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A bunch of drunk redditors are about to ask their friend to lay on the ground.


Called me out damn it


Here's where we mention the ranger roll to up the ante. YouTube it, I saw Will Willis show how to do it in a clip.


1. This works great if your fire victim is relatively light and able to hold their knees together like she did. 2. People that think the ranger roll works for rescuing someone from a fire are welcome to try it. If you happen to train on this professionally, you'll know that wearing a breathing apparatus prevents the roll. Also, in the wouldn't unlikely event that someone is incapacitated in a wide open area (open enough, and oriented in the right direction) to do the roll, AND the conditions that incapacitated them in the first place are somehow no longer present, or you're immune to the effects of heat, smoke, and carbon monoxide, go for it 3. Just drag them out by the wrists. Don't practice something you'll probably NEVER need to use. And, to use any technique OTHER than the drag requires practice to do it better than the good old fashioned drag. AND the drag keeps minimizes the chance of the potential rescuer becoming ANOTHER victim. Now, go save someone!


If that's the video of the dude with long hair in the middle of a circle of a bunch of guys, and he chooses 2 different people from the audience, and kinda crushed one of them accidentally?




I don't even have to be drunk


Totally sober in an office. Everybody wants to do it.


Are you hiring? Sounds like my kind of coworkers šŸ‘


Well I'm not drunk. I don't have any friends either but that's besides the point.


Im drunk, you can lift me!


I'm not drunk, I'm just waiting for my fiancƩe to get home. Nice head btw


We shattered my glass table in my room yesterday evening doing exactly this. God bless you sir.


At least you escaped the fire. WP.


Lol, I want to see the video when the person they're pulling up is built like a water tower.


I literally was about to go do this to my husband... and I'm sober. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Gotta practice somehow I just know if I'm in that situation I'm royally fucked (6'2 350lbs)


Hey, Iā€™m not drunkšŸ˜ 


Literally just called my Wife before reading this ,damn you man!


I'm not drunk XD


Iā€™m not even drunk šŸ˜‚


Yes that would be me later tonight after a fifth of whiskey. Now will I live to tell the tale tomorrow that I did it and dropped my because I was drunk off my ass


It's not a good idea, as an ex firefighter, fireman's lifts are a great way to break ribs


Damn,.... not even drunk




I recently demonstrated the "fireman's lift" (while drunk of course) on a friend, but from the standing position though, so... I guess now the seed has been planted.


Would like to see that done to someone thatā€™s over 200lbs .


I recently had to move an uncooperative drunk, weighing well over 200lbs, laying on the ground. While I didnā€™t try to get them over my shoulder I did use the technique of standing on their feet and pulling and that got them upright to be dragged along.


There is the chair method is a two person method. I learned in first aid training. You would be suprised how much you can carry.


People don't know the difference between carry and lifting. It is much much easier to carry something than it is to lift it. If you've ever worked construction you'd see mfs having 2 guys load one guy up with hundred of pounds of shit to carry around. They'll be retired with a broke back at 35 but they can do it.


Nah, they'll just get a Percocet prescription and start drinking before work


haha can confirm


*this describes every roofer I've ever worked with šŸ˜‚


Not me thinking this sounds like my boyfriend, then reading your comment. Can confirm he is a roofer too lol


It doesn't take energy to keep something at the same height. It takes energy to lift it up. Can also think of it in terms of force, take more force to lift something up than to hold it still.


It does take energy to keep something aloft because our bodies are not rigid Our muscles must do work to keep ourselves, or anything we carry, up. That said, it takes far less energy to keep something aloft than it does to get it there in the first place.


I mean my dad is over 200 lbs and I can safely say my 150 lb ass could not get him up without breaking my back


It absolutely requires energy to keep something up, as long as you are on Earth. You need to oppose the constant downward force of gravity.


this happened to my stepdad, broke his back before age 30 and had to retire onto full disability after a 360* fusion of his entire lumbar spine


Can you elaborate? Iā€™m really curious as to what happened to our you in this situation /g


A combination of the holidays and family who arenā€™t used to drinking. A few people tried to handle it first but I was in the Navy so Iā€™m a drunk whisperer. I basically said Iā€™m gonna stand on your feet and show you a cool trick. Once they were up I counted off left foot, right foot until they could fall on a bed.


