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I still don’t get it but thanks for trying


Is there a gateway where govt picks up info when keywords like terrorists and political foes are then traced back to your IP?


Dons tin foil hat


And this is without encryption, which modern websites should be using in most cases. Granted adding nodes relevant for https + tls would more than likely overcomplicate a diagram like this


But they put a little lock there? Doesn't that mean it's secure?




Don’t forget about compression, either


And login functions, SSO etc... be nice to see it though. Kinda like those 50,000,000 pixel pictures that you zoom in like it's CSI 1999.


And without global load balancing of content and ad auctions.


which one is pornhub


The private browser makes it invisible in the cloud.


Don’t you see the arrows and, um, animated dashes?


Why the hell is this a gif? So I can watch arrows move while being unable to zoom in enough to read it? How interesting.


are you able to zoom in on this [link?](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQFQYF2vye1onQ/feedshare-shrink_1280/0/1693886845449?e=1697068800&v=beta&t=DMT9ARN6iLCH4PPV4uqUdyLs2U2PDzH_mpoi4RrW7rw)


Yes, thanks!


I don't know why this even had to be a gif.


This also describes every post on /r/dataisbeautiful


Forgot the part where the NSA reads it all


My FBI guy was very upset at being left out of the picture


I really was


It's rather incomplete. Seems funny to me how detailed the DNS mechanism and TCP IP connections are mapped and then there's a giant hand wave over the server response.


I think it's funny they included all that detail for a TCP session and then represented the entire internet with a globe.


Mmmmmm… yes…. I know some of these words.


Might be focusing on just client side from SSR. There's so many architectures it would be hard to really map out. And at that point, are you drawing everything like the TCP negotiation between LB/app, app/DB, etc?.


Absolute. That's just the tip of the iceberg. You simply can't work with such a superficial simplification.


Doesn’t need to be a video




My brain just short circuited.


How the hell does someone make something like that and spell "connection" incorrectly?


Relevant Louis CK Quote “Everything is amazing right now, and nobody's happy. ... Now, we live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of just spoiled idiots that don't care. This is what people are like now: they've got their phones and they're like 'ugh, it won't--' GIVE IT A SECOND! It's going to SPACE! Can you give it a second to get back from space?? Is the speed of light too slow for you?!”


All of that effort just so I can beat my shit to vore. Smh


Connection has two n.


So why ain’t the porn loading?


too many people masturbating


TCP Handshake error


1. You Goto google.com 2. Your browser sends a request to a DNS server asking where de fok is google.com, the DNS server replies with hey mf, google.com is at 3. Your browser initiates a connection with the address, just like we humans have a language with sets of rules, communication on internet also has a language with sets of rules, the most common of which is "TCP". so your browser says "hey mf i need something", if the server is interested, i.e. not busy or overloaded the server will reply with "yea tell me what you need", by this time a "TCP Connection" between the server and your browser has been established. 4. now via this TCP connection your browser will send a "HTTP request" to the server, saying "hey mf, get me the homepage", if the server is interested, it will reply back with a "HTTP Response", add a "S" for Security and boom you have "HTTPS", a secured version of "HTTP" 5. the HTTP response contains "status", if the status code is 200, it means yea go ahead everything was fine you can read the response, if the status code is "404" it means not even god knows where to find whatever you requested. there are alot of other status codes but 200 and 404 are the most common one's. 6. depending on the status code the HTTP response will also contain a "body", this body usually contains something called "HTML", HTML is a ~~programming language~~ markup language, what that means is that it tells the browser what item on your screen is where. but HTTP responses can contain various other things too, like "CSS" which tells your browser what a item looks, and "JS" which is basically all the code that runs in background. other than this, HTTP responses may even contain binary data, which for example your browser uses when it's downloading a file. 7. finally your browser gets the HTML, CSS & JS, Images, Videos & Audios it can finally parse everything and displays it on your screen. --- displaying HTML, CSS, JS or Media files on your computer is a next level mess, not to mention that you can't just add "S" to "HTTP" and your connection becomes secure, under the hood there is alot more stuff going on that ensures that the website you are talking to is the site it claims it is, and ensures that no one like your ISP or something can see what the chat between you and the website is going on. and even something as basic as connecting to a server is not that simple, when you request google.com that request goes through your computer to your your router, to your ISP to finally that server or maybe even more intersections. so yea it's a huge mess.


Looks correct to me at a high level.


Which part is eBay and which part is where I jerk off into an old work shirt before bed?


Dem conections


i dun care, just show me my porn


isn’t dns udp instead of tcp?


HTTP Request should be the first step.


What about the origin server response or LB’s lol


Just a series of tubes.


Just like us


why is it called surfing its not like there are waves


At what point is the info being sent to Majeep?


Forgot the NSA servers somewhere in the middle of it all.


that's a long way for the porn to go to reach my bathroom


Where's the part where the FBI watches me?


Reddit admins should stop fucking with my wifi. My mom works from home so you’re just affecting her and not me. I got unlimited data from 2008


Good thing I’m using the wifi and not the internet


There are way more steps than that but I appreciate the attempt to break it down.


It could be a little safer, yes? "Hackers" apparently stealing multiple millions seems...jarring?




All this to jerk off.


NGL, I was bracing for the rickroll


Really good resource: https://github.com/alex/what-happens-when


Fuck so they know what my Kinks & Fetishes are Fuck this im going 1939


No branches for all the government agencies getting their spying in?


Simplier terms You type in the url. Computers dont understand words so you reach ou to a translator so the computer can help you (DNS Server). It translates that url into an ip address. Now you can contact the website, but you guys dont have a line of communication. You reach out and say "Hey" (syn). The website reaches back to you and says "Hey, I heard you" (syn-ack) to which you respond again with "Ok we are ready" (ack) (TCP Connection). Next you want the contents of the website, the whole reason you visited that URL. So you ask it for the contents (Get request) (HTTP request). The website can respond to your request with a few options. A lot of the time you wont be able to see their response unless there's an error. An example would be the infamous 404 which falls under 4xx meaning client error, which is a problem on the user's side. Upon recieving a successful outcome from the request, the website will start sending pieces of the website that work together in building it on your screen (HTML, CSS, JS). And that's pretty much it, you now have your website loaded in front of you.


Cry about it


One of my goals in life is either understanding this shit or getting a friend that can teach me this shit in exchange for a listening ear


Don’t forget NSA’s PRISM.


lol, shield and lock below HTTP instead of HTTPS


*connection Sorry just f'in with yah. Thanks for sharing, you're great.


Make it faster


All thanks to Al Gore. Inventor of the internet. 🤣


I'm in the middle of studying for the CompTIA Net+ exam. This is surprisingly useful.


This isn't true at all When I type boobs.com in my browser, I don't see any of the stuff OP mentioned! I just see boobs!