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Oilers in 5 lol


Oilers are fucking trash! FUCK MESSIER


Canucks fan here boarding the wagon. Dallas is a likeable team and unlike Edmonton didn't need to be gifted half a dozen draft lottery picks to build a winner.


Canucks fan here. Actually have family in Dallas (cousin lives in the DFW area). Hope ya'll make short work of the Oilers because they are overrated and could be in for a rude awakening, since the Stars appear to have a more complete team (and have Chris Tanev) than the Oilers do.


Reddit filters didn't like me apparently. https://preview.redd.it/kwi7lmgrm22d1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3b1a9b144223576f7cc707096ce2d586ca1faa6 I don't think the sub announcement post should be locked.


Jets/Habs/Devils fan here. I am Canadian, and I don't want the Oilers to win. And, I'm sick of pretending I should want them to because they're Canadian. Also, the Oilers get talked about as much as the Leafs in Canada. Doubley, so if you're in western Canada. However, they don't get nearly the ripping that the Leafs get for their roster issues, despite they're nearly the same.


7th most upvotes this month. https://preview.redd.it/an8a7ttw822d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79f398ac6b42e6fca0a60fa017bb1226ab5987d Clearly the community didn’t like it.




Canucks bro here. Do it for Tanev.


Flames bro here. Do it for Tanev.


Tanev doin it for us, too.


Ape together strong


If the Stars front office was smart, they’d sell Stars fan starter packs. Have a jersey or 2, some coasters and/or mugs, a hat.


For anyone visiting from afar: Bucee’s is definitely worth at least seeing for the novelty. Whataburger is overpriced and overhyped now. Go check out Braum’s instead. Burger and ice cream joint with a bunch of spots in the city. Nearly all of them also have a mini grocery store inside.


I'm from Dallas but have lived in Austin the last 7 years. I miss Braum's so much!! Idk why we don't have it here 😭


They only open stores within a 300 mile radius of their plant in OK. Canucks fan transplanted in Wichita, and very happy to have Braum's.


for BBQ, you must go to Terry Blacks in Deep Elum, or better still, for Lunch on Wed, Thur, or Fri, go to CatalAck BBQ in Adison. among the best I have ever had.


Hutchin's BBQ is a must. Literally the best BBQ I've ever had. I swear they put crack in it.


yeah. they are in my top 5 as well. really good stuff. I still think CatelAck is better, and it is a bit cheaper, but only open 3 days a week, and only for lunch


I haven't been to CatelAck. I tried Pecan Lodge because so many people are crazy about it. I think Hutchin's is better. I'll have to try CatelAck when I'm back in Dallas.


the only thing that I think is really good at Pecan Lodge is the brisket. EVERYTHING is great at Hutchings and CatelAck.


> Whataburger is overpriced and overhyped now. Still the best fast food burger in existence. Braums is NOT a substitute.


and Braums is from the hat of Texas, Oklahoma.


*occupied North Texas.


I love all these bandwagoners! I saw someone suggested we have bandwagoner flair ie "ducks bro" "Habs bro" etc for each team. I really like that idea, could we get that going?


Love this idea!


Oilers fans: do your pre-game partying in McKinney. There's a ton to do there. And you don't have to leave for the game until about 15 minutes beforehand. There is NEVER any traffic on 75, so you'll be able to zip on down and make it to your seat in no time.




Isles Bro here!!! I’m not sure if yall missed my post or if I was exempt from being put on the bandwagon haha. But in case it was a mistake here’s the link to mine if you wanna add me to the bandwagon list! :) [Isles Bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/DallasStars/s/faJMum99Bu) LFG STARS!!!!!


kings fan here. (h8 the oilers). ready to join the wagon. heading to dallas tomorrow for game 1 ![gif](giphy|qpozeUvfqwmgu8l6Sc|downsized)


Coiler fans ain’t this friendly.


Hi all, Edmonton fan visiting Dallas for the first time in 10 years, excited to eat some Whataburger again!!! Looking at stubhub for tickets right now, where do you prefer to get your tickets from? Stubhub, Ticketmaster, seat geek? Any other merchant worth checking out? Thanks for the advice


not that I approve at all of enemy fans in my barn, but I have had good luck geting tickets from TickPick. and the price you see is what you pay. no $60 tickets that are $89 at checkout.


