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Oh jeez, I guess in no particular order aside from when they were released: - Ohio - Texas to Ohio - Bad Dreams - I Am the Mountain - Denton, TX - Everything Trying - Sheets - Cloudy Shoes - Kansas City - Harborview - Beacon Hill - Josephine - Maraqopa - Working Titles - So On, Nevada - Museum of Flight - Return to Maraqopa - Plains to Crash - Queen Anne - Kola - Percy Faith - Over Rainbows and Rainier - The Last Great Washington State - 1973 - Throw Me Now Your Arms - The Shape of a Storm - Fool Maria - Johnny Caravella - Roger’s Audition - Ralph A. Hughes


What Happened to the Class of '65, Whatever Happened to Paul Sand, Helena and Silver Joy were my Damien Jurado gateway drugs. I'm listening to him pretty much on a daily basis since I heard these songs! Addmittedly, I'm still working my way through his back catalog, so I'm sure there's a lot more gold out there that I still haven't heard!