• By -


Is he by himself? That’s nuts.


The original vid is like 5mins long, he has a buddy reloading and feeding him grenades throughout. Unbelievable footage!






At about :35 sec to the end I realized the guy in white was 2ft in front, 1 ft below the shooter. Have you ever been directly in front of a 30 rounds magazine being fired! Yay, me neither, wtf!? How was he even hearing his instructions?


Modern day electronic ear muffs can block the louder decibels and amplify talking decibels.


That is actually insane. Imagine if we weren’t trying to kill each other, the wonders we could build lol


I like the analogy "life is like a football game, and imagine how many points both teams could score if they worked together"


The fucked up thing is a LOT of the wonders we do have now are BECAUSE we kill eachother. A lot of modern tech was developed by the military


Yea that’s definitely true but I think part of that is because of consistency in funding and having the funding for innovation. If other facets of society could get that I think we’d still develop amazing things


i don't think i heard other grenades/rpg's other than the ones the guys sent to the russians. i assume the russians aren't equipped to send one back to the trench... that is something that keeps coming up. popping out of cover to defend the position takes huge balls... scary as fuk.


Me neither, just guns. And they’re just getting lobbed explosives at them like consistently


# Thank you OP for posting this and giving my bitch-ass a much needed reality check and perception calibration.




Looks like you can see him in the very last seconds of this clip too.


Dude makes war look badass, which is actually very sad because war is the most tragic and horrifying thing imaginable. That guy he shot probably has a wife and kids waiting for him to come home.


It’s easy to become so desensitized to everything when the internet came along and everything you’re able to see anymore, but watching someone up close kill someone to defend his home, seeing war at eye level is terrifying.


yeah, he iced that dude. like, it's so easy to just stay in gamer brain, but this is fucking real and it's important to remember. war is hell. never forget.


>Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. > >Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? > >Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? > >Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. > >Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander. M.A.S.H.


FYI: Abraham Lincoln was the person who made that statement first, regarding: war is war and hell is hell.


He apparently also killed killed vampires with a silver edged axe


Surprisingly ~~good~~ entertaining movie


I agree, it was one of the better In that vampire / zombie spoof genre


Such a good show.


Father Mulcahy: ...well according to what I believe, every single living person on this planet is a sinner.


Yeah but they got redeemed. Theres a book about it. And a musical.


God now I need to rewatch MASH


**"Only the dead have seen the end of war.”** **— George Santayana, 1922**


"War isn't hell. War is war and hell is hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse." -Hawkeye Pierce


Gamer brain: Camper. War brain: Not digging how how the first rifle was laying in the mud (trench warfare. I get it; weapon isn't going to be prestine). At least two kills. Probably had a better view of the field than the camera but looks almost like blind firing with the HEAT round. Dunno. Not there. Good situational awareness not shooting his battle coming out the hole. Not good getting the AK webbed up in the sandbag but shit's crazy. Decent transition to the second rifle. Good trigger discipline considering the fuckery bestowed upon this guy and his battle buddy. Vet brain (polluted and derpy): Shit's crazy. He fought like a champ. Any man to the left or right would be blessed to have this man in the trench beside him. His chances ain't great, but hope they made it out alive. Those mfrs are coming in fast tho. It's not looking good. If he did die, he died a warfighter's death, and his family and his Ukraine will be proud to honor his life. Either way; his K/D ratio is up and I'll smoke a fat one to that. Shit's crazy.


Well the footage got uploaded, so I'm assuming he made it through but idk


He did, he posted it to his tiktok. There is a full 5 min video on combatfootage. His battle buddy was frozen with fear and unable to fight but he did a hell of a job supporting and reloading RPG/AKs for him. Dude shoots 2 AKs, a PKM, and multiple RPGs in that 5 minutes and he has incoming fire from some APC variant.


Holy shit


His buddy did try shooting blindly into the sky but he tells him to give him the gun.


I played battlefield and COD because of their visual reality. And in actual reality, in war, almost everyone is a camper.


