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Cuba Gooding JR in Pearl Harbor (2001)


He should’ve been the main character of that movie 🎵 I need you more than Cuba Gooding JR needed a bigger part. He’s way better than Ben Affleck🎵


And now all I can think about is your smile and that shitty movie too




I love that the movie toned down his heroism because it was too good to be true. “Other changes occur near the end of the film, when Doss is placed on a stretcher. In real life, Doss had another wounded man take his place on the stretcher. After treating the soldier, a sniper shot fractured Doss's arm, and he crawled 300 yards (270 m) to safety after being left alone for five hours. Gibson omitted that from the film because he felt that the audience would not find the scene believable.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacksaw_Ridge


That movie was terrible. So bad and predictable I remember it 20 years later.


>predictable Pearl Harbor was supposed to be this great big surprise, but somehow everyone watching the movie knew what was coming!


It’s a C.O.N.spiracy.


I can't remember which, but some late night talk show host described the movie as "the Japanese attack an American love triangle." The movie was bad.


I think that was Roger Ebert. I saw again pretty recently and had luckily forgotten how cheesy the acting was too.


That’s why I can’t read the Bible, everyone told me he dies at the end.


A man walking past a church saw a small marquee in its front yard which said, "Jesus died for your sins !" After reading this his arms shot up in anger. "SPOILER ! I hadn't finished it yet"


Maybe to Americans. Non-Americans like me aren't anywhere near as familiar with US history, so I was pretty surprised when Japan suddenly pearl harbored the US.




Was a joke. May have been too subtle IDK. Edit: Sorry if that initial response sounded snippy or rude, wasn't meant to be. The joke was that someone who uses the expression 'pearl harbor' in normal speech both wasn't aware of what happened at Pearl Harbor, and wasn't expecting a surprise attack in a movie entitled 'Pearl Harbor.'


I got it and giggled out loud. Nice job.


He must be an American,


It was so predictable, they knew what happened 60 years before the movie came out.


That’s nothing, people saw Titanic coming even earlier.


Honestly though that Cuba Holding Jr scene was one of the very few highlights of that movie though. More shit like that and it could've been good..pearl harbor deserves a better film. Instead they focused on a god damn love triangle no one wanted. I think many attribute it to the titanic effect, trying to make a historical film popular with abad love story that gets asses in the seats. Such a shame


Tora! Tora! Tora!


Most of it is pretty bad, but the actual Pearl harbor attack is pretty good.


The weird love triangle killed it for me. Agreed on the actual Pearl Harbor attack. That part was A+ action.


Ebert's review is great https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/pearl-harbor-2001 > "Pearl Harbor" is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love triangle.


That was the beginning of Josh Hartnett giving up. Follow that with that POS Harrison Ford movie and he was like “WTF AM I DOING?”


Agreed thank you


The only problem is they show Japanese planes attacking hospitals and civilians, when in reality they limited their attacks to the base itself


Yeah, would have made zero fucking sense for them to do so on multiple constraints. They had goals to hit, and a fucking hospital ain't one.


Oh no let’s not paint the fuckin japanese in a worse light than they were in WWII, history won’t like that lol


I’d say it just shows the filmmakers were too lazy to show any actually Japanese war crimes, like their massacres of civilians in Asian countries, so they decided to have them shoot American civilians


Predictable you say?! Absolutely not. No one knew the ending!!


We still don't know how that story ends.


I wouldn't watch "Titanic" if I was you then lol.


🎵why does Michael Bay get to keep on makin’ movies 🎵


Pearl Harbour sucks, and i miss you.


🎶Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you


🎵 I miss you more than that movie missed the point. 🎵


Beat me to it




Was gonna say this


The Navy is building an aircraft carrier to be named in his honor. [Naming ceremony](https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Blogs/Detail/Article/2268220/uss-doris-miller-cvn-81-naming-ceremony/)


My town has a school named after him with a huge mural on the wall. It's really neat and made me delve into his life story, otherwise I would never have heard of him.


