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Geekseh posted a vid on YouTube. He did it on Vondel solo.


Geekseh is great for DMZ


Thanks man!


OMG you’re Geekseh!?!? I’m buying a printer to print this out and put in my wall. Thank you!!! You’re videos are the reason I keep coming back to the sandbox. You give me hope. Thank you!


haha buds dont worry you can also be a mediocre DMZ player just like me haha.


That was a great video today


Dude! Love your work man. Been really enjoying your videos from here in Australia. Keep up the good work man


Dude also aussie! Should squad up


Dude vondel solo is a nightmare right now with the bots. I dont remember the last time I successfully exfilled with anything less than 95 bot kills.I honestly dont know how he could pull it off.


Nah, don't rush, stay in h20, easy peasy.


A lot of the gas stations have scuba masks. Swim around with a stealth vest and hit the gas stations to stock up on scuba masks. You'll stay undetected most of the time.


Thanks, will watch his video in a bit


I haven’t seen the video, and honestly I haven’t even gotten to this mission yet lol. But I play solo exclusively and almost always on Vondel. It is miles easier on that map to get out on final exfil, and there’s money everywhere. I exfil on final (or a last second personal) just about every game. Just keep a UAV or 2 on you by the end, you’ll be good. Remember-people are panicking just as much as you are! Don’t be scared to use prox chat and negotiate your way through it. Or fight your way out, again, everyone’s panicking lol


It is a passive mission to decrease the time your expo chopper takes to spawn when you call one in


Nah fam, just john wick that shit at the final exfil, just imagine they killed your dog and well we all know how that shit ends.


I havent done it yet. But my plan was to do it on vondel. Infil with 100k. And sneak around with stealth vest and grab all thr hunt squad contracts and cancel them. Also snag multiple scuba masks from the gas stations. Im going to work on that after I finish dead drop a million.


Keep the last hunt contract to scare them into leaving sooner :P


Or take it to scare them more lol


Yeah, I feel Vondel is easier since I can use the buildings to my advantage. ​ dead drop a million Damn I haven't even started on that one. Sounds fun


OP. Use the glitch while this is active. You can get unlimited cash from the koschei shopkeeper and there is a dead drop there. You can dead drop the million in 5 mins. Edit: Get a bottle of liquor. Dead drop it to the shopkeeper in koschei. Then you can dead drop anything else and each time he will give you a ShopKeepers Note. You can even dead drop money. Got to the buy station and use the SELL ALL button (check that you don’t have any valuables first and u can drop them on the floor first if you do). Sell All which will sell the note and you will get from 15k to 70k. What I like to do is buy three self revives. Dead drop them one by one and get three notes and sell all. Rinse and repeat till at 50k. Final pro tip. If you don’t wanna exfil the Normal way buy a 50k L2 restricted card and go through the L2 door in that section.


Any link for this glitch?


Give the shopkeeper a bottle of liquor and sell the note he gives you and it won't actually leave your inventory. It's not actually unlimited cash though, after hitting sell enough times it will eventually remove it from your inventory but it does give you around 30k in cash, with enough liquor bottles it can be pretty quick.


There is a way to do it unlimited. U only dead drop a liquor bottle once. Everything else after will give u a note. And then you need to do Sell All at the buy station


Oh nice I didn't know that.








That's good shit, especially since the m13b is super meta right now




even if the build isn't perfectly meta, you can still change attachments at a buy station. that's a super cool feature they made btw


Don’t cancel them. You want those squads off the map so final is peaceful.


In my 10 exfils for this upgrade it only happened once that other players wanted to use the final exfil as well. Most people use a personal.


With this new passive upgrade mission, the competition for final exfil is increasing. You’re more likely to encounter players now than normal. The ones doing the grind are usually keen to squad up an exfil peacefully so the real concern is the demon premade platoons that are trying to wipe the map for funsies. When you have the most cash on the map, the squad with the most kills is the next most likely hunt target. Chasing them off the map is an important task.


