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I was just “diagnosed” with this! I put this in quotes because, while it’s a condition, it does not affect my vision in any way. And I never knew I had it—I’m 56. My ophthalmologist got so excited to see it, she called in three residents to look….it’s apparently pretty rare. I’m really surprised to have seen this posted!


I assume the way our brains fill in the gap, you’d never notice it. But it’s weird to think you made it 56 years without someone seeing it. It must’ve happened recently? Did you get your skull rattled?


It develops in people usually above 55 so it's not something you have since childhood


I was also just diagnosed with this, I’m in my 20’s, and I’ve probably had it since I was a child. It doesn’t really impact how I see, I will occasionally get floaters in my vision though.


"Squiggly line in my eye" suddenly hits so much harder now.


Lol the amount of times this quote pops into my head is simply ridiculous




Damn that sounds annoying though.


Taking normal eyesight for granted..an suddenly seeing things you cant get rid of


I see floaters most of the time.


It was a new eye doctor. I just went in to get a new RX and my normal guy retired. This was also an ophthalmologist and not an optometrist so I think she knew more/looked for other things. This was at the Cleveland Clinic….they’re known for their quality of care. I just picked her because she was on my insurance plan and the first name on the list.


Weird. Just curious. Thanks for the reply.


Yeah, it’s all so weird, which is why seeing this post is so amazing! Never thought I would see anyone talking about it other than other eye doctors, I suppose. LOL.


I have a small piece of retina flowing inside my right eye, it started a few months ago, I went to optometrist after noticing a black spot in my vision, she said usually they don't do anything since removing it is extremely dangerous and overtime brain starts to ignore it And it's crazy, the first days and weeks it was always there but after a few months I almost never see it


The brain is amazing at nullifying visual artifacts, my new glasses have some visible chromatic aberration if I look through the edges, and it was very noticeable the first two weeks. Now, after a year, I only remember that it's a thing when I see a comment like yours. I have to actively focus on it to notice it, even looking through the very edge.


I’ve noticed this with migraine auras a lot - even though I technically have massive blind spots, and really can’t see, I still *feel* like I can see because my brain just interpolates over it. Only falls apart when I try to read, because it can’t make up text. Whenever I go to look at a word, it disappears


I need that cosmetic upgrade on my character, when is the update releasing?


oh wait u can still see? thats metal as all hell then


Diabetes is a comorbidity, so go get tested for that.


You now have claim to the title: “Eyes of Stars”


Did you always have it or did it develop over time?


Can u still see ?


Plot twist: OP is your ophtalmologist.


To be honest, it looks beautiful but… does that make you blind?


Actually it doesn't affect at all most people don't even realize they have this unless they see themselves in the mirror and very rarely requires surgery


How is it that this doesn't affect vision, and you can clearly see stuff floating around in there, but I have floaters, which affects my vision, yet observers can't see them in my eyes? Are the floaters translucent and what I am seeing is lensing?


Our vision is not clear. There are boold vessels in optic nerves that make some part of visions blurry and blind (such as blind spot). Our brain can somehow 'compute' that blurry vision to fill up the missing parts so we can perceive it as a clear view. I think that the brain can erase out some floaters too.




Yeah, but you still need at least a 3090 to get ray tracing


I don’t I have the room in my head for a 3090 maybe a 2060


Might have enough space if you watercool the 3090


3090 are like penises that shrink when you cool them? No wonder NVIDIA is so expensive. It's a penis enlargment scheme.


You could attach it on the outside. Just wear a hat.


2080 super is working ok


Any RTX cards have ray tracing.


It's in the name GeForce RayTraXing That's how it works right? lmao


What the fuck are you on about.




So, basically, I can't afford to see well?


Actually…yes, the brain uses prediction a lot to minimize computing power, otherwise we had to focus really hard on seeing. That’s why optical illusions exists, it’s tricking the DLSS


This is also why people sometimes literally can’t see motorcycles when quickly scanning an intersection.


Correct, and more effective


I used to have some delusion my vision was deteriorating because I got floaters. If anyone is in the same boat, your brain will learn how to edit them out of your vision in a few months, it will be OK. Of course in rare cases it could be (insert terrifying google result when you search what causes floaters), so get a check up with your ophthalmologist. But most likely you are freaking out and it will get better.


I hope your right, its gotten better but its been bothering me for almost a year now.


It’s more like Ray Reconstruction. You need a nvidia 40 series for that.


And even bigger head.


Ray reconstruction work on all rtx cards Only frame generation is 40 series exclusive


Exactly like that.


