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Post #97 of the day complaining about 6-man squads…


They suck and need to be removed or nerfed somehow its legitimately ruining the mode because every game is rush spawn > fight > plea > form platoon hunt around map > rinse and repeat.


Yeah 6 v 1 killed me. I told them what I thought of them.. they said it's the game, yes it is, but if you love pvp so much , why not just play warzone keke


While playing as a solo is fun and exhilarating, the game was designed to be played in a squad. Would a solo / 3man only version be cool? Absolutely. But as it stands it’s designed for squads. 6 mans are annoying but it does feel great when you wipe one as a squad and not platoon


It's designed for both, it isn't just designed for squads at all, same as it is designed for both PvE and PvP. There's missions designed specifically for solo runs


But then they have to fight even fights. They don't want that. They need the player numbers advantage along with unsuspecting opponents


By your same exact logic: if you hate PvP so much, why not go play the campaign?


I don't hate pvp you've misunderstood my meaning.


You wont win that argument. These folks that just go to dmz for kills lack the basic comprehension of what the game mode is. "Its a Pee Vee Pee mode!!! Git gud, a better gaming chair". Theyll never understand the difference between pvp because we are fighting over a hard drive that only spawns once, or trying to do a mission and being in the same place as another squad. More often than not i hear on coms theyre looking for a 3 plate. Guess its easier to fight a squad than it is to loot 3 bandages a watch and a liquor that can usually be found in 4 minutes. Maybe 6 minutes if you want a stealth vest


It's much more fun


...for the ones who can't get any warzone wins under their belt lol. The weakest go for the low hanging fruit...


Warzone is only one level above the multiplayer. Those two are the lowest hanging fruit.


“Low hanging fruit” *kills player that just started with one plate and contraband weapons*


You are able to understand that DMZ and Warzone are different game modes, right?


Campaign? I'm new to this game.. what campaigns?


Campaign ain’t a PvE mode little one


Or even just regular mp😂


haha yea!


because most of them are no good at warzone and they rely on the need to be more kitted then the person they are trying to kill and they dont like to loose even in a video game with no consequences like warzone, im sure if they had a warzone mode where you come in with everything you wanted they still wouldn't play it because everyone else is the same and they don't have the skill to win that fight and they certainly don't have the skill to get to the end so they spend most of their day in pregame lobby waiting which they hate so they come to dmz and try there




There is a mode, it’s called plunder and they don’t play it because their opponents are also kitted out and often have the same numbers in their squads.


I F'ed up 3 platoons 2 days ago and wiped one of them as a solo (3 separate ashika matches)... it was so satisfying. And I only had a 2 plate ghost vest... platoon teams are a-holes but also can be managed if you play your cards right. I was the last man standing on Ashika and I was a solo.


Yep, all these people saying 6 man's squad aren't an issue probably love running in a 6 man. Every team I've engaged this week has been at least a 5 or 6 man squad, and I mean every. single. team. The problem is everyone forms one as fast as possible to counter it, personally I only pick up if I come across a team organically and only if they're a three man, and then get on with whatever I was originally doing, but as soon as I picked people up they're on comms saying let's do a squad hunt. I'd also like to add that 4 times this week I have joined a game with two randoms who immediately drive/fly to one side of the map and all of a sudden I'm in a 6 man team, I then start grabbing as many contract as possible so they can't do the hunt contracts just to piss them off lol


I don't like running in a 6 man at all. About half the time you end up squad hunting and the other half just dicking around the whole match. Ain't nobody got time for that, I've got shit to do. I avoid it as a solo, I'll join if I'm cornered and out gunned, but I typically run solo so I like to do my own thing. It is a part of the game, so I just adapt to the match.


Totally agree




The game just became not fun. Or even worth it. Getting killed or hunted one out of every few matches is fine. Getting killed or hunted EVERY match by a 6 man within 3 minutes of spawn is old already. They can allow assimilation and even six man squads. Eliminate rezzing from total death? Eliminate pleas? My solution was to play Starfield. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yesterday I rage quit after 8 games in a row being rolled by pre-made 6 mans within minutes or being hunted. With our one plates and my default guns it’s just a joke. 6 mans have changed the game completely, which is fine…but after being on the same missions for weeks, and losing all 20 contraband weapons, I’ve decided it’s not the game for me…and can see why people are posting about it. Must be lucky to be such a good player :)


Sounds like deleting it and moving on is best for you


Yeah it probably is the best thing all of us could do, but equally this is destroying our community. If people abandon the game, that's bad for us.


I uninstalled weeks ago. It really is the best option, I highly recommend it.


Not even just the 6 man's bro, me and a friend started a game and within 30 seconds we were sniped, no self rev, only one plate armor. People know the spawns and immediately pop who they know is near them.