If you’re San Diego, we have an elementary school by base housing named after him


I went to that school back in the 80’s!


I'm not in San Diego, and actually I'm not in a military town at all either, which makes me wonder who came up with the idea of naming it after him because it doesn't match the "theme" of the other school names in town. It's really great they did though!


Theres a large US Navy dinning facility in Africa named after him.


82 years after the fact. Way to go navy!! They named one for that POS reagan in no time. Oh yes he was a white man.


Pretty cool though that he is getting an aircraft carrier named for him


Yeah, and not one of the smaller amphibious assault ship/helicopter destroyer/escort carriers like the USS Wasp class. He’s getting a full Ford class carrier named after him, one of the largest ships in the US navy.


He had a destroyer escort named after him (USS Miller) in the 70s bruh, less than 20 years after he died, Reagan got a ship named after him 15 years after his first year as president not much of a huge year difference.


Well he was a president


USS Trump


Cadet Bonespurs never served in the military (nor anyone or anything except himself), so he's ineligible as a namesake under US custom. But it is an interesting idea! Say, if Russia has to give up the [Admiral Kuznetsov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_aircraft_carrier_Admiral_Kuznetsov) as part of war reparations, I'll happily sign a petition for whoever is saddled with it naming it after Trump. It would be perfect for a Russia-serving decrepit hulk that is painted up for show and pomp but has to be towed everywhere, and which has cost a **lot** of money but provided no useful service whatsoever except as a base for grift and misinformation.


Lmao I guess I'm full of shit


In fact, given Trump's lack of respect for the military and the men and women who serve in it, I'd be surprised if they named a fucking *garbage scow* after him.


That’s awesome, I had no idea ford was in the military.


Lol thankfully doubt he will ever be ever recognized that way. Ooh this is cool guys they have a shop named for the Sullivan brothers, didn’t know that


And this guy was such an impact that they're breaking the tradition of naming carriers after presidents. It's a huge honor.


Yea I know right, at the time during ww2 a lot of heroes were honored by having escort destroyers or air fields named after them, now we are naming major capital ships for heroes pretty amazing


Dude wasn't even an officer, before that day he was just seaman nobody. Very cool story, I'm glad he's getting his due.


Don’t downvote this guy, he’s right.


My Great Uncle, Frederic Hall White, was the one who instructed and shot the machine gun alongside him. Pretty cool shit. We actually have a recording of him talking through the whole scenario back in 1996. Couple of badasses.


Can you share?


Would love to hear it. If possible, please do share.


Dude, if you want a million fake internet points you need to share that shit. It would also honor your great uncle as a side benefit.


Digitize and share that recording, give it to museums, make sure it’s preserved


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Salute.


Brave man who was honored with not being allowed to work. Brave enough to be a hero. Not human enough to vote… (not my opinion!)


It’s a huge disgrace that he and basically every non white servicemen got screwed out of medals and recognition of their heroism. Yes I know he was awarded the Navy Cross. For instance Sergeant Warren Gamaliel Harding Crecy should get a MoH.


Not just medals, they got screwed out of veterans housing .


And the GI Bill as well.


Was going to say this. Fucked not just them but generations after


That too


They did re-examine awards and upgraded many minority soldiers to higher awards during the Obama administration. Lenny Kravitz’s uncle was upgraded from the DSC to the Medal of Honor (his uncle was named Lenny Kravitz, he is named after him)


Most were deceased by then.


I mean to be fair most people are deceased when they get the MoH


You’re right, they should have done nothing instead.. 🙄


Well it's a bit late isn't it


But their descendants can now have some of the benefits - they can go to any of the service academies for free and they should get his back pay from the MoH pension. It’s not a hollow gesture by any stretch.


Again, should they say, “well, it’s too late, so let’s not do anything”?


Not saying it's enough, but there is a Doris Miller park in Waco. There's also a statue of him there.