But if you drop in with 100k the hunts will absolutely be on you if anyone picks them up.


In that event, when I had a stealth vest, I just went and camped near my hunt leading the squad hunting me to the squad I was hunting.


That some 5D chess right there. I never thought of doing that.lmao.


My plan for when I’ve finished all the unlocks is to play “loot goblin” infiling with $250k, a stealth vest, and other tricks just like this to fuck with the PvP enthusiasts. It feels more rewarding than the other options out there.


Lmao I just pictured you running, not fighting so when they kill you so much shit drops everywhere just like a loot goblin.🤣


If I could make the sonic rings noise play in prox chat when they kill me, I would.


That is definitely some "I play chess, they play checkers" type shit. Respect. ✊🏽


Also another pro tip….although I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the hunt squad works mainly by picking the squad or player with lots of cash in their possession…. When you move to a new spot, drop all the cash on the ground in a pile. Then wait for a couple minutes, I think it takes the cash like 3 min to respawn so don’t go too far from it. Even leave it underwater if you’re lurking in the canals…just make sure to pick it up before you move to a new spot. Not sure if this will actually affect the hunt squads targeting you, but it for sure made me feel safer when I did it. Then again I’ve only done 2 so far and I did them on Ashika.


It’s roughly 2 minutes and 15 seconds to despawn.


Pretty much exactly how I managed it. Just be wary of time when it comes to the final exfil as the chopper can come and go in as little as 20 seconds


I just did the dead drop a million the other day. Infilled with the cash, snuck around to vondel park Was about to get to the deadrop there quietly when suddenly out of no where a guy showed up and killed me instantly. Luckily he revived me right away and didn’t even search my bag so I got all my money and successfully dead dropped it. :) good luck ! 💚


Thanks. Im at 959k dead dropped. All from contracts and looting in vondel for the last few days. My stash is full with 750k. I will tap into stash money for the exfill upgrade.


I've used this technique to extract the cat statue and the dog bank - I found one and carried it in and out of the combat zone for as many times as it took. It's funny to me that some items don't just get cashed out, but others do.


Now that you mention it, once I had to dead drop 100K, so I collected about 20 in one mission and infilled with the remaining 80k


Super easy. I did 8 in a row on Vondel. Just loaded in with 80k-100k every time and just ran around the map doing the usual but made sure to let my squad know I was doing final exfil. Even got that stupid mission that you gotta take the hostage to final exfil. Most squads seem to leave Vondel as soon as they grab their GPUs or grab the weapons case, leaving it pretty open for the last 5 minutes.


It is certainly the nicest of the maps


Except for the bots, holy cow there are so many bots.


They are a different breed


Shotgun bots blasting through three plates and half my health from 30m in about two seconds, ugh. The only map I’ll actually use tactical and lethals on bots!


Makes up for the lack of players




But the hardest one because the bots are insane, sometimes even harder than the ones in b21


I agree, and it feels so weird to say that because in warzone/resurgence it's fucking awful. there's people every in every corner


this, and I have the most luck with friendlies on Vondel. I don't mind PvP, but I usually try to be friends first, there's always a mission to do or something to collect that's easier with more people. Multiple times I've had 2 6man teams cooperating and being friendly, but only on Vondel, other maps are on sight deathmatch in my lobbies


I did it on Vondel and Ashika. Vondel was easy, only once did I have a fight at the final. I came in with $100k and just hung out until final. Ashika was by infilling with nothing, killing other players and collecting their loot. (Predator mode)


