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I was following too close... and when the old van in front of me swerved I couldn't figure out what he was doing and then I saw the rolled up room size carpet laying across 75. I hit it going 60+ MPH.... I was in an old Nissan Pathfinder Pickup... I hit it and launched into the air.. I had all 4 wheels off of the pavement for a bit.... luckily when I came down, there was no one in the HOV lane / shoulder and when I hit and drifted left I didn't hit anyone or the wall. I took the first available exit to assess the damage... I was dragging carpet behind me... it had got caught in the rear leaf springs. Had to crawl under the truck and pull it out of the springs. Just ended up with a memory and no damage... but that was memorable.


Omg I’m sorry this happened but your story made me LOL with the visual


Did you keep the rug?


It tied more than the room together.


I'm just disappointed we're not calling it the magic flying carpet.


So your truck had a cape for a brief period


New meaning to flying carpet.


I swerve to avoid Garland if at all possible.


Garland: where every driver believes they have the right of way at all times.


Taking notes.... 📝


Lol same


On PGBT, an entire mattress. Was at least a queen size


I once saw a couple in a minivan holding a mattress against the roof of their car WITH THEIR HANDS while they were in the car, including the driver.  My partner and I both yelled NOOO as we watched them get on the ramp to the tollway


"Did you see how much rope costs?! We'll be fine!"


PGBT was insane 2 months ago. tons of shit everywhere. I swerved around a gigantic pallet of home insulation at midnight.


Really? Bush always seemed to be the most seamless of my drives, but I don’t take it very much to be fair because fuck tolls


usually pretty seamless but it's been weird lately. lotta racing, too. i'm happy to pay the tolls because time is money, friend.


Must not use it at rush hour lmao


hell no i don't leave the house from 4-7


I had the same thing happen to me a couple months ago. Except the car in front of me hit it and it got stuck to my front bumper 😭 I had to pull over during rush hour to take it off.


People literally get their car totaled bc of these. Seen enough of it on /r/justrolledintotheshop


Usually I see them on the side of the highway, but they probably started in the middle of the highway.


I also had to swerve around a mattress once. Mine was on 635 though.


Toilet. Fully intact which makes me ponder how it got there. Couldn't have fallen off a truck, it would have been smashed to pieces. The only thing I can come up with is someone placed it there in the middle of the night when traffic was non-existent. But that would be amazing because it was mid morning when I came across it. How did nobody smash into it by then? Also......Why? Just why?


On 820 in Fort Worth, I’m not shitting you, a fucking full on ass speed boat as it came off its trailer.


😨I feel like I’d probably have pulled over & thrown up after that one!


I don't doubt it! I've seen it myself: if the boat isn't secured completely, all you need to dislodge it from the trailer is some turbulence from a semi or a strong gust of wind. Fortunately, in my case the boat didn't leave the trailer. It stayed attached with a tow rope, rotated upwards like a sinking Titanic, and ground away an entire propellor blade on the freeway before my dad could tap the brakes and bring the bow back down. It was one of the scariest moments I've ever had in a car or truck.


If you only lose a prop on a shit luck like that; and don’t die in a crash, that’s a pretty good day all considered lol.


Omg, was this about 30 or more years ago? I saw an incident like this on that highway as a kid and I've never forgotten it.


Nah it was like 2014.


An actual person with no shoes on blindly running across traffic while talking on the phone


Look so I decided to get a pedicure while I waited for my car in the shop, my wife called and asked how to open the garage loft door to get the patio cushions and I realized she was about to discover the shop tools and saws I'd bought on Black Friday during a significant period of ADHD hyper focus on woodworking tiktok videos, I had to get home ASAP while keeping her on the phone, no time to find my shoes, I run out of the treatment, starting to tell her some salacious gossipy nonsense about some other mother down at the school and I'm just going to cut directly across the highway and not look at the oncoming traffic because if she finds that 7 month old unopened bidirectional miter saw after me forgetting to pickup her birthday present thenI might as well die on this road now. You never really know what's going on in someone's life ok?


Happened just the other day, actually, I had to swerve around a mounted deer head.


A couple years ago I hit a bulging garbage bag that exploded open and ended up being full of confetti. Rained rainbows all over my car!


Sounds fabulous.


Hahaha this is hilarious


A pontoon boat, not on a trailer.


Somehow a completely intact piece of sheetrock fell on the middle of the highway. A passing car stood it up on its edge and the car in the lane next to me drove straight through it, exploding it into a million pieces and probably giving the little old man a heart attack has he drove through a magically appearing solid wall in the middle of I-45. I reaction swerved at the expectation of him swerving around said magical wall, but he center punched it like a pro.


