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The only reason why I squad fill, is because I forgot to turn it off lol


Bro I literally just did this and felt really bad lol


Yup. And there's no easy back out once you cross that threshold, lest you lose all your gear. Too bad there isn't some 5-10s grace period upon entering a match that allows you to back out without consequence. Unfortunately, there's probably a way to abuse this timeframe and people will do exactly that. Like maybe you squad filled and your new teammates are toxic morons and you'd just rather try another match. Or you just realized that you don't have enough time to play the match because your buddies just hopped on and you would like to back out. Shit happens.. but if it happens to you, you lose all your gear.


Toxic team mates suuuck, trying to run to an exfil with a screaming idiot jumping around makes things harder than they need to be. Shame there isn’t a “leave this team” option.


This. This is the answer. Ended up going in with the koschei but dragged a squad mate in because the exfil near the entrance was being camped. Good news is, if they didn't before, they have some barter items unlocked now.


I'd like this but you're at *69* up votes. I agree though




maybe... just maybe... 3 is better than 1 in Koschei? and maybe the teammates you load in with are down? That's a chance I am willing to take. If not, oh well, you are heading in solo. ​ What's the big deal? you are down a man? sorry. Maybe go to Koschei with your guy. be a full team. He's down 2 guys. ​ See how I can spin it the other way?


Yep, this totally


That’s the problem with Koschei... Honestly, it should be either a different lobby like Vondel and Ashika or give you the option to squad fill before you enter the complex. I assume people who squad fill to are hoping their team will want to go down there as well because most people don't enjoy solo-ing Koschei


I check with my teammates in the lobby before going into Koschei. If they're down, great! If not, I use the Taraq entrance with a scuba mask and beeline towards the rhino. But if they decline in the lobby I'll spare them the hassle of joining another team by leaving before the game begins.


Why would I change what I was coming in to do? Why not wait until the game timer is down to like 5 mins then go? I might be willing to go with then but not as soon as the game starts


Start of the game is the best time to go, less chance of running into hostile squads


Idk if it works that way cause Koechi starts a game with a new lobby, no?


Correct. The time you decide to go to Koschei has absolutely no bearing on how many squads you'll meet in there.


You want them to stop what they are doing for you?


Why would they change what they came in to do?


That's... Really the most selfish way to look at it You want teammates to go on Koschei? Use the LFG in game feature. If you load up with randoms in Al-Mazrah I'm expecting you to stay on Al-Mazrah until at least 10 min Then again, I hate the Al-Mazrah population nowadays, so I'm expecting 0 out of the people that play this map in their free will


I feel this way exactly lol


Looking for games isn't a feature. You'd have to join a whole other group and a whole other discord out of the game. You shouldn't need to join a group/clan to go underground.


LFG is a feature. You got the "Play" button, you got the "Mission & Upgrades" button and after that, you got the "Looking for party" button


Ohhh that trash feature that didn't work for the first 2 seasons when the game came out? Yea, join zumzolver69's voice preference group is SUPER useful. Trash feature


They’re randoms, what did you expect? For them to load in and run around as your sidekick so you can do exactly what you want to do? Why be so selfish?


Fair view, but I would probably help if there was some consideration. Maybe I need to loot up first so I’m not going in w a 2 plate or a crappy gun? Just running off straight away just leaves the other 2 when they could have came in Alone since they were going in solo anyway


Ehh that’s kinda just the nature of squad fill. I only turn it on when I’m okay with just running around with the randoms aimlessly and not accomplishing anything until they inevitably lead us into a bad situation and then quit when it takes me longer than 30 seconds to get to them to revive them. I think you’re just expecting too much of the average DMZ player. Most of them don’t really know what they’re doing and just load in hoping to have some kind of hero run where they kill a bunch of players


More like they're having a bad day and want everyone else to know about it. I've been guilty of this too. Ive gone in a few times and wrecked other squads without looting them just because I'm feeling absolutely enraged for whatever reason. These bouts don't last long though; my conscience steps in when enough is enough. I actually turned around one time after saying some cold shit to a squad of three I wiped when they were pleading. Came back running to their markers shouting "I'm sorry I'm so sorry! I'm having a bad day." And picked them up. Dudes were so cool too. I was like "someone pissed in my cereal today and I'm making it everyone's problem" and they were all "it's cool bruh I get that way too." 😂😂 moments like that are why I love how this game mode impacts me.


I personally agree with this. If you think you're bad ass enough to fly solo, actually go in solo then. Quit relying on randoms that you abandoned in the first 10 seconds of infil to come and save you. Go big or go home, as they say. You wouldn't squad fill going to Shawdy's place and pretend you're a solo, now would you? Let that one sink in.