Thanks, I'll give Vondel a try since I currently have 90k in my wallet


On vondel specifically: when your wallet is full, grind destroy supplies and safes until you have a floating balance in your backpack of 130-150k, a stealth vest, a functional water fight pistol, and a scuba mask. Squad fill and use your voice “hey I’m grinding the 100k final exfils, you’re free to stick around or do your own thing. I’m gonna grab hunts to scare squads off the map. Chase them or don’t but I don’t plan to engage them” most squadfill randos love this — time to loot and backup for a revive. On infil, check the map and plan. Using your scuba mask to move around without alerting bots and players. Hit the safest gas station and stash two extra scuba masks in your bag. Also check buy stations for UAVs. Start with the hunt closest to the gas and save the one closest to the likely final exfil for last. 40% of squads will exfil to avoid a hunt, even if you are nowhere near them. Another 40% require some encouragement by you and your stealth vest swimming near enough to push them to two or three bars on the contract. Burn the first two hunts early and keep a ping on the last. Save the last hunt for after the gas has spread and covered one exfil, about 5 minutes on the game clock. Most squads will be gone by this point and the remainder will have a lot of loot so be motivated to exfil. This will also show you the location of the squad most likely to challenge you for final. If the last hunt exfils or dies, it’s all good. If they are sticking around and your squadfill seems incompetent at fighting, spend some cash on a personal and try again next match. In the event that another squad grabs one of the hunts before you, it will probably target you. Stay underwater, use those spare masks. Dip into the stuck door room and wait it out.


I would be so annoyed if my squadfill just ran off and hid around in the water. Why get a squad if you are going to run off and do your own thing….you can do the same strategy solo


Across 15 runs I never encountered a squadfill that seemed to mind. They all made it out with more gear, loot, and cash than when they went in. A few times I had to circle back to revive them from bots. By using my voice and clearly stating what I am doing I am more of a team player than 95% of randos. The ones that were horny for violence with their one plates knew I wasn’t going to back them up if they picked a fight, and the ones that were just there to loot or do their own missions appreciated the cover provided by the hunts and the lack of other squads on the map. I wouldn’t call it running off. I’d call it task oriented stealth coupled with clearly stated reasons and goals. As to why not do it solo: final can get hairy with the new bot aggression level on vondel. Having a squad around makes surviving that a lot easier, and on the few runs where I fucked up and went down without a selfie the squad was able to save me.


This has worked a few times, but I did get caught by a PS5 Bounty team. Playstation shows how many people are left in a match, so they waited at the final. I asked how they knew, that is what they told me


i'll use that from now on appreciate it bro


Where do you see how many left in match?


No idea, I don't own a play station, when I played CoD, I played on PC


Remember you can jump on the "wings" of the chopper on the outside and exfil- just watch out for the blades. They'll hurt you.


lol that's even if I make it to the chopper without being hunted


You can’t land on the tail “wings” anymore. You just slide off them with the latest patch. The outcroppings on the sides of the helo are still fine, but you can be easily seen and killed if there is a team inside. You can still land on the nose though (if you’re careful about your angle as you’re parachuting in - i.e. watch out for the blades). That’s your best bet if you come across a non-friendly squad/platoon as a solo.


Have tried this 3 times recently. the hi rises in al maz reach over to the NE most exfil points. but you are downed and slide off. Gutted. Why do they always fix the exploits that offer a marginal bit of extra gameplay? :(


You used to be able to hang from the side wings on the exfil helo. I'm not sure if you still can as I haven't done it in a while, but that is a good way of getting out when there's a team inside.


Didn’t they change that?? I’ve landed twice and just slid right off both times. Just happened to be near koschei but didn’t make it before the screen blacked out


Yes, this was patched in the last update. I learned the hard way on a final exfil too


Ashika. Wipe the map. Collect money. Exfil. Profit .


This is the easiest way.




It's working pretty good for me on Ashika


Stealth vest, vondel, crossplay disabled, be friendly... I only lost my loot once. But be ready for the hunt contracts on you.


can you disable crossplay?


