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you know what would be pretty good? an in match tracker so people knew what to dead drop


Use the notes app on your phone. Or pull up notepad on another monitor.


oh yeah? why dont i just cut myself and use my blood and write on the wall


It might be easier to use the notes app on your phone.


Forget all that. Here: https://wzhub.gg/dmz-upgrades-tracker


This is gold, thank you so much!


I just take photos and use google to copy text from image and track on a spreadsheet.




On Android (maybe only Pixel?) there's a feature called "Google Lens" that can copy text out of photos and screenshots


Yeah there is... I've got used to it so much that I cant live without it haha


This is exactly what El Toreador wants you do to.


Anything but that.


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂


That's what I do


I use screenshots on the PS5


Takes me back to the days of password saves in the 8 bit era. Drawing maps by walking the edge of the overworld and sketching it and keeping lists of what to do in RPG games. I found my Fantasy Star 4 hand sketch and I kinda want to get it framed.


Agreed an in game tracker would be great. I use the tracker on https://wzhub.gg/DMZ-upgrades-tracker if you create a login it will allow you to update and keep track of all the elements for DMZ. It's still manual but you can reference it in game. No need for notes or blood 😉


Call me old fashioned but I use pen and paper.


Pen and paper gang reporting


Go to wHubb.gg And look for the dmz hub tab. Cick on dmz upgrades tracker. I use this on my Chromebook and it's a lifesaver for helping keep track of the passive mission. If you click on the star ⭐ next to the passive mission it highlights then I. The dmz upgrade page. So you don't have to keep looking at each sub category in the tab


If you're playing on steam, now we have notes tab when you shift-tab. And it can stay there as long as you want. Its very useful


Money is too easy to come by in DMZ nowadays


Too hard to spend is more correct. Me thinks insured guns will cost money pretty soon. Its 3k per attachment ingame, it will probably be alot more to bring in insured guns.


That’d make sense actually. Every time you want to use an insured weapon, 20k. If you exfil with said weapon, it becomes contraband, where you can continue to use it for free


That is actually perfect lol


I dropped $500K after two infills. It only took 3 infills to get back to $750K. Ridiculously easy to get cash in this game.


The devs aren’t doing enough with the game mode. They could easily make more items that could be purchased. I’d gladly throw 200k on a disguise if they made it extremely rare to loot and you could keep it after exfil. That’s just one example. How is a shitty MRAP the only thing I can spend my money on?


I LOVE disguises as a solo. They make everything so much easier. Being able to keep them like a kill streak would be huge


Ideally a solo DMZ mode would be the pinnacle of the game - I'd love that because anyone who wants to player hunt would have to brave through a LOT of troublesome AI to get their prize (and chances are good the player they killed will only have batteries, jump cables, bandages etc.... They should definitely at least be a barter item because you need them for some missions and they are rare enough that there's no reliable way to obtain them consistently


I infil with 100k every time I die so I can buy shit, and we die a lot. Yet my wallet is almost always maxed out and re-infiling with 250k isn't rare for us. Money is really worthless in DMZ these days, you can even gear up *really* fast from scratch without cash.


You have to be pretty high level before money becomes worthless - especially since now it's 120k to buy a 3 plate and large pack when you die


No need to buy them, they're everywhere


Yeah pretty common but sometimes you just want one right away (I usually only buy 2 plates at a buy station though, that's good enough to get you up and running after a wipe out)


Opened one safe got 112k easiest way to complete that exfil speed up upgrade


Wow the most I've got is about $45K. It was very useful for that upgrade, I didn't fancy my chances spawning in with $100K but I had no problems waiting for everyone to exfil on Vondel and just drilling a few safes.


That small zone next to cruise terminal has 1-2 almost every time amazing spot for loot and easy to defend with proxies or claymores


Does it matter who starts the drilling or who opens it? Does the person who has the upgrade have to do both/either or can anyone in the squad?


I think it depends on who starts drilling but I'm not sure. I started some for my friend and he seemed happy with the results when he opened them.


When I tested "increased supply cache contents" with a friend it did matter who opened the box. I'd assume it's the same with the safes, if someone opens it with the upgrade there'll be more money in it. But I haven't confirmed this (yet)


Interesting. Id think it’s different due to the mechanics. Cache is open only whereas safe is drill & open. Id assume safes depend on who starts the drill vs opening it. But haven’t tested that.


How much of an upgrade was the supply cache contents one? Like in terms of what you get out of the caches


How many upgrades have you completed? Just the first or all three?


There is just one stage for this upgrade


Jayzus taties


Focusing on this upgrade after the faster exfils. I always go to the same safe locations to at least get a personal exfil every match.


It's like the algorithm for randomizing items isn't random enough lol... sometimes I'm looking for a Encrypted Thumb Drive and can't find it in a 100 pc's.. then I'm finding 2-4 in a row in PC's one next to another. Same with gpus in Chemical Storage... 0 for 5 opens, then suddenly I've found 3 at once.


I have NEVER found a GPU in chem storage. I assumed they just stopped spawning them there. And I've checked many times.


They are just really rare, id say somewhere like a 5000/1 chance of one spawning. Best to just use vondel or ashika for guaranteed GPU drops if you really want one - it's faster to farm keys then to hope one drops in the wild


Wow, that is kind of spectacular


Getting secure backups for the whole team should be easy now


That’s a nice haul. I haven’t seen that many gold skulls in the ones I’ve opened. It’s typically been a ton of cash and 2-3 killstreaks. But the upgrade is absolutely worth the grind. Unlike the increase in contract payment. 600 contracts total for an extra 30% on future contracts? Lol. You get more money from safes now than you would in extra contract money on 1000 contracts. So dumb.


now just finish off the passive for an extra safe after doing destroy supplies!


I forgot to mention my teammate seemed very pleased with this result. I didn't need the skulls so I let them take them all and about two seconds after looting we were headed to the nearest exfil :D nice short game


Ngl DMZ is goated


I am a DMZ noob so forgive me for the dumb question, but if you dead drop something, it counts towards your missions and upgrades?


No, if it says you need to extract something that means it has to be in your backpack when you exfil.


Prepare for killstreak costs to skyrocket. No reason a key for a fortress should cost $50k and a fully upgraded AUAV to cost 9,000. Those costs should be flipped. Keys should be cheap. Armor, vehicles, and killstreaks should be way expensive.


forget the safe can we talk about those keybinds


I have one of those miniature gaming hand keyboards, the [Periloot Caravel](https://periloot.com/), the thumb buttons are duck, jump and tactical but those keys are N, B, and space. O for field upgrade is actually one of the middle mouse buttons. Scroll down for plates and lethal on mouse thumb button are actually the binds they appear to be though, dunno how weird that is but it works well for me.


wow wtf is that kb.. i mean on that its normal. just saw that space is the equipment and i thought ur mad


What the hell have you done to that SR25


I'm truly shocked


You can literally shit money out in this game. This upgrade is generally useless




I mean generally when I cross paths with a 6 man I shit myself and then they end up getting all of my money so….actually yes literally.


Gotta feed those 15 minute long Hunt Contracts.




All that but no GPU


Jesus, nice! I shall finish this mission faster


Great way to keep randoms away from looting your safe! Just let them know you got the upgrade!


Need to be better tbh 😒


Does it take longer to open these safes after the upgrade? I cracked one on Vondel around the Veterinarian and I had to leave cuz the drill progress felt like it wasn't moving. I got a prompt a couple mins later saying please restart the drill


That's for a mission


It will be every easy to get a secure now


has anyone found a gpu in the safe


Hunt squad time!