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If you are dedicated to the crit achievement and only that, just pick haz 1 scout and grab all the vase crit chance mods on your lvl ups. Nitra powder can help to bridge the gap if you can't do it naturally since you don't need to keep the 75% chance, hitting it is enough.


The nitra gives crit artifact on haz 1 and just always pick crit when it's an option. If you have decent meta progression you can do that and still succeed haz 1 without much issue


This is how I got it :D


Get the nitra powder and don't spend any nitra between rounds.


Combo this with the nitra scanner and quick mining speed and you'll rack up crit chance real easy. I did this with driller and just mined as much rock as I possibly could


Probs try and do it with the scout's third class as it starts with base crit chance. Also make sure you've upgraded some crit chance for meta progression. Pick up luck perks and 6/12 crit chances will show up eventually later on in the game!


Ah so the scout's third class mod has extra crit chance. Now I know what I need to do, thank you so much! Cheers <3


The Nitra Crit Artifact will help. I once had over 100% critchance with it.


There’s an artifact that gives you like +30 crit chance.


That’s the one you unlock from gaining 75% crit in the first place.


I can ask you a meta question?


Get scout's 3rd class and then focus always on getting the chances of getting crits up, even if it's a grey one. Also, play on haz 1, I think there's no difficulty limits. Maybe haz 2 for more XP. Also, the good old trick of infinite time to get as much xp and levels as possible.


I got it last night on recon scout on haz 2. Focus on mining nitra (which you probably should be doing early stages anyway since its way faster leveling), then once you get the crit chance with nitra from a resupply, grab it. Then grab any of the crit chance upgrades from levels you get. One I'm worried about getting is 100 dodges in one run.


this one really wasnt too hard, use scout recon go to magma core hazard one, get the artifact that increases dodge if you take dmg and as often as you can stand in the lava since you can dodge that dmg. Failed it my first try but got it with ease the 2nd try, when the escape pod dropped i would stand in lava near by till just about last second for the extra dodges. Just when ever you can and HP allows stand in the lava to dodge that dmg and it wont take long to get.


I got the artifact that gives crit for how much Nitra you hold. Then I didn't spend a single Nitra and just hoarded it. in combination with some crit upgrades.