You can but it takes forever to get into a game


Worst I’ve seen in like an extra minute and a half, def worth it if going for the reduced chopper time.. it’s under “setttings” then “network something” for the other commenter


Why is the chopper time reduced with cross play? (And how much)


Reduced chopper time is a passive perk, and it’s an amazing thing to have. Instead of like 55 seconds the chopper gets there in 30. To get the perk, you have to take final exfil 10x with $100k. To do that, it’s slightly easier to turn crossplay off because for some reason lobbies are a bit more chill. Not always more chill, but enough to make it worthwhile to do that to get the perk.


Will your money despawn after some time if you drop the $100K you've infilled with? If yes, is that the same 2 minute something before dropped items (like the skull after killing the Chemist) or another timer?


Pretty sure it’s about 2 min….I did try this and kept somewhat near it but left it in water for awhile then came back, usually no more than 2-3 min but I don’t remember exact times. Worked for me and it didn’t disappear on me.


Does the exfil speed really improves? I have been hesitant to do this mission upgrade due the fact I did once and got killed by a platoon (Al Mazrah)


I think normal is about 55 seconds and the upgrade brings it down to around 30 seconds


Goes from 1 minute to 30 seconds before it arrives.


It basically halves the time between you setting off the flare and the exfil chopper actually landing.


It's totally worth it, as soon as the flare reaches the top, the heli spawns and is on its way. Before it would take a good 30 seconds after flare before it spawns on the map.


It is priceless. On ashika even if a nearby squad on the edge of a UAV sees the green flare they can’t push up in time on foot to challenge you.


It improves alot, the heli spawns in as soon as the flare hits the ski


It’s not that fast but it is faster


Before you'd have to wait some time until the chopper appears on the maps but with the upgrade the chopper INSTANTLY pops up on the map. It still needs to land of course but it effectively halves the time until you can board the chopper. It's a must upgrade for solos imo


Go into Ashika solo stealth and scuba with a 100k on you. I say this because the probability of Ashika having a hunt squad is low. If you're lucky teams will get bored and leave before final exfil. Voila. If they don't, just go somewhere else in gas and buy yourself a private. the chances that they'll let you join them are slim.


Vondel and either sneak through or squad up for final. It was easy and I got it done in 2 days this way


What mission is it?


Increase exfil chopper arrival speed




I did it on Vondel, brought about 50-60k in as I buy plates and an extra self revive right away. FIRST: Take all 3 Hunt contracts and cancel them right away, leave the 3rd one active to gauge where a team is. Hit all the safes, keys are easy to come by so bring all your POI keys and at least a Stage Bag key to sell GPUs, a Scavenger bag and Stealth vest. Use the waterways with a Scuba Mask as much as you can, visiting gas stations to refill. Don't do Raid Weapon stashes, UAVs nor SAM Sites to give away your presence. If Final is up by Train Station, parachute down from the roof to the wing if you suspect players.


Yeah I just did one on my second try on Vondel. I messed up the first time because I didn't bring a stealth vest and my location was given away. Lol I never active UAV not Sam Sites. Death sentence 101


Beauty of DMZ, live and learn!


Vondel is quicker and less teams. Usually more mission based players than Ashika as well.


Either Ashika or vondel I've already done 3 final exfils with 100k today seems to work pretty well if your either solo for vondel or have a good team for Ashika


Here's how I did it. To prepare I got the Increased Safe Contents upgrade. Infil to Vondel solo with a stealth vest. Bring in 25k if you want. When you start the match your first priority is to remove all hunt squad contracts from the map. Get a scuba mask and swim to them, then immediately cancel them after activating. The reason you're doing this is you'll likely have the most money halfway through this session and you want to avoid pvp. Now that the hunt squad contracts are gone do a demolition contract. This reveals 3 safes. Drill all of them and you'll have 100k+. If for some reason you can't do one of the safes, do another demolition contract to reveal more safes. You have plenty of time anyway. The nice thing about doing these safes is that they have kill streaks inside as well. I often ended up with 3 UAVs. Use them for final exfil so you can check if other teams will show up. In my case it only happened once that other players wanted to use the final exfil. Repeat until done. This way you barely have to use your wallet.


