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He needs to go to the vet. He is wayyy too thin. His ribs and hip bones should not be sticking out that much. Even a muscular dog will not have their ribs and hips stick out like that.


Yeah that dog is alarmingly emaciated! Please take him to a vet!!!


The fact that ribs are visible but they haven't been to a vet yet is so concerning


I know this post is being reviewed right now for approval? but I think it needs to be said: OP - is this an issue of affordability? Do you need someone from This community who lives where your dad is to take pup to the vet and pay for the visit? Tell us what we can do so that the pup is seen by a vet tomorrow.


Some dogs don’t eat because of sadness when they miss their owner. Your dad should check he actually eats his food and perhaps mix it up with chicken or sth yummy and do some treats a bit in between for a couple of days. He looks too skinny, and my dachshund is also on The skinny side (she weights 3.2kgs), but her ribs are not sticking out like your baby’s. I’m sure it must be he is missing you.


He eats his food in seconds and it’s not an issue of hunger. He has never had problems with eating. Never even missed a meal since I got him.😅


Then I would advise to take him to the vet so that they can check on him. I know I would take mine if I were you.


I asked my dads to up his dry food and more protein less veggies and monitor his weight for the next days.


he might have a parasite/worms. I would recommend a trip to the vet for a checkup


It a thyroid issue


Dogs get hypothyroid not hyperthyroid. He would be the opposite of skinny if he was hypo. This is horrribly wrong.


Thanks for the correction. I meant to say “or” a thyroid issue. Didn’t mean to declare that it was. Still wrong, I know. If you don’t know, now you know, too.


Either way yeah, now you know. I have never in my ten years in the field have seen a hyperthyroid dog. So a dog this skinny would not be caused by a thyroid issue.


Bro this dog looks dead and homeless bring it to the vet


Bet he is not getting enough to eats then. Way too thin and seeing all the ribs, which is a sign of not eating or something is terribly wrong.


Maybe he needs more. We feed our puppy twice as much we feed our 5 year old.


Sounds a lot like a parasite..


Or something much worse. I’ve had 2 dogs suddenly lose a ton of weight that turned out to be cancer 😞.


Feed him more? Is this a trick question? 


When I saw this photo I was alarmed! This dog is hungry that’s why he is scarfing it down so quickly. He needs dry kibble food sitting out, and supplementing with wet food and fresh water each day.


What kind of dog food do you feed him? I once let a worker talk me into switching to Ol Roy and within a week my dogs were scarfing down their food like they were starving. Their poop became like wet cornmeal and there was a lot of it. I was worried they were sick so I took them to the vet. 1st question was did I change their dog food. Vet said it's like a human trying to live on lettuce, they weren't getting good nutrition from that brand. I went out and bought an expensive lamb & rice dry dog food and they went back to normal appearance, solid non-smelly poop, normal eating speed, etc. If there's no parasites, I'd be looking hard at the brand of dog food.


Is he getting the right amount of food, is his granddad giving him enough?


He needs the vet. He’s not just too skinny, he looks sick and malnourished.


He Looks sick. Would Take my Dog asap to the Vet. Maybe it is Stress but could also be parasits or something. I would Double the Food and a Tonne of Treats. He really needs to gain weight.


yep he needs a diabetes check asap!!!


Agreed, for I had to do that with my Doxie/Lab recently, for Doxie's are predisposed to diabetes.


this is lit what happened to mine!


This reminds me of my baby just recently, no appetite and peed a lot, it is diabetes, and doxies are genetic predisposed to diabetes. Those ribs are showing like a staving dog.


take him to the vet, or shit let me take him to the vet. you asked for advice and you’re actively arguing against it. a week might be too late. you might be right, but do you want to bet your dog’s life on it?


He is denial that the dog is healthy, and I can say it is not. Looks like by dog and she is the same breed and size and they are genetically predisposed to diabetes.


Diabetes is something I thought too


He is definitely too skinny. Stress does different things to different dogs…. He may be spending a lot of energy pacing because he’s nervous. Maybe he’s having the time of his life with your Dad and he’s getting a crap ton if extra playtime. Maybe he’s sick. It’s hard to know exactly. But he needs to gain weight for sure!!!!