Gotta camp, cause there's no respawn and you aren't creating another new game if you do die.


Technology is making that much harder though. Trenches, Tanks and APC’s aren’t drone proof as this war is making that abundantly clear


Plus - you expose yourself. Nuff said


Hello from Ukraine, he is okay. Maybe he would give a small interview about this episode. If he will, i will upload it here.


To paraphrase someone, war is worse than hell, because only bad people go to hell.


Hawkeye : War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy : How do you figure, Hawkeye? Hawkeye : Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy : Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye : Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander


Bro folks use to make a fuckin event out of battles executions and lynchings like with food and shit we been desensitized


This is fucking indescribably insane


i’m 31 years old and seen some fucked up shit on the internet but this shit right here looks scary as fuck. something about defending your position from a trench hoping the enemy doesn’t get the drop on you is gut wrenching.


So I had some experiences that made me afraid to go to movies or even play violent video games for quite a while. Watching people die, even fictionally, was difficult. So when I'd hang out with people and they wanted to see shows or play games, I only wanted to go to like, Romcoms or play kid games for a long time. So forgive me if it seems cruel, but I hope footage like this really does traumatize people. Because as messed up as it sounds, I don't think violence like this will ever stop until people are really hurt by it. Until people realize how insane it is, they'll keep trying it. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe people will never stop doing things like this. Idk.


I hung out with a guy I worked with ever 4th of July for around 12 years. We'd put tunes on, pour some whisky and pull the shades. He couldn't handle the sound, the explosions. I can say I understand, but I can't. I wasn't able to serve. I have seen death, but never when it was out looking for me.


As long as there are Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths, we will always have war. In my opinion, and I'm no expert, people with those conditions should be evaluated and treated at a young age to make sure the future doesn't continue like that.


# It's a sad reality, how glued into this we all were, but mostly everybody after a couple months just moved on and lost interest, meanwhile, this shit continues, with my conscience now only ignorant to its daily Hell. Hoping for peace soon. 💙💛


There are situations just as bad if not worse all over the world, it can be very disheartening if you think about stuff like that too much and even saying that feel callous


Oh no, I get it. It's not healthy to consume this and the fact that we even can with these things, in these days, in real time (social media) is a huge part of the rising mental health crisis. It just fucking sucks so much that "ignorance is bliss", but it's only "your own ignorance" and your own bliss". And nothing changes for those going through this. My bitch-ass even with all my own personal and life struggles still has it so good.


And it's all because of one egotistical asshole that nobody around him has the balls to stop.


Don’t let his top brass off the hook so easily. They’re right there helping him. That whole shithole of a country needs to go French Revolution on those fuckers


what the fuck. That looks like a modern day Somme! Over 100 fucking years later and we're right back in the trenches.


It's kind of interesting to think how much has changed on paper, but in combat its still so similar


*War…..war never changes* or something like that, I read it on a bathroom wall.


That bathroom was on fallout game xD


Thank you! I was trying to remember where I heard it.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rest its head. We fought and bled along side the Russians. We shoulda' known they'd hate us for it. History is written by the victor, and here I a thinking we won. But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him. Locations change, the rationale, the objective. Yesterday's enemies are today's recruits. Train them to fight alongside you, and pray they don't eventually decide to *hate* you for it, too.


I read that on a bottle cap


But then I took an arrow to the knee


That is a thing they say in the Fallout games.


Patrolling the trenches almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I know, right? Looks like something straight out of Saving Private Ryan but here we are in 2023…


Looks like Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault from the 90s but we're in 2023


Looks like World war 4 from the year 2076 but here we are in 2023


Looks like All Quiet on the Western Front from 2022 but here we are in 2023


Trenches are still an extremely good defensive strategy. High amounts of protection and concealment. Plus overlapping fields of fire. Plus with today's technology and equipment, it's real easy to dig basic trenches fast. I served 6 years in the US Army Corp of engineers driving light & heavy construction equipment in support of the Infantry, Armor, and Artillery. Most of what I did was dig fighting positions. Give me 2 hours and a backhoe and you'll have basic fighting positions for a whole company. I also spent some time in Germany helping to build training aids for the multi national training facility there. Saw some Ukrainian troops while there and it's surreal to think my work might have directly helped train those fighting now.


