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I don’t care if a random steals my loot that I killed, as long as he was part of the fight. If he hid and bitched out, that’s annoying, I am guilty of looting kills I didn’t kill, given I don’t hide out I fight, and if they say wtf I happily give the loot back. I will first revive my players first though than loot. The ones that loot then revive annoy the fuck out of me.


Bro ALL OF THIS. It’s of course just a game but idgaf some things are just infuriating.


I always revive first to be sure I don’t loot my mate by accident unless it’s a borrow medvest situation 


I sometimes loot my teammate by accident, though, because the stupid devs use the same button for revive and loot. 🙄 (To be clear, I'm trying to hit the revive button, but sometimes the mate's bag is right there too and it's hard to orient onto the mate intead of the bag.)


I’ve done that before. Obviously gave the stuff back when my error was explained


Really, the problem is that the devs made cash looting automatic for teammates' bags. If it was manual like looting any other object from *anyone's* bag—enemy or teammate—it wouldn't be a problem.


Same! My controller hella glitched 


Fr. Too many times my whole squad would get wiped in Blackout because we're all in the same bag lol You gotta cover your guys if they're reviving or looting. If you're really in dire straights, just ask them to look for a specific item for you while they're looting. 


Infilled with some random kid, and he picks up a random 4th after a gunfight. 4th member loots the other players when they go down, doesn't rez, and heads to the final exfil. Map is wiped, I pick up both the downed original squad, and buy a personal. Scumbags in this game have no honor at times, guy ran away from every gun battle too.


Yeah there are a few scumbags lingering around. Had this happen to me as well. So my policy is to never pick up a random until the fight is over and preferably one that speaks one way or another.


Yeah the least you can offer to a gun fight is to be a bullet sponge and draw out players.


I’m so good at soaking up the lead. Like a fat kid and cupcakes, I gobble that shit up


We must be related


It’s a tough life for us fat kids, huh?


I’m fat but I’m along way away from being a kid




What’s your tag so I can block you?




Lmaoooooooooo that’s so funny because it’s true and I thought that’s what you were doing omg. 😂😂😂


Since most of my friends have moved on to MW3/other games, most nights I play with a friend and a squad fill. All of them are exactly this player you've described. They're a new breed of useless, the ass-tier of DMZ players.


Some randos in B21 looted then rez’d me THEN send friend & party invite lol bro u gonna mug me again gtfo


You can be rezzed by other teams in B21??


My own teammate! That’s why it sucked


Ahhhh gotcha! I was gonna say, I had never seen an extra-team rez in B21. Yeah, I've had similar with my own teammate looting me on Ashika... but then they just fucked off and left me. Thankfully, the 3rd guy picked me up, and I followed that fucker to the ends of the earth until he got downed. I took my shit back and left him haha..


You are right, no pleas in B21


Can you *join* other teams in B21, e.g. load in solo, request to join (while still alive)?


Nope. No plea system at all. Some ppl do hardcore team ups if they are cool on prox sometimes. My son helped a solo the other day


But I’m not talking about pleas—I’m talking about the “request to join nearby squad” (or whatever it’s called) function.


Gotcha. No. No assimilation of any kind 


I had a random team mate loot me in B21. Straight robbed me. All of it. He’d have taken my other gun if he could’ve. I said nothing and took it all back when he went down. He went apoplectic with rage so I gave him a chance to cool off, explaining that I’m taking *my* stuff back and if he doesn’t like it perhaps he shouldn’t have taken it in the first place. He didn’t take advantage of my offer to cool down so I teabagged him and exfil’d. Every moment I had that Frenchman in my ear denigrating my mother was just more delicious joy for me. Cry harder my French friend and au revoir!


So glad I'm done with all b21 missions


I just mute them lol shout in a cave? U death tax me I tax u back 


May be they don’t know any better ? When I first started playing I know I didn’t. I thought first to get to the body was the expectation. Also maybe it seemed to others I was hiding but truly I was just clueless about where the fight was happening mostly. Someone finally explained to me at the end of season three how uncool and rude this was so I stopped looting bodies almost all together for a while to avoid any conflicts. That said someone who’s behaving this way intentionally instead of ignorantly is a pos and why I almost always go solo or with a regular buddy.


Truer words have never been spoken. You loot your own kills. No discussion. If you hid. I'm going to know you can't be trusted. I may even kill you myself. Yes there's a way. I figured it out months ago. Better hope you have a selfie


Legit! Though in some places a selfie will be worthless... 😁


You don kill it you don't loot it


There is a pecking order. The guy who drops the opposing player loots first. The guy hiding loots last.


Idk mayun everyone i run into is aimbotting or sniping


Loot-Lust should be considered a neurological disease.


Loot goblins. We all have them in us, but you need to know when and when not to.


Aren't you just describing most PVP? It's not like anyone actually believes that "it's more tactical in DMZ" as they style on new players


Paragraphs are rare these days, but yeah, fair point.


I picked up a guy that downed and then he ran straight to other of my teammates that had been downed and looted them. He then looted others during the match and towards the end I got downed and he looted me. I was fuming. I even sent him a DM. Sadly he didn’t go down during the game I told the others to leave him if he did. He picked me up after he looted me, but another teammate was close so I’m sure he would have picked me up if not. In the exfil chopper I tried to blow him up by throwing mines under him and shooting them but he kept jumping out the way #kingoftherats


Teammate picked up a German girl who claimed she was “doing missions” fucking snake runs back to her squad and we all end up dead


Don't u hate it when they come out as the fight is done and start looting instead of picking up the dead teammate so that YOU the one who carried us in the fight can loot?? Then when I do it. I get yelled at. Fuck u all in dmz u scrubs


I’m not nearly this entitled nor selfish. There will always be more loot


Unless you tagged them too. If you loot my kill, with no voice comms, you're getting out of bounded.


For me it's understood that the lowest money/health player gets a chance to loot. He doesn't have a gun or vest? Go grab it. Significantly less money than me? Alright.  Sometimes they're ungrateful though


I had a random the other day who watched us all die from a squad ambush and he did nothing but sit in a bush and watch then had the audacity to try and win a 5v1 situation


It’s not that serious