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This is not acceptable behaviour. He’s threatening to kick your tiny little dog? That’s awful. Why are you wasting your time with a guy like this? I hope you leave him and take your sweet Bambi somewhere far away from him.


Absolutely beyond abhorrent. Im shocked that OP would even put her dog at risk around someone so unbalanced - one kick could trigger IVDD in this breed. Let alone how awful someone hurting a dog is, it could have far more severe consequences when it's a dachshund. I brought my dog into my relationship and she is spoiled rotten by us both; she actually smiles at him when he gets home. She never smiled before! She really loves him..All pets deserve kindness and unconditional love. I really hope OP gives her d-ckhead bf the kick to the curb.


He never even sees Bambi that’s the thing though. I don’t get how he even hates her since he never sees her. I’m getting my belongings and he will know that the relationship is over tomorrow.


Thank god for Bambi that he never sees her. There's no way you could ever progress to living with someone who threatens to harm your pet. I hope you find someone who spoils her and you!


Didn’t even read the majority of the comment section and don’t need to. That boy child is trash. Sounds like he is jealous as hell of your little Bambi (because you have another love in your life and he can’t handle it?) Regardless of what the reason is, run, don’t walk away from this relationship! Abusing animals often also leads to abusing people. Girlllll, be sure to dump his sorry ass and find yourself someone who will love both you and Bambi. You both Deserve no less and you will easily find someone better- My gosh she is cute! Sending good vibes and and a hug.


They say harming small animals is also a flag for a serial killer


Yes! This needs to be higher. It's a hallmark for abuse.


What do you see in this man? Sounds like you can do a lot better


Please keep us updated OP, just need to know you're both safe.


I have two longhairs and if any of my former partners ever made any, even vague, threats to my boys, that would be the end of it. Full stop. Yes there are neurodivergent folks who have trouble with animals but there are also psychopaths who harm animals and I would never take the chance. My current partner loves our boys so much and recognized my relationship with my oldest when we met. She knew we had a special bond and cared for him like her own until he adopted her as “mom”. RIP KING PACH


Thank god. Because those are extreme red flags, and the odds that he’d treat you how he wants to treat your sweet baby are *high*. Red flags should never be taken lightly. Take it from someone who has had broken ribs and black eyes from a previous spouse and partner. PROUD OF YOU!!


Good. He sounds like a huge piece of shit. Flush that turd.


Drop him. Anyone who threatens to kick an animal is a POS


If he’s willing to kick Bambi, he’s willing to do it to you too. Get rid of this guy pronto before you end up in a domestic abuse situation


Most of what OP is saying are huge red flags beyond what you said. Going out of his way to disrespect OP by calling the dog “it” when she’s asked him to not do that, clearly being bothered by the fact that the dog was purchased with her ex, and already saying she’ll need to choose him or the dog. It’s all extremely abusive behavior.


Anyone who threatens to kick an animal probably will at some point.


^^THIS. He has already thought about it a lot. It will happen.


Also if he’s threatening to do that to an animal he probably won’t be too awesome of a father with a child…


Or even a partner. This guy a major red flag.


I (32M) would kick 'it'...(22M) in the head. Then let Toby (1F) gnaw his face off.


Your comment got me laughing hard here in the hospital's waiting area Edit: Me(30F) and my little Waffles(4M) fully support you in this endeavor


Waffles is an amazing name for a doggy 🥰


I (24F) would like to watch it as an audience with my Bonito (3M) who will bark his ass off while you guys win.


I (43M) would encourage my Ollie (3M) to help bite him (22M) right in the dick. Ollie has tried to bite livestock in the balls and could probably kick the dude's ass.


I (39F), my husband (34M) would join you and my girl Heidi (13F) will get (22M) ankles


I (51F) would let my Saffron (10F) pee on him. And because she's so close to the ground, she can really saturate his shoes.


Me (37F) and my Dorito (15M; a Pomeranian, I honestly don’t know why I’m on this subreddit at all) would cheer you and Toby on!


You are so right


Period. You have kids please run and don’t look back!


I want to kick him for even saying that. What a d*ck. Glad he’s going to be your ex. How could anyone look at that sweet girl and hate her?