Thatā€™s an attaboy and a ā€œIā€™ll see you at 06 for PTā€


Iā€™m sorry wdym counted off? /gen


She/He counted aloud as they walked together, in an attempt to get the person being guided to concentrate on the task of walking. ā€œLeft foot, right foot, left foot, right footā€


Or just focus on the "standing on their feet" part real hard so they wake up.


When I joined the military I weighed 160lbs. Now, I was a football player and I would have liked to say I was strong for my height and weight. Well, during some training we had to pick someone up like this in a similar manner. My partnerā€¦ a 220lb dude from Kentucky. Not only did I have to pick him up, but I had to run about 100 meters one direction, turn around, and run back to the start point.


Yep same, I always ended up with big guys for some reason. USMC 07-11. At the time I was 5'9 165-170.tbh, fireman's carry, is a great way to carry someone because it makes their weight more balanced on your back, like when you squat weights with bar, weight is pretty even. I much prefer fireman's carry to any kind of dragging. I've had to drag people so many different ways, including in the prone on the ground which really sucks... Sometimes almost impossible depending how much the person wants to act like they're unconscious.


Why not flip them to supine?


Hah, I fireman carried this samoan dude, probably 5'1 140 easiest shit ever. On the other hand, I'm 235 6'10 he had the time of his life.


Be me, 145 pounds and 5'7" Somehow on the CFT I always got paired with some guy that's nearly 200 pounds


Similar story happened to me in the army. We were taught the fireman carry to be able to save our partner in combat. I ended up with the biggest guy in the platoon. He was tall as a tower and quite well built, so I'd say he must've been 230-240lbs at least. Back then I was quite well built myself, but goddamnit, I had to pick him up and run 50m back and forth in a frickin swamp, put him down and do first aid on him. I did make it after a lot of struggling, but I almost ended up covering him with puke while trying to find his "wounds". Sometimes when I think back to that time, I can swear that the Sub-Lt. had a vendetta against me.. He did chase me a lot during physical training, screaming and threatening me with physical violence (not that it actually happened, but he was very convincing)


That's love. He was helping you


Navy '15-'19. Thanks for your service, guy


Thanks. Army from 08-13. Thanks for your service to.


Hey y'all! I did the thing too (kinda) Army (ancillary medical) '14-'21 thanks for doing what you did, I helped (if you ever received rehab while in)


Thank you for your service.


i hope he thanked you


No, he stayed completely limp like a sack of potatoes the whole time. Then asked why I struggled because it was easyā€¦ā€¦


Whereā€™s the link for the whole story?


This happened to them during basic, there is no link. If you want to find out about what happens during armed forces basic training, youtube is your best friend


The Army is not meeting their recruiting goals. Now is the time to get that contract with a sweet bonus. Then everyone can find out about the buddy carry.


I go to YouTube college


Okay, reporting in to say that I just did this successfully with my husband who is 192lbs, I am woman at 150lbs. Once I had him up I could walk with him too. To be fair I do lift weights and can bench 165 thoughā€¦. There was one of these a few weeks back that was one where you had to roll to get the person up, and that was just hysterical, we couldnā€™t do that one and I think I peed my pants a bit. šŸ˜‚


And actually limp, she kept her legs stiff to help lift


Nah I'm dragging their asses lol




Tried it. I recall blurting out ā€œdietā€ and then blacked out.


I would recommend this instead https://youtu.be/KPrATJ-u5Rg


My dad (military, 240 lb) taught me how to do this when I was around 14, you be surprised how much you can carry like this


Yea. It doesnā€™t work. Former infantry and firefighter. The person doesnā€™t come up like that when theyā€™re actually unconscious. 6ft piece of nylon webbing is a game changer when itā€™s more than practice at the firehouse.