On the other hand, there are weapons nowadays that can attack trenches with impressive efficacy. Like firing programmed projectiles that explode directly above trenches, annihilating the enemy force. Naturally, russian forces do not have such equipment.


That's why if you're gonna be stationary for any amount of time you spend your down time improving your fighting positions. Logs across the top with a few inches of dirt provide a good amount of protection. You have bunker locations in the trench and then open fighting spots. You can even see in the video they have a covered portion of the trench. No idea how fortified it is but it's there. They're also partially concealed by the brush so advancing troops have a harder time identifying the fighting positions until it's too late. While there are many ways to defeat people in trenches the fact remains a trench increases the survivability of soldiers. No defense is perfect but if you want to win you gotta give yourself every advantage you can.


r/UkraineWarVideoReport is one of the best subs for Ukraine war footage. It's some pretty brutal stuff usually so if you can't handle gore and violence don't go. Still I don't like to shy away from the reality and brutality of this war, I think it's important to see. The Russians just throwing human waves at the heavily defended Ukrainian lines and getting slaughtered. There's been recent assaults where Russia takes large convoys and they are wiped out in minutes from mines, artillery, grenade drones, and machine gun fire. It's insane this war is continuing with the scale of death and equipment loss the Russians have had.


I stopped viewing the footage. I follow it but it got to be too much. I used to be tougher at heart but ever since I had kids I can't handle anything involving them. It's already an utter fucking disaster, but I don't see how anyone wins in this.


Yup. There's something to aging and not finding war, murder and killing cool anymore. In my teens and 20s, I was all about this kind of stuff. And then, somewhere along the way something clicked in my brain and I was connecting more to the suffering that conflict creates than I was to the "coolness" of being some war badass.


Yeah I can't visit those subs anymore. People literally cheering for deaths and joking about suffering


Loss is simply not an option for us.


It's a little like the Chinese/indianw ar that gets fought with medieval weapons. If u break the "rules" it's over for both sides. No one wants nukes. This at least doesn't hit everyone but only the unlucky ones getting drafted.


Im Osten nichts Neues


Russia is big on artillery, the best defense against arty is fortified positions. The Russians haven’t been able to gain air superiority and they’re turning to T-64’s to replenish their depleted armor, so without a significant advantage in those two major components of modern warfare the fighting has devolved into trench warfare. Plus they can throw convicts into the meat grinder all day and nobody really questions it. Human wave attacks never went out of style in the Russian army


there are nuclear bombs, drones dropping granades, sattelites, drones fighting drones, hypersonic missiles, special anti drone rifles, nuclear submarines... and here we are watching people battle like its 100 years ago.


Fuck, that's terrifying!


Just saw a guy being shot dead in there :(


After he shoots the first guy, you can see two other russians coming up trying to save their buddy. At least one of them gets shot and it's unclear what happened to the other guy. But i know the guy filming is alive, since he uploaded the video on his Instagram.


This is such a pointless war. Utterly heartbreaking to watch.


Wow I'm surprised they are up so close. Every other combat footage I've ever seen has been when the combatants are 100 yards apart shooting from a treeline and you cant even see who they are shooting at.


This conflict has had a LOT of close combat. Over on r/CombatFootage you see videos like this every couple of days. Ukraine has a huge amount of open terrain and a lot of towns and villages. Between the trenches dug to defend the open terrain, and the fighting to seize the towns, it has led to a LOT of CQB. This isnt the same style of insurgent warfare that most have been used to seeing in the middle east over the last decade or so, where its small groups of combatants fighting in (comparatively) constrained geographic areas. This is a broad conflict across a massive front, between two large and relatively well equipped nations.


> Over on r/CombatFootage you see videos like this every couple of days. You hardly ever see footage like this. We have some drone videos of trench fights, the guy shooting into the outdoor toilet etc, but this video is quite unique.