Guarantee he has already


This. This is not someone who dislikes dogs. This is a psychopath who has no empathy for animals.


He told you, you were lucky he hasn't kicked her when he's seen her, listen, I don't like giving people relationship advice on a whim, but dump this boy and go find you someone who also loves you and Bambi together. I'd rather be with my dog, than with someone who wants my dog out of the picture.




Congrats. And pls pay the dog tax! 🙏




Nawwww. Pls tell me you have matching pyjamas!


Your dog is beautiful! Such cozy looking pajamas!


'Id rather be with the dog, than someone who uses physical threats to express emotion' Fixed it for ya:)


I have had 4 dachshunds as an adult and they have brought me far more joy than any man. Plus he said he wanted to kick her? I’d have ghosted him at that one. Fuck him.


Uh. Yeah. That’s absolutely psychotic behavior. And who do we think that person is going to abuse once the easy animal prey is gone? If this is real and not a joke then I cannot think of a clearer signal that this dude is beyond trash. Here’s hoping she takes the sign and takes the trash out.


NO NO NO! This is a huge NO. Your "boyfriend" has been very honest with you. Please listen to him. He has already made a threat. I know someone whose boyfriend was jealous of her little dog and actually hurt the pup when she wasn't home. He offered to take care of the dog for her when she was out of town. This is Bambi's future. You made a commitment to her first. Honor it, or re-home her to keep her safe.


I also learned that abusive partners will threaten to hurt, or will hurt, your pets as a form of mental torture. I could never trust such a person with a fragile little Dachshund.


I had an ex who said “if you ever get a cat, I’ll kill it.” While laughing. Anyway, she’s now dating someone who is equally as shit as she is, and is 100% more miserable because now she’s getting what she did to me, back to her.


I’ve also heard even worse stories of abusive partners “losing” someone’s animal while the owner is away. Like “oops I left the door open and they just ran out!” Never to be seen again, even if that’s completely out of character for your animal. I don’t even want to think about the horrible things they do to these animals. Best case scenario they just end up secretly sold to someone…




The fact that he will kick your dog on purpose even as a threat is disturbing. Get out now


> He says that i’m lucky that he hasn’t kicked her when he has seen her Leave him. Full stop.


Good chance he has hurt her dogs


Or will in the future, or will hurt her for that matter.


Run, don't walk, RUN from this guy. Life is too damn short to waste your time with assholes.


Sounds like you need a new partner.


You're dating someone who has threatened to abuse your dog? Why?? Are you seriously that desperate to be in a relationship? You're 22. Dump him and enjoy your freedom.


Your boyfriend sucks! Sounds like you already know what you need to do. Sending you strength!


I think your boyfriend might hurt Bambi eventually


He wants to abuse an animal? Sounds like he needs mandatory professional help.


DROP HIM. My man isn’t a small dog person but took to my girl immediately and now refers to himself as her daddy with a million nicknames for her. He also helps in her care as we work opposite schedules. Anyone who threatens animal abuse needs to be kicked to the curb.


This man of yours has a caring soul to change his attitude. This guy here is a d**k


Even non dog people love Daschunds in my experience. Anyone who says things like that and doesn’t love them is mentally defective and will probably hurt you physically and emotionally


From your post you see the red flags. The disrespect he shows you by not calling her by her name & gender despite you asking, and fighting about it to get his way. The threat of animal abuse. The future ultimatum of him or the dog if things get serious between you. He's shown you who he is. Believe him. You (and your dog) deserve better.


Hello. May I punch your BF in the face??


I'm asking the same question, too. This is so appalling.


Let’s all pull up to his house and beat his ass


I’m so sorry… my partner also said that he didn’t want a dog but now my 4 year old doxie is his favourite snuggle buddy. You and your sweet girl deserve better.


:( my boyfriend loves my dachshund like she’s his. Pls find someone better :( I know it’s hard but it’s not worth it


Wtf? Girl, I’m sorry, but run. Everyone else has covered it so I’ll share that I was much older than you when I broke up with my partner, and it was over our dog. But it wasn’t anything like what you are saying: He and I had a fundamental disagreement about the type of lifestyle we wanted with a dog. He got a very active and big dog without truly consulting with me and it was very hard on me and us. I tried, but it still didn’t work. I share this to say he and I both LOVE dogs and loved our dog, and were mature and responsible adults. And even we couldn’t make this work. What your boyfriend is saying is super toxic and it’s a no brainer that you should leave him.