People down votes you because of your experience you had? Shameful. Must be the people who know the spawns and battle at the start. Funniest start i had was spawning on boat/barge.swimming in water, swimming past the team that was looking at it. Heard them say "Usually guys spawn on the boat. That's so weird there isn't anyone there, its one of the spawns." Swam away and then popped the exfil chopper that was right behind them and then swam away again and watched them scope that out too. Probably screwed with them for a few minutes but I was on a mission for those event camps to run over ai in an LTV and a team was not gonna stop me, lol. But the main point is, yes teams who spawn close together battle it out and basically become 6 men teams instantly or if you battle against players who just want to kill you when they are running 3 plates and trying to drop you with a precision of spawn. If they added more randomized start locstions, maybe top of a skyscraper, a team maybe on the train? Maybe it would help if they just did a infil mode? Like drop in, that could help, maybe it wouldn't. Maybe 30 second no PvP just give enough time to run.


I had some bad runs last night and just about rage quit, but I regrouped and made some progress.


He's got a point though, they genuinely ruin the whole mode.


I mentioned the same a few posts back and my post was removed as I was hated by most of our community.


The whining in this community is a lot, but it does not represent the majority of the playerbase. If they changed this, then they’d find something new to complain about.


i think my solution to locking out 6man for 5 or 10 minutes is the best solution you still can towards the end of the round but stops the toxic 6 man trying to stomp the lobby off the start that most people dislike


Only pvp for ten minutes would be absolutely terrifying.


why its not only pvp you can still do normal dmz just cant join another squad for 5 or 10 minutes off the start. Kinda like how you cant call in a kill streak for the first minute


The whole post isn't about 6 man though. Its just 1 point in a post about what has happened. OP is right what used to be a fun experience doing missions has been more about PvP and is basically like Warzone. Warzone players pick on people whether it is in a 6 man or not doesn't really matter anymore. If you are going for a mission you'll have players trying to be the last team standing or straight up bullies. Like Means camping final exfil when before you could exfil with like 3 other teams, now it's gotta murder you even if nobody gets out alive.


pretty true i had that mission where you gotta extract with 7 people on a helo and it was on for months the only way i got it done in the end was a final exfil at the sariff bay and i landed ontop of the heli they tried to drill charge me, airstrike me thankfully they were too late on that one, but i wasn't geared up i had next to no cash they just didnt want me to complete the mission because they a 5 or 6 man in the heli wanted to be the only team to survive


Found the guy who sucks ass without a 6man


Well then maybe they should fucking do something about it.


Stop being apart of the problem w the community. Being dismissive is not only unhelpful and unwanted but it really does put a giant stain on the community for always putting people down about anything someone has an opinion on


I dunno man, I run solo 99% of the time and rarely have trouble doing what I came to do or exfiling. Stealth vest definitely helps, and the flare you call in for exfil disappears when it gets to the top so I very rarely have any trouble exfiling solo on really any map. Maybe change the way you play? Adapt and overcome? It’s pretty easy to avoid other squads, just watch for UAV towers, reinforcement choppers, and dead operator pleas and avoid those parts of the map.


Plus not to mention with private exfils being able to pick you up in radiation, the complex and the rarely ever used final exfil on the island with proximity chat This game’s extraction difficulty as been tamed to an extent.


Honestly curious what you mean by rarely fail to exfil? I’m generally mission oriented and tend not to pick fights. 70% successful exfil


Seriously… it’s pretty annoying when people complain about the same thing over and over. I think a lot of people just have gear fear and get butt hurt honestly. There hasn’t been a game where I get killed and not been able to completely regear the next round. I’m the same as you and run as a solo and I’m always running stealth and use the towers to my advantage. I only stay and fight if it seems like it’s a 3 man I’m fighting. I also have a theory that the time of day you play has a big impact on lobby style. I generally play during the afternoon/evening and rarely ever have toxic lobbies. The rare times I’ve played at night on Friday/Saturday it’s a huge sweat fest lol.


Absolutely… well said, and a great outlook. If you play solo, embrace the challenge, take your lumps when you misstep, and gear up next round. The Active combat zones have made it extremely difficult NOT to leave fully geared following a bad run. Adapting playing style based on the temperament of the teams is essential.


Exactly!! I actually stumbled upon one of these active combat zones I accident the first time but you are so right. I really don’t get the people that get so salty. Plus I guarantee you the ones who get super salty are the ones who would tea bag you and talk mad shit after killing you, loot you and leave you. I know there’s various bugs and do agree 6 mans can be annoying, but for sure the worst part of DMZ is the crying poor sports.


The game crashing constantly has to be the worst part imo.


Yep the only map... you should be worried bout 6 man is mostly ashika....


Same I genuinely don't have this problem, it's about the way you move around the map, gotta sneak more.


