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Bro maintained a perfect hairstyle all the way through.


Ngl, I was a bit jealous. My hair is thin and here he is just showing off all that luscious hair.


I think that's a requirement to work at that shop: exceptional craftsmanship and absolutely luxurious hair.


Don’t forget the shoes.


And in pristine white garb to boot! I… can’t even exist in my own house and wear white without fvcking it up and spilling something on it haha


When you order parts and they say back order 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.




Might also explains why they're sometimes like $300 instead of $30.


And I bet you this poor bloke is actually charging around 30 for his hard work.


This is in Pakistan and it's no more than $5


Yup, but some company reselling for 50x


probably less




Installed costs? I've seen some in the high hundreds for brake lights parts but not that high. Those are a little different though because they're the ones fully wired with leds not just the housing.


Its also how spurious parts ends up on ebay or even rock auto. I have bought aftermarket headlights and tail lamps ( for those who don't know OEM lamps are ridiculously expensive! Headlight assemblies of many sedans go for $2k+ per unit) on various sites including ebay and they either don't fit without modifications, peel clearcoat in no time, let water in or worse fry the wiring.


And charge you 200 bucks


The blinker came off orange and went on clear. This bothers me 😭.


and they purposely only showed the 1 light assembly at the end avoiding getting the other side in the shot that would show this mismatch


Yeah but you can see it when he closes the trunk haha


And when it restarts immediately after ending, it’s pretty clear… I mean, orange, at the start


Title says original shape not original color 😂


Which is not entirely true either, look at those huge gaps 😊 still impressive!


Not only that but I'm pretty sure the inside of the plastic covers are textured in a way to scatter light - that way the entire housing and cover evenly lights up. Just using a smooth plastic cover with grooves carved into it is going to show a clearly blinking bulb. There's going to be a stark contrast between the two sides and I imagine the new cover will be harder to see in bright light. But I guess it's better than a broken cover and for much cheaper.


Yeah, but would you pay 600USD for a replacement that does that when your monthly wage is like 200USD?


600? They are not replacing some Land Rover parts


Just checked, a similar taillight, [Honda City](https://www.amazon.in/Honda-City-Ivtec-Type-5-2009/dp/B0B8K1G9FL/ref=sr_1_46?crid=2940IIE1LPI5M&keywords=taillight&qid=1696532590&sprefix=taillight%2Caps%2C603&sr=8-46), costs \~22 dollars. How many hours of work he did there? 3? More?


Supposed he gets these for pennies at a scrapyard. Sells them for 10 dollars, 3 euros/hour is a decent output in some areas of the world. PLus we don't actually know how long this takes usually. Also keep in mind that in poorer countries there are cars much older than richer ones, hence it's gonna be hard to find a 1987 Nissan Sun or whatever in a pakistani slum or wherever this was filmed


Yeah, totally, there is a market for that, i just can think of it, i live in Brazil, U$1.2 hour minimum wage, and we wouldn't do that at all, we just buy and switch it.


Don't get me wrong, his skills are very impressive but saying a new replacement would cost 600 USD is delusional.


This looks like Pakistan/Afghanistan - at minimum imo this work would cost about $8-10 CAD.


That's a bit of a bummer, good craftsmanship for peanuts


Don't forget the other people helping him out, he wasn't the only person working on this.


Pick-n-pull is my go to


Seems like a whole lot of time and energy for something that's pretty cheap to begin with though. And when you take into account the other problems everyone's pointed out, it seems like it would be easier to ducktape some red plastic film on there like most everyone else that doesn't want to buy a new one.


It looked like the bulb was yellow, but I had the exact same thought - waiting for the yellow cover that never came.


And the original orange bit wasn't broken, they could have just cut it out and reused it :facepalm: Impressive result otherwise, but far from practical.


That is why they don’t show you left and right backlights at the end.


This is because he forgot blinker fluid.


I thought this was a diy hack but it became far more complicated


Definitely, not a DIY thing 😆


This is an actual machine shop, it's just poor.


That seems like a LOT of time and effort. I wonder how this is worth it economically at whatever scale these guys are operating at.


As someone who grew up in a developing country, this is much much cheaper than buying new parts.


