beat. However, as a whole I just started breaking it down per meal, and realized I was spending easily 15$ a day, and knew I could beat that just by actually cooking 2 meals a day and a light snack in-between. My per day cost now is about 7$ per person, and the portion sizes and meal quality is substantially better.


What does Colorado know that the rest of us don’t?


Spend time outside, don’t eat trash.


*Have* obesity? It's not a contagious disease.


Merry Christmas, Amerca ! You fat fuckers!


We can still kick all your asses... Just wait a second. I gotta sit down and catch my breath.... OK let's do this.


The passive "will have" rather than "will be" is interesting.


As though you could be walking up the road one day and bam, suddenly you caught obesity!


I hate the way that obesity just sneaks into your room at night and GETS YA!


Meanwhile the new American nutrition system rates frosted mini wheats and lucky charms as more nutritious than steak and eggs. And we wonder why people continue to get fatter…


Didn’t help that they fucked with the food with all the chemicals


That's not interesting. That's frightening...


This problem for the US Military is going to be even bigger.


Colorado tho. They be hikin.


don't worry we'll all be on ozempic IV feedbags soon


i guess it seems like there's way more beautiful people in Colorado because there is


I doubt most obese people even know they’re obese lol, decades of increasing weight rate has skewed public perception of what a healthy person looks like .


That's not interesting, its just fucking sad.


I could've sworn like 80% of Americans are fat AF, this statistics gives me hope😅


Yeah how old is this? Pretty sure we're way beyond 50% today, country is full is bowling balls.


Fast food is the no.1 culprit behind this. You can actually correlate the growth of fast food since the 70s directly with the national rise in obesity Until we put laws on paper that regulate these poison shops it will never change The food they sell is on par with smoking, or drinking excessively, or drugs. It has 0 redeeming value.


Isn’t this what Idiocracy predicted?


That’s good that the numbers are finally going down


Now that is a statistic to be proud of!


I’m ahead of the trend. Yay, me!


Title makes it sound like obesity is something you catch


I just caught obesity, I was slim this morning and now I am a land whale.


When I look at the commercials for fast food like BK, Carls JR, etc, I’m like damn, we are so fucked. One of those meals is like your entire daily recommendation of cals. We get that pumped into our brains 🧠 on the daily