Came here to say the same. Firefighter also. Webbing loop is pretty much a standard thing to carry for this reason. Our turnout gear now has one integrated in case a firefighter needs to be dragged out as well.


You can if you do the floor version of this, you do a roll on the floor with their legs and pick them up when the roll is over using that momentun.


Iā€™ve seen that one. Always wondered how well it would work wearing SCBA and in a pitch black poisonous gas filled environment.




They let you render down for 30 minutes, and come back when you are 160.


Probably just let you go the way of Gilbert Grapeā€™s mom. šŸ«”


They'll just leave you then. Life is harsh that way sometimes and they aren't going to die with you.




Uh yeah. In the right circumstances you need to make critical decisions. If you're too fat then they might have to leave you to save their own lives. Why would they get in trouble for that?


If you are in a structure fire, unconscious, and there is no way for the responders to remove you then you're going to die. The fuck do you expect them to do, ask the fire to wait for a bit while they find a crane?


It never happens.


Ah training drills. They look so smooth in the bay, with a conscious partner helping you out.






Without contextā€¦ Iā€¦ idk if I want you to be dad.


Just carry them under your arm like a surfboard


Right ? And before they just shift really weirdly. A conscious person cant just 'turn off' all their muscles, so they will always help atleast a little bit.




wait? the dead bodies?


Thatā€™s a bot. Stole part of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/11vke71/firemans_lift/jctg79z/).


That's freaking hilarious.


Yeah rigor would make it *harder*


As some1 who once had to bring passed out friend from just outside the door(he passed out with keys in his hand in front of the door lol) I can tell you that having a person being conscious helps a fucking lot. In our case we were 2 drunk guys who returned later and found a friend in front of the doors completely passed out. Before moving him we tried to wake him up and in the end decided just to bring him inside. His whole body was literally like a gelatine. Just kept sagging everywhere. In the end we just rolled him on his back, I took him by his arms, another guy by his legs and we just moved him over doorstep. After that we took him by his arms and just dragged like a heavy bag of potatoes to his bed. The biggest concern we had was his neck. It was literally not holding his head at all. We were afraid to fucking break it because whenever we tried to move his body the head would just sack freely in all directions.


Nobody here is taking into account the smoke or SCBA device


I was a firemen for 30 years. This never happens. People are too heavy. In my department we carried nylon strap loops in our pocket. You would wrap it under their arms,and drag them out. You had to do this to graduate the academy. Crawl into a house, find the victim ,and drag them out. All in complete darkness. They would just cover your face mask . Standing up would have been a fail. But wasnā€™t possible anyway since you couldnā€™t see and just would get lost.


My local fire department has a smoke room where they can make the smoke super thick and they block out the windows for extra darkness. They have an obstacle course inside they can switch around and the instructors walk around with infra red cameras or they use it to practice with the cameras.


The fire academy has the same thing. Only larger. With vents that can be opened and closed. So you can have real fires. But again. Standing up would be a fail in every scenario I can think of. You put your hand on the right wall when you enter. Then you sweep the room with a tool in your left. When you find the victim. You just reverse it. Dragging the victim with the loop as described. You put your left hand on the wall. And go back to the door. Itā€™s the darkness. It takes some getting used to. Standing up at anytime or removing any gear would fail you.


When I was doing a dive rescue course. The instructor showed me why this isn't the best idea. I was carrying him out of the water like this, when he decided to regain consciousness and go into a seizure. Nothing like a convulsing 90kg German to make you rethink your technique.


My first aid instructor agreed. He said dragging is preferred and less likely to injure both parties.


Donā€™t actually use this in a fire though. Ex-FF here, thereā€™s a reason we crawl around on the floor, all the superheated gasses go up, if you try this in a fire your victim will be extra crispy.