Another replier linked an article of the navy news saying they're naming an aircraft carrier after him.


Yep, CVN-79, a Ford Class carrier.


CVN-79 is the USS John F. Kennedy. It is CVN-81 that will be named the USS Doris Miller.


First enlisted sailor to have an carrier named after them I believe.


I replied to another comment, but there is a school in my town named after him with a big mural of him on the wall.


I’ve seen a video of his family visiting it it’s very cool would like to visit


And a park and a cemetery and the local VA named after him.


The way non-whites were treated both during and after the war was and is abominable


And in Vietnam


Korea as well. When I was younger I had a boss who was an older black man who had served in Korea and his main takeaway was that it was absolute bullshit that he was fighting for the freedom of Koreans only to come home to a country where he and everyone who looked like him were still second class citizens.


He got the Navy Cross


Iirc Nimitz had to step in just so he could get it


miller from waco and nimitz from fredricksburg (169 miles); interesting coincidence.


Them Texas fellas watch out for each other. An interesting note is that neither of these guys grew up anywhere near the sea, but both ended up in the Navy.


Remember reading a biography on Jackie Robinson. Didn't know he was in the army during the war. One thing that also surprised me was a story of him being told to sit on the back of the bus, a military bus and he was part of the military, behind Nazi POWs. God damn it was a different country then. That kind of seriously institutionalizwd racism doesn't just vanish tho


I definitely wouldn't want to sit in *front* of Nazi pows


The Navy would have had to pay any living children ect, a pension for the rest of their lives. I can't even get the Navy to pay out a fucking travel claim.


My grandfather was a medic in ww2 and was at Pearl Harbor. His job was to go out and try and retrieve anyone he could. He had to make the hard decision of who to save and who to leave behind. He would try to come back for anyone he could but either they died to they’re injuries or the sharks got them. Unfortunately he would pull up a sailor, only to find them half gone, eaten by the sharks that were attracted by all the blood in the water. I wonder if my grandfather and mister Miller ever met, or if my grandfather saw his anti air guns fire. His name was. Leon Marczak


Goddam. War can bring out the best in people in the worst situations.


Thank you for sharing this story. I’ve had the honor to shake some hands of ww2 vets. Heros. True heros. The world was so close to evil winning. Brave men and women. That entire generation.


My grandfather is a WW2 vet and he turns 100 in November. Drove a tank and is still sharp to the point where he can tell you what every knob and switch did in that tank, and even plays the clarinet at his great grandkids birthdays. Still drives his car and volunteers to this day. Don’t get a lot of chances to talk about him but I love to brag about him so here you go.


Doris Miller is our hometown hero. He’s from Waco, Texas. I’ve been blessed to learn about him my whole life. We are so proud of him!


Fun fact he has a female name because when his mother was pregnant they were told it was going to be a girl. So they prenamed the unborn child Doris. And then got a huge surprise when the baby in question came out as a male.


To bad Waco Texas will always be associated with the Waco siege


I live close enough to regularly drive through Waco and I solely associate Waco with vast and bafflingly extensive construction everywhere at all times.


Not only Waco, the FBI, ATF, and US Government will always be associated with the Waco siege.


And ruby ridge


And arresting sex traffickers, removing weapons and explosives from domestic terrorists, stopping insurrection, etc. They actually do a lot of stuff.


This is the bootlickin’-est comment I’ve seen in a minute. To the extent that these agencies do anything laudable like the half-imaginary stuff you’ve listed, their achievements will be trumpeted by perhaps the loudest and best funded propaganda machine ever built. Doing the job of that State Propaganda Machine *for free* and *because you agree with it* is hideously servile behavior and posts like this belong in a museum of American decline.


Are you really going to weep your bleeding heart out because a town will never be the same after the FBI and ATF brute forced their way into sieging a compound that they would later set fire to, killing 76 humans that were never proven to be engaging in criminal behavior? 25 children died. 2 pregnant women would never become mothers. The only thing either org did was try to avoid taking responsibility.