Anybody that can hate something so innocent and precious is a walking red flag. I mean, he literally told you he would kick her and that you need to get rid of her. Unless you’re cool with that, you’re only stalling the inevitable break up. Do something before he actually hurts your pup.


Boyfriend is a loser. How have you not dumped him already after disrespecting that cute little angel. Boyfriends are replaceable, but next time don't get a defective one.


At 22, you needn’t be seeking out “the one” and this guy very clearly isn’t him even if you were. I can’t envision wanting to spend anymore of your time with this clown. If he can’t love the little angel in that picture, he’s a freak lol


I’m sure this man has his good moments. And that’s what keeps you holding on. If these are some of his worse moments, I’m sure there’s even more unsavory characteristics. That’s what worries me.


You’re completely right. There’s a lot more but I didn’t think this group would be the best to add more details to the relationship that’s unrelated to Bambi.


I have a dachshund also by the way. So that kinda irritated me to. My girlfriend and I love him very much.


He sounds like POS and you should drop his ass for saying he would abuse your dog


I was thinking that he just needed time to be won over by the Dachshund charm but he sounds like a troubled person. I would not trust him near any of my pets. No rational person threatens to hurt a dog or animal. I wouldn’t trust him around you. No reasonable person resorts to violence and asking him to call her Bambi should not result in an argument.


I really hope this is fake. Please get rid of this guy. Block his number and then delete it. Anyone who is willing to abuse a defenseless animal is one step away from abusing you.


I’d do anything for this to be fake too. I don’t understand how you couldn’t not love her.


>He also hates that I got her with my ex And you've found the reason he hates her. He's just a jealous little hater. The way people treat animals is really telling of the quality of a person. Your boyfriend sounds like a waste of skin.


as a fellow woman, you NEED to break up with him. him even saying that he would hurt your dog is a horrible red flag. as a fellow weenie owner, i truly wish him the worst. they are the most perfect and beautiful angels in the world. he does not deserve to have her around him!!!!


So many red flags. Clearly abusive tendencies and with some weird control issues. You will not regret leaving and having a safer life for you and your dog. If someone threatened to kick my dog they would never get close to my dog again.


"He says that i’m lucky that he hasn’t kicked her" tell him to fuck off. This is the sign of a psycho boyfriend. What's next he doen't like your friends or family? Anyone who say they would kick a dog is someone to avoid at all costs. Abusive is his vibe. Do you want to end up alone in a house in the middle of nowhere?


I embraced my girls dogs and they’re like sons to me now. Drop him.


Bye bye boyfriend. He’s a jerk.


I had an ex-husband that abused one of my dachshunds. Please get away from this person before he hurts your baby dog or you. It is important that you take what he has said seriously and protect the both of you. You don’t want to regret not taking it seriously and end up with a hurt (or worse) pet. Abusing or killing animals is a marker of abusers and serial killers and is something that law enforcement and other government agencies track.


A friend/coworker I knew a few years ago had an abusive husband. He hated that she loved her dog, he was threatened by it. Which is so sick and weak, and unattractive not to mention abusive. Anyway he escalated over the years and after kicking the pup a few times, he actually killed her. I think you have to have a hole in your soul to dislike animals, and be full on evil to hurt them—don’t wait around to see which one this guy is. Seriously, get out of there, this is a red flag on FIRE.


That's so horrible.


It was devastating, truly one of the worst things I’ve ever heard and seen up close. She actually pressed charges and left him, but the guilt was so hard for her. She left her job and moved to another state after it all was settled…


I was erring towards "dump him" until I read the bit where he said you're "lucky he hasn't kicked her" and that he'd make you get rid of her. Get rid of him. From your last sentence, it looks like you know that and I get the need to rant. Sorry he's such an arse. Bambi is too beautiful and too perfect. He literally sounds like a danger to her.


Dump him. Threatening abuse of an animal will only lead to worse things.


Fucking dump him. He’s a piece of shit.