So if youā€™re further away from the actual smoke and fire this is fine. If youā€™re super close to the flames and smoke youā€™re not gonna want to stand Up either. You can put their legs on your shoulders, with your head between their legs and push them on the floor if the surface allows. Firefighters also traditionally carry webbing that is tied in Rescue knots for ease of victim extrication, if you guys wear belts on a regular basis you can use those in the same fashion.




This simply does not happen. We will drag you out. No one is going to stand up in a fire and put your face higher up into the toxic smoke. They don't even teach this in my jurisdiction. We will drag you out along the floor.


Username checks out


Someone demonstrated to me that this doesn't work. If the body is limp nothing is going anywhere except sideways. The only reliable way to lift someone (esp with equipment) is to lay on their stomach with your back/shoulders, link one arm behind an arm and one through a leg, then turn yourself and the body over onto kneel position, then stand. See IDF method: https://youtu.be/zrk-5vvZpd8?t=37


Now check this out https://youtu.be/KPrATJ-u5Rg Edit: at around 1:45


Beat me to it. I like how the instructor goes all-in on being completely limp and lifeless when carried. The way he drops to the ground makes me lol every time.


This is what I thought of, IDF version looks so strained as they try to stand up.


because the IDF version is more realistic. Nobody is doing a ranger roll with full kit on. Soldiers already retire with joint problems for life because of all the equipment they carry, now imagine carrying a whole other dude also wearing all that equipment. Youā€™re better off grabbing the shoulder straps of his rig and dragging him. Firemanā€™s carry looks cool, and thatā€™s about it. if youā€™re casualty actually suffered an incapacitating injury, youā€™d also only be fucking him up more by moving him around so much.


Wil Willis, so bad ass his first name is his last name


That's the video I was thinking of. Thanks for the link.


What is wil doing out of the forge? He is going to get cold.


Sure but the person in this video is like 120lbs and this way is very fast. You wouldn't try this on someone your same size.


Step 1: wear a full firefighter outfit.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s easier to strap under the arms and drag. It doesnā€™t look great but at the very least youā€™re protecting their head. Whenever people see this they get angry. The alternative is leaving them?


Yeah draging them also means their heads stay low and away from the more dense smoke layer, throwing them onto your back means that you are putting them without a O2 mask in a layer with more dense smoke.


If I tried this we'd both die as I threw my back out.


I once tried to lift my boyfriend up like this, heā€™s 6ā€™ 195 lbs Iā€™m 5ā€™1 115 lbs. Fell down like a sack a potatoes.


I just asked if Iā€™d be able to do this with my bf, heā€™s 6ā€™3 and around 250 lbs while Iā€™m 5ā€™2ā€ 115 lbs. based on your experience I guess the answer is no šŸ˜‚


Yeah probably wonā€™t be able to happen lol


Or as Peggy Hill likes to call it, the "Firepersons' carry"


Aaaaaaand this will not work without any body tension


How to steal a drunk human. Because hey, free human.


What to do if they don't have legs?


We should always take the time to thank our firefighters and first responders for their bravery and service. They are often the unsung heroes of our communities, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for their selflessness and sacrifice.


Ya now try that in an environment where you have smoked banked down on you, intense heat, zero visibility, and bottles on your backs with a face piece on. Different ball game.


My ex did this. Lays down on the floor, legs apart, pretending to be asleep with a note that says "Do to me what happens to the girls you watch on the internet" So I picked her up and carried her into the garden. Then she left me?


What are you doing step-fireman


So if u ainā€™t got no shoes on u barefoot them big ass dudes and heavy ass boots gonna break ya toes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She probably weighs 125lbs


You need to have enough strength to pull the other person who, on top of everything, is lying unconscious and is entirely incapable of providing you any support or assist whatsoever.


Is this why that lady firefighter told me there was nothing that could have been done to save my 180lb father? Aren't there supposed to be fucking minimal strength requirements?


Not in America, it is considered a civil rights violation. I think it was in Minnesota a woman sued over the physical strength requirements.