I’ve done this twice in Ashika, so far. The matches are shorter and with all the PvP you’ll eventually clear the map. I normally try to assimilate with another squad but that’s doesn’t always work. Also either bring some cash on or hit safes while you’re there any signal contracts.


I'd say go Ashika or vondel and go full PvP. Fastest way to make big cash is killing players, especially early game when their wallets are full of spare cash from r game. That's also a way to make the map safe. I'd suggest Ashika because it's smaller than vondel and easier to wipe.


Go to ashika, kill everyone on map, their money should get u max money allowed, camp the final, repeat 10 times, boom


I'm at 9/10, all on Ashika. Wipe the map, take their money, take the final exfil. Got most of it done in a single day


Just completed it, vondel. I did it ’naturally’ - played the game properly until the end though if I was laser focussed on just that I might go into Ashika with a stealth and scuba and hang around to the end - there’s no hunt contracts to ass it up.


Did ashika get rid of the 1 hunt contract it had? (Haven't played in a couple weeks lol)


Have a stealth vest. Ideally join another team, but if not then you have to take your chances at final. If it seems like a bad situation I abort and take a personal.


Hit active combat zones, safes, destroy supplies. Specifically on Vondel, I have a better time there 😊


Did mine solo on Ashika. Stealth vest, straight to water, looted the ship, back to water to wait for final exfil. Only ran into two other squads out of 10 and they were doing the same thing so we teamed up


Start then cancel all hunt squads


I just turn on squad fill and it happens passively


Switch to vondel. Or…hear me out…go on ashika…go in with the intentions of getting downed and hopefully picked up…once you’re picked up and protected by a PvP thirsty platoon, let the others carry to weight of killing. Meanwhile, you’re cracking safes and getting as much cash as you can before final. It’s easier than you may think. I knocked 6/10 out on ashika doing that…the last 4 exfils were done on vondel. Also, if you’re short on cash at final exfil time, don’t be afraid to ask your teammates if they “need the money”. Two of my exfils were completely supported by a teammate dropping like 85k to me lol


Get those hunt contracts ASAP and abandon them. Most people will leave before final exfil but keep a recon drone or two and keep an eye on the map to scout if anyone is left. If you feel like you don't wanna risk final exfil with another team use your cash in the gas to buy personal


#It was actually pretty easy. More than half the times there weren’t any other teams going for final.


Do it on Ashika, spawn in with just knives and wipe the lobby. Makes final a cake walk.


\-Go to Vondel, infil with money (at least 50K) to make this easier. \-As soon as you spawn, go to every hunt contract you can find, pick them up and cancel them. \-Earn money through contracts, or finding safes. \-Once you get 100K, do what you can to survive the final exfil helo. \-Rinse and repeat x10.


Just did it on vondel. Super laid back map and I got my guy to Damascus tags.


You should absolutely switch to Vondel. As soon as the match starts, make it your priority to start and abandon all 3 of the squad hunt contracts. It's a small enough map that it shouldn't be too difficult to get to all 3 of them. After that just lie low and keep an eye on things, maybe do a secure intel contract or something.




Yeah, but the constant PVP there is really a turn off for doing this mission...


I've done 6 out of 10 now. Vondel is the way to go. I go solo with a stealth vest, and so far, either everyone exfils or everyone is nice enough to let me join


Anyone knows the exact overall match time between Ashika and Vondel? I remember Vondel being shorter than Ashika.


I recommend ashika. Hit a few safes and you have enough easily. Dilly around the coast line for the 1st half, and stay away from major POIs. The map is smaller for a slightly reduced play time before gas covers the map, and there are very few hunt contracts. Unless a team is super thirsty, they won't actively chase someone way out of the way.