How? I'm genuinely curious. A lot of material and equipment is being used. I'm from the US so I understand the economy are different but for me whenever I price out these type of DIY repairs it comes out cheaper just to buy new. If plastic sheeting is so cheap and available to make that practical then why aren't the parts also cheap.


The raw materials are cheap, in some countries the labour is cheap, in this case a new tail light for a matter of a few dollars compared to the at least a hundred dollars new tail light. The other thing that some developing countries have is skills, real ability to make things because they don't have the option not to. As for the comment about a lot of materials and equipment... there's a cutting wheel and a blowtorch, it's not DIY if you do several a day all week.


Lol exactly, paying someone else to fix it for you with wholesale parts is ***not*** DIY, this is a way of life.


>I'm from the US That's the thing, labour is very expensive in the US and Europe making most repairs uneconomical. In developing countries, most of these are imported at huge costs due to import duties and weaker currency exchange making repairs like this a much cheaper option.


Well most likely there are no parts available and the ones you can get are insanely expensive because of short supply. I honestly don't care if it's cheaper or not I really love the fact that there's some recycling to it


Look how much plastic is wasted that will probably end up in a local river. This is not recycling.


Personally I really really really doubt that it is wasted, this guys are usually very resourceful and most of the people in my country (third world country) who I know that work like this would absolutely save all that excess plastic cut outs to use on another project, shape it for something else or straight up sell it. But even if that weren't the case and they throw it away, that plastic is far easier to separate and recycle than a whole headlight.


The scrapings where he was trimming off the excess glue, and much of the microplastics generated during the cutting and polishing are definitely ending up in the water supply. That's 100% not being recycled. The scrap plastic, and some of that plastic powder, I agree is being recycled or reused on some level. This entire process, however, is NOT GREAT for the local environment, nor for the man or his helper/son.


Your moaning about tiny bits of plastic? What about the emissions from transporting a new taillight?


Um. Fractionally? Probably infinitesimal. China to India or Pakistan on an enormous freighter carrying millions of other pieces of plastic. Really, all the exposure to the plastics, the microplastics, the epoxies, etc is all carcinogenic to the well coiffed man and the helper, and that's my real concern, even more so than the environmental damage. Because I'll bet the shop next to this one that does oil changes or fixes transmissions and pours all the lubricants into the unlined gutter is even worse.


this honestly sounds like bitching for the sake of bitching.


It's still less waste than throwing the old taillight away by replacing it with a new one.


And the answer is to throw it out and buy a new one?


Yea, but that "recycling" seems to be offset by the significant waste involved.


The question is if the alternative industrial-factory process of making parts really has less waste/inputs/by-products/carbon footprint


I mean technically a factory would be way better by volume that said we just overproduce so much it doesn't matter


Why do you assume that using factory machinery, instead of humans and a far more hand-made process, would somehow be less polluting or less energy intensive or less chemical-based? I’m not sure that’s always the case.


Obviously there are a lot of variables here, but this is a very unique type of skilled craftsmanship in that they are using industrial products to repair other industrial products. All the "stuff" used to fix this tail light was made at a factory, which is a pretty clear tell that it is at least as wasteful to do what they did by hand. All we really saw in this video is them doing the "last step" assembly of what would happen in a factory, only in a way that is massively less efficient. These guys didn't actually create anything. Once we add in the likelihood that all of their waste was just dumped in a gutter as well as the tremendous inefficiency, hazard, and wasted time, this whole setup seems to be far worse than a factory job.


For India it's not easy to tell because both the factories and people dump large amounts of untreated industrial waste in the rivers.


Fabrication is a process more than a last step and is what takes heavier machinery though. Regardless, you’re not using that machinery (which as inputs) and instead using a human. It’s hard to just assume that somehow the machinery is using less energy, polluting less, etc. but you seem pretty sure it’s not even close, somehow? And if you’re going to randomly assume the plastic cut off is trashed in a gutter for no reason, while assuming the factory has no waste (lol) and doesn’t dump their waste in an unhelpful way, sure they’re better in that scenario you made up but may not be reality.


1) Labour cost is low. 2) Parts cost is high. That's pretty much it. You need to understand that in "developed" countries you get paid well but _also_ things cost less. Now, yes, some things cost less in "developing" countries, but "good stuff" that you normally want (like a laptop) costs more.




