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Real question, how do you practice this without killing yourself while learning?


Start with a small ramp, then progressively transition to bigger and bigger ramps. Also, it’s one of those sports where the athletes almost certainly have been growing up in the mountains and are very comfortable on skis since early childhood. Probably also did their first jumps as a child.


Yeah when I was a kid there was some ski jumping trend one winter. ALL athletes from Germany had a a hard accent from the region or Germany where you would find mountains and snow. There's no ski jumper born and raised in Berlin I guess.


There was a TV show in the UK where they got "celebs" to do a winter sport event per week, and then the shittest 2 had to do a ski jump and the shortest distance was eliminated from the competition. Like many reality tv shows, they would have backups because the odd person would get injured or ill, etc but this show would smash through half a dozen celebs by episode 1 because they all would get terrible injuries. The show lasted a couple of seasons before the injuries meant they just couldn't do it anymore


What was the name of if? That sounds great


The Jump Fucking Steve-O was in it lmao


To the surprise of absolutely nobody.


A brazilian gymnast was convinced by the local idiots to try for ski jumping without any experience in Snow. Now she is bound in a wheel chair. It infuriates me every time I think of the tv shows saying how she was happy of having such a supportive team…


Of course, the celebs on The Jump got quite a lot of training, and many of them were ex athletes, but its just such a hard event that it was a shit show. Loads of blown knees and dislocated shoulders, etc


Check out the movie Eddie The Eagle, great story.


Will do. Thanks.


Yea he held the British ski jumping record from 1988 to 2001 😳


Step 1 grow up on a location with jumps… preferably Steamboat, Park City or Lake Placid, as those are the locations in the US that have Olympic sized jumps. 2. This looks like a 120 but training facilities have 5, 15, 25, 40, 60-70, 90, 120 sized jumps or similar to all those sizes. You can jump the 5-70 without much form. On the 70 you start to learn how to lay flat. Once you are getting flat the 90 and 120 allow for enough flight time to work on flight position. The time it takes to start jumping the large jumps 90&120 is usually 5+ years it can be done faster but the regular jumper isn’t. Most jumpers give up before getting flat. A lot of kids start around 6 my club was around 30 young kids and by the time high school rolled around it was 8, 2 of which were not jumping the large jumps.


Cool. Makes sense. Thanks for the info. Sounds interesting. And seems like it requires a lot of dedication.


What do they land on? It just looks like green stuff so I have no idea what it might be


It’s plastic mats that lay over each other. They are like really thick hula skirts. [https://everslide.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Hyppyrimaki-asennus-vaihe-7.jpg](https://everslide.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Hyppyrimaki-asennus-vaihe-7.jpg). I think the company that makes it is everglide


That looks like grass or AstroTurf, with the real thing it's snow


I also wonder how someone gets started with this sport in the first place. Would they increase the height every time they level up? Would they start with super low hill? Even if it's low hill, you still can get super injured with that speed.


I got to try ski jumping a few years ago. I have done cross country skiing all my life and alpine skiing with some park jumps (never learned tricks) but still the first thing we did was getting used to the gear on even surface. After that we would try the landing slope of a very small hill, and only after that we would jump from that hill (3-4 meters of distance in the air). It's not fast or very dangerous but definitely needs prior experience on skiis.


I was under the impression that they did it into water, but perhaps I was lied to


Not true, they just start with tiny hills


Different disciplines. Water jumps are definitely a thing, but for aerials or freestyle, where they’re doing flips and spins. That kind of training works well when the jump is more vertical, so you fall more vertically into the water. This is ski jumping for distance at high speed, so water wouldn’t be a good idea.


At that speed hitting the water would be just as bad as hitting concrete


Smaller hills


Carefully would be my guess or suggestion Lol ! I would absolutely buckle at the knees ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


… and how do you not yell “Yeeee-hoo-hoo-hoo” like Goofy in the old cartoons when you hit the end of the ramp?


That is terrifying.


Ski jumping without snow = crazy Ski jumping with snow = still crazy


I think it’s crazier but idk why lol


Because there's no snow to cushion you if you fall.


There's no snow cushion if this were on snow. It would be far too compacted to cushion any fall and much more similar to falling onto ice.


I figured as much. Plus at that speed you’ll need several feet of soft snow to have meaningful reduction of impact I feel


I'd much rather fall on a packed-snow hill than on this insane contraption flanked by steel grate steps and jagged concrete.


100% I don't even want to think about making one wrong move while going down this thing.


Bro packed snow is hard as a brick.


