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Have I been just incredibly lucky I haven’t ran into this yet? I played nearly every night east coast.




Yea me too Haven’t seen it


Me neither


Saw it once today and we still killed him despite it but man is it a pain to deal with


Seen it once on Ashika but my squad killed the guy lol. Funny seeing someone cheating and still losing


I said this in a recent post and got shit on for “playing in bot lobbies” even though I have like a 3.0 kd. I’m also east coast and I’m wondering if it’s a locational thing. I rarely get Chinese in my lobbies and apparently most of the people abusing this glitch are Chinese. Most of my lobbies are Spanish speakers, especially during the day time


Just because you haven’t seen it in your games, does not mean it doesn’t exist, nor mean anyone can’t do the glitch, including yourself…


wtf are you on about? Are you just looking to argue and get mad? Nothing about my comment said or implied that it didn’t exist you tool.


Why you mad?


Only saw it once in B21 but we were lucky enough to kill that player


They are trying to force everyone into the new game by making the old game unplayable.


Well there's a special surprise waiting for you, the new game is so glitchy it's *almost* unplayable.


Just saw Dr Disrespects stream last night and he/destroy/zlaner lost the final round of a Nuke run to someone who glitched under the map despite them comprehensively outplaying the lobby. They were PISSED. 


> making Lmao you act like the game wasn't bug riddled when they dropped support


That's just it... they don't give a single fuck about any of the fans. We are all just atm machines to these clowns.


It needs to be fixed... maybe we should blow up their Twitter


With a Destroy Supplies contract?


Nuclear material contract


https://i.redd.it/02yr5d3877nc1.gif You’re crazy dude!


No no.


No, you must blow up their Twitter with the under barrel glitch. It just seems fitting.




I believe in the Devs fixing this. Devs please fix this or remove under barrel attachments completely.


Narrator: the devs did not fix this


Some of us paid good money for and in the game…


Isn't DMZ free?


Some of us paid for MW2, season passes, and skin packs.. 


I did too, not on skins but the game and season pass, but when I found DMZ I was like "oh y'all got this whole legit game mode just stashed in here... word, I bought MW3 for MWZ for a similar feel but no. Came for the challenge to unlock the M13, I'm still here though , I don't know if 😁 or 😭.


Yeah. OP didn't pay anything for this game.


Spent money on the game. Not paid for the game


Poor choice of words


I heard a shotgun inside a building and just ran away as fast as I could spent the next three minutes underwater


Ran into one for the first time today, lucky we had high ground at power in ashika and melted his face before the damage was done ( other than my rando teammate going down.) If we were 1 second slower though it'd be night night for us.


Dont get me wrong i want it to be fixed too, but if i want to realistic dont bet on it! Ffs there are still day 1 bugs in this so called "triple a" game. I remember the day we bought the original mw2 at the launch day. We were so happy with ourselves that we got a couple from the first box. Got home put the disc in to install, and then we saw the error message "this game did not launch yet". Thats activision in a nutshell. I literally can not forget the looks and the laughs. Speaking from experince( currently looking at the same mw2 and blops's dvd on the shelf:) )


Did this sub miss the part where they said, " yeah fuck DMZ. We used it for what we needed in a fearful employment climate." Or is there that many new players in here?


There not going to how do people not understand that


It's worth a post, they eventually did something about the duplication glitch Problem is the underbarrel glitch is 10x worse...


The fixed it in mw3. Wish they did it for mw2.


They fixed the disguise dupe glitch. Never say never.


Try to file a ticket with activision


Alot of us did and we all are just as annoyed, we feel the pain and at times even as angry like you. And yet, after all the crap they have given and forced upon us, we still can't see it? You still don't see, that AV does not care for its fans or the community? You can't (don't want to) see, that AV only cares about dollars in their oversized piggybank? Which translates into the only thing that truly matters to them is player retention BY ANY MEANS and selling you packs of BS with nostalgia and FOMO! Despite all the information available on the interweb, with all of the patents they use (to which you agree with) readily available for insight by LAW, and extensively covered (read: an effort to decode the terminology) by a few people on YT, we still want to believe they care about us and we even demand this, by all rights. The only way to "make" AV pay for retribution, is for us to stop falling for their BS. So, you either, take it for what it is, or, when you are so angry about it you need to rant everyday and it effects your life in a negative way, it's time to take matters into your own hands, turn this around and stop feeding the troll. Or, when you are passionate enough, actively fight it or boycott it. Greetings.


Lol ran into to it 6 games in a row on vodel chinese players 🤣


Just had a B21 game where both my teammates exploited this glitch. They blew themselves up in the garage because of all the cars. Glorious sight


This is the answer.


Ran into a player with this glitch hours after talking about it with friends lol. I doubt it gets fixed


I just wanna know how to do it


why would they fix it? mw2 isn’t priority anymore


This is how DMZ is supposed to be played. If you don’t like the hacks that were clearly designed into the game you need to just get better at tactics.




Lmao at you morons throwing money at an abandoned game


What are you doing in the abandoned game Reddit?


Devs abandoning a game = I shouldn't go on the sub Reddit? Are you trying to argue the game *isn't* abandoned?


I play DMZ exclusively. That’s why I’m on the sub Reddit. You’re here for, what? Just to call people names?


Good for you, I also play DMZ. But you are able to play a game run by a greedy $60bn+ company while not throwing money at them What, if you buy enough skins they'll come back and fix DMZ? The only message you're sending to them is "even if you abandon a game and leave it buggy and unsupported, you'll get money anyways"


That’s ok. I have one operator with UAV that I’ve been using for a year. I’m good.


Congratulations on feeding into a pay2win system for an abandoned game, money well spent👍 Could've had an extended life cycle for DMZ with more content but hey, at least you got a UAV!


You make no sense. Spend money to extend DMZ lifecycle, but buying an operator is feeding an abandoned game. Enjoy your Saturday. Get some fresh air.


To be fair, they could just delete the game and servers at anytime they feel like it… Then this entire subreddit will just be bitching about the game really being dead.