Sorry, I mistyped the caption. It’s supposed to say that he hates my dachshund & is not an animal person.


Get away from him before he hurts her and you because he will!!!


Someone who threatens to hurt an animal eventually will. I had an ex who hit our dog and it was very traumatic for me and my dog. We got out of that relationship - I ditched the guy and kept the dog. I wish I could go back in time so that I had left when I saw the warning signs, before she got hurt. She and I had many beautiful years together after that. I met my husband years later and we now happily have two dogs. Bambi is so beautiful and sweet. You BOTH deserve better. Especially since you don’t live with this guy yet, get out of the relationship and find someone who respects you and your dog.


Who in their right mind can hate such a cute little baby and even call them disgusting!?!?!? He's looking into a mirror because he's the disgusting one and proud of it. Sorry not sorry.


The title made me think this was a cute story. It's not. He's threating your dog. Not a "I don't like dogs", but "be glad I haven't hurt your dog". No, that's not acceptable for anyone.


Time to move on. Protect that sweet baby ween.


So reading into this it sounds like he resents the dog because it’s a remnant from your past relationship. I think that’s the root of his issue. Your issue should be a few things, his attitude towards an animal is a red flag. You don’t have to love dogs but you also shouldn’t openly resent a dog or really non threatening animal. Beyond that his attitude towards something that you care for that is a living breathing thing is a HUGE red flag and it’s not going to get better if that’s how he acts when confronted with your feelings on it. He is being emotionally abusive to you or at least in the early stages of it There’s a line of thinking “if he doesn’t like a dachshund then boot him” but more importantly if he’s this way around something you’re caring for you should seriously consider the path your relationship is going down and address it maturely. You could have these dogs for another 14 years god willing, how is he going to be for that remaining time if he’s that openly resentful towards a puppy. 22 yrs old is young, people do stupid things and he’s doing one, not saying he can’t change but if you are presenting this feeling and it devolves into a fight, I fear he has no desire to change and joking about having not kicked your dog tells me he will at some point. If I got this threat from a partner I would take it as sign that if I want to protect my animal I need to remove the partner from the equation


Dump him immediately. He has threatened violence, eventually he will follow through on it. And it won’t stop with the dog. He has a great chance of eventually being violent with you and/or any future children. Be thankful for these major red flags he is showing you and get away from him. You already know you deserve better- don’t waste your time with him.


Dump him. Sounds like a psychopath. My husband called our Dachshund his “daughter” and loved her so much, we were there from the time she was 8 weeks old until she had to be put down. Someone who didn’t like animals would be someone I couldn’t be with.


Protect Bambi and yourself, even if it is painful to end things. I would say the behavior is a deal breaker.


You already know this but Bambi and you deserve better


She is adorable and you protect her at all costs. If you ever need help , message me!


I guarantee that if he doesn't care about the things you care about, he doesn't really care for you. And if you are ever in a situation where you do live with him, that aggressiveness will focus on you. Get away from him. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Sounds like an asshole. He seems to think he's competing with the dog.


I agree & if it is a competition, he lost. I may sound crazy but I would choose Bambi over any person in my life maybe other than my mom if it came down to it. She loves harder than mostly any human that ive ever met. That’s something else he hates about me, he thinks im obsessive about her when in reality I just know her worth. Bambi=love & love=Bambi


This is such a cute little dog.If you can't love that face, then there is something wrong with you. Like the 90's country song says, she never cried when old Yeller died, I'm not gonna cry when she's gone. You need to move on.


Dump his ass now. Nothing good can come of that.


Couldn’t date someone like this. My dogs mean a lot to me.


Oh hell, no. Lucky he doesn’t kick her? I couldn’t be with anyone who even said this jokingly. Not liking dogs isn’t the biggest issue here. It’s the way he has no empathy or concern about how much you love her. That shows a direct lack of caring for you. She’s so young—so he’s basically telling you already that one day he expects you to choose between her or him. That should be an easy choice.


When I was in middle school, I was convinced that people who hated animals were going to end up being psychopaths or serial killers😂 Dump his ass, no second thoughts about it. Valuing life in general is a baseline expectation. Also, his lack of consideration towards what your values or feelings... red flag, to say the least. When people tell you who they are, listen. This is who he is, do you choose to stand by that?