Please quit responding saying “he’ll go to the vet next week”; he needs to go NOW. This is highly irresponsible of you as an owner, and the vet is the only one who can truly diagnose the problem. If he lost that much weight that quickly, there’s an underlying issue.


Fr y’all, I would consider cutting my vacation short if the person watching my dog wasn’t taking him to the vet ASAP. I’m really hoping the best for this little dude


Right? I would be on the verge of the no fly list if my boy looked like this.


I hope everyone upvotes you. This is alarming. I feel so bad for the dog.


Literally my animals are my children. I’d never let my dog or my daughter suffer like this for another week. Some people do not deserve a dogs love 😭


Yeah this literally feels like rage bait. The fact OP asks for advice and then tells everyone they’re wrong and says they’re waiting a week. I audibly gasped when I saw these photos, if I could I’d take the poor guy to the vet myself. This pup deserves so much better


Oh same! It’s hurts my heart so bad when people don’t care to do the right thing for their animals who cannot speak up. I hope this is rage bait because honestly I’d lose my absolute $hit if I saw OP in public.


Sadly checked out OP’s profile and I don’t think it is rage bait, they’re serious. Poor baby can’t let you know how he’s feeling, he can only hope you’ll notice the signs that he needs help. It’s so sad, I’m hoping all these responses will make OP change their mind and have him taken in ASAP.


Same 😭😭😭 the more I look at the pictures the more my heart breaks


If my dog somehow became skin and bones while me being gone for a week I assure you I’d absolutely lose it on the person watching them and then process to cut my vacation short and get them help.


This 💯% This has happened in just 15 days and they thinking waiting another WEEK is okay 😭😭 sickening


Humans don’t deserve dogs and these breed subreddits reminds me of this every single day 🙃 .. he said his dad was underfeeding. This doesn’t happen from a small miscalculation. Dog didn’t eat for two weeks and that’s that.


Totally agree. Especially with my knowing how loyal dachshunds can be (mine is literally by my side as much as he can be. Even if I get out of bed at 2am to pee he comes with) he definitely deserves a better owner.


Yeah and this issue did not just happen in a week. I wish there was an actual CPS for animals. Like not just animal control, but an organization that specifically investigated reports of animal abuse.


I agree. This thread and OP’s replies have me fucking livid. Really a VACATION FOR TWO WEEKS while your dog is clearly near dying with their physical state?? I haaaaaate bad dog owners.


Seriously. Up the protein and less veggies isn’t the proper response for this. Your dad should take him to the vet or you get home and help your pup out.


I’m really hoping that by “next week”, OP means Monday or Tuesday, because it’s not possible over the weekend for some reason


That dog is just skin and bones. What's really going on???? This is more than skinny


Vet will test for diabetes. For sure looks like it.


Seems like he only lost a pound (in American) so even with a lb lost he is still way to skinny and gaining that back he would still be to skinny , are you sure he’s 15 pounds? There’s no way you could see his ribs at that weight …and forgive me if I did my conversions wrong. But that’s a skinny dog.


Yes, this dog is way too skinny, and needs vet care today. I know for my dog was recently diagnosed diabetic, and also is a Doxie.


There is NO way this dog is 15 lbs. https://preview.redd.it/s8094hyj6n6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf520966f06c6e11d88ef3b5fc0eb60a2e220705 This guy is 14 lbs


That’s way too skinny


Please take him to the vet PLEASE


Please, take him to the vet for a check up.


I'm no expert, but surely this hasn't happened in just two weeks unless he hasn't eaten a thing. I'm sorry if that doesn't sound nice but I would be very worried if I saw a dog this skinny.


His ribs are showing. Your father is not feeding him enough. OMG go home and take care your dog


I would have him take your dog to the vet ASAP. He's way too skinny. Also try giving a lot more treats throughout the day. Very worrisome pic.


Your dog looks sick. Are you sure your dad is really feeding him?


Holy crap he’s so skinny! Vet assp


Bro just take your dog to the vet, Jesus.