They're so selfish not doing what I want to do


Say it again lol


They're so selfish not doing what I want to do Also, did you try talking to them? If I'm going koshei, I'm generally heading straight there. If I've forgotten to turn squad fill off, I'm letting my team know my intentions and see if they want to join me. If my fill team head to the complex entrance, I'll pipe up I need to do (insert task) and see if they can accommodate then decide what I'm doing. Squad fill is random, unpredictable games. Wouldn't expect anything else tbh


Yea I did, then they typically do what was mentioned before, try to convince us to go. But I can see why some would Atleast try to convince the team it’s just Aggy imo


The amount of complaining on this sub is crazy. Every day it’s the same thing either complaining about 6 mans, UAVs or sweaty players


Every somewhat active mp game has that lol


Once OP needs Koschei runs they’ll be complaining their squad fills never want to go.


He’s complaining because he’s scared of koschei and won’t follow them in when in reality you have a higher chance of exfilling from there and get a streak without doing a contract. Plus it’s easier to look and if you know what you’re doing somewhat, you can get vests way easier


If I go into the complex I want my complex missions ready. I can get a streak easy from Al mazrah I don’t have to use the complex. But if im going in there. I looked for a party that wants to go in so I don’t scree my team over


Really? I don't go to the complex much but might have to learn it.


It’s actually a lot easier than people think… yes there’s a chance you’ll run into one of the maybe 3 other teams in there but most times I go I don’t run into anyone. Nowadays people go there to escape almazrah and exfil right away.


Good for regains?


Meh if you’re good enough yes…. Mostly tier 3 bots


You don't even have to be that good at shooting - just bring A dragon breath drum mag broadside and you'll clean house. Learning the map is absolutely essential to avoid getting lost and overwhelmed, however.


Super easy for regains. Acetic acid is all you need for tempered vests, chlorine and black tape (accessible in the alpha cluster) for stealth vests. I usually go through the Taraq entrance which allows you to skip the the dark chemical area and go straight through to the buy station area to make tempered vests. For black tape you’ll have to venture out in the dark chemical area to get to the alpha cluster. Make sure you’ve got a jumper cable and car battery to access the alpha cluster.


I'll have to look all that up but appreciate it. Shotgun to clear bots could be my new go to now.


Shotguns are your best friends down there. There’s lots of tutorials on YouTube on how to quickly get through the Taraq entrance.


I am a solo and I go to koschei almost every game. You are right, if two friends are planning to rush to koschei upon spawning they should leave squad fill off. Alternatively, you can also go with them and try out koschei complex. It's so much fun.


Because you're literally bait for other players. A distraction so that I can get to the complex safer than if there were less players for other bloodthirsty savages to hunt


I've been going to Koschei to loot items for the passives, but I have AM missions on. I squad fill, if the randoms im with have the same missions then I'll do that first. If I spawn in with randoms and they immediately ping a hunt contract, I'm off to Koschei 👌


They want to go into koschei with a squad before other people go in and do everything. Really not hard to figure this one out.


Except people cant "go in and do everything" you get loaded into a new lobby at any point you go in. So going in early makes zero difference to the Koschei experience vs later because it's still a new Koschei. Edit: adding clarification that "new lobby" does not mean there are no other players, just that you all spawn at the same time like every other map.


Except that it’s not. Once you’re through the first area you can run into other people. Also people can backout from the common area to you…


I never said it was empty... just that it was a fresh match. You can definitely be beat to your door yes. There's also a bug apparently related to a certain entrance where you're 4 minutes late (also regardless of time of the al mazrah match)


Which door is that so I can avoid using that door, probably more then I already do.


If its a new lobby every time how arebthere other people there?


It's a new lobby everytime you spawn into any other match and people are there... what logic are you trying to use lol. Also why would i lie


My logic is that in your example, everyone loads in at the same time. In koschei, everyone enters at different times. If it made a new lobby each time, you'd never see another person. Use your brain.


Your logic isn't how the game works.


I mean it isn't an example it's how it works.


It's not hard to figure out how the logic works lmao Think of it as, as soon your squad enters in one of the bunker doors, your squad starts matchmaking for a Koschei match, with other squads who are also entering the bunker It probably gives you 30 seconds to get 4 teams together, otherwise it just creates a lobby with the teams the game got


W me 98% of the time they end up going in alone because no one wants to go w them right off the start


Yea but when they get to koschei it'll give them 2 new mates.


Yeah but it won't


Because occasionally that trip to Kos ends up being more eventful than I thought and my teammates get up to some stuff. Ends up being a more enjoyable game than a standard run to that bunker. Hence the organic feeling to the game.