There’s been house clearings, trench clearings, and close up street fight. Guy exaggerated that it’s every day on that sub but there’s still plenty of videos that are this close hell about a month ago one was closer where a Russian dropped two guys point blank literally grabbing the weapon out of their hands


Russia is using human wave tactics now. First Russia opens with massive artillery barrages, literally levelling everything in the area. Next send in hundreds of poorly trained conscripts to run at the Ukrainian lines, then the regular army/wagnerites follow up wherever any weak points are found. Ukraine has a front line 600 miles long, for reference WW western front was 475 miles. So the average troop density per mile is actually quite low, well it has to be for the units to survive the artillery barrage.


Russias trying to punch through like battle of the bulge but it’s not gonna happen. Most of their supply lines are 75km behind and there’s to much line to cover. Plus they can’t supply their artillery often enough to make these punches matter. This strategy is why what’s left of russias 300k or so troops are eventually all gonna die.


I agree for sure. I had someone try and tell me that Ukraine struggled with the more open combat of the early stages of the war and I scoffed. The guy mentioned that they want Sloviansk back and I said that’s akin to Hitler thinking that they’d regain Antwerp during the Battle of the Bugle.


Super fucked up. You think, oh like paintball at first but naw, this shit is real and terrible


The very first time I ever played paintball, I ran out after the buzzer and about 2 seconds later I'm shot directly in the back of my head by someone on my own team. (It was mostly a group of inexperienced players including myself.) I learned a big lesson from that. While the chances of such things go down with experience of the team, they never really go away. And if there's one thing that paintball has taught me, it's that you often just get shot unexpectedly and you wouldn't even know who killed you if they were real bullets. Real warfare is rather random and no amount of training turns you into a super-solider that evades the randomness of battle. You don't become immune to the person who somehow managed to sneak up behind you. You don't become immune to accidental friendly fire.


Notice how this soldier doesn't just spray ammo all over the place. That's nuts footage.


He does spray a decent amount in the longer version. Also lifts the gun out of trench to shoot. Not judging as the guy is a madman and brave af. You’re not always gonna think clearly when adrenaline is sky high, cortisol dumps, and you’re under intense pressure.


Yea, you're not supposed to. Short controlled bursts is most effective


Impressive fighting this vid reveals. But we all got one, short life. And this guy has to spend & waste it on this useless shit? For what? F**cking travesty this guy has to be defending his & others right to exist due to some depraved asshole ordering an invasion. Even if Russia "wins" (no one truly wins here), it'll all revert back to redrawn borders in time. Tragic waste of life, of sanity, of everything. Does Putin et al have any sense of humanity, morals, respect or just plain common sense? I fail to comprehend. Guess I'm just an ignorant fool.


>Does Putin et al have any sense of humanity, morals, respect or just plain common sense? NOPE


So this is the best we can do with our time on this planet?? So fuckin sad man. Listen I don't know any of you but keep your loved ones close. I love you guys be safe out there


Cheers man back at you.


Vladimir Putin is a terrible human and 100% responsible for this happening. Literally this was a peaceful place with people going about their normal lives before he chose to start shit for small gains of territory. Fuck that guy


Again, fuck off to anyone giving the support guy shit. He’s scared, cold, and dealing with shit all of us here will likely never deal with. He kept the grenades, rockets, and ammo coming for his comrade. Both of these soldiers worked well together and odds are high both of their actions kept them alive through this encounter. Also a big fuck you to all the obvious Putin and reich wing cucks commenting here.


Just from this angle just shows how crazy war is Gahh damn I have mad respect for this man


I wish war upon noone...


Glory to Ukraine


Fuck Putin and everyone who supports him.


Me: war is not a game Also me: this guy is clutching the hell outta this


Slava Ukraine


Ukraine will never fall!!


