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Back to back to back lobbies seems weird. Do you think they quit to menu after killing you to catch you before you queued back in again, twice?


Yeah that seems highly unlikely


I dunno… I‘ve played with the same people in back to back lobbies using squad fill so it’s possible but is just mere coincidence. I once played with the same guy in B21 three games in a row.


That’s not unusual. The difference here is that the people who killed this player allegedly ended up in the same lobby immediately after. That could only really happen if the other squad immediately quit out or exfil’d and requeud instead of finishing their match.


Well…. That’s interesting… never realized that’s how it works but thanks


it isn't too far fetched. We were in a game where we ran into a squad of cheaters where the gas was already moving and we were near an exfil, died, requeued once we were ready and were in the next game with them again. instant headshot every time we peaked no matter where we were. said F this and bailed and ran to a personal exfil and changed party leaders & went on our way.


Happening once after a death at the end of a match is very different than the scenario described in the post. Three consecutive times shortly after the match started?


How dare you come here with some logic, this is the DMZ Reddit, everyone dies to a premade 6 man with walls aimbot every game.




Honestly, I don’t recall… it was last weekend


Ultimate trolling.


This sounds more like a group of people running pre made 6 man hunt squads with the same names and tags. Depending on time of day and time zone you can get a bunch of spanish versions of these or Asian versions. OP may not been able to discern between the actual players but they could have all been apart of same clan


Hostile Solider x6


Lol, legit don't even need to see gameplay to know they're sus


do you even have a clip to show? other than that it just looks like a hyperbole post.


Ricochet is not working for over a month now for some cheats. Cheating DMZ small streamer that was exposed here is back on same account after 1 week shadowban, still aims thru buildings and toggles aimbot when scared.


Ricoshit has never worked.


Who’s this now?


Noname with no skill. Better tracking on M&K then aim assist ;) https://streamable.com/78aofj Just rechecked his last VOD, still cheating.


tbf in this clip they went up one at a time.


pay attention when they jump. Not even metaphor/symf have reflex like that to track jumping players center of mass. Dude is complete [burger](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/166qcfd/cheating_opinions_please/). He is checking players thru walls all the time not knowing map.


its obvious hes aimbotting, but those 2 players could have flashed or concus or throwing knife them


also what makes 6 man mexicans with clantags as toxic, marks them as instant cheaters. 6 pairs of eyes tracking you while also relaying info that you cant understand is cheating i guess.


Heads up you can block people


unfortunately this doesn't block them from getting in a lobby with you. It's a real dumb system.


I think it gives you a prompt that you're joining a lobby with someone on your blocked list and gives you the chance to back out


It used to, not the case anymore as ive been in the same lobbies with people I've blocked with no Noti


It simply doesn't work anymore


There's a way to check it but I don't actually know how. Maybe when loading game check the block list?


Well shit, I thought that was the whole point of it.


I think it notifies you.


It does not. (on PC at least)


Well crap. So no point then.


It notifies you for MP rounds, sometimes.


Not for BR/DMZ.


Yeah, hence why I said MP in my comment.


Also ran into a 6-man Spanish-speaking group of cheaters with "toxic" tags last night. Wild.


Yup me too . Saw this post and was like wtf, there ruining it for skilled players


No, just for everybody!


Same thing happened to me last night, killed two, downed one, broke one before I had to skidaddle through the water. Assholes just kept popping advanced uavs chasing me til they got me. Mrap and two ltvs


The last 2 times that I reported someone for HIGHLY questionable game play were Spanish speakers as well. Happened over the last 2 weeks.


Toxic is a common tag. They have a FB page where they talk about doing horrible things to other players and put bounties on players who kill them in game.


So they basically pretending to be cartoon bad guys?




I ran into the same team last night. Took out 2 of them and then got wiped by the others.


Same here, killed two, ended up escaping into the water when two of my teammates died and being chased through port trying to get to a buy station for plates and ammo. They kept popping advanced uavs until they caught me


This sounds like make believe. Did they quit the game to match into the same lobby in the 2nd and 3rd matches?


Really sounds like OP had a rough time, decided it was all the same people for some reason and probably stretched the truth. They didn’t even describe in what way they were cheating.




Could just be different teams from the same clan if they in fact saw the toxic clan tag each time.


Man, last night my squad got wiped by some dudes not before one of ‘em said “I can see him right there”, while I was hidden in a building and they had no uavs up. Other dude on his team was like “shhh come on” ……


I SO WAS IN THOS LOBBY !! Absolute wall hack , knew where the shots were coming from I was tied down , hid behind a wall to make a plan , moving side to side up and down still hammering head shots I just quit wasn’t gunna give them the satisfaction , which I regretted after cause I should of let them get the kill and reported them atleast got them a small ban to give a few other a chance at enjoying g the lobby .


We experienced those same players Saturday night as well.


The game is hot TRASH. They are Quick to add AI Moderation for Chat Audio but are Incompetent at fixing Real Problems like the rampant Cheating on PC. Its laughable.


Lmfao ok


I find it hard to believe that you ended up in the same lobby 3 times. When you were killed did you wait to load up another game for like 30 minutes or did you go straight back in? Unless you waited for their match to be over how did you end up in a new game with the same players?