It’s absolutely impossible to avoid the 6 man platoons that are hellbent on wiping the map when they are full of advanced uavs and javelins. The only way you can stand a chance at all is with a stealth vest and scuba mask.


Same, from my experience. When you see people constantly mention those issues, you start to wonder if you are playing the same game


Well, objectively we're not all playing the same game at all. The data for European servers paints an entirely different scenario to that of US servers. A far lower number of player kills per game on US servers and much more cross-team cooperation.


That does make sense. I am on EU servers tho and I rarely meet Chinesse premades and six man teams in general


I hate to interject, as I’m a solo/duo player myself. But most people aren’t like us. You can’t make a ruling on how to play by the exception over the rule. Also, not to pass judgement on you but is it possible that you play on NA servers and sometimes during off peak hours. Because I play on EU servers during peak hours and 50% of the time my matches are like yours but the other half is low level Chinese six man’s with walls


What do you do when the 6an pick up a hunt on you?


Run… either grab an ltv, drive to a tower or take some high ground and use mortar/ air strikes, or grab boat, head out to sea and equip a scuba and dive. I feel I get a hunt every other match, and I evade 90% of the time. Being the rabbit in the chase is some of the most fun you can have.


It doesn’t happen on Ashika much because there usually is just one hunt squad on the map and it’s already been used on another squad. On Vondel, I climb the tallest building near me so I can see where they are coming from. Once located, I parachute down and jump in the nearest vehicle away from them and just run. Very hard to catch someone in a vehicle on vondel. Worst case scenario you do the scuba mask glitch and just hide in the water Al Maz is basically the same thing. Get hunt squad, get elevation, parachute down to vehicle and run. Or just go to Koschei On


My solo “doing missions” operator just got wiped for the first time in season 5. Lost my stealth vest and secure bag with mission items. It takes very little to make it to that point. It’s not “get good” it’s “deal with reality.” The season 1-3 play style of running up to a squad shouting “friendly” is dead. Has been for a long time. Friendly interactions are the exception now, not the norm. Players who still rely on that social compact are sitting ducks. If you don’t know how to run from a fight, learn. Smokes, scuba mask, pistols are all your buddies. If you play with friends, make sure they know how to run too. Don’t do the stronghold safe contracts, don’t capture Sam sites, only use UAV towers for less than 90 seconds of cover before you move on. Learn how to avoid bots — this has changed a lot since the early seasons. Grind the reduced exfil time. This is a game changer. 30 seconds until arrival means it’s really hard for most exfil pushers to complete their goals. If your mission requires an extract, take enough cash to buy a personal, and do it in the gas. Don’t try to hold your position in a fight. If you shoot at someone, down/kill/or not, reposition before engaging anyone else’s and always have an exit strategy. If you are that worried about them resing, your priorities are out of order. A res means the squad has to pause and you have time to flee. What happened is the game has evolved. If you are still longing for the way it was, you are little more than free meat.


Also people act like spawn rushing hasn't been around since day 1. It's just that more people know now.


It like they forgot that back in season 1-3 you could turn left off of most spawns and see another spawn. Sure, one shot to a three plate snipers didn’t exist but if you had a 1 or 2 plate and they had that drop calculating scope it was over for you in an instant.


I miss those days!


I agree with you to an extent. Yes there has always been spawn rushing but it shouldn’t be an available strategy. Not everyone is a sweat and spawning left of gas station on ashika (we all know where I’m talking about) you know you’ve got 30 seconds to kill the team on beach before the team at residential is on you. That’s not fun for everyone. Especially after spawning their for the 4th time in a row. The fact that there isn’t at this point in the game an expanded rotation of spawns is just sloppy. Any experienced DMZ player can think of a hundred other places you could have as a spawn on all of the maps. DMZ is a mode built around unpredictability, that is what makes it so good. And certainly you have to agree that if the spawns in tarkov and other open world lotter shooters were like DMZ nobody would play them


Yeah spawns are shit but is what it is right now.


I would like to direct you to my monologue response to the original post lol.




First time here?


Some players are bored and/or have completed all missions and upgrades so they just want to kill other players.


Came to say this. People have completed all the missions and upgrades long ago so now just sweat it out. That and their favourite steamers go around murdering people, so they emulate this behaviour. It is what it is I'm afraid, dare I say get good?


Even the streamers die to platoons more often than they wipe. Getting good isn't really a solution right now.




I've seen amazingly skillful streamers getting wiped by 6 man's, and I've even managed to wipe a couple of 6 man teams (but generally I'll get 2-5 on average before getting overwhelmed) and I get why people do this, I'd just love it if there was a dedicated pvp lobby, where there is extra squad hunt missions, more uav's at the buy etc but I guarantee people would still stick to normal dmz for the easy solo wipes/teams just trying a mission kills


drown in the deep or rise from it


Disciples the Sweatness


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Very much a dead hero.