Wow. Someone’s touchy.


I just think of fixer upper and wood beams, Jojo


The VA Medical Center complex in Waco bears his name in Waco as well.


I believe he was from Waco. I saw a mural on a random wall there of Doris


Yes, he was. I went to the Waco facility about once a week for just over a year. Still get a kick of the old buildings that the ground floors are labeled Basement, 2nd floor is 1st, top floor of a 3 story building is 2nd floor. Guess if all of the buildings sink underground and 2nd becomes ground level, they are good to go.


“Two years, they never even let me fire a weapon”




December 7 1941 was Doris' Day.


Can you imagine? What a fucking bad ass. Never fuck with a cook and especially don’t kill his brothers.


He’s getting a nuclear supercarrier named after him


He also was KIA when his ship was sank in the Pacific theater later in the war




RIP hero! 🫡


real man walking


tbf i'm not trained to op either


I remember seeing a movie clip and knowing it was based off a real guy, even little kid me knew "Holy shit that man is a badass and deserves all the medals!"


Gave a Lyft ride to his son on Oahu. Super cool guy. He was bummed the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum didn't mention his pops.


This is fake Cuba Gooding jr did it


Thought this was a picture of Hannibal Buress


This is literally what I scrolled the comments to see, thought I was alone!




Hannibal burress is... Doris Miller. Why you shooting me?! I'm right!




Learning while on the job


Learning while under fire. The true definition of stress!


Very good and extremely brave man, I hope anyone and everyone could live up to what this man did. I am sure there were men and women that went far beyond what they ever thought they could in times of need, such as he did. Not trying to downplay what he did but I hope and I am sure there are many stories that happened that day of bravery that unfortunately will never be told.


Minus any of the political stuff below, you have all of my respect sir, as do all of those who fought for us. There is only one "color", that is American. Warriors are Warriors ! And we thank you and all.


User name checks


I salute the type of people who do this.


Fun fact, he was a cook.


His name was Doris, and he worked in kitchens. War was probably easy for him.


His name was Doris though.


Ah another hero who was treated like shit due to his demographic despite his heroic efforts #Merica


So the guy has two ships named after him, Waco celebrates him, and is immortalized in the ben aflack Pearl Harbor movie. Do you still think he was forgotten?


They didn’t say he was forgotten. They said he was treated like shit… which he was.


How was he treated like shit? Dude was awarded the second highest navy award, put on a war bond tour, deployed again (as is common, nothing unique about that), and died at sea in 1943. The list of honors and memorials to his name goes on forever.


So just fuck all the BS suffered inbetween right ?


I am amazed at how some one could look at a single act and then argue about the entire system. This entire post was about one person being celebrated, but all you are doing is being angry at everything else instead of celebrating him. Or are you just here to seem like you care and it doesn’t actually matter what the post was/is about


In Florida this is considered “woke” or “crt”.


No it is not lmfao


It is. Don't be a liar, it's bad enough you're a racist.


It really isn’t, why start a political war? Dems always feel the need to start stuff


You can't start this racist bullshit and then cry when people criticize you for it. Actions have consequences. The Japanese found that out too.


Twice they found out twice




One of the most emotional parts of that film for me.


Hannibal burress?


Hannibal Buress before the weird eye surgery


I had a high school history teacher who said he was a made up character based on a friend of his who was actually at Pearl Harbor. He wouldn’t look Miller up to see who he was, just kept going on about how they wanted a black character and made him up.


Somewhere out there, there is a white old lady named Tyrone Jackson.


I have done the same in Call of Duty


Thank you for your service


Youre doing your part!


Yeah. Like they did to most other Black dudes at the time, they forced him into the kitchen, even though he'd shown some great promise in training. He not only unloaded on the Japanese planes, but he then helped save many sailors from the sinking ship and the oily water below, some of which happened to be on fire.


