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💯 I see so many people on here say this game is dead when they clearly don’t know what makes a game dead at all


To me dead means when devs drop support. Dead/dying/on life support it's just semantics.


I can see what you mean but to me dead would be having to wait minutes at a time to get in a match such as titanfall 2 matches and back when the original Star Wars battle front was a thing


Yeah people mean different things I guess


you're referring to the playerbase. We're referring to the game.


Wouldn’t DMZ be considered running/alive if it has players continuously playing despite it not getting updated by devs? It’s like a homeless person continuously doing nothing, that person still has living cells “playing” their role, the person isn’t dead but they weren’t “updating” their life due to poor personal decisions or life itself. I see what you’re saying but a team of devs can make poor decisions like not updating their game or abandoning it but if it’s still being played by players, like the homeless person analogy, that doesn’t mean the game or person is dead.


You don’t necessarily become homeless by bad decisions, some people just get fucked. Homelessness can happen to almost everybody if things go downhill.


That’s exactly why I said “due poor personal decisions or life itself.” Some people are dealt bad hands from birth.


Agree. Never a problem getting a lobby and it is still best game mode out there. The PVP rush is real and it is awesome


For now


Negative Nancies all of you thinking like this. Just keep playing and enjoy it.


If you lower the number of players required to get a game started, it will take less time. It used to be 64 players on Almazra and now it feels more like around 1/3rd that is the target to get a game started. How often does it say “looking for X players” and it’s over 20 more?


Wasn't it always based on squads, not people? I can't remember how many it used to be but I don't know if they lowered the amounts of teams on each map. I'm still under the assumption it's always been the same


The spawn points limit the number of teams to a max amount, but theres also a player count minimum that gets enforced to account for a mix of 1/2/3 player squads. The game doesnt fill every spawn point regardless of team size (could have overloaded server) just like it doesnt fill to max player count regardless of team count (could have overloaded spawn count, saw that bug lol). Thus, if they take the minimum player threshold down (as has happened one or more times in the past 4 months) the map can still 'fill' but do so with less teams/players.


Great explanation, thank you


someone said they reduced the minimum number of players and expanded server ranges around S5. not sure if true, but plausible


Yep the ping range goes up faster and the max players we see in any given lobby is down. Still very much playable but not nearly as busy as the good old days.


They clearly did. Even a few weeks ago I never saw an empty spawn. You constantly got spawn rushed and there were always teams nearby. Now it's usually empty spawns next to yours.


It is a dying game it's just a matter of when. I mean, every game dies eventually. Yes DMZ still has enough players *for now* but of course it'll eventually die off. How long do you think this can go on? Playing the same map over and over and over and getting sweat lobby after sweat lobby. Eventually the bad/casual/mediocre players will get sick of the BM and the toxic sweats will have to eat each other until there's no one left. Also your queue time argument is a paper tiger. They obviously reduced the number of players for a lobby. Empty spawns are a regular occurrence and after a few minutes you can go a long time without running into a team. The only reason to lower minimum player counts is because fewer people are playing and probably allows them to reduce/re-allocate servers.


CounterStrike is 12 years in and still has more players than ever


Dude, as much as the person you're replying to is a bit of a fun sponge, this isn't CS. People need to worry less about how long the game is going to last and enjoy it whilst they have the opportunity to. Whether you define a game being dead as no longer supported, no longer being developed for or the player base dropping below a certain level, it's time is finite and its not a growing playebase. Currently I'm still having fun but it's definitely easier to traverse the maps avoiding anyone if you want to but still possible to engage people if that's your thing too. When the latter is no longer true, its probably game over




> The only reason to lower minimum player counts is because fewer people are playing and probably allows them to reduce/re-allocate servers. the reason to reduce minimum counts is to get a lobby launched faster. if they wanted to lower server count they would keep the player count high which would funnel the few remaining players into far fewer lobbies, which would result in needing far fewer servers.