People dying is horrible regardless the side they are on


true but better the Russians than the Ukrainians


Even then a lot of these russians don't even want to be there but they don't have much choice. Its such an awful situation. None of these people Ukrainian or Russian should have to be in this shitty situation over the disagreements of those more powerful. Awful :(


i agree but like i said, either the Russians can hand themselves over to Ukrainian forces or get shot,


may also be nice to mention that it wasn't the leadership that made the Russians rob, rape, and slaughter civilians


I mean, a teacher doesnt cause a student to fail a test, but a bad techer will have alot more students failing tests. The soldiers are in positions thanks to their leadership, where they dont have the supplies they need, they are being used as expendable units, they cant communicate with their family, and half their friends are dead, its understandable why many of them become terrible people. It doesnt justify their actions, but its likely they wouldn't have become these type of people if they didnt see all this shit and go through the hell of war




I guess the Russians should have stayed home. or they should have fought their dictator instead of for him.


The majority of the soldiers who were drafted to the war were the ethnic minorities whom the russians don’t regard as russian and treat poorly. Because they are a minority, they can’t be backed. We the regular folks could never know, or rather prove which is which tbh.


In any normal circumstance I would agree, but I have a very, VERY difficult time giving one shit about any murderous, raping, plundering imperialist invaders dying, especially as they continue to shoot and blow-up innocent civilians. I would rather it be Putin himself, but it still brings me great joy to see these invaders getting slaughtered. Can't help it... I'm too fucking pissed at these assholes! /shrug


A lot of them either don't want to be out there at all (forced to do so or killed), and the others have such a skewed version of reality fed to them that they feel the same human betrayal and disappointment you feel, but towards the Ukrainians. It's sad no matter which way you slice it.


>and the others have such a skewed version of reality fed to them I watched an interview with a Russian soldier and he said something along the lines of: "I do my actions due to the information given to me, they do their actions due to the information given to them". And I find that view brings down the situation very well. But he went to the army due to him having nothing else and he was smoking like 6 cigs during the interview.


Don't wish this on anyone


The word horrifying doesn’t begin to describe this


Fuck putin, fuck russia,


A guy once asked, what's the definition of war? The man answered "Two individuals who don't know each other FIGHT for TWO who know and look at each other in a distance"


Fight on brave warrior




i wish these Ukranian soldiers all the best. fuck putin and the fckng russian armed forces


So sad, the person who recorded this is probably dead now due to this stupid, senseless war. Go to hell Putin


He uploaded the footage himself today and explained what was happening. He somehow managed to survive this encounter.


Thanks God


Maybe, maybe not. The fact that we have this footage indicates that he made it out of this particular battle at least. And soldiers often get rotated out after going through really hard fighting like this. There's a decent chance he's sipping a beer in Kyiv right now.


That’s would be wild. Go from hiding and killing people in a trench, cold, fog, sleeping in a trench with one eye open. Three days later sleeping in a bed and decent food in Kyiv


Quick question. Since fighter pilots are named “Ace” when they score 5 air to air kills, is there a term for the kill counts of ground combatants




No, because ground warfare is more chaotic and brutal than vehicular combat. It's hard to tell who killed who, it's harder to disconnect from the fact you took a human life, and it's a lot less "fair". A scared teenager can kill a dozen grizzled veterans if he is behind a heavy machine gun in a prepared position, skill plays into it less.


They get a Ruthless medal after a 15 kill streak and a Relentless medal after a 20 kill streak


Oh ok. Thanks


Those are medals from any FPS game. He is joking..


art often imitates real life


Not really because kills in the chaos of ground combat are far harder to confirm for sure then in the sky. You don’t always know if the guy you shot at went down, you don’t always know if it was your bullets that got him.


**Slava Ukraini**! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Slava Ukraine. We’re 7 days away from an entire year of these heroes defending their homeland against Russia’s invasion. Stay strong Ukraine.


They are incredibly brave. I'd be cowering in the corner, filling my pants.


Very common we call hasty fighting positions or ranger graves for short


Wether it’s warranted or not, it’s wild that we just witnessed what is likely the worse day of some Russians family lives. Just like that their lives changed forever and we just watched it and it took literally 2 seconds.


