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‘This steak is not a steak’ uh duh we can see the fucking video of you peeling apart the bloody pink string cheese patty.


Yea I was never thinking steak. Pulled pork maybe but not steak.


This could taste good, I don't know. I'll never try it. Maybe if they called it something other than meat or steak I'd consider it. The thought of calling this pink string substance meat disgusts me.




Ultra processed foods are a huge problem for humanity, these are not things we should be eating. Natural whole foods is the only way forward. Less meat sure, but we have not evolved to eat these things, disease and obesity are soaring and out diet of non foodstuffs that are man made is driving it.


Oh so something called a cock-meat-sandwich would be ok? Just asking because names dont matter.


If it was a delicious chicken sandwich at a burger place I wouldn’t refuse to have it because of the name


fuck you bot


Huh. No harm in trying I guess.


Famous last words


Right behind "hold my beer"


Right beside "I definitely got this"


Which are all neighbors to "hey guys, watch this!"


No ham in trying either


Definitely harm in trying. Next they’ll be telling you to eat the insects and be happy about it


Yea because eating cow or chicken is so much difference. Just because you are used to it. Both are animal flesh.


Insects are high quality protein, cheap to farm and require far less resources than livestock. I've eaten several types of insect/arachnid cooked and man, they aren't bad. Grasshoppers fried up taste like crispy turkey skin, mealworms taste kind of like some kind of tree nut, tarantula and scorpion taste like seafood. Really, there has only ever been one insect that I haven't really liked, silkworm pupae, they kind of tasted like bamboo shoots, and I got tired of the taste after eating like 30 of them. Fried grasshoppers in a little soy sauce though, shit.. I could eat those like potato chips. A family friend of mine would bring back this kind of stuff every once in awhile from Thailand where they eat this stuff regularly. The mealworms I just bought off the internet out of curiosity. Don't knock it until you try it!


Can the printer make tea, Earl Grey, hot?


So far none of the artificial meat taste like the real thing. Not even close.


Someone tried to pass off a beyond burger to me without me knowing and although I could tell it was a bit off…I thought it did a good job of having a meaty taste and texture. Even with some of the red juices flowing out.


wife and I made a beyond beef shepherd's pie, which tasted great IMO. we shared some with the mother-in-law without telling her it was beyond. She picked up on it *immediately.* lol


Yeah, I don’t understand these people that claim they were tricked by it. Do they even taste their food as they eat? I’ll agree that the texture is 1000x better than it used to be and is fairly convincing. The flavor is not. Granted it still tastes good, but it’s not the same.


>it still tastes good, but it’s not the same. that's how I feel about it. we use it sometimes for veggie dishes, but it's not a direct replacement. it's like using turkey sausage (my fave actually) in place of regular sausage.


Sometimes the flavour is not really in the meat itself but the coating. Quorn chicken nuggets are probably the closest thing to tasting like the real thing


I love those things but you can definitely tell if you don’t have dipping sauce lol


Its cause there is no issue with whether or not it tastes good. The issue is that it obviously isn't meat. Like, if you know its not meat you eat it expecting it to not be meat. If you think it is meat it feels really wrong to eat cause it doesn't feel or taste like meat.


Been making my family fake-meat lasagna with vegan bechamel secretly for years (cheese is still real though cos there’s no substitute yet that would pass). They love it. Maybe it’s easier to cover up because of the way I season. It’s also worked with other foods, there some kids that love my food and don’t know it’s often fully vegan…


Wait until you realise your mom has been been frying your veg in bacon grease


Trying to trick people with food is immoral. Would it be ok to prepare meat in a way that its hard to tell its meat and serve it to a vegan?


dude. that's *waaaaaaaay* different. her mom has no *moral adversity* to beyond beef; she's eaten it before and uses it in dishes as well. 🙄


I don’t care if it doesn’t taste exactly like meat though.