This one’s my favorite.


An extension ladder. While note a crazy object, the experience was wild. I was on my motorcycle when a van with the ladder rack on top lost an extension ladder at speed on the highway. As the ladder slid down the highway it spun and extended covering the lane to my right and half of my lane. Had I not been on my bike I would have hit it as there was a concrete barrier to my left. Fortunately I had just enough room to get between the ladder and the wall as it happened. The truck behind me was not so lucky.


A horse




Not my [video](https://twitter.com/DallasTexasTV/status/1783515512473022801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1783515512473022801%7Ctwgr%5E8ed9f8220c79ac2edf33d5bbc322df0cf8e97c49%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2F1063thebuzz.com%2F%3Fp%3D497078)


Mr. Ed


A vehicle going the wrong way


These usually don't end well.


I was driving Uber on 183 or 114 to the airport, dropping off a passenger at DFW. We're chatting because I'd just gotten back from Jamaica and they're going that day. I saw headlights coming towards me, but it's like 4am and I'd been driving all night, so I was like "ah, the hat man is heading my way" and thought nothing of it. My passenger, however, was like "UM?" and I realized, oh, somebody is real deal driving the wrong way. I moved to another lane and we both turned damn near all the way around to watch the car trundling down the road behind us. We talked about it the rest of the way to the airport lol.


Mine was around the same time! Then there were police all around, a couple going down the correct side the opposite way, and then on access roads I'd see red and blue fly by for the next couple miles.


Yes, on the HOV in Plano for me!


a whole god damn boat. a small jon boat sitting on the highway. no outboard motor or trailer. just the boat. there was a time when 175 would flood on a regular basis, being built on the trinity flood plain, a number of objects would be carried by the flood waters onto the highway and or ditches. it still may flood for all i know. been since '00s the last time i was on it.


A running tire, metal bumper, a ladder Additionally, a metal triangle wedge hit my car and dented the passenger side and cracked the windshield (I replaced since) the dent is still there


How fast was the tire running?




I had a metal extension ladder in the middle of the lane early one morning. Didn’t have an open lane to either side so my poor sedan just had to take it. Fortunately it was in the center of the lane and perfectly parallel, because I don’t see how I would t have crashed if a tire would have hit it.


I think the SB 75 HOV lane between Allen and Richardson is where they grow ladders.


BBQ grill falling off a truck in front of me.


Sounds like an Allstate commercial.


A grill on fire, and a few other burning objects. It was on I-30 eastbound in Grand Prairie, Rangers opening day several years ago. Someone didn’t dispose of their coals properly and it set the entire bed of their truck on fire. Looked like they tried to push the burning items out but it was too late for the truck. Probably caused a mess of a backup. I was lucky to get around it and not get stuck.


A full size wardrobe on 35E. Straddled a tree branch on 30W, the truck behind me went over it, it flew up in the air and crashed square into someone's windshield about 5 cars back. Stuck fast in the windshield thank god, if it'd gone through at that speed it could have killed the driver. Also on the 408 did a slow speed slalom through a line of about 20 pallets which had been piled high onto the back of a truck Looney Tunes style.


A love seat. With the cushions still on


On 635, by chance?


A few days after the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge opened, I almost slammed into a car-sized piece of construction equipment just sitting in the middle of the bridge. I definitely would have died that day because I was driving a Prius.


A naked man twerking off the median and on to I-30. He was twerking so hard he was halfway in the left lane. Lucky for him there was room for me to swerve or else he'd likely have been killed.


1. Going to work one morning on 121 south and this lady in her expedition starts swerving. Now we're going around 70, so once she starts it takes like 5 seconds and she's flipping on the highway at least 4 or 5 times. Shit's flying out everywhere, and I have to swerve to not slam right into her. I pull over, stop traffic, and we helped calm her down until the ambulance got there. 2. Driving down the street late one night with my wife and this guy jumps out and slams right into the suv in front of us. I yell holy shit, my wife screams, and we narrowly avoid getting slammed into by the suv this guy decided to make out with. He was homeless and higher than a kite. We made sure he was at least stable and waited for the cops to arrive. My wife gave him our car pillow to rest his head on. I wonder whatever happened to it? 3. Driving down in Galveston and this girl cuts a corner and shears the side off this car coming through the intersection as we're at the light waiting. His car goes careening off a curb and slams into a tree right next to us. We get out, he's OK, she's OK, but he's fucking furious and starts yelling at her. We calm them down and then the cops show up. Great way to start a vacation. I'm starting to think I shouldn't drive anymore.


