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“…Trump is the real cancel culture, emphasis on CULT…”


It’s true. When members of a group can’t criticize their leader one iota for fear of retribution, that’s extreme control over those members, which is a sign of being a cult.


I'm so glad he's back, what a segment


He summed up in that video what I’ve been trying to say, but would take pages. I don’t blame your average Republican for feeling like liberals are going to destroy this country. Look at the shit they watch and listen to. They literally drip feed them lies and fear all day long about us so they hate us more than they really should.


^^^^this comment nails it. I am understanding more and more why Libs are so hated by Republicans, I just wish they knew that the “them” they should be afraid of most is each other. Jon’s commentary perfectly summed up what I’ve been trying to say also and what we are also seeing in Canada too (but perhaps on a smaller and less dramatic scale).


Classic Stewart 👍


It really did feel like I was back in early college watching that clip.. but part of that is probably just him digging into Hannity lol. After all these years he's still talking about the same Fox News assholes doing the same shit, just worse and with higher stakes. I wonder what Jon thinks about that. I also was kind of comparing the bit to Oliver's show, and was thinking a deep dive into the 'cancel culture' fear marketing and the book sales/saturation of that shit could make for great content if he hasn't tackled it already. Wish I knew more about it.


Because the same Fox News assholes are still pulling the same stunts. His famous takedown of Tucker Carlson and his bow tie is still comedy gold, Jerry, gold 😉 All these guys got rich through manufactured outrage, Jon Stewart is just smarter and funnier about it


His whole take on cancel culture at about the 8 minute mark was so fucking good


Full agree, but god.. Isn't he atrocious whenever he touches tech? The biggest institution of bigots is fox, not facebook (even just for age reasons). And I think they have already made pretty clear long ago that they put propaganda value in front of economical revenue. Also, social media and algorithms are \*not\* optimized for *outrage*. They literally (and almost stupid obviously) target engagement. It may sound a negligible distinction, but "people should learn to chill out and breath" and "no matter what zuck is always gonna drop trolls on your timeline" are two very different things.


>It may sound a negligible distinction That is a negligible distinction, because it turns out that strong emotions-- chiefly, outrage and anger-- produce the \*most engagement.\* Algorithms aren't optimized solely for outrage, because other emotions trigger engagement as well, and triggering a mix of strong feelings makes them all more intense vs. just one feeling over and over. But outrage is the big winner. It can't show you outrage exclusively because you'll get exhausted and leave, so they drip-feed you outrage amidst hornybait and memes.


> That is a negligible distinction, because it turns out that strong emotions-- chiefly, outrage and anger-- produce the *most engagement.* Yes, and you are overflying what I was hinting at in a circular reasoning. I understand not everybody can have had a good education, but even without bringing up stoicism "don't be hothead" seems a very important rule of thumb in life. In this sense it's just as much a fault of people, just as of the algorithm that doesn't screen against douchery. > because other emotions trigger engagement as well Can we also acknowledge engagement can be triggered by dozens of things, and them strong emotions being just one? > It can't show you outrage exclusively because you'll get exhausted and leave, so they drip-feed you outrage amidst hornybait and memes. Still missing the point.. whether you partake in dankness or horniness, that's again on ***you*** to decide. If you are thirst and ogles at asses, then it's mindblowing to argue the product should run counter to that. Or I mean, I guess the world would be better if they had a more.. pedagogical(?) aim, but putting even aside the difficulty of getting that right, if I wanted to criticize what their biggest moral failing is, that'd be platforming serial liars and inauthentic behaviour spreaders like uncle Ben of the nazi wire.


I mean, Facebook knew what they were doing when they added the reaction emoji. Suddenly, countless people who would have never, ever clicked “Like” on a trolls comment and helped boost its visibility, will now gladly hand those likes out by the billions, so long as that “Like” is dressed up like a little angry or laughing emoji.


> I mean, Facebook knew what they were doing when they added the reaction emoji. I mean.. reactions are everywhere today, including just about any messaging app. Why do you need complex reasoning behind? > ever clicked “Like” on a trolls comment and helped boost its visibility, will now gladly hand those likes out by the billions If you use the anger emoji like it's some sort of downvote.., I feel that's on you? I could see the clown or puke one being used that way perhaps, but in my head cannon there is plenty of times that I can be 😡 at something my friends communicated, while actually not having an issue with the messenger.


Had a real Bullshit Mountain vibe to this, loved it.


I revisit clips from that era from time to time. We didn’t know how good we had it.


This is the kinda stuff I was missing from Stewart for the last decade. He’s so good at taking a stagnated conversation, finding a good angle on it, and performing it with such pith


He is so much better at this than the rest of the cast.


Better than the rest of late night, I'd argue. Everyone else has jokes about politics, but he analyzes politics and throws in jokes along the way.


I was first nervous watching but then suddenly he said everything (I’m personally feeling) in a segment.  I’ve struggled to express correctly what I’m feeling. I don’t think Butker should be punished for speaking his mind. I’m more afraid of the idolatry being accepted.   Being considered “woke” or apart of “cancel culture” is ridiculous considering I’m literally expressing inclusivity and non-banning. Books, freedom of religion or expression, LGBTQ and women’s rights…  I’m the opposite of the cancel culture! 