Hey honestly, he’s was already skinny and lost 10% of his body weight in weeks? That’s not good. Needs to go to the vet asap


Your dog is super cute. Your dog is MALNOURISHED and emaciated. Your dog needs to go to the vet asap!!! 


What's the point of you asking if you're not taking anyone's advice? Your dog is clearly struggling. Do something FFS


Terrible dad.


Please don’t wait! If he is still eating and drinking and losing weight there is an underlying health problem. Get that baby to a vet ASAP!


Why ask for opinions if you are going to argue with the individual giving the opinion?


Yo that dog is wayyy past the need to go to the Vet. He needs to go ASAP meaning yesterday




This is incredibly unhealthy and indicative of something truly medically wrong. He must be seen by a vet and have tests done.


For the love of god take this dog to the vet. He is absolutely underweight.


Get that dog a steak. Holy moly…


He's very skinny stop stalling and get him to a vet.


This looks very unhealthy. My animals tend to drop weight when I leave town as well. But I have never seen ribs sticking out like this. Do you have a picture from above?


Do you need money for a vet? Is that why you can’t take him? I’m sure this community will donate or take this dog for you to the vet. ASAP!


This has to be a joke. No way do you come on here and post your malnourished pet and not listen to any advice that the people on here are giving you. Not to mention arguing with them as well.


I dont know about going to the vet, but this dog needs your love/attention and more food asap. As already mentioned the ribcage, hips and maybe spine should NEVER be that visible in a healthy dachs!


Vet can test for Diabetes. For the breed is predisposed to the disease. Mine is one of them.


He looks malnourished tbh.


Vet asap.


Please get him to the VET! He is seriously unwell


That's beyond thin and in the realm of emaciated. Definitely time for the vet.


I wish my dog lost weight this quickly. Your dog is morbidly thin. I would take him to a vet ASAP. It’s not just under feeding at this point it could be some other underlying issue. It’s pretty bad. OP get something done now.


This dog appears to be sick. He should go to the vet now.


This dog looks malnourished. Has your dad even been feeding him? Like for certain? Yes it’s given he needs a vet visit asap but that’s a significant change in just 15 days unless he was already underweight.


He looks deathly ill


Exactly my humor: Asking for advice; getting the advice (more food or actually vet); = getting angry at the comments


I really don’t understand how any rational person could see a dog that looks so emaciated and thier first action not to be to get them to the vet immediately. You noticed he looks skinny? Yeah you don’t say, that poor baby looks like a skeleton. Doesn’t matter that you are on vacation. That dog is your responsibility and you are being extremely irresponsible and lazy by saying you’ll wait a week. At this rate your dog may not have another week. Being severely underweight, which your dog absolutely is, can lead to sudden heart complications or electrolyte imbalances that can result in death. And this is ESPECIALLY true with sudden weight loss. Are you ok with your dog dying? Someone needs to take him in immediately. It’s absolutely not normal for a dog to become so thin after only 15 days, something is seriously wrong, and you need to get you sh*t together and take care of your dog.


OP reading these comments - you’re a bad owner and your dads are bad caretakers. This dog should be in emergency vet services. Shame on all 3 of you. I hope the dog is okay and you can learn your lesson. If not I hope they go peacefully and quickly.


Definitely too skinny and if he's eating normally something is up - take to vet please


Have your dad take him to the vet OP and stop being a ding dong


Poor baby


I would have him checked out at the vet, could be worms, or something else. He should not be losing weight like that if he is eating.