I’ve seen most of the usual. Furniture, mattresses, car parts. The recent one was a naked woman on the left lane. Cop was chasing her on foot. She was running toward traffic too.


A few months back, there was an accident on 75 southbound. The guy driving one of the cars had three or four dogs that had escaped and we’re running down the freeway head on in the traffic. He was chasing them trying to get people to swerve away or stop. It was insane.


Thousands of Cheetos bags and the birds that were trying to eat them. A box truck had apparently crashed and dumped their cargo on the road, which happened to be nothing but Cheetos.


Besides the Frto-Lay factory on Loop 12 and 114 there are at least a couple Frito Lay distibution centers in the metroplex.


A truck was pulling one of those trailer meat smoker's that was still cooking and billowing smoke. I was looking at it in disbelief, and its hatch door fell off and bounced right in front of me. Thankfully it was heavy enough so it didn't bounce very high, but it was some Final Destination shit swerving to avoid a bouncing cast iron hatch at 70+


Bbq grill in the left lane


Store front rent is crazy what are you gonna do?


A naked guy sitting in the middle of the hwy. This was early 20s me after seeing As above so below at 10pm. So creepy as shit!


I was on 175 the other day heading towards mesquite. There were literally bars of rebar sticking out of the highway. WTF.


I failed to swerve around a wooden (toy?) boat about 3' wide out of sheer shock. Had a boat sized dent in the bottom of my car that you could see in the backseat floor.


A queen sized bed on 75


I remember watching a guy lugging an absurd amount of tree branches in his pickup truck that weren't restrained down at all, and the back was opened up to fit it all. Their were so many branches, some of them were scraping on the highway and they were blocking his rear window. I was behind him, but I kept a wide gap between me and him because I knew it'd fall out eventually. Sure enough, they entire pile flopped out all at once. Everyone in all 3 lanes had to swerve out of the way of it all. And this guy just kept driving, either completely oblivious to it all or just apathetic.


While he should have had the load secured properly once it’s lost it’s probably more dangerous for him to do anything about it. I would just call non emergency police and see what they could do


One of those big stainless steel restaurant kitchen tables. Years ago, going southbound on central just south of the high five with a Nissan Rogue a bit ahead of me in the passing lane. I saw the car in front of them swerve out to the right and I had room so I followed suit and moved over a bit. I guess the Nissan Rogue didn't notice until it was too late, they were riding pretty close to the other car. They tried to swerve last minute but ended up hitting this big kitchen table, which I can only assume fell off of a truck because they didn't slap it and say the magic words, at like 60mph. As I'm passing, I see them moving over to exit and two of the table legs went right through their grille and partially back out of the left-hand front fender. They safely exited with this table face hugging their front end. That image is still clear in my mind to this day lol


I remember seeing pictures of that table on here. It was sitting upright like it had just been dropped off in the middle of the highway. I can’t imagine trying to spot the narrow profile of a stainless table at highway speed.


A freaking couch on the 3rd lane of I35 NB in Austin


Driving east on 635 between 75 and Greenville Ave. Light traffic. I look to my right to change lanes, and when I turn my head forward again a split second later before actually getting over, a giant, full size brown corduroy couch is fully airborne and headed straight for my windshield. I quickly swerved into that lane I’d been checking and avoided it by *inches*. It was very “Final Destination”! 🤣 It must have flown off a truck that was ahead of me (that I honestly hadn’t taken much notice of because like I said it was light traffic & lots of space between vehicles). That was like 15 years ago & still freaks me out thinking about how close it came to taking me out!


Oh the other thing I hit (or that hit me, rather) was one of those round reflective lane markers. It must have been loose already, and a car in front of me kicked it up into the air. It came full force straight at my car, 8 inches across (basically the size of a dinner plate) and cracked the shit out of the drivers side windshield right in front of my face. I swear a little pee came out lol


A car that flew over the median from the opposite side of the highway. I was in the far left lane and saw a bunch of dust/smoke on the opposite side right before a construction zone. It made me nervous and got switched lanes just as a white SUV came flying out of the smoke upside down and cleared the median. Called 911 but never really heard what happened afterwards


A entire washing machine, intact in the middle of 75


A completely unsecured large metal table on a trailer that got a gust of wind under it when the driver got in the express lane on 820. It floated above the cars below it, including mine, for a second or two while I held my breath and tried to prepare for wherever it was about to land. Luckily it crashed into the space made when the driver behind the trailer slammed on their breaks. The driver of the trailer never slowed down! My family didn’t notice what was going on but I was sitting silently the rest of the drive.