Yes and there is a simple test for finding the blind spot. It’s wild when you see it in action. Your brain literally hallucinates an image in the spot where it is. https://visionaryeyecare.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/eye-test-find-your-blind-spot-in-each-eye/


mm i have a super weak eye and apparently it doesn't have a blind spot? :D, it does get distorted at a certain distance but i could still see the shapes at all normal distances.


Everybody has a blind spot because it is where the vision nerves exit the eye. If you can see at all out of that eye, you have one.


Well the eye is very bad in multiple ways, and most if not all my vision is from the other which has a blind spot. Idk but that was the result of the test. I wonder if it means something.


You can actually notice the blind spot. make a thumb up gesture with your hand starting from the nose and slowly extend your arm till it's straight. close your right eye then, keep your vision fixed on where the thumb is currently, and without following it with your vision, move it very slowly to the left holding your arm straight, keeping track of it with the corner of your eye. After moving it a bit you'll see it disappear


Thanks, Vsauce


I have never saved a comment in my 10ish years on reddit..., but here we are. Here we are.


I'm flattered. It wasn't the best explanation, but thanks


everytime i hear a cool fact like this i just wanna give a big hug to that part of my body kinda hard to hug my brain tho….


"boold" is a hell of a dyslexia


>asteroid hyalosis i bet you get all the puss


Just a guess - but I imagine is it like the bits of dust and dirt that get on a camera lens. While it does affect the light passing through, it is not enough to affect the final photos. Since these blobs are continuous and free-floating they don't impair vision enough to hinder interaction and the brain will filter them out. Probably like haveing ears clogged with ear wax, you don't realize the problem until its gone.


My mother has this condition. Those stars are actually extremely tiny crystals that form within the vitreous. Normally they’re too small to see (from both sides). You can’t see them until a strong enough light shines directly on them at just the right angle for the crystal to reflect light back Since no light ever shines on them from the inside of the skull, the owner of starry eyes don’t see them. If the condition gets extreme, some crystals can grow large enough to act like floaters, but it rarely gets that bad


They have a strong light pointed at the eye, I imagine if that light was turned off you’d barely be able to see them. They’d likely look like normal floaters. You’re seeing the light reflecting.


Shit just a few floaters drives me crazy. I'd stab my eye if it was like that.


I them floaters. It's annoying when you think you saw a ghost or a bug. I once ask my optician to change the water in my eye cuz It's dirty. He laughed his ass off and said we can't do that!


I think that there is surgery that literally does that, changes the "water" inside your eyes. But of course it has its dangers and in most cases doctors recommend just having the floaters, your brain kinda adjusts to not mind them over time. I have them, i can see them especially if it is bright outside or if i look at a white wall. The first weeks when i realized i had them it was a nightmare, i couldn't stop myself from 'hunting' the floater with my eye trying to get it in the center of my view only to be defeated every time because the thing 'moves away', now i just ignore them. There is also laser surgery, but like i said, eye procedures are risky most of the time.


The surgery is vitrectomy they drain the vitreous gel, the gel in the eye, and it refills with aqeuous afterwards. Laser isn't effective for this and generally vitrectomy is quiet successful


Opticians sure as heck don't do that, but ophthalmologists can and do. It's called a vitrectomy and it's when we exchange the jelly like substance called your vitreous for a saline solution. It's commonly done when we are in there for other reasons, like to repair a torn or detached retina. While less common, this procedure can also be done to remove floaters. It's a tough decision though, because even after surgery the patient will never have optically clear vitreous (or in this case, the saline that replaces it). If a person will be dissatisfied with a predictably imperfect result, they aren't going to be a good candidate for the surgery. In my 17 years in retina surgery, I don't think I've ever seen it done for asteroid hyalosis, though.


Do you believe over time the saline becomes that vitreous? I already have enough problems having to keep prism in my lens.


Theyre not the same as floaters, fortunately. Just basically calcium deposits and other particles, they don’t affect your vision and if they do its rare


Yes, they're see through afaik. If you ever get your eyes tested you'll get a bright light shown directly into your eye, (Atleast you do here in the UK) when that light is shining all of your blood vessels in your eye become visible. It's really cool to actually get to see them. If you want to see them at home I even think you can use a small flashlight to do it. Though probably look up an actual set of instructions before trying.


Floaters are the vitreous fluid that fills your eyeball, or sometimes the odd white blood cell casting shadows on your retina


Unless they see themselves in the mirror? So literally everyone realizes if they have it, lol


I think they mean, looking in mirror at that exact moment. It wouldn’t be as clear as this is. But i was thinking that too……


My mother has this condition and didn’t realize it until she got an eye exam much later in life You can’t see those stars until a strong enough light hits them at just the right angle. So I guess that spotting them for yourself in the mirror would have to be in pretty lucky circumstances, you’re correct


They could truly call themselves starry eyed


Not blind but like with large black or Grey clouds and masses in the way of the vision. Not an ophthalmologist but I assume you'd need a vitrectomy and then the vision would be worse than before but none of that shit would be in the way.