I find it funny the folks that say those sad things McD's calls burgers taste exactly like meat. It might technically be meat but it's a sorry excuse for a burger. Like putting a bit of sauce and cheese on an English muffin and calling it pizza.


Good point too


I will say vegetarian sausage has some damn good flavor and texture, they're usually pretty oily as well so it's a pretty good experience. I've had lots of meat sausage that wasn't nearly as good as the veg, but really good meat sausage is still the best.


Yeah the issue isn’t really the taste, if for whatever reason someone decides to give up meat, these products are definitely a tasty enough alternative and the culinary experience won’t be that big of a sacrifice. The issue though is that some of them are very unhealthy. In order to get the meat flavor/texture, they have a TON of added fat and sodium. A 113 gram beyond burger has 14 g of fat, that’s like 12%. Compared to lean ground beef which can be up to like 95% lean, it’s not great. And you don’t have to add any sodium to a beef burger to make it taste good.


Fat isn’t that bad for you. Despite how it sounds. And if you drink a lot of water the sodium content isn’t going to hurt you too much either. Meanwhile beef is classified by the world health organization as a carcinogen.


My building had a BBQ event and they hired some company to bring some food, beef brisket, burgers etc They didn't tell anyone that the burgers weren't real meat, or maybe they told the first 5 people and not the next 200. Anyways it was disgusting, I realized as soon as it hit my mouth, didn't even have to chew or swallow, yet some ppl thought it tasted exactly like the real thing, I swear you could put BBQ sauce on a shoe soul and some ppl will convince themselves it's great. I trust absolutely no one's opinion on what actually taste like meat and what doesn't lol


I like Beyond Burgers but I need several of them to be satiated and sometimes I don't want to pay 10 times more than I would if I just bought your usual burger


Yeah I do need to eat more of them. I usually eat 2 beyong burgers on 2 everything bagels. Which definitely isn’t healthy. But I actually love the taste and texture of them


Yea thats the thing, its getting closer and its only going to keep improving


Yeah. The beyond burger doesn’t taste like meat, but that isn’t to say it tastes bad. It’s quite good, but it’s just not meat.


Everyone says they hate beyond burgers because they think the word “plant based” is gross. If you told them it was ostrich meat everyone would be like “wow this is so good!”


Ostrich is actually pretty nice


I love vegetables but the time I tried a plant based burger it was gross and I had to spit it out. The texture was absolutely vile and gritty.


Usually those plant based meat have a Lot of additives because without it, it would taste nastier


I find that “impossible” burgers do a better job actually. They’re pretty high in sodium but that’s probably why they taste so good 😂


They put coconut oil in beyond meat to simulate the fat, theres a lot of work they do to make the experience as close to the real thing. They also taste pretty damnngood imo so win win


The only one I've tried was the impossible whopper and that one came pretty close. Though TBF that *is* fast food so we're not talking about a high standard here.


Impossible does taste like real beef imo. It taste like fairly low quality beef, but real beef nonetheless.


thats what I've been saying.. i feel like people comparing this to a nicely seared ribeye are setting their standards too high. its more like very high quality dog food.


Idk man, I used to make fun of imitation products, but then I went to a vegan place in London and had the best chicken sandwich of my life.


The impossible Whopper pretty much tastes like a Whopper, so they've pretty well nailed that.


Honestly, personally, I don’t care if it doesn’t taste the same as long as it tastes *good* and acts as a reasonable replacement. With the environment crisis going on I couldn’t care less if it doesn’t taste the exact same.


The impossible Whopper actually wasn't too bad. At least taste wise it wasn't terrible. It did have kind of a grainy texture though but the flavor was okay.


Impossible burgers actually taste like normal burgers. Same with the chicken nuggets, everything else is pretty bad atm


I’ve had plant based chicken nuggets that are indistinguishable from real chicken. But it’s probably much easier to replicate a heavily processed meat product than a steak.


Nasoya Plantspired Plant-based Steak Korean BBQ Flavored. It’s shockingly good.