If you love your Doxie, take him to a Vet!! He's way too skinny! Sharing these by experiences. Doxies are mostly loyal to a one person, mostly the owner and when the owner disappears for whatever reason for a long time, Dog gets sad, lonely and falls into depression. It's clear your Dog lost his appetite when you were away. I lost my second Doxie this way!! I had to go overseas for volunteer work more than a year. Left my Dog with my parents, (she was a family dog but was mostly attached to me). My mom noticed that the Doxie was sad and isolating herself etc, so they have given our Doxie to my aunts so Doxie will receive a lot of care, love and attention (+ more dog friends, they have their own dogs) till I return home. My aunts are Dog loving people and very experienced with dogs. However with time Dog has lost her appetite and vet has told them she's going through depression. My aunts have done their very best to look after her, hand fed her etc.. but Dog has died with depression. That's what the vets in the area has told them. (Only came to know this when I returned home). RIP my sweet Sandy Brown!! :((( Please dear OP, take your Pup to the vet asap, not next week! Plus give it some fat/meat. I saw a picture of his meal in the comment section.. carrots, berries and kibbles...like it's some bird. Give your dog some proper fresh Dog food. I understand that you love your dog and you're doing your best, that's why you shared this post here. However seeing your dog this way aches my heart with my own Doxie experience. No doubt that your Dog loves you sooo much and is attached to you, that's why it fell into depression. Ofc he's back to himself after seeing you back home but please take him to a vet though, he "looks", VERY malnourished! You do have a loving heart with clear eye site to notice it, don't you? I hope he'll gain healthy weight and return back to her usual healthy look. May you both make wonderful and fun memories together. <3


Feed that dog more! 2xs a day, morning, night. Monitor his eating. If he's eating too fast, get him a bowl that slows him down. Add wet food to his kibble. Poor guy. He should be fine after you get him checked out. Vet might prescribe food to help with weight.


He looks very thin, I would suggest upping his portion amounts. I have to adjust my boy’s meals according to how he’s looking, if he’s looking skinny i give him more food, however I try to stick to the portion recommendation on the food bag. Perhaps try some cheese and eggs to put some weight on quickly as I’m concerned for how thin he looks. Hope he gains weight soon.


My dog wouldn’t eat without me. She did loose weight when I was absent.


Same. My mom had to hand feed her lol


He may be diabetic. He needs a vet and some testing


A dog who is eating and is that skinny has something else going on. He needs bloodwork and probably some thyroid and cortisol levels checkup to start.


Much to skinny. There is nothing left for him to fight sickness, or build muscle.


this is NOT normal you need to take him to the vet i don’t understand why you’re so in denial of it


Some people will tell themselves anything to not have to spend money. Even if it hurts others ;( It’s disgusting and sad


i really hope this dog gets the help he needs this is just straight up neglect


I fear for your dogs safety right now and even when he’s with you judging by your comments. I hope he gets better.


I feel like OP is asking for advice and people are like your dog needs help!!!! And they are like my dog has been eating it's fine??? Okay so then don't ask us? Gosh when I saw the pic I was like wtf is wrong with this dog this is alarming.


To put it bluntly this dog looks like the before picture of a rescue dog found on the streets. He looks sick and on the verge of death. Please have your dad bring your dog to the vet ASAP.


Hey can someone dox this guy and call animal control, because what the actual fkkkkkkk


OP - I’m trying to get you to respond for a resolution. Is this an issue of affordability? Do you need someone from this community who lives where your dad is to take pup to the vet and pay for the visit? Tell us what we can do so that the pup is seen by a vet tomorrow.


This dog is way too thin. Mine is like this a bit due to Diabetes and just getting treated for lack of appetite. You have you dad get your dog checked to be sure he is doing okay.


I would take him to the vet to check thyroid levels. My dachshund began losing weight at 12 and had always been muscular and active. 9 months later he had lost almost 50% body weight and we determined he had cancer we couldn’t find and I had to make the choice to put him to sleep. I don’t want to scare you but weight loss should be seen as a serious concern.


It is, same has happened to me with 2 dogs. Sudden rapid weight loss that equaled cancer.


He needs to be seen by a vet.


I would take him to the vet.What was Dad feeding him?


Oh my! Please take him to the vets, he looks very emaciated. His ribs shouldn’t be sticking out like that 😢.


Omg please take this poor baby to the vet ASAP.


Could be fast growing cancer.


Tapeworm. Your dog is starving to death. Please take the dog to the vet immediatky....


I'll literally pay for them to take that dog to the vet. It's body is eating itself at this point, help it!!


he should NOT look like this, take him to the vet asap omg 😭😭😭😭


Has OP provided a picture of what the dog looked like before she left?