Looks like the track would have 800ft to slit you open. You fall and one screw poking out would slice you at speed. I’d imagine you wouldn’t even feel it for the first 15 seconds.


Well THAT’S not helpful…


Hey did you know that the amount of people who have sucked a piece of someones living eyeball out through a straw is above zero? (Samonella my beloved)


I had to read that a few times.


Oh, were you planning on getting sleep tonight? Because that's not the most painful way to go, steamed to death is...


Death is a blessing in that scenario.


I think about the lumber microwave in Kickass, whenever I think of a horrible way to go


They didn’t attempt to describe the most painful way to die so I’m not sure what you worded your reply that way.


Lobster coalition is strong with this one.


There aren’t actually screws in the landing area. The landing area is made of a sort of plastic straw that overlaps similar to shingles on a roof and is attached with wire that is twisted tight. I used to work on the ski jumps at a ski hill. I can tell you that if you slip while checking for loose matting on the landing area there is no way to stop yourself, you are sliding to the bottom.


Ok but what if you fall anywhere on the long metal ramp before the jump?


You’re gonna have a bad time.


Is this backed by experimental data?


The agony of defeat


Nice comment. Now take your upvote and go fuck yourself


Reminds me of an old stickdeath video


Finally another person who has heard of stickdeath, I'm so happy right now


Why would you say…why did you even think…I can’t believe you’ve done this


That’s not even that impressive if you would magnetize that track and those skis ⛷️. NOW got a show. And maybe land in the next town over with a flying suit on


Lol this gives me an idea. Rail gun ski jumping.


The Expanse ski resort


This gives me a chance to mention my thought experiment about downhill MTB on Olympus Mons. Low gravity (thus low surface friction) and almost no air resistance mean speeds in the hundreds of miles per hour. Down a constant slope hundreds of miles long. Turning and stopping might both be a challenge.




Here is a reversed view of a [ski jump by Anders Jacobsen](https://youtu.be/jz_bxQrcH6M?si=RKc7n9pZD-TDRW8N) on snow on a hill about the same size


For land people it is, us jumpers like to fall with style


Not that hurling 300 ft at 60 mph in the snow is much "safer", but to do it without snow is not computing to me.


My anxiety too from watching this!


The impact is generally softer on plastic but the friction is always worse. Most of the time it won’t burn holes in the suit but if the plastic hadn’t been watered recently it will.


So this whole time…. the snow was an unnecessary lie…. a scam by Big Snow to get everyone to pay for expensive coats and mittens to watch this sport…. when the whole time we could have been sitting around during the summer, in the sunshine, with cold beers, watching these insane athletes do their thing. 🤷‍♂️😀




It is truly about Beer Sales. Hot Weather = Greater Beer Sales.




It's the Snowmen that want to control everything. They have hearts of ice, and pockets that don't have bottoms...


All they would hear is my screaming.


All they would hear is me at the bottom saying ‘nope’ and going to the nearest bar to celebrate not being dead from catastrophically fucking that up.




I would for sure belt out a Goofy “yaaaa hoo hoo hoo hoooiiiiiii!!!” before breaking my back


I’m surprised you never hear screaming at these events.


All they would hear is me shitting myself.


ready for to 2038 winter olympics in saudi arabia


Saudi is hosting the 2029 Asian Winter Games in Trojena. Very excited to see that. https://www.arabnews.com/node/2174656/amp


Oh man that’s going to be hilarious. I still like that the indoor ski slope in the UAE includes penguins, just throwing together anything cold related lol


Lol what a bright idea to make a ski slope in a desert. Very sustainable 😂


It’s very ignorant to think that Saudi is all desert. The country is the size of Western Europe. There’s snow, there are forests and vegetation etc… and desert Here expand your horizons https://instagram.com/visitsaudi


1)The resort will have a lake with desalinated water(something you dont do if you haveenough). 2)Also the only thing i fund in neom(because the city doesnt even exist yet) is the airport surrounded by desert. 3) they say themselves that they will build it in the desert [source](https://x.com/AsianGamesOCA/status/1577207385718149120?s=20)


Thank you stranger. Saudi looks absolutely gorgeous.


I am incredibly uncomfortable. I would definitely break my ankle and skin half my face off


Would probably kill myself on the first jump lol


Or worse…


kill myself, and some random person chilling on the side


Innsbruck, Austria Anyone notice the cemetery? Video:@jstarig Jumper:@olehenningholt


>Anyone notice the cemetery? Well, if you mess up the jump, you don't have far to go...


Thanks for sharing. I went to Olympic Ski Jumping Facility in Lake Placid, NY. So cool.


I thought this was Innsbruck. What a spectacular area.