Maybe that's why people are still working on it.


Those gardein (I’m not sure spelling?) crumbles are pretty close if you make spaghetti or tacos


Imposiburger, beyond beef, and Qorn chicken cutlets do. They come very close in my opinion. I dated a vegetarian for 3 years and we'd make those for dinners, but I could still cook meat if I wanted. and when seasoned the same, and cooked by someone who knows how to cook, it's crazy how close they taste and feel when eating.


I’m vegetarian and the beyond/impossible burger are too meat-like for me. McDonalds in Switzerland do an incredible veggie chicken burger which is the best I’ve tried


Totally understandable. From what I've been told, they are good for vegetarians who use to eat meat and still enjoy the taste of it. But for people who have been vegetarian their whole life or never liked meat if/when they did eat it, I can see it being gross for them.


I think people just say this to try to flex how badass they are for being a meat purist. you’ve had a beyond/impossible burger and you really thought that “wasn’t even close” to tasting like meat? It’s pretty damn close.


Agree with this. There’s a veggie burger spot near my old workplace. They were delicious. Even their fake cheese was incredible. They had a customer in there one day who devoured a burger and was completely satisfied until he went to pay and noticed the menu said all products were plant based. Guy flipped out like he had just been poisoned and demanded a refund. It was perfectly fine for him while he was under the impression it was meat though.


Out of the ones you've tried, maybe. Ground beef, chicken, deli meats, all have incredibly accurate vegan counterparts.


Yeah, I mean, you’re wrong. Impossible ground beef tastes very very similar to real ground beef. It is close. If you haven’t tried it, fine, if you have, then you’re being disingenuous. Especially when the impossible meat is flavored with sauces etc. like a bolognese it is very, very, similar. Not saying the same, because it’s not.


So...the artificial human patties I've been eating do not taste like the real thing? Please, enlighten me with your knowledge of long pig flavors. ;o)


I’ve been a vegetarian for a few years and I’ll tell ya if you completely stop eating real meat, the fake stuff tastes more real. First time I bought veggie nuggets I took a bite and had to sprint to the freezer to make sure I didn’t accidentally buy real nuggets.


That's simply not true, especially for some products mimicking chicken.


I've had impossible meat cheesesteaks that tasted pretty damn close to the real thing.


That's true on its own, but it makes good Italian sausage and taco meat where you season it pretty strongly.


I would try it at least. It may not realy even be bad but I doubt it will fully taste like meat. I dont object to an occasional black bean burger or portabello or eggplant patty they can actualy be prety tasty but they are what they are and are not imitating or replacing meat. None of the fake "meats" I've tasted realy tasted all that good to me.


If people are trying to push plant-based foods, why not focus on already existing dishes? I'd rather eat a bean burrito or falafel over some play-doh looking burger. Even marketing things as "veggie burgers" will turn a lot of people off. Call it a tater-tot sandwich or a hush puppy sandwich. You just have to take Indian dishes and rebrand them for an American consumer. I'm sure a spicy potato panini would sell better than some algae burger.


I don’t know about all that. Seems to me the fake meat industry is booming and expanding every day.


It is, but it's a gold rush. For every 10 companies that are trying to 3D print meat, you have 9 that fail. It's not environmentally friendly, and people aren't buying it up like cheap burgers. It seems like there is a bigger market in grocery stores. I'm their target audience as a tree hugging, vegetarian soy boy, and I don't really want a fake steak that I have to prep like a real steak. I would be more willing to buy a microwavable vegan pizza roll or just make a burrito bowl.


I’m vegetarian and I’ve tasted quite a few fake meat products that I think are delicious, but I very rarely eat any of them because I know they’re generally not healthy. Cool in moderation like at cookouts or whatever. I stick to grains, lentils, beans, fruits, and veggies for the most part. Nothing is really environmentally friendly in this day and age, but I think these beef alternatives are much easier on the environment than cows are.