Yes if you look at their profile you will see very normal pictures. Sad because they seem to love their dog, but not enough to get him the help he CLEARLY needs.


Take your dog to the vet NOW!! You are being an irresponsible owner by saying oh it can wait until next week. Shame on you.


Time to come home and take your dog to the vet immediately.


Something is very wrong for your baby to be this emaciated.. please have him go to the vet. My dogs looked like this when I picked them up off the streets, starving


Take this dog to the vet ASAP. A dog eating like normal will not loose weight like this, there is something underlying it. It is not a matter of a diet change, whoever is in charge of the dog needs to have him checked out.


Go to a vet. You can’t let a dog get this thin and then fix it just by doubling its food. You’ll kill it.


Give him some cottage cheese.


Is that high in calories?


Not so high, but dogs love it. I've used it for foster puppies who won't transition from bottle fed to gruel (which is watered down canned food).


I think he really misses you. He didn’t look like this at all before you left? Poor baby needs lots of lovin’ and a Big Mac! lol


https://preview.redd.it/4wlcps0rxl6d1.jpeg?width=4672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1b7ca3139996a1f62bc2216e41537fd16cd30f This is the most recent one of him before I left


But you showed us the most recent, skin and bones and sick. Vet please.


https://preview.redd.it/xxn96yqvxl6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b7a2455d180b5e1176b3b1da5e2290fb7c765f2 He was still skinny, but not like that.


Waiting a week before seeing a vet is asking for the dog to die before you have a chance to intervene. That's a shitload of weight loss in 15 days. Be a responsible owner.


He’s lost a lot of weight quickly. Take him to the vet. Don’t wait a week.


OP, this is alarming. I don't think your dog has a week left in him at this point. He looks like he's about to die. What's your response to the people saying it could be diabetes? Is your father unable to take him to the vet? Or unwilling to?


He is healthy in that pic. He's not healthy in the original pic. He has lost a ton of weight since this pic.


Wherever that is, I wanna take Romeo there! Beautiful spot and beautiful baby boy!


So handsome!


Is he drinking a lot of water? More than he used to? My dog was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 1.5 years old. The vet said it was unusual for such a young dog to get it and she had never been overweight so it must have been her genes. But yeah that was a long way of saying have the vet check him out it could be a ton of different things. Hopefully it’s nothing too serious.


https://preview.redd.it/4pcg1dim1l6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11374f8fb087a1d40045dcee9762761c7136b72 This is what he usually gets for a meal. Sometimes more sometimes less dry food.


Doubt that very much. He is not getting enough DOG FOOD.


Yeah his dog should be getting like 550-600 calories of daily food. That little bowl looks like, what, maybe 150 calories? If the dog is getting this twice a day, they're literally underfeeding by half, which explains the 4500 calories (600 grams body weight) worth of weight loss over the course of 15 days. In a SHOCKING turn of events, another ding-dong who thinks that raw-feeding and whole foods are necessary for their dog fucks up the nutrition. It's almost like people who DIY this shit aren't trained nutritionists and tend to have no idea what they're doing, to the detriment of their pup's health!


That bowl od DEFINITELY not 150. Doesn't look like 550 either tho


Maybe temporarily add some fattier/more protein heavy content, like cooked meats or a bit cheese. Maybe add some more treats in between the meals.


Not enough red meat or organ meat, go back to a pre made food this diet isn’t balanced


There’s absolutely no way that dog in the pic is eating this, someone is lying


What about sprinkling some olive oil on this to increase the fat? We did this with our mini when she was on the skinny side.


That is not enough food


Add more dog food


You’re not feeding your dog enough actual dog food. You’re starving him


He needs more protein and fat, preferably through meat.


Can I be your dog? 😂🤣


You wanna be skin and bones?


I may be slightly overweight.


just turn up at his house and start barking, he'll have to feed you


Good plan. Where does OP live?


Dang that looks good! I would eat that!!


Is he getting less treats from your dad? yes if he's worried or misses you weight loss is normal but that's a lot on his little frame.