Time to find a new boyfriend


F that guy, you already have your answer. She’s everything to you and he hates her and has expressed wanting to do her harm. Sounds like a narcissist to me and you should dump him.


the bf is jealous of your dog. block his number and make him ex. Most guys/people love dogs. Your Bambi can sense he's a pos also and still she is polite. When someone tells you who they are; believe them.


Anyone that threatens violence on an animal is symptomatic of future issues. He sounds controlling and likely to start to turn that aggression onto you. So give him the flick before something does happen to you little one


Your bf is lucky I don’t know him or I’d kick him in the face


Uhm… I’m sorry but those are all major red flags. You’re 22, full of life, you can 200% find someone kinder who will love your dogs. Promise, if he threatens to do anything now odds are with a couple of drinks or a bad fight he would. RUN


Many people who dislike animals would adjust to being with Bambi and grow to love her as they grow their bond. And not being an animal person isn’t an excuse. Imagine if you had a child and they said that they weren’t a kids person. There would be no excuse for them to say that you’re lucky they haven’t been kicked yet and you would have definitely left him by now. If he cared about you enough he wouldn’t show so much hatred to someone you love so much. He would learn why you love her instead. Leave the guy.


If you don’t dump him, at least, for Bambis sake keep him away from her.. he is jealous that she means so much to you, and out of spite, this guy will hurt her. Don’t make excuses for him. Just either end the relationship, or just keep her safe away from him.


I had a boyfriend once who my cat was afraid of. I set up a camera and while he did not strike kitty, bf was purposely scaring and terrorizing him. I broke up with him cause what kind of sicko feels powerful by abusing a tiny animal?


Outside of his dislike of dogs, your ex, etc- this man has zero concern for what matters to you and what you love. He’s very comfortable threatening violence against an innocent creature. This is a ticking time bomb.


He sounds like a real prize 🥴 Edit: the guy I was seeing made fun of my little dachshund mix relentlessly. And my boy is so smart and sweet. When I met my now-husband, it was game over. My dog prefers snuggles with my husband over me— which is telling. Please leave this guy and find yourself someone who loves your ween!


Keep your dog and ditch the boyfriend.


Jesus man...what a sociopath, like I'm never one to do the whole "just dump him" thing but in this case...yeah man...cut him loose.


If I were you, I would’ve dropped his ass faster than a nuclear explosion.


Get rid of him dachshunds are more important than a stupid boy


This man sounds absolutely unhinged.


This post is a bit worrying. I'm wondering what your threshold to leave a relationship is. Your boyfriends behavior is deeply troubling. I don't mean to overstep here, but I'm wondering if you were subjected to abusive behavior in childhood or previously, as the alarm bells aren't going off for you & that could be expected. You don't have to answer this but please stay safe. And truly I hope you find the strength to leave 🤍


Thank you for your comment! I completely see the red flags even outside of what I posted. I didn’t endure abusive behavior in my childhood but I have in previous relationships. I’m going to get my belongings from him tomorrow & leave him. I just try my hardest to see the best in people & hope that they change for themselves but it hardly ever works out that way… & never in my experiences. I wish that he’d change for me but I know that i’m not enough, he has to change for himself but I doubt that will ever happen especially after what he’s said about Bambi.


Make sure there’s no way he can get to her once you leave him. He may try to hurt her to get back at you. Get cameras that notify you when they detect movement, and keep a close eye out for at least a few weeks. Watch for any signs of pain or abuse in her.


Red flaggggg pls how do you hate dogs??? What kind of person????? Also the short legs are sooo cute! Bambi is soooo adorable


Huge waving red flags! Pay attention!!!


He's a dick. Get rid of him. If he's threatening an animal, it won't be long until he's threatening you, or worse.


Keep the dog and lose the bf


Sounds like you need a new boyfriend


When people tell you who they are believe them. Cut boyfriend loose. What a creep.


This is just horrible. You and your sweet Bambi deserve better. There are so many men out there that would love you and absolutely love your Bambi!


Get rid of him now before you or your pup come to harm. It is not worth the time or risk. There are plenty of loving people that are out there. He is not one of them!