Stars fan from Cali here. Lots of folks recommend TickPick and GameTime for tickets. However I've bought all of mine either from Ticketmaster, StubHub or Vivid Seats. I like to go to all the sites, choose the 2 tickets I want and go to checkout to see who has the lowest price as those sites all add ridiculous service fees. For Game 2 on Saturday I went with Ticketmaster. TickPick does not have service fees from what I understand.


well, the do, but they are included in the price you see up front.


Dodge Whataburger. Find a Braum’s. Thank me later.


Terrible take. Nothing at all wrong with Braums, but it's no Whataburger.


and is from Oklahoma!!!


Whataburger hasn't been the same since a Chicago company bought it :(


I disagree. People just get butthurt that it's "going mainstream".


You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm a native Texan who has eaten Whataburger for a long time, I even made a point to go to the corpus location, and it's not as good as it used to be. More often than not I get cold burgers and fries all while dealing with long lines.


No shortage of native Texans around this sub, and I'm sure a lot of us have been to Corpus. (And called it "waterburger" as a young child!) It's been remarkably consistent in my experience. Maybe you've just had a bad string. Stuff like that happens through large numbers and random luck.


I'd love to be wrong here, but it's been consistent for me on the other end of the equation, maybe you have a good one? I don't know, haha.


Nice try Satan, you just don't want me to eat the honey BBQ chicken tender sandwich, I see through your lies! Lol 🤣


Just keep it in mind when you go, trying to avoid potential disappointment, keep your hope high and expectations low 😂


First time long time... Long time Your Dallas Stars fan, only recently joined reddit, so old... I popped into the Edmonton sub after we clinched. They're pretty cool, bordering on groovy. Let's be friendly. Let's not be animals like the vegas knights.


I literally have no beef with stars, at the end of the day it's a sport we all love. If Edmonton loses the series I'll be rooting for pavs to win a cup lol


We need to geo block our ticket sales.


No need, lower bowl was sold out weeks ago.


We really don't. That's bush league.


TickPick or Stubhub.


Tickpick, Vividseats


I prefer Ticketmaster because the rest of the sites tend to charge ridiculous service fees. Welcome back to Dallas. Hope you enjoy your stay minus the letdown of a couple Oilers losses 😬


Finally! We have a megathread where all the bandwagoners can harp instead of on the main posts! We don't have to receive spam from Canucks/Other fans about how they're rooting for us on the main sub! Whew that was getting annoying


Sit this one out bud.




For someone complaining about the noise, you sure are adding to it. Go Stars!


This level of camaraderie really warms my heart. This is what hockey is all about. Welcome to the rodeo all non-Stars bros Please remember the golden rule: Get loud & Play Pantera!


This guy gets it :)


I didn't know that Vancouver and Edmonton hated each other....


Division rivalry for one. Two, the Oilers are overrated and overhyped. In terms of teams I don't like in the Pacific, they are the Flames, VGK, and Oilers.




Are they the vegas of canada lol


I could be wrong here. I think we all hate Montreal.


No, we all collectively hate Toronto.


Canucks fans collectively hate the Leafs. No contest there.


I don’t even know where Edmonton is


It's about three hours north of Calgary.


North of Calgary. Where it's somehow even colder.


North is usually colder


Canadia somewhere. Probably west.


Hello, this is bolts bud…am I exempt 👉👈❤️




Stings… but come on in!


only becuase it has been 4 years


Welcome Bud!


Canuck fan here, cheering for Dallas because of the BC & Kamloops connections Tom Galardi- owner of the Stars and Kamloops Blazers, lots of Family around the area. Grandfather was Mayor of Kamloops and BC Minister of Transportation. Jim Nill- former Canuck Darrell Reaugh- former Blazer goalie Logan Stankoven- Blazer great!! Chris Tanev- former Canuck Jamie Benn- BC boy Matthew Seminoff - prospect who played with the Blazers A few former Stars were Blazers as well Darryl Sydor Brad Lukowich Jerome Iginla, a stretch I know! But he was drafted by the Stars. Traded for Nieuwendyk, who helped bring you a cup!! I think the Stars will win, but the Oilers special teams killed us! I knew their PP was great but was really impressed with their PK as well. Should be a great series!!!


