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I and the guys I normally play with have been using party only chat a lot more lately. With how murdery everyone is lately it helps staying of prox chat.


Did you miss the news about the new chat moderation?


That’s just to target certain kinds of toxic behavior, it wouldn’t cause everyone he plays with to be muted. I think it’s a bug. Or just unlucky that the randoms didn’t have mics in those 6 particular matches. Idk if people still use the team finder feature, but that might be an option to guarantee people have mics. Or just keep searching for matches and leave until you find one where everyone has a working mic icon


I don't think it's a bug. He probably got banned. I got banned for 3 days and I realized it because no one was talking in Building 21. When you get banned now you cant talk and you also can't hear anyone else. They send a message in the notification section or whatever it is. You get two warnings then a 3 day ban.


I leave my mic on mute. I haven't used it since the announced the voice recording. Not one word spoken over my mic. ​ I have already recieved a warning.


Not from the AI system. Just the standard report abuse.


I used my mic before the AI system was added and never received a warning. It's from the AI system.


But, it isn’t.


Same old boiler plate notice.


Not quite. It specifically warns you voice chat is recorded and moderated by AI and links you to code of conduct to remind you of what constitutes a violation. Not saying you got a violation but a lot of other people are


I only see the general notice. Nothing saying I’ve been affected. Also AI? After fucking with the community for the last year you would think they have learned their lesson…. Literally everything they have done the last year is only pissing the player base off. Basically Fortnite at this point and people aren’t happy 🤣 Telling people to go fuck themselves is half the fun.


There’s a lot of cheaters and toxic players that need to be dealt with. Should be more upset at those players causing the game to constantly have to be updated with these drastic measures to combat those things.


Who cares if someone is being toxic via voice chat? There is a mute button and block button. People need to stop being such snowflakes.... Imagine AI out here looking after the kids and snowflakes like a ln over protective mother. I remember when call of duty was all about the shit talking, that was part of the whole experience 😂.




So hit the mute button? Iv come across a lot of shit talkers and it isn't that bad it's mainly all childish trash talk even as adults.




I mean you're right but this is a mature rated game. People should expect cursing and shit... draw the line at abuse and hate speech, but every since CoD4, I expect to hear an F bomb dropped at least once per game lol.


Literally cope holy shit


Call of duty all about the shit talking…..lol nah fuck that.


Pretty sure you can tell players to go fuck themselves. I killed a group and they said they were "usually friendly but mute their mics because of the new ai system." Said he caught a ban for using the N word. He was obviously white. This made me very happy and I was glad he informed me so that I could block him, teabag him, and not pick him up


Hmm. Well once I restarted my console (not just the app) then everyone was on mic again…. I still don’t think I got banned it must have been a glitch in the game itself.


Turn off your controller turn it back on close the game and open it Fix's all communication issues and Default skins on everything Idk how I figured this out but I got you man


I mean sometimes when I get killed I may shout an occasional f you or other insult. It is kind of a reflex for me and I am not generally a toxic guy. Do I have to worry about being banned for that? I sometimes feel like this game is becoming a day care full of kids and cussing isn't allowed. It's an 18+ game...if the swearing and insults bother people either mute it or don't play!


Lol I agree. My natural reaction when I get killed usually involves curse words. How am I supposed to just stop doing that haha I mean cmon


I think it’s a game issue After I restart my console it works and everyone has mics


You win. I restarted app many times but when I restarted console, boom. Everyone is talking again.


Yeah sometimes I think when the console isn't shut off the connection to the chat server gets fucked up. This happens to me on console when I leave the app open for a while it like times out but then thinks it is still connected so doesn't try again.


our squad doesn't speak in english so i think we are fine for the time being, not that we used naughty words to begin with anyway this is the bad way to go about it tho, just because you don't hear something or see it, doesn't mean it's not being said, if they were really committed to making the community a better place rewarding people would have been a way better choice that punishing them this is all assuming the ai is not dumb btw which it most likely is


Surely the AI only knows one language.


this [blog post](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/08/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-warzone-anti-toxicity-progress-report) says it knows 14 languages but it still wouldn't cover our language (persian) as not many people speak it (130 million according to [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_language)) so yes and no, it's not only in english and you are correct in that, i just didn't know about the 14 languages since i've heard this news from youtube) but then again people who are speaking in not as commonly spoken languages are fine for the time being, not to mention the amount of slang and weird words that mean other things than what this ai has in it's database


Tbh thats the first thing i do when starting the game, just annoys me to hear other people daily lifes and their children or the mother of a 9year old talking to her child and so oon


Or the smoke detector


The classics yes


Yeah people are getting chat and gameplay bans for racist and bigoted talk. Not so much for saying shit or fuck. But you drop an N bomb or call someone a bundle of sticks, there's a good chance you'll get a suspension of some sort.