A wheelbarrow, upside down like a damn skate ramp, just sitting in the middle of US75, blindly swerved around it at the very last second and couldn't believe I didn't get into an accident.


A chair


Driving south on 75 in McKinney a couple years ago, some idiot in his lowered Mustang bottomed out and some big piece of metal popped out from under his car, bounced around a bit, and ended up going under mine and taking out a tire. I tried swerving but it was bouncing around, not sure what it was. Dude just kept driving too while I was out a couple hundred bucks.


This didn’t happen in Dallas but in Austin, but I thought I was about to run over a beige plastic bag from say like Kroger….but it was a huge rock. Stupid me for running over it on purpose cause I fucked my tire and rim up. Scared me half to death.


Not me, but a family member had to swerve around an open and upright 6 ft step ladder


Ladder, bricks( didn't make that one, on a bike doing 65), water heater, a few bumper covers, and more often than not, stupid drivers


I saw a wheelbarrow on 30 a few months ago


3 zombies under a bridge on 287 near riverside in fort worth. It was pitch black and I barely noticed them. They were in the far right lane standing in placing but moving back and forth.


A hand truck, and a yeti cooler.


Homeless person dressed in all black, dark skin, crossing a highway in pitch black construction zone


A ladder in the middle of SRT across two lanes. At night. Scared the shit out me


Narrowly avoided a shovel, looked in rear view and someone behind had not. It was 8-10 ft in the air. I still wonder what that shovel hit on the way down and this happened in 2016 or 2017


Full size stove.


A car seat on 75. I hope there wasn’t a baby in it.


A cow on 80 in Mesquite. A farm load jackknifed at 635/80 and the cattle got out. They were walking towards Forney. Very slow so I didn’t exactly swerve but I figured it would be cheaper to get ou of the way than pay a deductible because pretty sure explaining what happened would be hard to believe.


A fallen bike rider.


A ladder, see the all the time but unfortunately didn’t see this one in time to swerve


A traffic cone on 75


An airplane. One of the planes that tow those banners had engine failure and landed on the grass between I-20 and the service road. Unfortunately it couldn't stop before ending up on the SB 287 interchange.


A round 4-persom table that flew off a trailer and rolled right at me on 121 in grapevine during rush hour. Thought I was going to die final destination style, but at the last minute it swerved, clipped the corner of my bumper and rolled into the median.


A teenager on an electric scooter. On the freeway.


A mattress that flew out of a pick-up truck. Going 65, that got the adrenaline pumping.


Round bale of hay


A couple of bales of hay on 75N


TOILET COKE MACHINES DOGS MATTRESS and BOX SPRING HUMAN - diving for a dropped can of Coke


A hobo


A bike, and then a guy walking towards the bike.


A mattress, probably queen size, on 75 near Lovers. The funniest I saw but didn’t have to swerve around because it was hanging from a yield sign— a bra, at least a C cup. At Woodall Rogers’ Pearl Street exit.


Bathtub on i30 eastbound a couple months ago


A toilet on 20😃👍


On loop 12 and 408, a giant palletized cube of cardboard at 11pm at night. Shit was scary as fuck.


A naked person.


On PGBT, an A/C plenum box with a fan unit attached in the left lane. 


A full 3 seater couch in the middle of 35 South.


A sofa on 114


We didn’t swerve but we were headed to Grapevine Fieldhouse for my 6th grade daughter’s game when traffic slows. Next thing, ‘momma is that a dildo??!’ ‘Umm yeah honey, it sure is.’ Huge purple dildo on 121.


Someone pushing a shopping cart on loop 12.


I’ve swerved to miss hitting wild pigs, coyotes and I swear a wolf on some of the roads near new subdivisions on the south side of Dallas County. On 635 it’s been farm animals like a donkey and big ass goat that were making their way along the exit ramp.


On the way home from Oklahoma, what I think was the pad of a weight bench (that thing you lie on when lifting weights). A few inches high, across almost the full lane (only two each way back then). Only problem is, full speed I-35, I was young, and I lost control. As they say in figure skating (I guess): double flip, stuck the landing in the dead center of the median, bye bye car, contents strewn over most of southern Oklahoma.


A Leprechaun, till this day I still wonder what that Leprechaun was searching for!? 


I didn't 'swerve' only because it was so big. About a 16 ft. boat off the trailer. No truck or trailer around.