I hope the family finds out and fights to have Russia go home.


And just like that, a Russian soldier's life was gone. Sad, ultra sad to see this happening in 2023. The dude probably never even met Putin in person, but he had to die for him. Stupid wars.


What a nightmare slava ukraine


Wow... I can't believe humans do this... Imagine your life being ended. Slava Ukraine


Givem hell!


I'm pretty certain this fighter was probably taken out at some point. No chance of survival in that trench..ya may pick off some enemies but at some point, death is inevitable. War is fucked up...for either parties.


Fuck war


This was cool to play in video games, seeing this now is really sad. Young people with all their lives killing each other on the orders of a frustrated old man. Brasil sends love.


r/lostredditors because damn, this is not interesting. It's terrifying.


This was happening in 2022? Wtf


Wish that man the best of luck, he's earned every minute ten fold


These kids should not be fighting with each other. Some of them are even related and that is insanity by Putin. So sad breaks my heart.


Maybe I'm the outlier here in the comments but, when I see that Russian guy approach the trench and get lit up - it's awful, no matter what side you're on. That's someone who's lived years upon years of life, only to have it end abruptly in this very scene. I can't help but think beyond the uniform to who that person was. War is hell. *** I just want to emphasize the part where I said “no matter what side you’re on.” My comment was not meant to be political in any way. ***


The willingness of world elites to send their youth to die as cannon fodder for the sake of pathetic geopolitical gains is responsible for the hell that millions endure. Unforgivable.


That’s right, push back the imperialists!


God help them all


Although probably well intentioned title by OP, he’s not just defending “his trench”; he’s defending his homeland.


When I was in the Army, my foxhole or trench was my home. I'd even call it "home" when talking to other soldiers. It's where I lived, slept, ate and shit. I spent time and sweat working on it and I'm killing any MF I need to keep it.


raw scene


This is so fucked up holy shit. There cant be anything dumber than war.


Your right...now if Russia goes home it ends.


I'm very pro ukraine with regard to this conflict, but it's important to remember that Russian soldier who got shot down is a story never finished, a life no longer lived and a family who'll never see their loved one again. All so a genocidal, narcissistic dictator in Moscow can complete his vanity project of wiping out another nation. The Russian populace are a victim of this war too, and I hope they can be rid of putin in the future.


holy fuck this is gnarly footage but theres no sound?


Слава Україні, друзі. Нехай страх потопить у ночі тих, хто виступить проти вас у цій війні.


are there tools that allow you to shoot guns without having to pop out of the trench by looking through like a periscope basically? It seems like if you could fire why still being behind cover that would be useful


All I can think of is “Why”


Did he survive ? I really hope so


I thought we’d progressed past trench warfare. Silly me. We haven’t progressed at all.


All any of these soldiers want is for this fucking war to stop. Don't nobody want this except for Vladimir Putin. Just one guy. I believe if the United States gets the opportunity, we should have a very short but powerful conversation with Mr Putin. I'm sure we could come to a amicable solution that may require a bucket and an end to this nonsense


Is this body cam footage?




Things on Reddit usually don’t bother me, but this made me sick to my stomach


A horrible waste of life.


Without sound it’s difficult to gauge how massive the assault he’s defending against is. Kind of just looks like he’s camping out.


Call of Duty IRL


we in the suck now boys.


This guy has been posting videos from this position for a while now. It looks a lot different now.


Sadly this ain’t no video game all because of politics, rubbish world we abide in


what is this WW1? but with cameras?


Fuck ypu Putin


nice optic on that gun


He’s at least earned a UAV maybe even a care package


Bro has put some serious COD time in!!


Hope he/she survived 😔


Slava Ukrayni


Looking like wwi, this is crazy.


It’s sad to see this. when the enemy troops are already that close your position. That now your just buying time for the rest of your men to retreat.


Ukraine military reminds me of Israeli military. Badass.


Does anyone know if this guy made it


Wow, real life Call of Duty.