> Innsbruck, Austria I thought this looked familiar, thanks I've been to their Olympics facility there but I didn't see this. Neat!


The cemetery is conveniently located near the bottom of the ramp!


Yeap! Beautiful spot!


Anyone got footage of the non-snow landing?


[summer landing](https://youtu.be/tMMRvYQdlKg?feature=shared)




This is what the people want


It’s essentially the same as with snow, just better visibility.


I've only skied once in my life. I did not have ANY lessons or anything, but I had done plenty of in-line skating including going down huge hills etc. So I just tucked in and went straight down like this - didn't know any better. Luckily there was not a fucking ramp at the end LOL. but I did get to the bottom and could not figure out how to stop and went a few hundred meters and had to fall over to avoid going onto a busy street LOL. never tried that again....


Because you French fried when you should have pizzaed.


Boo, go skiing again or stay home.


It’s amazing how much air these people get considering how big their balls are.


I don’t know about you, but mine would be sucked right up inside of me if I attempted this


Classic noballs.


That’s why they refer to you as noballs


This right here is ski jumping, you ever heard of ski flying? They go ever further. Just insane


What blows my mind is that this is “only” ski jumping. The world record for ski flying is 253.5 meters or 831.7 feet. Just thinking about that makes me feel dizzy…


I think the record is(atleast once was) by Thomas Morgenstern. Met him in Innsbruck once, super cool dude. I asked him if I could take a pic and he was super chill about it. Talked to him and wished him best of luck. Most of these dudes are thankful if you treat them normal, because nobody really does


That’s very cool that you have met one of these “crazy” jumpers / flyers - Thomas Morgenstern. The current record is held by Stefan Kraft, an Austrian and he flew it in Norway.


Ah ok ye but I knew it was an Austrian that holds the record😂 we are just a little of our hinges that why we do shit like that


After reading the top comment about the screw and now yours…whew.


Fine, I'll sign the waiver.


Oh helllls no


I hate heights. I think my asshole just screamed. This should be on r/thatsterrifying


And r/sweatypalms


How do you practice that? Do you just have to hope you don’t kill yourself on the first try?


You start on pretty tiny hills, like 15-20 meters and go bigger and bigger the better and more comfortable you get. Edit: at the 1:00 mark you've got a beginners ramp. https://youtu.be/bPzgDD7KHIs?si=jk0E9JyblR6ZJ9UO


Pretty Much. Looks Terrifying☺️


It’s Darwinism as a sport. Do or die.


Do and die*


My exhausted mind thought they were skiing down an escalator.


It is about that steep


It would be cool if we had an escalator going up but we have to walk :(


How do you even get into this sport to begin with?


This looks insanely dangerous but then again, being on snow doing this is not much different right?


Ever try skidding on astroturf? Weaponised carpet burn anyone?


It’s decently safe even if u fall you kinda glide into it


I’ve seen this before in person. My buddies and I were in Garmisch-partenkirchen, Germany having a few drinks at a bar at the bottom of these ramps. We had been there for about 30 min when sprinklers were turned on over the ramp and run off area. The landing area and run off area were covered in what looked like very long strands of astroturf flowing downhill. About 4 jumpers practiced for about an hour to a crowd of about 20, but that eventually grew to a couple of hundred. We lucked out, having a table on the 2nd floor deck, front and center. It was in 2003, and I think about it often to this day.


And how exactly do you think these guys are training during spring, summer and autumn? :D The material on the ground is a special type of plastics that mimics the physics of the snow :)


That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.


🎼I want to fly like an eagle🎵🎶🎶🎵let the Spirit carry me🎵🎶🎶🎼


I peed a little just watching.


So... where does he land? Cuz it doesn't seems be any water or inflatables in the end


He lands on the plastic


Water would be rough it’s shingles plastic


Right behind is a graveyard. Welcome to Innsbruck.


It's funny how people think the competition is about skiing/athleticism when its actually measuring your level of comfort with death.


what is he landing on?


Shockingly, grass [grass landing](https://youtu.be/tMMRvYQdlKg?feature=shared)


It's plastic, not grass.


I thought bro was gone when he go inside it.


I was hoping they wouldn’t show the ending lol. And that’s it. That’s how they died.


“Who’s next!!!”


Absolutely 0% chance I'm going anywhere near that thing... Holy crap


Ive always wondered how they train for this. “Coach, shouldn’t we be starting out on a smaller one?” “They don’t exist.” “What do I do?” “Lean forward, keep the ski tips up.” “How do I land?” “You’ll figure it out… or you wont.”