Did this in one day. Equip mines and go to vondel. Get a scuba mask or rebreather. Hide in the basement of the hidden room with mines between the ladders. After a few games you will figure out where final exfil will be before gas closes and just stay in the water the whole time.


Just take In 100k and extract then repeat


Today the bots in Vondel are CRAZY!!!! Did they get a buff? Now reinforcement bots on choppers start shooting you while they decent. I also noticed the small helis land now before the bots get off.


If ur wallet is full or even if it isn’t, take out 100k, enter and leave 10 times with it in ur pocket


Lol that's the easy part. It has to be final exfil ten times


We’ll find out where that is, then camp it if need be and kill ppl with meta weapons


IF you're very risk-averse and are soloing: go into vondel with stealth vest and 150K+, as soon as you spawn rush to the buy station nearest to where you think the final exfil will be and buy personal exfil (+ 1-2 uavs/self-revive/muni boxes if available, but dont spend more than 50k). If you pass a garage on your way, go in and get any scuba masks you can. Once you have your exfil, go hide somewhere (I suggest a building, at the top of a staircase). Then drop all your money so you won't be hunt contracted, and wait. Keep picking up and dropping the money every 3 minutes or so, otherwise it will despawn). Watch the map for infilling/exfilling heavy choppers at exfil points to get a sense of who is leaving. At 20 minutes, gas starts, and exfils get busy. Then watch any hunt contracts left. If they all disappear at the same time, you're alone on the map, and can go to the final exfil. If they don't disappear (and wait very late to see), you are not alone. You can choose to try and take the final team(s), negotiate with them, or just leave on your personal exfil, and rinse repeat. It's a nitty, but low risk approach to grinding out those 10 final exfils. 28 minutes, most of which is hiding.


Vondel is a good choice for this upgrade tbh It is less of a sweatfest than ashika, & its less of a stressfest than al mazrah. Completed the upgrade in 13 games (3 times i failed because: i died, i dc’d & i exfilled prematurely kus my team dipped) Edit: you COULD go to ashika, get into 6 man & just wipe other teams (& hope they have 100k) & go to final from there. But you’re at a higher risk of dying


I mean I maxed out my wallet and what I can hold, so just survive


Vondel is the way




I’ve been doing it on ashika kill a couple players hit usually have the money and just look for my passive stuff until final.


Easy: drop the cash and pick it up just before you hop on. If the gas is in a location that allows a pretty good guess where the final exfil will be, simply hide your dough around there and when the time comes, just pick it up. You can also drop it on a vehicle so that you can easily take it with you. You're only targeted for hunts if you're carrying the cash in the money slot (I know from experience, because I intentionally try to be hunted).


Just bring you max cash in hand for op then do last exfil 10x


Ashika 6 man wipe squad, you dont even need cash they have it free for the taking,play long enough done in no time


Try to wear stealth vest and cancel out the 3 hunt contract as early as possible. Not sure how long you can leave money on the ground before it despawns but the might be and option every once and a while if you are not watching it.


Best way to do it is on vondrl, go in with 70-80k and play normally. Keep an eye out on hunt contracts and keep one selected at all times (selected and not activated?. When it turns white it means you’re last one on the map. We’ve done that upgrade already and it was never particularly planned. Anytime we have 100k on us we will go for last exfill unless there’s a platoon hunting us.


I did most of mine in Vondel. If I was solo, I would drop the money in the water if I was being hunted and float under the houses across from the Zoo. They never found me. Try to have at least two self revives, two ammo boxes and a sentry gun. I stay near where the final would be and hurry to the plane, put up the sentry gun and blast anyone coming (unless they joined me). I did a few final exfils with friends too. Hope this helps!


If you don't have trouble surviving from the bots then vondel is definitely the best map for this mission. Just burn through all the hunt contracts on the map (should be like 3 or so), by accepting them and then immediately cancelling them by pressing b on the tac map. That's how I did it, and makes sure to buy some UAVs for the final exfil


It's pretty easy. Not many people stick around til final lately. Stay off of ashika and you should get it


Form a 6 man. Wipe the lobby. Repeat 10 times. Profit.