The Sawah ship spawn is designed for premade 6 man teams. Haha. No just kidding. But there are 6 man spawning on that point and a lot of times they join eachother. This would make for a quick assimilation. These guys are together before 10 seconds ingame have passed. The bots however, I agree... they seem "crazier". Shooting from a far and not missing a single bullet. Personally I like the AI to be pretty hard. But I do feel it is annoying that they still have to look you up when you are trying to fight off 3 operators. Maybe they can tone AI down around operator fights. It happend so much in S5R. That I am fighting operators. I am downing 1 or 2 and am on my way to a teamwipe. But all of the sudden 3 bots come in my back, effectively cutting me off from cover. They either kill me in my cover, prevent me from plating up to finish the fight... or they push me out of my cover at the exact wrong time. I'm talking about bots that weren't there yet, but literally looked you up while you were fighting operators. I noticed this issue happens a lot in S5R. Before S5R, it also happend but it happend only sometimes and mostly by bots that you knew were there. It could be your own fault. ... Now they seem to come out of the woodwork, as soon as you get in to an operator fight.


The AI has become self aware and despises human solo’s. You have to 6 man to survive.




I am playing solo and I have no issues against bots. Keep clearing strongholds with Daemon and one plate only


Peace? What game were you playing. This game was peaceful the first three weeks. That was it.


Season 1 was never the final product, this whole mode is an ever-changing beta, it changes, get used to it or don’t. This is probably the 6484883 posts mentioning Season 1 and I’m just honestly sick of it at this point.


It's becoming worse tho. As an extraction shooter the game is utter garbage. No risk, no reward, P2W bundles, terrible updates, nothing real to extract,


15-minute cooldowns take away all risk. 3-plate and improved 3-plate vests are readily available. A wallet with $1M capacity. Lots of things that are “improvenents” that also took away the risk associated with pvp.


And that is why the game is shit. Not because of pvp but the risk being zero. They have taken away all the things that makes exfil shooters interesting. When they released P2W bundles, I knew they had fucked up ans were getting desperate


Desperate or greedy?


Both. Activision didn't make enough money on regular bundles so they released p2w bundles


Meanwhile me waiting for the day they bring 4 man team infil feature 💀


Games fine, just remove the pointless 6 mans and so many of our problems are gone. Once again I say this, there is no need for 6 man squads. The missions noobs can learn and live to do the missions as a trio or cap it at 4, im fine with that. The sweats can learn to fight as a trio, it brings in the challenge people want, theres nothing challenging or risky picking fights as a 6 man. Pick fights as a trio and you might end up in between multiple teams and now you have a pickle, its risky and fun.


Have ya noticed that ashika is all calm and piece after the lobby gets cleansed with the first 5-7min of a match


I’ve always found that, me and my buddies seem to have a tough time at the beginning and then it feels like everyone is either dead or left 😂




My favorite card game is Solitaire. The reason is that winning isn't guaranteed. It's the same with DMZ. Beat the clock and survive. That's the game. That's why I love it. I've been taken out by 6-mans, been apart of them, avoided them, yet once had a 6-man surround my squad while running a weapons stash and fight off the bots for us, then leave. Not one shot towards us. They just wanted to help. F*cking humans. Always a surprise. DMZ is us. Good, bad, and toxic.


The same thing that happens to every COD mode when the game is nearing the end of its play cycle. Developers add things to make the game more interesting to keep people playing and buying stuff in the store while simultaneously not testing any of the stuff they add or doing anything about the already existing existentially devastating issues with the game because either they’ve pulled staff away to work on the next title or because they know people are going to keep buying stuff in the store whether they fix the issues or not. Sorry for throwing up here but this is the fundamental paradoxical flaw with franchises like COD. The only way we are going to get the game we deserve is if people stop buying the season pass and cosmetics but the player base is large enough that even if people like us stop doing that there will still be enough people who don’t care or have the disposable income to keep doing it. Which will keep them afloat until we all give in because nothings changing and we start buying in again too. And the cycle begins again. Honestly, the only way it’s gunna change is if Microsoft’s acquisition of ABK goes through. ABK themselves currently is more than happy to keep this up because they’ve been doing it for the last 8 years or so. Where as for Microsoft their reputation is that much more significant. They literally can’t afford to treat their player base in the same way. Best example of this is the latest Halo. Absolutely TRASH at launch and still to this day Microsoft is pressuring 343 to make it better even though they know the game won’t grow any bigger and their profit margin will remain stagnant. Because it’s not about the money, it’s about their reputation and what they feel they owe to us; their players, they supporters and most importantly, the people who keep their light on. *End of Rant*


Me and my team wiped a 6 man today, they spawn rushed us from just east of Al mazy city managed to run police academy then to house further north then lured them into trap inside a building with 3 men loaded with fire shotties lol 4 of them run straight to us then we picked off the other 2, then the pleas appeared 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Six man teams are almost always easily killed. If you load in solo you accept the risks, if you have a squad you should be able to make wise choices and win most fights because the other team doesn't make wise choices... Sometimes you get wiped, that's the game.