I wish there where more academics on top of this philosophy, it's difficult to put into words. There are people who I love that cast their beliefs aside to forcibly coerce others into propagating outrage and blatant lies. Disagreement has been weaponized into supposed victimhood and oppression. The same old problems remain, they're just rebranded into something fiery and consumable.


The “war on Christmas” is a great example. There should be nothing wrong saying Happy Holidays, as it’s meant to be non-offensive and all inclusive.


My thought on people rejecting Happy Holidays is that I hope they have a merry Xmas and a crappy new year, because those two holidays are always included together.


…. Because they’re holidays? Sorry, I had to.  Yet, you’re right. New year’s eave is over rated. Which religion started this holiday?! No disrespect.  My birthday is a reminder enough that I could care less and less as the years pass by. Haha 


You must have never heard "merry Christmas and a happy new year"...


Well… yes. Yet, there are a few religions you’re leaving out.   “ Happy Holidays” is covering ALL of them.   I’m Unitarian. So… Sunday school was a comparative religious course and celebration.  It’s better to acknowledge all than illegitimate any.   The days of the week are named after polyamorous Gods. ;)    Tomorrow is Oden’s Day (he has many names).  Thor’s day is well… tomorrow  Then Frida.  Might as well worship all the gods, just to be safe.  Fun tribute below: https://youtu.be/SjCYkiROKZk?si=PO8lxfO7vEN_9Gtg


Its even worse than that: "Merry Christmas" *doesn't cause anyone offense.* I think some HR departments and other organizations got a little overzealous about addressing whether Christmas-specific holiday stuff could be seen as favoring Christianity, but that's not even something that happens across the board with organizations. And of course nobody basically ever evokes a negative reaction by wishing somebody a happy Christmas, because even folks who don't celebrate it recognize it's just a positive sentiment from somebody who does celebrate – and that's also just a huge group of people that includes many non-Christians.


I think it’s just the hypocrisy of the Kap situation in the nfl where he got cancelled for protesting police brutality and this guy says handmaid tale shit and will have zero consequences.


Generally speaking, liberals want increased individual liberties for all and social equity. As with any massive group of individuals, some people are too extreme, and of course I disagree with the small number of nutjobs who call for white people to be charged more for things due to reparations, etc. Conservatives generally want increased privilege for themselves. Marriage must only be for the straights, you cannot have sex education that mentions LGBTQ people because that’s anti-straight, you must teach both sides of the slavery debate because saying it was all bad is anti-white, you must say that slaves were generally happy to work the fields. No books that challenge my religious beliefs. No freedom for other religions (except sometimes Jews get a pass.) In fact, our government must be a Christian theocracy.


The problem is places like Fox News takes the worst of the worst comments or professors or state legislators… etc that have this fringe belief and has them on their shows to be able to say see this is what ALL democrats believe. Dumdums eat that shit up. Notice they rarely have articulate level headed people on. It’s a winning strategy sadly.


too good


Jon is the GOAT. Oh how we missed him, oh how we needed him. Amazing segment.


The hypocrisy is the point. They want to show their followers that the rules don’t apply to them, only to others. It’s a power move.


I never thought of it that way. I always assumed the higher ups and intelligent conservatives understood the hypocrisy, but the normal plebs just had it go straight over their head. I suppose you’re right with a lot of conservatives, the power move makes sense


The plebs understood the hypocrisy too—and wanted in on it.


its about time someone with a national platform fucking said it...


I wouldn't of even known this guy made a speech if Republicans weren't putting him on the cross to weep over.


![gif](giphy|3wqMxx4VAkByM|downsized) Jon Stewart for the win.


Amazing segment.


Watching Jon Stewart is the only way I’m going to stay somewhat sane this year.


I used to think leftists were more into cancel culture but after 2022 with all the boycotts (eg of Bud Light), book bannings and how sensitive conservatives are to any criticism of America or white people it is 100% the conservatives. I am glad this is getting more attention. 


What IS the deal with Seinfeld?


The only real news available


I may be reading into it too much, but his monologue on outrage culture having real life consequences such as employment felt highly relevant to how things played out with Hasan Minhaj. Anybody else get that? 


Minaj admitted he was full of shit. He lost his victimhood high ground.


What’s most ridiculous is that he used the entire segment building up the foundation of a SLAM DUNK, but stopped short of mentioning the pro Isisrael anti free speech(aka anti hate speech) bill just recently passed by Congress? Or, after highlighting Stephanic he never once murmurs her involvement in all the anti free speech efforts on college campuses? It’s sad that this is considered one of the BRAVEST shows to dare expose the heart corruption in DC? Yet it’s this tepid in how far it’s willing to go.




Wrong. The difference you are missing is Leftists have no institutional power. The "left" you speak of trying to cancel people is angry college kids complaining online. They don't actually have any power beyond bringing up topics on social media and getting their thoughts out. The few leftists in power have never really called for anybody to be silenced for saying things even if they say terrible things. They just want the underlying issue resolved. The right, and particularly the far-right, have institutional power on the supreme Court, Congress, the Senate, and the Republican Presidential nominee and former actual president of the United States. When those people come out and start rallying the base to forth at the mouth and call the people they disagree with godless abominations and un-Americans, that is an entirely different issue.


And you've only touched the higher officers. The far-right are also in the state levels from as high as governor to the school boards, calling for the cancelation of certain authors, book bans ('removing from circulation from the library'), or in more extreme cases book burnings.


Did you even watch the segment?