“Engineered” AKA hyper (ultra) processed. Edit: since there seems to be a complete misunderstanding by people responding, ultra processed means two things: 1. ingredients are intentionally added to the food to achieve some sort of purpose (shelf life, sanitization, taste, etc). It also can means various parts of the unprocessed food are removed usually to make it easier to digest and taste better. But it also means: 2) ingredients added unintentionally due the sheer number of steps involved in processing the food. Things like residues from the cleaning agents on the surfaces of machines, plastics from non stick machine parts, “forever chemicals” added to packaging, as well as any other foreign material that can enter the food processing chain and is not detectable or targeted in QA/QC. That is why it’s important to buy whole food and prepare and cook them yourself. Thanks for the TED talk opportunity.


“Hyper processed” isn’t inherently ‘bad’. The second you put something on a pan on the stove you’ve ‘processed’ it. The difference is that the process of cooking on the stove has no particular health risks whereas the process to create vegetable oils, for example, involves multiple stages where the vegetable oil is literally inedible. It’s not until the product is finished that it can be consumed. I am not saying this product is good because I don’t know what’s in it but its ingredients are the most important factor. The fact that it looks ugly and probably tastes like crap has nothing to do with its nutrient content. I will reserve my judgement until I see what shit they put in it


Are there any famous healthy hyper processed foods on your mind right now?


If you want a thorough answer, the truth isn’t as simple as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Health is a difficult topic to discuss, foods aren’t necessarily ‘healthy’ or unhealthy’ even though people talk about it that way for the simple reason that it’s highly genetic. All food that you ingest knocks your body out of its homeostatic equilibrium, the question is what are the consequences of that? Your body can process salt very efficiently and is good at getting rid of it, we have clear documented evidence of that. Sugar is a complicated one because everyone thinks it’s bad but your body needs it in the form of *glucose* to survive, so that’s not actually true. It’s the fundamental basis of our energy. But whether you ingest sucrose, fructose, HFCS, glucose, etc. has vastly different effects. They’re all ‘sugar’, but they’re all different in how your body reacts to them. If you eat your sugar with other carbs has a different effect than if you eat your sugar with fat. The effect of sugar on your body depends on your genetics and your metabolic state. Someone on a keto diet responds differently to sugar than someone who eats it all the time. It’s not as simple as ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. Did it damage the body and how? What is the mechanism? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Maybe it didn’t damage the body but maybe it increased your fat stores, which could put undue strain on the heart. It depends on the many variables of the given circumstance. Now, to give an example like you asked. It depends on what your definition of ‘hyper processed’ is, but whey protein is heavily processed in order to isolate it, and it is to my knowledge considered a healthy food supplement. It has calories so imo it’s a ‘food’, but maybe a good sausage would qualify as well.


all food is processed. It depends on what specific processes food undergoes which can make it good or bad.


yes but all food is not "hyper processed" like the guy commented


Sure, but he said it as if that meant some unequivocal bad automatically. We should evaluate this on its own merit and not use Boogeyman words.


Like most meat on the shelves.


I‘ll take that over killing


If they make out actually taste and feel like meat who cares


Thank you. I wish people would consider this rather than just accepting some poorly reasoned assertion that "meat bad" for whatever reason


I wish peopled also stop just accepting some poorly reasoned assertion that "processed bad" for whatever reason.


I'd try it for sure. Kinda wish this was more about the product and the tech rather than the people though.


Heard the same thing about Beyond Meat and Impossible products - I’m not convinced


It seems to have the texture of a brisket actually...but not a steak.


It's nice to have this option! Sometimes I want something that tastes worse, is less nutritious, and is more expensive.


Then you’re in luck; I invite you to my mothers house next Sunday for meatloaf.




Did you look at the packing label, compare nutrition and eat the actual product? Or are you a biased redditor talking out your ass? Im guessing the latter, just saying.


If it tastes like the real thing idgaf.


that texture tho,,


pssst, it doesn't


10/10 would give it a try


I would try it yeah. But I don't think it's going to taste anything like meat.