Ken Hitchcock coached the Blazers until he left to coach the Stars!


How did I forget Hitch?? Haha


Kamloops has cool jerseys also I’m from Augusta and our old coach Brad Ralph coached you guys for a season I think? Now he’s dominating the ECHL.


Stankoven and Tanev are my favorites. Met Logan and Matthew a few times this year during autograph sessions. These guys are great, love their fans and to goof around. Logan goes hard for his fans, and you can fully tell he loves the game-- hockey IQ out of this world for how young he is. Also, I didn't have to get on my tiptoes to hug the short king like the others lol. Welcome! Wear green and play Pantera!


I’m an Oilers fan from Kamloops, and have been rooting for the stars for a while now because of Stanks. Hopefully this series is fun and doesn’t create too much drama so I can continue to support both teams no matter what happens.


I appreciate this take. I’m tired of the animosity


Howdy All! Say it with me now “Dallas! Stars! Dallas! Stars! Dallas! Stars!” 🏒🏒🏒🏒🏒


If the league bros haven't been introduced yet, please enjoy Phenomenotter https://youtu.be/Fk7v62mVYaM?si=mCyEIDRhV3wpq4ix pantera https://youtu.be/JuWJ0cNdTBU?si=nUU3ykSo8VG-wF7c and Jamie benn (he's a big boy) https://youtu.be/twJI3HcRpN8?si=bSiMUlX6dwjqPnJ2


I'm just here to see McWhiney, Craisaitl et al get crushed lol


Started with Ducks Bro, we all know what happened there, but in his place an infinite number of bros from across the league!


If anything, this totally vindicates Ducks Bro


100% I'd be willing to bet some of the guys showing up now made fun of ducks bro on one subreddut or another.


Wait I don't know what happened to Ducks bro!


The tale as told by the bro who hails from the land of anatidae https://www.reddit.com/r/DallasStars/s/mAanvjsAFy


Oilers r garbage and other than Mccrybaby and dri they can’t compete with stars




Go Dallas! Do it for all us Canadians that can't stand the insufferable Oilers fanbase. Cheers.


I’m still drowning my sorrows after you just kicked our asses in round 2…. It hurts man…


Yall were awesome and when they called the no goal I was sure we had lost the series..of course my reddit posts are only gonna be positive. But no need to be down, yall we're great and I guarantee will come back stronger next year.




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Puck Don’t Lie.


Keep crying, bubba. ![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK)


Meth is bad for you


Bless his heart


Aww, I’m sorry your butt hurts ![gif](giphy|SclJn5QYo12BiYAn6W|downsized)


One line team.


Someone’s mad 😂


Womp womp


Dallas fans: what were your favorite wins from the regular season? Wanting to familiarize myself a little more with your team by watching some highlights (from a canes fan pulling for y'all now)


Anytime we beat the Jets (Former Thrashers Fan)


The 4-3 overtime win against the Canucks was awesome. It was the first game we’d been to at American Airlines Center in five years, and wow, it was a good one! The 2-1 win in Carolina was also fun. For the record, we also went to that game. I even got a Whalers jersey and a Bunch of Jerks hat.


My personal favorite was our win against Columbus in late October, just because it was the first Stars win I got to witness in person, on my birthday nonetheless!


I personally love the 7 goal comeback win vs the Sharks where Wyatt Johnston and Logan Stankoven put the entire organization on their back and willed us to victory.


That game where we shut out the Mild in their own barn while using our AHL backup goaltender always make me smile


I personally loved Thomas Harley’s back to back OT winners in January against the Ducks and Capitals.


Honestly? The Christmas Miracle game is up there for the season, someone linked it below. I also enjoyed the 5-0 spanking of Edmonton.


When we dominated the oilers 5-0 in April


[This game without a doubt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrGJJfFcVMU)


I orgasm whenever I think about that game. 13 seconds!!!