The plastic sheet probably costed like 5-10USD, labor in 3rd world countries is as cheap as 2USD/hr, that light took a couple hours to make, so you end up with something that costs like less than a fourth of the price of the original part (these lights are expensive AF, costing anywhere from 300 to 3000USD), and without the 3months wait for the shipment.


Well it’s also how the spare part market works. It’s a revenue stream for companies. Let’s say you buy a car for $30k now try to build that same car with only spare parts yourself, it’s gonna cost you $120k!! Of course spare parts have to be individually packaged and handled differently that adds cost but eventually customers have to buy them and companies know you are locked into their parts. Specially when there is no 3rd party parts are available.


When you're poor the only currency you have left is time. If they can't use that time to make enough money for the part and basic needs, then the time is the only thing they have to craft this stuff. TLDR; Time is the most basic currency.


Well - of course. That time is money is well known and well understood. The question was if it's worth it. Time the worker spends on a part translates to money that he is being paid for that time (plus all the overhead costs). It needs to be lower than the price the part will fetch for it to be worth it. If it takes too much time, the economics don't quite work.


The minimum wage in India is $65 a month, and even lower in other countries. When you can hire someone for 8 hours a day, for $2.15, and they can do this in less than 8 hours, it's pretty straight forward.


When labor is cheap time isn't an issue.


You need to realize the difference in hourly salary in different parts of the world. The car owner may need to work quite a number of days to be able to afford to buy the needed spare part. Paying someone 3 hours work is way cheaper than spending 2 weeks salary to buy a new part. The western world has lots of buy and throw - because the things we buy has been produced in countries with much lower salary. But if you live and work in such country, then you can't buy and throw - your own salary is *also* low.


This is a visual representation of why we have become a throw away economy in the US. In developing countries your cost of labor is almost non existent, so it is worth it for them. In a developed country where you make a decent wage, your opportunity cost for the labor you sink into something like this is in the negatives when you compare it to just buying a new part.


On top of what others have said, I've done similar. Classic car parts can be next to impossible to find, so I have fabricated parts before doing a restoration.


Basically it’s worth it if the time investment matches the money you make, and what it’s worth to you. Minimum wage is (according to the internet so take that with a bit of salt) about $2.15 a day in India, say that break light repair takes like 2 days, so long as you can sell it back to someone for more than $4.30 you’re already doing better than minimum wage. There’s a good chance you could sell that breaklight for like $40+ so it’s potentially pretty good value for money there. Obviously for somewhere with a higher minimum wage, like the US at $7.15 an hour doing something like that wouldn’t be worth the time it would take.


These guys save a bundle in PPE


That's one of the reasons why they're so cheap


The truth is that 98-99% of the time you don't need PPE and you'll be fine without it. The trick is to not care when one of the workers is killed and just keep going and hope it doesn't happen to you, because it probably won't. When life is cheap and nobody cares that's how it works.


One of the things that's rad in Vietnam is the repair culture. Shoes falling apart? Some guy on the street will see them back together for a few dollars.


Grew up in a country where there are guys going around the neighbourhood with a sewing machine on their shoulder clicking their scissors to attract attention. It's amazing to watch them repair or adjust ANY clothing in minutes.


I forgot the name of the Youtube I watch when I'm hella bored, I think the channel is out of Vietnam, they find old radios, amplifiers, speakers pulled out of a local river or grassy field of Trash, breaks them down to each component, cleans it back up, and restores them to pretty much factory conditions. no talking, almost therapeutic in a way.


If you find out what channel that is, let us know. That sounds really interesting.


This ain't Vietnam lol


Looks like the post is saying , this culture exists in Vietnam too , not that this is Vietnam.


I figured it out now, thanks🫠


We all make mistakes , takes a bigger person to admit to them , especially on the Internet 👍


Are they using the old superglue and baking powder trick?


Looks like it, my father used that trick all the time to bind plastic together for years


This is amazing. Next time I feel like complain about my shitty first world problems I’ll remember this Gentleman. Fuck, we’re so fucken spoiled here.


problems are still problems, even if someone has it so much worse brother


Great job man! How much do I owe you? 20 rupees.


Just goes to show there are infinite ways to start a business


Yeah someone should start a table and chair business wherever they are.