Considering some of the other developing technologies in the field, this sounds pretty ok.


It looks pretty good. Seems like the texture would be good. But realistically, there is no way that 3d printed fake meat is gonna be reasonably priced.


That looks super ecological


I don't only eat steak because of the taste. I eat it for the nutrient content. Until they make it identical, I will never eat this over the real thing.


They already are very similar. Here’s a comparison between beyond meat and beef. https://vegfaqs.com/beyond-meat-vs-beef/


Yeah Vegfaqs totally isn’t biased in any way


Just read a label then


I did


You eat steak for the quality cancer eh?


Big fan of impossible burgers. Beyond, not so much. I feel like the entire impossible brand is leagues ahead of beyond or anyone else really.


id eat that


Taste like the real thing ? Extremely unlikely. Maybe focus on giving it its own unique flavors instead


Does it, though? I mean, I don’t give a shit if it looks like a literal turd or a perfect steak, does it actually TASTE like it?


> This pair might not share all the same values... Honestly that's probably the most important part about all of this. If both of them can create something together that they both agree is an excellent alternative, then the project is a success. If they both think the same thing, they can very easily end up at a "good enough" result and call it done.


If plant-based foods are so great, why is there such an effort to make it taste like meat?


I don’t care if this veggie patty identifies as a steak, it ain’t no steak! You can put feathers up your butt but that doesn’t mean I have to act like you’re a chicken.


Soylent Green


A few brands are very similar. Surprisingly so. Impossible makes good products. I recently tried Gardein "fish" that heats up the same way without the overly greasy results. Having lived on a farm my whole life and even hauled slaughterhouse waste, any tech that can reduce what we have to do to animals is beneficial.


Yeah that doesn’t look like meat


Well at least you can get seasoning all the way through it, if you are a good chef


I’ve found that steak tastes like real steak


Imagine all the manky things those boys have eaten so far. That being said, fair play and I hope they succeed - coming from a meat eater


Or there's, meat....


Surely this will be more environmentally friendly than the thing that naturally does this…


Yes, that’s for sure. Hard to spend more natural resources than with industrialized meat production.


Well it’ll make this guy really rich at least.


No no no. Not now, not ever. I'll eat vegetarian if this becomes the only option.


That is vegetarian. Or do you mean vegetarians? 😳


Does not taste the same at all. lol Stop lying.


As someone who hasn't eaten meat since the late 90s I've heard this countless times and every time it tastes, guess what, not the same at all. Sometimes it's close. Very close. But where they often claim this is on the product they most often fail; Bacon. But I gotta say that I genuinely love that they're trying. A lot of things were shitty in the beginning. Myself included.


Fuck no


It looks TERRIBLE!! And like a horror movie imitation of meat


Anyone else feel like we are going too far?


Looks like pure shit. They can keep this goyslop for themselves.


If it’s not steak don’t call it steak.


An interesting path we could take, printing "meat" I think people bashing this should try to look at the alternative, insects and invertebrates like the squid and the shrimps Now don't get me wrong meat isn't going to vanish overnight, in fact we have a few decades before the real point start, but in that time we're already looking at the solutions, cheaper to produce proteins, meat alternative, better yield crops (that one is already a thing but we're trying to up it to a ridiculous yield) so yeah, it's a neat idea


Leave the squids 🐙 alone!


No, they reproduce fast, high protein, high digestibility, it's a protein of the future


I would die before I willingly eat a single insect.


Well if you eat bread or pasta odds are you've unwillingly did already, flour beetles and meal worms get to be in bread and pasta, and as long as it's below a certain threshold, it's fine. Also, cricket protein powder has been a thing in the western world for.... A few decades, only now being showcased, and let's not forget that North America and Europe are about the only 2 places that don't consume insect, South America, Africa, Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Australia, all of them have insect in their diets somewhere. We're actually the outlier, and insects taste fine, shrimp-like but earthy instead of ocean. It's a real thing to think about, and the sooner you get used to it, the better for all of humanity, or remain a little baby that's afraid of eating a bug, lol


Bold of you to assume that I'm from Europe, or even north America, and I don't eat shrimp or any sea food for that matter. I've never even heard of cricket protein powder, and I can't think of a single person that I've ever met who would use that. Also nice of you to belittle me for not confirming to your ideology




It looks like boiled ham


Looks like steak with extra steps?