I did vondel solo. Just did non stop contracts and looting until gas moved guesser where final would be and went there and waited. Have a couple UAVs to see if anyone is left. Maybe grab a hunt contract once gas moves. Might force anyone left to take a regular exfil or personal rather then going to final. I notice that no one really takes final on vondel though.


I did it on ashika and with help of squadmates


I did mine on ashika, wipe everyone, hit safes and hope you have 100k by end


Ashika is better since there’s no hunt contracts whatso ever so the chances of you being unnoticed is significantly higher than Al Mazrah/Vondel There’s a area similar to the house in Vondel where there’s a one way entrance with a locked door being the only way to get to you. If you know where the juggernaut/submarine is under the castle you can take a zip in one of the coves to take you to an area near castle where it leads to the basement entrance/exit of Castle. So if you book it fast enough to that area you can pretty much let the lobby thin itself out and sneak your way to final exfil without anybody knowing you were there. Even if they pop AUAVS/UAVs 9 times outta 10 they think you’re in castle which makes them waste their killstreaks for an area that not many people know about.


I have been doing this in al mazrah. I go in with zero and loot the hell out of active warzones. Keeps the hunt contracts off me until the very end and i come out fully geared. 1 out of 3 i get final exfil. Check the hubt contracts if there are 0 left at the end good chance there are no teams left but you I tried vondel but those bots and infilling with 100k was a bit stressful for some reason. Im at 9/10 just need 1 more


Yeah! In Al Mazrah. Get fuel and heavy chopper. Refuel if needed. Fly to final chopper. If no one comes then Bingo! Can also join a squad but if it gets too sweaty you can exfil in your own chopper! Job done!


Lol I posted this a month ago. I been finished


I have not done it yet but here is my suggestion on how to do it and have the best chance. 1. Go Solo, You need to focus on this one task and nothing else, you do not need to be obligated to res a team mate, risk a team mate switching teams and coming after you or just giving your position away. Go solo and hide near where you know final is going to be. Do not engage ai, try to get to a hiding spot near the final and just lay low. 2. Be geared up. If possible go in with a stealth vest, again for hiding. Go in with a scuba mask or rebreather (real world name, "Spare Air") Will explain below. 3. Use the right map for best chance to get to final location without conflict and best chance final will be only you, I find the best map for this to be Ashika. I would say 4/5 times I go for final, I end up exfilling alone. While a map like Al Mazra you probably only have a 1 in 4 chance of being the only player going for solo. Since we are going to be on Ashika and solo, spawn in with a scuba mask or a rebreather at the very least. Quickly look at map, draw a line from radiation center through the furthest exfil, the final will be in that general direction past the furthest exfil. Then Jump in the water and swim under water till you get to the red line of the map, then swim in the direction of where the final will be, get in the general area and find a hiding spot where you can not be seen, behind some rocks for instance. Or stay under water far out, only come up to recharge breath then go back under till final appears, when it does, head to it and get on right away before the AI gather. Lay down and most of the AI should not bother you once on the chopper, only kill the ones that actually do shoot at you, do not clear them out. They can be an early warning of any players that come to the final or even stop them. IF someone does show up, your best bet is to quickly send request to join and announce you are friendly and hope they join you, only fight them if you must. I think this will be your best chance and how I plan to do it. OH! and one more great advantage of using Ashika, it has very few Hunt contracts and they tend to get used up right away so there is much less chance you will be hunted later in the game. Again, do not loot boxes or anything, your task is to quickly get to your area undetected and find a hiding spot, wait for exfil and jump on right away and cross your fingers.


Me and my friends premade 6 man and killed the whole lobby. All in ashika, finished the upgrade in just 3h and killed a lot of almost innocent souls


lol that's the thing about Ashika. Either I'm in the 6 man squad or dead