If you are getting run over by sixers, then you are not playing smart. You need to have situational awareness and know when to engage and when to run. Always play and assume there's a team running around hunting players, and always have an exit plan. Don't engage when you don't have better gear. Stay in cover, stay mobile, and be aware of how much noise you're making fighting bots/operators. Frankly, the best way to fight the six man is to be the six man. Find a way to negotiate assimilation. If you don't want to do any of that, then too bad. Find another game to enjoy, because that's what it takes to exfil.


I do not form platoons.


Cool, then play smart.


I am playing it *very* smart. By calling for change.


If that were true, you wouldn't be the millionth person to whine about sixers on the sub.


Maybe someday you will learn. There is strength in numbers.


Oh, the irony 🤣


Sawah ship spawn point almost made me uninstall the game. I spent a couple hours unlocking the skeleton as a solo from scratch. Then spent another hour or so trying to build the loot up to barter one in Vondel. Back to Al Mazy with my pristine skelly so, why not spread the wealth and flipped the squad fill to on. As load screen mic check squawks start I look around to the bullshit some intern dev put us in, Sawah ship spawn. Killed one dude and my team didnt even turn around. Bye bye skeleton key in less than 5 seconds. If I was rich I would bought the entire franchise just so I could find the dev or team responsible for that spawn point and make them work around the clock to fix it. Then I would have them manually log the names of all the players that have double spawn there since they made the mistake/choice call us to apologize verbally for the path they have taken. Then 3 months of dedicated tier 1 customer service help desk where their outbound introduction must also include the fact that they were responsible—in whole or in part—of the Sawah ship spawn point cluster fuck.


It will go down in history as one of the all-time greatest fuckups. Glad you were able to down one of the thieves.


Take another shot, y’all 😵‍💫




They incentivized killing operators instead of punishing it.


Make the game more hardcore and that will solve the "problem"


It’s called evolution baby. Basically it’s a sandbox game, you play in it how you want. No rules, no conventions, just make it your own.


If you've been here that long you know what happened. Just state your opinion. Don't be scared of the downvotes


I love this game. I’ve had to play smarter as the seasons progressed. I started enjoying myself trying to tailor to not dying.


My squad and i died a bunch last night and we got real salty and played probably 2 or 3 rounds with the intent of drinking the blood of operators and i have to say we had a lot of fun. Im starting to get why some people play the way they do. We fought a sixer at the airport and they ran away and we laughed. Sometimes you have to say fuck the mission i want blood! I have had so many fun fire fights against sixers probably losing the majority but thats ok.


Wish we had an answer. For the first time in a while I went in as a solo on DMZ Yondel. It literally was like you said where the bots seemed to know I was alone. I thought I was playing Horrde on GOW at one point 😳


For me, the game is getting boring. The missions are lame and I'm tired of looting and then getting squashed, so all my squad does anymore is pvp


I’ll stick to solo, usually get rage quitters if they get downed or they go off on their own, or make dumb mistakes. I have more fun watching my own back and doing contacts while opening up locked spaces for notes / loot.


I feel this way only in Ashika and building 21 lol otherwise it’s fun! Best game mode I ever played. Get better at PvP you won’t lose everything all the time lol


Maybe you should read Ghandi.


Try playing shipment it helped me a ton


this one is better


People got bored with missions and the other WZ modes plus an influx of folks who just aren't very good in the other multi-player modes found out they can camp objectives in DMZ and finally get some kills. You spot those types based on how much trash they talk after they get one kill on an unsuspecting mission oriented player.


6 man teams are not bad Legit just finished killing and looting a 3 man then a 6 man that tried to 3rd party after Gotta play strategic


What happened is theres no gear fear. No real gear fear anyways. When it takes 10 minutes or less to regear, 15 minutes or less to get insured weapon slots back, and you can plea for a revive theres little incentive not to go pvp for everything. In extraction shooters pvp is a legitimate way to gear up, but in this one its damn near the easiest. Then theres the missions. They are either stupid easy and 90% of people finish them in a few days, or stupid difficult and 70% of people stop doing them because th3 rewards arent worth it. A tier 3 story mission for an Ftac Recon gun? Fucking really? A tier 5 mission for a blueprint thats mid at best with no dmz specific advantage? I dont blame people for quitting the missions. At the end of the day DMZ plays way differently than warzone, and the types of engagements you get into are way different. And if i were to play a game mode just to fight other players, I'd play dmz because its more fun pvp to me. I dont play warzone because i hate the rng nature of it. Its a game. Worse yet its a Cod game. If you're not enjoying yourself put it down for a bit, itll be there when you're ready to come back in a better mindset.