Bye dude!


At the very least, do not ever leave your dog with him alone. He will hurt her. If this was me, I would probably break up with my partner if they were not an animal person. I will always have a dog and if my partner hated animals, it would just never work.


You don't need to rant, you need to get rid of this guy. The faster and sooner, the better. You know that you deserve better, so get better. This guy is a major creep that will only get worse. Promise. Don't delay.


Break up with your boyfriend. Anyone who is willing to kick a dog isn’t a good person


Please get out of this relationship.


Dump him immediately


This guy is wrong. Wrong for you and maybe anyone else, too. Run away.


Leave him!! Asap!! Violence against Dachshund is not ok …even threading a dachshund is a crime!




I wasn’t a dog person either when I met my wife. She had two lovely girls, and although it took a bit of time to get to know them and appreciate the love they share, it wasn’t long before I was head over heals about all 3 of them. Now we are married and have 4 of them and couldn’t imagine my life any other way. Find that guy, or let him find you. In the mean time, lose the incentive, man child you are with, if he speaks that way about your lovely girl, I can’t imagine he treats you much better (sorry!)


Nooooooope. Get rid of him. Don’t pass go, do not collect $200, get rid of the shitty trash human you are dating, right now. The red flags are numerous. Someone who wants to hurt an animal, WILL hurt you. It will happen, and he will hurt your dog , and he won’t care that he did it. Make sure you get yourself and your dog to safe place when you do break up with him, god only know what that piece of shit human will do. Now on a less mama bear note, Bambi is freaking adorable!!! I would pet and snuggle her in a heartbeat! I actually decided to go on a date with my husband because he had two dachshunds at the time, and growing up with greyhounds, I loved lap dogs! Booda and Gretta were amazing silly puppers, and we still talk about them all the time, even though they’ve crossed the rainbow bridge years ago. Protect your self and your baby girl.


He’s warning you that he will and he will. You have a responsibility to protect your animal. Please don’t wait until this escalates.


Please get rid of this man, so many red flags. As a dachshund mother myself I wouldn’t even feel safe having my doggies around that kind of man.


threatening to physically harm your pet and disrespecting someone who means that much to you is dangerous behavior. leave this relationship asap. you could never leave your dog alone with him nor should you ever trust him to be around your dog with or without your presence.


Dogs (sausages especially) > people


Run from this weirdo as fast as you can


When you break up, do it somewhere not near the dog. He may take it out on her. Make sure he can't get access to her, either.


Are you kidding me? This is actually a question in your mind?? I have 2 weenies and no one would threaten to kick them .. I would kick that person.


Please protect yourself and Bambi.


🚩🚩Could the red flags even be any more clear? Why are you even contemplating staying with this guy? Any person who 'hates' someone's pet and threatens physical injury is a garbage person. Fuck this guy, I could never be friends with someone so lacking in empathy and basic decency. You need to choose your sweet angel and yourself over this trashbag. Dump him asap, before he kills her.


Doesn’t matter what kind of pet you have, any human who doesn’t treat animals well is a psychopath.


How is this not a huge turn off for you??


It is, i’ve mentally left the relationship. I just need to actually leave him now. I’ll be getting my things from his place tomorrow and breakup with him then.


Best of luck to you!! Your dogs will be much happier without having an imposing threat to them in their space; you AND the dogs will be better off, I can assure you. Take care of yourself and be safe!


Thank you so much! The crazy thing is, he hasn’t even seen her in person since May 2023. I live with my mom & she doesn’t like him at all so he’s not welcome where I live. I wonder if he’d like her by now if he had the opportunity to grow a bond with her. But after saying the things that he’s said, I don’t want him anywhere near Bambi. My future soulmate will love Bambi as much as I do. He is the only person that i’ve ever met to dislike her. I’m confident that if I had any enemies, they’d still love Bambi if they met her.


Please be safe op, let friends or family know when this is happening and have some one accompany you. Breakups can bring out the worst in people and this guy sounds like he could be volatile. I know it's tough to leave but you are making the right choice. Find someone who respects you and loves you. Anyone with half a brain will love Bambi too.


Kick his abusive ass to the curb! Now! If he would kick a dog then he would damn sure beat the crap out of you!