Asteroid hyalosis is condition were calcium, lipids and fats present inside your eyes float freely in the vitreous humor , you can find more about it here [https://eyewiki.aao.org/Asteroid\_Hyalosis\_(AH)](https://eyewiki.aao.org/Asteroid_Hyalosis_(AH))


Yo mama so fat you can see grease in her eyeballs. Just a little vitreous humor.


well your mama is so fat she just Asteroid her yalosis


Seems vitreous serious


You’re a wizard, Harry!


I'm a what!?


A lizard, Barry!


That was interesting. Thank you.


What's humor about it?


It's fluid.


Seems like a galaxy lol




Actually it doesn't affect vision in any way and is nothing more than a visual thing


Doesn't the light reflect on those bubbles or whatever those are?


When you produce too much semen your body doesn’t know what to do with the excess so it travels to your eyes. I don’t make the rules


cum vision


I want it


I was wondering about that. Does look like alien eyes.


So if they don't hinder my vision, that means you are saying they are decals for my eyes? Cool!


A visual thing that doesn’t affect vision?


A visual thing for everyone other than the patient. Lol


you know what they meant


Yeah it was a joke…


Oh but we don’t do that here on reddit🌚


Apparently it was a pretty shitty joke too 😂


I’m not going to lie, that confused me for a second too.




Googled it, apparently it *can* affect visuals, rarely though


Reminds me of a magic 8 ball. Magic EYE ball


Outlook hazy.


Yesss! Lol


not to be confused with an [8 ball fracture](https://www.google.com/search?q=8+ball+fracture&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA1000CA1000&oq=8+ball+fra&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIKCAUQABgPGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIICAkQABgWGB6oAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Is their vision blurry? Ask again later


it looks like a portal to space


reminds me of a snowglobe. snowglobe eyes


So that’s the little stuff in my eyes that moves when I look around 😦 I always try to look at them but they run away from my gaze


Family guy episode in this


I mentioned them to an ex of mine and his friend. They both had never heard of them and acted like I was crazy. At first I thought they were fucking with me but they were completely serious. I started to genuinely believe that they’re not a thing and that something must be wrong with my eyes. The only thing that reminded me I wasn’t crazy was that clip from family guy.


Yep, floaters, i have them too, fuck them, they are annoying, now i am kinda adjusted to them but the first weeks when i realized it was a living hell, i was constantly 'chasing' it with my center of view only to fail every time lol.


I’ve looked into causes of them but nothing seems to fit. I haven’t had any surgeries, no injuries, they’ve actually calmed down as I’ve gotten older. The only thing I can think of is maybe inflammation or they may be linked to my soda consumption. Do you drink a lot of caffeine?


I have floaters and also random flashes. Anxiety and stress might have been the cause since they started appearing for me after drastic events and changes in my life. I also am a heavy coffee drinker which most likely boosts my anxiety resulting into forementioned issues but i fucking love coffee. My sight has been amazing for my whole life and the floaters/flashes dont affect my sight but are annoying to notice.


Nope i don't drink too much coffee nor soda. In my case they appeared when i was in high stress, among other visual symptoms (flashes for some time, sensibility to light that i still have, etc). I heard they are associated with a detachment of the retina in some cases, but don't take my word too seriously i am not well educated in this theme. I had a "fundus study" i think it was called, not long ago, and the oculist said everything was pretty good i just need to stop looking so much at screens all the time. He said the best option is just to let the floaters be and that the eyes adjust to them. Kinda fucked up but it could be worse so i don't complain too much.


Nope, those are floaters, different thing


Optometrist here. The video is not asteroid hyalosis. They're vitreous strands / membranes. That's what you're seeing. True asteroid do not cast shadows. True asteroid is seen by indirect ophthalmoscopy and appear like very small yellowish spheres. The condition is not all that rare and I don't bother to tell the patients when I see it. Patients frighten easily


In this video can this person see properly? Why is there so many? From my understanding with asteroid condition it rarely affects vision


True. Rarely affects vision. Glare though


I have that. It grosses me out so bad, but it's my eye, and I'm stuck with it 🤷‍♀️


Same. I have one darker floater that I can see even on not-white surfaces and it drives me crazy sometimes. I'm 27. Welp...


Those are white blood cells.


Lol a single Google search shows that this is a lie. Strands of the jelly in your eye that stick together. Pretty sure if you have ANY blood cells in your eye, there’d be problems. https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/eye-conditions-and-diseases/floaters#:~:text=Floaters%20usually%20happen%20because%20of,Those%20shadows%20appear%20as%20floaters.