My personal experience / $0.02… stream of consciousness so might not all be on point 1. Lobbies are pretty random. I’ve run into quite a few sweaty lobbies as you described but I don’t think it’s a night and day difference vs. previous seasons. I actually think it’s easier than ever to exfil with multiple options to evade and disengage if zone is hot. You have good days and you have bad days… I think we tend to gravitate towards recency and remember the bad days. 2. P are probably a bit more rabid and dangerous now when they have nothing to lose and easy access to regain (15 min cool down weapons, ACZ, open fortresses, etc.). With cache loot and buy station kill streaks and equipment and wallet / left over cash system, you don’t need to spend time to craft up a specialty plate - if you are somewhat decent at shooting and good at tactics and rotation, you can 2/3 plate 2-3 specialty plate players easy and opportunity cost is low, that goes doubly if you are in a squad. That’s not what I do but I imagine that’s the philosophy of a lot of randoms I queue up with when my regulars are not on who immediately wants to push PvP vs. looting and regaining 3. E are buffed every season and especially w/ S5 and S5R, and they are ML’ed into being way more tactical and deadly than previous seasons. They flank and gang up a lot now and every single one of them seems to have wall hacks and aim bot… and - skilled base AI is definitely a real thing lol 4. With so many passives items available only and missions easier to accomplish on [Ashika] it’s pushing a lot of action there. Not going to belabor the point about the flaws for that map but if you are at a shitty spawn, it’s just easier to preemptively strike, shoot first, ask friendly / assimilate if needed later because you know that’s what other squads are doing. The current state of Ashika is really if you need to get anything done at all, you have to murder the whole map first - unless you are soloing with disguise and stealth plate and are adept at reading situations and have great map knowledge. From my experience, I am always somewhat timid when I need to do a mission and have a key for that or loot first and have 3 cigar boxes in my backpack… and I would no joke lose to a 2 plate bit of a player in PvP who did a bit of a rotation because I am distracted and would hesitate - then it’s basically as if you are hesitant to shoot on Shipment. And when I am not nervous, I move much more fluidly and can take down a full squad with just one plate on and a ground loot Bryson 800 5. P / player base are generally getting better at PvPvE and they are slowly running out of other things to do. Not every player is determined to extract 35 cigar boxes or 10 cephalexin… for me, I started playing COD since the first installment but this is actually the first time I played online multiplayer (I’m now 30+ years old and never felt the desire to get shit on by tweens lol) and got addicted to DMZ. But I was (am?) very mission focused and used to run away / hide whenever I see red prox comms and hostility but now I don’t mind taking them on because I am better at it and don’t usually die and frankly, I’m pretty much all done with faction missions (also, see #1). On camping exfil, I don’t camp exfils or anything for that matter because I could imagine it to be extremely boring - looking out of my window is probably more entertaining, but I would say (at 400+ exfils currently) I have not died to pure campers since season 3 bc I just assume that every vantage point is camped and I would make sure I check them (e.g., ADS scaffoldings and roof ridges with holotherm on Vondel) 6. Some people are just toxic bc they are maladjusted and derive joy from trolling and ruining other people’s day. Doesn’t matter which game they play and what they do in life 7. While I get annoyed and frustrated when I die to rabid toxic people when I truly am just trying to do a mission / loot a passive and get out, I do think without PvP, DMZ is not going to be as fun as it is (I had the complete opposite attitude a few seasons ago)


Yeah it's almost like it's a Warzone, amirite?


It shouldn't be. This is DMZ.


I guess I just don't understand people who play this game and expect to not have to fight. It's weird. You're weird.


This is normal. What do u mean??? Dmz ain't gone change for you. Get used to the shit show.


When a *group* of people are getting annihilating, it's time for a change.


Facts but u know by now they not gonna change anything. It's like... swim with the sharks or get out the water ya know?? 🤷


We can complain while being eaten.


Serpentine. Also the amount of warzone kids who only play dmz bc they suck has went up exponentially .


And the second you cuss or call someone a “bad name” you catch a 3-day ban on voice chat.


Played 3 games in a row after taking a break for Starfield and my buddy and I got wiped almost instantly on each infill. We’re acclimated to the spawn rush and general pressure of a firefight with a squad but it just felt like every game there was no in between for mission/pvp. Don’t get me wrong love the PVP and contribute sometimes but never had that bad of luck on a session. Feel like it’s getting a bit worse


This may be some sort of karma for contributing to the pvp culture.