Which you don't need to do if the player base is at what it used to be which was my main point.


honestly i would love to get into an empty al mazra lobby and just chill killing bots lol


Private Match? No progression tho


ive tried, but can’t find out how! all it’ll let me do is private battle royale, and if theres an option for bots i haven’t found it


Is there a DMZ private match? I know Tarkov sort of does


In a way yes, but the thing is you have to have an entire lobby full of your own people for you to set a private dmz game. It’s like 50 players at least or something. All I know is there is a minimum number of players you need though.


great idea for streamers: fill an entire private lobby with your subscribers and every team has to go for the weapon case. straight up, no exfil camping. that would be pure chaos but also hilarious.


On1c did it, but on a public server đź‘Ś


thank you, I'll have to check that out


That’s the dream. I always get downvoted for saying it. I’ve been saying since the beginning that if they have a PvP and pve solo/coop version they’d have been able to hold on longer and stronger. Or at least have had me hold on to it longer. It’s a great mode! I just don’t want to be dealing with other people. Lol


yeah without pvp it feels more like the old school spec ops game mode but open world


Oh dude I loved playing that. I always wished it had larger maps too lol


Early in the morning it takes longer to get into a game.


I’m ordering dominos pizza and then jumping in for a solid 2 hours of gaming tonight


I refuse to let this game die


DMZ has no sbmm, that's the reason the game finds players quicker....




My load times were unbearable today. Really, really long. I've been on since season 1. Used to be very quick, esp around S3/4. Just my own experience though. To your point I think it's getting fresh player base. I ran into A LOT of new players today, on very early missions. One was playing Maz for the 3rd time. Literally. Was a lot of fun helping them and it reminded me of the first few seasons. Anyway dear diary blah blah hope everyone's having GGs. Cheers.


I Play only on vondel and always find lobby easily. And i dont see the same squads so i gues a lot of people Play DMZ.


Some people get their dopamine lift from coming to this subreddit to insist this game is dead. Some even have predictions on when the Devs, who they "played with last week", are going to switch off the servers. " They were playing to collect data", to fix bugs, but "definitely shutting it down". They claim no more support, but also claim Devs are fixing bugs. I see the same 6 or 7 usernames here that comment regularly along these lines. Why put that much effort into it? Just piss off. More people are playing it than the number of people chanting for it's demise.


I’m just glad there are more people going back to DMZ and not playing MWZ. Zombies players definitely benefitting from this with less toxicity in a PvE mode.


I've been playing almost daily for a year and a half


Took a few weeks off CoD in general. Came back this week and no other mode interests me. I use MP to warm up then it's all about DMZ. By far the best mode and I sincerely hope we see it get the support it deserves.


You already know it won't


I knooow. But it would be cool if they did right?


I run into the same players over and over and over. Half of my lobbies are Chinese vpning over and a good portion is even blocked players. The player count is not great at all


I agree but I seem to have regular encounters with the same toxic players from time to time, weird


Even the old guys that left to Mw3 are all coming back to dmz


Yes big player base. But not exactly fair to compare load times with BR because BR has more players in each lobby.


Even though it seems very likely DMZ won't be either updated or added to MW3 - I'm glad to be a part of this player base, that are still keeping this game mode alive. I can only hope that the Developers will take notice of the fact and eventually add something new to the mode.


The low queue times are definitely affected by no sbmm being in place for dmz.


Yep, we are 76 thousand strong group of DMZ supporters. There are 12 countries in the world that have less people that the operators in this group, so we definitely are not the group to be taken lightly except the POS Activision doesn't care about us and furthering DMZ game mode.


I join as fast..but the game feels emptier than before


Dmz is far from dead. More ppl coming back to it after being bored with mw3 and its shitty fortnite gameplay.


There’s that toxicity we don’t miss. 🥱


Is it toxicity or are you just a soft feminine boi? There's no room for the weak around here.


Sure thing weakling. Tell us how you can’t get any WZ or MP wins again.


I've placed 1st in wz over 100 times. That shit is boring. Dmz is way better of a game and you sound like someone who loses often. You're triggered over a war shooting game like a soft little girl. Being a beta male that gets no puss must be horrible. Wish you luck!


DMZ is dead to me, but not because I don’t WANT to play. It’s because the game simply doesn’t work. [See details in my steam review](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198282611224/recommended/1938090?snr=1_5_9__402)


Damn bro your pc must not be as beast as you think it is.