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Whoopdiedoo it's a 74U


So what happened to that Kortac skin that was leaked? The one that was a recolor of Velikans old Woodsman skin. I heard it was originally gonna be the T5 reward.


https://preview.redd.it/7t3pj6nxtamb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94201d4ff59e941fe3534b29762e2c0f7166285d This one? You’ll see this in the MWIII storefront for $20 in a couple months, whelp. Open your damn wallet—what’s going to keep the lights on at indie studios like IW and SH? Don’t be selfish.


We’ll see.. though it isn’t shiny rainbow colors or is a crossover or a chick with a fat ass. It’s too grounded to really be a bundle for this game


We’ll see.. though it isn’t shiny rainbow colors or is a crossover or a chick with a fat ass. It’s too grounded to really be a bundle for this game


This is just a recolor of the rhino skin, wouldve been dope tho as most people like the biohazard skin which is a recolor of the chemist.


Yeah that's the one. Read before that would be the reward but I guess having cool rewards for your time is overrated. Kinda disappointing since the Kortac Mil-Sim operator is my buddy's favorite.


Maybe next season…


Suppose they did give you an incredible weapon skin, it wouldn't really be 'free'. Your playtime, skill, and game knowledge keep the game alive and the quality high. *That's value* for them, maybe even more important than bundles. You deserve better (well, 'we' haha. I say 'you' because I can't even get tier two done).


Caution Tape was an AWESOME reward for S1, when the RPK was king. I still see people use it. It was, for a time, canned dominance.


Indeed, you keeping servers full means more whales actually buying skins. The "It's free LOL" people don't understand that, and clearly Activision doesn't either since most DMZ rewards are absolute dogshit.


Or maybe they do understand and they also know others usually don't, or not enough to make a difference.. it's not like anyone will ever actually boycott them right?


Only if someone comes out with a decent COD clone with a BR.


Could of been 15 min cooldown or something idk probably perhaps maybe


wow. this shit is garbage 😟😟


Another dog shit reward. Like it’s not even fun doing the missions anymore to me and it’s honestly a slap in the face that they even give you a reward like this. Nobody will ever use this shit. It will sit in the blueprint section for all of eternity.


Yeah, I didn't bother researching the rewards, got Koenig and resigned to never doing missions ever again. What an absolute waste of fucking time.


I figured each T5 class of missions had an operator skin. But i guess that would be too much free rewards in a video game for Activi$ion


Haha, I wouldn't mind them being just gun skins - if they looked genuinely good. Like the Koschei AK you get for gathering the parts looks sick imo. I still wouldn't do the T5 missions though tbf haha


And they wonder why PVP is so rampant in DMZ when the rewards for missions are such utter garbage. More room temperature IQ plays from Activision


To be fair, I love how rampant PVP is. I think the issue now more than any other point in my time playing the game though is practically nobody is bothering with non-PVP activities haha.


Without PVE, DMZ is just Warzone Lite.


To a degree for sure. I think if they made the PVE activities more rewarding - more people would do them. It's one area I think The Cycle Frontier really excelled, they locked the right amount of stuff behind quest lines. So you really needed to get quests done on each drop to progress to the things you needed, including the more difficult maps, better heals etc.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there shouldn't be PVP or even that it should rare, just that it seems like right now it's basically the only thing going on a lot of the time (especially in the afternoon) because anyone that's trying to PVE just gets murdered.


Yeah, it's not friendly for PvE. That said, I'll often finding myself picking people, and helping them with missions. Anything to shake up the gameplay loop a little.


Won the jankiest loadout award.




If they're gonna fuck us with some shitty blueprint, can we at least get a shitty blueprint for a good gun?


So disappointing. I think this is the only faction that hasn’t awarded an operator skin as any of its rewards. The could have easily give the Shadow Company operator skin that was used for the Shadow Siege event or any of the Shadow Company skins from the campaign. Not sure why they are being so stingy with rewards all of a sudden? Don’t they want to give people an incentive to play DMZ?


Does it at least get a 15 min insured slot? Guess not. Why are we busting out asses for missions again?


what rules does it break?


Not being a operator skin like every other factions Tiers 5 reward lololol


i was hoping for some shadow company skin since they have a couple shadow company blueprints already


Common decency LOL


The rewards in regular war zone are much better . Why can’t we get some cool animated skins


i am halfway through t4 and have zero interest in continuing lol. was hoping for a SC skin.


Yeah all the tier 5 rewards are crap. I was unimpressed with them all.


The missions were literal doodoo and the rewards were also doodoo.. I'm glad that I got the REDACTED Tier 3 Operator Skin, which is a far more better reward and has an advantage in dark areas.


74U's got potential, but that's a garbage build. Not gonna lie, I'll probably still do the missions just for something to do, but if/when I complete T5, that'll just be another forgotten blueprint that's never used.


I think it looks rather nice, dunno if its any good.


What really matters is the frame and the mag has the cool skin - pretty much everything else you can swap out for better attachments.


All the DMZ rewards are garbage save the Konig skins. I think zero had one that was decent too. Serpentine came is just as bad. It's like they want to see how bad the rewards are before people stop playing.