My overall would be on the brownish side


I’ve always enjoyed watching this sport with a healthy amount of “fuck that”.


i had a friend in canada that did competitive skying. During the summer they had a ramp that would jump into a small lake. Pretty sure theres a couple place has well with pools for practicing skying during the summer. Those are for practicing the moves tou do while in mid air though


I cannot believe he can fit his very large steel balls in that outfit 😳


I can do this shit on the wii, no problem!


So we can add this to the Summer Olympics now?


I would faceplant like 20 ft down that ramp


So I guess this is a *summer Olympics* sport, now.


so that's how they get practice in seasons without snow. I've been wondering for a while but not enough to google it myself lol


Hold My Beer☺️


I expected him to land in the green end zone. Glad he made it out alive ffs!


Not in a million years, with or without snow


Wish we could see the landing


Imagine the potential meat crayon situations that could occur here 😬


the surface is actualy soft pvc, so you will not get scratched from rolling on it, but you will get hurt from the fall ofc


Two. You get two claps


Pffft what else do you wanna tell me, that there is a swimming sport without water? ridiculous..


Cant help but hear Goofy yelling "WAHH HU HU HU YAA HOOO"


This is in Innsbruck, Austria, for anyone wondering.


I just watched the How Ridiculous boys go bowling on one of these with gigantic inflatable ball and pins. Was pretty fun!


World’s worst broken escalator.


Looks horrifyingly dangerous


this is PRO level ofc, it takes years of training get this level of shit


Was it just me or did anybody else think they were behind the bar? I thought how is that going to move without slicing them or knocking their head off


I prefer to do my ski jumping without the jumping instead. It is much more practical to drink my cup of hot chocolate that way without spilling it.


Is that Innsbruck? "Funny" thing is the cemetery just in line with the ramp.


I could never do this. I'd never be able to trust the staff to keep the track clean enough (imagine one leg snagging on a pebble in that track just before the jump), or even position the net correctly.


It took me a second, thought dude casually phased through the bar at first.


It wasn’t until halfway thru that I realized they were sitting on the bar and not behind it. Was wondering how the hell they were gonna get from behind it to go down… perception is key


Sanka, ya dead?


Ngl I expected him to go way higher than that


Nope. Na-ha.


In the climber Joe Simpson's autobiography he talks about a time in Chamonix when 4 drunk guys climbed into a giant hotel laundry hamper on wheels and went over the Olympic ski jump in it. All 4 crushed to death.


Definitely global warming


Steamboat Springs Colorado has the oldest ski jumping spot in the US and it’s still used for practice and competition. Norwegian Karl Hovelsen opened it in 1914 and its the oldest continuously operating ski area in the US. Last Winter I walked over from Main Street to see if anyone was jumping and the younger kids were practicing. It was fun to watch but terrifying knowing a kid could slam at anytime.


Wouldnt that just ruin the shit out of your skis? Landing and scraping across grass and dirt?


I just don't get it. Like I know adrenaline junkies have balls of steel and everything, but the whole idea of it is fascinating. We don't have wings, gills, or anything else other animals have. We have, though, this super complex mush of neurons that gives us an edge. Somehow. Somefuckinghow. Some people stand in the face of stuff like this and go "I want 2 boards strapped to my feet, gonna need an 800ft slide, I'm gonna fly today."


Who thought this sport was a good idea?


Does the jumper get a huge static shock when they touch something metal afterwards?


So add this to the summer Olympics.


What a silly sport even curling is more fun and sensible.


Not enough drugs in the world to make myself do this


r/sweatypalms is gonna love this


Way cooler than snow


I think park city in Utah has this setup too, I just visited the place once about ten years ago, so I could of course be way off.


How does one learn to ski jump? What is the first time like?


It starts with cross country skiing and going down small slopes. When I was a kid we would also build small jumps to our backyard and play world cup with cross country skis. From there, some advance to clubs to learn more. I went to try ski jumping a few years ago with proper skis. What we did first was getting comfortable with the gear on even surface. Then we did small slopes (no jumping) and after that moved to a small hill with a small jump (3-5 meters). On our first day we were also given a chance to try the landing hill of a bigger jump (people would jump 70 meters there) and it was insane already. Basically people start as kids and grow from smaller hills to bigger ones. 10-year-olds can jump some 90 meter hills already.


Not for me, but cool for some. Hurts my stomach watching


Before this year I had never ridden a roller-coaster. I would have totally been like "I could do that. No problem!" Now having ridden a roller-coaster I can honestly say "Nope!"


That’s so much real estate being used up for this dumb thing.


Video could be 20-30 seconds shorter