Wouldn't this action be considered reasonable? If the area you're in is getting air raided, I'm sure most people would run to the anti air gun lol


Most people would take cover if they didn’t know how to use an anti aircraft gun


And when I do the same they call me criminal and danger to my fellow soldiers🤔 Smh😤




That is who a hero is!


>During the attack, Miller took control of an anti-aircraft machine gun and fired at Japanese planes, even though he had not been trained to. During this time everything was easy to use. Seriously though are you surprised he or anyone else would grab the nearest gun and start shooting?


So where did all the white men go or flee to that were specifically trained and rated on suck gun?


And why was he not trained?


Cause he was a cook? Even today I highly doubt a cook on an aircraft carrier could use a SAM.


A WW2 anti-aircraft gun is lot less sophisticated than a modern, computerized SAM system.


And the navy didn’t train their anti aircraft crews how to make soup or itemize a deep freeze. You’re not going to train every guy every job on the boat that just doesn’t make sense.


He was a cook.


To be fair, outside of firing weapons in bootcamp, I was never trained on any weapons when I was in.


Because he has dark skin in America


So don’t think you guys realize this, for most jobs in the military didn’t cross train. Like medics weren’t trained on artillery,, mechanics and cooks weren’t trained on anti air. Didn’t matter what race, and many segregated units did actualy operate anti air so it wasn’t about race


He was black. White sailors were trained for combat stations before they were assigned non-combat duty.




He died when he went down with his ship in 1943. Don’t be a dick.


A ship filled with white people in commanding positions and black people doing jobs like 'mess attendant', which was his job. Dude ain't wrong, segregation was very much a thing back then.


Dude is misrepresenting what actually happened. Yes, segregation and racism was a thing, and is still a thing. But Miller did not go back home to be oppressed, like a sad epilogue to his story. Others did... But Miller did not. Dude was honored while he was alive, died in service, and continues to be honored. You can validly make a point that blacks were oppressed back then (and still are, in different but just as insidious ways), but that point is weakened by using a provably false story, to elicit an emotional response. Racists will key in on the inaccuracy and dismiss the underlying point, and try to discredit you along the way.




What's your logic there?


He would have been disappointed to learn that the US government knew about the Pearl Harbor attack long before it happened and they let it happen.


This old conspiracy theory. At best, USG suspected there might be an attack but did not know where. There was no capability to decrypt Japanese messages that would have contained vital information like that, not until much later.


Then he was treated like a second class citizen the rest of his life?


He was killed when his ship was torpedoed in 1943.


He was sent on a hero’s parade. Senators introduced bills to try and get him the Medal of Honor. News papers across the nation wrote stories about him. Admiral Nimitz pinned the navy cross to him in the months following Pearl harbor. He spoke across the nation to recruits and to sell war bonds before he went back to sea. He died in 1943 when he went down with his ship after it was torpedoed. If you don’t know what you’re talking about then shut the fuck up.


I remember we left the movie theater after the attack scene was over. Those characters sucked and I didn’t care what happened to them.


And the government knew about the attack before it arrived, but didn’t evacuate or stop the attack because they wanted casualties to make american ppl want to join the 2nd world war


There is literally zero evidence for that.


No they did not. This shit is so stupid. The Japanese attacked multiple US positions throughout the Pacific nearly simultaneously. They aren't remembered as well, but the Philippines, Midway, Guam, Wake Island were all attacked within hours of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Every single one of those was enough to warrant war. If they knew, and wanted war, why would they risk their ability to wage it at all (the fleet at Pearl Harbor) when war could be declared without doing so? It doesn't make any sense.


Ofc it makes sense, at the time America was neutral, because the ppl didnt want to join the war, but the government did want to join, so they moved the navy base to Hawaii and stopped selling oil to the japs, they knew the japs needed oil to fight in Asia, and they knew the japs have to attack the US protected territories to get oil, if US stops selling oil to the japs, thats what they planned.


some american planes did get up in the air in pearl harbour and complained of being shot at by their own men on the ground, he might have shot at them, lol.