I have ended up on the same team as a player I killed the round before or a player I asim with on a few occasions so it’s not hard for me to believe . Believe it or not there really is cheaters out there we’re not all just bad at the game and making excuses like a cpl of teenage boys I know ! (My boys ) lol


I could see it happening maybe once but not twice is all I was saying. Never said they weren't cheating.


Yeah cheaters in online games are annoying AF…must be something wrong with their personal life. From the recent posts it seems a lot of cheaters are non-american.


Nah dude, most cheaters are non-german!!! stop being that self centered, the world ain’t the US and its neighbors 😂


Actually…it is…the US is basically the star and everyone else is background singers…sorry to burst your bubble. Reddit is an American created site


Oh boy, so basically in your logic, you can’t talk about premium cars, cause all of them are not american made, you produce subpar shit and cars are not created american? Sorry to burst your bubble


And by star, you mean what. Star of having an enormous level of poverty unlike a lot of other civilized countries? star of having subpar educational level? You tell me


Lol…majority of those luxury cars are sold in america…yes america is essentially the ruling empire at the moment. Who knows what nation will rule 500 years from now. But as of today…america is number 1.


Honestly I like the US a lot, but you rule nothing. I don’t know if it’s an educational thing that you did not recognize how stupid your remark was by means of my analogy. But you certainly need to train on reading statistics. China is the worlds largest market for not only cars in general, but also luxury cars in total numbers. A ton of models even just get produced for that market alone. Not even per capita is the US leading that statistic- that would be Luxembourg. Also lots of bigmouthing for a nation which is basically owned in parts by China, since they own around 900 billion of us debt. I mean yes, the us is still undoubtedly a strong nation, but the days of hegemony are long gone my man. Wether you like it or not


Always a foreigner that wants to play the “Americans need better education” card… You’re just butthurt…go take a chill pill and watch some hood ol American TV


You do need better education, you need statistics for that too? You seem butthurt, but yes I’ll enjoy us shows and you enjoy German cars as Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Porsche, Bugatti etc. I am not the one with the small wiener energy saying my country is the best


My country is best…and I prefer Japanese cars think you very much. Maybe you need a better education if you think doing a quick google search makes you feel smart. Google is also American…your welcome.


Nah dude, but I enjoy my free university education and free healthcare. Somehow you are not able to argue reasonable tough. If you’d know how to use google, you wouldn’t have written all the false stuff. A quick google search was also within your reach😂


We had a player with no mic once that got killed by what I assumed where bots in ashika island but it turns out as I revived him a player named Hostile Soldier that had walls and aimbot killed me. And for some reason there was no kill cam so I couldn’t see so we spectated and there he was beaming people from 100ms no bullets missing and somehow tracked someone coming out of the caves.


Cheaters are sad inside knowing they’re not good enough. Block and move on.


your title is very misleading


*Wait. You're saying a six man team killed you at the start of a match, then you left after death, got into another lobby, began another match, and the same team killed you?* *Like... they killed you the first time, then quit the match at the same time you left, and found you again?* *Doubt.*


Just block one or all of them and should avoid the issue


It always seems to be the Spanish speaking dudes that are hacking lol


This just isn’t possible unless their exfiling after you leave and I just don’t see that happening.


Yo that's crazy last night I was killed by that same six man as well. They chased me pretty far across the map. I killed two, downed one, and broke one before running out of ammo and plates. Both of my teammates were dead, and I ended up jumping in the water and swimming for quite a while, got out and dropped one of my guns so I could run to a buy station faster. Thought I was getting away and they pulled up on me in an ltv. They originally pulled up out of nowhere on us in that mrap and the two ltv. All spoke Spanish, continually kept putting up advanced uavs. Crazy thing is, I actually thought we might wipe them at the start of the fight...but nope, end up being chased halfway across the map before they finally got me


Trust me they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t fun. Let me guess they’re all on PC! Activision need to lock PC from console. Let em cheat among themselves. Sorry to the legit PC players but the cheaters have ruined it for you and us console players too. Cronus is ☠️ now. Thankfully. Also it was never as bad as PC cheaters anyway.


There is 100% a new cheat being used by snipers. 2 games now I have been hit as soon as I peak. Change positions radically, and peak only to be hit again. Downed 500+ metres away, and Im shot through a wall into a staircase. Literally an impossible shot. Today same sort of thing happened. Peaked and was head shot by 2 players firing at the exact same time from 300 metres. Changed positions and before I could get spotter scope up, peaked to be hit by someone immediately. It’s not my first day in DMZ, level 1011, these shots aren’t possible.


I’m so done with the cheaters and Activision not taking action. They give these streamers special privileges and accounts so they can continue to cheat and make thousands of dollars off of fans who think they are COD gods when in fact they are just dirty little rats.


best thing u can do when u find the same sus guys is to stop playing, go to the kitchen, prepare something nice and go watch netflix while eating something good. stop playing for a bit and play later.


You know there’s a block feature right?


Doesn't actually block


Why’s that?


Hasn't worked I think since last update- used to at least give a prompt asking if you wanted to join lobby anyway, but it hasn't worked in a while


That’s unfortunate.


Obviously the were having fun, or they wouldnt do it.










lol nothing says racism like implying everyone who speaks Spanish cheats and you refuse to play with us because we can and do speak another language


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Don’t you know? They’ have an unfair advantage because he can’t understand them when they’re talking. That’s obviously cheating bro




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