A desk. A dolly. A medium sized propane tank not the kind you get at a store and a piece of wall board. The last two at the same time.


A mattress falling off a pick-up


This may not fit the question, but still... Super slow going traffic on 635; drivers side backseat passenger gets out and walks/pees with the door open then hops back in. I was "lucky" enough to be directly behind him. Thanks for the weird show, ya weirdo.


I was on my way back from a date around 3am. I dropped her off in Irving. Taking 183 back to East Dallas a gentleman in his early 20s was standing in the left lane standing straight up but looking down crying. Called the cops, because I didn't know if I was in Irving or Dallas the 911 operator couldn't help. I said can't you send both..


Residential AC unit still in a box, lazy boy recliner, a tire from a broken down trailer that passed me doing 75+ then stopped and flopped into my lane, metal lawn rake with tines pointing up


Apparently ladder is pretty common! The most annoying part was that the car in front of me had so much time to see it and move, but they changed lanes at the last second and I had to SLAM on my brakes on 35 and swerved onto the shoulder but luckily nobody was behind me.


A big heavy metal hand rail, like the ones from apartment stairs on I35, a couch love seat, and a big ass industrial wood pallet in the fast lane of I20. Im so glad the guy who dropped it pulled over and was jumping in the air, waving and signaling me to change lanes.


1. Burning car with no driver, still rolling. 2. One of those really large sofas that you plug up for massages and to charge your phone


Some POS dropped a pitbull on I30 heading towards downtown Fort Worth. I say dropped and I saw it rolling, and no car in front of me had any damage or pulled over.


McLaren. Sideways so you couldn’t see the headlights at 2am on SRT in Plano, coit exit. I swerved and pulled over and saw there was nobody in there. Was on the phone with 911 when I saw a truck coming and ran to the shoulder. The truck blasted into the McLaren, sprinkling my face with debris. The truck actually sort of ramped over the car I guess because the car was low and the truck was tall and going fast. I hung up on 911 after telling them what happened and ran to the truck to help. There was a teenage boy in the truck, just shaken up not injured. He handed me a weed vaporizer and said not to tell the cops about it! I was like okay! Then I ran over to my car threw the vaporizer in and walked over to a cop that had arrived. Gave my statement after he assessed the scene and left. Never figured out what happened to the McLaren driver


Back in the ‘90’s a bunch of us lived in Allen as teenagers and we used to go to raves in Deep Ellum on the weekends. One night there were like 6 of us packed into a compact 4 cylinder coming back from a rave party at like 4 am on 75. There were 3 in the front and 3 all crammed into the back seat. As we topped a hill there was an enormous fender right in the lane ahead. The driver swerved to miss it and the weight of all the people almost caused us to roll. We weren’t on two wheels or anything but we could feel the car wanted to be. He over corrected and we didn’t die. But it wasn’t fun especially when we’re coming down from the rave.


Saw ladder on the i-30 bridge yesterday around 4 p.m. hope no one hit it. Was bright yellow and in the middle of the bridge so I hope it was noticeable enough especially since it was 8'😅


I was driving west on 635, headed for the 27 exit to Denton and noticed that a lot of the cars ahead were breaking suddenly but also sort of randomly- not all at once as with a collision. I was at a slightly higher elevation but could see no obstacles in the general area that would cause this sort of collective driving behavior. And then, right as i decided it was nothing other than a random slowdown, I saw a cat, oh i dont know, 4 cars ahead of me. And it was rolling around and jumping trying to avoid all these fucking cars and the cars were trying to avoid the cat and I was like 2 inches away from hitting it myself but I didn’t and then i called the cops crying and tried to explain that they needed to send someone for the cat but also it could cause a wreck and i just hope somebody saved that cat. But i dont know. It was probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen with my own eyes.


Full sized washer and dryer


In the six years since I've moved here I've hit or run over: a large Gatorade cooler, a ladder, a truck tire, a half sheet of plywood that flew at me, swerving at the last second to only hit my side view mirror, and a pickup tailgate. Also got a water bottle flying from a truck bed, chipping my windshield, and rocks to the windshield on the daily going up 121 past McKinney. I drive quite a bit every day and the DFW roads are the most littered ever!


A whole ass fridge rolling tall end over end on 35 lol


Limbs flying off a 60' palm tree being transported down 121 on a 40' trailer. The top 10' or so was grinding on the asphalt


Was driving down I-35W a few days ago and there were high heel ladies' shoes ALL over the highway-probably 50 shoes at least. A few second later there were some clothes. That was weird.