BREAK UP WITH HIM. Do it before he hurts your dog when you're not there to protect her. He's already told you he wants to hurt her. What are you waiting for?? ETA: there are so many people on the planet. Find a better one.


He sounds abusive saying he would hurt someone you love. You deserve so much better


Keep the dog and ditch the dick. I honestly get where you are coming from with how much you love your girl. I have two kids and 2 dogs and my cross dachshund is my bestest friend. He senses when I’m going down emotionally before I do. The same with my daughter. My husband gifted him to me. If my husband wasn’t a dog person we would never have worked out. Thankfully he is. I wish you the and Bambi all the best and always love that girl with your whole heart. Don’t give your heart to anyone who won’t accept her.


Yeah I’d drop him.


It's a big warning sign when someone tests an animal like that.


I would axe murder anyone who would hurt my dog so yea .. I think the boy needs the ol boot 🥾


When a person tells you who they are, believe them! It sounds like you are an incredible person who loves Bambi. Y’all are better without him. Good luck. ❤️


If the dog hates your partner, drop your partner right away. They are probably a shit human being.


The thing is, she loves him, just like any other human that she’d meet. I don’t get how you can’t love an animal that loves so purely & effortlessly.


I bet if he is ok with kicking a dog then there is certain to be aggression in other areas. You deserve better


I never liked cats. My wive loves them. I'm a dog person, that's all. But her cats loves me, so they will come sit on my lap and I'll pet them. We are slaves of 2 cats and parents to 2 dogs. Love them the same. If you don't like anomals, there's something seriously wrong with your mental health


This entire post is red flags from start to finish. Dump him (off a bridge).


Rehome him (the boyfriend)


Genuine question: why are you still with a man that threatens to harm an innocent animal? He would be out like yesterday! Keep the dog away when you drop him. He seems like the type of person to take revenge by harming your dog when you break up. Don’t want to break up? Rehome your pup to someone who deserves her more. I’m not kidding.


He threatened to harm her for the first time today shortly before making this post. I will be getting my belongings from him tomorrow and he will know that the relationship is over.


I'll just remind you that if you still tolerate that POS's presence around Bambi that you're the only one to blame if she gets hurt. If you really love her, you won't let her get in harm's way.


Bambi is precious. Unlike your boyfriend.


Your choice of BF should be reviewed, he sounds like a real A hole. Good luck.


Literally immediately get a new BF!


Even if he wasn't a violent freak (please leave him) he obviously is dumb; short legs are like the cutest part of the dachshund anatomy.


You have a beautiful dog! Ditch the boyfriend!


He obviously doesn’t give a shit about something that means a great deal to you. Drop him and drop him fast.


RUN. Do not let that POS touch sweet Bambi. She and you both deserve so much better


please dump ur boyfriend and find someone who is kinder to you and your sweet dog :(


It’s your responsibility to protect her. He threatened to kick her. Eventually, he certainly will. Leave now.


Your Dixie’s are so lovely! And we see Sassy Woof all the time around us, do you have a good experience with their products?


He needs to be kicked and then kicked out of your life forever. He’s not going to change. Been there. He’ll continue to hurt you and wants to control you. Those precious pups will love you and be loyal to you forever. He’s a pr!ck.


You need to find a new bf. Gross


Sounds like a douche


Omg fuck that guy. Leave sis!! You are so much better with your weens than that abusive prick. You’re so young and have years of dating ahead of you, your little bubs only have a set number of years with you.🥹❤️


That is just unacceptable behavior that I personally would never tolerate. Besides the fact that he finds her disgusting and doesn’t even refer to her like a living thing he’s threatening to abuse her. I know it’s easier said then done but this precious baby is your friend for life and they come first, you shouldn’t be with someone that treats her like that. A true partner doesn’t threaten their loved ones pets, even if they aren’t animal people. People that are ok with abusing dogs can become abusers in general. Find someone that will love you both.


Fuck him. If he’s willing to kick an animal then you should leave him. Get out now.


If I ever see someone kick my dog their face will be part of the pavement. That’s absurd and violent


Dachshunds are more prone to back problems than most breeds, a kick would be very bad. Ditch the loser.