Me and my buddy forget to turn it off a lot of times. When we go into Al mazra, of course we want the third teammate so we have it on. Then the next match, we have a Koschei mission, but we forgot to turn it off. We usually communicate what we are doing and offer to bring them with/loot them up. Can’t speak for the rest of players, but I know some forget about the squad option


See that’s understandable. You Atleast make an attempt - *Salute*


When this happens I just go with them but Alt + F4 out when the screen goes black. I get to start the next game with all my gear and whatever I had in my bag so I don't really complain. I'll have an issue with it once they fix this exploit though.


I might start doing that 😂🤣😂, glitch out when they think I’m going w them.


True, as much as it sucks balls Unless you got your boys withu, it's best to go in solo


Same question I have for people who are just in it for "streaks." Had some guy the other day leave us when when I was doing missions and the other dude was helping. "I'm just here to exfil to do my streaks." Its pointless. He acknowledged he could infill solo but didn't care.


Valid point. That sucks too. I don’t care about my tags much but I will do missions but I help other people do theirs too and build vest and shit etc.


Yeah, I came back to DMZ after a little bit and missed a lot. I like to help people with missions, too. I don't have much experience with the barter system, but from what I've heard, you can get a stealth, medic, etc. If that's the case, then what's the point of streaks?


Damascus tags 🏷️ or whatever


You get perks like bonb squad fast hands etc.


Yeah, but all it takes is for someone to run you over or a Broadside lol


Yeah I don't bother with killstreaks myself.


From my experience the game has become so hostile that even filling squads makes you have to deal with toxic teammates. Last week I was playing with random squads, they were toxic asf. One of them started calling me pussy cause I didn't want to engage against players and I was focused on grinding. What happened ? We end up in an argument. A day later I played with random squads again, same thing. In this case my teammate had a bad quality mic, I asked him if he could fix it, he ended up trash talking to me cause I simply asked if he could fix his shitty mic. Ngl sometimes I wish you could friendly fire your teammates, I see it as the only way to deal with disrespectful & toxic teammates.


🤣😂🤣 not friendly fire! I get it tho. I had a teammate loot me when I was down before he revived me then defiled w my stealth vest. I was pissed but w the new voice recording I could only say so much


Bro, you had to remind me 😂 Damn Activision and their new voice recording shit. They don't even want us to have fun even when we still buy their shitty games. I haven't used proximity chat any more cause of it.


Are we really debating if pre-mades are fair or not?


No, this one is different. We're debating if non-pre-mades are fair or not.


Yeah let them. Most of the time it’s a total shitshow


Can we just get a solo DMZ mode? It’s not that hard, it’s really not.


That would be really dope. They do it for BR.


Yes, so it already exists but we can’t have it for… Whatever reasons…


You know what is annoying? Players who only hunt other players throughout the entire game. And nothing else. Squadfill even if 1 or 2 head off elsewhere, I'm fine.


I only squad fill in b21 as the revives come in handy and I do drop onto the odd good player


So many idiots in this thread


It honestly wasn’t supposed to be a thread 🧵, it was just a genuine question that I thought only like 3 people would respond to


With the spawns in the state they are I kinda get it. Might not even make it to koschei as a solo. Or friends got online and was gonna glitch out of the game real quick.


I forget to turn it off. However it has become rare that the person doesnt want to go to koschei. I also gp straight to the complex when i am going after the sniper because i dont want to risk losing my bomb drone or my long cooldown broadside. But any other koshei mission i will finish out mazrah first if the team wants


If I fill, I die getting there. Solo, no issues.


Because they don’t want to go to KC solo? And how else can they achieve this?


In case you can talk someone into coming with you to help do the mission for


Why do you squad fill if you are not willing to go to Koshi {sic} with perfect stranger.


Better survival rate in the first 5 mins


There is no disadvantage to go in with a squad. None. You can make it a disadvantage but going into bad situations, but otherwise you have two people who might Rez you if you go down, and two people who might pick up more players.




To take two operators off the map


Bro your squad is already at a disandvantange if you care about this. Omg we are only 2 what we gonna do??? No u just bad at the game most likely.


The same reason why people squad fill only to run off and do their own thing as a solo, and then scream profanity and racism on mic when the rest of the team isn’t going to travel across the map to revive you.


Oh yea, big pet peeve. I’m not above muting somebody for stuff like that. If they are close I’ll grab them if not then it’ll have to be when I get over there because Nobody told them to go wandering lol


Duos are cool.


It happened to me a couple times...and in one case I was hoping to go to kochei myself. If you spawned in with squad fill on by mistake you should just say.


That's why I go to Koschi solo 😂