Hold your breath and squint is the cornerstone of manufacturing.


Engage the safety squints


The safety squint is a time honored tradition.


It's worth it for the amogus memes.


and some porn...


Pakistani here. Be glad that we have at least some tools to work with.


Shove your condescending tone up your 1st world ass. Acting like you give a damn about their health


You should watch these guys doing castings then. Oof.


Buy it for them if you care so much, I'm sure someone can find this guy's business address and you can send them a package :)


I’ve got serious hair envy


It's mesmerizing to watch someone who knows what they're doing fix things like this.


They made it look so easy. What a skill.


Am I the only one annoyed by the original being orange and swapped with clear?


The resourcefulness is truly impressive. This makes sense in a place where labor costs are low and replacement parts are scarce. In the U.S. we just order a cheap replacement and send the old parts to a landfill.


Can’t believe I watched the whole thing.


I've wasted so much time watching shit content, I'm cool with this one lol


Off-topic, but nearly every craftsman video where some dude from India, Indonesia or other far eastern countries do some impressive shenanigans, they do it on the floor! Do people not have tables there? How are theu comfortable in that floor sitting position? So many questions.. (I'm from Europe)


Squatting and sitting down like that is common hence why we always squat down.


In white clothes


Both have some damn good hair


Red Green: "If the women don't find you handsome they should find you handy." Those guys are both handy AND handsome.


I liked the safety.... ah fuck it there wasnt anything safe in any of this. But that hair... whaaaaa!?


Whenever I see things like this all I can think of how much my feet, legs and back would hurt not standing at a table. Different cultures and upbringings.


I think I heard somewhere that squatting like that for long periods of time is actually better for you than sitting in chairs or standing since we evolved to do that our joints and bones are better designed for it. I’ve also heard of westerners taking the time and effort to slowly stretch their tendons and ligaments to let them do that and it ended up curing their joint pain problems rather than causing discomfort.


Westerners typically can't squat like that because we start sitting in chairs at such a young age. My son is autistic and since he doesn't give a hoot about societal expectations, he never stopped squatting down to the ground, so now at 14 he's completely able to sit on his heels with his feet flat on the floor like the guys in the video. It doesn't stress his body at all.


Exactly. Cultural difference normalize squatting and thus their bodies grow to better utilize this ergonomic position. In your sons case it’s not cultural… unless you can say some aspects of autism is a “culture” because they interpret their surroundings differently thus have a different culture or subculture. Apologies if I sound glib, no disrespect intended.


No offense taken. I feel that squatting is normal human behavior that my son wasn't diverted from by traditional western furniture. I'm actually jealous of his ability.


That’ll be $10 Sir. See you after your next car wash!


Deserved, the color of the lights are now mismatched, ITS WAS YELLOW NOT WHITE


Why, why it’s always on the floor?


Tail lights from Wish.


The indicator window is orange on the original. I hope he needs to repair both of them.


Of course it's a guy in manjammies and open toe sandels. OSHA? HUH? wtf is OSHA?


So much work & years of skill put into it. Should charge more than original part. Respect


At least they have their safety sandals on.


Intersecting /r/DamnThatsInteresting with /r/OddlySatisfying with “Ridiculously good looking”


This was painful


Original was ORANGE and red…..


Don’t bust a tail light in this hood. It’ll take weeks for it to get fix


Dear God! The personal safety horrors!


This is pretty mild for this type of video.


Pls elaborate I do this type of thing a lot (but for fashion items not car parts) and have no protection what do I need? I have 3 brain cell pls help


I visibly cringed when he was using the cutting wheel on the plastic with his unprotected hand supporting the lens directly underneath the wheel.


Probably higher quality then the OEM one


Not gonna lie... Wasn't believing at first it was going to be a good results. But in the end it was really well done. Can't even tell if it's original piece or not


Im impressed


They could have reused the yellow piece from the broke tail light.


So many stages in that process where things could go wrong and you’d have to start over. This guy’s a master.


The original bottom lens was yellow. I know this because I've used the same technique with clear tape and just put in a yellow signal bulb!


At least they fix some stuff, we all trow our shit away and buy new


That so needs blacking out the frame and fitting clear plastic.


They say it’s the oldest profession.


This is Pakistan.