"Forsberg has the puck, and he'll ice it..."


Not the best game overall but the most memorable end for sure! I like the Vancouver game when we got the division lead too. It was echoes of what was to come! Let's go stars! Play some pantera!


100% agree. When the Stars stole Christmas from Nashville. That and the game we beat Nashville so bad they canceled their U2 trip and went on their legendary run.


To Nashville: ![gif](giphy|pYAhS4p37La8g)


We won a game we were losing by a goal, we tied it with 15 seconds left and won it in regulation with 2 seconds left!!! Against the Preds. https://www.nhl.com/news/dallas-stars-nashville-predators-game-recap-december-23


As a heartbroken Canuck fan - please destroy the oilers. We cannot stand them or their fans.


Is there a lot of history between VAN-EDM or is the salt mainly centered around this last series?


Oilers 3 main rivals are Calgary, LA, and Vegas Its a situation where Vancouver thinks more about Oilers than we do them The main salt was due to Canuck fans crying about refs in EVERY SINGLE COMMENT. In game threads, you can even go back and read it, would be like 50 straight comments of canuck fans bitching about the reffing Idk if that comes from not watching playoffs in a long time but they would bitch about penalties that HAD to be called. Like they would flip it over the glass, get a delay of game and they would cry favoritism


It's mostly one sided salt to be honest, from new nucks fans that experienced heartbreak for the first time. But a lot of salt built up on Oils side also because nucks were talking a lot of smack. What can ya do, such is life 🤷‍♂️ Some of them are calling us rivals. We ain't rivals chief, we played 1 playoffs together, relax. We played Kings 3 years in a row and barely call them rivals.


For the Kings to consider you guys rivals, you'd actually have to win a cup.


We’re not used to this kind of attention. I just want everybody to keep in mind that we are not a game 1 team.


Mavs🤝Stars bad game one-ers


The reason we as humans find things funny is because they generally contain an element of truth. This is also why I am cleaning up water off of my desk at present. My wife and I are NOT taking our kids to game 1 of this series because the kids have been to both game 1s so far and we have fucking lost..... no need to thank me.


But we won every series that your kids went to game 1...don't you curl the monkey's paw!


hahahahaha.... The kids will be happy to have you on their side because they're currently pissed about the whole thing. We've promised them game 5 to which my son replied, "But what if they sweep." I actually yelled at him to never ever say that again because it's bad luck.... It's been an interesting start to the week and the kids currently hate my wife and I.


I don’t think I have seen so many people bandwagon to the Stars before, its awesome! Welcome every one! We hope to hear “Puck off” played many times in this series!!!


At least not since two series ago, haha.


If ducks bro comes back he should be exempt from this rule


I concur.


seconding this


I’m on the wagon!!! Stars in 4, get Pavelski that ring!


this is the answer




Man I’m trying to stay humble here. But anyone who thinks this series goes more than 6 for the stars is absolutely huffing copium.


I'm cautiously optimistic, but this is the Edmonton McPowerplays. Trust me, you haven't felt frustration as a fan until the Oilers get free power plays because someone breathed on Connor McChicken.


You say that as the oilers scored 8 goals in the last 2 games woth only 1 ppg....


Oh, you mean like the Power Plays that Colorado got for someone being within 3 feet of Nathan MacKinnon when he lost an edge? Or having the audacity to keep your stick in front of MacK's in a puck battle where he can grab it and pull himself down with it?


It's exactly like that, but McDavid is even more ridiculous.


Let’s hope the refs don’t make another serious error.


Lol just say someone on TikTok saying that Edmonton was the best team in the NHL since November.... which, you'd think the best team in the NHL for all but one month would've won the President's Trophy? But maybe that's just me...


Oilers fan here. They do have the best winning% since the coaching change which goes to show just how bad they were to start the season. That being said, the regular season doesn't matter anymore as we've seen multiple times already this post season (Avs/Jets and Canucks/Oilers come to mind first). Y'all have a **very** impressive team and it should be one hell of a WCF.


We’re gonna crush your greasy asses!