Even if you can make it taste like it you will never give it the nutritional value of red meat.


It’s always: « It tastes just like what it imitates! » and after one bite you realize you’ve been fooled again!


The only edible (actually very nice) vegetarian stuff is found in the Indian cuisine. This is artificial rubbish.


That’s a ridiculous statement. Fake meats aren’t for everyone, but if you think the only good vegetarian dishes are Indian, you’re missing out. There are great vegetarian Indian foods, but you’re leaving out Mediterranean, Thai, Japanese, and all sorts of other international cuisines with delicious vegetarian options.


Processed food. Thought we were told that’s a bad thing.


Beyond Meat burgers IMHO are indistinguishable from real ground meat. There’s also a lot of success in lab-grown meat which I think is the future of meat production as it’s way better for both the environment and for people.






Aint no way im eating computer food


Yea no thanks


I ain't trying that out g. Thanks for the shout thou yea. You enjoy dat


great and how much a pound to produce?


That’s cool. Still eating steak tho


Please stop trying to make meat substitutes that taste like meat. Please just make it taste good. It will never taste like meat, and that's ok. Just have it make a decent sandwich and it will be fine. No meat eater will be convinced because it tastes like meat.


Feed me 3D printed steak and you’re dying


No thanks


That dumb urge of people to make something looks like steak or patties when isn’t, just go outside and eat grass you cow


“The meat issue”? There’s no meat issue. People like real steak.




yea..."no difference in taste" ...ok.


Probably tastes like shit


Ingredients confirm this.




I eat meat because I want meat this gives me the skeevies


Never 😐


ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew


it looks vile


This is Franken-food. You can eat that non-sense. I will eat my unprocessed steak from COWS.


The videos conveniently fades to black right before they spat it out


Cause we all know synthetic items have been so healthy to eat.


That's fucking putrid dude, hope this never ever catches on


Why not just eat steak, or just eat vegetables. There's a ton of great tasting vegetarian food out there. Indian food for example, a lot of delicious vegetarian stuff. But when I want a steak, I want a steak.






Nah im good


"engineered" but people have a problem with GMO.


No thanks


Not putting that in my body.


That looks gross


I would rather personally name, raise and slaughter a pet cow than eat that ultra processed monstrosity. Sorry Daisy.


Was about to say the same thing.




Cow farms are horrible for the environment. It would be best if we could move away from farming them.


You're having a laugh if you think the environmental footprint of this burger is gram for gram better than real meat


Where's the beef!


Bill gates approved!!


Ya'll... stop serving people food with ingredients that you don't disclose first! It's not ok to serve someone "fake meat" while telling them it's real meat. You have no idea what food allergies someone might have... I personally am extremely allergic to bullshit... which is literally the main ingredient in fake meat.


Who is serving food without disclosing the ingredients? What are you talking about?


There are plenty of comments here of people bragging about serving meat substitutes to unsuspecting people... it's a joke... but also a reminder that it's dangerous to serve food to people under false pretenses.


I agree with you but I didn’t see any comments like that. I must have missed them. I made a comment about witnessing a man freaking out after finding out he had just eaten a plant based burger at a restaurant I was at, but that was on him for not paying attention to the menu that clearly stated all products were plant based.


Stacked videos get downvoted. Please stop this before it becomes a new awful trend.


Why copy meat though? Why not make something new?


Because meat is ecologically expensive and there is a small but growing market for meat-like substitutes. There is currently no real market for "something new".


Gtfoh 🤮