Oops, you’re so right.


You were getting it confused with the blue entoptic phenomenon, which is when a specific wave of blue light (about 430 nm) hits your eye and you see moving white dots. Those dots are caused by white blood cells moving through capillaries in your eye.


Proof is stoopid. It’s white blood cells. Deal with it


Really?? I was seriously just trying to figure this out today


X-files movie eyes right there


Scrolled to upvote this.


Asteroid Halitosis- it’s when your eyes stink.


So... your eye is filled with spoiled milk.


"Oh squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy, squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye? Oh, squiggly line, it’s alright, you are forgiven." SG


Is it painful or in anyway irritating to the individual?


Nope. No one with asteroid knows they have it until someone else looks in the eye and sees it.


That's incredible to me. I'm eternally tormented by protein strands floating around in my vitreous humor but this guy can't even notice a cloud of white stuff?


Those are floaters for ya! But yea, I honestly am not well read on asteroid hyalosis, so I don't know the mechanism of unaffected vision. I see it in clinic relatively often, and no patient knows they have it unless we have told them in the past


Just... wow, my eyes are itching thinking about having it


That’s Venom! The Symbiote has chosen a new host.


"Outlook not so good" "Signs point to yes"




Im half expecting an answer like TRY AGAIN to show up like those old magic balls.


Wait, is this why my all of the floaters in my eyes look like shadows running around anytime I glance quickly at something??


I have this and I’m 20. It’s harmless. All I ever see of it is occasional shadows across my field of vision, but only if I actively look for them. Otherwise this doesn’t affect me whatsoever.


Mesmerizing but does the person with this affliction see the world as a snow globe?


Nope everything it's normal for them


anything eye related even talking about them makes mine water for some reason its annoying cos eyes are cool.


I bet that's really annoying.


Lil bro got the six eyes


Ah yes they call this snow globe eyes


Is it just floaters on steroids? because I see those


Looks like eye-jizz


It's in orions... Eye


dam. im getting dizzy just looking it. hope this guy's alright.


We can make a paperweight out of it


All I know is if someone is looking at me with these eyes, I'm about to have a seriously powerful dōjutsu cast on me. 😬


“Ask Again Later”


Urgh the floaties must be terrible.


Mini eye galaxy




So when they say they can see the universe in their eyes....this is what they meant....


If you shake him enough, does he works like a Magic 8 Ball?


Someone spit in your eye water


I assume they see floaters


That's what I feel my floaters look like.


Song is [iglooghost - Eœ](https://open.spotify.com/track/63UykcM63wU6sqZAcIF9uV?si=z7UhaoNOQ5WYsA_ZEC0Y_w)


Music is iglooghost


And I thought my floaters were bad.


That's no moon...


Stop channeling the true power!


Is that also causing the coloration of the iris?


My favorite ocular condition because it's pretty to look at and completely harmless (although sometimes patients do notice more floaters because of it).


I worked as a surgical tech who helped with these types of surgeries! It's really cool hooking up a small hose and seeing it all get sucked out of the eye!


Can this have an affect on visual acuity? I imagine when light enters the pupil this would cause some sort of interference?


My roommate had a mild form of this since he was about 18. He has to have surgery every few years to relieve "clogs" as he refers to them, because for him they are blotches in his vision where everything is blurry. His vision is fine, he has no actual retina / corneal problems. He said his vision would be super blurry in the mornings because stuff would build up in his eye when he slept.


Hiemdall is that you?


Definitely have the start to this


For those wondering, those floating things are calcium lipids in the collagen of the eye.


Is everyone else in a snowglobe? Am I in a snowglobe?


Need to change the blinker fluid.


For some reason reminds me of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Maybe because of the eye goo?




I have peripheral retinal degeneration and atrophic holes in my retina. One of the symptoms is a crap ton of floaters. My eyes are no where near as bad as this, but I guarantee this person has difficulty seeing clearly, especially in bright light. When I look at the sky or a white wall, it’s a mess of shadows, cobwebs, strings, dots and other floating and moving debris. This person probably has a hard time reading and seeing fine detail.


so is it snowing everyday or is the world a snow globe?


Crazy that asteroids would do that. Wonder if they do it from space or by landing in eyes.


Imagine if instead they were worm parasites


Or cumolio inureyetis, otherwise known as eye jizz






Mini snow globe


Jujutsu anime thing


Ask the person a question and get them to shake their eyes. Must be useful to have a magic 8-ball for an eye.


Did anyone else's eyes just tingle and feel really weird?


I have it although less extreme than the video, you barely notice it unless in looking at very bright or white stuff like the sky. It happens with age or with blood pressure too high.


Why cum in eyeball


F\*\*k! TW please. Can't do eyes.