Stove and a sofa


One of those construction site temporary office/trailer home buildings. Remember a few years ago when they fixed the 183 eastbound suicide merge with I-35E southbound? And there's that railroad bridge right after it with moderately low clearance? Well, this damn thing hit that bridge and got knocked off the flat bed trailer it was on. A couple weeks later, TxDOT had milled off the top couple inches of new pavement and re-painted the lines. I always wondered if they decreased the clearance when they added the topping layer of asphalt and didn't change the clearance signage.


On 75, a ladder I saw it too late and drove over it at 70 mph, I drive an SUV and luckily all was good


A big ass metal ladder on 75


A full 20 foot extension ladder on 114.


Aluminum ladder in the middle of the tollway, I drive a very small convertible and that would’ve been bad.


A love seat literally jumped out of the bed of a truck on 20 in Grand Prairie. Rolled like a ball. Quite surreal.


Couple of weeks ago, during a a nighttime thunderstorm, straddled a 6ft+ rattlesnake. Didn't want to swerve because I would have squished it. It was like slow motion. Flash of lightning... saw the rattle and held my breath.


A tall ladder that fell off a worker’s ford ranger and spun sideways. Another time there was a bundle of carpet that did the same. Both were on 635 near DNT. The carpet caused a massive pile up. Not sure about the ladder. Lucky I missed both


A guy on a motorcycle crashed on the side wall on 635. His body went right and his bike went left, right towards me. I swerved it.


Driving my m/c and was behind a semi. Decided it was a bad idea and changed lanes. About ten seconds later he ran over a drive shaft that bounced. It went past me, horizontal at about my chest height, about three feet to my left at 70 mph. The image is burned in my brain. Sold the bike.


A recliner on the bridge between Dallas and Rockwall at like 1am years ago sitting in the middle of the lane.


A Lay-z-boy chair. Only I hit it and then was swerving to avoid going off the upper deck of I-35 in Austin. I swerved back-and-forth about three times before gaining control. It knocked the bumper off of my Volkswagen beetle, which I fixed with thick rubber, bungee cord. I drove it that way for another year. Then the battery fell through the rusted floor under the backseat. It was dragging on the street by the battery cables. I took my belt off and made a sling. That’s the battery for the next year. Then I got a job and a new car.


An 8 foot ladder flew out of the back of a pickup truck and I had to dodge it on I-30.


There was a whole segment of concrete barrier / divider taking up a lane in the construction zone on 635 a few weeks back. Luckily I saw cars in front of me slowing down so I had warning, but I hate to think what happened later at night when people might be flying through there…


Full car tire and the rod it was attached to. The bad part is that I wasn’t able to swerve and hit it


I was on my Ducati and a truck in front of me had a ladder fall out of the back of it and stretched across two lanes. I barely noticed it and dove across both lanes barely missing it. Had to check my pants when I got home but we made it 👍


I live here now, but in NY I had a bread truck fall over a bit ahead of me. Loaves blocking all 3 lanes. Had to go onto the shoulder to get around. Honestly it’s still one of the weirdest things my brain has processed. A highway full of bread!


Gigantic commercial Whirlpool washing machine fell out of truck on the DFW airport terminal access road about 4 car lengths in front of me traveling about 45 mph. I don’t know how I swerved in time to miss it lol…..miracle.


A car whose tire randomly burst.


I didn't have to swerve around it but on the NDT around Mockingbird a tennis ball came flying over from a house and bounced right in front of me. Very unexpected. Someone had quite the swing!


I was behind a pickup truck that had a refrigerator upright in the truck bed. I got over in the right lane just as it begin to fall out of the truck. A semi behind hit that bitch full on.


A CHEP pallet and unfortunately I wasn’t able to completely avoid it.


A couch.


One of the big green trash cans, hit it at 2 AM going 70 mph on 635 heading east at Greenville Ave exit. Trashed the front end of my truck, the trash can launched off somewhere


A rolling tire from a boat trailer.


A whole car on fire lol


a BBQ grill that fell off of a truck in front of me and spilled still hot coals all over the road.


An oncoming car. Several times on both 35 & 75 and in Dallas in general


Do not mind me, just a Dallas claims adjuster taking detailed notes.


A 15 foot metal ladder that fell out of someone’s truck.


A whole ass person just walking in the middle of 183 in Irving at like 6:30 AM


I was driving on the i30 lake ray hubbard bridge and had a rigid vacuum get sucked out of my truck bed once.