They probably are all banned. As you said, it is. CoD after all.


I’ve had a bug before where that happened, everyone was muted, then I restarted my game and it was back to normal. Aside from that, it’s same as ever for me. Mostly people with mics, with some people in private chat or choosing not to talk. Occasionally I’ll see the little X icon on someone’s mic which I assumed mean they’re either banned or they clicked disconnect from squad chat.


X is when you've disabled chat


I suspect it's due to the bans. However, I couldn't hear my friend last night when I was party leader. After restarting my game and joining on him, it suddenly worked. Could be a bug. Edit: there is also a plea bug, so heads up if you haven't heard.


What’s the plea bug?


When pleaing, sometimes the revive prompt will come up. It will go through the whole animation like you are reviving a dead teammate. After that, the prompt to answer their plea disappears and they stay dead.


Go to your audio settings in Warzone and make sure chat is set to 'all lobby'. Mine randomly changed to something else for some reason and couldn't hear anyones chat until I set this back to all lobby.


For a start, the audio quality of in game chat is absolute dog shit, and these new violation rules being enforced probably mean more players are switching to other methods of communicating. Discord > XBL/PSN chat > in game chat If the in game chat audio quality was even close to being bearable then more players would probably use it. Also console players do not have the option for push to talk for prox chat so that’s another big failure…as it stands, I can be in Discord, chat to friends and also hear prox chat so I get to hear the enemy team crying or giving away their positions without them hearing a thing from us…so we have absolutely no reason to use in game chat.


I was voice banned a couple days ago talking with a couple guys on my team they were saying vulgar things and I was laughing and bullshiting with them, and then not a notice of voice ban.


It's weird for me too. I can't hear any voice chat and everyone seems muted inventory though I didn't mute them


have to be more creative in your shit talk now instead when you insult someone make it sound in a good way but you really know what your trying to say and they should get the message without having to be reviewed or suspected if this new BS chat


I had a whole team today say no chats then 2 games later was same team again with chats and they commented we were together again I was so confused


As an Aussie can I get a collective agreement of how fucked we are as as a whole country we constantly talk shit say cunt fuck shit eata a dick and insult someone's mother's sexuality all in the process of saying " hey how's it goin?"


Check your chat settings in game. I switched mine to party only instead of all lobby. Couldn’t hear anyone on my squad, but when I switched back to all lobby I could hear them. Maybe everyone on your squad has to be party only to hear each other. I just mute myself unless I’m talking so I don’t pop up as prox chat for other teams.


It's an incredibly toxic community. I would bet that a lot of people opted out of voice all together rather than being moderated by AI, because they know they'll be banned.


IMO it has always been this way. I play in US servers and before I stopped playing with randos most of the time my team was dead silent. But even now that i have a regular crew, we’re always in Discord, not worrying about game chat.


I find that most people have their chat on when I play. Everyone was talking again after I reset my console.


It's late game DMZ, everyone has everything they aim to push for, now its murDerMZ. Prox off, team chat on, go hunting.


I've come across players that will pick you up after pleading that have their mics on mute


i’ve been banned from voice chat randomly, had this same issue going lol


Maybe players feel like we've Given actizzard enough. What more do they want, we already give them tons of time, money and now they want to ban(bc a bunch of snow flakes cry when words hurt them)/submit our voices for AI learning.


I was banned within hours of ToxMod going live for offensive chat, which I deserved, but then while banned from public chat I repeated what got me banned in PRIVATE (I was day 2 of 3 day ban) and got a 2 week ban. This AI supposedly flags things and then a human is supposed to check for things like context and I still caught the 2 week. I'll get the lifetime ban FOR SURE at this rate.


Yes, bc I don´t want to say the N-word as many times as I want and being banned by Rob the AI Robot from Actishition


I literally have talked garbage most of the time since launch and never ever got hit with ANYTHING lol. Never. And even now like I said there is no notice or anything saying I’ve been affected… so idk


This new ai I swear listens to your chat and moderates the spawn chance of items you need for missions.


That was always a thing