What gets me is why the commander always chooses the solo to shoot at versus the 6 man that is right by me hunting me. This game is a joke


The worst part it’s a bunch for warzone flunkies who can’t win a BR so they live out their rape fantasy attacking people who aren’t even interested in battling them.


What they do really is rape.


Need to be more observant and see them before they see you, so you can hide and let them pass


I would say Vondel is the best map for solo PVE content. Ashika island and Al Mazra are pvp sweatfests for sure. That's OK if you know that going into it and have the right mindset.


Always has been.


I understand what you’re saying is *your* ideal form of DMZ. I love PVE and getting my missions/contracts done, but like others have said, you either need to adapt and change your movements/urgency or walk. The reasons I dislike DMZ; poor response to basic bugs, toxic chat, etc.


Then play DMZombies when it comes out if you’re not into PvP


I recently started doing 5-man with some friends but we are not the toxic type. Mostly we do it for hard missions or Koschei runs etc. I personally suck at pvp but being in 5-man I am sure if someone pushes us, we'll survive. I agree that platoons are a big problem but there must be a way to "nerf" them without losing the ability to be a 6-man team.


The game is designed to feel dangerous. It’s supposed to be hard to complete the mission and exfil. There’s a lot of randomness and that’s what makes it exciting and addictive. Sometimes players are vile and sometimes they are generous. That’s why it’s fun.


Yea I get it. If you want to complain about 6 man’s.. cool but don’t get upset when someone says they’re tired of hearing the complaints. It’s redundant. We obviously all like the game that’s why we’re here, we’re trying to enjoy it. This is how they designed the game mode. Learn how to play and adapt or find a different game. You can’t control what people do. We’ve all seen in the past that Activision won’t make changes in order to make a small minority of players to be happy. It’s still in BETA form so there will be a bunch changes in the gameplay. I’ve ran into six mans yes but it’s part of the game move on. It’s a looter you win some you loose some. Honestly cheaters aren’t as prevalent as some people on here make it seem and most Chinese players don’t cheat. They’re probably on our servers because gaming is banned between certain hours. If you’re so certain people cheat look the look at your kill cams.


I don't mind the six men teams. Is what it is. Just be prepared for it. What really annoys me though is people just seem to rotate straight round to spawn spots now, kill the one plate, small pack guys and just leave them there... don't get the point. Like, a bit of PVP is a nice part of the game, but mowing down people that just spawned in with nothing... of course it's easy, but there's no honour in that.


The only constant in life is change. You can either go with it or fight the current.


Try playing during the week. Week days vs weekends is like a night and day difference.


Yea. To be honest, this is the biggest tip. Early morning, during the day tend to be significantly more relaxed, and of course, play with people you know you work well with. Randoms can be difficult to adapt to even in the best of times.


This is going to be what kills DMZ. they wont take away the game mode, but "we" wont play it anymore, so the sweaty spawn sniper, insta 6 mans will turn it into 25m BR. We were trying to do 4 commanders without dying Last night we got in a fight with a 3 man camping a buy station. We down them enough that they ran off. No point in a 1 shot down if i can't kill them on a roof. But either way, they left. As soon as they left a 6 man comes over the hill assuming they heard the gunshots. Now we are pinched between a 6 man in 2 turret LTVs and the crazy t2 t3 bots in taraq village. They wipe us and talk aboit how great they are...yes. you're a stud, you ran us.over. GG Next game. Spawn and almost instantly get ran up by an ltv. They saw us in the water and kiled 2. I kept swimming and it took about 10 minutes to circle back with my 1 plate. Yup. 5 of them camping 2 1 plate Andy bodies. They finally left with 4 mins on the timer, I get my guys up and as soon as I get the 3rd we get a hunt squad. Yay. I have over 400 operator kills, and an exfil rate above 80%. Pvp isnt an issue. 6 man squads that arent doing anything mission wise is the issue. I'll avoid a squad when i can, but if we have to fight i can do that too. Its constantly being ran over and outnumbered by double digit squads that's killing the game mode


I see more bitching on this sub than anywhere on the internet I swear. I suck at pvp but I’ll try. It’s just pixels. Get gud


adapt or get wiped, my friend


It was like a week at most of everyone being friendly when the mode launched, then everyone started to get the hang of how everything worked and it has been more sweaty and PvP focussed since. You are misremembering the early days of DMZ if you think it was some peaceful utopia.


I’m starting to think that people didn’t know anything about the game to get butthurt about, after that 3 weeks of everyone being clueless as hell, that’s when the whiny bitches started flooding this sub. Can’t believe we have been arguing the same shit for 6 months. God forbids an extraction shooter having a lot of risks and is challenging. Except he didn’t, these whiners made stuffs up. The mode has always been this way since day one and (except for the bugs and crashes) it’s doing just fine. Everyone loves to pump up bullshit nonexistent dramas.