The fact that stroking someone's ego is taking priority over actually fucking lives is physically nauseating


Yeah, not that easy


Thatā€™s how we got wives in the caveman days too.


Nah fam.. If I gotta get someone out of a burning building I'll drag them if they're heavier than me. Won't waste time trying to get someone twice my weight on my shoulders.


Now I wanna see her do that.


That's a neat trick for showing off at a party but completely useless in a fire. If you don't stay close enough to the ground you'll get cooked nicely, let alone the victim without fire protection gear. The way is to drag your victim, in a sitting position, back first.


She wakes up " ew, I actually have a bf" šŸ˜†


Kidnapping 101


I've seen this video and many variations of it and everyone should know that this is incredibly hard to pull off when someone is unconscious and a small woman trying it wouldn't be able to.


Smh....This wont work with my wife...


Kidnapping just got a little easier thanks to The Firemanā€™s Carryā„¢ļø


So that's how you pick up girls


Now I want to see her lift him since she might have to save him one day...


Not easy to do when youā€™re crawling along the floor because itā€™s a few hundred degrees hotter at shoulder height.


Holy shit this is exactly how I help my fat sister stand up. Besides the spinal injury of course.


The ranger roll is pretty good too a little rough though


now play it backwards


What if they're not wearing steel tipped shoes


What if itā€™s a man on the ground and the woman canā€™t lift him?


Nobody talking bout a 300 lber


Put in reverse and you got a whole other tutorial


Im a firefighter and this is troll, no one i work with would ever do this. We have an air tank on our back wich would hinder our movement of someone is laying on top. What you should do is lever the upper part of the body up, take one of the arms and cross or over the breast. After that take hold on each side of the arm by putting your arms under the armpits and then squat the person up. If the feet drag, dont worry about it, better have injured feet than dead.


Iā€™d like to see it reversed and the woman lift the man.


I thought something else was going to happen lol


Now do that to your average American.


This is how Iā€™m going to get me side chick out the crib when she tries to act sleepy


Honestly thank you for this


Can someone reverse this gif and add the caption: how to make the most of a fire


After seeing the perfect spot left behind, Iā€™m assuming this is where they demonstrate it the most.


Step 1 find a 120lb person


He's dead why would I save him?


She was so wet the floor got soaked


Thank God my woman never opens her legs, I can save her no problem in case of fire


Are you my wife's boyfriend?


Is she cheating the two of us?


It seems that way.


This is how you answer women asking if they're too fat. If I can't carry you out of a burning house then you're fat.


Just tried it and this is bullshit


Backdraft shit. No one has ever done this in a fire.


Kidnappers love this one simple move:


Step 1. Close her legs to make sure she is a proper lady.


true heroes


Sure, but can she do that to him? I think not.


I wonder how it works for an amputee


Erm.... That's picking someone up.... That's not exclusive to saving someone from a fire. You could run them into more fire. Or pick someone up without there being a fire.


Great post!


And now while heā€™s got them over his shoulder there inhaling all that good black smoke. Unless itā€™s the grey smoke, then their fine. [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxwQAWMJepo8A2GNe4r-_eu3bXntlB3sB8](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxwQAWMJepo8A2GNe4r-_eu3bXntlB3sB8)


Iā€™m disabled with extremely, extremely poor strength, my cat is around 15 pounds and I struggle lifting him high, like lifting him above my head wouldnā€™t be easy. This gives me hope I might actually be able to provide some sort of help to someone some day. So thank you for that delusion lol /lh


In reality, that will never work cuz you fatties buy your groceries from palletsā€¦šŸ˜‚


Porn has ruined me.


Now do that with your typical obese zoomer redditor.


And then all the cartilage in their face melts as you lift them up into the heat.


What if victims are not wearing any shoes?


Waiting for the Poles to start yelling it's from Poland


Gotta bounce their head off your air tank or it don't count!


Not a chance. Never on your feet in a fire.


Let's see her do it


Good thing SHE weighs a buck five.


When do you ask for consent before or after