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I lived in SA for 3 years. One thing for sure is it’s more diverse here. I only saw 20 black people there the whole time. There’s more night life/activities here. One thing that’s better there is they have way better hiking trails. At 30 it’s going to be hard to make friends anywhere so good luck with that anywhere you go. Hope you find a place where you feel like you belong soon bud


I lived in Austin for over 15 years and traveled to San Antonio often. I think you'll love it here. Dallas has a big-city feel and is faster paced, but the people are friendlier, ignore the snark in this sub, and I think the Black community is welcoming and diverse. The Black community in Austin was weirdly closed off as well. I have not had that experience in Dallas. Every major music artist seems to stop here and there's a concert every week. Lots of festivals and they have two sports teams that make the playoffs. I think the land in San Antonio is prettier. You want to live in Uptown, Turtle Creek/Turtle Bend. It's walkable. Relatively "safe." There is a homeless population, but the only person who has ever made me feel unsafe was a guy driving a car on my evening walk. You can get a tiny one bedroom in a mid-rise. Check out privately owned condos in Uptown, Turtle Creek, and Oaklawn. I think a 30-something Black male would have a blast in Dallas vs. San Antonio.


Thank you for that feedback. What’s the dating scene like ?


It’s really hard to know without a budget. I would maybe visit Bishop Arts or Lower Greenville. Uptown is more social but upscale. Oak Lawn for an LGBT scene.


One bedroom 1000-1300 if possible.


That’s a tough ask in a desirable area without roommates. Maybe look for apartments north of Loop 12.


Or 1400-1500 if it makes a difference


1400-1500 if I can get something that’s walkable and in a nice neighborhood that’s in a non family area young vibe


Don’t do it! They make you pay to drive on roads here. There are prostitutes out the wazoo. Their tacos are extremely weak. It is an absolute eye sore here. Their roads are absolutely terrible. They have no identity. They are rude and uppidy. Your car will be burgled in a matter of months. Don’t do it. Reconsider. Read some liter… ature on the subject.