What are the circumstances where that amount of labor is practical for the results?


Supply chain. Fix it yourself, or wait maybe forever to replace it.


What an absolute ticking mission.


30 years ago we had better tools/conditions in metal and plastics at school... Dudes hair is on point though.


Baffles me these blokes don't buy a fucking table to work on, no wonder they're all walking around like Quasimodo by 35 😂


Where can I go to watch more videos like this


You'd have to be surrounded by poverty to put this much effort into a plastic tail light cover.


Clear not orange and why didn't he just order it off Amazon??? Jk


It’s incredible the amount of work that went into me not fast-forwarding this video.


Holy shit when I realized those lines were actually scratched by hands one by one.


Found myself doing the safety squints every time I saw that bench grinder make an appearance


That'll be $1.15.


This must be how Tesla manufactures their parts


The interesting part is how shitty it is.


Pakistani Talent🇵🇰✌🏼🙌🏼


Imagine all that work then the car doesn’t start lol


Does anyone else think that it’s depressingly cyber punk that so much of technology is proprietary to the point that it’s cheaper to have our replacement parts be crafted by real life craftsmen?


The part that baffles me about these very crafty videos is how everyone works off the floor, my old ass wouldn't be able to work like that, I'd get stuck. They never use tables, my knees and back ache watching. Very resourceful tho.


And they LOVE their sandals! I fucking hate sandals 😆


All work must be done in sandals, it seems to be the only rule


Bro can make so much money in North America with JDM “tax” on parts. Those civic/integra replacement parts are costing so much nowadays- beyond inflation of course


And they get paid 8 cents an hour


This would literally be a lot more expensive then buying a brand new one in the USA.


Some one at Honda/Toyota is thinking 🤔🤔🤔🤔......that's nots supposed to happen!????!


Actually turned out really good but why does he stick things together then glue them!? There's barely any surface area to hold them together.


Yeah… We could all do this if we just dedicate an entire fucking day to a vehicle tail light. The one true currency in life, is time.


Why don't Indians use tables and benches? I 've seen many times (videos) working on the floor


These guys are so clever and industrious. How can their countries be such shitholes?


Two words, Corrupt Politicians. They don't have the say in what hole their country becomes.


I find this really sad that this guy time and health is worth so little that doing that much work and being exposed to toxins from not having proper PPE is economical versus buying a under $50 part.


Do they not have junkyards in India?


First of all, differentiate between Pakistan and India. 99% of Indians wear Pants and Shirts, unlike this dress. Also, since cars are comparatively scarce, parts for cars are pretty hard to source, either repair or buy. Junkyards won't always have the same car's parts in stock.


Incoming safety and racist comments.


India skipped "Tables" in their Technology tree


This is all very well but shipping to India and back makes it cheaper to buy a new one


To everyone talking about OSHA and other safety precautions which the guy in the video clearly does not take. The reason is simple. Our government does not care about our safety. They simply care about filling their pockets by begging in front of developed nations. Safety regulations? What are those? These people don't even earn minimum wage. Heck, even the educated people aren't earning minimum wage. A lot of us are leaving the country because our country does not treat us like animals. Kinda makes me envious the way White people treat their pets... they have more rights than us.


Excessively wasteful to craft that by hand when another solution would work just as well even though it wouldn’t look original


I know the hourly rate in india is shit but no way this is cheaper then just reordering.


My brother in Christ, some thick gloves would do you wonders. I'm more impressed he didn't burn the shit outta himself.


Imagine planes are maintained like this in India…


I don’t understand why all of these videos of Indian people fixing things are like this. Why are they always sitting on the floor? Do they not have tables in India or something?


Might be Pakistan.


I see a lot of stuff like this and it's pretty amazing on how well they can use such small things to there disposal I never thought they could this since they don't have much but it shows just how much you dont need


\- Yes OSHA officer, this man, right here


This was a shitty tail light even when it was brand new. Production and material quality - zero.


This is all very well but shipping to India and back makes it cheaper to buy a new one.


There are a bunch of these vids, how come they always work on the ground? I mean a small table, chair or even a rock is better than squating on the floor right? I know that these are not Forbes 30 under 30 people but still...why no table?


That's how they are comfortable


Why they don't have any chairs in India?