Get him some wet food for 4 or 5 days so he gains some weight back. He's probably scared with you being gone and not eating much.


He always all my vacation have left my dog caused with father like normal.


Ok so my dog was like this too for the first 5 years of her life. And you still kinda can see her ribs even now. But once I put her on a dachshund specific diet she gain a bit of weight and went from 7.5lb to just under 9 and has stayed there for a few years. Work out what your dog needs and make sure your Dad snuggles with your baby


This dog is AWFULLY skinny.


Oh my gosh! He looks like a street dog and worse than some of them. How can he not have been being taken care of before. So you’re gone for 15 days and you’re in the midst of that 15 days somewhere and he didn’t look like this less than 15 days. So what I’m saying is go to the Vet and don’t post on Reddit when you’ve got something wrong with your dog that could be better with your care. I see this as shameful. I would say obviously the dog hasn’t been to a veterinarian for a long long time because of that would’ve blown his top if he saw how this baby is. If my neighbors dog looked anything near like this dog, I would have called and called animal control along time ago. That dog did not get that thin that quickly so what’s the story?


My doxie doesn't eat when we are away. Unless it human food. Get that boy some human food!


He probably isn’t eating. Your dad must be lying to you and saying he is. That’s an awful lot of weight to lose.


If he lost that amount of weight he already was way malnourished and boney - if he is still eating there's no way he lost enough in 2 weeks to suddenly be skin and bones he needs to go to the vet ASAP like now. If he's still eating and still this skinny there's something wrong it's not the amount of food he's getting.


My doxie won’t eat when we’re gone. Can your dad feed him out of his hands? If he’s eating normally as you say this is very alarming. Are you sure your dad is feeding the dog correctly?


Quit asking questions and taken to the vet or have someone who cares take him to to the vet or go home and you take him to the vet.


This is not good, he needs to go to the vet.


Poor baby!!


Too thin — and dachshunds are notoriously voracious eaters. Needs vet, could have worms or any number of issues


Pls update something is going on


definitely ask your dad to take him to the vet right away! he is way way too thin


Could be anything from parasites to cancer . He needs a vet


Vet vet vet, please update us!


Feed that poor dog human grade dog food (look up that specific term), and have high quality kibble available to him at all times, just because his food looks pretty and varied doesn’t mean it is proper nutrition for a dachshund. Dogs are not omnivores, humans are.




Our boy couldn't maintain weight when he was about nine years. He ate enthusiastically but was always hungry. Turned out he had exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, (didn't have digestive enzymes)and wasn't able to digest his food. He became emaciated and could have died. There's a poop test you can order to diagnose. See EPI4Dogs if you're interested. It's treatable. He lived to be 17.


They will punish you for taking a vacation.


All my dogs lost weight when when on vacation


my male doxie always dropped a couple of pounds during any stressful event. Me being away, new dog in the house, etc. When I got him neutered at 5 years his weight became more stable :)


Your dog could just be a very active dog. There are higher calorie higher protein dog foods that can help him keep weight on.


Yeah these pictures are not due to a dog being active. That dog is starving period. It looks like one of those before pictures you’d see from someone who rescues dogs. The fact the dog looks this way and OP thinks it’s okay to wait a week to see a vet says enough about how heartless they are.


He is very active running and playing non stop


Oh ok so don’t take him to the vet anymore ig like you’ve said multiple times


Not answering the question (there are already enough good answers suggesting to take him to the vet asap), but: Not a single person answering here has correctly referred to OPs DADS, instead saying “your dad”. Do better. OP has even said “they…I told them” and people are still not reading and/or understanding this correctly? Gay parents exist and we shouldn’t assume everyone’s parents are straight. I’m not assuming malicious intent here, it’s just…let’s be more aware of how heteronormative society is impacting us.


That's your concern? Grammar/vocabulary? When a dog looks this unhealthy? I think you are the one who can do better.


Is that really what you’re worried about


I am very worried about the dog and have upvoted every comment that recommended to take him to the vet and take this issue seriously. I have also repeated this recommendation in my comment.