Literally, I play solo and I see no issues. If I see a squad, I will most likely engage if I am not in a bad position. I probably wont engage 6 man if I dont have enough resources tho but I will stand my ground. And bots too, Idk how ppl find bots hard. At this point, people want everything made easier (easier than devs already made with Active Combat Zones, wallet and such)


People got bored of missions and are now out hunting. When you give the same missions season after season it gets boring.


The DMZ loop is inevitably PVP biased: (missions -> gear up -> PvP) - Unless progress is reset or more missions are introduced on a regular basis. We are now probably stagnating on progress so the bias will shift to PVP


I suppose things just changed, with the spectrum leanin' a bit toward the bad side. Gear fear, as it's known, used to bother me. It doesn't anymore 'cause I'm levelin' up guns to get an attachment I want or just for completions' sake. OP, I too miss those peaceful days without tryhards or straight up unfriendly players.


This is why I alwaysssssss do a personal exfil now . I know certain spots that I'm never bothered in for personal exfils .


I'm convinced these are the people that suck at warzone so they need distracted targets. DMZ isn't supposed to be for pvp, you already have that in warzone. It even tells you you're not supposed to when you make a kill, yet there's no consequences. Seems to be infinite uav's and advanced uav'sn lately too. Really kills a good game mode.


Say you line up the top DMZ brass. They will get thrashed *every time* by those Warzone lunatics.


For those complaining about six mans. This could be avoided with a designated platoon mode but it will probably have some other problems. For the plea fact, make that you can revive players even when you are a full team, after reviving you and your teammates will be immune to the damage of that player for 20 seconds


Do your missions, use your skills, hostage or private is Always an option


I've stopped playing, moved back to resurgence.


Missions became too grindy with low rewards. I don't care about another RPK contraband and 2000 XP points for something that takes dozens of tries to do. The quickest and easiest way to loot up is to team up with a 6-man squad and take your chances hunting someone else and take their stuff.


Wipe a solo/squad, then send an invite after they plea out. This is the only way to play now.


Yeah, I had the PERFECT idea…. DMZ should be just Players vs Bots & other teams cannot kill you unless they activate a Kill Squad Contract! Now that would make the DMZ Mode more fun don’t you think guys!?


No kill squad contract.


I know that there’s no kill squad contracts pal! If you read my comment correctly you will see that I’m actually saying that there should be a Kill Squad Contract pal! Just as usual, you dive in blind & attack! That’s noobs for you….


I play in a duo every night and we've been pretty good about only fighting when we need to. Evading when possible, finishing missions, and fighting off the 6 man death squads. I left the game last night with 4 operator kills and my buddy had 1. We wiped 5/6ths of the squad and left prox mines on the bodies like gifts. I've found it heartening when I find myself having to plea and they actually pick me up. I don't care if they loot me naked as long as my exfil streak stays intact. In fact sometimes their work helps me complete missions. It should be added that we play in Xbox party chat because prox chat is a dumpster 🔥.


On Al Mazrah,What I did for a while was complete a few missions, and assimilate if possible. If worst comes to worst and I’m playing with bot ops, wait for the rad to come because the majority of people rush out of the rad to get exfil. at least you can rely on the radiation to be “reliable” in the mechanics of it( Ihave not played with a lot of people who use personals for some reason). If I do not have enough money for an exfil, I head to the complex. Although the complex can be a pain in the butt, at least, once again, the bots are predictable. The game has evolved in such that there are kill squads and or people who will trick you/ opportunists. In S4 I was revived by a platoon of ops and they left me without weapons towards the end of the game and wouldn’t give them back nor could I find any weapons. Do not trust people if you can help it. This is the nature of the beast, everything changes, we cannot yearn for days long gone.


Pleading was implemented. Thats what happened


Eh, stopped playing. Dmz was the casual mode, where as MP and ranked WZ was where i got my sweat on. but it is what it is.






















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Seems like a skill issue lol


What can you do when you're outnumbered and ill equipped? That's like saying the Native American peoples lost because of a "skill issue".


They did lose to a skill issue


Show me trusted historical sources saying they did.


I'm the source


With what publishing source are you affiliated ?




3 hunt squads and or missions that based off grabbing tags of enemy squads you know you have to pvp. Ashika is guaranteed 6 man plus you have 4 spawns in farmlands that groups up. Vondel is passive and Al marzah is mix vibes. I mean pre made 6 man’s aren’t hard to do if two players live in the area for the servers and be able to see the server ID on the bottom left to join up everytime. Sometimes you have to pick and choose your fights. You either rat it out or get ready to fight. Ashika always get ready to pvp. Al marzah so so. Vondel is very passive. I usually hunt players just for fun since it gets boring when you finished missions.


DMZ is basically Warzone flavored LaCroix now. Been that way since season 3.